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South Carolina State Organization

V O L U M E 6 8 I S S U E 1
The Digest
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International O C T O B E R 2 0 2 3

SCSO has a beautiful watercolor

rendering of our Auld-Murdock State
Headquarters in Columbia, thanks to
Carolyn Wall of Chi Chapter, who do-
nated her time, supplies, and talent to
make it possible. About a year ago,
SCSO Executive Secretary Dr. Kathy
Carter approached Carolyn about
needing a painting of Headquarters to
use on programs and other publica-
tions. Kathy owned one of Carolyn's
paintings, and she knew the caliber of
her work. "So in Kathy's very positive
mindset, she assured me that I could
do a picture to hang at Headquarters,
and I could do it by state convention!"
recalled Carolyn. Auld-Murdock State Headquarters
In the beginning, Linda Smith helped Carolyn by taking many reference photos and giving her
information about the flowers' colors, shutters, etc. When Kathy came to work at Headquarters,
she would take additional pictures for Carolyn. "I really wanted the painting to
show the warmth of the little house where sisters gather to work and plan and
dream of what DKG can do. As a member of DKG, it was an honor to have the
opportunity to paint Headquarters," Carolyn said. Carolyn donated all the sup-
plies, and Chi Chapter framed the finished painting presented at the state con-
vention. The watercolor now hangs at Headquarters.
Members are encouraged to view the painting hanging in the living room
when they visit Headquarters. Be sure to look for the bird added to the picture.
Kathy told Carolyn about a bird wanting to get in the photographs she was
Carolyn Wall sending. Carolyn asked Kathy to take close-up photos of the bird. The bird was
added to the finished product.
Prints and notecards have been made from the painting. If you want to purchase one of
these, contact Linda Smith, our Headquarters House Manager. The notecards are 4 for $12, the
8x10 prints are $10, and the 8x10 matted prints are $20.

Inside This Issue: Necrology - P 5 Workshop- P 8

President’s Message - P 2 EEC Matters - P 6 Chapter News - P10
Open House - P 4 Conference - P 7 Calendar - P12
Message From the President
Six SC State Leaders began their leadership journey by
attending the International State Leaders training in Irving,
Texas. Executive Secretary Dr. Kathy Carter, First Vice Presi-
dent Melanie Cook, Secretary Karen Walton, Treasurer Aman-
da Cruse, and Webmaster Linda Navorska joined me for an
intense day of training on Saturday, June 24. The training
2023-2025 started at 8:00 a.m. and continued until 9:30 p.m. During our
Officers and Staff allotted state group meeting time, were able to map out our Elizabeth Vance
strategy to keep our state moving forward.
Elizabeth Vance
DKG presented three International Conferences last summer. I am pleased to report that South Carolina State was represented at each confer-
ence. The first International Conference was held in Detroit, Michigan. I at-
Melanie Cook tended this conference with Dr. Kathy Carter, Amanda Cruise, Mary Ellen
1st Vice President Parks, and Linda Navorska. During the conference, there were eight work-
shop sessions with 44 workshops. Each workshop focus was interesting and
Nancy Cowart relevant. We enjoyed some free time in the evening to walk outside or ride the
2nd Vice President “people mover” to see the city. The second International Conference was held in Phoenix, Arizona. Susie Epps and Muriel O’Tuel attended this conference.
Muriel presented a workshop entitled “Staying Young and Being Useful.” Muri-
Karen Walton
el also attended the third International Conference held in Tampere, Finland. She presented a workshop and enjoyed connecting with many of her Europe-
an DKG Sisters.
Amanda Cruse Our State Leadership Workshop was held on Saturday, September 30, in
Columbia. There were 58 attendees representing 32 chapters. Each attendee
received a Leadership Training brochure highlighting key information, includ-
Dr. Diane Stewart ing State and International resources. You will find all this information and
Assistant Treasurer more on our State Website at Linda Navorska, our Webmaster, continually updates the site with vital information. Be sure to
Dr. Kathy Carter check it out periodically.
Executive Secretary During the General Session, I presented the State Theme “LEAD with Pur- pose” and four Goals for the 2023-2025 biennium.
Goal 1: Learn about Rewards and Talents. The Rewards and benefits of
Linda Smith being a member of DKG and the Talents of your chapter members.
Assistant Executive Secretary
And House Manager Goal 2: Establish Chapter Purposes. Each chapter should have projects and programs that reflect your chapter purposes for the year and each
meeting. Involve all members in the planning and have a purpose for at-
Janis K. Blocker tending the meetings.
Goal 3: Actively Recruit and Retain Members. Locate the leading women
educators in your area, such as Teacher of the Year. Build relationships
Susie Epps with potential members by showing an interest in them. Retain members
Immediate Past President by showing support and mutual respect. Give ownership in the chapter by asking members to hold a leadership position.
Karen Faulkenberry Goal 4: Develop Communication Connections. Your chapter website
DIGEST Editor should be linked to DKG and our State Website. The following steps are found under the Resources tab, then click Webmaster. Publicize
your chapter’s happenings periodically in the “Chapter News” Section of
Linda Navorska The Digest. We can build strong relationships by connecting and sharing.
Webmaster Remember, I am here to assist you in any way possible. I look
He forward to working with all of you and sharing more about our State
Theme and Goals. We are off to a good start, so let’s keep the mo-
mentum going and LEAD with Purpose!

