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John grinned as he pored over the spellbook. Oh God--or, er, Satan?

--I can’t believe I’m

about to summon a succubus!

Cock hard in his pants, he raised the grimoire high and slammed it down hard on the lectern.
Taking his place, he flipped the book open and stood looking down at the ring of red runes
before him. Candles flickered as he found the appropriate page, licked his lips, and read the
instructions again in his head, just to be certain.

Circle… Check. Candles… Check. Sacrifice… Sacrifice?

He paused, his broad grin drooping into a frown. Oh, come on! Where was he supposed to
find a sacrifice at this time of night?

With a groan of frustration, he threw up his arms and paced in circles around the circle.
Come on, think! Think! There’s gotta be some shitty animal about you can snatch and stick a
knife in.

A dog barked in the alley outside.

With a scowl, he stomped to the window. “Hey! I’m trying to work here!” He tossed a boot,
and the dog retreated, yelping.

Sighing, John pulled back.

As he returned to the circle, however, he noticed something glimmering in the moonlight.

With a frown, he pinched it, tracing its length to its source…

In the corner of his apartment lay a spider web, and in its center, as you might expect: one

A big grin lit up John’s face.

Fetching his ceremonial broom, he jabbed the tip into the web till the unfortunate arachnid
took the hint and crawled onto it. Having done this, he carried it to the circle, where he shook
the broom till the spider fell off.

Then he squashed it with his boot.

Icky arachnid goop filled the center of the circle. Was it blood? He was pretty sure the
sacrifice needed to have blood. ...In retrospect, he wasn’t sure spiders had blood at all.

For several seconds, he simply stood there, wondering if he should go after something else.

In the end, he simply threw up his hands and shrugged. Eh, as if it’ll matter.

Retreating to his lectern, he found his place in the spellbook once more and, having
successfully ticked off every item on his mental checklist, started the incantation.
As the magic words spilled out of his lips, ringing in his ears as fireworks dazzle the eyes, a
sense of palpable darkness filled the room and made John feel chilly. Rubbing his hands for
warmth, he continued to incant.

The circle glowed. The candles flickered. A wolfish wind howled outside the window.

A pressure was building--John could feel it. Like a diver descending into the depths, he felt it
building and building, until at last--

He read the final word, and with a flash of scarlet light, the circle exploded.

John fell back, hacking and choking. Every candle had gone out, leaving only the moonlight
to illuminate the room. Catching his breath, he fumbled for a lighter and snapped it on with a
click. Its orange glare filled the room, casting wild shadows on the walls.

In the center of the circle and the smoke, something shifted and unfurled, stretching its limbs
with a series of sharp cracks. John’s eyes widened as he studied the shape’s silhouette: the
curves of its hips and the bump of its chest. His cock strained against his pants, struggling to
burst through them. His jaw dropped, drool seeping from his lips.

Heart pounding, he forced himself to his feet, and--

With a series of coughs and splutters, the thing in the circle swept aside the smoke like a
pair of stage curtains. “Urgh, what the hell’s with all this smoke? Urgh, and the smell--shit,
it's like someone died in here.” Its voice was noticeably masculine.

John stopped, frozen in shock.

Standing in the center of the circle was a slender, white-coated figure. White-coated and
white-furred--none of the creature’s skin was visible. As his eyes roamed up and down the
creature’s form, John realized that even the lump he’d taken for an award-winning bust was
really just a clump of this fur.

His cock deflated instantly.

Swiping away the last of the smoke, the creature stepped out of the circle and frowned,
fixing John with one white eye and one black. “What’s wrong with you, pal?” it asked. “You
look like you’ve seen an angel…” It grinned, one golden tooth glinting.

As John struggled to find the words to answer, the creature strolled about his apartment,
inspecting the decor. As he lay there and watched, heart pounding, it stroked a shelf with a
finger and tutted at how much dust it found.

“Jeez,” said the creature, turning back to him. “If you’re gonna summon someone you should
at least do a little spring cleaning.” It shrugged. “So, where’d you wanna do this, anyway? I
hope your bed ain’t as dirty as your living room.”

John blinked. “I--I was expecting a succubus...”

The creature gave him a big grin. “A succubus? Ohoh, well ain’t you lucky, pal. You ain’t
summoned no cheap skank, you’ve summoned the no. 1 porn star in all of Hell.” It held out a
hand for John to shake. “Name’s Angel Dust.”

