Annual Report 2018

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Republic of the Philippines


Lal-lo Campus
Sta.Maria, Lal-lo, Cagayan

College of Hospitality Industry Management

Annual Report S.Y. 2017-2018

Mark Gregory V. Asejo

I. Introduction

The school year 2017-2018 was another school term in which this faculty rendered committed
service at College of Hospitality Industry Management of CSU at Lal-lo. He handled classes for BSHIM
students teaching major subjects aside from performing related work.

The teacher also participated in co- curricular activities such as Intramurals meet, University
meet, College Days, Town fiesta and CHIM Skills Uni-wide competitions where in the teacher was a
trainers and as a coach of the said activities. He also attended all programs conducted in the university.

The teacher also assigned as the College Student Government Adviser which he helps and
guides the students government in their goals and objectives. He also attended some seminars and
trainings in institutional, regional and national. One big achievement of the teacher as well as the
students from the Catering management subject he handled they conducted Catering Services in
various occasions in school and outside premises.

Teaching is a noble profession, full of challenge which yielded to the fruitful endeavor for the
teacher at the end it is qualifying to see results as manifested by the behavior earned by each students
handled by the teacher.

This annual report pertains his accomplishments as a faculty member in the following areas; 1)
academic matters, 2) professional development, 3) research development and extension and
community development.

II. Accomplishments
A. Workload first Semester

Subject Description/ Year /Section Units No. Hours Total number Passed Failed/
Code of Students Dropped
HIM 55 Fundamentals of Tourism & 3 3 Hours 36
Hospitality Management
HIM 63 Front Office Management 3B 4 5 Hours 52 52
HIM 67 Western Cuisines 4-A 5 6 Hrs. 32 32
Tour 59 Events Management 5 4 Hrs. 32 32
B.2ND SEMESTER -Workload

Subject Description/ Year /Section Units No. Hours Total number Passed Failed/
Code of Students Dropped
HIM 60 Catering Management (3B) 5 8Hrs. 52 51 1
HIM 67 Western Cuisines 4-A 5 6 Hrs. 26 26
Republic of the Philippines
Lal-lo Campus
Sta.Maria, Lal-lo, Cagayan

College of Hospitality Industry Management

Tour 59 Events Management 4 4 Hrs. 26 26

3. Reinforcement and Enrichment Activities Undertaken

A. HIM 57 Western Cuisine

 Recipe standardization/testing,
 market price research,
 problem set solving
 reporting
 Hands on Cooking in Hot and Cold Kitchen
 Research and Compilation of Recipe
 Menu Planning
 Video Presentation
 Culminating Activities

B. HIM 60 Catering Management

 Recipe standardization/testing,
 market price research,
 problem set solving
 reporting
 cafeteria operation budget planning
 Hands on Cooking in Hot and Cold Kitchen
 Research and Compilation of Recipe
 Menu Planning
 Catering Proposal
 Event and Catering Functions Management
 On- Off Premise Catering Function & Operation

4. Evaluation Strategies Used

 Quizzes
 Projects
 Periodic Examinations
 Actual Laboratory’s
 Attendance
 Recitations
 Group Presentation Activities
 Culminating Activities

5. Co-Curricular Activities
 College Student Government Adviser
 HIM Adviser- 4 A ( 1st Semester) – 4 B ( 2nd Semester)
Republic of the Philippines
Lal-lo Campus
Sta.Maria, Lal-lo, Cagayan

College of Hospitality Industry Management

 Laboratory In-charge for lay-out artist and designing

 Food Preparation and Service Committee In-charge and Stage Decoration In-charge
 Coach and Trainers in Socio Cultural Activities
 Event’s Organizer
 Research Adviser
 College Socio Coordinator
 Campus Dance Choreographer
 LGU Socio Cultural Trainer and Choreographer, consultant

B. Professional Development

1. Graduate Programs/Units Earned

2. Training and Seminar Attended

Date Seminar/ Training Attended Place
October 2017 Regional Hospitality and Tourism Convention Crown Pavillion
May 21, 2018 Test Construction and Teaching Strategies CSU Andrews

