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19:38:19 [info] 21:38:19 +2 [engine] DeviceInfo::GetGPUModel(): Intel Iris Pro

19:38:19 [info] 21:38:19 +2 [engine] Network type: WiFi

19:38:19 [info] EngineBackend::OnGameLoopStarted: enter
19:38:19 [info] GameCore::OnAppStarted begin
19:38:19 [info] 21:38:19 +2 [base] [CamoDataProvider::ObtainDefaultCamoSort] load
file : /Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of
Tanks Blitz/World of Tanks
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [wwise] Wwise sound system was successfully
19:38:20 [info] SetBattleState unknown
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] Vendor OS version: no
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] Platform: MacOS steam
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] RAM size in gb: 16
19:38:20 [info] Device kind: Desktop
19:38:20 [info] Device display: 30.74" (26.06"x16.29")
19:38:20 [info] GameCore::OnAppStarted done
19:38:20 [info] EngineBackend::OnGameLoopStarted: leave
19:38:20 [info] Window::HandleWindowCreated: enter
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [render] rhi::ShaderSourceCache::InitCacheDir start
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [render] rhi::ShaderSourceCache::InitCacheDir end,
duration 75 ms
19:38:20 [info] Rendering thread started
19:38:20 [info] [RHI-Metal] Manual waiting mechanism for the next frame is used
19:38:20 [info] Metal initialized
19:38:20 [info] Metal renderer: Intel Iris Pro Graphics, low power: YES
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [render] DeviceTier: Medium Default of Mac Metal:
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [render] DeviceInfo::GetGPUModel(): Intel Iris Pro
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [render] Default Framebuffer size: 1280 x 960
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [render] Default Framebuffer dpi x: 110.5 y: 110.5
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [render] Default Framebuffer Diagonal size in inches:
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] DeviceTier: Medium
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] CurrentFlow: Forward
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] Is Forward with Depth Prepass Supported: YES
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] Is PBR Supported: YES
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] Is Shadow Mapping Supported: YES
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] Max Anisotropy: 16
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] Max Texture Size: 16384
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] Max Vertex Attributes Count: 16
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] Max Varying Vectors Count: 15
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] Max MRT Count: 4;
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] Max MSAA Sample Count: 1;
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] is32BitIndicesSupported: YES
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] isVertexTextureUnitsSupported: YES
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] armOpenglDepthStencilFetchSupported: NO
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] armOpenglColorFetchSupported: NO
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] extOpenglColorFetchSupported: NO
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] androidMultisampleTextureEXTSupported: NO
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] metalColorFetchSupported: NO
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] isUpperLeftRTOrigin: YES
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] isZeroBaseClipRange: YES
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] isCenterPixelMapping: NO
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] isInstancingSupported: YES
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] isPerfQuerySupported: YES
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] isGpuStageTrackingSupported: NO
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] isDisjointPerfQuerySupported: NO
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] isComparisonSamplerSupported: YES
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] isInstanceIdSupported: YES
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] framebufferDiscardSupported: NO
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] isD24S8FormatSupported: YES
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] isD16FormatSupported: NO
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] isMemorylessSupported: NO
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] retrieveTileDataAllowed: YES
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] tileDataCompatibleWithDenseVertices: YES
19:38:20 [info] [Renderer] isAstcCompressionSupported: NO
19:38:20 [info] GameCore::OnWindowCreated begin
19:38:20 [info] Desirable resource suffix: "@2x"
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [graphics_options_module] Device tags: [MacOS,
MacBookPro11,4, manufacturer-Apple inc., maxFps-60, HiRes]
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [graphics_options_module] Detected preset: MacOSDefault
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] Highest allowed options:
Graphics options:
WaterQuality: High
ObjectsQuality: High
VehiclesQuality: High
EffectsQuality: High
LevelOfDetail: High
FogQuality: High
AnisotropicFiltering: 16X
Antialiasing: Off
Camouflage: ForAll
GrassQuality: High
GrassInSniperMode: true
TankTreads: true
ShadowQuality: High
HitMarks: true
HDTextures: true
HalfResolutionV2: Dynamic
VSync: false
FPSLimit: 120
Fullscreen: true
ColorblindMode: true
TankSuspension: true

19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] [GraphicsOptionsManager::SetupOptionsFromPreset]

Selected user options:
Graphics options:
WaterQuality: High
ObjectsQuality: Medium
VehiclesQuality: High
EffectsQuality: High
LevelOfDetail: High
FogQuality: High
AnisotropicFiltering: Off
Antialiasing: Off
Camouflage: ForAll
GrassQuality: High
GrassInSniperMode: true
TankTreads: false
ShadowQuality: Medium
HitMarks: true
HDTextures: true
HalfResolutionV2: Dynamic
VSync: false
FPSLimit: 60
Fullscreen: true
ColorblindMode: false
TankSuspension: true

19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] Max graphics options according to our runtime
hardware clamping:
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] Field with name: ObjectsQuality clamped from
Cinema [4] to High [3]
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] Field with name: LevelOfDetail clamped from
Cinema [4] to High [3]
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] Field with name: Antialiasing clamped from 4X
[2] to Off [0]
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] Field with name: GrassQuality clamped from
Cinema [3] to High [2]
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] Field with name: ShadowQuality clamped from
On(StencilOnly) [5] to High [3]
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] Field with name: VSync clamped from true [1] to
false [0]
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] GameOptions::CheckAppVersion,
currentBuildInfoStr = 10.3.228_3648560 master WOTB_MacOS , currentBuildVersion =
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] GameOptions::CheckAppVersion, saved versionStr =
10.1.0 , versionStr = 10.3.0
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] AppController::Activate
dynamic_content_version.txt deletion succeded: 1
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] GameOptions::CheckAppVersion,
needRefreshAppVersion = 1
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] GameOptions::CheckAppVersion,
majorMinorVersionChanged = 1
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] BattleControlsLayout::LoadLayout touch took 107
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] AppGraphicsOptionsMigrationManager::Migrate
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] currentVersion = 13 , isFirstRun = 0 ,
MinVersion = 12 , MaxVersion = 14 , loadedFromFile = 1
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] Migrating graphics options to version 14
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] Current graphics options:
Graphics options:
WaterQuality: High
ObjectsQuality: Medium
VehiclesQuality: High
EffectsQuality: High
LevelOfDetail: High
FogQuality: High
AnisotropicFiltering: Off
Antialiasing: Off
Camouflage: ForAll
GrassQuality: High
GrassInSniperMode: true
TankTreads: false
ShadowQuality: Medium
HitMarks: true
HDTextures: true
HalfResolutionV2: Dynamic
VSync: false
FPSLimit: 60
Fullscreen: true
ColorblindMode: false
TankSuspension: true

19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] [GraphicsOptionsManager::LoadFromMap] Selected

user options:
Graphics options:
WaterQuality: High
ObjectsQuality: Medium
VehiclesQuality: High
EffectsQuality: High
LevelOfDetail: High
FogQuality: High
AnisotropicFiltering: Off
Antialiasing: Off
Camouflage: ForAll
GrassQuality: High
GrassInSniperMode: true
TankTreads: false
ShadowQuality: Medium
HitMarks: true
HDTextures: true
HalfResolutionV2: Dynamic
VSync: false
FPSLimit: 60
Fullscreen: true
ColorblindMode: false
TankSuspension: true

19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] AppGraphicsOptionsMigrationManager::Migrate

19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] currentVersion = 14 , isFirstRun = 0 ,
MinVersion = 12 , MaxVersion = 14 , loadedFromFile = 1
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] Options do not need to be migrated (already max
migration version).
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] Migrating replays options from version 10.1.0
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] Replays options left unchanged
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] PlayerOptionsMigrationManager::Migrate
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] currentVersion = 1 , isFirstRun = 0 ,
MinVersion = 1 , MaxVersion = 1 , loadedFromFile = 1
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] Options do not need to be migrated (already max
migration version).
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] Application version: 10.3.0
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] Build version: 10.3.228_3648560
19:38:20 [info] GameCore::OnWindowCreated done
19:38:20 [info] 21:38:20 +2 [base] [GraphicsOptionsManager::SetUserOptions]
Selected user options:
Graphics options:
WaterQuality: High
ObjectsQuality: Medium
VehiclesQuality: High
EffectsQuality: High
LevelOfDetail: High
FogQuality: High
AnisotropicFiltering: Off
Antialiasing: Off
Camouflage: ForAll
GrassQuality: High
GrassInSniperMode: true
TankTreads: false
ShadowQuality: Medium
HitMarks: true
HDTextures: true
HalfResolutionV2: Dynamic
VSync: false
FPSLimit: 60
Fullscreen: false
ColorblindMode: false
TankSuspension: true

19:38:20 [info] Window::HandleWindowCreated: leave

19:38:20 [info] Window::HandleVisibilityChanged: become visible
19:38:20 [info] GameCore::OnForeground
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [base] [GraphicsOptionsManager::SetUserOptions]
Selected user options:
Graphics options:
WaterQuality: High
ObjectsQuality: Medium
VehiclesQuality: High
EffectsQuality: High
LevelOfDetail: High
FogQuality: High
AnisotropicFiltering: Off
Antialiasing: Off
Camouflage: ForAll
GrassQuality: High
GrassInSniperMode: true
TankTreads: false
ShadowQuality: Medium
HitMarks: true
HDTextures: true
HalfResolutionV2: Dynamic
VSync: false
FPSLimit: 60
Fullscreen: true
ColorblindMode: false
TankSuspension: true