Elizabeth Vance 31 Wild Strawberry Lane, Bluffton, SC 29909 304-890-1881(c)


From the Treasurer, Amanda Cruse

June and July were hectic because the first order of business was to attend the state
treasurers' workshop in Irving, Texas, on June 23-25, 2023. The workshop was a whirlwind
full of great information and a chance to meet with and get to know many other state treas-
July 11-16, 2023, I attended the International Conference in Detroit, Michigan. "Moving
Forward with Vitality, Relevance, and Sustainability in Our Changing World" was the confer- Amanda Cruse
ence's focus. There were many opportunities to enhance your mind and body and to hone and expand key
leadership skills. Speakers presented on various thought-provoking and energizing topics, including motiva-
tion for our members from Debbie LeBlanc, DKG International President 2022–2024, and Nita Scott, DKG
Executive Director. I enjoyed attending the general sessions with our speakers, forums, and inspiring work-
shops. On Saturday evening, before returning home on Sunday, I heard "Dueling Pianos," an entertaining
Saturday night tribute to Motown's greatest hits in an interactive experience.
Upon returning from the International Conference, real work began ensuring dues were turned in to
SCSO and DKG International on time. I began working on getting dues recorded and deposited. Presently,
SCSO has only five chapters that have not remitted state and international dues. Hopefully, by the due date,
October 1, 2023, all chapters will have collected 2023-2024 dues and submitted them to the state (SCSO)
and DKG International. If you are having any problems, don't hesitate to get in touch with me at once.
The next important order of business is that your chapter 990N is the number one priority now. Please
complete this as soon as possible so that "Uncle Sam" will be happy. The due date is November 15, 2023. If
you have problems taking care of the 990N, contact me immediately. Remember to send me a copy stating
Accepted, not pending by email, or a hard copy by regular mail.
Remember that we are still collecting "Quarters for Headquarters." When you write this check, do not put
scholarship money or dues money in this check. Dues and scholarship (Florence Steele, Mary Eva Hite, M.
Thompson, and Founders) money go into different accounts.
Please feel free to contact me anytime. My phone number is (803) 917-7625. My email is amanda- All DKG mail should be sent to P.O. Box 1837 Lexington, SC 29072. Phone: 803)

From the Executive Secretary, Dr. Kathy Carter

Welcome to another DKG year! We have an excellent state leadership team, and I
look forward to working with them. To all of our outstanding educators who are still
working, I hope each of you is having a great start to the new school year.
Our fall training for chapter presidents and state committees was held on Septem-
ber 30. A special thanks is extended to Kappa and Nu Chapters for providing our
morning delights. You will find the Chapter President's Notebook, a guide for the rest of
the year, on our state website for chapter presidents who could not attend.
We also greatly appreciate Linda Norvaska and Rhonda Arnold, who have worked Dr. Kathy Carter
diligently to get our virtual chapter, Alpha Omega, up and running. Membership is open
to any member throughout the state struggling to attend their chapter meetings or to new members who
prefer Zoom meetings.
I recently saw an article on "positivity" in a lowcounty newspaper that resonated with me. Some sug-
gestions for all of us as DKG members to consider include the following:
•Write down three good things that are going on in your chapter or our SCSO organization.
•Send a positive note or call someone in your chapter.
•Use a "power lead," meaning start conversations with something good rather than a gripe.
•In your conversations, put a smile in your voice! Example: "I'm excited for …" or "I look forward to …"
•Display trust and confidence in others, putting a positive spin on some common negative statements,
such as "The report could be better" rather than "The report is terrible."
Let's start the year with a positive attitude; hopefully, it will spill over to others in our workplace and DKG
chapters. Thanks to each of you for all you do to support our organization. Phone: (803) 401-5345 Headquarters
(803) 467-6587 Cell 19 St. Andrews Place, Hilton Head Island, SC 29928


