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Private Sub Button2_Released()

Dim objcon As New ADODB.Connection

Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset

'Creating the DB connection string

'Please change the below connection string as per your server and

'database being used.

objcon.connectionString = Connection

'Opening the connection

objcon.Open objcon.connectionString

MsgBox "Connection opened"

Set rst.ActiveConnection = objcon

rst.ActiveConnection = objcon

rst.Source = "Select * From dbo.ORDERP"


'Create a new textbox control

Dim txtBox As New TextBox

'Set the textbox's Text property to the contents of the recordset

txtBox.Text = rst.Fields("ORP").value

'Add the textbox to the form

Me.Controls.Add txtBox

'Move the textbox to the desired location on the form

txtBox.Top = 100

txtBox.Left = 100


While Not rst.EOF

'Create a new textbox control

Dim txtBox As New TextBox

'Set the textbox's Text property to the contents of the recordset

txtBox.Text = rst.Fields("ORP").value

'Add the textbox to the form

Me.Controls.Add txtBox

'Move the textbox to the desired location on the form

txtBox.Top = txtBox.Top + 20

txtBox.Left = 100



'Close the recordset and connection



Set rst = Nothing

Set objcon = Nothing

MsgBox "Connection closed"

End Sub

Private Sub Button2_Released()

Dim objcon As New ADODB.Connection

Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset

'Creating the DB connection string

'Please change the below connection string as per your server and

'database being used.

objcon.connectionString = Connection

'Opening the connection

objcon.Open objcon.connectionString

MsgBox "Connection opened"

Set rst.ActiveConnection = objcon

rst.ActiveConnection = objcon
rst.Source = "Select * From dbo.ORDERP"


'Create a new textbox control

Dim txtBox As New TextBox

'Set the textbox's Text property to the contents of the recordset,

'separated by newlines

txtBox.Text = rst.Fields("ORP").value & vbCrLf

'Add the textbox to the form

Me.Controls.Add txtBox

'Move the textbox to the desired location on the form

txtBox.Top = 100

txtBox.Left = 100


While Not rst.EOF

'Append the contents of the "ORP" field to the textbox,

'separated by a newline

txtBox.Text = txtBox.Text & rst.Fields("ORP").value & vbCrLf



'Close the recordset and connection



Set rst = Nothing

Set objcon = Nothing

MsgBox "Connection closed"

End Sub

 El evento "Released" del botón "Button33" se ejecuta cuando el usuario hace clic en el
 El código entra en un bloque de error.
 Se declaran las variables row, saveOk, combobox y comboboxCount.
 La variable combobox se establece en el combobox "Cuadrocombinado4".
 La variable comboboxCount se establece en el número de elementos del combobox.
 Se inicia un bucle For que recorre todos los elementos del combobox.
 En cada iteración del bucle, se llama a la función kernel.writeTag() para guardar el
valor del elemento actual del combobox en el kernel.
 Si la función kernel.writeTag() devuelve False, se sale del bucle.
 Al final del bucle, se comprueba si todos los elementos del combobox se guardaron
 Si todos los elementos se guardaron correctamente, se muestra un mensaje de
confirmación al usuario.
 Si se produjo un error, se llama a la función globalErrHandler() para manejar el


 row: Variable que almacena el índice del elemento actual del combobox.

 saveOk: Variable que indica si la función kernel.writeTag() se realizó

 combobox: Variable que almacena el combobox "Cuadrocombinado4".

 comboboxCount: Variable que almacena el número de elementos del combobox.


 kernel.writeTag(): Función que escribe un tag en el kernel.

 globalErrHandler(): Función que maneja los errores.

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