For a second John simply sat there, looking up at the four-armed, white-furred,
crossdressing male standing over him. Scowling, he slapped the creature’s hand away. “I
wanted a succubus!” he said, forcing himself to his feet. “Not some freakish, four-armed

“Oh!” Angel Dust drew back, a hand on his chest in mock horror. “Wow, looks like you know
all the slurs, pal. Can’t say I haven’t heard that one before though. Say, have you got any
drugs? Heroin? Ecstasy? PCP? I’ll take anything, I’m not picky.” Even as John watched,
Angel rummaged through his fridge.

With a snarl, John snatched the book off the lectern and flipped through its pages in search
of the dismissal spell. “Begone, vile fiend! ....And get the fuck outta my fridge, you freak!”

Pulling his head out of the refrigerator, Angel gave John a frown. “Like hell I’m leaving right
away,” he said, slamming the door shut. “Do you know how often I get summoned? I gotta
seize the day and enjoy it, y’know?” His eyes settled on John’s grimoire. “Say, whatta ya got
there, big guy?”

Before John could react, Angel had crossed the room and snatched the grimoire out of his
hands. “H-hey!”

Ignoring him, Angel flipped through its pages. “Wow, this is a pretty fancy spellbook ya got
here,” he said, holding it by the cover. “Say, I got an idea: why don’t we cast some spells to
liven up this funeral parlor?”

John stopped jumping to stare at him in confusion. “Wh-what do you mean?”

Angel settled on a page.“Lemme show you.” With a grin, he read an incantation, and fire
filled John’s apartment.

John screamed as it surrounded him. “Oh God, put it out, put it out!”

“Relax,” said Angel, “it’s just for the, ah, ambiance, you know? I can’t do the deed without my
mood lighting.” With a chuckle, he flipped a page and read another word.

With a flicker of light, the tip of the demon’s finger started to glow. Taking it, he spread the
light on his lips as if it were chapstick, before turning on John and making a kissing motion.
“What do you think, big guy? Do you like me better with my make-up on?”

As Angel approached, lips puckered, John backed away, heart pounding in his chest.
“St-stay away from me, you crossdressing slut!”

“Oooh~.” Angel swooned. “Daddy.” With a grin, he snapped back upright and pounced.
John gasped as his back hit the floorboards, knocking all the air out of his lungs in an
instant. Angel knelt poised atop him, pinning him to the ground with his many spindly limbs.
“G-get offa me!”

“Aww, what’s wrong, daddy? Didn’t you want someone to suck ya off?”

Smirking, Angel stretched his two remaining arms and used them to unzip John’s fly. The
would-be summoner gasped as the creature’s gloves delved into his boxers and wrapped
around his cock, guiding it out of his pants and into the open air of the apartment. He

“Hmm,” said Angel, giving it a little stroke. “Well, it’s a little smaller than I’m used to. Eh, but
you gotta work with what you’ve got, am I right, pal?” He shrugged, and before John could
respond, Angel had his lips around his cock.

John gasped, scrambling at the floor, as the demon’s furry lips slid down the length of his
shaft, ticking it even as they coated it in saliva. Despite his horror and disgust, he could feel
himself tensing. By the time Angel pulled back, John was hard as a rock.

“Mmm~, not bad, not bad,” said Angel, licking up some of John’s precum. “A little musty, but
I’ve tasted worse. Now, let’s get that wrapper off you, candyman.” He winked.

Before John could react, Angel tore at his clothes, ripping them apart and tossing the scraps
aside in a series of swift motions. Soon, John lay utterly naked, shivering, despite the flame
coiling around him.

“Much better,” said Angel, throwing off his jacket. “Now, let’s get back to business, big boy.”

Running his fingers along the length of John’s shaft, tracing one of the many veins that ran
along its surface, Angel gave a grin and leaned back for more. Soon John could only squirm
as the demon’s lips descended his cock again. Oh God, why does it feel so good? He
struggled to pull free, but Angel’s arms held him tight.

With the skill of a professional, Angel’s sucking picked up speed. His lips worked up and
down John’s cock a little faster, while his tongue coiled around its length and tickled it. One
of his free hands (how many did he have?!) even cupped John’s balls, making him whimper
like a virgin on prom night. Oh God, why does it feel so good?!