Headquarters’ Challenge
Headquarters’ Trustees have issued a challenge to all members to
contribute at least five dollars to the Headquarters’ Fund which is used
to upkeep and improve our house. Our house is located in Columbia,
SC. Local chapters use headquarters for their meeting place, but any
chapter can arrange to have a meeting or tour of our house. If you are
going to be in the Columbia area, you can spend the night at the house. Auld-Murdock Headquarters
Headquarters also houses our organization’s offices, records, and is the site of our Holiday Open
House in December. Chapters who meet this challenge will be recognized in the State Convention
booklet and at the State Convention. Donations can be sent to SCSO treasurer, Amanda Cruse, P.O.
Box 1837, Lexington, SC 29072, earmarking your separate check for “HQ Challenge”.

SCSO Achievement Award

SCSO Achievement Award Committee is accepting nominations for this
year’s award. This award is given to a member that has merited recognition in
Delta Kappa Gamma at the local and state levels. It is recognized as the State’s
highest award to a member. The nomination criteria and form is on the SCSO
website ( under the Resource tab then Important
Forms. Email nominations and questions to Linda Walker at linrwalk-

Holiday Open House at Headquarters

Alpha Chapter of SCSO
Invites you to attend Photos
from 2022
The Annual Holiday Open House event.

On Saturday, December 9, 2023

At the Auld-Murdock Headquarters House

607 Maple Street, Columbia, SC

From 11 am to 1 pm

Refreshments will be served.


From The House Manager
Fall has been a busy season at the Headquarters House. We have al-
ready hosted several meetings and overnight guests. It is always a pleasure to
welcome Sisters to the House. We are looking forward to hosting you for the
Holiday Open House on December 9 from 11-1. Functioning as a meeting
space, an office, and a records facility is not all the Headquarters can do for your
chapter. The House also serves as a resource for you. We have complete sets
of initiation materials that can be borrowed. There are program guides and mem-
orabilia about our founders that can be used for a reorientation meeting. Your
Linda Smith chapter histories, files of state business, and notebooks from our state presi-
House Manager
dents are kept here. Do you want to add music to a program? DKG sheet music
and books are available. Thanks to a large bookcase donation, there is now a “library” of state
histories, international histories, bound Digests, early constitutions and rule books, and books
authored by DKG sisters.
You can reach me by text or email (803-361-1208 or if the Auld
-Murdock House can help you or your chapter. I hope to see you in December!

By Lynn Covington, Necroloy Committee Chair
Keeping accurate records is an important part of any organization’s history. South Carolina
State Organization has been fortunate to have many outstanding members since our inception.
We want to remember and honor those special educators by recording their “footprint” in our
society. To preserve our history, we need help from our chapters.
Chapter presidents are to report the death of members immediately to International and
South Carolina State Organization. The interactive report (Form 6) can be found at under Forms. Complete Form 6 online and email or mail a copy to:
• Membership Services Administrator, P.O. Box 1589, Austin, Texas 78767-1589 or
• State Organization Treasurer Amanda Cruse Email:
• South Carolina State Necrology Chairman Lynn Covington, 2026 Hebron Dunbar Road,
Clio, SC 29525

White Roses in Memorium……….

South Carolina State Sisters
“Beautiful memories silently kept of our sisters we loved but will never forget.”
Lydia Wilkie Edmunds Alpha Alpha Chapter
Leslie Ann Michael Beta Beta Chapter
(This list was compile from the reports of member death (Form 6) received since June 2023.


