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A security guard receives a dispatch from a remote monitoring company that indicates an
intrusion alarm was received. What steps should the security guard take?
A. Ask the dispatcher for as many details as possible and call for back up. When your back up
arrives, approach cautiously and investigate the apparent cause for alarm. Call police if
necessary. Document the incident fully.
B. Call the police and wait until they arrive
C. Do not enter as you are not insured as a security guard
D. Send another security guard, you are not comfortable doing intrusion alarms

2. The security guard is alone and performing static desk duty. The security guard is not permitted
to leave the front desk unless relieved by fellow guard. While the security guard is updating
his/her memo book the fire alarm goes off. What steps should the security guard follow?
A. Check the annunciator panel to determine the location of the alarm then check the
standing orders on how to proceed. Take detail notes of the nature of the alarm and any
emergency service that attend. Reset the building and write a report for the client
B. Call 911 even before you know the reason for the alarm because any delay might cause
further damage. Write a report for the client
C. Go investigate the alarm. A lot of them tend to be false alarms and you don’t want to waste
the fire department’s time. Also, if the alarm turns out to be false you won’t need to waste
time writing report for the client
D. Leave the building and call from off site. It is not a security guard’s role to deal with fire

3. You are performing access control at the front desk and a contractor who had been working
earlier in the day returns because he said he forgot some equipment upstairs. What should the
security guard do?
A. Let him go upstairs. You recognize him
B. Escort him upstairs and wait until he retrieves his items then escort him back to the front
desk and document incident
C. Ask him to leave and if he doesn’t, arrest him under the Trespass to Property Act
D. Leave him alone at the front desk and go retrieve the items for him

4. Imagine that you are working at a busy mall. During your lunch hour patrol you should not:
A. Chat with shop keepers
B. Finish your patrol at the same as yesterday
C. Note that you provide a shopper with a wheelchair
D. Make yourself seen by as many people as possible

5. While doing access control at a site a crowd starts gathering at your entrance. What should you
A. Call for back-up, observe the actions of the crowd, take detailed notes but do not engage
until back up arrives
B. Go outside and yell at them to move away from your main entrance
C. Identify the leader in the group and ask them to break up the crowd
D. Arrest them all for causing a disturbance

6. What is the BEST definition of the term “Duty of care”?

A. Police officers, firefighter and paramedics have a duty to respond to all emergency
situations because it is their job
B. Soldiers and reservists must do anything in their power to protect the country that they are
C. Private citizens are only expected to help when they have acquired all the necessary training
and are comfortable dealing with emergency situation
D. A person must act towards others with the care and thought that a reasonable person
would employ in the circumstances

7. What terms would best describe the most effective way to retain or memorize information
A. Look, Listen, Feel
B. Sympathy, Empathy, Apathy
C. Concentration, Association, Repetition
D. Remove, Replace, Report

8. Section 8 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom states:

A. Everyone has the right to know why they are being arrested or detained without reasonable
B. Everyone is protected from unreasonable search or seizure
C. Everyone has the right to bear arms
D. Everyone has the right to obtain legal counsel without reasonable delay

9. What is the difference between covert security surveillance and overt security surveillance?
A. Covert surveillance is done with a vehicle, overt surveillance is done outside
B. Covert surveillance is done at night and overt surveillance is done during the day
C. Covert surveillance is where the security guard is an obvious presence in uniform while
overt surveillance is performed when the security guard is not immediately visible to the
subject or public
D. Covert surveillance is where the security guard is not immediately visible to the subject or
the public while overt surveillance is where the security guard is an obvious presence in

10. What does W.H.M.I.S. stand for?

A. Worker’s healthy material information system
B. Workplace hazardous material information system
C. Workplace health mental information system
D. Workplace hazardous mitigation intelligence system
11. As a security guard working outside an establishment licensed to serve liquor under the Liquor
License Act of Ontario you witness someone leaving the establishment and the appear to be
intoxicated. What should you do?
A. Call the police
B. Arrest them for public drunkenness
C. Let them leave
D. Ask them if they have a safe ride home

12. Why should you hold a flashlight at an arm’s length when patrolling…..
A. So that you can see further
B. So it is available to use for self-defense
C. So that you can judge how far you are from a wall
D. So that attacker can’t be sure of your body’s exact location

13. You are checking the roof and find a contractor working. You were unaware that contractors
would be working there today. What steps should the security guard follow?
A. Tell him to stop working. If he continues to work, arrest him under the Trespass to Property
B. Ask for identification and verify the contractor’s presence with your supervisor. Have the
contractor stop their work until the supervisor returns with an answer. If the contractor is
allowed to work, leave the area and document the incident fully.
C. Allow them to continue, they look like contractors
D. Continue on with your patrol but be sure to ask your supervisor about it when you get back
to the security desk

14. If, after an investigation by you or your Safety and Health Rep, you still feel that your work is
unsafe, who investigates further?
A. Your supervisor
B. Your safety rep
C. Your Workplace Safety and Health Committee member
D. A ministry of Labour inspector

15. Which of these factors do you have to consider when using force
A. The person’s education level
B. If there are witnesses
C. If the person has been drinking alcohol
D. If the person says they are going to call the police

