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82 Exercises

nothing to give them. 16. She will be glad she has taken my advice. 1 7 . 1
know you have done nothing to be ashamed of. 18. I wonder if you realize how
difficult it is. 19. I met him at the metro. He was waiting for somebody. 20.
You’ll come too late. They will be having dinner.

Exercise 4. Open the brackets.

1. Mother said that uncle Ted (to come) for a visit and (to bring) his little
son. 2. She knew she (to be) right, (to be) right from the very beginning. 3. He
promised everything (to be) right. 4. He felt that somebody (to watch) him. 5.
He wondered how much she (to know). 6. She said carelessly that she (to
make) her change her mind, once she (to change) it but that at present she still
(to examine) the facts. 7. I asked Ann who else (to come) to the party. 8. We
thought that as she (to leave) next week she (to come) to say good-bye. 9. That
is what I (to tell) already your friend. 10. I thought you (to like) him. 11. I
looked at Ijim again. He not (to listen) to me, he only (to pretend) to. 12. There
were few people on the platform. All who (to travel) (to take) their seats. 13.
He (to travel) with his friend who (to go out) to buy a magazine and he was
sure the man (to be left) behind.

Exercise 5. Use reported speech according to the model. Mind the sequence
of tenses.
Model: He said: “I am busy now.”
He said (that) he was busy then.
She asked (me): “Does anyone help you with your English?”
She asked (wondered, wanted to know) if (whether) anyone helped
me with my English.
1. He asked: “What is our next topic for discussion?”
2. She said: “I don’t know him well enough to discuss the question with him.”
3. He said: “It’s time for a cup of coffee.” 4. I asked them: “Do you like to read
books about animals?” 5. She asked the boys: “Do you want to stay and help us
with our work?” 6. The little girl said: “I like to watch T V.” 7. My friend asked
me: “Are you free now?” 8. She asked him: “Do you have enough money for a
(Пряма і іптряма мова)
При перетворенні прямої мови у непряму повідомлення прямої мови
стає додатковим підрядним реченням, яке вводиться сполучником that.
У розмовній мові сполучник that майже не вживається:
Не says, “They will go to the cinema tomorrow.”
He says that they will go to the cinema tomorrow.
He says they will go to the cinema tomorrow.
При перетворенні прямої мови у непряму особові і присвійні
займенники змінюються залежно від змісту:
She says, “I work with my friends.”
She says that she works with her friends.
Direct and Indirect Speech 83
Якщо в словах автора після дієслова to say вжито додаток (з
прийменником to), то перед непрямою мовою замість дієслова to say
вживається дієслово to tell, після якого додаток вживається без
Не says to them, “I can get the tickets.”
He tells them that he can get the tickets.
Якщо в словах автора дієслово минулого часу, то час дієслова прямої
мови в непрямій мові змінюється згідно з правилом послідовності
часів, а саме:
Present Indefinite на Past Indefinite
Present Continuous на Past Continuous
Present Perfect на Past Perfect
Past Indefinite на Past Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous на Past Perfect Continuous
Future на Future in the Past
Past Perfect залишається без змін
Peter said, “I play chess every day.”
Peter said that he played chess every day.
The man said, “I have locked the door.”
The man said that he had locked the door.
При перетворенні прямої мови у непряму вказівні займенники, а
також прислівники місця і часу здебільшого змінюються так:
this на that today на that day
these на those tomorrow на the next day
here на there yesterday на the day before
now на then ago на before

He said, “I live in this house.”

He said that he lived in that house.
She said, “I was here ten years ago.”
She said that she had been there ten years before.
Але ця заміна не відбувається, якщо прямій мові відповідає речення
непрямої мови, висловлене в той самий час або в тому самому місці.
Наприклад, реченню Не said, “I live in this house” відповідає речення
Не said that he lived in this house, якщо автор висловлювання перебуває
біля вказаного будинку.

Interrogative Sentences in Indirect Speech

(Питальні речення у непрямій мові)
У непрямих запитаннях, на відміну від прямих, прямий порядок слів:
підмет ставиться перед присудком; у Present і Past Indefinite у непрямих
запитаннях не вживається допоміжне дієслово to do.
Не asks me, “What are you doing?”
He asks me what I am doing.
84 Interrogative Sentences in Indirect Speech
The teacher asks him, “When do you get up?”
The teacher asks him when he gets up.
При передачі непрямою мовою питальних речень дієслово to say в
словах автора замінюється дієсловом to ask або одним з його синонімів,
після яких додаток вживається без прийменника to.
Дієслово to say в словах автора замінюється дієсловами to tell, to ask, to
order і їх синонімами.
Mother said to me, “Show me your note-book.”
Mother asked me to show her my note-book.
The teacher said to us, “Don’t open your books.”
The teacher told us not to open our books.

Примітка. У заперечній формі частка not ставиться перед І інфінітивом з to.
.... ... . _ - -

Texi ____________________85

He said to her, “Where did you buy it?”

