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Statistics is an analysis of life long data and performance of any system.It has an descriptive and
research based analytical process which have an impact on every long term process and
improvement on the basis of performance While analytic means an instant data based on a
limited time frame performance which gives you how to improve it for better requirements.

When data is spread across multiple systems or stored in incompatible formats, it is difficult to
integrate and thoroughly analyze it. As a result, decision-makers may lack a thorough
understanding of the data, leading to not enough insights and potentially incorrect conclusions.
for example , because sales data for a product is stored in different systems for different time
periods, it is difficult to analyze and identify trend.

Any company which have a mobile dashboards: 1) Real-time marketing mobile

dashboard: display metrics like click-through rates, interested products from marketing
campaigns, etc.. it provides marketing team ability to see real-time of marketing
campaigns performance on the go, supports real-time feedback to adjust their
campaigns accordingly. 2) Delivery tracking dashboard for logistic company and
consumer: helps operation team and drive collaboration in goods delivery journey.
Operation team can track the delivery journey, shipper can adjust their route to delivery
the next item with less effort and more efficiently, and consumer can see track delivery
status anywhere, any time. Sharing information for multiple individuals has its
advantages and disadvantages. Some of the advantages include: - Visibility: key metrics
are visible to relevant people conveniently, which increases transparency and visibility. -
Better decision-making: more information available in time, anywhere can facilitate
better decision making. - Improved and encouraged collaboration: better information
communication, better visibility, and better collaboration. Here are some disadvantages:
- Security risk: people can use this information for their own purpose, especially when
sensitive information is invoked. - Access control and data privacy risk: without proper
access control, data can be leaded to unauthorized user and create damage.

Here are some thoughts on each perspective: Financial Perspective: The financial perspective is
often considered the most critical aspect as it directly ties to the organization's bottom line and
shareholder value. However, critics argue that focusing solely on financial metrics can lead to
short-term decision-making, neglecting long-term sustainability and other important factors.
Customer Perspective: The customer perspective highlights the importance of understanding
and meeting customer needs and expectations. This perspective is valuable as customer
satisfaction and loyalty are crucial for business success. However, critics argue that relying solely
on customer feedback and satisfaction metrics may not provide a complete picture. It's essential
to consider other aspects like product quality, innovation, and social responsibility, which might
not always align with immediate customer preferences but contribute to long-term success.
Internal Processes Perspective.

Yes, These method are very common in every organisation to represent it's position and
performance in every sectors because to display current target it's easy to provide target to
every mam so they can achieve it.

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