As Angel pulled away to grin and catch his breath, John noticed something that made his
heart pound even faster: some of the glow that coated Angel’s lips had been left on his cock,
leaving his shaft looking thoroughly irradiated.

“Oh, hey, looks like it’s working,” said Angel, chuckling at the sight. “Hold on, hot stuff. I
promise you’ll enjoy this.”

John could only whimper.

Licking his lips, Angel went back in for more. As he slammed his mouth to the base of John’s
cock, the man gasped and bucked on the floor, struggling to pull free once more. Eyes
spasming in their sockets, he opened them to find the pink glow spreading from his cock and
over his groin. Like the sea lapping against the shore, it washed up his form and coated
everything, leaving him blinking in the face of the pink glare.

And then, just like that, it faded.

John blinked. “Wh-what?”

Angel winked and sucked him a little harder. John squeaked.

As the demon continued to fellate him, sending wave after wave of pleasure rolling through
his cock, John screwed up his eyes and threw his head back, moaning despite himself. Oh
God. As he struggled to catch his breath, he felt a tingling in his chest. At once, John’s eyes
snapped open in fright. What now?!

Where seconds ago he’d had a rough patch of wiry black hairs, he now had a cloud’s worth
of puffy white fluff, as if a whole herd of sheep had decided to fall asleep on his chest.

F-fur? John’s eyes shook in their sockets. What was he looking at? Why was he growing

Angel stopped sucking to chuckle at him. “Looks like it’s finally started. Buckle up, big boy.”

John turned to him in fright, but he couldn’t find the words to respond.

As Angel’s lips returned to John’s cock, the patch of fur growing on the amateur summoner’s
chest pulsed and doubled in size in an instant, covering his pecs in what would be a manly
carpet if not for the fact it was white, fluffy, and speckled with dots of pink. He squirmed as it
grew into a large clump of fluff--large enough to be mistaken for a bust if you saw it from the
right angle.

With another suck from Angel, the furry carpet spread a little wider. John stared in horror as
white hairs covered his shoulders and sprouted all along the lengths of his arms. In seconds,
half of his upper body was covered in the stuff.

What’s happening to me? What the fuck is happening to me?!

Angel Dust simply looked at him and smirked.

As the fur covered John’s fingers, he found his arms shrinking, shriveling, losing all of their
thickness. By this point, what was happening should have been obvious, but it wasn’t until
the sleek pink gloves appeared on his hands as if painted there that he actually realized the
truth of it.

“I-I’m turning into you?!”

Angel stopped sucking to look at him and smirk. “That’s right, pal. After all, two heads are
better than one, am I right?” With a laugh, he flicked the tip of John’s penis and went straight
back to sucking.

As the demon’s lips slipped down his cock again, John spasmed and released a pant of
ecstasy. Oh God! In the same instant, the fur spread up his neck and down his torso to his
stomach. As it reached his chin, his Adam’s apple bobbed beneath it, making the stuff rustle.

“Stop!” he cried, feeling hair growing on his cheeks. “Stop it!”

“Ah ah ah!” Angel wiggled a finger at him. “You have to say the safeword, remember? You
know, the one we totally agreed on beforehand?”

John could only splutter.

Lying there on the floorboards of his apartment, shaking and squirming, a demon’s lips
around his cock, John felt a tingling all over his face. Looking down, he saw his nose
shrinking till it was hidden beneath the fur. Opening his mouth to gasp, he saw his teeth
sharpening--one of them had even turned gold.

A lock of mottled white hair dropped in front of John’s eyes, and he screamed.

With a muffled chuckle, Angel carried on sucking him.

Slowly, slowly, the wave of white fur flowed down the length of John’s body. As it reached his
waist, he heard a terrible creaking from inside him, as if his ribcage were shifting to make
room for something new.

He could only watch, eyes wide in shock, as the first of his new limbs punched its ways
through his fur. It already had a glove, as if it had grown with one.

For several seconds, John simply stared. The feeling of having a third arm, of being able to
move it and flex it just like any other, was so strange it blocked his sheer horror for a second.
For several moments, he simply lay there and stared at it, clenching and unclenching his
new fingers experimentally.

All of a sudden, his ribs shuddered again… and a second new arm burst out of his side to
match his other one. Its furry length and slender fingers felt exactly as alien as the first’s.

