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Jackass Beer

The 1st Beer

It all started so simple, just a recommendation from a co-worker.
“Really? A novelty mug? You know I’m not a “beer” person, right?”
“Try it! Might give you a change of heart.”

Sorez sighed as the night of the obligatory work party finally came. She was never the social
flower, despite her gorgeous looks, skinny bod and luscious locks of hair. When she went to work,
she’d engross herself in her cubicle and work her 8 hours with as little interaction as the other
workers as possible. Even when they try to start up a conversation with her, whether it was a
genuinely nice guy, or just some sleazebag trying to hit on her for her good looks, she always made
sure to either focus on her work and ignore them, or point out that they’re wasting the precious
time and money the company has. Sometimes she could swear a few of them called her uptight
under their breath as they left, sure it was rude but people came to work for money, not the social
interactions, and they should know that too.

That’s when this dreaded party got announced mere days later, one that every worker had
to attend unless they had a valid reason not to be, but she wasn’t going to fake a sickness certificate
to avoid this, her record was spotless so her calling in sick this one night may cause eyebrows to
raise. With her studious and fit lifestyle, she didn’t have time for family either, so none of them were
around to vouch for her that she had familial obligations. She sadly had to attend, and so she
dressed up in one of her fancy dresses, pulled up her hair and left her tidy little apartment.

It was a shock to her senses as she entered, seeing multiple co-workers chatting and
drinking. A party at a bar was not something she’d ever expect, but the company booked it for the
entire night, so luckily no regular goers would see her in such a place for this one time. Sitting down
on her own, she looked at the list of drinks, finding one that suited her more… refined tastes. Soon
enough, a martini graced her hands, the most refined drink they had here that wasn’t too alcoholic,
taking little sips as she stared down at the table to avoid eye contact with anyone.

This plan worked for a while, that is until one specific co-worker, one she recognised as the
one who called her an uptight bitch once, sat beside her, or well, two chairs away due to his…
generous size. Yes, she was harder on him when he tried to talk to her, but it wasn’t her fault he was
such an obese, sweat ridden slob! It was a surprise he was still even allowed to work in the
company, but he did cover himself up decently with extra-large sized clothes, so there wasn’t much
she could do about it. It wasn’t long before his eyes met hers, his donkey mouth extending into a
smile, “Hey there, Sorez! Glad you made it here! The boys thought you’d flake on this but I knew
you’d never risk anything company related!”, letting out a laugh which devolved into a loud bray due
to his donkey genes. Extending his hand out for a shake, she shied away, not wanting to even touch
the overweight co-worker.

His brow raised, yet his dumb smile never left his face as he turned to the bartender,
ordering his drinks. Soon after, two large sized mugs of beer graced the table… surely, he wasn’t
going to drink all that!? Her question was soon answered as he pushed one of the mugs closer to
her, the bubbly beer shaking as its foam dripped down the sides. Sorez scowled at the drink, seeing
the old-style design of the mug, some kind of extra alcoholic novelty drink?

Looking back up at the donkey, she raised her brow, “Really? A novelty mug? You know I’m
not a “beer” person, right?” The donkey let out another hearty laugh, drinking from his own novelty
beer mug, “Try it! Might give you a change of heart.” As he finished off his drink with surprising
speed, before getting up from the creaking chair and wobbling off to other co-workers. Sighing, she
left the drink next to her for the night, the hours passing as less and less people remained, outside of
the few blacked out drunks on the other tables. They were lucky tomorrow was the weekend so no
work had to be done till next Monday.

Eyeing up the beer again,

the foam having calmed down for
the most part, she couldn’t help but
feel like she was wasting that
donkey’s money if she didn’t drink
it… beer itself wasn’t too expensive
usually, but this bar seems to sell
this one at quite a higher price, was
there really something special
about how it tasted? Her hand
slowly hovered to the handle, her
mixed feelings of guilt and curiosity
taking the better of her as she
pulled it up to her lips. One sip
couldn’t hurt, right?

