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The Role Of Teacher As Facilitator

Diposting oleh Didik Apriyanto | 8:30 PM | 0 komentar In the context of education, the term facilitator more applied for the purposes of adult education (andragogi), especially in non-formal environmental education. However, in line with changes in the meaning of teaching a more emphasis on student activity, later in this term facilitator was adopted starting in the formal environmental education in schools, namely regarding the role of teachers at the time of conducting the interaction study. Senjaya Vienna (2008) mentioned that as a facilitator, a role the teacher provides services to facilitate students in learning activities. The role of the teacher as a facilitator to bring the consequences of changes in the pattern the teacher-student relationship, that is more "top-down" to the partnership. In a "top-down", teachers are often positioned as "supervisors" who tended to be authoritarian, full command, instruction style bureaucrats, even diviner, as that by YB Mangunwijaya (Sindhunata, 2001). Meanwhile, the students positioned more as a "subordinate" to be always docile to follow instructions and all the things desired by the teacher. Different pattern of relationships with "top-down", a partnership relationship between teachers with students, teachers act as assistants to learn the students with the learning of democratic atmosphere and fun. Therefore, so that teachers can perform the role as the facilitator should meet the teacher can learn the principles of education developed in partnership, that students will learn well if: 1. Students can take a full part in every learning activity 2. What is learned useful and practical (usable). 3. Students have the opportunity to fully utilize the knowledge and skills in enough time. 4. Learning and can be adjusted to consider the experience and resources previously thought students. 5. Terbina mutual understanding, both between students and teachers with students with students In addition, teachers should pay attention to the characteristics of students who will determine the success of student learning, including: 1. Each student has the potential to learn and experience the different. 2. Each student has a tendency to define themselves kehidupannnya. 3. Students give more attention to the things interesting to him and become kebutuhannnya. 4. If the requested rate capability themselves, will generally tend to rate lower than actual ability. 5. Students more like things that are concrete and practical. 6. Students prefer to receive advice from diceramahi. 7. Students preferred the reward (reward) of the sentence (punishment). In addition to fulfilling the principles of learning and attention to individual characteristics, the teacher can also observe the principle-the principle of learning as follows: 1. Partnership, students are not considered as a subordinate but treated as a partner working 2. Real experience, learning materials tailored to the experiences and situations in real life day-to-day students. 3. Togetherness, implemented through group learning and collaborative. 4. Participation, each student involved in the decision making process so that they feel responsible for the

implementation of the decision, while also responsible for any implementation of learning activities. 5. Keswadayaan, encourage the growth of self-reliance (self supporting) are optimal for any study of the implementation activities. 6. Benefits, learning materials tailored to the needs and can provide benefits to solve the problems faced by students at the time like now is akan datang. 7. Locality, learning materials packed in the most appropriate form of the potential and problems in the region (environmental) certain (locally specific), which may be different from one place to another place. On the other hand, Senjaya Vienna (2008) revealed that the teachers in order to be able to optimize their role as facilitators, the teachers need to understand the issues related to the utilization of various media and sources of learning. From this expression, it is clear that to establish himself as a facilitator, the teacher is absolutely necessary to provide learning resources and media that are suitable and varied in each learning activity, and does not make himself as the only source of learning for its students. Associated with attitudes and behaviors of teachers as facilitators, below are a few things to note for the teacher can be a facilitator of success: 1. Listen to and does not dominate. Because students are the main actors in the learning, the teacher as facilitator must provide opportunities so that students can be active. The efforts of the role of facilitator to the students can do little by little. 2. Be patient. Main aspects of the learning is done by the students themselves. If teachers see the patient less less smoothly ago took over the process, then this is the same as the teacher has students learn to seize the opportunity. 3. Respect and humility. Teachers appreciate the attempt to show interest in students with a genuine knowledge and experience on their 4. Want to learn. A teacher will not be able to work with students when he does not want to understand or learn about them. 5. Be equal. Teachers need to develop attitudes kesederajatan to be received as a friend or partner of the students by 6. Be friendly and melt. Relationships with students should be familiar in the atmosphere, relax, be from the heart to heart (interpersonal realtionship), so that students do not feel stiff and feel in touch with teachers. 7. No attempt menceramahi. Students have the experience, the establishment, and confidence apart. Therefore, teachers do not need to show themselves as people who all know each other but try to many experiences with the students, so that a rich understanding of both. 8. Authoritative. Although the learning process must take place in a familiar and relaxed, a facilitator should still be able to show seriousness in working with students, so students will still be menghargainya. 9. Impartial and not criticize. In the middle group of students often occurs in disagreement. In this case, the teacher tried to be neutral and try to facilitate communication between parties of different opinions, to seek agreement and way out. 10. Be open. Normally students will be more open if the trust has grown to the teachers concerned. Therefore, teachers should not also be reluctant to declare less to know when things feel, so that students understand that all people are always still need to learn 11. Be positive. Teacher invites students to mamahami the show itself with the potential there, not vice versa about the malignancy-keburukannya. Keep in mind, the biggest potential of each student is the will of human beings to change their own circumstances.

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