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Sinful Strength

“You should just drop out, weakling!”

The flurry of insults continued as they always had towards Sorez. The petite fox almost
tripping in her oversized gown, only sparking laughter from the other spellcasters nearby as they
continued to ridicule her. It’s not like she was the only magic user here on the smaller side, but
unlike the others who made up for it with their skill and prowess at spell-crafting, her own lack of
skill, or more-so natural prowess was the main issue, and source of the bullying she has had to put
up with for months.

As she tried to balance herself again after the short stumble, she suddenly found herself
being lifted in the air. “Careful! You might fall and have to spend another month healing again!”, the
studying wizard-to-be mocked. She gritted her teeth as she swung her finger in the air to cancel his
floatation spell, as it audibly fizzled with no effect. It was a good while of being hoisted in the air and
laughed at, before she was dropped hastily as the crowd cleared, and the headmaster of the
academy lifted her up from the floor, his magic cleaning any dirt or cuts from her robes.

“You know young Sorez, there is no shame in realizing that you are not up to the task of
learning magic. Studying the craft does indeed help, but every magic user needs a natural born
connection with magic, and I’m afraid yours is the weakest I’ve seen in a century. Please do consider
your future carefully, maybe less of a magic focused one, yes?”, as the headmaster walked off, Sorez
looked at him with disdain, realizing from the tone of his voice that he just wanted her embarrassing
self out of the academy to keep their perfect streak of magic users alive, but she’d show them, she’d
be the best magic user in the entire country, no matter what!

She rubbed her temples as she sat in the academy library, trying as usual to overcome her
lack of natural talent with increased studies. She knew almost everything in the curriculum, yet her
body refused to produce anything she learnt no matter what she tried! She slammed the book shut,
much to the annoyance of the other students nearby, as she went to place them back. She had
essentially read every book in this damn library, and nothing has helped her. She was so desperate
for anything that she had even taken these books out of the older section in the back, books and
shelves all dusty and untouched from these older, less important books to the academy.

As she carried her books, stumbling every few steps, unable to even make them float and
follow her around like everyone else did, she finally made it to the back of the giant library, dimly lit
as her skinny arms and legs wobbled from the weight of the books. It was just one more turn and- a
loud crash filled the surrounding area as Sorez tripped over a bunched piece of carpet, the books
dropping to the floor as she let out a yelp, which luckily no one could hear this far deep into the
“Fucking piece of shit carpet…”, she swore under her breath as she rubbed her bruised shin,
looking at the dimly lit carpet she had tripped over, its corner upturned, likely the culprit of it all. Her
rubbing stopped as she squinted at the corner, noticing a piece of wood under the otherwise stone
floor of the library. She crawled to it and pulled the carpet aside, only to reveal a trap door
underneath. Her eyes widened, having heard rumours of an older, forbidden library wing from when
the academy used to be a simple castle for an eccentric warlock, her heart thumping at the
possibility of finally finding some books that could help her.

As she looked around to make sure no one was watching, she opened the trapdoor and
grabbed a nearby wall torch, and descended down the wooden steps. Creaks followed her every
step down as the old wooden boards have clearly gone unused to centuries, feeling a sense of
unease, feeling an unnerving magical aura grow as she got ever closer to the bottom. Every part of
her was telling her to turn around, but she steeled her resolve, as she finally made it to the bottom.

Opening the old door, what she found was not an entire wing, but a single room with a desk,
the old warlock’s personal study perhaps? There was no sign of any equipment or books, other than
one, ominously laying on the desk as she crept closer to examine it.