16. What is the best agent to extinguish a class C fire?

A. Water
B. Baking Soda
C. Dry chemical
D. Carbon dioxide
17. If you have not arrested someone, you must stop searching them when:
A. You find what you are looking for
B. The person says that they don’t want you to search them anymore
C. The person tells you that they will give you the stolen goods
D. They ask to call a lawyer
E. They tell you about their medical condition

18. What is the most important role of the security guard while performing traffic enforcement on
private property?
A. Issue traffic tickets under the Highway Traffic Act
B. Issue parking tickets but if only guard has received the training to become a municipal law
enforcement officer on their site
C. Directing traffic on a private roadway or parking facility and monitor pedestrian safety
D. Ensuring that cars are road safe and pulling over any cars that have excessive rust or dents

19. While working as a Security Guard, what authority must be given priority?
A. Federal and Provincial Law
B. Trespass to Property Act
C. The security company policy and guidelines
D. The clients Policy and procedure

20. What would be the security guards first step if a criminal offence happened to them while on
A. Arrest the person using only as much force as necessary
B. Wait until the end of the shift and write a report about the incident
C. Call your supervisor and have the supervisor arrest the subject
D. Report the incident to the police immediately

21. When a security guard encounters an emergency situation, what is the MOST important thing to
A. The safety of the guard
B. Protection of evidence
C. Finding the perpetrator of the crime and arresting them
D. Giving first aid to the victim

22. The manager wants to evacuate the building after getting a bomb threat. Your job is to
A. Head the search for people beginning with the bottom floor
B. Review the emergency plan
C. Shut down elevators
D. Control entry into the building
23. The word PASS stands for:
A. Pull the pin. Aim high. Squeeze the handle, Sweep up and down
B. Push the pin. Aim high. Squeeze the handle, Sweep side to side
C. Pull the pin. Aim low. Squeeze the handle, Sweep side to side
D. Push the pin. Aim low. Squeeze the handle, Sweep up and down

24. Which one of the condition would NOT constitute a trespasser under the Trespass to Property
A. Failure to leave when directed
B. Engage in prohibited activity
C. Using more force than necessary to conduct the arrest
D. Entry where entry prohibited

25. Under the Workplace Safety and Health Act, if you testify in court about a dangerous situation,
you are using your right to
A. Refuse
B. Know
C. Participate

26. What is the MOST common form of physical access control?

A. Keys and locks
B. Electromagnetic locks
C. Alarm panels
D. Security guard

27. Why is it good idea to patrol from the outside to the inside of a building at night?
A. The fresh air will make you more alert for your interior patrol
B. To make sure there are no signs of forced entry into the building
C. You have to examine things more closely inside
D. You can do your paper work once you inside

28. Who owns the memo book?

A. The security guard
B. The company who hired security company
C. The security company
D. The client

29. Confidentiality means

A. Keeping private things private
B. Telling a secret to someone you trust
C. No judging until you have the full store
D. Being fair
30. Where would a security guard find answers to questions regarding the correct handling of
A. Canada Evidence Act and Ontario Evidence Act
B. Police Services Act
C. Criminal Services Act
D. Police Code Conduct
E. Forensics Act

31. What is the main purpose behind magnetic swipe cards?

A. Gain access through an electronic access system
B. Storing data about the individual such as name, address and date of birth
C. Gain access through a proximity system
D. Pay the security guard to gain access to the site

32. Why should you open door all the way before entering a dark room?
A. Because you might set off an alarm
B. Because someone could be hiding behind the door
C. So an intruder can’t see you
D. So the light from hallways can help you see better

33. If you see something in your post orders that needs to be changed you should
A. Make a needed change
B. Report to your supervisor or manager
C. Tell the guard to the next shift
D. Report it to you security company

34. If you work around hazardous materials, you have the right to
A. Know what they are and what to do with them
B. Be paid more
C. Have at least one other guard working with you
D. Study for a special certificate

35. What does M.S.D.S. stands for?

A. Material Safety Data Sheets
B. Make safety do first
C. Material Security Data Sheets
D. Material Safety Distribution Sheets

36. What terms best describe Para-verbal communication?

A. Intonation, intention, body language
B. Tone, volume, cadence
C. Tune, pitch, octave
D. Smile, nod, wave
37. The WHMIS symbol with the skull and cross bones in it stans for
A. Corrosive materials
B. Material causing immediate and serious toxic effects
C. Material causing toxic effects after many and prolonged exposures bio-hazardous

38. While doing floor to floor patrol of the site the security guard come across a small, controlled
fire contained in a wastebasket. What should the guard’s next step be?
A. Close the door and hope to cut off oxygen to the fire
B. Use a basket or tap to smother the fire
C. Use a fire extinguisher with appropriate agent
D. Do nothing, Security guards are not firefighters

39. What laws outline what you can do on behalf of the property owner?
A. The Criminal Code of Canada
B. The Landlord and Tenant Act
C. The Residential Tenancies Act
D. All of the above

40. While working as a security guard on private property, on whose authority are you enforcing the
rules on the site?
A. Federal and Provincial Law
B. Company policies and procedures
C. Trespass to Property Act
D. As an agent of the property owner

41. Under the Liquor License Act, as an agent of the owner, what does a security guard have the
right to do if someone appears drunk or intoxicated?
A. Use force to remove the person because they are dangerous to themselves and others
B. Ask the person to leave and/or refuse to allow the person to enter the premises
C. Tell the bartender to not to serve them anymore then escort them to the bathroom
D. Follow them around the bar like a bodyguard and if they do anything dangerous, arrest

