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Can you explain me the use of cross division and division specific sales and the difference between these two processes explained on page number 104 TSCM 60.


Zaheer Reply by: SME Date: 13-09-2011 Time: 04:51:23 Dear Syed, In cross division sales you can enter multiple materials with different divisions. In that case if you mention the header division as '00' which is croos division then the cross division represents the conditions of all the divisions.So, it acts like that particular division. In the SAP system '00' is configured as the cross division. In division specific sales if you have multiple materials with different divisions then if you create an order the system processes only the divisions which is common to the header division. The other material will be ignored by the system. This is the difference. Hope you got some idea. Regards, SME_SD


Posted by: S00013680 Date: 21-09-2011 Time: 00:29:09 can you explain me about common Master data asexplained on page 132 and 133 of TSCM60


. Reply by: SME Date: 21-09-2011 Time: 05:11:54 Dear Syed, You always create any master data for a combination of sales organization, distribution channel and division. Based on division you can differentiate the master data. So, if you give different division like 01 and 02 then they behave differently. If you do not want that to happen then you can give the common division i.e. '00' for all the master data. Then it is valid for all other divisions. That means if you create any master dtaat with the division '00' then you can use the same master data for other divisions also. Hope your query is answered. Regards, SME_SD

I am thankful for the help you people are providing.

Posted by: S00013680 Date: 21-09-2011 Time: 14:59:49 So the division 00 is actually the cross division which can be used for all the master data? Reply by: SME Date: 21-09-2011 Time: 15:34:42 Dear Syed, Yes, in the training environment, division 00 is actually the cross division. The master data in the cross division 00 applies to all divisions such as 01, 02 etc for which this cross division 00 has been set up as reference. Hope this reply has answered your query. Please close this query thread from your end if your issue has been resolved. You may post a new query for your next question. We will be glad to answer all your queries and support you during your studies. ALL THE BEST & HAPPY LEARNING !! Regards, SME_SD


Reply by: SME Date: 22-09-2011 Time: 18:30:55 Dear Syed, If you do not need the master data (customer / material and condition master data) to be differentiated according to distribution channels, you have to set up a representative distribution channel, say 12 or 10. The master data for the representative distribution channel applies to all distribution channels for which you have set up this reference in customizing. Hope this reply has answered your query. Regards, SME_SD


Reply by: SME Date: 22-09-2011 Time: 18:30:55 Dear Syed, If you do not need the master data (customer / material and condition master data) to be differentiated according to distribution channels, you have to set up a representative distribution channel, say 12 or 10. The master data for the representative distribution channel applies to all distribution channels for which you have set up this reference in customizing. Hope this reply has answered your query. Regards, SME_SD

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