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Present Continuous Tense – Exercises

Let’s trace the sentences.

1. I - read a book I am reading a book.
2.He - climb a tree He is climbing a tree.
3.You – not - do puzzles You aren’t doing puzzles.
4.It – fly ? Is it flying?

Let’s make sentences

1. I – play football …………………………………
2. She – cook ? …………………………………
3. The bird – not – fly …………………………………
4. The boy – dance …………………………………
5. They – not – study …………………………………
6. He – take photographs …………………………………
7. My ca t – drink milk …………………………………
8. I – not – do homework …………………………………
9. She – go to school …………………………………
10. You – come ? …………………………………

Let’s write the words in correct order

11. is – doing homework – she …………………………………
12. am not – I – having breakfast …………………………………
13. you – sleeping – are ? …………………………………
14. reading newspaper – the man – is …………………………………
15. aren’t – we – studying …………………………………
16. they – swinging – in the playground – are … … … … … … … … … … … …
17. home – I – going – am …………………………………
18. working – is – now – my father …………………………………
19. she – is – car – driving …………………………………
20. he – riding – now – is – a bike ? …………………………………

Let’s fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb
1. We are _________(play) football.
2. She isn’t _________(run).
3. Are they _________(go) to the cinema?
4. He is ________(take) photographs.
5. The kangaroo is ________(jump) now.

Look at the pictures and

answer the questions. What is he doing?
…………………………………….. a. skipping b. skiping

a. flying b. flyying

What is he doing? a. takeing b. taking

……………………………………… a. playing b. playying

a. drawing b. drawwing

What is he doing? a. studyying b. studying

……………………………………… a. coming b. comeing

a. runing b. running

What is she doing? Ask a question about the sentences

……………………………………… 1. He is playing a computer game.

What are they doing? 2. They are doing puzzles.


3. You are reading newspaper.

What is he doing?
4. Alex is playing football.

5. Sally and Frank are studying English.

What is she doing?

……………………………………… 6. She is making a cake for you.

7. I am writing a letter .
What is she doing?

8. He is sleeping at the moment.

What is she doing? 9. The rabbit is jumping.

10. Alice is cooking in the kitchen.


Circle the correct one

a. swiming b. swimming

a. reading b. readding

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