As John struggled to process his new limbs, the fur continued to flow down his form. Passing
around his cock, it spread with speed down his thighs, and in seconds he had a pair of lithe
legs, furry white feet, and matching thigh-high boots to go with them.

Now, having dealt with the rest of his body, the transformation crept to his cock, still rock
hard in Angel’s mouth. As the demon sucked, John’s penis and balls paled. Unlike the rest of
his body, they didn’t develop fur--merely a nice tuft of pubic fluff. Instead, they turned white
all over (save his glans, which became a bright pink).
With this, the transformation appeared to be over. It took John a second to realize, he was
so occupied with the pleasure of Angel sucking on his member. “Stop!” he cried in Angel’s
own voice. “Stop!”

What Angel actually did was suck harder.

As the demon’s lips worked his shaft with ever-increasing speed, as the demon’s fingers
squeezed his furry balls, John felt a pressure forming in his groin, a pressure he’d felt a
hundred times before on lonely nights in his bunk, and which he knew instinctively he had no
chance of stopping. Red-faced, he moaned like a whore.

Angel Dust stopped for a second to grin, before diving back in for a final emphatic suck. As
his lights tightened on John’s cock and his hands on John’s balls, the former human threw
back his head--

--and with a scream, released everything in his balls.


As John collapsed, panting for breath, Angel sucked and sucked till his balls were finally
empty. Letting them drop, he pulled his lips up John’s cock, slurping up every stray drop of
cum before finally pulling free with a plop. He sat there for a second, swilling John’s issue
round his mouth, before swallowing with a tremendous gulp. “Not bad, not bad,” he said,
licking some off his lips. “Eh, I’ve had better though.” With a shrug, he leaned in and gave
John a kiss on the dick.

John whimpered.

“Aww, what’s wrong, handsome?” Angel laughed as he stood, stripping off his pants as well.
“Don’t you like being the prettiest mug in alla hell?”

John could only groan.

“Eh, whatever,” said Angel. “You win some, you lose some. Speaking of, I reckon this one’s a

Frowning, John looked up.

Angel stood with his back to him, naked save for the gloves on his hands. His asscheeks,
white and fat, filled John’s vision like the moon.

As John watched in confusion, the demon stroked his cheeks and squeezed them, letting the
furry fat spill between his fingers. Giving them a pat, he grabbed them tight and spread them,
pulling them apart to reveal the fat pink donut he had hiding between them.

John’s cock twitched. He released an airy moan.

“Oooh!” said Angel. “Well, would you look at that? Looks like someone’s come around to the
other side. You want my bussy, big boy? Well, why don’t you beg me for it? Go on~.”

John drew in a deep breath. He wanted to shout ‘Fuck you!’ but the sight of Angel’s
puckered asshole was making him so erect it hurt.

“Please,” he said at last.

“Aww, well ain’t that polite of you?” replied Angel. “As a reward, why don’t I do something
special for ya?” Snatching John’s grimoire off the ground, he spoke the same word of power
that John had heard before. Finger glowing, he proceeded to daub the glow of magic all over
his asshole.

John knew he should be afraid, but the sight of Angel’s anus was just too enticing to resist.
Screwing up his eyes, he bit his lip. “Do it!” he cried. “Please!”

“Well, hang on a sec, pretty boy. If I stick your cock up my ass right now it’s gonna hurt, ain’t
it? If you want me to ride you, why don’t you take that little tongue of yours and give my ass
some lubrication, know what I’m saying?”

At first, John didn’t. The idea of licking someone’s asshole was so foreign to him that he
couldn’t even process what he was being asked. Only as Angel spread his cheeks wider and
leaned over his shoulder, making a licking motion, did John realize what the demon wanted
him to do.

For a moment, John sat there frozen in indecision. He wanted to refuse… but his cock was
so hard, and his heart was pounding so bad.

At last, taking a deep breath, John crawled forward.

As Angel’s ass filled his sight, the former human’s eyes opened wide. He hesitated, just for a
second, wanting to gasp for breath at the sight of it. Its fat globes, its puckered anus… It
made him so hard it hurt.

“Go on~,” said Angel, looking back at him.

With a deep breath, John stuck out his tongue and delved deep into the depths of Angel’s
perfect cheeks.

“Oooh, daddy~.” As John’s tongue worked the rim of Angel’s anus, the spider-demon threw
back his head in a great moan.