19:38:21 [info] InitializeLocalizations device locale: fr, locale: fr, game locale:
fr, sound locale: fr,
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [base] AppController::Activate,
IsFirstRunInMajorMinorUpdateVersion = 1
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [base] AppController::SaveDynamicResourcesVersion
devVersion: 0
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [base] AppController::Activate, dynamicContentVersion =
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [net] [PredefinedHosts::RequestServerRegionsConfig]
Requesting server regions config
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [net]
PredefinedHosts::CreateServerRegionsConfigYamlRequest for url: http://dl-wotblitz-
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Reset request = 0x600002ecdf08
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [net]
PredefinedHosts::CreateServerRegionsConfigYamlRequest for url:
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Reset request = 0x600002ee5968
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [net] [AsyncRequester::ObtainFirstSuccessfulResponse]
Starting request:
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [net] [AsyncRequester::ObtainFirstSuccessfulResponse]
Starting request:
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002ecdf08,
thread = 123145318526976
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002ee5968,
thread = 123145319063552
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [base] Controller activated: ImageSplashController
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [BW] BWWrapper::SetupNetwork start
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [render] Material group quality: Water = ULTRA_HIGH
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [render] RenderOption Draw Water Reflection : 1
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [render] RenderOption Draw Water Refraction : 1
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [render] Draw Water Reflection / Refraction: 1 / 1
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [render] RenderOption Enable lod transition : 1
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static object = MEDIUM
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [render] Material group quality: Landscape = HIGH
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [render] Material group quality: Spherical Harmonics =
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [render] Material group quality: Decoration Objects =
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [render] Material group quality: Pbr = OFF
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [render] Material group quality: Reflections = HIGH
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static Decal = ON
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [render] RenderOption Draw Static Decals : 1
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [render] Material group quality: Tank = ULTRA
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [render] RenderOption Vehicle Dirt Coverage : 1
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [render] RenderOption Vehicle Wetness : 1
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [render] RenderOption Draw additional tank decal shadow
: 1
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [render] RenderOption Vehicle Suspension : 1
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [render] RenderOption Bush physics : 1
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [render] Material group quality: Grass = HIGH
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [render] RenderOption Enable flora : 1
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [render] RenderOption Flora Laying : 1
19:38:21 [info] PreLoginFlowScreen::LoadResources begin
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [BW] BWWrapper::SetupNetwork end, duration 14 ms
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002ee5968, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002ecdf08, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002ee5968, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [net] [AsyncRequester::OnRequestFinished] Request
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [net] [SPredefinedHosts::CheckRequestResult]
Successfully downloaded regions config from:
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [net] [PredefinedHosts::OnSuccessfullResponse]
Successfull response from url:
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [net] [PredefinedHosts::OnConfigChosen] Config chosen
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [net] Read server regions yaml.
19:38:21 [info] Timezone: Europe/Paris, eu
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [net] [AsyncRequester::OnFirstSuccessfullRequestSync]
Successfull request:
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [net] [AsyncRequester::CancelRequests] Canceling
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Cancel request = 0x600002ecdf08
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Cancel request = 0x600002ee5968
19:38:21 [info] 21:38:21 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002ecdf08, wasCancelled = 1
19:38:23 [error] Can't sync steam cloud storage - Steam is not inited yet.
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [base] ScreensFlow::RequestToShowScreen
PreLoginFlowScreen:666 -> ConnectingScreen:666 58
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [render] Material group quality: Water = ULTRA_HIGH
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [render] Draw Water Reflection / Refraction: 1 / 1
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static object = MEDIUM
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [render] Material group quality: Landscape = HIGH
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [render] Material group quality: Spherical Harmonics =
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [render] Material group quality: Decoration Objects =
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [render] Material group quality: Pbr = OFF
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [render] Material group quality: Reflections = HIGH
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static Decal = ON
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [render] Material group quality: Tank = ULTRA
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [render] Material group quality: Grass = HIGH
19:38:23 [info] Timezone: Europe/Paris, eu
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002efdc38,
thread = 123145321209856
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [base] ScreensFlow::RequestToShowScreen
ConnectingScreen:666 -> PreLoginFlowScreen:666 63
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002eeca68,
thread = 123145321746432
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: ImageSplashController
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002eed4b8,
thread = 123145322283008
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [base] Controller activated:
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [smart_dlc]
SmartDlcInitializationController::StartInitialization - dynamicContentVersion: 0
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [smart_dlc]
SmartDlcInitializationController::InititalizeSmartDlc: using Disabled DLCManager
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDlcInitializationController:
referenced dvpd files [ ]
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [base] ScreensFlow::RequestToShowScreen
PreLoginFlowScreen:666 -> ConnectingScreen:666 63
19:38:23 [info] PreLoginFlow::LoadSounds took 0 ms
19:38:23 [info] InitializeLocalizations device locale: fr, locale: fr, game locale:
fr, sound locale: fr,
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [base] [CamoDataProvider::ObtainDefaultCamoSort] load
file : /Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of
Tanks Blitz/World of Tanks
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [base] [Items::ReadItemType] load:
/Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
Blitz/World of Tanks
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [base] [CamoDataProvider::Initialize] load file :
/Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
Blitz/World of Tanks
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [base] [MaterialKinds::Init] load:
/Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
Blitz/World of Tanks
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [base] [CamoDataProvider::ObtainDefaultCamoSort] load
file : /Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of
Tanks Blitz/World of Tanks
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [base] [OptionalDevicesPresetsProvider::Load] load:
/Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
Blitz/World of Tanks
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002eeca68, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002eed4b8, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002efdc38, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [base] [DestructiblesCache::Init] load:
/Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
Blitz/World of Tanks
19:38:23 [info] PreLoginFlow::StartAnalyticsTracking took 0 ms
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002eeca68, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002eed4b8, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002efdc38, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [base] [Nations::Init] load:
/Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
Blitz/World of Tanks
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [base] LoginManager::TryNormalAutoLogin request to show
connecting screen (useAutoLogin)
19:38:23 [info] 21:38:23 +2 [base] LoginManager::Login request to show connecting
19:38:24 [info] 21:38:24 +2 [base] ScreensFlow::RequestToShowScreen
ConnectingScreen:666 -> PreLoginFlowScreen:666 96
19:38:24 [info] 21:38:24 +2 [base] Controller deactivated:
19:38:24 [info] 21:38:24 +2 [base] Controller activated:
19:38:24 [info] 21:38:24 +2 [smart_dlc]
SmartDlcInitializationController::StartInitialization - dynamicContentVersion: 0
19:38:24 [info] 21:38:24 +2 [smart_dlc]
SmartDlcInitializationController::InititalizeSmartDlc: using Disabled DLCManager
19:38:24 [info] 21:38:24 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDlcInitializationController:
referenced dvpd files [ ]
19:38:24 [info] 21:38:24 +2 [base] AppController::OnSmartDlcInitialized request to
show connecting screen
19:38:24 [info] 21:38:24 +2 [base] ScreensFlow::RequestToShowScreen
PreLoginFlowScreen:666 -> ConnectingScreen:666 96
19:38:24 [info] 21:38:24 +2 [base] [CamoDataProvider::ObtainDefaultCamoSort] load
file : /Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of
Tanks Blitz/World of Tanks
19:38:24 [info] 21:38:24 +2 [base] [CamoDataProvider::Initialize] load file :
/Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
Blitz/World of Tanks
19:38:24 [info] 21:38:24 +2 [base] [CamoDataProvider::ObtainDefaultCamoSort] load
file : /Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of
Tanks Blitz/World of Tanks
19:38:24 [info] 21:38:24 +2 [base] [DestructiblesCache::Init] load:
/Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
Blitz/World of Tanks
19:38:24 [info] 21:38:24 +2 [base] [Items::ReadItemType] load:
/Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
Blitz/World of Tanks
19:38:24 [info] 21:38:24 +2 [base] [Nations::Init] load:
/Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
Blitz/World of Tanks
19:38:24 [info] 21:38:24 +2 [base] [OptionalDevicesPresetsProvider::Load] load:
/Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
Blitz/World of Tanks
19:38:24 [info] 21:38:24 +2 [base] [MaterialKinds::Init] load:
/Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
Blitz/World of Tanks
19:38:24 [info] 21:38:24 +2 [base] SfxSystem::ReloadSoundBanks took 11 ms
19:38:25 [info] InitializeLocalizations device locale: fr, locale: fr, game locale:
fr, sound locale: fr,
19:38:25 [error] 21:38:25 +2 [BW] E
PacketSender::basicSendSingleTry( [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:63003 ): Packet to Could not send: Invalid argument (22)
19:38:25 [error] 21:38:25 +2 [BW] E
PacketSender::basicSendSingleTry( [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:63003 ): Packet to Could not send: Invalid argument (22)
19:38:25 [error] 21:38:25 +2 [BW] E
PacketSender::basicSendSingleTry( [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:63003 ): Packet to Could not send: Invalid argument (22)
19:38:25 [error] 21:38:25 +2 [BW] E
PacketSender::basicSendSingleTry( [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:63003 ): Packet to Could not send: Invalid argument (22)
19:38:27 [error] 21:38:27 +2 [BW] E
PacketSender::basicSendSingleTry( [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:63003 ): Packet to Could not send: Invalid argument (22)
19:38:27 [error] 21:38:27 +2 [BW] E
PacketSender::basicSendSingleTry( [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:63003 ): Packet to Could not send: Invalid argument (22)
19:38:27 [error] 21:38:27 +2 [BW] E
PacketSender::basicSendSingleTry( [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:63003 ): Packet to Could not send: Invalid argument (22)
19:38:27 [error] 21:38:27 +2 [BW] E
PacketSender::basicSendSingleTry( [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:63003 ): Packet to Could not send: Invalid argument (22)
19:38:29 [error] 21:38:29 +2 [BW] E
PacketSender::basicSendSingleTry( [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:63003 ): Packet to Could not send: Invalid argument (22)
19:38:29 [error] 21:38:29 +2 [BW] E
PacketSender::basicSendSingleTry( [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:63003 ): Packet to Could not send: Invalid argument (22)
19:38:30 [error] 21:38:30 +2 [BW] E
PacketSender::basicSendSingleTry( [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:63003 ): Packet to Could not send: Invalid argument (22)
19:38:30 [error] 21:38:30 +2 [BW] E
PacketSender::basicSendSingleTry( [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:63003 ): Packet to Could not send: Invalid argument (22)
19:38:32 [error] 21:38:32 +2 [BW] E
PacketSender::basicSendSingleTry( [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:63003 ): Packet to Could not send: Invalid argument (22)
19:38:32 [error] 21:38:32 +2 [BW] E
PacketSender::basicSendSingleTry( [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:63003 ): Packet to Could not send: Invalid argument (22)
19:38:32 [error] 21:38:32 +2 [BW] E
PacketSender::basicSendSingleTry( [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:63003 ): Packet to Could not send: Invalid argument (22)
19:38:32 [error] 21:38:32 +2 [BW] E
PacketSender::basicSendSingleTry( [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0]:63003 ): Packet to Could not send: Invalid argument (22)
19:38:34 [info] 21:38:34 +2 [net] Server:, Ip:, Avg ping: -1.0ms, Loss: 100.0%
19:38:34 [info] 21:38:34 +2 [net] Server:, Ip:, Avg ping: -1.0ms, Loss: 100.0%
19:38:34 [info] 21:38:34 +2 [net] Server:, Ip:, Avg ping: -1.0ms, Loss: 100.0%
19:38:34 [info] 21:38:34 +2 [net] Server:, Ip:, Avg ping: -1.0ms, Loss: 100.0%
19:38:34 [warning] 21:38:34 +2 [net] Region::DetermineBestCluster
aliveHosts.empty() name: Europe
19:38:35 [info] 21:38:35 +2 [net] Server:, Ip:, Avg ping: 34.0ms, Loss: 0.0%
19:38:35 [info] 21:38:35 +2 [net] Server:, Ip:, Avg ping: 42.0ms, Loss: 0.0%
19:38:35 [info] 21:38:35 +2 [net] Server:, Ip:, Avg ping: 67.2ms, Loss: 0.0%
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [net] Server:, Ip:, Avg ping: 153.0ms, Loss: 0.0%
19:38:36 [warning] 21:38:36 +2 [net] ClusterHost::SelectAddress : name = EU_C0,
totalErrors = 0, positionInQueue = 0 - pingResult->address =
19:38:36 [warning] 21:38:36 +2 [net] ClusterHost::SelectAddress : name = EU_C2,
totalErrors = 0, positionInQueue = 0 - pingResult->address =
19:38:36 [warning] 21:38:36 +2 [net] ClusterHost::SelectAddress : name = EU_C3,
totalErrors = 0, positionInQueue = 0 - pingResult->address =
19:38:36 [warning] 21:38:36 +2 [net] ClusterHost::SelectAddress : name = EU_C4,
totalErrors = 0, positionInQueue = 0 - pingResult->address =
19:38:36 [warning] 21:38:36 +2 [BW] W synthesizeIPv6AddressesIfNeeded: detected
misconfiguration in DNS64 settings: no AAAA records were returned for DNS query.
Will synthesize them for the last chance attempt.
19:38:36 [warning] 21:38:36 +2 [BW] W ServerConnection::send(0): Time since last
send to server: 16302ms
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [net] ConnectionManager::onLoggedOn message:
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002ece958,
thread = 123145320673280
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002efefe8,
thread = 123145321746432
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002efee08,
thread = 123145322283008
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [base] Controller deactivated:
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002eef588,
thread = 123145321209856
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [base] Controller activated: SessionController
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [base] LocalizationHelper::LoadLocalizations Try load
localizations from
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [base] LoginController::OnKickedFromServer parsed
dynamic resources version: 1
19:38:36 [warning] 21:38:36 +2 [net] ConnectionManager::onLoggedOff reason: 12
19:38:36 [warning] 21:38:36 +2 [chat] can't set presence for offline client
