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The use of science teaching and learning resources is a skill that every teacher
must have in order to meet the needs of the teaching objectives and the needs of
the students. Resource modification allows resources to be diversified according
to student needs during teaching and learning activities.Modification of teaching
resources means adapting or readjusting the teaching materials by correcting all
the errors found in them, clarifying aspects that are less understandable, adding
aspects that are less emphasized and removing aspects that are not important
and that are not related(Poh, 1998).All this aims to make the resource more
perfect in nature and appropriate and coincide with the needs of the students and
the lessons that have been planned.

This topic will guide students about the purpose, principles, consideration
aspects of adapting selected sources,preparation and construction of resources
as well as evaluation of teaching and learning resources.

Presenting the results of the modification of selected resources for the teaching
and learning of elementary school science topics.


Figure 14. 1:Topic Framework 14


14.1 Purpose of Provision and Modification of Selected Resources

The provision of teaching and learning resources plays an important role in

developing students' interest and thinking to learn. Teachers should be creative
and innovative in preparing and modifying teaching and learning resources so
that the teaching and learning process can run smoothly and effectively to attract
students' interest. Modification of resources can optimize student potential through the
student's zone of proximal development (ZPP) and implement a support system through

The modification of teaching and learning resources to meet the needs of

the lesson objectives or according to the needs of the students tests the creativity
of the teacher in making modifications to the existing resources. Modification of
resources is needed to meet the content of the lesson and take into account the
cognitive level of the students and make the teaching and learning process
fresher and successfully attract the attention of the whole classroom. Such
conditions provide a creative and conducive classroom atmosphere to develop
students' creativity and trigger a positive mindset.

Teaching and learning resources are sometimes considered as teaching

media that can help teachers and enable students to gain knowledge and skills
and form good attitudes. The process of evaluating and selecting the materials
needed to fulfill this desire is not an easy task. This work involves the
modification of materials so that they fit the teaching objectives which should be
in line with the wishes and goals of the National Education Syllabus and
Objectives as a whole.

In order to provide appropriate materials in a teaching and learning situation, the

teacher must process the resource before it is used. Several steps can be used,
such as the process of selecting, processing, building, using and evaluating. This
process is an ongoing process and it should be done based on the criteria for
selecting sources that have been set.

14.2 Principles of Provision and Modification of Selected Resources


a) Resources must be related to the goals and objectives of teaching and

learning. The selection of teaching resources should focus on the learning
objectives of the students. The objectives should be determined first, in line with
the overall purpose of the teaching strategy, and then the materials are
processed and selected so that they are appropriate and related to the
objectives. Teaching strategies or methods should determine the resources to be
used and not the other way around.

b) The resource must contain elements related to the Philosophy of Education.

The teaching and learning resources selected for modification must work more to
help students develop their potential compared to existing resources. This means
that the materials must contain intellectual elements (knowledge) and noble
values that are believed to create people who can act and think scientifically. The
selection of resources should aim at comprehensive and integrated education
and individual formation.

c) Use of resources. The modified teaching and learning resources must be

usable for class, group and individual teaching sessions. This is because
students should also be treated individually and as members of a group
depending on several factors, including the type of training given, the skills to be
mastered or the learning strategies used by the teacher.

d) Scientific skills. During the resource modification process, teachers should

think about the relationship between science process skills and manipulative
skills contained in scientific skills. Both must be emphasized equally in science
learning. Teaching resources should not only emphasize certain aspects and
their use but should also take into account the development of students.
However, it should be known that there is no one way of learning that is best and
usually students use different learning strategies, often changing strategies from
time to time.

