Words of Eternal Life - Oct 2011 - in English &amp Telugu

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Private Circulation


Vol : 9 No. 10


God told Abraham that his descendants
would be serving Egyptians for 400 years and
after that time, they will come out to the Promised
Land with great substance. And he said unto
Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall
be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and
shall serve them; and they shall afflict them
four hundred years; And also that nation,
whom they shall serve, will I judge: and
afterward shall they come out with great
substance (Gen. 15: 13, 14). Gods word never
fails. Abrahams descendants served Egyptians
as slaves for 400 years. They lived in affliction.
They did not save anything for themselves. They
had no wealth and could never keep gold or silver.
They were helplessly poor. However, by their
servitude, the Egyptians grew rich. The Israelites

were in bondage up to the last day of their stay in

Egypt. Nevertheless, their deliverance came on a
particular night when they came under the
sprinkling blood of the Lamb as commanded by
God (Ex.12: 3, 6, 7). They received a victorious
deliverance from Egypt because of the blood of
the Lamb. They were asked by Pharaoh and all
Egyptians (who were not willing to let them go up
to that time) to leave Egypt abruptly. God also
said the same. All the families of Israelites were
to leave without money, gold or silver, garments
or any other valuable substances. They had to
carry with them the result of their 400 years of
poverty. Then what about Gods promise, about
the great wealth that they should carry with them
(Gen. 15: 14)?
Our God is a wonder-working God, a


never-failing God, and a covenant-keeping God.

He never fails to do what He tells His people that
He would do. On that very night, He made all the
Israelites very rich with wealth as much as they
could carry. God promised in Exodus 3: 21, 22
how He would make them rich. And I will give
this people favour in the sight of the Egyptians:
and it shall come to pass, that, when ye go, ye
shall not go empty. But every woman shall
borrow of her neighbour, and of her that
sojourneth in her house, jewels of silver, and
jewels of gold, and raiment: and ye shall put
them upon your sons, and upon your
daughters; and ye shall spoil the Egyptians.
God fulfilled it. And the LORD gave the people
favour in the sight of the Egyptians, so that
they lent unto them such things as they
required. And they spoiled the Egyptians (Ex.
12: 36). We can trust our Lord. In the experience
of David had this testimony weeping may
endure for a night, but joy cometh in the
morning (Psa. 30: 5). Gods children who are
in the plan and purpose of God can always keep
their hope on Lord Jesus Christ. Our capacity
comes from our God. Not that we are sufficient
of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves;
but our sufficiency is of God (2 Cor. 3:5).
But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God:
for it is he that giveth thee power to get
wealth (Deut. 8:18). God can change our stories
overnight and He would do for us what our
imagination cannot reach.
Three kings, Jehoshaphat of Judah, Joram
of Israel and the king of Edom went along with
their host of army, to war against the Moab. These
three kings with their troops moved along a
roundabout route through the wilderness for seven
days. They ran out of water and there was none

October, 2011

left for the men or their pack animals. They

believed that God had sent this trouble for their
defeat. Among these three kings, King
Jehoshaphat was a godly king. He wanted to
consult the Lord. So they went to the place of
Prophet Elisha. The prophet was angry with king
Joram because of his ungodly life and rebuked
him. However, the prophet accepted to answer
them because of the godly king Jehoshaphat. The
prophet Elisha inquired from God and gave this
reply. This is what the Lord says: Dig ditches
all over this dry stream bed. Even though you
will not see any rain or wind, this stream bed
will be filled with water, and you, your
livestock, and your pack animals will have
plenty to drink (2 Kings 3:16, 17 GNB). How
could that be? Without clouds and rain, how would
the water come for them? However, these kings
followed the instructions of the prophet and dug
many pits. The next morning, at the time of
the regular morning sacrifice, water came
flowing from the direction of Edom and
covered the ground (2 Kings 3:20 GNB). God
gave them water without any cloud or rain or wind!
When rain does not come in season, we cry for
fear of facing drought and famine. In India, many
farmers committed suicide when rain failed their
crops. Gods people need not depend upon
nature, but on God. For the sake of His people,
God can do any miracle. When we go to the Lord
for help, the help comes to us miraculously. It need
not be in natural process, it can happen in unnatural
way. Gods doings will be like that. This is the
LORDs doing; it is marvelous in our eyes
(Ps. 118:23).
God told them that He would give not only
water for them, but He would even give them victory
over the Moabites. This is how He gave this to


