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Topline Questionnaire
Pew Research Center
Mobile Technology and Its Social Impact, 2018

Methodological notes:

• Survey results are based on a national sample.

• Due to rounding, percentages may not total 100%. The topline “total” columns show 100%,
because they are based on unrounded numbers.

• Not all questions included in the Mobile Technology and Its Social Impact 2018 survey are
presented in this topline. Omitted questions will be released in future reports.

• Trend data from past Global Attitudes surveys is included in this report. For more
information on these data, please see the 2017 reports and methodology.

Q1. Now thinking about our economic situation, how would you describe the current economic
situation in (survey country) — is it very good, somewhat good, somewhat bad, or very bad?
Very bad Somewhat bad good Very good DK/Refused Total
Venezuela 60 23 14 3 1 100

Q2. Compared to your parents when they were the age you are now, do you think your own standard of living
now is much better, somewhat better, about the same, somewhat worse, or much worse than theirs was?
Somewhat About the Somewhat
Much better better same worse Much worse DK/Refused Total
Venezuela 8 7 21 20 41 2 100

Q3. How much do you trust the national government to do what is right for (survey country) —
a lot, somewhat, not much, or not at all?
Not at all Not much Somewhat A lot DK/Refused Total
Venezuela 39 26 20 13 1 100

Q49a. Have there been times during the last year when you did
not have enough money ____ — yes or no? a. to buy food your
family needed
Yes No DK/Refused Total
Venezuela 78 22 0 100

Q49b. Have there been times during the last year when you did
not have enough money ____ — yes or no? b. to pay for
medical and health care your family needed
Yes No DK/Refused Total
Venezuela 80 19 1 100

Q49c. Have there been times during the last year when you did
not have enough money ____ — yes or no? c. to buy clothing
your family needed
Yes No DK/Refused Total
Venezuela 87 12 0 100

About Pew Research Center’s Mobile Technology and Its Social Impact Survey, 2018

Results for the survey are based on face-to-face interviews conducted under the direction of D3
Systems, Inc. The results are based on a national sample. General information about our
international survey methodology is available here.

Country: Venezuela
Year: 2018
Survey Mobile Technology and Its Social Impact
Sample design: Multi-stage, area probability design. Primary sampling units (PSUs) are parishes stratified by region
and three levels of access to basic services as defined by the 2011 Census: less than 90%, 90-95%,
and 95+%. The number of effective PSUs is 255 (177 PSUs + 78 SSUs within 73 certainty PSUs).
Individuals within households are selected using the last birthday method based on all 18+ people
living in the household. Up to three attempts are made to complete the interview with the selected
Mode: Face-to-face
Languages: Spanish
Fieldwork dates: Sept. 12 – Dec. 7, 2018
Sample size: 2,474
Margin of error: 2.2 percentage points
Representative: Adult population 18 plus (excluding Amazonas, Delta Amacuro, Dependencias Federales and the
southern part of both Apure and Bolivar)
Primary vendor: D3 Systems, Inc.
Weighting variables: Gender, age, education, region and probability of selection of respondent
Design effects: 1.28

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