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Two Truths and a Lie: Each student takes turns stating three statements about
themselves, two of which are true, and one is a lie. The rest of the class tries to
guess which statement is false.
2. Taboo: Prepare cards with words related to the lesson's vocabulary or
grammar. One student has to describe the word on the card without using the
word itself, while others try to guess it. Certain "taboo" words cannot be used
in the description.
3. Pictionary: Divide the class into teams. One person from each team has to
draw a word or phrase related to the lesson on the board, and their team
members have to guess what it is.
4. Story Chain: Start a story with a sentence, and each student adds one sentence
to continue the story. It goes on until you have a fun and creative story.
5. Debates: Divide the class into two groups and assign them opposing
viewpoints on a topic related to their interests or the lesson. They have to
debate their positions respectfully.
6. Movie Dubbing: Play a short video clip without sound and have the students
take turns providing voiceovers for the characters.
7. ESL Quiz Show: Create a quiz show format with teams, buzzers, and a range of
questions covering vocabulary, grammar, culture, and general knowledge.
8. Alphabet Story: The first student says a sentence that starts with the letter "A."
The next student continues with a sentence starting with the letter "B," and so
on until you reach "Z."
9. Role Play: Prepare scenarios related to real-life situations, such as ordering
food at a restaurant or negotiating a business deal. Students role-play the
scenarios to practice their language skills.
10. Sentence Auction: Give each student a set amount of play money and present
sentences with errors. Students bid on the sentences, and the highest bidder
gets to correct it. The correct sentence wins the auction.
11. Find the Lie: Prepare a list of interesting statements or facts, some of which are
false. Students have to find the lies in the list.
12. ESL Bingo: Create bingo cards with words related to the lesson, and students
mark the words as you call them out.

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