42. According to National use of force guidelines what is the first response option?
A. Presence of security guard
B. Tactical communication
C. Passive aggression
D. Baton

43. What is the best agent to extinguish a class “A” fire?

A. Dry chemicals
B. Water
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Baking soda

44. You can arrest a trespasser if

A. They refuse to leave the property
B. They are just hanging around
C. They don’t have proper identification
D. They say they are taking a shortcut through your site

45. Under Criminal Code Section 494, if the security guard sees someone committing an indictable
offense and places the person under arrest, what should the guards next step be?
A. Use only as much force as necessary to conduct the arrest
B. Put handcuffs on them
C. Deliver them to peace officer
D. Search them for weapons

46. An example of a high risk situation is

A. Working alone at an industrial site during the day
B. Working alone during the evening
C. Working after hours when no site staff is working
D. Working alone at night

47. When are you justified in making an arrest?

A. If you see someone stealing a laptop computer from your site
B. If you see a group of kids hanging around a dumpster on your site and you see smoke
coming from a dumpster
C. If you see someone vandalizing property in the park across the street from your site
D. Both B & C

48. Which of the following is a summary conviction offence?

A. Assault
B. Breaking and entering
C. Causing a disturbance
D. None of the above

49. You are working at an individual site that works with lot of toxic chemicals. When you are
patrolling you notice a container in the warehouse that is leaking fluid. What steps should you
A. Dip your finger into it and smell it. If the smell is strong leave the area
B. Leave the area immediately, check your site’s M.S.S, tell the client
C. Cordon off the area immediately. When it is safe to do so, follow W.H.M.I.S.
guidelines, check your site’s M.S.S. and call the company who is responsible for the
product for safe handling procedures
D. W.H.M.I.S. does not protect security guards who work in warehouse
50. When you start a new job, your responsibilities should be
A. Decided on by you
B. Covered in your security company contract
C. Outline in your postal orders
D. Changed when your training is completed

51. What is the best way to describe the activity of a group of people who are sympathetic to a
cause and have gotten together in front of a property to voice their concern without violence?
A. Peaceful demonstration
B. Political rally
C. Violent political unrest
D. Executive protest

52. Section 10 under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms states:
A. Everyone has the right to be informed of reasons for their arrest/detention without
responsible delay
B. Everyone has the right to obtain legal counsel without reasonable delay
C. Everyone has the right to refuse unreasonable search and seizure
D. Everyone has the right to bear arms

53. The client has requested that all trucks/vehicles must be searched upon exiting the facility.
Which area would least likely to be searched?
A. The cargo hold
B. The trunk
C. The trunk cab
D. Under the hood

54. On your site a witness comes forward to give a statement about an assault that occurred. The
subject submits the report but it is written in purple ink. Can it be considered a legal document?
A. NO, make the subject write it again in black ink and capital letters
B. NO, only when it is read aloud in court and is transcribed electronically
C. YES, it can be submitted as a legal document
D. YES, but only if the person has signed it in the presence of a Public Officer

55. Your security identification card is owned by

A. You
B. Your client
C. The department of justice
D. The security company

56. Which of the following is stated in the criminal code of Canada?

A. Everyone has the right to live in freedom and safety
B. Everyone has the right not to be detained or imprisoned without reason
C. Everyone has the right to arrest someone they see committing an indictable offence
D. Everyone has the right not to be unreasonably searched

57. What is the definition of positional asphyxia?

A. When the position of the body interferes with the ability to breathe
B. When someone faints and falls to the ground
C. When the position of the body doesn’t allow the subject to move freely
D. When it becomes difficult to breathe

58. What is the purpose of the green light on an alarm system annunciator panel?
A. It shows the area where an alarm has been pulled
B. It shows that the system needs fixing
C. It shows an area where there is a power failure
D. It shows that the system is working properly

59. What might tell you that a package contains a bomb?

A. It smells like almonds
B. The postal code is missing
C. It is wrapped in patterned paper
D. It feels heavy

60. Where could a security guard find information regarding legislation of Ontario Private Security?
A. Police Service Act
B. Liquor License Act
C. Private Security Act
D. Private Security and Investigative Services Act

61. You notice an angry employee keeps returning to the shift after hours. You
A. Report this to your supervisor
B. Try to counsel the person
C. Refuse to talk to the person
D. Talk about it with other security guards

62. The main reason some makes a bomb threat is that

A. It gives them a sense of power
B. They are angry
C. They want to be famous
D. They want to warn people so they don’t get hurt

63. What is the hierarchy of the court system in Canada

A. Provincial court, Provincial superior court, Court of appeal, Supreme court of Canada
B. Civil court, Criminal court, Tax court, Military court
C. Civil law, Common law, Federal law, Provincial law
D. Federal court, Provincial court, Municipal court, Human rights tribunal
64. While the security guard is their floor by floor patrol, the security guard notices that a fire
extinguisher has a large dent in me canister and the guage is cracked and broken. How should
the security guard proceed?
A. Note down the time, location and the damages found in your memo book. Remove
the canister and replace it with one of the extra canisters provided. Write a report
about the incident and submit it
B. Ignore it. Fire extinguishers are not the concern of security guard
C. Write about it in your memo book but do not remove it. The fire extinguisher probably
still works
D. Make a note about it in your memo book but there is no need to write a report about it
or remove it. That is for the fire service company take care of.