“Sinful Strength”, she read aloud. A pompous sounding title, probably meant to lure in
desperate people to buy copies of said book, yet the way it looked, it seemed that this was no re-
sold copy for the library but an original volume, one with an aura that made her fur stand on end.
Was this book the source of what she felt going down the stairs? The sense of unease she felt, the
desire to flee, it only grew stronger. There was something off about this book, and she almost turned
around to leave, but the memories of her constant bullying and abuse on a daily bases made her
stop in her tracks. She wanted what they had, more than anything! Clenching her fists, she turned
around to face the book, no matter what it was, she needed any upper hand in her plight for magical

As she grasped the edge of the book, contemplating if she really should open a tome that
gives off such an unnerving aura, sighing as she steeled herself and flipped it wide open. The room
was suddenly lit up with a flash
of green light, nearly blinding
the fox as she gazed onto the
pages, moving rapidly on their
own as her mind was assaulted
by endless bounds of
knowledge, too much to
process at once. Her originally
fearful expression changed to
an over exaggerated grin as the
book’s aura completely
surrounded her, her overloaded
mind barely comprehending
anything else as the room itself
shook at the foundations.

So much to learn, she could feel it’s power, how it can help her, it was so much… too much
almost, she couldn’t bare the load any longer as she collapsed to the ground, unconscious.
Sorez awoke on the dusty floorboards, the room lit only by her torch as it was when she first
entered as she warily stood up, her weak scrawny body shaking as she looked at the open book, its
aura gone. Her robe covered tail wagged in excitement, could it have actually worked? As she raised
her hand and drew in the air to cast a simple floatation spell… it fizzled yet again. Right, what did she
expect, that a magic book would solve all her problems?

She sighed, her stomach grumbling painfully. She deduced that what she saw was just some
hunger and desperation induced hallucination, probably even dreamt it after she collapsed from
hunger. It wouldn’t be the first time with her meek body. She turned around to head back up to go
to her dorm as it was getting late anyways, stopping to look back at the book. Well… even if it didn’t
help her, something new to read wouldn’t be so bad, right? Grabbing the book, she held it close to
her small chest and head back up, unaware of the soft aura that now emanated from both of them,
as her stomach grumbled again. Maybe a snack before bed might do her some good too…

She yawned and stretched in her bed, slowly sitting up and groggily blinking as she looked at
the empty beds. “Shit”, she muttered under her breath, realizing that once again no one woke her
up. “Fucking bullies letting me miss an hour of lessons…”, standing up as she went to grab her robe
to get dressed and rush to class, stopping herself for a moment. She was already late, why not pretty
herself up to make an entrance?

Entering the bathroom with a bit of a strut in her step, she looked herself in the mirror,
looking at her usual pulled back hairstyle, her amber eyes- She blinked, did her eyes just shimmer?
She sighed, clearly not enough sleep making her see things, as she eyed her lip. Was it bigger than
she remembered?... Did she, even have a noticeable lip before today? She tried to recall back, but
the harder she tried, the hazier it got, until she just gave up and drew in the air to float the face-
washing supplies towards her. She stopped in place, looking at the glow around her finger, with
widening eyes… she just... cast magic? So easily!? Her tail wagged as she moved them around in the
air, a subtle glow around her body forming yet again.

She found herself bumping her arms against her chest over and over as she prettied up,
looking down at her generous chest straining her sleeping bra. Had it shrunk overnight or
something? She pulled at the strap to remove it, sighing at the release as her evidently larger breasts
pooled out, looking back at the mirror to admire herself, thick in all the right places, especially her
hips. She was so proud of her naturally sexy body; it was quite a surprise at how much people bullied
her when she had a body like this! She just had… to show it off more is all!

Lowering her pulled back hair, letting it flow down naturally. “Just like that, this should catch
some eyes…”, she thought as she re-entered the dorm, lifting up her robe with her magic with ease.
As she put it up against her, she felt disgusted she would ever wear anything like that, hell it didn’t
even fit her! She was way taller and curvier than anything this could fit, what was she even thinking
when she bought this? She spun her finger around to form spells her mind now recalled with ease,
her eyes glowing again as the robe split into pieces, reforming, the material itself changing.