As he lacquered the demon’s anus in saliva, a part of John wanted to throw up. Another part
of him, however, was in more pleasure than ever. It was this part of him that seized control,
made him lick even harder, even faster.

Gasping in delight, Angel Dust fell backward. John squealed as the demon’s fat ass
smashed into his face, forcing him back.
The next thing John knew, he lay flat on the ground again, and something heavy--soft and
heavy--was crushing his head into the floorboard. He tried to scream, but the lumps of furry
fat smothered his cry in his throat.

“Oof, what a relief,” said Angel. “Hope ya don’t mind if I put my feet up too.”

John felt something squeeze his cock.

With a squeal of fresh pleasure, the former human resumed licking with all the energy he
could muster. Sticking his tongue deep into Angel’s plump anus, he ran it round the rim as if
trying to clean it, leaving the fat ring coated in his own sticky saliva.

The fat cheeks on his face rippled as Angel cooed in delight.

Finally, after several minutes of this, John ran out of his breath. There was no more he could
do. As he let his tongue fall limp, the pressure crushing him lessened. Angel Dust rose,
looking back at him and smirking. “Much better,” he said, giving his dripping ass a poke.
“Now, shall we try the main course?”

John whimpered. “Please…”

“With pleasure, daddy~.” Twirling around, Angel gave a final grin, before dropping his ass
onto John’s waiting cock.

As his penis dived into the demon’s luscious boy hole, John threw back his head and
moaned in utter ecstasy. Angel’s anus was smooth as his lips and a thousand times tighter.
Its grip left John’s cock twitching madly, its whole length pulsing with sudden pleasure.

With exaggerated caution, Angel lowered himself till his anus struck the base of John’s cock
and his asscheeks squished against John’s groin, their swollen fat spilling over the sides of
his new doppelganger.

Looking down at him, Angel licked his lips and smirked at the sight of John’s expression.
“My, you’re a handsome fucker, ain’tcha?. Ready, pretty boy?”

John could only moan.

With a deep breath, Angel lifted himself. As John’s cock slid out of the spider-demon’s
asshole, the former human released a whimper of pleasure. Slowly, Angel rose, slowly,
slowly, till his ass hovered above the tip of John’s cock with the gravity of a guillotine’s blade.

Then it dropped.

As his cock slammed deep into Angel’s tight rectum, John threw back his head and released
a moan of utter ecstasy. Pleasure, hot as fire, roared through his form and brought tears to
his eyes. He gasped, panted, tongue lolling out of his mouth like a dog in heat.
So strong was the pleasure that he didn’t even notice what was happening to him.

As Angel lifted his ass and dropped it again, a second wave of burning ecstasy went rolling
over John’s form, threatening to drown his mind in delight. With it came a new sensation,
however: an intense sensation halfway between a tingling and a ringing. Passing up his
spine, it settled in his brain, shaking the shelves of his memories with the force of its energy.
He teared up, wanting to squeal.

Again, Angel raised his ass, and again Angel dropped. As his freckled cheeks slammed into
John’s torso, a hammer struck the former human’s brain like a gong, knocking everything out
of order. For a moment, he could only lie there panting, wondering who and where he was.
Who was he? What was he doing here? Oh god, and why did it feel so good?!

Once more, Angel lifted his body, high, higher, higher, till John’s cock only barely remained in
his rectum. For a second, he hovered there, smirking at the moans of pleasure coming from
his partner. Then, with a chuckle, he let himself fall once more.

The man’s scream filled the apartment.

Internally, his mind was coming apart, shaking itself to pieces like a poorly-built house in an
earthquake. Each drop of Angel’s ass was like a hammer striking his foundations, knocking
memories off their shelves and cracking mental windows. He gasped, panted, even drooled
a little, crushed beneath the utter, intense pleasure and the impossible sound of the ringing
in his skull.

“Who am I?” asked the man. The words spilled out of his lips without him even meaning to
speak. The second he heard them, however, he felt like a bottle uncorked. “Who am I?” he
repeated, aiming the question at the demon bouncing on cock. “Who am I?!”

Angel Dust smirked at him. “Why, ain’t it obvious?” he asked. “Why don’t you take a look at
yourself, pretty boy?” When the man only stared at him blankly, the demon reached into the
fur of his chest and withdrew a little mirror. Taking a second to adjust his own hair, he passed
it to the man squirming beneath him. “Enjoy~.”

