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University of Lagos

Human Resources Development Centre Diploma in Security Operation & Management Second Semester 2009/2010 Academic Session SOM115: Communication and Documentation Intelligence Time Allowed: 2 hours

Read the following instructions carefully and comply

Answer all the questions Shade your preferred answer/option to each question from options A to D on the OMR answer sheet provided At the back of the OMR sheet, supply the following information: Your Full Name, (No initials please}, Your Registration Number, Your Signature All your shadings should be full and deep Use HB pencil for all your shadings

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

16. 17.

Now answer the following questions. The word Cryptology is a (an) A. Latin word B. Greek word C. French word D. English word Kryptos means A. Intelligible B. Write C. Hidden D. Unintelligible Grafo means A. Intelligible B. Write C. Hidden D. Unintelligible The science of analyzing and breaking secured communication is known as A. Cryptology B. Cryptography C. Gibberish D. Cryptanalysis The scytale was developed by A. Egyptians B. Arab C. Assyrians D. Spartans The first people to understand the principle of cryptography and to elucidate the field of cryptanalysis are A. Egyptians B. Arabs C. Assyrians D. Spartans The ciphertext 666 in the new testament of the Holy Bible stands for A. Roman Emperor Nero B. King Herod C. Gabriele de Laude D. Pope Clement VII The earliest European ciphers involved only substitutes of A. consonants B. vowels C. alphabets D. number s The rotor machine, a mechanical encryption and decryption device was invented in A. 17th century B. 18th century C. 19th century D. 20th century Enigma, the encryption and decryption device is a (an) A. Mechanical device B. Electrical device C. Pneumatic device D.Electro-mechanical device The process of converting the ciphertext message back into plaintext message is known as A. Encryption B. Decryption C. Cryptosystem D. Cryptanalysis The process of converting the plaintext into cyphertext is known as A. Encryption B. Decryption C. Cryptosystem D. Cryptanalysis The piece of information that can be read and understood without any special measure is known as A. Plaintext B. Cyphertext C. Codeword D. Keyword The encrypted form of the original information is known as A. Plaintext B. Cyphertext C. Codeword D. Keyword The security of encrypting information is entirely dependent on the I. Secrecy of the key II. Cryptographic algorithm III. Cryptanalysis A. I only B. II only C. I and II D. I and III In cryptography, all possible keys and protocols that make the algorithm to work are referred to as A. Encryption machine B. Decryption machine C. Cryptosystem D. Cryptanalysis A cryptography in which one key is used for encryption and decryption is A. Conventional cryptography B. Public key cryptography C. Hybrid cryptography D. Simple cryptosystem