After the first sip, she felt her tastebuds explode into a flavour she had never felt before, as
one sip turned into two, then three, and so forth… It went unnoticed, as each sip added a few
pounds all over her body, subtly at first, as her dress felt tighter and tighter. It visibly rode up her
hips, revealing more of her cheeks, as the staps on her arms began to dig into her flesh, yet the
tightest spot so far was her chest, once a simple A cup, quickly pushed outwards as the drink filled
her, new cleavage pushing out on her top that once easily covered her smaller chest.
This all went unnoticed as the fox finished her drink, sighing heavily as her gut, no longer flat
and fit, pressed into the counter table, her upper cleavage pushing out of her dress. Her luscious,
soft hair seemed to loosen a bit of its cleanly sheen, her styling seemingly lessening as if it just got
soaked in copious amounts of humidity, bunches of it loosening out of her bun and into a looser
ponytail, while some of it now resting on her cheek loosely.

Putting down the drink,

she sighed contently, looking
down to spot the drink empty…
did she really drink all that!?
She would be worried at how
much she drank, but she was
too tipsy now to worry about it,
and instead was just amazed at
it tasting so good that she drank
it that fast! “Wow! That was
incredible! What brand did you
say it wa-HAW-as?”, unaware
of her own voice cracking into a
bray a she asked the bartender.

He smirked as he looked at her, was something on her face? Rubbing her larger, rubbier
feeling nose to see if she had any drink still on her, hands sinking in the oddly softer face for a
moment before she shrugged and waited for his answer, a few *hics* escaping her lips from the
entire mug of beer she just drank. “It’s called Jackass Beer, babe. Namesake given by it’s creator,
y’know, that donkey friend of yours? He only ever orders it on special occasions, and it’s not even on
our actual menus so you have to know about it and ask for it. Guess you can count yourself lucky, eh
girl? You can always come back for more, it’s a favourite among those who tried it!”

She politely declined as she stood up, feeling the tightness of her dress for the first time.
“Damn, did my tits HAWlays take so much space? I need to jog it off tomorrow…”, as she left the
establishment, as her co-worker smiled as he watched her leave, half her ass exposed as she left a
small trail of fox tail-hair behind her.

Finally making it back home after a small walk, luckily living decently close by, she entered
her apartment and stripped down her dress and leaving herself in her panties and bra which hugged
her larger mass, throwing her fancy dress to her wash bin as she flopped onto her bed. She suddenly
felt a wave of tiredness wash over her, the beer was probably taking a toll on her finally, as she fell
asleep the moment her head hit the pillow.

Her thinning tail flicked in her sleep as she let out *hics* and an occasional burp, something
her awake self would consciously prevent usually, as a few beads of sweat soaked her body in her
sleep from an onslaught of heat her enlarged body was starting to feel…
The 2nd Beer
Sorez yawned as she sat up, looking at her alarm clock, surprised to see she had overslept a
full 4 hours. Fuck, did that beer really fuck her up that much last night? Rubbing her head, throbbing
from a clear hangover as she stood up. She stopped as she felt a clear… wobble all over her body,
looking down to finally notice her massive breasts, threatening to split her bra apart, followed by a
gut that replaced her once toned flat belly. Shit! She let herself ago with a beer once and this is what
happens!? She knew beer was fattening, but it looks like she just gained an entire month of binge
drinking from just one mug!

She stepped towards her bathroom, her headache making it harder to focus, shuddering as
she felt the sensation of her thighs rubbing against each other for the first time in her life. Not only
was she larger, she was absolutely soaked in sweat from her night asleep. Was it that hot last night?
Taking a whiff of herself almost made her gag as she entered the shower. Usually, she would jog
early in the morning and shower the stink off right after, but there was no way she would even
consider jogging in public with this smell on her!