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [chat] WGXmppClientPrivate::disconnect
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: SessionController
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Cancel request = 0x600002eef588
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [chat] XChatInstance::ReleaseGlooxResources
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [chat] WGXmppClientPrivate::disconnect
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [chat] WGXmppClientPrivate::disconnect
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [base] AppController::SaveDynamicResourcesVersion
devVersion: 1
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [base] ScreensFlow::RequestToShowScreen
ConnectingScreen:666 -> PreLoginFlowScreen:666 456
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [base] Controller activated:
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [smart_dlc]
SmartDlcInitializationController::StartInitialization - dynamicContentVersion: 1
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [smart_dlc]
SmartDlcInitializationController::StartInitialization: loaded
previouslySavedPath: /Users/maison/Documents/packs/
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [smart_dlc]
SmartDlcInitializationController::StartInitialization: Set current storage path
from prev
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [smart_dlc]
Dlc::Storage::SaveSmartDlcStoragePathToOptions() path to packs folder:
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDlcDynamicContentInitializer:
Initialization started
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [smart_dlc] Setup : use new CDN selection algorithm: 1
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [smart_dlc]
SmartDlcDynamicContentInitializer:RequestDynamicResourcesYaml http://dl-wotblitz-
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Reset request = 0x600002ece958
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [smart_dlc]
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Reset request = 0x600002ece688
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [net] [AsyncRequester::ObtainFirstSuccessfulResponse]
Starting request:
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [net] [AsyncRequester::ObtainFirstSuccessfulResponse]
Starting request:
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002ece958,
thread = 123145319063552
19:38:36 [warning] 21:38:36 +2 [net] AppController::StartPrelogin
needProcessDisconnect: 0 savedDisconnectReason: 0 discReason: 12
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002ece688,
thread = 123145318526976
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [render] Material group quality: Water = ULTRA_HIGH
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [render] Draw Water Reflection / Refraction: 1 / 1
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static object = MEDIUM
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [render] Material group quality: Landscape = HIGH
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [render] Material group quality: Spherical Harmonics =
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [render] Material group quality: Decoration Objects =
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [render] Material group quality: Pbr = OFF
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [render] Material group quality: Reflections = HIGH
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static Decal = ON
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [render] Material group quality: Tank = ULTRA
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [render] Material group quality: Grass = HIGH
19:38:36 [error] 21:38:36 +2 [engine] [ConvertedFileSpriteDataLoader] File
"~res:/Gfx/Lobby/icons/icon_age-rating_m" not found
19:38:36 [error] 21:38:36 +2 [engine] [AutoSpriteDataLoaderWrapper] Failed to
initialize sprite "~res:/Gfx/Lobby/icons/icon_age-rating_m". Pink placeholder is
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002eef588, wasCancelled = 1
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002ece688, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002ece688, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [net] [AsyncRequester::OnRequestFinished] Request
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [smart_dlc]
[SmartDlcDynamicContentInitializer:OnSuccessfullResponse] Succsessfull response
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [smart_dlc]
SmartDLCUtils::GetContentForCorrectTexturePackFromNode: found pack url
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [smart_dlc]
SmartDLCUtils::GetLocalizationsContentFromNode: found dir name
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDlcPinger:TestCdnDownloadTime url:
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Reset request = 0x600002ec91e8
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDlcPinger:TestCdnDownloadTime url:
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002ec91e8,
thread = 123145320136704
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Reset request = 0x600002ec90f8
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [net] [AsyncRequester::OnFirstSuccessfullRequestSync]
Successfull request:
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002ec90f8,
thread = 123145320673280
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [net] [AsyncRequester::CancelRequests] Canceling
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Cancel request = 0x600002ece958
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Cancel request = 0x600002ece688
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002ece958, wasCancelled = 1
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002ec90f8, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002ec90f8, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:36 [error] 21:38:36 +2 [analytics] CloudAnalyticsEventsPbV2.SessionDataGroup
is empty, but we are trying to set data for event.
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDlcPinger:TestCdnDownloadTime url:
Response status: 200
Last CUrl result: 0
Time spent on request: 62 ms
Active test requests count: 1
19:38:36 [info] 21:38:36 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002eef588,
thread = 123145321746432
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002ec91e8, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002ec91e8, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:37 [error] 21:38:37 +2 [analytics] CloudAnalyticsEventsPbV2.SessionDataGroup
is empty, but we are trying to set data for event.
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002eeed18,
thread = 123145322283008
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDlcPinger:TestCdnDownloadTime url:
Response status: 200
Last CUrl result: 0
Time spent on request: 96 ms
Active test requests count: 0
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [smart_dlc] ChooseBestCdn Tested CDN urls = [http://dl-,]
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDlcCdnSelector Amount of CDNs = 2
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [smart_dlc] SetCdnAvailability Mark CDN # 0 as
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [smart_dlc] SetCdnAvailability Mark CDN # 1 as
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [smart_dlc] AddFactor Adding new set of factors =
[10.4167, 16.129] , maxValue = 30 , factorCoeff = 1
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [smart_dlc] AddFactor Adding new set of factors = [1,
5] , maxValue = 10 , factorCoeff = -2
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [smart_dlc] GetBestCdnIndex CDN # 0 output = (10.42 *
1.00 / 30.00) + (1.00 * -2.00 / 10.00) = 0.147222
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [smart_dlc] GetBestCdnIndex CDN # 1 output = (16.13 *
1.00 / 30.00) + (5.00 * -2.00 / 10.00) = -0.462366
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [smart_dlc] GetBestCdnIndex CDN # 0 is the best
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [smart_dlc] OnCdnTestFinished : Cdn test successful
finished. CDN Url:
Time spent on request: 96
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [smart_dlc]
SmartDlcInitializationController::InititalizeSmartDlc: smartdlc superPackUrl = ,
result.lastUrl = ,
result.superPackUrl = ,
result.localizationsUrl =
19:38:37 [error] 21:38:37 +2 [analytics] CloudAnalyticsEventsPbV2.SessionDataGroup
is empty, but we are trying to set data for event.
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002eefc18,
thread = 123145321209856
19:38:37 [info] DLCManager(0) log file:
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [dlc_engine] Store dvpl cache: 0
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002eff498,
thread = 123145318526976
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002ec9968, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002eef588, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002ec9968, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [base] LocalizationHelper::ProcessFinishedRequest finished with http status 200
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [base] LocalizationHelper::ProcessFinishedRequest Try apply localizations from
remote data.
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002eff498, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002eeed18, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [base]
SLocalizationHelper::TryParseAndSetLocalizationFromData Localizations setup
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002eefc18, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [base] SLocalizationHelper::TryWriteDataToFile file
/Users/maison/Documents/DAVAProject/cache/localizations/fr.yaml saved.
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [base] SLocalizationHelper::TryWriteDataToFile file
/Users/maison/Documents/DAVAProject/cache/localizations/fr.yaml.etag saved.
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [base] SLocalizationHelper::TryLoadFromRemote
Localizations loaded from remote data.
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002eef588, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002eff498, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002eeed18, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002eefc18, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [dlc_engine] Finish scan files for: 0.162 sec, total
files: 33344
19:38:37 [info] 21:38:37 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDLC::OnResourcesAvailabilityUpdate.
isSuccess: 1
19:38:38 [info] 21:38:38 +2 [dlc_engine] Scan summary: local files - 33344 , ready
files - 34339 , bad files - 1295
19:38:38 [info] 21:38:38 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDLC::OnPackManagerInitialized
19:38:39 [info] 21:38:39 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDLC: Initialization finished.
resources version: 3848231575 call listeners : 1
19:38:39 [info] 21:38:39 +2 [smart_dlc] Using DLCManager version: FirstGen
19:38:39 [error] 21:38:39 +2 [analytics] CloudAnalyticsEventsPbV2.SessionDataGroup
is empty, but we are trying to set data for event.
19:38:39 [info] 21:38:39 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDlcInitializationController:
referenced dvpd files [ dc_10.3.0_1_3636027_dx11.dvpd ]
19:38:39 [info] 21:38:39 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002ef81f8,
thread = 123145319063552
19:38:39 [info] merge dlc meta took [6]ms
19:38:39 [info] 21:38:39 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002ef81f8, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:39 [info] 21:38:39 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002ef81f8, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:39 [info] 21:38:39 +2 [base] Controller deactivated:
19:38:39 [info] 21:38:39 +2 [net] [AsyncRequester::CancelRequests] Canceling
19:38:39 [info] 21:38:39 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Cancel request = 0x600002ece958
19:38:39 [info] 21:38:39 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Cancel request = 0x600002ece688
19:38:39 [info] 21:38:39 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Cancel request = 0x600002ec90f8
19:38:39 [info] 21:38:39 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Cancel request = 0x600002ec91e8
19:38:39 [error] 21:38:39 +2 [analytics] CloudAnalyticsEventsPbV2.SessionDataGroup
is empty, but we are trying to set data for event.
19:38:39 [info] 21:38:39 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002ec1c38,
thread = 123145320673280
19:38:39 [error] 21:38:39 +2 [analytics] CloudAnalyticsEventsPbV2.SessionDataGroup
is empty, but we are trying to set data for event.
19:38:39 [info] 21:38:39 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002ec1d28,
thread = 123145320136704
19:38:39 [warning] 21:38:39 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDLC: Pack marked as downloaded more
than once: base_sfx
19:38:39 [info] 21:38:39 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002ec1c38, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:39 [info] 21:38:39 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002ec1d28, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:39 [info] 21:38:39 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002ec1c38, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:39 [info] 21:38:39 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002ec1d28, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:41 [error] 21:38:41 +2 [analytics] CloudAnalyticsEventsPbV2.SessionDataGroup
is empty, but we are trying to set data for event.
19:38:41 [info] 21:38:41 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002ec1d28,
thread = 123145319600128
19:38:41 [error] 21:38:41 +2 [analytics] CloudAnalyticsEventsPbV2.SessionDataGroup
is empty, but we are trying to set data for event.
19:38:41 [info] 21:38:41 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002ec1c38,
thread = 123145321746432
19:38:41 [info] 21:38:41 +2 [base] [CamoDataProvider::ObtainDefaultCamoSort] load
file : /Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of
Tanks Blitz/World of Tanks
19:38:41 [info] 21:38:41 +2 [base] [CamoDataProvider::Initialize] load file :
/Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
Blitz/World of Tanks
19:38:41 [info] 21:38:41 +2 [base] [CamoDataProvider::ObtainDefaultCamoSort] load
file : /Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of
Tanks Blitz/World of Tanks
19:38:41 [info] 21:38:41 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002ec1d28, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:41 [info] 21:38:41 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002ec1c38, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:41 [info] 21:38:41 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002ec1d28, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:41 [info] 21:38:41 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002ec1c38, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:41 [info] 21:38:41 +2 [base] [DestructiblesCache::Init] load:
/Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
Blitz/World of Tanks
19:38:41 [info] 21:38:41 +2 [base] [Items::ReadItemType] load:
/Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
Blitz/World of Tanks
19:38:41 [info] 21:38:41 +2 [base] [Nations::Init] load:
/Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
Blitz/World of Tanks
19:38:41 [info] 21:38:41 +2 [base] [OptionalDevicesPresetsProvider::Load] load:
/Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
Blitz/World of Tanks
19:38:41 [info] 21:38:41 +2 [base] [MaterialKinds::Init] load:
/Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
Blitz/World of Tanks
19:38:41 [info] 21:38:41 +2 [base] SfxSystem::ReloadSoundBanks took 16 ms
19:38:41 [info] InitializeLocalizations device locale: fr, locale: fr, game locale:
fr, sound locale: fr,
19:38:41 [info] 21:38:41 +2 [base] LoginManager::Login request to show connecting
19:38:41 [info] 21:38:41 +2 [base] ScreensFlow::RequestToShowScreen
PreLoginFlowScreen:666 -> ConnectingScreen:666 606
19:38:41 [info] 21:38:41 +2 [render] Material group quality: Water = ULTRA_HIGH
19:38:41 [info] 21:38:41 +2 [render] Draw Water Reflection / Refraction: 1 / 1
19:38:41 [info] 21:38:41 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static object = MEDIUM
19:38:41 [info] 21:38:41 +2 [render] Material group quality: Landscape = HIGH
19:38:41 [info] 21:38:41 +2 [render] Material group quality: Spherical Harmonics =
19:38:41 [info] 21:38:41 +2 [render] Material group quality: Decoration Objects =
19:38:41 [info] 21:38:41 +2 [render] Material group quality: Pbr = OFF
19:38:41 [info] 21:38:41 +2 [render] Material group quality: Reflections = HIGH
19:38:41 [info] 21:38:41 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static Decal = ON
19:38:41 [info] 21:38:41 +2 [render] Material group quality: Tank = ULTRA
19:38:41 [info] 21:38:41 +2 [render] Material group quality: Grass = HIGH
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [base] ScreensFlow::RequestToShowScreen
ConnectingScreen:666 -> PreLoginFlowScreen:666 634
19:38:42 [error] 21:38:42 +2 [analytics] CloudAnalyticsEventsPbV2.SessionDataGroup
is empty, but we are trying to set data for event.
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002ec93c8,
thread = 123145322283008
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [base] Controller activated:
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [smart_dlc]
SmartDlcInitializationController::StartInitialization - dynamicContentVersion: 1
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [smart_dlc]