14.3 Aspects to Consider in the Modification of Selected Resources

During the modification of selected teaching and learning resources, the following
points should be taken into consideration.

a) Inspiration and creativity


This aspect should be emphasized by the teacher so that the modified resource
encourages the creativity and creativity of the students. This means, from that
source, they can extend their views and opinions, get inspiration to create new
ideas and so on in achieving teaching and learning objectives according to the
students' cognitive level.

b) Make dialogue communicative

During the modification of the resource, this aspect is emphasized so that when
using the resource the students have the opportunity to interact with each other
and master the skills taught.

c) Make learning activities relevant and useful

The teaching resources must be adapted so that they are related to the learning
objectives and benefit the students when they can be mastered.

d) Give some practical examples

Resources that are able to be practical examples allow students to understand

aspects of learning well while also being able to work in meaningful contexts and

e) Fulfilling the needs of students both externally and psychologically

From an external point of view, the selected resource should be useful and able
to meet the students' learning needs. This means, the materials should be able to
help the students understand what is being taught. In terms of psychology, the
materials should be able to meet the needs of the students, especially in terms of
interests, mental abilities, age, tendencies and so on.

14.4 Preparation and Construction of Selected Teaching and Learning


The preparation and construction of teaching resources is done after the

teachers have been able to select and process materials that they think are
appropriate to be presented to their students. Actually there are many factors that
should be involved in the resource building process. Some factors to consider
during resource construction.


a) Durability

The tools and materials that are built or chosen must be suitable for the students
or groups of students that will be carried out so that the tools or materials can be
used for a long period of time or can be used for the students to study on their

b) Cost

Materials that are built or purchased must be in accordance with the financial
position of the school or class. However, teachers need to remember that the
effectiveness of teaching does not lie in how expensive or cheap the materials
used are, in fact their use will be more meaningful if the materials are built by the
students themselves. This method not only fosters students' creativity but can
also save used materials.

c) Technical aspects

The tools chosen should be suitable for classroom facilities, whether they can be
hung or attached to the wall or can be anchored or can be set up on a table or
the like.

d) Accuracy of Information

The selected source should be able to give or match accurate information to

students. The accuracy of the information is also taken into account in terms of
the use of color and size measurements. For example green for leaves, blue for
sky and others.

e) Portable

The teacher should also make sure whether the selected tool is used in another
room or not, or whether the tool will be distributed from one group to another.
Portable also means whether the material can be used for the whole lesson, or
only certain parts, or in certain situations.

f) Class Size/Management

The size of the class or the large or small group of students involved also needs
to be considered when the teacher chooses teaching and learning tools.
Materials that can be seen from a distance fit into larger groups. Here the teacher
should think about where and how the materials will be used, whether for general
lectures in the hall, or regular teaching in the classroom, or for group teaching, or
individual teaching.

g) Duration


Teachers also need to be aware of the duration of the teaching or activity that will
be carried out so that tools or materials can be used as much as possible. For
short teaching hours, tools or materials that are easy to handle should be used
so that there is no waste of time.

h) Learning Teaching Strategies

For the teaching strategy of science learning, the teacher should adapt the tools
or materials selected to the lesson objectives, the students' level of mastery of
the science process, manipulative skills and the students' experiences and
students' interests.

i) Standardization and Simplification

This process is done to enable teachers to create teaching materials that can
meet the needs of students. In this process, the materials are selected, modified
according to the students' abilities. Usually through a standardization process,
materials will be adjusted based on age and gender differences, regional
differences, educational and social differences and so on.

14.5P Evaluation of the Use of the Modification of Selected Teaching and

Learning Resources

Other aspects that need to be thought about is how the resource is presented to
the students. Are the resources only teachers using? How did the students react
to the resource? Is the material useful for all students? and is the mandate or
knowledge to be conveyed through the material clear, and as a whole can meet
the teaching objectives? To achieve a level of effective use of materials, some
questions must be answered by the teachers.

a) Can the teaching materials used meet the needs of the students' senses?


All teaching resources whether used by the teacher or used by the students must
have properties that can meet the needs of the students' senses. Resources
based on the needs of students will be more effective and beneficial.

b) How many of the materials are included in a teaching and learning situation.