18. The best cryptography for the information that is not going anywhere is A. Conventional cryptography B. Public key cryptography C. Hybrid cryptography D. Simple cryptosystem 19. A cryptography in which a pair of keys is used for encryption is A. Conventional cryptography B. Public key cryptography C. Hybrid cryptography D. Simple cryptosystem 20. A cryptography in which a session key is involved is A. Conventional cryptography B. Public key cryptography C. Hybrid cryptography D. Simple cryptosystem 21. A cipher in which letters of the plaintext are arranged without changing the letters is known as A. Block cipher B. Stream cipher C. Substitution cipher D. Transposition cipher 22. A rail fence cipher is an option of A. Block cipher B. Stream cipher C. Substitution cipher D. Transposition cipher 23. The plaintext message for NEG IRAHUB using reverse the word cipher is A. GENERAL BUHARI B. GEN BUHARI C. BUHARI D. BUHARI GEN 24. Form the ciphertext for the message ACTION*CONGRESS using the reverse every second letter cipher A. ACIO*CNGESTNORS B. ATO*OGESCINCNRS C. *CONGRESSACTION D. RESSACT*CONGION 25. The plaintext message for RHSLOZ HZOZDF using the reverse the alphabet cipher is A. SUNDAY ADETEE B. ADEOLA BALOGE C. ISHOLA SALAWU D. MAKEE ADELAB 26. The plaintext message for FHAQNL NGRGRR using half reverse alphabet is A. SUNDAY ADETEE B. ADEOLA BALOGE C. ISHOLA SALAWU D. MAKEE ADELAB Upon employing a rail fence cipher, Bar. Adebayo Akinade arrived at: CNRS*FPORSIECAG OGESO*RGESV*HNE Use the key to answer questions 27 and 28 27. The ciphertext message from the key is A. OGESO*RGESV*HNECMRS*FPORSIECAG B. CNRS*FPORSIECAGOGESO*RGESV*HNE C. CONGRESS*FOR*PROGRESSIVE*CHANGE D. CHANGE*PROGRESSIVE*CONGRESS 28. The plaintext message from the key is A. OGESO*RGESV*HNECMRS*FPORSIECAG B. CNRS*FPORSIECAGOGESO*RGESV*HNE C. CONGRESS*FOR*PROGRESSIVE*CHANGE D. CHANGE*PROGRESSIVE*CONGRESS 29. The ciphertext message for my*nigeria*story using rail fence cipher is A. m*iei*soyyngre*t B. yngra*trm*iei*soy C. m*iei*tryngrasoy D. yngrasoym*iei*tr Dr. S.O. Adetona received a ciphertext message from Prof. R.I. Salawu, which reads: 20011105 030801180705. Use the statement to answer questions 30 and 31. 30. In your own option, Prof. R. I. Salawu employed A. Code word cipher B. Letters stand for numbers C. Numbers stand for letters D. Caesar cipher 31. The cleartext message from the ciphertext message is A. PLSE CONFIRM B. SEE ADELABU C. TAKE CHARGE D. YOUR RESUME Engr. Adeola Balogun employed a codeword cipher to convert a plaintext message to a ciphertext message in order to ensure security of the message he wanted to send to Engr. Adelabu. The key for the codeword is: COMPUTERABDFGHIJKLNQSVWXYZ. Use the key to answer questions 32 to 35 32. In your own opinion the keyword from the key is A. COMP B. UTER C. COMPUTER D. WXYZ 33. Upon using the key, the ciphertext message of the statement OLEKU is A. FIVJT B. IFUDS C. SDUFI D. TJYIF 34. Upon using the checkerboard, the plaintext message of LA MCFCWS IS A. RI SALAWU B. SO ADETONA C. MK ADELABU D. AO BALOGUN 35. Upon using the key, the plaintext message of CI OCFIES is A. RI SALAWU B. SO ADETONA C. MK ADELABU D. AO BALOGUN

36. In Caesar cipher how many places are letters of the alphabet shifted in order to form a key for the purpose of encryption and decryption exercises. A. 5 B. 4 C. 3 D. 2 37. The plaintext of the PBII using Caesar cipher is A. WELL B. TELL C. YELL D. SELL 38. A cipher in which two different grids are employed for encryption and decryption purposes is A. Pig pen B. Polybius C. Product D. Play fair Use Table Q39 to answer questions 39 through 41 Table Q35 I 3 S O E F 2 e w * E 1 n n r O 5 d * a L 4 * t i U 6 d h n

39. Table Q39 is traceable to A. Pig pen cipher B. Route cipher 40. The key word from the table is A. IFEOLU B. send down the rain 41. The plaintext to be encrypted from the table is A. IFEOLU B. send down the rain 42. From Table Q39, the ciphertext message is A. IFEOLU B. send down the rain Use Fig Q43 to answer questions 43 through 47

C. Rail fence C. 645123 C. soeeio*nnrd*a*tidhu C. soeeio*nnrd*a*tidhu

D. Play fair cipher D. 321546 D. nnrew*soe*tid*adhu D. nnrew*soe*tid*adhu

Fig. Q43



43. Fig. Q43 can be used to develop the A. Pig pen cipher B. Play fair cipher C. Product cipher D. Route cipher 44. The ciphertext message of ACTION CONGRESS OF NIGERIA using Fig. Q43 is A. B. C. D. 45. The plaintext message of is A. NUHU RIBADU B. BILL OGB OZA C. MIKE ODUSAN D. ISOL PUPANE 46. The plaintext message of is A. NUHU RIBADU B. BILL OGB OZA C. MIKE ODUSAN D. ISOL PUPANE 47. The ciphertext of PROF JEGA using Fig. Q43 is A. B. C. D.