65. The main duties of security guard are

A. To control traffic and patrol
B. To observe, deter and report
C. To respond to emergencies
D. To find and report hazards

66. Patrolling is an important part of your job because

A. You can see what’s going on
B. The exercise will keep you awake
C. You will have more report
D. It helps you vary your routine

67. If a security guard had trouble hearing a radio transmission and needed the dispatcher to repeat
the message, what 10 code would the guard use?
A. 10-0
B. 10-1
C. 10-3
D. 10-9

68. When referring to a collective bargaining dispute or a strike that is occurring on your property,
what would be the best example of an injunction?
A. Separating two employees that are arguing
B. Coordinating pedestrian traffic so no one gets hurt
C. Ensuring picketing workers do not obstruct other worker’s from entering the site by
making sure they stay back the required distance as made mandatory by court order
D. An authorization to arrest all parties who enter site

69. What is the purpose behind Smart Serve?

A. Assist the security guard to determine how much force to use on someone who appears
B. Train a security guard how to prevent incidence of intoxication on our property
C. As a substitute for the Liquor License Act
D. To determine which alcoholic beverage someone would prefer

70. What equipment would NOT be necessary in order to perform traffic enforcement on private
A. Handcuffs and baton
B. Whistle
C. Reflective vest
D. White gloves

71. What is the best way to secure a large area?

A. Temper switch
B. Panic/duress button
C. Volumetric sensors
D. Guard dog

72. If you receive a bomb threat over the phone, you should
A. Not ask question
B. Keep the call as short as possible and phone the police
C. Not interrupt
D. Try to decide if it is a prank call

73. The security guard is working at a busy retail environment when a woman comes up to you
claiming that someone stole her purse. As you are taking her statement she points at someone
and says, “That’s my purse!” How should the security guard proceed?
A. Arrest the person on her behalf because you have the right to make an arrest without
warrant. Just to be safe, have the victim make a detailed witness statement and sign it
should you have to go to court
B. Have the victim place the subject under arrest so you can use force to help make the
arrest. Fill out the use of force reports and the incident report and just to be safe, have
the victim make a detailed witness statement and sign it
C. Discourage the victim from engaging because it is not safe and call the police. Get
detailed description of the purse and its contents. Make a detailed description of what
the subject looked like. Have the victim write a report on the incident
D. Accuse the victim of lying. It probably just looks like her purse. If she persist, pretend to
call the Police to appease her

74. You have asked the supervisor for more responsibilities on your site and they ask you to put
together an agenda for your next meeting. You have no experience in this task. What should you
A. Meet with your team and address the needs together
B. Tell your supervisor you are not comfortable with the task and refuse to comply
C. Go over the minutes of last agenda and base your agenda around that. Submit it to
your supervisor and ask for feedback
D. Delegate the task to another team member

75. The client has enlisted you to escort a recently terminated employee to their locker to collect
their personal things and return company material. What steps should the security guard take?
A. Go to the employee’s locker without the employee & remove everything and bring it
back to the security office
B. Go to the employee’s locker without the employee and remove only the items
belonging to the client and bring them to the security office
C. Go to the locker with the employee with a checklist of the items belonging to the
client. Check them off as you receive them. Have the employee sign off on the
checklist when all items have been collected
D. Refuse the task because you do not have the right to search and seize another person’s

76. Who is allowed to see the security guards license?

A. Anyone who asks
B. The client
C. Your supervisor
D. The police

77. The security guard is working at the front desk when they receive a high temperature alarm in
the boiler room. The security guard is not permitted to leave the front desk. How should the
security guard proceed?
A. Check the standing orders regarding who to contact when a boiler room alarm is
received. Give the contact all the details of the alarm. Update your memo book and
make a detailed report for the client
B. Disregard the order to stay at the front desk and investigate the alarm. Read the gauges
and make a judgement call whether you need to make a report. Return to the front desk
C. Stay at the front desk and call the police and tell them your site is about to bum to the
D. Check the standing orders for procedures to follow when receiving this type of alarm.
Call the emergency contact for a boiler room alarm and give them all the necessary
details. No need to update memo book or report for the client though because this is
probably a “false alarm”

78. You hear glass break in the parking lot and you see some teenagers walking by. Without
arresting or detaining them, you can say
A. “Did you break that window?”
B. “What are you guys doing out here?”
C. “Who broke the care window?”
D. “Empty your jacket pockets”

79. Why is it important to plan each patrol?

A. So you can make sure to inspect all major checkpoints
B. So that you can do your patrol as quickly as possible
C. So that you won’t be easily distracted
D. So that you can follow the same route each time
80. You see some old files stacked near the electric heater. You should
A. Tell your supervisor
B. Move the files into a filing cabinet
C. Call the fire department

81. For a fire to start must have

A. Fuel, air, oxygen
B. Heat, fuel, carbon dioxide
C. Fuel, heat, air
D. Heat, oxygen, carbon dioxide

82. You are the contact office for an emergency situation and your dispatcher wants you to relay
information over the radio in order to alert the proper authorities. What’s the best way for the
security guard to proceed?
A. Give as much detail over the radio including names, description and license plate
numbers. Follow up by giving your recommendations
B. Don’t relay any information to the dispatcher. The information is confidential. You call
911 instead
C. Give brief answers providing only as much information as necessary. Wait until you hear
confirmation before re-transmitting any further information
D. You are uncomfortable about giving information over the radio because it is usually
recorded and you do not want anyone making fan of you