EEC Matters
By Melanie Cook 1st Vice President
What an honor it is to serve as the SCSO 1st Vice-President and Educational Excellence Com-
mittee (EEC) Chair for 2023-2025. Last July, some members of your SCSO leadership team attend-
ed the International Training event in Irving, Texas. This event was incredible, intense, inspiring, and
worth every minute of every session because I now know so much more about EEC and the Socie-
As the organization's EEC chair, I am here to assist and encourage you and your chapter by
highlighting the work of this committee. As you plan, feel free to contact me for ideas, answers to
your questions, or encouragement. The EEC "Umbrella" includes programs, projects, SEE
(Supporting Early Career Educators), UNICEF, UN/CTAUN, the Arts (Visual and Performing), legis-
lation, and leadership development. The work of EEC can be accomplished through -
• Member engagement at all levels of the Society – chapter, state, and International, as well as Melanie Cook
through the websites associated with all three levels;
Caption describing
• Discovering opportunities to help improve education - changes that demonstrate/lead to excellence;
picture or graphic.
• Engaging and relevant programs/presenters, projects providing professional development and support for all educa-
tors - early, current, collegiate education students, and retirees;
• Recognizing and celebrating excellence in the classrooms, schools, and the personal lives of educators and DKG
“To catch the reader's attention, place an

The 2023-2025 state theme, LEAD with PURPOSE, and the work of the EEC are closely linked. The combination of
interesting sentence or quote from the story

these two elements of our Society is the heartbeat of who we are, what we've done all the way back to our beginning in
1929, what we are currently doing, what we plan to do, and how we will evaluate our efforts. Every action at every level
of this honor Society matters. I am grateful for all I've learned through involvement in my local chapter and at the state
and International levels.
Together, let's commit to re-educating ourselves and others, revitalizing the Society wherever you are serving, recon-
necting to members and educators at all levels, using relevant topics and presenters, and reminding everyone about the
history and significance of DKG.
I look forward to our partnership.
Melanie Cook, SCSO 1st Vice-President
EEC Chair 2023-2025
142 Harbour Pointe Drive, Chesnee, SC 29323 864-384-5134

SCSO Facebook
While SCSO members are encouraged to Search
be leaders,
Caption this one time, members need to be
a follower—a
describing follower of our Facebook Page.
Open your Facebook app and click on the
picture or
graphic. glass in the top left corner. Search
magnifying Like
for our Facebook name, South Carolina State
Organization of Delta Kappa Gamma. When
you find it, click on it, like and follow the page.
Linda Navorska needs help filling our Face-
book page with information about our organiza-
tion and chapter happenings. Please send pic-
tures and information about what is happening
in your chapter. Follow


In June, our state officers went to Irving, Texas. Much of the time
was spent in meetings, but time was also allotted for our officers to
plan for our next biennium. In July, members from our state attended
one of three conferences. Dr. Kathy Carter, Elizabeth Vance, Aman-
da Cruse, Mary Ellen Parks, and Linda Navorska attended the De-
troit Conference that focused on enhancing mental and physical well-
being. Susie Epps and Dr. Muriel O'Tuel attended the Phoenix Con-
ference, showcasing our Society's diversity. Muriel also attended the
Tampere Finland Conference, where she presented a workshop. Dr. Muriel O’Tuel presented at the
Each conference had outstanding keynote speakers and workshops. Phoenix Conference. She also pre-
sented at the Tampere Conference.

Nita Scott, Amanda Cruse, Dr. Debbie LeBlance and Mary Ellen Dr. Muriel O’Tuel and Susie Epps at the Phoenix
Parks at the Detroit Conference. Conference.

SCSO officers at the train-

ing session in Texas.
Front row: Melanie Cook,
Elizabeth Vance, Dr. Kathy
Carter, and Amanda Cruse.
Second row: Karen Walton
and Linda Navorska


On Saturday, September 30, 2023, the SCSO Fall Leadership Workshop
was held. The 58 attendees representing 32 chapters received a brochure
with key information needed for this biennium and a gift bag containing a
mint and a compass. The mint was for a fresh start, and the compass re-
minded us to know where we were going and stay on course. President
Elizabeth Vance welcomed everyone, and the 2nd Vice President, Nancy
Cowart, had the Meditation. President Vance spoke on the biennium's
theme, vision, and goals. Our theme is "Lead with Purpose," our goals are:
1. Learn about Rewards and Talents, 2. Establish Chapter Purposes, 3. Ac-
tively Recruit and Retain Members, 4. Develop Communication Connec-
tions. The Vision for our State is for each chapter to LEAD with Purpose
by working together to implement and achieve these four Goals: Learn
about Rewards and Talents, Establish Chapter Purposes, Actively Recruit
and Retain Members, and Develop Communication Connections. Dr. Kathy Elizabeth Vance
Carter, Executive Secretary, presented the 2023 Chapter Achievement
Awards and read the announcements. After the general meeting, attendees were divided into com-
mittee groups to work on state business. Chapter Presidents met with President Vance to learn
about expectations for the year. Nu and Kappa Chapter provided refreshments. The Headquarters
Bake Sale raised $2,148.

