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‘SWU NMAT REVIEW @ PHINMA -CAGAYAN DE ORO COLLEGE March 12, 2023 Test |. Correct or Wrong. Instructions. in your anewor sheet, Shade the cto under the ‘column ot at A Ith sateen correc, en the tere wrong. A. [tls not Incorrect to say that Psychology isthe scientific ‘study of behavior and mental processes. 2. ts not correct to say that Positive Psychology is the scientific study ofthe strengths and vitues that enable Indhiduals and communities to thrive. 3. [ts incorrect to say that one of the areas to contribute for happiness is having postive emotion 4. Its not incorrect to say that dreaming is a series of ‘thoughts, Images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during perception 5. Its not wrong to say that Freud's wish-fulfllment theory of ‘reaming suggests that we dream to fulfill repressed wishes 6 Its not erroneous to say classical conditioning i learning process that occurs through associations between an environmental stimulus anda naturally eeurrng stimulus 7. Itis not correct to say that Maslow’ hierarchy tells that in ‘rder for a person to become successful, helshe must meet hisber needs for physiological component 8, Its wrong to say that in Erkson’s stages of psychosocial evelopment, a person who is 65 and older wil experience either Integrity or despair. 9. Its not wrong to say that in Freud's psychosenual stages ‘under the first stage, children derive their pleasure from oral acthities. 10. For Kohlberg’ stages of moral development, ti correct to say that the last levels the conventional stage where one shall develop internal mora pinclple. 11. It is not erroneous to say that in Freud's Personality ‘Structure, the EGO isthe realty principle and moderetor between ID and Superego. "__12. It is erroneous to say that Selinficed Anger is causing harm fo one's own body or acting out by punishing themselves. “13. tis not incorrect to say that one ofthe strategies to reduce anger i change the environment or stay in other places Where you will be at peace. 14, Its correct to say that Self-esteem isa feeling of pride in ‘ourself, and synonymous to self-worth, self-respect or slf-value, 15, It is not incorrect to say that Self-acceptance is an ‘ffrmation of self In spite of waaknesses or deficiencies and Is necessary for good mental health. ‘Test Il. True or False (Modified) Instructions: Shade the circle under te column ofthe ater that carteponde Your corectanewe. Letters Choices: ‘A Trnly choice Xistrue BL fon choice Vis true C- - HrehoicesX & Y are both correct = “Ifchoicen X at ¥ are both incorrect 416. One common type of anger where one tends to avoid confrontations with people or situation. % deliberate anger, passive anger 17. This goal of psychology answers the question “What is happening? X.todescribe —¥. tocontral 416. Achievement, mastery, recognition and respect are under ___of Abraham Masiow’s hierarchy of needs. % selfactualiztion —Y. self-esteem 18, The process of interpreting experience is calle: X. perception 3nd attaching meaning to Y.elaboration 20, When cognitive theorists speak of “storage”, they are generally referring to X.accommodating _Y. encoding into memory 21, Agoal of Psychology that aims to change future actions, ‘thoughts and feeling. X. tocontrol¥. to predict 22. & process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting Information X. Sensation ¥. Assimilation 23, & learning theory which emphasizes the importance of observing and modeling the behaviors, attitudes, and ‘emotional reactions of others X. Operant conditioning Y. Classical conditioning 24, In Freud's Psychosexual stages of development, at what stage where an individual get attracted to opposite sex? X Latencystage Y. Genital stage 25, Factor/s that is/are involved in the attraction of one person toanother:- X. Proximity —_¥. Reciprocity 26, _Atype of love that i bonded emotionally and physically through passionate arousal X Consummate love. Romantic love 27. A particular structure in personality which provides standard for judgment or the morality principle x 1D Y. E60 28, specific internal condition which toward goal. X Motive 23, _ItIs a method of learning that uses rewards and punishment tomodity behavior. X. Classical conditioning Y. Operant conditioning 30, When students have multiple needs operating at one time, Maslow would suggest that the students will X attempt to meet all ofthe needs simultaneously Y. select their favorite need to satisy frst TEST = MULTIPLE CHOICE Rend the statements very carefully and se the later of your choles on the annwer shee 1. Philosophical perspective that views all of our knowledge “constructed” in that itis contingent human perception and soctal experlence. iam ', Realism «, Pragmatism 4. Constructivism 2, The 20% century philosophical movement holding that all ‘meaningful statements are either analytic or conclusively verifiable or at least confirmable by observation and experiment, Realms », Struturaliam © Logical Positivism ——d, Pragmatism 3, All human aetivity and its products, even perception and thought itself, are constructed and not natural, Existentialism = b, Structuralism «. Idealism 4. Logical Positivism 4. A philosophical theory that emphasizes the existence ofthe individual person as a free and responsible agent determining their own development through acts ofthe will ‘Constructivism b, Existentialism ¢. Pragmatism 4, Realism 5. Aphilosophical approach that assesses the ruth of meaning, of thoories of beliefs in terms ofthe suecess of their practical ‘pplication 1, Pragmatish b Realism ¢. Logical Positivism 4. Existentialism 6. The philosophical doctrine that objects of sense perception have an existence independent of the act of perception. 1 Realism b, Constructivism «, Structuralism 4. Logical Positivism 17, The philosophical doctrine that ideas or thoughts make up fundamental reality. ‘, Pragmatism b, Structualism ©, Idealism 4 Existentialism 8, Knowledge is determined by language, is authored by: ‘a, Clyde Levi-Strauss b, John Locke Gaston Bachelard — d. Ferdinand de Saussure 9. COOITO ERGO SUM (I think, therefore I exist) is the famous line of: 1 John Locke b, Reng Descartes David Hume 4, Bertand Russell 10, TABULA RASA (Empty Tablet) is coined by: ‘a John Locke », Aristotle Immanuel Kant, William James ‘TEST IV ~ INDUCTIVE REASONING Directions: In each question, you wil be given a series of figures with ‘logical sequence, Determine the pattern and choose from the given ‘choloes the one that best matches the missing/next figure inthe series. ECS] x 1 AREGARE al al & alaieie] SISIT|a ‘SWU NMAT REVIEW @ PHINMA CAGAYAN DE ORO COLLEGE ANSWER KEY AM, ‘Test Il MULTIPLE CHOICE, A 8. c & ‘Test |. Correct or Wrong 4. 0 0 QO 0 # «4 2 0 0 a 1 z 0 * 0 0 0 2 OY 4 0 , o 0 28 as 5 O40 0 eo e Oo 0 0 5 ve nO 0 0 6. 0 2 0 0 9 0 7 ro ® i) 0 Oo ao oo Zo 0 0 8 oO . 0 TESTI -INDUCTIVE REASONING 1. (ZO PBC: Oe 0 1 0 wo» 0 Bo 18. 0 2 0 o 0 0 1“ 0 2 0 i) Os 20 70, 16. oO 4 0 og oO 620 0 il 0 5 ‘Test Il- Modified True or False 6 0 0 i hh eS oe, 7 oo 0 0 Bo © 0 Mo 0 © Mo vo oo 17. ‘po oO 8 o oO oo * 0% 00 2 Oo 0 oO =O a1 hp 0 6 Sa a oO 0 - 0 oO oO Bey 7 ee 20 0 oo0 = 0 OT mo = 0 Mo o 7 oOo 0 = : = o 0 ) Oo o- bore Une ae ty sail

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