83. Under the Provincial Offences Act if a private citizen makes an arrest, who must they deliver
their arrested party to?
A. The police
B. A peace officer
C. It doesn’t specify
D. Your supervisor

84. If security guard needed to escort a large group of people through a high risk area, where should
the security guard position themselves?
A. In front
B. In behind
C. Doesn’t matter
D. In the middle of the group

85. If a security guard has been authorized to carry handcuffs with their security company, when
would the security guard use them?
A. They are not allowed to use them as security guards
B. To protect guard
C. If the security guard has made and arrest and at their discretion
D. Only after the security has used their baton

86. While you are working at the security desk a woman tells you that she has just been sexually
assaulted by someone known to you. What should you do to help her?
A. Listen to her patiently then suggest she call the police. Document the incident
B. Call the police on her behalf and relay the story to them
C. Do a search of the site until you find the person who assaulted her then assist her to
make an arrest
D. Give her a private area to write her report and keep her safe until the police arrive

87. According to the Liquor License Act, at which age are people allowed to purchase alcohol?
A. 18
B. 19
C. 21
D. 25

88. When a possible bomb has been found, which of the following is your responsibility?
A. Decide whether or not to evacuate the building
B. Keep exists and evacuation routes clear
C. Let the media know what has happened

89. What is the first thing you should do if you detect a fire?
A. Sound the fire alarm
B. Try to contain fire
C. Evacuate the area
D. Call the fire department

90. What are some examples of Motion sensors/Detectors?

A. Infrared, ultrasonic, microwave
B. Keys, locks, deadbolt
C. Dampened mercury sensor, inertia sensor, vibration sensor
D. Foil fine wire, glass break, shatter