“Child’s play”, she smugly declared as what was once a robe, now looked like a skimpier
witch’s outfit, flattering colours, runic designs, all to hep accentuate her beautiful features. As she
put on the outfit, foregoing a bra for today as she felt like she really wanted to show off how much
better her body was than all those bullies in her classes. She floated the book from yesterday
towards her into her bag, a deep feeling inside her telling her to keep it with her at all times.
As she strutted through the empty corridors, everyone in class already as she entered the
potion class that she had first this morning. “Finally decided to join us, missy?”, the teacher raised an
eyebrow as she eyed up the student’s attire, before going back to teaching and ignoring the tardy
student. Sorez’s class mates on the other hand, stared in confusion at her, or was it in awe? She
shuddering a bit at all the stares, the attention felt good, too good. As she repositioned her chest in
her flimsy top, to better show off how much larger she was than most of the class.

As it came time for potion-making, she heard whispers of students anticipating her messing
it up, which were all silenced when she started to float the ingredients and instructions towards her
with ease, giving them a wide smirk as she showed them that she wasn’t the weak little girl they
thought she was, at least not anymore as she recalled back to the book.

She could feel her own

top and dress get tighter as she
continued using her magic
effortlessly in class, the soft
glow appearing on her chest
and hips as they slowly bulged
outwards more.

Feeling the eyes of the

students only fuelling her
growing pride, she’d make sure
to get top marks in this class,
and every class from now on to
prove that she’s the best in this
damned academy, as a more
timid thought passed by her
prideful mind… and to hopefully
stop the bullying she faced…

She smirked as she went by class after class, showing off her skills with ease, and even in
between when yesterday’s bully showed up, she beat him to the punch as he lifted his finger to lift
her up, lifting him up instead with her faster casting. She laughed as she spun him around in the air
before dropping him onto the floor, dazed and confused. “Careful, you might break something!”, she
mocked him with the same words she was once mocked with, as whispers and stares filled the
corridors as she passed.

“Does she look bigger to you or is that just me?”

“Was her fur always that dark? Did she dye it this morning or something?”
“What’s with her outfit? Is that even allowed here?”
She smiled, knowing that none of that mattered, they were talking about her and that was
all that mattered. Until she bumped into the head master, looking at her attire and the stunned bully
on the floor, pointing her to his office chamber…
“One strike away from expulsion!?”

Sorez slammed her hands down on the headmaster’s desk, as he condescendingly looked at
her. Fuck. She hated that stare so much. He coughed once after her outburst, “Yes, one strike away,
you should count yourself lucky you weren’t expelled from the academy the moment you hurt that
poor student.” Poor… student? Was he for real right now? Her eyes shone brighter like a growing
fire as the aura around her intensified the feelings further. “That poor student was doing the same
thing to me every single day yet he never got-”, as the headmaster raised his palm to stop her,
interrupting her. “He has skill beyond many of the other students, and as such holds high value to
the future of the academy. Please don’t make this harder than it needs to be.”

Sorez stared at the headmaster, eye twitching as her manicured claws dug into the table, an
awkward silence filling the room as the rage inside her bubbled up. The silence was finally broken by
the headmaster, “You are dismissed, please return to your dorm for the rest of the day.” As Sorez
turned around, holding a toothy grimace the entire way back to her dorm.

What the hell was she supposed to do now!? She was stuck here for hours until classes were
over, how could she show her newfound powers and beauty out now!? She rocketed her bag
towards her bed with her magic, hearing bottles and quills inside break apart as it fell to the floor,
her spell book falling out as she looked down at it with a new desire. Her rage still burning bright,
she grabbed and opened the book, flipping through the pages as if she had memorized them to find
the page she was looking for. More power, and all she had to do was summon some demonic hell
spawn to wreak havoc in the vicinity. A way to get even stronger and to get revenge on all those
bullies and especially that prick of a headmaster? It was everything she ever wanted!

She hesitated as she stared at the spell, did she… really want to risk hurting everyone? This…
wasn’t like her… As she looked down at her arms, noticing her darkened fur and soft… stripes? What
was happening to her? Stumbling back with the book in hand, her hands refusing to let it go as she
recalled feeling helpless but… not malicious to anyone… She just wanted a chance to prove herself
not this, did she?