Scrubbing herself clean, something she found took much longer today due to her… increased
surface area to wash, and the deeper crevices between her ass cheeks and breasts she now sported,
finally exiting the shower and drying herself off with a towel. The mirror was fogged up from her
shower, preventing her from looking at her face as she grabbed the cup she kept by the sink for
rinsing her mouth, filling it up and taking a few drinks. She heard once that water helped with
hangovers, yet the more she drank, the more she realized how much she disliked the taste, even
spitting out her last refill from the sink. Ugh, her tastebuds craved a different flavour, something
more… as her thoughts shifted to yesterday’s Jackass Beer… Surely one more wouldn’t hurt to
satiate this unnatural craving? It was still morning so she could just get a taste and fix herself up the
rest of the day…

As she left her bathroom, opening her wardrobe for her jogging clothes, she stopped and
pondered… she JUST showered, surely jogging again and stinking herself up would be a waste now,
maybe she could jog in the evening instead… but there was no way she was wearing her work office
clothes for this one-time bar visit, eyeing the dress from yesterday in her bin… she’d only worn it
once, wearing it a second time before washing it wouldn’t be too bad, right? Grabbing it and putting
it on, her slightly headache ridden head made her forget to even put on her panties and bra, and
once her dress was on, she surely wouldn’t notice it herself.

It was an awkward walk with her jiggling thighs and gut to the nearby bar, her breasts
bouncing in her top due to the lack of bra, only just barely kept in place to the sheer tightness of the
dress on her larger chest, still unaware of half of her ass being publicly visible. Her loose hair blew in
the wind, untied this time as it wasn’t some fancy work party as she entered the bar and went
straight for the bar table, blushing as she gained a few more looks from the usual patrons. She
should count herself lucky none of them knew her, sitting on the stool with a bit of discomfort.

“O-one jackass beer, please…”, as she licked her lips… “in a medium sized mug, if you
Slamming the empty mug on the table, Sorez sighed after glugging down the drink in one
breath, her longer ears flickering as a bit of beer ran down her cheek. “Fuck, that wHAWs good…”, as
she stood up ready to leave, hearing a loud rip as her dress started to give way, only now noticing
how she suddenly looked twice as large, her now dress somehow still holding her massive chest for
deer life, as her ass and hips fully exposed themselves, and her arm strap started to give way… This
was bad, really bad, she
needed to get out of here fast
before anyone- as her
thoughts were halted by a
searing headache, worse than
the hangover she felt this
morning as her vision went
black for a moment.

Gripping onto the bar

table with her enlarged hands,
fingers looking fatter, yet also
less plentiful as her middle
two fingers became one, her
nails growing harder, darker
tinted and more hoof-like as
she gripped her head. “Ungh… my head…”, was all she could blurt out as her thoughts failed to
focus. If she could, she would feel utter panic at her situation, but as her vision slowly came back,
her expression relaxed immediately as she smiled dopily.

Her nose was wider,

and its rubber canine blackness
was mostly faded as she
breathed in, feeling the weight
on her face increase in real-
time as she breathed out a
beer-scented exhale, eyes half
lidded as her cheeks shone
bright red. Mouth open as her
tongue drooped out onto her
fatter lower lip, her once sharp
canine teeth looking duller..
flatter, leaving only two blunt
fangs as a reminder of her
change, if she could even see

Her body was soaked in sweat from the change and added weight, her hair looking like it
hadn’t been washed in a month with how it curled up and grew. “Heh *hic* heh h-haWW..~ That’s a
good buzz! *Hurp!*”, as she sat back down, the stool creaking heavily, ordering another Jackass Beer
for the walk home…
The 10th Beer
The next few days didn’t fare any better, as Sorez spent her entire Sunday at the bar,
wearing her stretchy gym clothes as her dress had torn itself to pieces the last day when she got
home and tugged it off. She would have been devastated due to how expensive it was, but her
alcohol ridden thoughts shrugged it off as she spent the rest of the day in doors, forgetting all about
her exercise plans. She was lucky she had leftovers as well, as she was way too out of it to cook that
night as well. Even her usual studies were ignored as she spent the day lounging in her room, with
the occasional burp, hic, and donkey-like bray as her thoughts slowed down to a crawl from her 3rd
beer hitting her system from the bar.