He asked her where she had bought it.
Якщо непрямою мовою передається загальне запитання, що
починається допоміжним або модальним дієсловом, то непряме
запитання вводиться сполучниками if або whether:
The woman asked him, “Do you go to school?”
The woman asked him if he went to school.

While at work on “Hamlet” Smoktunovsky started to learn English. One day
Kozintsev, the film director, came to his place on some business and saw a
strange piece of paper, covered with coloured symbols, on the wall over his
desk. Kozintsev thought that it looked like a geographical map. He asked the
actor what it was. Smoktunovsky explained to him that he had been studying
English for a few months already. He told Kozintsev that English grammar was
very difficult and he hoped that this table would help him to master its
mysteries. He said that he wanted to learn English well enough to be able to
read Shakespeare in the original. The actor remembered that he hadn’t always
been a Shakespeare fan, he had found him boring at school. “I never thought
then that I myself would play Shakespeare,” he added. Kozintsev didn’t say
anything, he just wondered how long his friend would have been studying the
language before he was able to read Shakespeare in the original.
Assignment Give
full answers to the questions.
1. When did Smoktunovsky begin to study English?
2. What did Kozintsev see over his desk when he came to his place one day?
3. How long had Smoktunovsky been studying English before that day?
4. What did the actor say about English grammar?
5. What did Kozintsev wonder about?
8G Exercises
Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences.
1. I see that you know the subject well. 2. I saw that he knew the subject
well. 3. You will see that she knows the subject well. 4. I see that you are
trying to find an answer.
5. I saw that she was trying to find an answer. 6. You’ll see that she is trying
to find an answer. 7. She knows that she has made a mistake. 8. She knew that
she had made a mistake. 9. She will know that she has made a mistake. 10. I
see that you have been taking lessons. 11. I saw that she had been taking
lessons. 12. You’ll see that she has been taking lessons. 13. I hope you will get
there in time. 14. I hoped she would get there in time. 15. I know you are
leaving soon. 16. I knew they were leaving soon. 17. I know that the lecture
begins at seven. 18. I knew that the lecture began at seven.
Exercise 2. Open the brackets. Use the necessary verb form. Model: I knew
he (to tell) the truth.
I knew he was telling the truth.
I knew he had told the truth.
I knew he would tell the truth.
1. I felt she (to watch) me. 2. I wondered how much he (to know). 3. We
knew she (to be) right, (to be) right from the very beginning. 4. He knew I (to
leave) next day. 5. It was clear he (to drop) something and now (to look) for it
under the table. 6. We looked at her. She not (to listen). 7. Ann said that her
Mother (to come) for a visit and (to bring) her aunt Betsy. 8. The interesting
point was that nobody (to see) the car. 9. He promised he (to do) it himself. 10.
The room was in darkness. Somebody (to switch) off the lights. 11. My only
hope is that somebody (to find) my keys and (to leave) them downstairs.'12. I
did not know what we (to have) for dinner. 13. She spoke much better. It was
clear that she (to study) hard. 14. Then you’ll be sorry that you not (to speak)
French. 15. My sister said she not (to know) what to do.
Exercise 3. Read and translate the sentences.
1. You will come late. They will be having dinner. 2. We know she has
done nothing to be ashamed of. 3. I wonder if you realize how difficult it is. 4.
Nick asked himself if they had sent for him because they knew he was an
American agent. 5. We knew Ann was leaving early next day, that she was
packing her things upstairs now and that we should probably never see her
again. 6. I was told that a new governess was coming next week and that until
then my sister would give us lessons herself. 7. We did not ask anyone what
they had decided. 8. It was clear that something had gone wrong and we should
be late. 9. It was announced in all the papers that the woman had disappeared
and that the police was looking for her. 10. His story was that he had missed
the train.
11. Father asked me if I had been winning more games lately.
12. You’ll see that she knows how to handle the situation. 13.1 saw that
Exercises 87
he was trying to explain why he had not come in time. 14. We met him at the
station early last morning. He was waiting for his train. 15. The explanation
was that he had not expected that sort of question. 16. She said carelessly that
nothing would make her change her mind, once she had changed it but that at
present she was examining the facts.
Exercise 4. Render the following texts in indirect speech.
Once Mark Twain was fishing. A stranger came along and asked him, “Are
you catching any fish?”
“I caught fifteen trout in this stream yesterday,” Mark Twain said.
“Is that so?” said the stranger. “Well, do you know who I am?” “No,” said
Mark Twain.
“Well, I am the game warden of this county,” answered the stranger. “And
trout are out of season.” ■
Mark Twain thought a while. Then he asked, “By the way, do you know
who I am?”
“No,” replied the game warden.
“Well, I am the biggest liar in this county,” said Mark Twain.
II. TIME WORKS WONDERS Once a man went to a
restaurant. “Bring me a regular three course dinner,” he ordered the waiter, a
very young lad. Time passed, but the lad with the dinner didn’t appear. “How
long shall I have to wait?” wondered the customer. At that moment the boy
came running in with a plate of soup on

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