SmartDlcInitializationController::StartInitialization: loaded
previouslySavedPath: /Users/maison/Documents/packs/
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [smart_dlc]
SmartDlcInitializationController::StartInitialization: Set current storage path
from prev
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [smart_dlc]
Dlc::Storage::SaveSmartDlcStoragePathToOptions() path to packs folder:
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDlcDynamicContentInitializer:
Initialization started
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [smart_dlc] Setup : use new CDN selection algorithm: 1
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [smart_dlc]
SmartDlcDynamicContentInitializer:RequestDynamicResourcesYaml http://dl-wotblitz-
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Reset request = 0x600002eff858
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [smart_dlc]
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Reset request = 0x600002efeb38
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [net] [AsyncRequester::ObtainFirstSuccessfulResponse]
Starting request:
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [net] [AsyncRequester::ObtainFirstSuccessfulResponse]
Starting request:
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002eff858,
thread = 123145321209856
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [render] Material group quality: Water = ULTRA_HIGH
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002efeb38,
thread = 123145319063552
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [render] Draw Water Reflection / Refraction: 1 / 1
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static object = MEDIUM
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [render] Material group quality: Landscape = HIGH
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [render] Material group quality: Spherical Harmonics =
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [render] Material group quality: Decoration Objects =
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [render] Material group quality: Pbr = OFF
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [render] Material group quality: Reflections = HIGH
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static Decal = ON
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [render] Material group quality: Tank = ULTRA
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [render] Material group quality: Grass = HIGH
19:38:42 [error] 21:38:42 +2 [engine] [ConvertedFileSpriteDataLoader] File
"~res:/Gfx/Lobby/icons/icon_age-rating_m" not found
19:38:42 [error] 21:38:42 +2 [engine] [AutoSpriteDataLoaderWrapper] Failed to
initialize sprite "~res:/Gfx/Lobby/icons/icon_age-rating_m". Pink placeholder is
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002ec93c8, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002ec93c8, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002efeb38, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002efeb38, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [net] [AsyncRequester::OnRequestFinished] Request
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [smart_dlc]
[SmartDlcDynamicContentInitializer:OnSuccessfullResponse] Succsessfull response
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [smart_dlc]
SmartDLCUtils::GetContentForCorrectTexturePackFromNode: found pack url
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [smart_dlc]
SmartDLCUtils::GetLocalizationsContentFromNode: found dir name
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDlcPinger:TestCdnDownloadTime url:
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Reset request = 0x600002ec46a8
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDlcPinger:TestCdnDownloadTime url:
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002ec46a8,
thread = 123145320673280
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Reset request = 0x600002ec52d8
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [net] [AsyncRequester::OnFirstSuccessfullRequestSync]
Successfull request:
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002ec52d8,
thread = 123145320136704
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [net] [AsyncRequester::CancelRequests] Canceling
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Cancel request = 0x600002eff858
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Cancel request = 0x600002efeb38
19:38:42 [info] 21:38:42 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002eff858, wasCancelled = 1
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002ec52d8, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002ec46a8, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002ec52d8, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:43 [error] 21:38:43 +2 [analytics] CloudAnalyticsEventsPbV2.SessionDataGroup
is empty, but we are trying to set data for event.
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDlcPinger:TestCdnDownloadTime url:
Response status: 200
Last CUrl result: 0
Time spent on request: 62 ms
Active test requests count: 1
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002eede18,
thread = 123145319600128
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002ec46a8, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:43 [error] 21:38:43 +2 [analytics] CloudAnalyticsEventsPbV2.SessionDataGroup
is empty, but we are trying to set data for event.
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDlcPinger:TestCdnDownloadTime url:
Response status: 200
Last CUrl result: 0
Time spent on request: 66 ms
Active test requests count: 0
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002eff948,
thread = 123145321746432
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [smart_dlc] ChooseBestCdn Tested CDN urls = [http://dl-,]
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDlcCdnSelector Amount of CDNs = 2
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [smart_dlc] SetCdnAvailability Mark CDN # 0 as
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [smart_dlc] SetCdnAvailability Mark CDN # 1 as
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [smart_dlc] AddFactor Adding new set of factors =
[15.1515, 16.129] , maxValue = 30 , factorCoeff = 1
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [smart_dlc] AddFactor Adding new set of factors = [1,
5] , maxValue = 10 , factorCoeff = -2
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [smart_dlc] GetBestCdnIndex CDN # 0 output = (15.15 *
1.00 / 30.00) + (1.00 * -2.00 / 10.00) = 0.30505
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [smart_dlc] GetBestCdnIndex CDN # 1 output = (16.13 *
1.00 / 30.00) + (5.00 * -2.00 / 10.00) = -0.462366
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [smart_dlc] GetBestCdnIndex CDN # 0 is the best
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [smart_dlc] OnCdnTestFinished : Cdn test successful
finished. CDN Url:
Time spent on request: 66
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [smart_dlc]
SmartDlcInitializationController::InititalizeSmartDlc: smartdlc superPackUrl = ,
result.lastUrl = ,
result.superPackUrl = ,
result.localizationsUrl =
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [dlc_engine] UnsafeDelete removedCount: 34348
19:38:43 [info] delete dlc info from ResourcesDB took [5]ms
19:38:43 [info] [ClearResources] before downloader.reset()
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [dlc_engine] before downloadThread->Join() in
[ Deinitialize ]
19:38:43 [info] [ClearResources] after downloader.reset()
19:38:43 [error] 21:38:43 +2 [analytics] CloudAnalyticsEventsPbV2.SessionDataGroup
is empty, but we are trying to set data for event.
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002eeee08,
thread = 123145318526976
19:38:43 [info] DLCManager(0) log file:
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [dlc_engine] Store dvpl cache: 0
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002ece868,
thread = 123145322283008
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002eff948, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002eede18, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002eff948, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002eede18, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002eeee08, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002ece868, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002eeee08, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002ece868, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [dlc_engine] Finish scan files for: 0.145 sec, total
files: 32050
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [dlc_engine] Scan summary: local files - 32050 , ready
files - 34340 , bad files - 0
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDLC::OnPackManagerInitialized
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDLC: Initialization finished.
resources version: 3848231575 call listeners : 1
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [smart_dlc] Using DLCManager version: FirstGen
19:38:43 [error] 21:38:43 +2 [analytics] CloudAnalyticsEventsPbV2.SessionDataGroup
is empty, but we are trying to set data for event.
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDlcInitializationController:
referenced dvpd files [ dc_10.3.0_1_3636027_dx11.dvpd ]
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002ec5b48,
thread = 123145319063552
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [base] AppController::OnSmartDlcInitialized request to
show connecting screen
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [base] ScreensFlow::RequestToShowScreen
PreLoginFlowScreen:666 -> ConnectingScreen:666 658
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [base] [CamoDataProvider::ObtainDefaultCamoSort] load
file : /Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of
Tanks Blitz/World of Tanks
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [base] [CamoDataProvider::Initialize] load file :
/Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
Blitz/World of Tanks
19:38:43 [info] merge dlc meta took [5]ms
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [render] Material group quality: Water = ULTRA_HIGH
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [render] Draw Water Reflection / Refraction: 1 / 1
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static object = MEDIUM
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [render] Material group quality: Landscape = HIGH
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [render] Material group quality: Spherical Harmonics =
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [render] Material group quality: Decoration Objects =
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [render] Material group quality: Pbr = OFF
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [render] Material group quality: Reflections = HIGH
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static Decal = ON
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [render] Material group quality: Tank = ULTRA
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [render] Material group quality: Grass = HIGH
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [base] [CamoDataProvider::ObtainDefaultCamoSort] load
file : /Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of
Tanks Blitz/World of Tanks
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002ec5b48, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002ec5b48, wasCancelled = 0
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [base] [DestructiblesCache::Init] load:
/Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
Blitz/World of Tanks
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [base] [Items::ReadItemType] load:
/Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
Blitz/World of Tanks
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [base] [Nations::Init] load:
/Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
Blitz/World of Tanks
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [base] [OptionalDevicesPresetsProvider::Load] load:
/Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
Blitz/World of Tanks
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [base] [MaterialKinds::Init] load:
/Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
Blitz/World of Tanks
19:38:43 [info] 21:38:43 +2 [base] SfxSystem::ReloadSoundBanks took 7 ms
19:38:44 [info] InitializeLocalizations device locale: fr, locale: fr, game locale:
fr, sound locale: fr,
19:38:45 [info] 21:38:45 +2 [net] Server:, Ip:, Avg ping: 50.8ms, Loss: 0.0%
19:38:45 [info] 21:38:45 +2 [net] Server:, Ip:, Avg ping: 59.3ms, Loss: 0.0%
19:38:45 [info] 21:38:45 +2 [net] Server:, Ip:, Avg ping: 67.8ms, Loss: 0.0%
19:38:45 [info] 21:38:45 +2 [net] Server:, Ip:, Avg ping: 136.0ms, Loss: 0.0%
19:38:45 [warning] 21:38:45 +2 [net] ClusterHost::SelectAddress : name = EU_C0,
totalErrors = 0, positionInQueue = 0 - pingResult->address =
19:38:45 [warning] 21:38:45 +2 [net] ClusterHost::SelectAddress : name = EU_C2,
totalErrors = 0, positionInQueue = 0 - pingResult->address =
19:38:45 [warning] 21:38:45 +2 [net] ClusterHost::SelectAddress : name = EU_C3,
totalErrors = 0, positionInQueue = 0 - pingResult->address =
19:38:45 [warning] 21:38:45 +2 [net] ClusterHost::SelectAddress : name = EU_C4,
totalErrors = 0, positionInQueue = 0 - pingResult->address =
19:38:46 [warning] 21:38:46 +2 [BW] W LoginHandler::onRequestFailed: Request to
LoginApp, attempt #1 failed: "Cancelled request to LoginApp" (REASON_SHUTTING_DOWN)
19:38:46 [warning] 21:38:46 +2 [BW] W ServerConnection::send(0): Time since last
send to server: 26230ms
19:38:46 [info] 21:38:46 +2 [net] ConnectionManager::onLoggedOn message:
19:38:46 [info] 21:38:46 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002ec3df8,
thread = 123145320673280
19:38:46 [info] 21:38:46 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002ec3588,
thread = 123145321746432
19:38:46 [info] 21:38:46 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002ec2b38,
thread = 123145319600128
19:38:46 [info] 21:38:46 +2 [base] Controller deactivated:
19:38:46 [info] 21:38:46 +2 [net] [AsyncRequester::CancelRequests] Canceling
19:38:46 [info] 21:38:46 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Cancel request = 0x600002eff858
19:38:46 [info] 21:38:46 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Cancel request = 0x600002efeb38
19:38:46 [info] 21:38:46 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Cancel request = 0x600002ec52d8
19:38:46 [info] 21:38:46 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Cancel request = 0x600002ec46a8
19:38:46 [info] 21:38:46 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002ec4e28,
thread = 123145318526976
19:38:46 [info] 21:38:46 +2 [base] Controller activated: SessionController
19:38:46 [info] 21:38:46 +2 [base] LocalizationHelper::LoadLocalizations Try load
localizations from
19:38:46 [info] 21:38:46 +2 [base] LocalizationHelper::ProcessFinishedRequest
finished with http status 200
19:38:46 [info] 21:38:46 +2 [base] LocalizationHelper::ProcessFinishedRequest Try
apply localizations from remote data.
19:38:46 [info] 21:38:46 +2 [base]
SLocalizationHelper::TryParseAndSetLocalizationFromData Localizations setup
19:38:46 [info] 21:38:46 +2 [base] SLocalizationHelper::TryWriteDataToFile file
19:38:46 [info] 21:38:46 +2 [base] SLocalizationHelper::TryWriteDataToFile file
19:38:46 [info] 21:38:46 +2 [base] SLocalizationHelper::TryLoadFromRemote
Localizations loaded from remote data.
19:38:46 [info] 21:38:46 +2 [base] LocalizationHelper::LoadLocalizations Try load
localizations from
19:38:46 [info] 21:38:46 +2 [base] TestSystem: Server does not confirm group, but
test disabled. Clear cached data.
19:38:46 [info] 21:38:46 +2 [base] TestSystem: Could not clean test cached data.
Maybe files does not exists?
19:38:46 [info] 21:38:46 +2 [base] LocalizationHelper::ProcessFinishedRequest finished with http status 304
19:38:46 [info] 21:38:46 +2 [base] LocalizationHelper::ProcessFinishedRequest Try
apply localizations from local data
19:38:46 [info] 21:38:46 +2 [base]
SLocalizationHelper::TryParseAndSetLocalizationFromData Localizations setup
19:38:46 [info] 21:38:46 +2 [base] SLocalizationHelper::TryLoadFromLocal
Localizations loaded from local file:
19:38:46 [info] AccountGameLogic::onBecomePlayer() 12729622 757
19:38:46 [info] 21:38:46 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::SetClientPrebattle
19:38:46 [info] 21:38:46 +2 [prebattle] AddEvent
19:38:46 [info] 21:38:46 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::SetRequestsProvider 0x0
19:38:46 [info] 21:38:46 +2 [base] AccountSyncController::Activate request to show
connecting screen
19:38:47 [info] 21:38:47 +2 [base] Shop state is not synchronized 2
19:38:47 [info] 21:38:47 +2 [base] AppGraphicsOptionsMigrationManager::Migrate
19:38:47 [info] 21:38:47 +2 [base] currentVersion = 14 , isFirstRun = 0 ,
MinVersion = 12 , MaxVersion = 14 , loadedFromFile = 1
19:38:47 [info] 21:38:47 +2 [base] Options do not need to be migrated (already max
migration version).
19:38:47 [info] 21:38:47 +2 [base] [GraphicsOptionsManager::LoadFromMap] Selected
user options:
Graphics options:
WaterQuality: High
ObjectsQuality: Medium
VehiclesQuality: High
EffectsQuality: High
LevelOfDetail: High
FogQuality: High
AnisotropicFiltering: Off
Antialiasing: Off
Camouflage: ForAll
GrassQuality: High
GrassInSniperMode: true
TankTreads: false
ShadowQuality: Medium
HitMarks: true
HDTextures: true
HalfResolutionV2: Dynamic
VSync: false
FPSLimit: 60
Fullscreen: true
ColorblindMode: false
TankSuspension: true