them: When they got up the following morning,

the sun was shining on the water, making it look
as red as blood. Its blood! they exclaimed. The
three enemy armies must have fought and killed
each other! Lets go and loot their camp! But
when they reached the camp, the Israelites
attacked them and drove them back. The
Israelites kept up the pursuit, slaughtering the
Moabites and destroying their cities (2 Kings
3:22-24 GNB). God sent the water to help the
three kings and He used the same water to kill the
Moabites. God can turn every event to our
advantage. He will take up our battles and tell us
like this: Be still, and know that I am God: I
will be exalted among the heathen, I will be
exalted in the earth (Psa. 46:10).
There was great famine in Samaria. God
sends famines, pestilences, floods and such
calamities to show the people how angry He is
when they ignore His commandments. God sent
a dreadful famine to Samaria: And there was a
great famine in Samaria: and, behold, they
besieged it, until an asss head was sold for
fourscore pieces of silver, and the fourth part
of a cab of doves dung for five pieces of
silver; So we boiled my son, and did eat
him: and I said unto her on the next day, Give
thy son, that we may eat him: and she hath
hid her son. (2 Kings: 6:25, 29). We can
understand how terrible Gods judgment will be.
At this time, the king of Israel sent his officer, went
with him to question, and attack the prophet Elisha
for the evil, which was caused by God. This is
how some people react towards God for His
judgments instead of humbling themselves. The
Bible says that in the end days, people will rebel
against Gods judgments instead of repenting for
their sins. And blasphemed the God of heaven

October, 2011

because of their pains and their sores, and

repented not of their deeds (Rev. 16:11)
However the Lord in his mercy told them this:
Then Elisha said, Hear ye the word of the
LORD; Thus saith the LORD, To morrow about
this time shall a measure of fine flour be sold
for a shekel, and two measures of barley for a
shekel, in the gate of Samaria (2 Kings 7:1).
Gods announcement looked absurd to the officer.
In this world, such a thing cannot happen, he
believed. The officer who came there stoutly told
Elisha, Behold, if the LORD would make
windows in heaven, might this thing be? And
he said, Behold, thou shalt see it with thine
eyes, but shalt not eat thereof (2 Kings 7:2).
People should know about our God and His
greatness. The God of heaven says, Behold, I
am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there
any thing too hard for me? (Jer. 32:27). Gods
word was fulfilled. God used the clatter of
speeding chariots and a loud galloping of horses
and the sounds of a great army approaching (2
Kings 7:6). What God used was a simple sound
and nothing else and the miracle was done.
Everything God said had fully happened within
24 hours and the officer whose death the prophet
foretold did take place (2 Kings 7:17).
This shows our God can do anything that
nature, the world, the kings, the politicians, the
scientists, money, or any power cannot do for us.
He can always open the windows of heaven for
us, if we know how to keep our eyes on Him.
Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall
spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even
make a way in the wilderness and rivers in
the desert (Isa. 43:19).
Our God promised many a greater miracle
than what we saw above. When this whole earth


comes under the wrath of God, which will be

seven years of tribulation, God takes away His
people from the earth for those 7 years; this is
called the Rapture (1 Thess. 4:16, 17). This may
take place any time now. The sufferings of the
tribulation period would be so extreme that Jesus
had to say these words: For then shall be great
tribulation, such as was not since the beginning
of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall
be (Matt. 24:21). However, Gods miracle is
only for His people. That will happen in the
twinkling of an eye. He will shift all His people
suddenly to the mid-air by a shout from heaven
(1 Thess. 4:16, 17; 1 Cor. 15:51, 52; 1 Thess.
1:10). He not only takes out all His people from
the worlds tribulation, but He also will change
their physical appearance with glorified heavenly

October, 2011

bodies (1 John 3:2). His people would be

partakers of His glory and will live with Him and
reign with Him for a thousand years on the earth
and then spend eternity with Him as per Revelation
22:3, 4.
Dear reader, is this great God of the Bible
your God? Is the Lord Jesus Christ your personal
Savior and Redeemer? Are you a truly born-again
person (John 3:3)? Is Jesus, the Lord over all the
affairs of your life? Are you walking in this world
in the Spirit of Christ? But ye are not in the
flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit
of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not
the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. (Romans

(New Jerusalem, 76/3RT, ,Vijayanagar Colony, HYDERABAD- 500057. Phone : 23348680)

We prayed and God answered : To have the All India Holy Convocation in
January 11 to 15, 2012.
Hand Bills follow : Please prepare from now
Theme : 7 Years of Tribulation
Hear 'End Time Messages'
On www.christfortheneedy.blogspot.com
type on YouTube : Dr. T. Satya Rao
type on Google : Dr. T. Satya Rao

Dr. T. Satya Rao


Editor, Printer & Publisher : DR. T. SATYA RAO, New Jerusalem, 76/3RT, ,Vijayanagar Colony, HYDERABAD500057. A.P. India. Phone : 23348680, Email : raptureverysoon@yahoo.com Blog: www.christfortheneedy.blogspot.com

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JH|~ 2011

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JH|~, 2011

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JH|~, 2011

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~*K<# (+ 43:19).
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2012, [#=i 11 #O_ 15 =~ : Jd ~` i^ =[ _H H~ ` g
K~< L#q: W\ #O_ =# |\ ^_O_.
=O= : U_O_ =H=
z=i k< : QO`=
D =~= #= q#@
on www.christfortheneedy.blogspot.com
type on YouTube : Dr. T. Satya Rao
type on Google : Dr. T. Satya Rao

_II \. `~=

Editor, Printer & Publisher : DR. T. SATYA RAO, New Jerusalem, 76/3RT, ,Vijayanagar Colony, HYDERABAD500057. A.P. India. Phone : 23348680, Email : raptureverysoon@yahoo.com Blog: www.christfortheneedy.blogspot.com

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