Her focus was blinded as a throbbing pain formed on her head, the aura from the book once
again returning, soaking her in it as two small horns sprouted from her head. The pain continued as
she mumbled under her breath, the words in the book glowing as she cast the spell. “W-wait, fuck
when did I!?”, did she just do that? What the hell came over her!? One moment she was thinking
about… about how the entire academy kept… fucking her over! Her eyes lit aflame again as her
burning rage at them returned, unaware and uncaring as to why her emotions were taking such
dark… such evil turns lately, oblivious to the book’s effects on her as she smiled deviously.

With a flick of the wrist, her clothes magically melted away, leaving only some loose
undergarments as she prepared to continue the spell she had inadvertently started. Closing all the
windows with another simple hand motion, locking the door as the only light source was from her
precious book. Her lips moved as she spoke the ancient language with ease, as if being guided by an
unseen hand, one that felt more like her own with every passing moment as her thoughts grew
darker and more violent. So, what if these demons hurt anyone? The students are learning magic for
a reason, so defends yourselves then, weaklings!
Shuddering at the thought of such chaos and misery filled her with an unforeseen pleasure,
the spell finally set as the book itself turned into a black, goopy mass, tendrils lashing out and
wrecking anything in sight, as other, shadowy creatures poured out and fled the room through
cracks in the room, her mind could only focus on one thing. More power.

Reaching out
towards the mass, a less
than sane grin on her face
as she stepped closed,
inviting the mass to coat
her in their demonic
energy so that she can
gain more power to finally
take revenge on all who
wronged her!

The tendrils
themselves easily
accepted the offer,
sensing fellow kin in the
fox thanks to her bright
aura, wrapping around
the fox until she disappeared into the black void.

The doors of the headmaster’s chambers flew apart as a demonic creature entered, the
school now on high alert as chaos reigned. The fox-like creature, dripping in black goo, purple wings
keeping her aloft as she flew towards the headmaster at speeds he could not react to. Sorez’s
deeper, more sensual voice ringed out as she spoke to her former headmaster.

“That’s another strike sir, you’re expelled!”, laughing maniacally at her own joke as her
mouth opened wide, breath flowing in as she sucked out his soul in an instant, dropping him on the
floor, alive but powerless. As she landed on his chair, looking at the frail mortal aimlessly staring
around for a purpose. Mortals without souls were just obedient playthings to her kind, vestiges of
guilt welling up as her growing demonic side battled for dominance.

Her warring self was calmed as she licked her lips at her first soul, the most delicious thing
she has ever tasted. She should be disgusted by her actions, but the demonic energy that coursed
through her only pushed those mortal thoughts further down in the pit of her corrupting brain. She
was about to get her every desire, shown everyone how powerful she truly was, humanity be

She wasn’t done yet though, as new sinister ideas flooded her mind, “Go get the rest of the
teachers in here, my new thrall. This place needs a change in leadership!”
It has been weeks since she took over the academy and the demons ransacked the entire
city. Sounds of fighting still audible every now and again as a townsperson got a bit too brave for
their own good. Sorez herself was slurping down another thrall’s soul, as her pudgy stomach hang
out slightly, floating through the infested academy, seeing demons using mortals as either sources
for food with their souls, or as their own personal pets, sometimes even both.

She smirked, passing by her old bully, leashed and being dragged around by an imp-like
demon. All of them were treating her as one of their own, and it was hard to see why they wouldn’t
she had become a full-fledged demon now, her humanity long gone and her old life getting hazier
and hazier as her new dark desires too over the forefront of her mind. Hell, it was getting harder to
recall most of those boring lessons she had studied so hard for, as memories of her demonic lifestyle
soaked over them like ink.

Flexing her arm, toned and strong as the demonic energy pumped through her, despite her
pudgy gut from all the souls she’s swallowed. She did always want to be bigger compared to her old
scrawny self, so a few extra pounds should be fine. Anyone who complained would fall into her
control anyways, but as her stomach grumbled again, she realized something. She wasn’t done yet,
she wanted more.

She floated over the

chaos of the city, mortals
fleeing for their lives as they
looked up her almost nude
body, showing off her assets
in the most eye catching of
ways, licking her growing lip
and sharp teeth as she
sucked up soul after soul,
fuelling her endless desire
for more.