On Sunday, she had spent the entire day at the bar, drinking five whole beers, of course not
before passing out between every large-sized mug. Her fat ass taking up two stools as her skinny fox
tail flicked in the air, the only part of it still remotely fluffy being the tip. The entire day went in a
blur, finding herself waking up in a soaking wet mattress on Monday morning, two hours late for
work… Her eyes widened, shit! She was late! Getting up as fast as she could with her added weight,
too panicked to take in what the past two days of drinking has done to her. If she could stop, focus,
and look at herself, she would finally realize, but alas her mind was focused on getting to work as
soon as possible. Pulling up her work pants, she felt a loud ping as her zipper split open beyond
repair, her blouse buttons holding on for dear life as the rest of her outfit’s stiches creaked. Strutting
out of her apartment, forgetting to even shower her night musk away, she squeezed through her
door just barely, as she walked to work.

On her way to work, she felt the panic grow larger and larger, beginning to hyperventilate
before she passed by the bar… she needed something to calm her nerves on her way to work…
Entering to order a mug to go, paying a large sum extra with her card just to take the glass with her,
novelty mugs are always a scam, but she had to get to work fast. It was an arduous walk that felt like
an eternity, her body caked in sweat as the seams on her clothes began to split open slowly, getting
onto the elevator as it momentarily drooped down as she entered.

Rushing, or in her
case, waddling to her stall,
she drank from her mug to
calm her nerves, having split
some on her rush here onto
her blouse, the sips causing
her belly and crotch to itch as
more donkey-like hair grew
in, pushing out her zipper. A
loud voice yelled at her as
she walked through, “You
there! This workplace doesn’t
allow such indecent

Her bushy brows

narrowed down on whoever called her out, letting out a string of swears at them mixed with her
usual hics and burps. “Whad’yaAW mean indEEEHAW-indecent? I’m full fuckin’ done up y’know!?”,
as she ignored the yelling, heading to her cubicle to work her few hours due to being late.
The chair cracked under her weight, barely holding on as she got absolutely no work done the rest of
the day, her drunk mind unable to even understand the simple work sheets she herself had made
anymore. Drinking from her mug, continuous burps and hics were heard throughout the remainder
of the day, co-workers whispering and eyeing her up in disgust, some not even recognizing her and
thinking she was some relative to their one other fat-ass donkey worker…

The 25th Beer

She woke up the next day, still in her work clothes, or what was left of them, soaked in beer
and sweat and torn apart in an even larger body than before. The entire day yesterday was a blur,
having gone back to the bar right after work for a few more drinks before finding herself waking up
here. Scratching her soft doughy hairy gut, the purple on her fading into a grey slowly, much like her
co-worker friend, who she faintly recalls buying her a few drinks last night due to her running out of
wallet money on the expensive drinks. No matter, she’d get her pay check at the end of the month

Struggling to get up, wheezing and panting as she got up from her bed, which now sported a
massive indent taking her blobbier shape, as she opened up her fridge to pull out a few pizza slices
from the food she ordered last night. Cooking was becoming a chore, and ordering food, while more
expensive, was way easier right now. Not even bothering to reheat the pizza, she just bit into the
cold slices, her growing lazy attitude letting her mind focus on more important things like uh…
whatever she usually thinks about, letting out a bray-like laugh as she stepped over her sweat
soaked study books on the floor recklessly. It was kind of freeing not overthinking things, the
constant buzz in her head made it better for her to just focus on one thing at a time, and only one

Pressing the pizza slice between her cleavage, she bent down, gasping and rasping to pick up
the mail from her door’s shutter. Noticing one with the fancy picture thing their work used as their
logo, opening it up first to read as her eyes squinted. All the words were a blur, and she had to focus
incredibly hard just to read a few of them, but eventually she got the gist of it. She… she was fired
effective immediately and not to come in today!? What the fuck did she do to deserve that! Sure,
her gut escaped her pants during her work hours, but it wasn’t like she meant to! And maybe she
spilt a bit of her beer on the keyboard… and maybe her chair snapped apart and her ass hit the floor,
cracking it… but none of that was intentional! Her swearing and flipping off her boss right after, sure.
But that wasn’t grounds to be fired, was it!?