1. An “Information” is the name of a document used:

A. To formally charge an offender
B. Is used to make notes about an incident
C. To compile intelligence
D. None of the above
2. What are post standing orders?
A. Written orders that set out all emergency procedures
B. Written rules which may include but are not limited to operational, procedural and
administrative matters
C. A list of things to do before you start your shift as Security Guard
D. They are a set of orders included in the emergency measures plan
3. What is Documentary Evidence?
A. Phone records
B. Any document which is presented and allowed as evidence
C. An NFS cheque
D. All of the above
4. 10 code for repeat message
A. 10-9
B. 10-5
C. 10-6
D. 10-7
5. A landlord can enter a tenants unit with 24 hours’ notice however the landlord is limited to
specific times of entry
A. 7 am – 10 am
B. 8 am – 6 pm
C. 7 am – 9 pm
D. 8 am – 8 pm
6. Under the Criminal Code of Canada, when a fire is deliberately set, what is the name of the
offence called?
A. Theft
B. Mischief
C. Arson
D. None of the above
7. The highest court in Canada is called
A. Court of Queen’s bench
B. Supreme Court of Canada
C. Superior Court
D. None of the above
8. Class “C” fires involve
A. Flammable Liquid
B. Poisonous and Infectious Material
C. Ordinary Combustibles
D. Electronic Equipment
9. Non-compliance to a lawful request or direction using verbal defiance would be defined as
A. Passive resistance
B. Combative
C. Cooperative
D. Passive
10. Real evidence is
A. Physical evidence
B. A baseball bat
C. A gun
D. All of the above
11. You are on patrol in a mall as a Security Guard and you see a male smoking a “Joint” (Marijuana)
on the property outside the east doors. What would be the best course of action?
A. Arrest the male and seize the drugs, call police
B. Take the “joint” from the male and turn on it over to police
C. You have no authority to arrest for or seize the drugs. You should ask the male to leave
the premises for a prohibited activity, make note of his description then contact police
D. Contact the police and await a search warrant
12. 10 code for location
A. 10-1
B. 10-4
C. 10-20
D. 10-19
13. When using a fire extinguisher a simple way is to learn the P.A.S.S. stands for:
A. Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep
B. Pull, Arm, Squeeze, Sweep
C. Pull, Alarm, Squeeze, Sweep
D. None of the above
14. WHMIS class “B” includes
A. Compressible Gas
B. Flammable and Combustible Liquid
C. Oxidizing Material
D. Poisonous and Infectious Material
15. When a Security Guard makes an arrest for theft what federal law gives them the authority to
make this arrest?
A. The Charter of Rights and Freedom
B. The Liquor Control Act
C. The Criminal Code of Canada
D. Section 9 of the Trespass to Property Act
16. The Trespass to Property Act is
A. Federal
B. Municipal
C. Provincial
D. None of the above
17. The maximum fine, if convicted, under the PSISA for a Security Guard
A. $2000
B. $10,000
C. $25,000
D. $3,50,000
18. Which of the following would not be a level of Court in Ontario
A. Ontario Court of Justice
B. Provincial/territorial Superior Courts
C. Ontario Court of Appeal
D. Court of Queen’s Bench
19. As a Security Guard you have been told to stand near and watch a truck load of computers being
unloaded to an office. You are dressed in plain clothes. The purpose of doing this is to make sure
that no one steals computers when the movers are inside the office. What kind of surveillance
would be conducting
A. Overt Surveillance
B. Covert Surveillance
C. Tandem Surveillance
D. None of the above
20. Everyone who is authorized by law to use of force is criminally responsible for any excess
thereof. What section of the Criminal Code deals with “Excess of Force”?
A. Section 26 Criminal Code
B. Section 34 Criminal Code
C. Section 41 Criminal Code
D. None of the above
21. Section 26 of the Criminal Code deals with
A. Trespass
B. Theft
C. Excessive force
D. Breach of the peace
22. Evidence of prior bad acts by the accused is called
A. Similar fact evidence
B. Circumstantial evidence
C. Bad luck evidence
D. None of the above
23. What is the best definition of the word “prejudice”?
A. A preconceived belief, opinion, or judgement made without ascertaining the facts of a
B. Calling someone names
C. Making up lies about a person not knowing what they are really like
D. None of the above
24. The maximum fin under the Trespass to Property Act is
A. $4000
B. $25,000
C. $2000
D. $100
25. Which of the following would not be a “Peace Officer”?
A. Police
B. Custom Officer
C. Special Constable
D. Security Guard
26. The Criminal Code is
A. Municipal Law
B. Provincial Law
C. Federal Law
D. All of the above
27. The six core steps to containing evidence are
A. Collect, Secure, Preserve, Identify, Ensure Continuity, Log
B. Collect, Secure, Preserve, Store, Ensure Continuity, Log
C. Collect, Secure, Preserve, Identify, Ensure Continuity, Court
D. Collect, Package, Preserve, Identify, Ensure Continuity, Log
28. Upon an arrest of an individual a Security Guard or a Citizen must
A. Take a cautioned statement
B. Handcuff the individual
C. Search the individual
D. Turn the individual over to police
29. As a Security Guard you have been tasked to watch over an industrial accident scene awaiting
the government investigator when a member of the media approaches you for a comment.
What is the best way to handle this?
A. Say “No Comment” then tell them they are trespassing
B. Ignore them
C. Provide them with the contact person in the company who is authorized to provide
D. Serve them with Trespass notice and remove them off the property
30. What is a main objective of a Security Guard patrolling a property or premises?
A. To establish a presence to deter potential offenders
B. To get out of the security office and avoid dozing off
C. To comply with notebook protocol making an entry every 20 minutes
D. To let the client see they are getting their monies worth
31. 10 code for out of service:
A. 10-7
B. 10-19
C. 10-20
D. 10-21
32. FIPPA Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy is
A. Federal
B. Provincial
C. Municipal
D. International
33. A manual fire alarm can be activated by
A. Using a “Pull Station”
B. Calling 911
C. A large amount of smoke
D. Breaking the glass of a fire extinguisher casing
34. Fingerprints, hair, cosmetics, plant fibers, blood, mineral fibers are considered what type of
evidence in a criminal case
A. Conscripted evidence
B. Trace evidence
C. Hearsay evidence
D. None of the above
35. Section 10(a) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (arrest or detention) relates to
A. A person needs to be advised of their right to council
B. A person has the right to be informed promptly of the reasons for the arrest or detention
C. Search or Seizure
D. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security
36. What purpose is your notebook?
A. To add information on potential suspects collected during your shift
B. To keep track of people, stolen property, details of persons you believe could be possible
future suspects
C. A daily record of arrests, covert activities during a shift
D. A daily record of factual events and activities during a shift
37. Which of the following is Provincial Legislation
A. PIPEDA – Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act
B. FIPPA – Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
C. MFIPPA – Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
D. IFIPPA – International Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
38. Which of the following would NOT be an example of “Use of Force” during arrest
A. Placing a suspect in a choke hold
B. Slapping a non-compliant suspect in the head to get his attention
C. Pushing a suspect because he is not moving fast enough
D. None of the above
39. While on the job, one of your co-workers continuously tells sexist jokes. He only does this when
other men are present. You know other co-worker have told him that jokes are inappropriate on
several occasions. What is the most appropriate course of action?
A. Quit your job immediately
B. Inform a supervisor that co-worker is telling sexist jokes
C. Keep it to yourself to protect your co-worker
D. None of the above
40. On a site, how to deal with a bomb threat would be addressed in
A. Post standing orders
B. Emergency measures plan
C. Employee pension plan
D. None of the above
41. Section 494 (1) of the Criminal Code deals with:
A. Citizen arrest authority
B. Trespass on private property
C. Regulates conduct of a security guard
D. None of the above
42. As a Security Guard which of the following would NOT be covered under the sites Emergency
Measures Plan:
A. Dealing with bomb threat
B. Fire procedure
C. Earthquake evacuation procedures
D. Night-time door closing pro
43. Under the Trespass to Property Act there are three offences under section 2. Which of the
following is NOT an offence under section 2 of the act
A. Enters on premises when entry is prohibited
B. A person is asked to leave a house party by the owner of the property but refuses to do so
C. Engages in an activity on premises when the activity is prohibited
D. None of the above
44. The maximum fine under the Trespass to Property Act is
A. $4000
B. $25,000
C. $2000
D. $100
45. Minor criminal offences are heard in
A. Superior Court
B. Provincial court
C. Court of Queen’s Bench
D. None of the above
46. What is a Tort?
A. Bad evidence in a criminal proceeding
B. Non-contractual civil wrong
C. Hair and fiber evidence
D. None of the above
47. Under what section of the Charter of Rights gives a person the right to join an organization
A. Section 10(a)
B. Section 2(d)
C. Section 494(1)
D. Section 9
48. When defence council wishes to question a crown witness on the stand, this is called
A. Examination in chief
B. Cross examination
C. Direct examination
D. Re-direct
49. PIPEDA Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act
A. Protects personal information
B. Protects sensitive information
C. Is federal legislation
D. All of the above
50. In Provincial Court a Judge is called
A. Your worship
B. Your highness
C. Your honor
D. Your majesty
51. WHMIS class “C” includes
A. Compressible Gas
B. Flammable and Combustible Liquids
C. Oxidizing Material
D. Poisonous and Infectious Material
52. A trial at which the defendant is not physically present is referred to as a trial
A. In absentia
B. Of Habeas corpus
C. In common law
D. Not to appear
53. Under the Residential Tenancies Act, during a tenant’s occupancy a landlord cannot alter or
change the locking mechanism to the unit without
A. Giving the tenant replacement keys
B. Allowing the tenant the option of buying his own lock
C. Notifying the tenant at least 48 hours in advance
D. Compensating the tenant for loss of use
54. The RCMP are
A. Provincial Police
B. Federal Police
C. Municipal Police
D. Regional Police
55. Which of the following would not be considered a regular access control point
A. Door
B. Window
C. Turnstiles
D. Gate
56. Which of the following is not a fundamental freedom as stated Under Section 2 of the “Charter
of Rights and Freedoms”
A. Freedom of conscience and religion
B. Freedom of thought
C. Freedom of association
D. Freedom of travel
57. What is an “Arraignment”
A. Bail hearing
B. Reading of charges
C. Show cause hearing
D. None of the above
58. Under section 7 of the Trespass to Property Act specifies two colors of markings for the purpose
of giving notice. They are
A. Red and Orange
B. Blue and Red
C. Red and Yellow
D. Yellow and Pink
59. While on patrol in a mall you come across a disable person having problems with their
wheelchair. What action should you take?
A. Advise the person they ought to buy a new wheelchair
B. Push them off to the side to protect them from injury
C. Walk the other way so that you do not get sued
D. Offer assistance to the person
60. WHMIS class “A” includes
A. Compressible Gas
B. Flammable and Combustible Liquid
C. Oxidizing Material
D. Poisonous and Infectious Material
61. 10 code for acknowledge message
A. 10-2
B. 10-4
C. 10-7
D. 10-8