19:38:47 [info] 21:38:47 +2 [story] received server data for event:

19:38:47 [info] 21:38:47 +2 [story] received server data for event: bp_season_38
19:38:47 [info] 21:38:47 +2 [story] received server data for event: season_2
19:38:47 [info] 21:38:47 +2 [render] Set render flow: Forward with Depth Prepass
19:38:48 [warning] 21:38:48 +2 [engine] Action User on object tv_1.sc2 is invalid.
19:38:48 [warning] 21:38:48 +2 [engine] Action User on object tv_2.sc2 is invalid.
19:38:48 [warning] 21:38:48 +2 [engine] Action User on object tv_3.sc2 is invalid.
19:38:48 [info] 21:38:48 +2 [render] Creating ShadowMap texture with size: 16 x 16
arraySize: 3
19:38:48 [info] 21:38:48 +2 [render] Setting dynamicShadowMap texture. Size: 16 x
16 old size: 0 x 0 arraySize: 0
19:38:48 [info] 21:38:48 +2 [base] [HangarSceneLoadAgent::OnHangarSceneLoad] Hangar
scene loading time /Users/maison/Library/Application
Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks Blitz/World of Tanks
0.966898 s
19:38:48 [info] 21:38:48 +2 [base] ScreensFlow::RequestToShowScreen
ConnectingScreen:666 -> GarageScreen:42 858
19:38:48 [info] 21:38:48 +2 [clan] ClanInfoManager::Constructor
19:38:48 [info] 21:38:48 +2 [base] Shop state is not synchronized 0
19:38:48 [warning] 21:38:48 +2 [ads] IronSource application key is not configured!
19:38:48 [info] GarageScreen::LoadResources begin
19:38:48 [info] 21:38:48 +2 [render] Material group quality: Water = ULTRA_HIGH
19:38:48 [info] 21:38:48 +2 [render] Draw Water Reflection / Refraction: 1 / 1
19:38:48 [info] 21:38:48 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static object = MEDIUM
19:38:48 [info] 21:38:48 +2 [render] Material group quality: Landscape = HIGH
19:38:48 [info] 21:38:48 +2 [render] Material group quality: Spherical Harmonics =
19:38:48 [info] 21:38:48 +2 [render] Material group quality: Decoration Objects =
19:38:48 [info] 21:38:48 +2 [render] Material group quality: Pbr = OFF
19:38:48 [info] 21:38:48 +2 [render] Material group quality: Reflections = HIGH
19:38:48 [info] 21:38:48 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static Decal = ON
19:38:48 [info] 21:38:48 +2 [render] Material group quality: Tank = ULTRA
19:38:48 [info] 21:38:48 +2 [render] Material group quality: Grass = HIGH
19:38:49 [info] 21:38:49 +2 [base] Controller activated: HangarLoadingController
19:38:49 [info] 21:38:49 +2 [base] HangarLoadingController: Loading start
19:38:49 [info] 21:38:49 +2 [base] Shop state is not synchronized 2
19:38:49 [info] 21:38:49 +2 [base] Preloaded hangar scene is used
19:38:49 [info] 21:38:49 +2 [base] Component CameraRotationComponent not found for
scene hangar_season2_stage1.sc2
19:38:49 [info] 21:38:49 +2 [clan] ClanInfoManager::CancelRequest: 1
19:38:49 [info] 21:38:49 +2 [clan] ClanInfoManager::CancelRequest: 2
19:38:49 [info] 21:38:49 +2 [clan] ClanInfoManager::CancelRequest: 3
19:38:49 [info] 21:38:49 +2 [clan] ClanInfoManager::CancelRequest: 4
19:38:49 [info] 21:38:49 +2 [clan] ClanInfoManager::CancelRequest: 5
19:38:49 [info] 21:38:49 +2 [clan] ClanInfoManager::CancelRequest: 6
19:38:49 [info] 21:38:49 +2 [clan] ClanInfoManager::CancelRequest: 7
19:38:49 [info] 21:38:49 +2 [clan] ClanInfoManager::StartRequest: 1
19:38:49 [info] 21:38:49 +2 [clan] ClanInfoManager::CancelRequest: 1
19:38:49 [info] 21:38:49 +2 [clan] ClanInfoManager::CancelRequest: 2
19:38:49 [info] 21:38:49 +2 [clan] ClanInfoManager::CancelRequest: 3
19:38:49 [info] 21:38:49 +2 [clan] ClanInfoManager::CancelRequest: 5
19:38:49 [info] 21:38:49 +2 [clan] ClanInfoManager::CancelRequest: 6
19:38:49 [info] 21:38:49 +2 [clan] ClanInfoManager::CancelRequest: 7
19:38:49 [warning] 21:38:49 +2 [prmp] Invalid offer field 'icon_url' URL:
19:38:49 [info] 21:38:49 +2 [render] Creating ShadowMap texture with size: 1024 x
1024 arraySize: 2
19:38:49 [info] 21:38:49 +2 [render] Setting dynamicShadowMap texture. Size: 1024
x 1024 old size: 16 x 16 arraySize: 3
19:38:49 [info] 21:38:49 +2 [clan] ClanInfoManager::DispatchEvent: 0
19:38:49 [info] 21:38:49 +2 [clan] ClanInfoManager::FinishRequest: 1
19:38:49 [info] 21:38:49 +2 [base] Shop state is not synchronized 2
19:38:49 [warning] HeavyResourceValidationChecker: No CRC file
19:38:50 [info] 21:38:50 +2 [chat] WGXmppClientPrivate::connect
19:38:50 [info] 21:38:50 +2 [chat] WGXmppClientPrivate::disconnect
19:38:50 [info] 21:38:50 +2 [chat] XChatInstance::onClientCreated
19:38:50 [info] 21:38:50 +2 [chat] ConnectionTask::ConnectionTask
19:38:50 [info] 21:38:50 +2 [chat] ConnectionTask: try to start
19:38:50 [info] 21:38:50 +2 [chat] ConnectionTask: start
19:38:50 [info] 21:38:50 +2 [chat] ConnectionTask: complete
19:38:50 [info] 21:38:50 +2 [chat] ConnectionTask::~ConnectionTask
19:38:50 [info] 21:38:50 +2 [chat] ConnectionTask: Cancel connection thread
19:38:51 [info] 21:38:51 +2 [base] Shop state is not synchronized 2
19:38:52 [info] 21:38:52 +2 [base] Shop state is not synchronized 2
19:38:52 [info] 21:38:52 +2 [dlc_engine] before downloadThread->Join() in
[ Deinitialize ]
19:38:52 [warning] 21:38:52 +2 [chat] WGXmppClientPrivate::onConnect
19:38:52 [info] 21:38:52 +2 [base] Shop state is not synchronized 2
19:38:52 [info] 21:38:52 +2 [chat] XChatInstance::onConnect()
19:38:52 [info] 21:38:52 +2 [chat] block list size 0
19:38:52 [info] 21:38:52 +2 [base] Shop state is not synchronized 2
19:38:53 [info] 21:38:53 +2 [base] HangarLoadingController: Loading end, duration
3986 ms
19:38:53 [info] 21:38:53 +2 [base] HangarLoadingController::Deactivate start
19:38:53 [info] 21:38:53 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: HangarLoadingController
19:38:53 [info] 21:38:53 +2 [base] HangarLoadingController::Deactivate end,
duration 0 ms
19:38:53 [info] 21:38:53 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed:
19:38:53 [warning] LaunchOptionsAgent::TryProcess general pack is not loaded
19:38:53 [info] 21:38:53 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate start
19:38:53 [info] 21:38:53 +2 [base] Controller activated: HangarController
19:38:53 [info] 21:38:53 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 1 end, duration
9 ms
19:38:53 [info] 21:38:53 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 2 end, duration
0 ms
19:38:53 [info] 21:38:53 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 3 end, duration
1 ms
19:38:53 [info] 21:38:53 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 4 end, duration
1 ms
19:38:53 [info] 21:38:53 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 5 end, duration
0 ms
19:38:53 [info] 21:38:53 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate end, duration 15 ms
19:38:53 [info] 21:38:53 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
FILTER_ANIMATION_FINISHED , control: TanksPanel -> event:
FILTER_ANIMATION_FINISHED , control: TanksPanelHolder
19:38:53 [info] 21:38:53 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX ,
control: TankCell:germany:PzIV -> event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX_LOCAL , control:
19:38:53 [warning] 21:38:53 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDLC: Pack marked as downloaded more
than once: battle_results_pack
19:38:53 [warning] 21:38:53 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDLC: Pack marked as downloaded more
than once: environment_stickers_pack
19:38:54 [warning] 21:38:54 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDLC: Pack marked as downloaded more
than once: gfx_ui
19:38:54 [warning] 21:38:54 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDLC: Pack marked as downloaded more
than once: ingame_voice_sfx_fr
19:38:55 [warning] 21:38:55 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDLC: Pack marked as downloaded more
than once: sfx
19:38:58 [warning] 21:38:58 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDLC: Pack marked as downloaded more
than once: customization_pack
19:38:58 [warning] 21:38:58 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDLC: Pack marked as downloaded more
than once: hangar_pack
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results] SHangarOfferHelpers::GetOfferVehicle
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results] SHangarOfferHelpers::GetOfferVehicle
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results] SHangarOfferHelpers::GetOfferVehicle
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results] SHangarOfferHelpers::GetOfferVehicle
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results] SHangarOfferHelpers::GetOfferVehicle
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results] SHangarOfferHelpers::GetOfferVehicle
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results] SHangarOfferHelpers::GetOfferVehicle
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results] SHangarOfferHelpers::GetOfferVehicle
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results] SHangarOfferHelpers::GetOfferVehicle
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results] SHangarOfferHelpers::GetOfferVehicle
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results] SHangarOfferHelpers::GetOfferVehicle
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results] SHangarOfferHelpers::GetOfferVehicle
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results] SHangarOfferHelpers::GetOfferVehicle
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results] SHangarOfferHelpers::GetOfferVehicle
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results] SHangarOfferHelpers::GetOfferVehicle
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results] SHangarOfferHelpers::GetOfferVehicle
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results] SHangarOfferHelpers::GetOfferVehicle
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results] SHangarOfferHelpers::GetOfferVehicle
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results] SHangarOfferHelpers::GetOfferVehicle
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results] SHangarOfferHelpers::GetOfferVehicle
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results] SHangarOfferHelpers::GetOfferVehicle
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
HangarOfferManagerImpl::RequestOfferTankPacks 57105
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
HangarOfferManagerImpl::RequestOfferTankPacks 51473
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
HangarOfferManagerImpl::RequestOfferTankPacks 51713
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
HangarOfferManagerImpl::RequestOfferTankPacks 11809
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
HangarOfferManagerImpl::RequestOfferTankPacks 54353
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
HangarOfferManagerImpl::RequestOfferTankPacks 53761
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
HangarOfferManagerImpl::RequestOfferTankPacks 9857
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
HangarOfferManagerImpl::RequestOfferTankPacks 11809
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
HangarOfferManagerImpl::RequestOfferTankPacks 64849
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
HangarOfferManagerImpl::RequestOfferTankPacks 18753
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
HangarOfferManagerImpl::RequestOfferTankPacks 9217
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
HangarOfferManagerImpl::RequestOfferTankPacks 33
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
HangarOfferManagerImpl::RequestOfferTankPacks 51457
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
HangarOfferManagerImpl::RequestOfferTankPacks 63553
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
HangarOfferManagerImpl::RequestOfferTankPacks 11809
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
HangarOfferManagerImpl::RequestOfferTankPacks 27425
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
HangarOfferManagerImpl::RequestOfferTankPacks 8497
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
HangarOfferManagerImpl::RequestOfferTankPacks 53585
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
HangarOfferManagerImpl::RequestOfferTankPacks 54545
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
HangarOfferManagerImpl::RequestOfferTankPacks 21521
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
HangarOfferManagerImpl::RequestOfferTankPacks 27425
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
SHangarOfferManagerImpl::GetAdoptableOffers 27425
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
SHangarOfferManagerImpl::GetAdoptableOffers 21521
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
SHangarOfferManagerImpl::GetAdoptableOffers 54545
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
SHangarOfferManagerImpl::GetAdoptableOffers 53585
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
SHangarOfferManagerImpl::GetAdoptableOffers 8497
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
SHangarOfferManagerImpl::GetAdoptableOffers 27425
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
SHangarOfferManagerImpl::GetAdoptableOffers 11809
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
SHangarOfferManagerImpl::GetAdoptableOffers 63553
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
SHangarOfferManagerImpl::GetAdoptableOffers 51457
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
SHangarOfferManagerImpl::GetAdoptableOffers 33
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
SHangarOfferManagerImpl::GetAdoptableOffers 9217
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
SHangarOfferManagerImpl::GetAdoptableOffers 64849
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
SHangarOfferManagerImpl::GetAdoptableOffers 11809
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
SHangarOfferManagerImpl::GetAdoptableOffers 9857
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
SHangarOfferManagerImpl::GetAdoptableOffers 53761
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
SHangarOfferManagerImpl::GetAdoptableOffers 11809
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
SHangarOfferManagerImpl::GetAdoptableOffers 54353
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
SHangarOfferManagerImpl::GetAdoptableOffers 51473
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
SHangarOfferManagerImpl::GetAdoptableOffers 18753
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
SHangarOfferManagerImpl::GetAdoptableOffers 51713
19:38:58 [info] 21:38:58 +2 [battle_results]
SHangarOfferManagerImpl::GetAdoptableOffers 57105
19:38:59 [info] 21:38:59 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate start
19:38:59 [info] 21:38:59 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: HangarController
19:38:59 [info] 21:38:59 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate end, duration 18 ms
19:38:59 [info] 21:38:59 +2 [base] Controller activated: StuffQuestScreenController
19:38:59 [info] 21:38:59 +2 [tutorial] Lesson destroyed:
19:38:59 [error] 21:38:59 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:38:59 [error] 21:38:59 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:38:59 [error] 21:38:59 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:38:59 [error] 21:38:59 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:38:59 [error] 21:38:59 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:38:59 [error] 21:38:59 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:38:59 [error] 21:38:59 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:38:59 [error] 21:38:59 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:00 [info] 21:39:00 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
StuffQuestStageSizeChanged , control: quest_0_reward__index_0 -> event:
StuffQuestStageSizeChanged , control: Rewards
19:39:00 [info] 21:39:00 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
StuffQuestStageSizeChanged , control: quest_0_reward__index_1 -> event:
StuffQuestStageSizeChanged , control: Rewards
19:39:00 [info] 21:39:00 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
StuffQuestStageSizeChanged , control: quest_0_reward__index_2 -> event:
StuffQuestStageSizeChanged , control: Rewards
19:39:00 [info] 21:39:00 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
StuffQuestStageSizeChanged , control: quest_0_reward__index_3 -> event:
StuffQuestStageSizeChanged , control: Rewards
19:39:00 [info] 21:39:00 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
StuffQuestStageSizeChanged , control: StuffQuest0 -> event:
StuffQuestStageSizeChanged , control: Swiper
19:39:00 [info] 21:39:00 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
StuffQuestStageSizeChanged , control: StuffQuest0 -> event:
StuffQuestStageSizeChanged , control: Swiper
19:39:00 [info] 21:39:00 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
StuffQuestStageSizeChanged , control: StuffQuest0 -> event:
StuffQuestStageSizeChanged , control: Swiper
19:39:00 [info] 21:39:00 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
StuffQuestStageSizeChanged , control: StuffQuest0 -> event:
StuffQuestStageSizeChanged , control: Swiper
19:39:02 [info] 21:39:02 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
NUMBER_ANIMATION_FINISHED , control: AnimatedNumber -> event:
ON_PROGRESS_ANIMATED , control: CurrentResourceProgress
19:39:02 [info] 21:39:02 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: ON_PROGRESS_ANIMATED
, control: StuffQuest0 -> event: ON_PROGRESS_ANIMATED , control: Swiper
19:39:08 [info] 21:39:08 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3498874409.webp:0
19:39:08 [info] 21:39:08 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 544911526.webp:0
19:39:08 [info] 21:39:08 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3187306946.webp:0
19:39:08 [info] 21:39:08 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2597376562.webp:0
19:39:09 [info] 21:39:09 +2 [dlc_engine] before downloadThread->Join() in
[ Deinitialize ]
19:39:12 [error] 21:39:12 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:12 [error] 21:39:12 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:12 [error] 21:39:12 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:12 [error] 21:39:12 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:12 [error] 21:39:12 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:12 [error] 21:39:12 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:12 [error] 21:39:12 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:12 [error] 21:39:12 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:12 [info] 21:39:12 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1378876888.webp:0
19:39:17 [error] 21:39:17 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:17 [error] 21:39:17 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:17 [error] 21:39:17 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:17 [error] 21:39:17 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:17 [error] 21:39:17 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:17 [error] 21:39:17 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:17 [error] 21:39:17 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:17 [error] 21:39:17 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:17 [info] 21:39:17 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 790468793.webp:0
19:39:21 [info] 21:39:21 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: ON_CLICK_BUTTON ,
control: Button -> event: ON_CLOSE_CLICKED , control: CloseButton
19:39:21 [info] 21:39:21 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: ON_CLOSE_CLICKED ,
control: StuffQuest0 -> event: ON_CLOSE_CLICKED , control: Swiper
19:39:21 [error] 21:39:21 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:21 [error] 21:39:21 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:21 [error] 21:39:21 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:21 [error] 21:39:21 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:21 [error] 21:39:21 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:21 [error] 21:39:21 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:21 [error] 21:39:21 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:21 [error] 21:39:21 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:21 [info] 21:39:21 +2 [base] Controller deactivated:
19:39:21 [info] 21:39:21 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate start
19:39:21 [info] 21:39:21 +2 [base] Controller activated: HangarController
19:39:21 [info] 21:39:21 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 1 end, duration
1 ms
19:39:21 [info] 21:39:21 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 2 end, duration
1 ms
19:39:21 [info] 21:39:21 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 3 end, duration
0 ms
19:39:21 [info] 21:39:21 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 4 end, duration
2 ms
19:39:21 [info] 21:39:21 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 5 end, duration
