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Interview about 9/11

9/11/2001, it was what seemed to be an ordinary Tuesday. My dad had gotten up

at 4:45am like he always did, got ready for work kisses my mom goodbye and headed

to work. My mom was woken up to me crying around 6am and begin her day. She

brought me down stairs. My sister woke up a little while after I did. My mom made us

breakfast, and tidied up the house well we ate. My dad sat in the same traffic he always

did. He got to work for 6am and began to prep for his morning meeting on breaking

news with his colleagues. He said that he remembers the newsroom to be pretty slow

and steady. He was sitting at his desk replying to emails he had gotten the night before

when emails and alerts began to blow up his computer. “AirCraft Crashes into World

Trade Center.” The entire news room went silent as everyone read the email, it lasted

maybe 30 seconds before the panic and chaos set in. “I don’t think what had happened

really sunk in, I was in shock.” Once my dad had a free second he called my mom, she

didn’t have a clue what was going on. My dad told her to turn the TV on. She turned it

on and sat in front of the TV set for the rest of the day feeling sick to her stomach. My

dad said that the newsroom was a zoo, everyone was running around yelling trying to

figure out what was going on, and why. My dad remembers his bosses ordering tons

and tons of pizza for everyone while they worked late into the night trying to get the

answers from the tragic events that were going on in New York. When my dad finally

got home, my sister and I were already fast asleep. My mom had waited up for him,

they laid in bed and talked about the attacks and how they felt for those poor people
and families who also thought it was just an ordinary Tuesday. They talked about their

fears for themselves and for my sister and I, and how the world is never going to be the


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