Grabbing her slice and biting into it for some comfort, she waddled back to her kitchen,
stepping through her reeking apartment and soaked carpet in a growing panic. She... she needed to
calm down… she just needed another job yeah… a fit gal like her would score one easy… but the
panic kept growing, she needed her usual buzz to calm her nerves, but she was out of physical
money… before spotting her bank card on her desk. She could use a bit of that for her needs, just for
this morning! She managed to compose herself enough to put on the only clothes she had left un-
torn, her stretchier running clothes, just barely fitting on her giant tits, fat ass and thighs, ignoring
the forming tears as she waddled out, card in hand to the bar.
Sitting down on three stools at once, her fat ass smothering and hiding them as she began
her latest binge, swiping her card one after the other as she kept drinking, having grown a slight
tolerance to them as she needed even more to reach that calm, thoughtless state she craved.

Hours and hours passed as

she kept buying more and
more drinks, luckily for
her she had saved quite a
bit of money in her bank
for rent, emergency funds
and such. Hiccupping
loudly as she brayed
loudly, chatting up a
storm with other patrons,
or attempted to as they
shied away from her,
making her new sociable
mood feel, lonely for the
first time ever.

Luckily for her, that

loneliness was soon forgotten under another mug, as her gut sagged down with a growing sloshy
weight, forcing her legs apart as her chest looked more like two doughy mounts than actual breasts,
finishing off her 15th beer today, her 25th since her first one mere days ago. Scratching at her hairy
pits as her sweaty hair seemed to grow just as fast as her body hair, she eyed the smaller in
comparison bartender, “Mmph, gonna *Hic!* need anothah *Huff* fill up! *Urp!*”

The 100th Beer

The days came and went, all of them a blur as Sorez spent most of her time at the bar
nowadays, too busy drinking to study, exercise, shower, or even look for a new job. It was fine
though, she had plenty of saved funds, she could bounce back any time. That is, if she could still
remember how to search for jobs on her computer which was now covered in dust. It’s as if all her
years of study were just pouring out of her, as beer poured in, but it was fine, the buzz felt good, so
she was good, yeah?

Pushing out of her disgusting apartment once more, her door frame bent and broken as she
could no longer fit trough it without pushing it wider apart each day. Her land lord complained, the
smells, the door, the trail of sweat she was leaving all over, but Sorez shrugged it off and told her
she’d deal with it to get her off her back. Something she’d immediately forget as she began her first
drink of the day, which seemed to get shorter as she found herself sleeping in for longer each day, it
was already four in the afternoon this time that she woke up!
Ordering her first mug and taking a hearty swig, she felt a hand slap her upper back as she
saw a grey donkey sit next to her, both their thighs so big they were rubbing with each other’s. She
looked at him with a dazed look,
barely registering him, yet he
felt… familiar. “Glad you’re still
enjoying my special brew Sorez!
I worked real hard to get it just
right~ Guess you were a beer
kind of gal after all, eh?” Sorez
rolled her eyes, she knew this
guy, but she couldn’t remember
from where as she drank what
was now her 100th mug since
she first began. “I’m nHAWt a
beer kindHAW gal, jackass”, her
insults having become just a
part of her regular vocabulary as
she downed the drink, the
familiar buzz returning as she
ruminated on what she said, it felt like a built in response, something she just said automatically to
someone in her past, but she couldn’t recall that far back anymore, and she was drinking beers all
day… so maybe…

She turned back towards the donkey, smirking as she corrected herself, “Y’know what? I
thEEHAWink I might be a *Hic* beer gaHAWl after aHAWl! Heh-heh.” She smiled a dumb grin with
her flattened donkey teeth, as if finally accepting the beer as a part of her life permanently, which
only increased her addiction into a full blown life-style from now on.

The other donkey brayed happily in return, “I’m glad you think so! Keep drinking like you are
and we’ll be the best of friends!”, clacking his beer with hers as they spent the rest of the day and
night drinking, the effects of the beer seemingly having little effect on her new friend as she
continued to grow and
change, fur greying to match
his as she outgrew him with

