Day 2 How To Write & Compile C C++ Java Python and Process

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How to write hello world program in c cpp java python

how to compile and how to run in c cpp java python

c platform
$ vi main.c
main ()
printf ( "hello world !\n") ;
$ gcc main.c
$ ./a.out

c++ platform
$ vi abc.cpp
using namespace std ;
main ()
cout << "hello world !\n" ;
$ g++ abc.cpp
$ ./a.out

java platform
$ vi
class demo
public static void main ( String args [] )
System . out . println ( "hello world !");
$ javac
$ java demo

python platform
$ vi
print ( "hello world !")
$ python

When a program starts execution that is know as a process / a running program
is know as process.
Process is the running instance of a program
The basic difference Between Program & Process is Program does not allocate
memory but process allocate memory.
Process allocate memory in RAM segment not in HDD Drive.

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