She had to have

everything, no matter what it
took. The academy, the city,
it was all just the beginning!

Swallowing another soul, her hips fattening up a bit as she conceived plans to take over the
country with. Surely, they would be prepared with a forewarning as some humans escaped the city.
She had to find a new way to gather souls, and break down the nearby cities from the inside!

Looking down at her changing, voluptuous body giving her an idea. “Let’s see how desperate
those mortals can get!”
Her eyes shone a bright amber, laying by her window overlooking the city. It has been a
peaceful few months, or as peaceful a brimstone covered, demon populated city can be. As the ruler
of this hellish city, she made sure no human ever got in without getting their souls drained by her
first, yet lately she had been less pro-active on the manner, opting for a new plan inspired by a
certain demon class she was resembling more by the day, Succubi!

Her body jiggled a bit as she walked by her new demonic spell books, her bare breasts
wobbled and bounced as she saw her own reflection in a nearby mirror. She was fatter for sure, but
nothing a demon like her can’t pull off! The extra fat in her chest was a welcome addition, as was the
fat in her jiggly ass, catching the eye of many a demon. Opening the demonic book, she researched
much like she once did in her old life, looking for a way to allow herself to be summoned by mortals
as a succubus, an easy way for her to get souls from across the country from desperate mortals
looking for love, now that her city has run dry and her life-style has grown much more sedimentary.

Polishing two sets of horns and putting on fresh dark makeup to look as slutty as possible for
her trap to work, she began forming the powerful magic circle around her, so that any summons for
a lust demon would be connected to her circle specifically. As she finished, she summoned a thrall to
fetch her some fresh souls from the dungeon, her hunger ever growing the more souls she
consumes, somewhere deep inside knowing it was an endless spiral of hunger, but her growing
darker self only revelled in such desires.

She feasted on her soul, yawning as she waited in the circle. Where mortals not a desperate
as she thought anymore? She buried herself in thought, the act itself was getting harder the lazier
she’s gotten, until eventually the runes started to light up! Someone was summoning her, and as the
world around her melted away, a black void surrounded her for a moment before her destination
reformed like a living oil painting.

Her victim appears

before her, clearly surprised
that his spell has worked as
he stared at the demon’s
body, pants clearly tenting
and exposing his arousal.
Sorez licked her lips, as she
rubbed her needy hole in
front of him, eager to
satiate both her every
growing lust and her hunger
as she beckoned him closer.

“Oh, my dear mortal

master, how may this lowly
succubus serve you today?”,
helping break the hesitation and nervousness for the mortal as her victim drew ever closer. Letting
out a slutty moan for him as he enters the circle, allowing her to have full power over his fate now.
This was of getting souls is going to be very, very fruitful.
She opened her eyes, groaning as she woke up in a sweat soaked bed. She slowly sat up,
huffing as her fat gut poured out onto her thighs. It has been 8 months since she initially entered her
new demonic life. It was nearly impossible to remember her life before, as most of her thoughts
were consumed by her ever-growing hunger. Her stomach grumbled loudly as she even thought
about eating, sighing with her shortened breath as she slowly lifted herself up from the bending bed.

Eyeing her large body in the mirror, way too big to see her entirety anymore, wearing the
same loose drapes just barely covering her that she always does nowadays, changing clothes at her
large size had become too much of a hassle. Getting stuck again in her doorway, cracks having
formed at the widening wooden frame from months of growing pressure, only just barely able to
gather enough strength to pull her heavy body free as she stomps out onto the corridors of her
palace, once an esteemed magical academy, now her own personal dark palace. Her wings had long
given up trying to keep her afloat, forced to carry her own weight as she walks onto the cracks that
she had left over the months towards her spell room, the former head master’s chambers.

Squeezing through another door, vowing to have all of these doorways smashed open
someday, the thought disappearing under a sea of hunger as her need for souls grew. As she
entered, she spotted the other succubi who looked up to her, revered her even as they sat in their
own summoning circles to gather souls for themselves, and to share some of the spoils with their
queen. Waddling over to the centre circle, massive in size to fit her, sitting down and sighing from
exhaustion as the room shook from her titanic ass slamming down onto the cracking wooden floor
to await her first summon of the day.