All types of science teaching materials in various fields of knowledge cannot be

taught at once. Because our education system is based on stages of
development, the materials used must be selected, adapted and used according
to the time that has been determined at each stage. In this context, the material
is certainly influenced by the science syllabus at the level that has been applied.
In the case of teaching a certain material in a certain time, the materials provided
must be sufficient, neither less nor more than the time that has been set. The
teacher should ensure that in that short time, the materials provided should have
the qualities of educating, giving knowledge and skills and should be able to be
delivered in that time.

c) What are the forms or things to be taught?

This is also determined by the teaching and learning objectives contained in the
syllabus. In elementary school science teaching, the important things to be
taught are scientific skills that include science process skills and manipulative
skills. Therefore, the materials used must be arranged taking these things into
account. The use of materials should be able to emphasize these aspects in an
orderly and systematic way.

d) Can the resource be delivered in the best possible way?

The students' ability to absorb the knowledge presented usually depends on the
extent to which their teacher can convey the lesson to them. In this regard,
teachers should always think of the best ways that can be used to facilitate their
understanding. Teachers should ensure that the approach, methods and
techniques, activities and teaching aids used are appropriate to channel
knowledge from the source.

e) Is there a difference in terms of quantity and quality in the text.

If a teacher uses texts as teaching materials, the teacher should be aware that a
text is often constructed from various materials related to various disciplines. The
more the combination of disciplines, the wider the content, knowledge and
teaching and learning activities. For this reason, the materials contained in a text
guarantee the continuity of the content and the continuous expression of ideas.
Attention should be paid to presentation content, scientific skills, illustrations,


application of values and sensitivity, exercises and activities and so on so as not

to affect the teacher's teaching.

The teachers' consideration of the criteria for choosing teaching resources

has caused teachers to look at the resources from various angles with several
disciplines. However, the evaluation process should not be so mechanical that it
involves professional evaluation at every stage. By looking at teaching resources
from a variety of different perspectives, and specifying explicit evaluation criteria,
we hope to provide basic information, (professional judgment) and decision-
making in this important area.

Assessment can be effectively practiced, especially through checklists, and

teachers can make assessments based on the checklist. The items listed below
are suggestions that may help teachers get an overall picture of a teaching
material, evaluation can be made in general without referring to specific classes
or specific groups of students.

a) Briefly state the objectives of the teaching materials.

b) To what extent has the resource successfully achieved the stated objectives?

c) Pay attention to certain strengths.

d) Pay attention to certain weaknesses.

e) Are there things left behind?

f) For learning situations how are these materials not used?

g) For learning situations, how are these materials not suitable for use?

h) Compare the source with other sources that have been carefully evaluated.


i) Make a general conclusion.

If a teacher wants to evaluate teaching resources for a class in a specific

situation, the teacher should have a list of objectives to achieve. This will allow
the teacher to adjust and match the teaching objectives with the potential of the
resources. However, don't expect a perfect fit. Modified resources, created to
meet the needs of the object. No one resource is perfect for any one class,
especially at a particular developmental level. So, the teacher's next task is to
find resources that can almost meet and meet their needs and then be ready to
process and adapt those resources to meet their own needs.

Collect information

Find information about the need to modify teaching and learning resources in the
Elementary School Science Curriculum by title to meet learning objectives or
meet student needs.


Choose a topic from the Primary School Science Curriculum. Make modifications
to existing resources found in textbooks or exercise books to meet learning
objectives or according to student needs. The results of the modification must be
presented and the content of the presentation is as follows:

Source name:
Lesson title/subtitle:
Objectives to be achieved:
Student needs to be met:
Original source:
Original source modification rationale:
Modifications to be made:
Learning situations in which this resource is suitable for use:
Learning situations in which this resource is not suitable for use:
List of materials and quantities required (pictured):
Modification steps (pictured):
How to use resources:
How to care for resources:
Security measures:
Results (available):


Surf the Internet

Surf the internet to gather information about criteria that can be used for the
evaluation of science teaching and learning resources.


Poh, SH (1998). Science Pedagogy 4: Laboratory Management & Science

Resources. Kuala Lumpur: Kumpulan Budiman Sdn. Bhd.


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