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MIT Polytechnic, Aurangabad

MML – 1
Question Bank
CT-2 (2023-2024)
Question for 2 Marks

1. An unbiased coin tossed 3 times. What is the probability of getting two heads?
2. Find the probability of getting four heads in six tosses of a fair coin.
3. If two dice are thrown. Find the probability that the number in both the dice are identical
4. A random sample of 20 items gives the mean 5.4; standard deviation 10.25 and population mean 2.4. Find
the value of standard normal variate.
5. From 20 tickets marked 1 to 20, one ticket is drawn at random. Find the probability that it is marked with
multiple of 3 or 5.
6. If 10 coins are tossed. the probability that there are exactly three heads.
7. Find the probability that a non-leap year should have fifty-three Sunday?
8. An unbiased coin is tossed 6 times. Find the probability of getting at least four head.
9. A machine which produces mica insulating washers for use in electric device to turn out washers having a
thickness 10 mm. a sample of 10 washers has an average thickness 9.52 mm with standard deviation of 0.6
mm. Find value of t using t-distribution.

Question for 4 Marks

1. A five digit number is formed by using the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 without repetition. Find the probability that
the number is divisible by 6.
2. The probability that student pass HSC examination is 2/3 and probability that he pass both HSC and IIT
examination is 14/45. Probability that he passed at least one examination is 4/5. Find the probability that he
passes IIT entrance examination?
3. A problem of statistics is given to three students A, B and C whose chances of solving it are ½ , ¾ & ¼
respectively. What is the probability that the problem will be solved?
4. Three urn contain 6 red, 4 black ; 4 red, 6 black; 5 red, 5 black balls respectively. One of the urn is selected
at random & a ball is drawn from it. If the ball drawn is red, what is the probability that it is drawn from
first urn?
5. Five men in a company of 20 are graduate if 3 men are picked up out of 20 at random. Find probability that
i) they are all graduate ii) at least one is graduate.
6. There are 36 boys in a class. 18 boys play cricket, 12 boys play football and 6 boys can play cricket and
football. On boy is selected at random as manager. Find the probability that he plays cricket or football.
7. An insurance company 2000 scooter drivers, 4000 car drivers and 6000 truck drivers. The probability of
accidents is 0.01, 0.03 and 0.15 respectively. One of the person with accident. Calculate the probability that
he is scooter driver.
8. In bolt factory, Machines A, B, C manufacture respectively 25%, 35% and 40% of the total. If their output 5,
4 and 2 percent are defective bolts. A bolt is drawn at random from product and is found to defective. Calculate
the probability that it was manufacture by the company B.?
9. If a random variable has Poisson distribution such that P(2)=P(3), find P(5).
10. If 20% of the bolts produce by a machine are defective. Find the probability that out of 4 bolts drawn i) one
is defective bolt. Ii) atmost two are defective.

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Subject Teacher: Prof. S. D. Joshi
MIT Polytechnic, Aurangabad
MML – 1
Question Bank
CT-2 (2023-2024)
11. The probability that a man aged 60 years will live upto 70 is 0.65. What is the probability that out of ten
men which are now 60 years, at least 7 would live upto 70 years?
12. Number of road accidents follows a poisson distribution with mean 5. Find the probability that in a certain
month number of accidents on the highway will be more than 3.
13. In a certain factory turning razor blades, there is a small chance of 0.002 for any blade to be defective. The
blades are supplied in apacket of 10. Use Possions distribution to calculate the approximate number of
packets containing i) No defective ii) One defective iii) at most two defective blades in a consignment of
10000 packets.
14. In a certain examination 500 students appeared average score is 68 with standard deviation 8. Find the
number of students scoring : i) less than 50 ii) more than 60 [Given : A(2.25) = 0.4878, A(1) = 0.3413]
15. A manufacturer intends that his electric bulbs have a life of 1000 hrs. He tests a sample of 20 bulbs, drawn
at random from a batch & discovers that the mean life of sample bulbs is 990 hrs with standard deviation
22 hrs. Find ‘t’ using t-distribution & signify that the batch is no upto the standard. ( Given: The table value
of t at 1% level of significance with 19 degrees of freedom is 2.539 )
16. In a sample of 800 men from a certain city 600 are found smokers. In another sample of 1000 of men from
another city 500 are smokers. Find standard normal variate ‘Z’ using sampling distributions of proportions.
17. A cubical die was thrown 9000 times and 1 or 6 was obtained 3120 times. Can the deviation from expected
value lie due to fluctuations of sampling?
18. A survey of 800 families with four children each revealed the following distributions:
No. of boys 0 1 2 3 4
No. of girls 4 3 2 1 0
No. of familis 32 178 290 236 64
Is this result consistent with the hypothesis that male and female births are equally probable?
19. A sample of 100 dry battery cells tested to find length of life produced the following results mean = 12 hrs ,
s.d. = 3 hrs. Assuming the data is normally distributed, calculate the percentage of battery cells have length
of life i) more than 15 hrs ii) less than 6 hrs iii) between 10 hrs and 14 hrs.
Z 2.5 2 1 0.67
Area 0.4938 0.4772 0.3413 0.2487

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Subject Teacher: Prof. S. D. Joshi

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