The summoner’s circle crackled, widening before his very eyes before the mammoth sized
form of the so-called succubus he summoned came into view, her eyes looking down at him as she
licked her lips, intent on skipping the pleasantries. Standing inside circle due to the expansion, she
pulled out his soul from his body, too hungry to indulge in lust nowadays as the ring teleported her
back with the connection broken.

It didn’t matter to her,

as she got what she wanted.
Devouring the soul hungrily as
the floorboards of her chamber
creaked loudly, before a loud
snap garnered the attention of
the succubi filled the room.
Sorez, now sitting on broken
floorboards, had grown too
heavy to move, yet too busy
gorging herself to care. She let
out a loud burp, pieces of soul
smoke flowing out of her
hungry maw as she was hungry
for even more.
It has been a full year since a certain magic user brought the downfall of the continent.
Rebel alliances falling apart at the seams as the months passed, their combined strength no match
to the ever-growing demonic force from the Demon Lord’s castle, deep in what was once the most
prosperous magical city in all the land. Every mortal caught drained of their soul and made into
mindless thralls to the demons, their insatiable lust and hunger for souls seemingly endless. Once
the demons would siphon all the souls off of this world, they would simply find a new reality to
invade and conquer, one way or another.

The lord of demons in this realm snored loudly in her chambers, her once small room
opened up to connecting rooms to fit her now gargantuan demonic form, a giant doorway erected
for her, not that she would ever use it due to her size completely removing all of her mobility. She let
out a loud belch as group of thralls handed her a giant chalice brimming with human souls, gorging
down the entire drink in one fell swoop as she drops the chalice, falling asleep yet again as her
snores shook the castle.

The once thick voluptuous demon with a witty mind had now become akin to a simple beast,
asleep and tired most of the days and only waking up to satiate her hunger, having fallen back to
base demonic instinct, as her thoughts no longer seemed important as everything was handed to her
on a silver platter. Her weight had been constantly increasing, as has her unkempt body hair as she
let herself go. Cheeks fattening up and drooping downwards thanks to their weight as any simple-
minded order she gave came with a lazy lisp, her eyes devoid of thought any other time.

In her ever-idle state, her mind and dreams sometimes wandered through the deep recesses
over her memories. She remembered how envious she once was, but the book she had found in the
library’s dark depths had fixed her by rewarding her with demonic power. She was truly prideful of
the new power she had, but the way she was treated after getting her rightfully deserved glory still
left her angry and wrathful towards the mortals here. Thankfully the book, with her help, unlocked
the bridges between this world and the demonic realm, rewarding her by making her a demon

She grew to love the addicting taste of souls, her new demonic body gaining more strength
with every one, she was desperate for more, she needed so much of it, she greedily hoarded most of
the mortals for herself. Yet as her body got heavier, she found lazier routes to these souls, ones that
would grant her release from both her hunger, and her burning lust that her un-inhibited demonic
self now emanated. It worked far too well, as her weight rapidly increased through the months, her
hunger growing ceaselessly to match, having become an absolute glutton for souls.

All her thoughts melted away as she fell into a deep sleep, her giant body the embodiment
of laziness as she spent more time asleep with every passing day. Sometimes it would take her
weeks to wake back up, sometimes months. The ever-burning hellfire of her city shining through the
window behind her. Mortals unable to reach her as her endless horde of demon spawn and thrall
alike captured and drained them, more food for their queen, their goddess, their very reason of
She idly scratched her massive chest, her curtain drapes turned bra stretched to their limit,
the mounds of flesh hugging her overgrown pits, another sign of her ever-lazy self. Drooling onto her
own fat chins from her huge fat lip, memories and dreams mixing back into the recesses of her mind,
forgotten once more.

All she knew as she woke up, was to eat to satiate her regular hunger, and then go back to
sleep. Her mind too lazy and tired to focus on any other desire now, truly trapped in an endless cycle
of sloth for the rest of eternity in her immortal demon life. Yet she was content, her mind knowing
no higher bliss~

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