Regina Spell and Linda Navorska Members enjoy food and fellowship before the meeting.
comparie notes.

The Auld-Murdock Headquar-

ters Trustees would like to
thank everyone who contrib-
uted to the Bake Sale's suc-
cess. The bake sale raised
$2,148. Thank you!

April Ware, Canisha Fletcher and Marcia Bethea speak with

Melissa Hawkings at the workshop.

Beta Beta
Fran Lewis shares with the other chapter Chi

Dr. Diane Stewart checks
in members.
Alpha Rho
Alpha Iota
Alpha Alpha
Alpha Beta

Monica Johnson and Holly Shealy check

out information on their phones.
Alpha Upsilon
Marian Coggins gets ready
to take notes. Beta Epsilon
Alpha Pi
Beta Delta
Beta Kappa
Alpha Omicron
Alpha Psi
Dr. Kathy Carter and Melis- Phi
sa Hawkins accept the Su-
Bonnie Bridges and Sara Margaret Flem-
perior Award earned by
ing relax before the meeting starts.
their chapter. Honorable Mention
Alpha Gamma
Alpha Eta
Alpha Tau

Photos by Marian Coggins and

April Ware, Elizabeth Duncan, and Susan Gray wait for other
Karen Faulkenberry
members of their committee to join them.


Xi Chapter
By Jane Farmer
Chapter News Xi sisters had the opportunity to welcome several prospective
members at their April meeting held at the Florence Library. In May,
executive board members met at Takis Diner in Darlington. Programs
and projects were planned for the upcoming year.
A tea was held at the home of President Ann Elizabeth Owens in
August. Xi sisters filled out "Secret Sister" questionnaires. Names will
be drawn to become someone's "Secret Sister" at the September meet-
ing. Xi sisters also participated in an activity led by Jane Farmer and
Kay Howell. Each sister was asked to draw a tree. Pictures were ran-
domly distributed, and each participant was given a checklist to help Xi sisters Martha Bridge-
interpret the drawing based on the details included. Each sister wrote man, Melinda Wilfong. Kay
Howell, Ann Elizabeth Ow-
a paragraph summarizing the person's personality based on her find- ens, and Elizabeth Tolson
ings from the checklist. After listening to the interpretation of a picture, involved in chapter activi-
members tried to guess who drew that picture. ty.
Our annual orientation/reorientation program is planned for
September at the Lamar Library.

Alpha Psi Chapter

By Catherine Spragins
Our chapter finished the past year with a Potluck Sal-
ad Lunch in June at the home of co-president Catherine Spragins.
Seven members enjoyed delicious homemade salads and fellow-
This fall, our first chapter meeting was held on September 16th
at McDougald Reception Center in Pendleton. Our speakers were
Maggie Luthi and Beth Standridge, teachers at Lakes & Bridges L to R, Gloria Bell, Donna Crader, Linda
Charter School for students with dyslexia. We heard how students Gahan, Catherine Spragins, Carolyn Bris-
and teachers survived the pandemic and what school is like in coe, Pat Huggins gather for Salad Lunch-
eon at Catherine’s home.
2023 for both students and teachers. A “Thank You” gift of a “Bulb
Planting Project” was presented to our speakers to plant daffodils
at their school and have students research information on compost, fertilizers, etc., to ensure the daffodils
bloom successfully. Our September project was meeting the Headquarters Project of $5,00 per member.
We look forward to working with the new SCSO Executive Board and our ever-helpful Executive Sec-
retary, Dr. Kathy Carter, in the coming year.

Beta Beta Chapter

By Beth Busbee
First Vice President Cindy Sparks and Treasurer Nancy Bull created and assembled “Rose Buddy
Packets” to encourage members to communicate with each other regularly. One of our goals was to
show our members how much they are cared for and to create ways for members to build closer friend-
ships. Great job, ladies!

Rose Buddy Packets Nancy Bull.

Cindy Sparks


Beta Kappa Chapter
By Dr. Marianne Holland
The first meeting of 2023-24 was held via Zoom in early July. Mary Ellen Lovin, a member of Beta Kap-
pa chapter, now entering her 3rd year of teaching in West Africa, was in the States for a few weeks in
late June and July. Dr. Jill Branyon arranged the Zoom meeting with Mary Ellen, and several members
could join in hearing Mary Ellen speak about her work with students in West Africa before she left to
return to her assignment there. The chapter again selected assisting Mary Ellen in securing books and
other school supplies for her students as a project. Mary Ellen reported receiving more than $400 in
gift cards and cash. She could purchase all the needed items to take back when she left later in Ju-
ly. Many thanks to chapter members for participating in this worthy project to assist students. The
next meeting of Beta Kappa chapter will be via Zoom in late September.