1. Bomb threat procedure for a site would be described in

A. Daily report policy manual
B. Emergency Measures Plan
C. Site logbook
D. Standing orders

2. A provincially funded service for those who need assistance from a lawyer is called
A. Welfare
B. Legal aid
C. Social Funding
D. Legal fund of lawyer

3. What Provincial Law in Ontario gives everyone equal rights and opportunities
A. Human Rights Code
B. Trespass to Property Act
C. Charter of Rights
D. Criminal Code of Canada

4. In court, the person that usually hears bail applications, arraignments, traffic court is called a :
A. Prosecutor
B. Court reporter
C. Justice of The Peace
D. Judge

5. While patrolling a mall as a Security Guard you come across an elderly woman who appears lost.
As you approach the woman you realize that the woman is holding a white cane. What would
this indicate to you?
A. The woman had purchased a discount cane from a store in the mall
B. The woman may have limited vision and perhaps got disoriented
C. The woman appears to prefer white canes
D. None of the above

6. As a Security Guard if you are rude to members of the public you are in violation of:
A. PSISA Code of Conduct
B. Police Act
C. Human Rights Code
D. Criminal Code

7. Class “D” Fires involves

A. Combustible Metals
B. Flammable Liquids
C. Dangerously Reactive Material
D. None of the above

8. A witness who is giving testimony is giving what type of evidence

A. Direct
B. Trace
C. Similar fact
D. Circumstantial

9. 10 code for receive signal poorly:

A. 10-2
B. 10-2
C. 10-10
D. 10-3

10. A class “B” fire involves:

A. Vegetable oils or fats
B. Ordinary combustible material
C. Electrical equipment
D. Flammable liquids

11. Which below would be considered Covert surveillance

A. Conducting surveillance from a place hidden from view
B. Openly following someone in plain view
C. Sitting outside a house on the street in plain view
D. None of the above

12. 10 code for requesting an ambulance

A. 10-67
B. 10-4
C. 10-10
D. 10-52

13. Upon a person’s arrest or detention section 10 (a) of the “Charter of Rights and Freedoms”
requires a person
A. To be informed promptly of the reason
B. To retain and instruct counsel without delay and to be informed of that right
C. Not to be compelled to be a witness
D. To be presumed innocent until proven guilty

14. Which best describes Chain of Custody:

A. Destruction of evidence
B. Continuity of evidence
C. Storing of old evidence
D. A suspect taken into custody

15. A Justice of The Peace is referred to as:

A. Your greatness
B. Your worship
C. Your honor
D. Your worthiness

16. When a Security Guard appears in court to testify he/she must

A. Always tell the truth
B. Dress professionally
C. Bring notes and any evidence relating to the case
D. All of the above

17. Which of the following would NOT be a way to protect yourself from allegations of “Excessive
Use of Force”:
A. Keep good notes
B. Maintain a high level of professionalism
C. When questioning persons always stand in their personal space
D. Use techniques that are authorized by law