0 ms
19:39:21 [info] 21:39:21 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate end, duration 13 ms
19:39:21 [info] 21:39:21 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed:
19:39:21 [info] 21:39:21 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate start
19:39:21 [info] 21:39:21 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: HangarController
19:39:21 [info] 21:39:21 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate end, duration 32 ms
19:39:21 [info] 21:39:21 +2 [base] Controller activated: SinglePrmpOfferController
19:39:21 [info] 21:39:21 +2 [tutorial] Lesson destroyed:
19:39:22 [info] 21:39:22 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 4009792299.png:0
19:39:22 [error] 21:39:22 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:22 [error] 21:39:22 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:22 [error] 21:39:22 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:22 [error] 21:39:22 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:22 [error] 21:39:22 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:22 [error] 21:39:22 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:22 [error] 21:39:22 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:22 [error] 21:39:22 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:22 [info] 21:39:22 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1714970579.png:0
19:39:22 [info] 21:39:22 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2434623440.webp:0
19:39:22 [info] 21:39:22 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2595502461.webp:0
19:39:23 [info] 21:39:23 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: ON_CLICK_BUTTON ,
control: IconButton -> event: CLOSE_OFFER , control: CloseButton
19:39:23 [info] OffersRequester::SendExternalOfferResult prmp_postpone
19:39:23 [info] 21:39:23 +2 [base] Controller deactivated:
19:39:23 [info] 21:39:23 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate start
19:39:23 [info] 21:39:23 +2 [base] Controller activated: HangarController
19:39:23 [info] 21:39:23 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 1 end, duration
2 ms
19:39:23 [info] 21:39:23 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 2 end, duration
0 ms
19:39:23 [info] 21:39:23 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 3 end, duration
0 ms
19:39:23 [info] 21:39:23 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 4 end, duration
1 ms
19:39:23 [info] 21:39:23 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 5 end, duration
1 ms
19:39:23 [info] 21:39:23 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate end, duration 8 ms
19:39:23 [info] 21:39:23 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed:
19:39:24 [info] 21:39:24 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2342161372.png:0
19:39:24 [info] 21:39:24 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate start
19:39:24 [info] 21:39:24 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: HangarController
19:39:24 [info] 21:39:24 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate end, duration 21 ms
19:39:24 [info] 21:39:24 +2 [base] Controller activated: SinglePrmpOfferController
19:39:24 [info] 21:39:24 +2 [tutorial] Lesson destroyed:
19:39:24 [info] 21:39:24 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3829504249.png:0
19:39:24 [error] 21:39:24 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:24 [error] 21:39:24 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:24 [error] 21:39:24 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:24 [error] 21:39:24 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:24 [error] 21:39:24 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:24 [error] 21:39:24 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:24 [error] 21:39:24 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:24 [error] 21:39:24 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:24 [info] 21:39:24 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 914284382.png:0
19:39:24 [info] 21:39:24 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 875166292.webp:0
19:39:25 [info] 21:39:25 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: ON_CLICK_BUTTON ,
control: IconButton -> event: CLOSE_OFFER , control: CloseButton
19:39:25 [info] OffersRequester::SendExternalOfferResult prmp_reject
19:39:25 [info] 21:39:25 +2 [base] Controller deactivated:
19:39:25 [info] 21:39:25 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate start
19:39:25 [info] 21:39:25 +2 [base] Controller activated: HangarController
19:39:25 [info] 21:39:25 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 1 end, duration
2 ms
19:39:25 [info] 21:39:25 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 2 end, duration
0 ms
19:39:25 [info] 21:39:25 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 3 end, duration
1 ms
19:39:25 [info] 21:39:25 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 4 end, duration
1 ms
19:39:25 [info] 21:39:25 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 5 end, duration
0 ms
19:39:25 [info] 21:39:25 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate end, duration 8 ms
19:39:25 [info] 21:39:25 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed:
19:39:25 [info] 21:39:25 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate start
19:39:25 [info] 21:39:25 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: HangarController
19:39:25 [info] 21:39:25 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate end, duration 22 ms
19:39:25 [info] 21:39:25 +2 [base] Controller activated: SinglePrmpOfferController
19:39:25 [info] 21:39:25 +2 [tutorial] Lesson destroyed:
19:39:25 [info] 21:39:25 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2506782546.webp:0
19:39:25 [info] 21:39:25 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3326982105.webp:0
19:39:25 [info] 21:39:25 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3080367024.webp:0
19:39:29 [error] 21:39:29 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:29 [error] 21:39:29 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:29 [error] 21:39:29 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:29 [error] 21:39:29 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:29 [error] 21:39:29 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:29 [error] 21:39:29 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:29 [error] 21:39:29 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:29 [error] 21:39:29 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:29 [info] 21:39:29 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 931493923.png:0
19:39:30 [info] OffersRequester::SendExternalOfferResult prmp_postpone
19:39:30 [info] 21:39:30 +2 [base] Controller deactivated:
19:39:30 [info] 21:39:30 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate start
19:39:30 [info] 21:39:30 +2 [base] Controller activated: HangarController
19:39:30 [info] 21:39:30 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 1 end, duration
2 ms
19:39:30 [info] 21:39:30 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 2 end, duration
0 ms
19:39:30 [info] 21:39:30 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 3 end, duration
1 ms
19:39:30 [info] 21:39:30 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 4 end, duration
1 ms
19:39:30 [info] 21:39:30 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 5 end, duration
1 ms
19:39:30 [info] 21:39:30 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate end, duration 9 ms
19:39:31 [info] 21:39:31 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed:
19:39:31 [info] 21:39:31 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1444874396.webp:0
19:39:31 [info] 21:39:31 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate start
19:39:31 [info] 21:39:31 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: HangarController
19:39:31 [info] 21:39:31 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate end, duration 24 ms
19:39:31 [info] 21:39:31 +2 [base] Controller activated: SinglePrmpOfferController
19:39:31 [info] 21:39:31 +2 [tutorial] Lesson destroyed:
19:39:31 [info] 21:39:31 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 375222585.webp:0
19:39:31 [info] 21:39:31 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1785184278.webp:0
19:39:31 [info] OffersRequester::SendExternalOfferResult prmp_reject
19:39:31 [info] 21:39:31 +2 [base] Controller deactivated:
19:39:31 [info] 21:39:31 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate start
19:39:31 [info] 21:39:31 +2 [base] Controller activated: HangarController
19:39:31 [info] 21:39:31 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 1 end, duration
2 ms
19:39:31 [info] 21:39:31 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 2 end, duration
1 ms
19:39:31 [info] 21:39:31 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 3 end, duration
0 ms
19:39:31 [info] 21:39:31 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 4 end, duration
2 ms
19:39:31 [info] 21:39:31 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 5 end, duration
0 ms
19:39:31 [info] 21:39:31 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate end, duration 9 ms
19:39:31 [info] 21:39:31 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed:
19:39:31 [info] 21:39:31 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate start
19:39:31 [info] 21:39:31 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: HangarController
19:39:31 [info] 21:39:31 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate end, duration 22 ms
19:39:31 [info] 21:39:31 +2 [base] Controller activated: SinglePrmpOfferController
19:39:31 [info] 21:39:31 +2 [tutorial] Lesson destroyed:
19:39:31 [info] 21:39:31 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2506782546.webp:0
19:39:31 [error] 21:39:31 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:31 [error] 21:39:31 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:31 [error] 21:39:31 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:31 [error] 21:39:31 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:31 [error] 21:39:31 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:31 [error] 21:39:31 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:31 [error] 21:39:31 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:31 [error] 21:39:31 +2 [ui] Style sheet can not find component
UITextComponent in control BodyBold
19:39:31 [info] 21:39:31 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1415235617.webp:0
19:39:31 [info] 21:39:31 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2018502504.webp:0
19:39:32 [info] OffersRequester::SendExternalOfferResult prmp_postpone
19:39:32 [info] 21:39:32 +2 [base] Controller deactivated:
19:39:32 [info] 21:39:32 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate start
19:39:32 [info] 21:39:32 +2 [base] Controller activated: HangarController
19:39:32 [info] 21:39:32 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 1 end, duration
2 ms
19:39:32 [info] 21:39:32 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 2 end, duration
1 ms
19:39:32 [info] 21:39:32 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 3 end, duration
1 ms
19:39:32 [info] 21:39:32 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 4 end, duration
1 ms
19:39:32 [info] 21:39:32 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 5 end, duration
1 ms
19:39:32 [info] 21:39:32 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate end, duration 11 ms
19:39:32 [info] 21:39:32 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed:
19:39:33 [info] 21:39:33 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3288889188.webp:0
19:39:33 [info] 21:39:33 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate start
19:39:33 [info] 21:39:33 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: HangarController
19:39:33 [info] 21:39:33 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate end, duration 22 ms
19:39:33 [info] 21:39:33 +2 [base] Controller activated: SinglePrmpOfferController
19:39:33 [info] 21:39:33 +2 [tutorial] Lesson destroyed:
19:39:33 [info] 21:39:33 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1644203884.png:0
19:39:33 [info] 21:39:33 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 864018286.png:0
19:39:36 [info] 21:39:36 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: ON_CLICK_BUTTON ,
control: IconButton -> event: CLOSE_OFFER , control: CloseButton
19:39:36 [info] OffersRequester::SendExternalOfferResult prmp_postpone
19:39:36 [info] 21:39:36 +2 [base] Controller deactivated:
19:39:36 [info] 21:39:36 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate start
19:39:36 [info] 21:39:36 +2 [base] Controller activated: HangarController
19:39:36 [info] 21:39:36 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 1 end, duration
2 ms
19:39:36 [info] 21:39:36 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 2 end, duration
0 ms
19:39:36 [info] 21:39:36 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 3 end, duration
1 ms
19:39:36 [info] 21:39:36 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 4 end, duration
1 ms
19:39:36 [info] 21:39:36 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 5 end, duration
1 ms
19:39:36 [info] 21:39:36 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate end, duration 9 ms
19:39:36 [info] 21:39:36 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed:
19:39:36 [info] 21:39:36 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3195847742.webp:0
19:39:36 [info] 21:39:36 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3739028321.png:0
19:39:36 [info] 21:39:36 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
STOP_FULL_PIGGY_EFFECTS , control: Promotion0 -> event: StopFullPiggyEffects ,
control: PromotionsMedium
19:39:36 [info] 21:39:36 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
FILTER_ANIMATION_FINISHED , control: TanksPanel -> event:
FILTER_ANIMATION_FINISHED , control: TanksPanelHolder
19:39:36 [info] 21:39:36 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
STOP_FULL_PIGGY_EFFECTS , control: Promotion0 -> event: StopFullPiggyEffects ,
control: PromotionsMedium
19:39:36 [info] 21:39:36 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1708051444.webp:0
19:39:36 [info] 21:39:36 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX ,
control: TankCell:germany:PzIV -> event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX_LOCAL , control:
19:39:36 [info] 21:39:36 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1146026921.webp:0
19:39:37 [info] 21:39:37 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 3471721088.webp:0
19:39:37 [info] 21:39:37 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 1935919509.webp:0
19:39:37 [info] 21:39:37 +2 [engine] Resize canvas Texture 2334139276.png:0
19:39:37 [info] 21:39:37 +2 [dlc_engine] before downloadThread->Join() in
[ Deinitialize ]
19:39:41 [info] 21:39:41 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: SETTINGS_PRESSED ,
control: SideBar -> event: SETTINGS_PRESSED , control: SideBar
19:39:41 [info] 21:39:41 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate start
19:39:41 [info] 21:39:41 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: HangarController
19:39:41 [info] 21:39:41 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate end, duration 34 ms
19:39:41 [info] 21:39:41 +2 [tutorial] Lesson destroyed:
19:39:41 [info] 21:39:41 +2 [base] Controller activated: PlayerOptionsController
19:39:45 [info] 21:39:45 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: PlayerOptionsController
19:39:45 [info] 21:39:45 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate start
19:39:45 [info] 21:39:45 +2 [base] Controller activated: HangarController
19:39:45 [info] 21:39:45 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 1 end, duration
2 ms
19:39:45 [info] 21:39:45 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 2 end, duration
0 ms
19:39:45 [info] 21:39:45 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 3 end, duration
1 ms
19:39:45 [info] 21:39:45 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 4 end, duration
1 ms
19:39:45 [info] 21:39:45 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate phase 5 end, duration
1 ms
19:39:45 [info] 21:39:45 +2 [base] HangarController::Activate end, duration 8 ms
19:39:45 [info] 21:39:45 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed:
19:39:45 [info] 21:39:45 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
STOP_FULL_PIGGY_EFFECTS , control: Promotion0 -> event: StopFullPiggyEffects ,
control: PromotionsMedium
19:39:45 [info] 21:39:45 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
FILTER_ANIMATION_FINISHED , control: TanksPanel -> event:
FILTER_ANIMATION_FINISHED , control: TanksPanelHolder
19:39:45 [info] 21:39:45 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
STOP_FULL_PIGGY_EFFECTS , control: Promotion0 -> event: StopFullPiggyEffects ,
control: PromotionsMedium
19:39:45 [info] 21:39:45 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX ,
control: TankCell:germany:PzIV -> event: INIT_STARTED_INDEX_LOCAL , control:
19:39:50 [info] 21:39:50 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
STOP_FULL_PIGGY_EFFECTS , control: Promotion1 -> event: StopFullPiggyEffects ,
control: PromotionsMedium
19:39:55 [info] 21:39:55 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
STOP_FULL_PIGGY_EFFECTS , control: Promotion2 -> event: StopFullPiggyEffects ,
control: PromotionsMedium
19:40:00 [info] 21:40:00 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
STOP_FULL_PIGGY_EFFECTS , control: Promotion3 -> event: StopFullPiggyEffects ,
control: PromotionsMedium
19:40:05 [info] 21:40:05 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
STOP_FULL_PIGGY_EFFECTS , control: Promotion4 -> event: StopFullPiggyEffects ,
control: PromotionsMedium
19:40:10 [info] 21:40:10 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
STOP_FULL_PIGGY_EFFECTS , control: Promotion5 -> event: StopFullPiggyEffects ,
control: PromotionsMedium
19:40:15 [info] 21:40:15 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
STOP_FULL_PIGGY_EFFECTS , control: Promotion0 -> event: StopFullPiggyEffects ,
control: PromotionsMedium
19:40:20 [info] 21:40:20 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
STOP_FULL_PIGGY_EFFECTS , control: Promotion1 -> event: StopFullPiggyEffects ,
control: PromotionsMedium
19:40:25 [info] 21:40:25 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
STOP_FULL_PIGGY_EFFECTS , control: Promotion2 -> event: StopFullPiggyEffects ,
control: PromotionsMedium
19:40:30 [info] 21:40:30 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
STOP_FULL_PIGGY_EFFECTS , control: Promotion3 -> event: StopFullPiggyEffects ,
control: PromotionsMedium
19:40:36 [info] 21:40:36 +2 [ui] UIDataParams redirect event:
STOP_FULL_PIGGY_EFFECTS , control: Promotion4 -> event: StopFullPiggyEffects ,
control: PromotionsMedium
07:00:36 [error] 09:00:36 +2 [BW] E PacketSender::basicSendSingleTry(
): Packet to Could not send: Network is unreachable (51)
07:00:36 [info] AccountGameLogic::onBecomeNonPlayer() 6671
07:00:37 [info] 09:00:37 +2 [tutorial] Lesson destroyed:
07:00:37 [info] 09:00:37 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate start
07:00:37 [info] 09:00:37 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: HangarController
07:00:37 [info] 09:00:37 +2 [base] HangarController::Deactivate end, duration 48 ms
07:00:37 [info] 09:00:37 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::SetRequestsProvider
07:00:37 [info] 09:00:37 +2 [prebattle] SquadController::~SquadController
07:00:37 [info] 09:00:37 +2 [base] LobbyBaseController destroyed: HangarController
07:00:37 [info] 09:00:37 +2 [clan] ClanInfoManager::Destructor
07:00:37 [info] 09:00:37 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::SetClientPrebattle
07:00:37 [info] 09:00:37 +2 [prebattle] RemoveEvent
07:00:37 [warning] 09:00:37 +2 [net] ConnectionManager::onLoggedOff reason: 3
07:00:37 [info] 09:00:37 +2 [chat] WGXmppClientPrivate::disconnect
07:00:37 [error] 09:00:37 +2 [chat] XMPP disconnected by user request
07:00:37 [info] 09:00:37 +2 [chat] XChatInstance::ReleaseGlooxResources
07:00:37 [info] 09:00:37 +2 [chat] XmppConnector::Disconnect
07:00:37 [info] 09:00:37 +2 [base] Controller deactivated: SessionController
07:00:38 [info] 09:00:38 +2 [chat] XChatInstance::ReleaseGlooxResources
07:00:38 [info] 09:00:38 +2 [chat] WGXmppClientPrivate::disconnect
07:00:38 [info] 09:00:38 +2 [chat] WGXmppClientPrivate::disconnect
07:00:38 [warning] 09:00:38 +2 [net] AppController::StartPrelogin
needProcessDisconnect: 0 savedDisconnectReason: 0 discReason: 3