Tau Chapter
By Yolanda Bennett
Six Orangeburg area educators signified their willing-
ness to assume responsibilities in Tau Chapter of Delta
Kappa Gamma Society International on the evening of Sep-
tember 27, 2023. New officers for 2023-24 are April Ware,
President; Jessica Moorer, Treasurer; Krystal Elliot, Corre-
sponding Secretary; Valesta Twitty, 2nd Vice President; El-
sie Brown, Parliamentarian; Yolanda Bennett, 1st Vice Pres-
ident. From L to R: April Ware, Jessica Moorer, Krystal Elliot,
Valesta Twitty, Elsie Brown and Yolanda Bennett

Alpha Iota Chapter

By Jeni Smallwood
In July, Parliamentarian Susie Epps hosted the Executive Board at her
home for dinner and planning for 2023-24. The inspiration was a review of
the Seven Purposes of DKG. Meeting dates/places and most programs for
the year were determined; Alpha Iota will host the joint meeting with Epsilon
Tara Nickles Caoline Turner Chapter in February.
For one project, it was decided to support two early educators. One is Tara Nickles, a first-year teacher
at Hodges Elementary School in Hodges. She is teaching third grade. The other is Caroline Turner, an-
other first-year teacher at Edgewood Middle School in Ninety-Six. She teaches special education clas-
ses. Each has received a $100 support check and a visit from one of our members. Tara and Caroline
will be awarded a second $100 check when they attend one of our meetings.
The main goal for this year is to recruit members. We have lost several in the past two years and want
to increase our numbers in 2023-24!
We are thrilled to announce that our president, Lynn Mack, is now cancer free!

Chi Chapter
By Dr. Kathy Carter
At our spring meeting, Sherri Westby was inducted into Delta
Kappa Gamma. Ten Executive board members met on Saturday,
May 20, in Sea Pines to plan meetings, projects & our fundraiser for
2023-2024. After the meeting, members toured the Stoney-Baynard
ruins. Our first meeting will be on October 21 at Tansi Clubhouse in
St. Helena Island. Pictured are Elizabeth Vance, 2023-2025
SCSO president, Sherri Westby, and
Kathy Carter, Chi Chapter President.

SCSO Calendar
1 Electronic Deadline due for DKGIEF Cornetet Seminar Award and Professional Development
1 Nominations for SCSO Achievement Award due to Linda Walker
1 Chapter legislative liaison name sent to Karen Walton
1 Chapter contact for Communication and Marketing Committee sent to Canisha Fletcher
15 Deadline for chapter treasurers to submit form IRS 990 online and send copy to State Treasurer.
15 Chapter yearbooks deadline.
1 State Budget Request due to President Vance
1 Ballots for State Achievement Award sent to State Executive Board
9 Holiday Drop in at State Headquarters, 607 Maple St., Columbia, SC
11 Digest deadline send articles to Karen Faulkenberry State Editor
3 Necrology Report Form due to State Chairman Lynn Covington (Report no deaths as well as deaths)
15 State Scholarship Applications due to State Chairman Susie Epps

Order A Printed Digest

As a service to our members who prefer a printed copy of The Digest, we offer a year sub-
scription for $15 or $5 an issue The cost covers the printing and mailing of the year’s three
editions. Fill out the form below and mail to the editor.

Print Subscription to Digest Chapter_____________________________

Name:____________________________ email:____________________________________
Mailing address______________________________________________________________
Complete the blanks and mail this form to Karen Faulkenberry, 508 Saddle Drive, Camden, SC
29020. Include a check for $15 or $5 an issue payable to SC State Organization of DKG .


THE DIGEST Linda Navorska, Chi Chapter
Regina Spell, Alpha Chapter
Publication of
South Carolina State Organization of DKG Editor
607 Maple Street Karen Faulkenberry
Columbia, SC 29205 803-427-0987
Phone: 803-401-5345

Next Deadline for Digest is Dec 11

SCSO Website
Keep your address and email up-to-date
by logging into your personal account on Facebook Page: South Carolina State Organization
the DKG website, of Delta Kappa Gamma

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