As it finally hit four in the

morning, she got up, back
aching with the weight she
was carrying. It’s a wonder
she could move still, but
walking was a struggle now
as each step ached her legs.
Stretching her gut out, she
let out a burp that shook the
store, “*HRROORAP!*
*Pant* Haww…. that
waHAWs a good one…” as
she left through the larger back exit, and head home, unknowingly holding a number in her hand.
The ???th Beer
She heard a knock at the door as she got up from her bed, which was now where she spent
all her time in, the frame long having collapsed as the flattened wet mattress laid on the floor. She
yawned and got up, already sunset, being awake for only a few hours at a time now whenever she
was hungry or craving more beer. Her gut spread down to her knees as she stood up, holding onto
the wall which was scratched with hoof-nail marks from so much weight being put on it for her to
just get up nowadays. Her body was reeking and soaking wet, but she had long given up as she was
both too big to fit into the shower, or the bathroom itself. At most she would exit her doorway into
some rain if she was lucky, the door itself just barely held by a single hinge, the only part of the door
remotely not bent, piles of mail full of complaints, due rents of the past few months all littered
across the entryway.

The knock rang again, “Hold yer horses jackass! I’m *huff* coming!” As annoying as having
to deal with impatient knocking deliverymen, she was glad her best friend gave her that number all
those months ago, the ability to deliver his Jackass Beer directly to her doorstep was a god send, she
hadn’t had to leave her donkey den for months! Grabbing the soaked handle she opened the door,
seeing a deliveryman who barely reached up to her belly button, she swore they’re getting smaller
every day or something. The sheepish little worker hadn’t looked at her yet as he read out his notes,
clearly a new hire, which seemed to be a common occurrence lately after a few days of visiting her
apartment, “O-one delivery of five, twenty pack boxes of Jackass Beer here…”, finally looking up and
seeing the gargantuan donkey looming over him, just barely catching a peek of the room behind her,
expecting an entire party for the sheer amount of beer that was ordered…

“Oh, sorry I
must have the wrong
place, this is way too
much beer for a single
p-person s-sorry-”, he
stammered out as he
gasped for air from the
musky aura the donkey
was emanating, as
Sorez laid her hands on
the trolley, her gut
sinking into it as her
massive tits wobbled
and sloshed, her old
gym clothes just barely
hanging on nowadays,
stretched to their limit
finally, “*Huff* *Huff* HeheAW! What? Nevah seen a woman with a thirst? *Pant*”

The delivery man gulped and held out his machine, Sorez swiping it as always with her card
as he pushed it in, his face showing disgust at the state of the place, just getting the boxes set down
and leaving in a rush as she opened the cans and began her daily binge.
The Endless Beer
The donkey huffed as she sat in her boyfriend’s sofa, built to just barely withstand her size
and weight as she drunk her next beer. It’s been a year now since she first had a taste of Jackass
Beer, and it’s effects have finally started to simmer down, yet the weight aspect of it seemed to
never stop. She was so lucky her boyfriend took her in, after waking up one day with an eviction
notice, due to overcharging her bank card. Turns out she spent through her entire life’s savings in
just beer, and with no money to pay rent, and all the complaints and damages she caused, she was
deemed unfit to return there, let alone find a job as she found herself incapable of any, too much of
a dumb donkey brain, on a constant buzz for anything mental, and too much of a lazy fat slob for
anything physical.

She barely remembers much nowadays anymore, but she does remember her boyfriend
picking her up almost immediately after, as if he knew she was in trouble. She must have been the
luckiest girl alive to have him as a boyfriend, the owner and CEO of his own beer making company,
selling Jackass Beer all across the globe! She recalled something about “trial run” and “testing” that
she had helped do before the drink was ready to be officially sold publicly, but she doesn’t
remember doing anything like that, she just drank and ate and drank! What else was there to life
other than the endless bliss of being buzzed?

And with her boyfriend’s steady stream of income from ever thirstier customers, she was
able to lounge on the sofa for as long as she wanted, completely naked just how he liked seeing her,
not like anything would fit her anymore. He smirked at what once was a bright, fit fox, now reduced
to a barely literate fat ass donkey. The snobbish anti-social attitude he hated long gone, now
replaced with a social, welcoming one that he was sure everyone would agree was better for
everyone. Smirking, he teased her as he brought up the potential of a martini drink, the same kind
she would have enjoyed a year ago.

“*Hic* Huh? NaHHAW man, martini’s ‘n’ shiEEHAW ain’t my scene.”, as the buzzed donkey drank
from her one and only favourite Jackass Beer.

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