07:00:39 [info] 09:00:39 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002ed42e8, wasCancelled = 1
07:00:39 [info] 09:00:39 +2 [base] LoginManager::TryNormalAutoLogin request to show
connecting screen (useAutoLogin)
07:00:39 [info] 09:00:39 +2 [base] ScreensFlow::RequestToShowScreen GarageScreen:42
-> ConnectingScreen:666 6673
07:00:39 [info] 09:00:39 +2 [base] LoginManager::Login request to show connecting
07:00:39 [info] 09:00:39 +2 [render] Material group quality: Water = ULTRA_HIGH
07:00:39 [info] 09:00:39 +2 [render] Draw Water Reflection / Refraction: 1 / 1
07:00:39 [info] 09:00:39 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static object = MEDIUM
07:00:39 [info] 09:00:39 +2 [render] Material group quality: Landscape = HIGH
07:00:39 [info] 09:00:39 +2 [render] Material group quality: Spherical Harmonics =
07:00:39 [info] 09:00:39 +2 [render] Material group quality: Decoration Objects =
07:00:39 [info] 09:00:39 +2 [render] Material group quality: Pbr = OFF
07:00:39 [info] 09:00:39 +2 [render] Material group quality: Reflections = HIGH
07:00:39 [info] 09:00:39 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static Decal = ON
07:00:39 [info] 09:00:39 +2 [render] Material group quality: Tank = ULTRA
07:00:39 [info] 09:00:39 +2 [render] Material group quality: Grass = HIGH
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [base] ScreensFlow::RequestToShowScreen
ConnectingScreen:666 -> PreLoginFlowScreen:666 6695
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [base] Controller activated:
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [smart_dlc]
SmartDlcInitializationController::StartInitialization - dynamicContentVersion: 1
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [smart_dlc]
SmartDlcInitializationController::StartInitialization: loaded
previouslySavedPath: /Users/maison/Documents/packs/
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [smart_dlc]
SmartDlcInitializationController::StartInitialization: Set current storage path
from prev
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [smart_dlc]
Dlc::Storage::SaveSmartDlcStoragePathToOptions() path to packs folder:
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDlcDynamicContentInitializer:
Initialization started
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [smart_dlc] Setup : use new CDN selection algorithm: 1
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [smart_dlc]
SmartDlcDynamicContentInitializer:RequestDynamicResourcesYaml http://dl-wotblitz-
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Reset request = 0x600002ed6a48
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [smart_dlc]
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Reset request = 0x600002ed6b38
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [net] [AsyncRequester::ObtainFirstSuccessfulResponse]
Starting request:
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [net] [AsyncRequester::ObtainFirstSuccessfulResponse]
Starting request:
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002ed6a48,
thread = 123145322283008
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002ed6b38,
thread = 123145320673280
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [render] Material group quality: Water = ULTRA_HIGH
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [render] Draw Water Reflection / Refraction: 1 / 1
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static object = MEDIUM
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [render] Material group quality: Landscape = HIGH
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [render] Material group quality: Spherical Harmonics =
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [render] Material group quality: Decoration Objects =
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [render] Material group quality: Pbr = OFF
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [render] Material group quality: Reflections = HIGH
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static Decal = ON
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [render] Material group quality: Tank = ULTRA
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [render] Material group quality: Grass = HIGH
07:00:40 [info] PreLoginFlowScreen::LoadResources begin
07:00:40 [error] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] Curl error: Couldn't resolve host name. request
= 0x600002ed6b38
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] url =
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002ed6b38, wasCancelled = 0
07:00:40 [error] 09:00:40 +2 [engine] [ConvertedFileSpriteDataLoader] File
"~res:/Gfx/Lobby/icons/icon_age-rating_m" not found
07:00:40 [error] 09:00:40 +2 [engine] [AutoSpriteDataLoaderWrapper] Failed to
initialize sprite "~res:/Gfx/Lobby/icons/icon_age-rating_m". Pink placeholder is
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002ed6b38, wasCancelled = 0
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [net] [AsyncRequester::OnRequestFinished] Request
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [net] [AsyncRequester::OnFirstSuccessfullRequestSync]
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002ed6a48, wasCancelled = 0
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002ed6a48, wasCancelled = 0
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [net] [AsyncRequester::OnRequestFinished] Request
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [smart_dlc]
[SmartDlcDynamicContentInitializer:OnSuccessfullResponse] Succsessfull response
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [smart_dlc]
SmartDLCUtils::GetContentForCorrectTexturePackFromNode: found pack url
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [smart_dlc]
SmartDLCUtils::GetLocalizationsContentFromNode: found dir name
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDlcPinger:TestCdnDownloadTime url:
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Reset request = 0x600002ebc3d8
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDlcPinger:TestCdnDownloadTime url:
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002ebc3d8,
thread = 123145321746432
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Reset request = 0x600002ebc108
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [net] [AsyncRequester::OnFirstSuccessfullRequestSync]
Successfull request:
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002ebc108,
thread = 123145321209856
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [net] [AsyncRequester::CancelRequests] Canceling
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Cancel request = 0x600002ed6a48
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Cancel request = 0x600002ed6b38
07:00:40 [error] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] Curl error: Couldn't resolve host name. request
= 0x600002ebc108
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] url =
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002ebc108, wasCancelled = 0
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002ebc108, wasCancelled = 0
07:00:40 [error] 09:00:40 +2 [analytics] CloudAnalyticsEventsPbV2.SessionDataGroup
is empty, but we are trying to set data for event.
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDlcPinger:TestCdnDownloadTime url:
Response status: 0
Last CUrl result: 6
Time spent on request: 31 ms
Active test requests count: 1
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002eb8b58,
thread = 123145318526976
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002ebc3d8, wasCancelled = 0
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002ebc3d8, wasCancelled = 0
07:00:40 [error] 09:00:40 +2 [analytics] CloudAnalyticsEventsPbV2.SessionDataGroup
is empty, but we are trying to set data for event.
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDlcPinger:TestCdnDownloadTime url:
Response status: 200
Last CUrl result: 0
Time spent on request: 65 ms
Active test requests count: 0
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002ed6778,
thread = 123145319600128
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [smart_dlc] ChooseBestCdn Tested CDN urls = [http://dl-,]
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDlcCdnSelector Amount of CDNs = 2
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [smart_dlc] SetCdnAvailability Mark CDN # 0 as
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [smart_dlc] SetCdnAvailability Mark CDN # 1 as
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [smart_dlc] AddFactor Adding new set of factors =
[15.3846, 32.2581] , maxValue = 30 , factorCoeff = 1
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [smart_dlc] AddFactor factor value is clamped: 32.2581
-> 30
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [smart_dlc] AddFactor Adding new set of factors = [1,
5] , maxValue = 10 , factorCoeff = -2
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [smart_dlc] GetBestCdnIndex CDN # 0 output = (15.38 *
1.00 / 30.00) + (1.00 * -2.00 / 10.00) = 0.31282
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [smart_dlc] GetBestCdnIndex CDN # 1 is unavailable,
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [smart_dlc] GetBestCdnIndex CDN # 0 is the best
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [smart_dlc] OnCdnTestFinished : Cdn test successful
finished. CDN Url:
Time spent on request: 65
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [smart_dlc]
SmartDlcInitializationController::InititalizeSmartDlc: smartdlc superPackUrl = ,
result.lastUrl = ,
result.superPackUrl = ,
result.localizationsUrl =
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [dlc_engine] UnsafeDelete removedCount: 34348
07:00:40 [info] delete dlc info from ResourcesDB took [9]ms
07:00:40 [info] [ClearResources] before downloader.reset()
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [dlc_engine] before downloadThread->Join() in
[ Deinitialize ]
07:00:40 [info] [ClearResources] after downloader.reset()
07:00:40 [error] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] Curl error: Couldn't resolve host name. request
= 0x600002ed6778
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] url =
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002ed6778, wasCancelled = 0
07:00:40 [error] 09:00:40 +2 [analytics] CloudAnalyticsEventsPbV2.SessionDataGroup
is empty, but we are trying to set data for event.
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002eb8e28,
thread = 123145320673280
07:00:40 [info] DLCManager(0) log file:
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [dlc_engine] Store dvpl cache: 0
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002ea1008,
thread = 123145322283008
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002ed6778, wasCancelled = 0
07:00:40 [error] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] Curl error: Couldn't resolve host name. request
= 0x600002eb8e28
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] url =
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002eb8e28, wasCancelled = 0
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002eb8e28, wasCancelled = 0
07:00:40 [error] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] Curl error: Couldn't resolve host name. request
= 0x600002ea1008
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] url =
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002ea1008, wasCancelled = 0
07:00:40 [error] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] Curl error: Couldn't resolve host name. request
= 0x600002eb8b58
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] url =
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002eb8b58, wasCancelled = 0
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002ea1008, wasCancelled = 0
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002eb8b58, wasCancelled = 0
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [dlc_engine] Finish scan files for: 0.189 sec, total
files: 32058
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [dlc_engine] Scan summary: local files - 32058 , ready
files - 34348 , bad files - 0
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDLC::OnPackManagerInitialized
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDLC: Initialization finished.
resources version: 3848231575 call listeners : 1
07:00:40 [info] 09:00:40 +2 [smart_dlc] Using DLCManager version: FirstGen
07:00:41 [error] 09:00:41 +2 [analytics] CloudAnalyticsEventsPbV2.SessionDataGroup
is empty, but we are trying to set data for event.
07:00:41 [info] 09:00:41 +2 [smart_dlc] SmartDlcInitializationController:
referenced dvpd files [ dc_10.3.0_1_3636027_dx11.dvpd ]
07:00:41 [info] 09:00:41 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002eb8b58,
thread = 123145321209856
07:00:41 [info] 09:00:41 +2 [base] AppController::OnSmartDlcInitialized request to
show connecting screen
07:00:41 [info] 09:00:41 +2 [base] ScreensFlow::RequestToShowScreen
PreLoginFlowScreen:666 -> ConnectingScreen:666 6719
07:00:41 [error] 09:00:41 +2 [curl] Curl error: Couldn't resolve host name. request
= 0x600002eb8b58
07:00:41 [info] 09:00:41 +2 [curl] url =
07:00:41 [info] 09:00:41 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002eb8b58, wasCancelled = 0
07:00:41 [info] merge dlc meta took [7]ms
07:00:41 [info] 09:00:41 +2 [render] Material group quality: Water = ULTRA_HIGH
07:00:41 [info] 09:00:41 +2 [render] Draw Water Reflection / Refraction: 1 / 1
07:00:41 [info] 09:00:41 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static object = MEDIUM
07:00:41 [info] 09:00:41 +2 [render] Material group quality: Landscape = HIGH
07:00:41 [info] 09:00:41 +2 [render] Material group quality: Spherical Harmonics =
07:00:41 [info] 09:00:41 +2 [render] Material group quality: Decoration Objects =
07:00:41 [info] 09:00:41 +2 [render] Material group quality: Pbr = OFF
07:00:41 [info] 09:00:41 +2 [render] Material group quality: Reflections = HIGH
07:00:41 [info] 09:00:41 +2 [render] Material group quality: Static Decal = ON
07:00:41 [info] 09:00:41 +2 [render] Material group quality: Tank = ULTRA
07:00:41 [info] 09:00:41 +2 [render] Material group quality: Grass = HIGH
07:00:41 [info] 09:00:41 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002eb8b58, wasCancelled = 0
07:00:41 [info] 09:00:41 +2 [base] [CamoDataProvider::ObtainDefaultCamoSort] load
file : /Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of
Tanks Blitz/World of Tanks
07:00:41 [info] 09:00:41 +2 [base] [CamoDataProvider::Initialize] load file :
/Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
Blitz/World of Tanks
07:00:41 [info] 09:00:41 +2 [base] [CamoDataProvider::ObtainDefaultCamoSort] load
file : /Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of
Tanks Blitz/World of Tanks
07:00:41 [info] 09:00:41 +2 [base] [DestructiblesCache::Init] load:
/Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
Blitz/World of Tanks
07:00:41 [info] 09:00:41 +2 [base] [Items::ReadItemType] load:
/Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
Blitz/World of Tanks
07:00:41 [info] 09:00:41 +2 [base] [Nations::Init] load:
/Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
Blitz/World of Tanks
07:00:41 [info] 09:00:41 +2 [base] [OptionalDevicesPresetsProvider::Load] load:
/Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
Blitz/World of Tanks
07:00:41 [info] 09:00:41 +2 [base] [MaterialKinds::Init] load:
/Users/maison/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/World of Tanks
Blitz/World of Tanks
07:00:41 [info] 09:00:41 +2 [base] SfxSystem::ReloadSoundBanks took 37 ms
07:00:42 [info] InitializeLocalizations device locale: fr, locale: fr, game locale:
fr, sound locale: fr,
07:00:43 [error] 09:00:43 +2 [curl] Curl error: Failure when receiving data from
the peer. request = 0x600002ef8978
07:00:43 [info] 09:00:43 +2 [curl] url =
07:00:43 [info] 09:00:43 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002ef8978, wasCancelled = 0
07:00:43 [info] 09:00:43 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002ef8978, wasCancelled = 0
07:00:44 [info] 09:00:44 +2 [net] Server:, Ip:, Avg ping: 45.0ms, Loss: 0.0%
07:00:44 [info] 09:00:44 +2 [net] Server:, Ip:, Avg ping: 45.0ms, Loss: 0.0%
07:00:44 [error] 09:00:44 +2 [curl] Curl error: Failure when receiving data from
the peer. request = 0x600002ef4108
07:00:44 [info] 09:00:44 +2 [curl] url =
07:00:44 [info] 09:00:44 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::StartInSeparateThread request =
0x600002ef4108, wasCancelled = 0
07:00:44 [info] 09:00:44 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::OnRequestComplete request =
0x600002ef4108, wasCancelled = 0
07:00:44 [info] 09:00:44 +2 [net] Server:, Ip:, Avg ping: 61.8ms, Loss: 0.0%
07:00:44 [info] 09:00:44 +2 [net] Server:, Ip:, Avg ping: 135.5ms, Loss: 0.0%
07:00:44 [warning] 09:00:44 +2 [net] ClusterHost::SelectAddress : name = EU_C0,
totalErrors = 0, positionInQueue = 0 - pingResult->address =
07:00:44 [warning] 09:00:44 +2 [net] ClusterHost::SelectAddress : name = EU_C2,
totalErrors = 0, positionInQueue = 0 - pingResult->address =
07:00:44 [warning] 09:00:44 +2 [net] ClusterHost::SelectAddress : name = EU_C3,
totalErrors = 0, positionInQueue = 0 - pingResult->address =
07:00:44 [warning] 09:00:44 +2 [net] ClusterHost::SelectAddress : name = EU_C4,
totalErrors = 0, positionInQueue = 0 - pingResult->address =
07:00:44 [warning] 09:00:44 +2 [BW] W ServerConnection::send(0): Time since last
send to server: 40944766ms
07:00:44 [info] 09:00:44 +2 [net] ConnectionManager::onLoggedOn message:
07:00:44 [info] 09:00:44 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002ea0798,
thread = 123145320673280
07:00:44 [info] 09:00:44 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002ea81f8,
thread = 123145322283008
07:00:44 [info] 09:00:44 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002ea82e8,
thread = 123145318526976
07:00:44 [info] 09:00:44 +2 [base] Controller deactivated:
07:00:44 [info] 09:00:44 +2 [net] [AsyncRequester::CancelRequests] Canceling
07:00:44 [info] 09:00:44 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Cancel request = 0x600002ed6a48
07:00:44 [info] 09:00:44 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Cancel request = 0x600002ed6b38
07:00:44 [info] 09:00:44 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Cancel request = 0x600002ebc108
07:00:44 [info] 09:00:44 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Cancel request = 0x600002ebc3d8
07:00:44 [info] 09:00:44 +2 [curl] UrlRequest::Start request = 0x600002ea0978,
thread = 123145321209856
07:00:44 [info] 09:00:44 +2 [base] Controller activated: SessionController
07:00:44 [info] 09:00:44 +2 [base] LocalizationHelper::LoadLocalizations Try load
localizations from
07:00:45 [info] 09:00:45 +2 [base] LocalizationHelper::ProcessFinishedRequest
finished with http status 304
07:00:45 [info] 09:00:45 +2 [base] LocalizationHelper::ProcessFinishedRequest Try
apply localizations from local data
07:00:45 [info] 09:00:45 +2 [base]
SLocalizationHelper::TryParseAndSetLocalizationFromData Localizations setup
07:00:45 [info] 09:00:45 +2 [base] SLocalizationHelper::TryLoadFromLocal
Localizations loaded from local file:
07:00:45 [info] 09:00:45 +2 [base] LocalizationHelper::LoadLocalizations Try load
localizations from
07:00:45 [info] 09:00:45 +2 [base] TestSystem: Server does not confirm group, but
test disabled. Clear cached data.
07:00:45 [info] 09:00:45 +2 [base] TestSystem: Could not clean test cached data.
Maybe files does not exists?
07:00:46 [info] AccountGameLogic::onBecomePlayer() 3998556 6857
07:00:46 [info] 09:00:46 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::SetClientPrebattle
07:00:46 [info] 09:00:46 +2 [prebattle] AddEvent
07:00:46 [info] 09:00:46 +2 [prebattle] PrebattleRequester::SetRequestsProvider 0x0
07:00:46 [info] 09:00:46 +2 [base] AccountSyncController::Activate request to show
connecting screen
07:00:46 [info] 09:00:46 +2 [base] Shop state is not synchronized 2
07:00:46 [info] 09:00:46 +2 [base] AppGraphicsOptionsMigrationManager::Migrate
07:00:46 [info] 09:00:46 +2 [base] currentVersion = 14 , isFirstRun = 0 ,
MinVersion = 12 , MaxVersion = 14 , loadedFromFile = 1
07:00:46 [info] 09:00:46 +2 [base] Options do not need to be migrated (already max
migration version).
07:00:46 [info] 09:00:46 +2 [base] [GraphicsOptionsManager::LoadFromMap] Selected
user options:
Graphics options:
WaterQuality: High
ObjectsQuality: Medium
VehiclesQuality: High
EffectsQuality: High
LevelOfDetail: High
FogQuality: High
AnisotropicFiltering: Off
Antialiasing: Off
Camouflage: ForAll
GrassQuality: High
GrassInSniperMode: true
TankTreads: false
ShadowQuality: Medium
HitMarks: true
HDTextures: true
HalfResolutionV2: Dynamic
VSync: false
FPSLimit: 60
Fullscreen: true
ColorblindMode: false
TankSuspension: true