Biting his lip, the man raised the mirror to his face. What he found was a face reflected twice:
once by the mirror in his hands, and once again by the demon on his cock.

A slow understanding filled the cracks and crannies of his brain. “Who--who are we?” he

Angel Dust smirked at him. “Do you even have to ask? Surely you recognize Hell’s no. 1
porn star?”

The man could only stare at him blankly.

Angel's smile drooped so fast it was almost audible. “Aww, come on,” he said. “Angel,
remember. Angel Dust!”
The man blinked. “Angel Dust?” Like a scrap of fabric, the name flitted into his mind and
settled neatly into the open spot in his thoughts. “Angel Dust,” he repeated, with a little more

“Yeah, that’s the name,” said Angel, dropping his ass again.

His double on the ground screamed.

Angel… Angel… Angel… Angel… As pleasure surged down his cock and up his spine,
setting off a fresh wave of fireworks in his brain, ‘Angel Dust’ repeated his own name, again
and again. Angel Dust. Angel Dust. Of course, that’s who he was. It was the only thing that
made sense.

Only, something felt wrong.

“N-no,” he said, struggling to speak through the sheer, mind-curdling pleasure. “W-wait…”

Angel rolled his eyes at him. “Urgh, you’re still resisting?” he asked. “Well, I guess it’s time
for the finale.”

And before ‘Angel’(?) could ask what that meant, his original raised himself, dropped again
with mind-splitting force, and as he sat there, cheeks spilling over his double’s sides, leaned
in close to kiss his partner on the lips.

“Mmmphf! ‘Angel’ squealed as a new kind of pleasure filled him. Less intense, yet equally
hot--more like lava than lightning--it flowed through his mouth to his brain and ignited it.
Moaning, he coiled his tongue around his double’s and kissed him as hard as he was able.

As the pair kissed, the last of ‘Angel’s willpower crumbled, and the house of his mind
collapsed as if it had been built out of cards.

What emerged in its place was far prettier, far more handsome. It was a stark white, Art
Nouveau, and decorated with pink neon lighting.

In the same instant, Angel’s ass slammed down again, and the spider-demon beneath him
threw back his head and came again.

Slowly, Angel Dust pulled back and stood, lifting his dripping asshole off the cock of the man
beneath him. Standing straight, he stretched and shivered in delight. God, that was a good
fuck. Cum dripped from between his asscheeks--the warmth of it made him feel all tingly.

Spreading his cheeks to let the worst of it drip out, Angel kicked aside the grimoire and
gathered up his clothes. He was putting his jacket on when the guy on the ground moaned.

“Ho-lee,” said Angel, sitting up and grinning, “Jeez, that’s a tight asshole. You do pilates or
Angel Dust chuckled. “Something like that. Say, your cock wasn’t half bad either,

The other Angel smirked back at him. “You don’t say. Why don’t you spare me the
compliments and wrap those fat lips of yours around it again?” He winked.

A grin split the real Angel’s face. “Wow, you’ve had a real attitude change, haven’t you?”

“Eh, what can I say?” replied his double. “I’ve had a taste of the good stuff.”

“Don’t let it go to your head,” said Angel, with a smirk. “Actually, speaking of the good stuff, I
think you owe me. I’ve had your cock in me twice--it’s time for you to return the favor.” With a
grin, he wrapped a hand around his shaft and stroked it back to fullness, holding it erect in
his doppelganger’s face.

“Mmm~,” said the other Angel, licking his lips at the sight. “I’m not the biggest fan of paying
my debts… but in this case I’ll make an exception.” Taking Angel’s cock in his hand, he
opened wide and wrapped his lips around its shaft.

Angel bit his lip, resisting the urge to moan. “And to think that half an hour ago, you thought I
was a faggot. What a turn around, eh, pal?”

The other Angel’s jaws were too full to reply.

Chuckling, Angel grabbed his partner’s hair and thrust, slamming his cock between his
doppelganger’s lips. “Well, since you’ve had such a change of mind, why don’t you enjoy it?”
He thrust again, driving his tip into the roof of the other Angel’s mouth.

His double pulled back and moaned, releasing an airy sign of pleasure. “Oooh,” he said, a
wide grin on his face, “harder, daddy~.”

With a smile of his own, Angel obliged.

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