Table Q48 shows the first checkerboard for Product cipher. Use it to answer questions 48 through 53 Table Q48 A D F G V X U N D A Y A S E J O H B D T * G I K L F C M P Q R ** W G 3 V X *** 0 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 X 4 48. The keyword used for the formation of the checkerboard is A. SUNDAY B. TEJOH C. SUNDAY TEJOH D. TEJOHB 49. The alphabet that is meant to occupy the cell that contains * is A. D B. E C. F D. H 50. The alphabet that is meant to occupy the cell that contains ** is A. S B. T C. U D. V 51. The alphabet that is meant to occupy the cell that contains *** is A. Y B. Z C. AA D. AB 52. The ciphertext message of the cleartext OBAMA using Table Q48 is A. GD XD VA AG XA B. DG DX AY GA AY C. AY GA AY DX DG D. VA AG VA XD GD 53. The cleartext message of the intelligible gibberish DFDGDDFFAVGGDXAV is A. GEN SHEHU B. JOE SAWYR C. GEN BUHAR D. JOE GARBA 54. In Polybius cipher the two alphabet letters are combined in a cell are A. G & H B. H & I C. I & J D. J & K 55. The Polybius cipher checkerboard is formed by A. 8 X 8 matrix B. 7 X 7 matrix C. 6 X 6 matrix D. 5 X 5 matrix 56. The playfair cipher is similar to A. Product cipher B. Polybius cipher C. Route cipher D. Codeword cipher 57. Decrypt the message 43115115 3254 43344531 using Polybius cipher A. save my life B. save my soul C. kill my dogs D. kill my pets 58. Encrypt the message CPC using Polybius cipher A. 13 35 13 B. 31 53 31 C. 33 55 33 D. 11 55 11 59. A cipher in which letters of cleartext are removed and replaced with other symbols is known as A. Substitution cipher B. Transposition cipher C. Stream cipher D. Block cipher 60. The secret message known only to the transmitter and the receiver in order to secure the cleartext is A. keyword B. key C. code D. codeword 61. An unvarying rule for replacing a piece of information with another object not necessarily of the same kind is A. keyword B. key C. code D. codeword 62. In cryptology DES stands for A. Digital Encryption Symbol B. Data Encryption Symbol C. Digital Encryption Standard D. Data Encryption Standard 63. Which of the following is odd? A. Rail fence cipher B. Caesar cipher C. Code word cipher D. Polybius cipher 64. In playfair cipher if the pair of letters is in the same row, the cipher text letters are the letters A. of the same as the rows of the plaintext letters B. of the right of the plaintext letters C. below the plaintext letters D. of the left of the plaintext letters 65. In playfair cipher, if the pair of letters is in the same column, the ciphertext letters are the letters A. of the same as the rows of the plaintext letters B. of the right of the plaintext letters C. below the plaintext letters D. of the left of the plaintext letters

66. In the playfair cipher, if the pair of letters is in different rows and columns, A. rows are kept the same as the rows of the plaintext letters B. columns are kept the same as the rows of the plaintext letters C. columns are kept the same as the columns of the plaintext letters D. the plaintext letters is the same with cleartext letters 67. In the playfair cipher, if any of the words in the cleartext consist of identical letter, what do you do? I will A. delete one of the repeated letters B. add an extra letter between the repeated letters C. delete the repeated letters in the entirety D. add two extra letters between the repeated letters 68. Another name for a cryptanalyst is A Cryptologist B. Attacker C. Cryptographer D. Key destroyer Fill in the Gap. In Polybius cipher each letter is converted into two __69___, the first is the ____70___ and the second is the ___71___ in which the letter can be found. 69. A. Letters B. Numbers C. Alpha numerals D. Symbols 70. A. Cells B. Matrix C. rows D. column 71. A. Cells B. Matrix C. rows D. Column 72. In ADFGVX cipher, each letter or number is converted into two A. Letters B. Numbers C. Alpha numerals D. Symbols 73. The first checkerboard of product cipher is found by A. 8 X 8 matrix B. 7 X 7 matrix C. 6 X 6 matrix D. 5 X 5 matrix 74. The dimension of the checkerboard of route cipher is determined by I. keyboard II. Ciphertext III. Plaintext A. I only B. III only C. I & II D. I & III 75. The cryptographic systems are generally grouped according to the A. methodical operation for encryption and decryption B. Type of cipher produced C. Type of key system used D. All of the above

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