07:00:46 [info] 09:00:46 +2 [story] received server data for event:

07:00:46 [info] 09:00:46 +2 [story] received server data for event: bp_season_38
07:00:46 [info] 09:00:46 +2 [story] received server data for event: season_2
07:00:47 [error] 09:00:47 +2 [steam] Failed to set steam currency 0x7f9f240d6620
07:00:49 [info] 09:00:49 +2 [base] LocalizationHelper::ProcessFinishedRequest finished with http status 200
07:00:49 [info] 09:00:49 +2 [base] LocalizationHelper::ProcessFinishedRequest Try apply localizations from
remote data.
07:00:49 [info] 09:00:49 +2 [base]
SLocalizationHelper::TryParseAndSetLocalizationFromData Localizations setup
07:00:49 [info] 09:00:49 +2 [base] SLocalizationHelper::TryWriteDataToFile file
/Users/maison/Documents/DAVAProject/cache/localizations/fr.yaml saved.
07:00:49 [info] 09:00:49 +2 [base] SLocalizationHelper::TryWriteDataToFile file
/Users/maison/Documents/DAVAProject/cache/localizations/fr.yaml.etag saved.
07:00:49 [info] 09:00:49 +2 [base] SLocalizationHelper::TryLoadFromRemote
Localizations loaded from remote data.
07:00:50 [warning] 09:00:50 +2 [engine] Action User on object tv_1.sc2 is invalid.
07:00:50 [warning] 09:00:50 +2 [engine] Action User on object tv_2.sc2 is invalid.
07:00:50 [warning] 09:00:50 +2 [engine] Action User on object tv_3.sc2 is invalid.

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