3. Professional Readings
 Text book in Tourism Management by ZenaidaCruzCopyright 2010
Provides me an updated basis in teaching Tourism
 Dictionary in Cooking and Food by Nancy James Copyright 2003
Enriched myvocabulary terms that could help my students to furtherunderstand food
preparation and cooking terms used in lessons.
 F& B World Magazine- 2008-2009 12 issues
Enhance my knowledge on the updates, trends, issues in hospitality industy to update my
students for new innovations and insights.
 What Makes a Leader by Stan Toler Copyright 2006
Give insights on leading an organization particularly on how to achieve goals andmotivate
 Body Language by LigayaKuman Copyright 2003
Enhanced my communication skills and capability to read and understand my student

4. Consultancy Involvement
 Catering Event Consultants
Republic of the Philippines
Lal-lo Campus
Sta.Maria, Lal-lo, Cagayan

College of Hospitality Industry Management

 Events Consultation
 Students Consultancy
 Socio- Cultural
 Research Adviser

C. Research Development

CHICHACLAMS January – December 2017 CHIM On- Going

Perception of Senior CHIM January – December 2017 CHIM On- Going

Students in Competencies
of Food Service.

D. Extension & Community Development

 Actively Participated Ground Improvement Program of University initiated by the
University and College Organization
 Catered Community Organization Events (Food Service, Decoration etc)
a. Retirements of CSUL Faculties and staff “ CHIM Catering”
b. LGU Day
c. Weddings
 Invited As a member of the Judge from other Schools during their Intramurals
 Choreographer/ Trainer in the Cabibi Town Fiesta of Lal-lo
 Member of preparation in Opening Program of Town Fiesta

E. Problems Met -Solution made

1. Low Academic Performance of Students- Inspired and encouraged students to study well and gave
them additional readings and assignments

2. In adequate laboratory facilities, tools and supply - Forwarded a requisition of tools and supplies,
initiated Income Generating Project (IGP) and participated activities with incentives to produce funds for
purchasing immediate needs tools and supply in the laboratory

3. Unsecured laboratory properties due to unsecured storeroom - Transferred from more secured guest

4. Inadequate Water Supply during Laboratory Class- requested the transfer of control which to an
accessible place.

5. Un repaired Guestroom Door, ceilings and cabinets in the Guest House

6. Not functioning of Lights and ventilations

7. Un available Housekeeping supplies and materials used.

Republic of the Philippines
Lal-lo Campus
Sta.Maria, Lal-lo, Cagayan

College of Hospitality Industry Management

8. Difficulty of obtaining cooperating establishments and housing for On-the Job Training Students-
Resorted to an agency offering package OJT arrangement for HIM students

E. Recommendations

1. The Laboratory should be fully furnished for safer and more conducive learning place of students.

2. There should be a scheduled repair of the laboratory building.

3. There should be an assigned HIM staff to control laboratory equipment, tools and supplies.

4. They should be permanent linkage of hotels and restaurants and housing for OJT purposes.

5. They should furnish the flooring and tiling of the restaurant laboratory and bar.

6. They should also provide mock room for housekeeping and tourism room.

G. Achievements
 CHIM Skills Olympics 2018- OVER All Champion
 Regional Skills Olympics- 1st Runner UP
 Congressional Inter High Skills Olympics- Adviser
 On – Premise Catering Adviser
 COLSG Adviser
 LGU Day Presentation- Choreographer and Trainor- Champion
 LGU Kasal ng Bayan- Decorator
 Stage Decoration – Chairman – Parents Day & Graduation


Faculty Signature
Republic of the Philippines
Lal-lo Campus
Sta.Maria, Lal-lo, Cagayan

College of Hospitality Industry Management

(0n- Premise Catering Feb-May 2018)

Total Collection/Income- P 10,012.00

Total Expenses –
 Food Meryenda G.I.- 500.00
 Paint & Paint Brush- 200.50
 Gas 80.00
 Detergent 200.00
 Gina Silk Orange,Green 1800.00
 Tansi 40.00
 Food & Snack “Gasul” 175.00
 Japanese paper & foil 116.50
 Crissa Guat “Fare” 200.00
 2 Steamer 2000.00
 Electrical Deep Fryer 3500.00
 Fare & Food “ robin” 1,200.00

= 0.00

Project Accumulated worth- P 7300.00

 Linen 30 yards each- Maroon, Orange, Green
 2 Unit Steamer
 1 Unit Electrical Deep Fryer

Prepared by: Mark Gregory V. Asejo,MSHM

Catering Subject Teacher

Noted by: Althea A. Manuel, MSHM

CHIM College Dean

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