Noble Prize

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Goldin wins Economics Nobel

for work on gender pay gap

Claudia Goldin became the third Claudia Goldin, who in Goldin provided the first
woman to receive the Nobel Prize in 1990 became the first comprehensive account
economics as the US professor was woman to be tenured of women’s earnings
awarded for her research at Harvard’s economics and labour market
into the factors that dept, is only the third participation through
explain pay gaps woman to win the centuries, the
between men and Economics Nobel prize-giving body said
Goldin will receive a Difference in pay between men and women
11 million-krona ($1
could be reduced if employers allowed
million) award, the Royal
Swedish Academy of Sciences in
employees more flexibility in choosing work
Stockholm said in a statement Monday. hours, Goldin said earlier
“Understanding women’s role in the
labor market is important for society,” Born in 1946 in New York, Goldin is a the birth of the first child. That
Jakob Svensson, chair of the Committee professor at Harvard University who understanding provides a basis for
for the Prize in Economic Sciences said. used more than 200 years of data to policymakers globally to address the
“Thanks to Claudia Goldin’s show that while the pay gaps could situation, Randi Hjalmarsson, a
groundbreaking research, we now know historically be explained by differences professor of economics at the University
more about the underlying factors and in education and occupational choices, of Gothenburg, told a press conference
which barriers may need to be they now exist between men and after announcing the award. BLOOMBERG
addressed in the future.” women in the same jobs, and arise with Turn to Page 6 >
all of its taxing powers.

Nobel Prize...
“You can’t treat an illness with
a medication without knowing
what it is and what causes it,”
she said. “She has provided this
underlying foundation that has
different policy implications in
different countries and differ-
ent contexts around the world.”
Goldin combined innovative
methods in economic history
with an economic approach,
demonstrating that the supply
and demand for female labour
have historically been
influenced by their opportuni-
ties for combining paid work
and a family, decisions relating
to education and childrearing,
technical innovations such as
the contraceptive pill, laws and
norms, and the structural trans-
formation of the economy.

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