18. Section 7 of the “Charter of Rights and Freedoms” deals with:

A. Search of Seizure
B. Life liberty and security of person
C. Detention or imprisonment
D. Arrest or detention

19. Toronto Metro Police are

A. Federal Police
B. Provincial Police
C. Municipal Police
D. Regional Police

20. Which of the following is an exception to the hearsay rule:

A. Ex-parte testimony
B. Dying declaration
C. Best evidence rule
D. All of the above

21. 10 code for back in service

A. 10-6
B. 10-19
C. 10-8
D. 10-1
22. Class “A” Fires involves:
A. Combustible Metals
B. Oxidizing Material
C. Ordinary Combustibles
D. Dangerously Reactive Material

23. Security Guard daily and incident reports may go to several departments but ultimately the
information is collected for:
A. The police
B. The courts
C. The client
D. The site supervisor

24. Under the Criminal Code of Canada, to justify the “Use of Force” what would be required?
A. You must decide if the person may escape
B. You must be acting on reasonable grounds
C. A security guard can decide
D. The person keeps using profanity

25. The purpose of tactical communication is:

A. To defuse a potential situation from escalating
B. To have better radio communications
C. So others can’t monitor your radio frequencies
D. None of the above

26. Positional asphyxia may occur when a person is being physically restrained. This condition can
lead to
A. Injury
B. Death
C. Violent Behavior
D. All of the above

27. As a Security Guard what is the purpose for patrol?

A. To keep yourself awake during an 8 hours shift
B. To establish a presence and to deter potential offenders
C. So the client thinks you are actually doing something
D. Too see if other security guard are violating the PSISA code of conduct

28. What is the best definition of “admissible evidence”?

A. Relevant evidence to a proceeding that has not been excluded by a judge
B. Evidence that the defence wishes to have tossed
C. Best evidence rule
D. None of the above

29. Evidence that related to a series of facts other than the particular fact sought to be proved
A. Circumstantial evidence
B. Similar fact evidence
C. Documentary evidence
D. None of the above

30. What is the first action you should take when you note a breach of security while in routine
patrol of a property?
A. Disregard it because it was probably someone from previous shift
B. Immediately notify your supervisor of your location and the nature of the breach
C. Call the police and lock down the building
D. Search the building after calling for back up

31. An honestly held belief in entitlement to property is called:

A. Color of Right
B. Land title
C. Land owner
D. Property rights

32. WHMIS class “D” includes:

A. Compressible Gas
B. Flammable and Combustible Liquids
C. Oxidizing Material
D. Poisonous and Infectious Material

33. A Field Alarm would be mostly used to

A. Keep cows in a field
B. Protect valuable items such as in a museum
C. In conjunction with an electric fence
D. To keep trespassers out of a field

34. Duties of a Security Guard includes:

A. Protection of property
B. Protect information
C. Protect persons
D. All of the above

35. What could be a result of, after collecting and storing evidence, the “Chain of Custody” being
A. Evidence may no longer be admissible in court
B. The accused could walk free
C. Professionalism would be in question
D. All of the above

36. The main purpose of the Occupational Health and Safety Act is
A. Protect workers
B. Establish procedures for identifying and dealing with workplace hazards
C. Enforcement for non-compliance
D. All of the above

37. 10 code for bomb threat:

A. 10-98
B. 10-79
C. 10-100
D. 10-200

38. When giving testimony in court, Security Guard may with permission:
A. Read details directly from his incident report for accuracy
B. Refer to his notes only to refresh his memory
C. Read from his notebook directly to make sure nothing is missed
D. None of the above

39. The OPP are:

A. Provincial Police
B. Federal Police
C. Regional Police
D. Municipal Police

40. A complaint against a Security Guard can be reported by

A. Your supervisor
B. The client
C. People who go on your property
D. Anyone

41. Who determines what evidence will or will not be admitted in court
A. Judge
B. Prosecutor
C. Defence Council
D. The accused

42. A witness who testified as to the habits and reputation of another person is giving what type of
A. Circumstantial evidence
B. Character evidence
C. Trace evidence
D. Conscripted evidence

43. If you were charged with an indictable offense in Canada you would be entitled to
A. Be heard by a Judge sitting alone
B. Be heard by a Judge and Jury
C. A preliminary hearing
D. All of the above

44. Evidence given about an accused’s history of similar bad acts is called
A. Best Evidence Rule
B. Similar fact evidence
C. Bad luck defence
D. Character evidence

45. What would NOT be an example of “Stereotyping”?

A. All homeless people are dangerous
B. Kids in school on the lunch program are poor
C. People that get into financial trouble do so because they are irresponsible people
D. People that drive over the speed limit are more likely to cause an accident

46. When a Security Guard is issued a notebook, who owns it

A. The Security Guard
B. The company who issued it
C. The Provincial Court
D. No one can own Security notebook

47. Principles of procedural fairness in the Canadian legal system is referred to as

A. Due process
B. Legal rights
C. Men’s Rea
D. High treason

48. What is a common form of physical access control?

A. Lock & Key
B. Parameter control
C. Field alarm
D. Slide card

49. Which of the following would not be example of physical disability

A. Poor vision
B. Nerve damage
C. Dyslexia
D. Poor English language skills

50. If an accused is acquitted of a criminal offence this means

A. He has been found not guilty of the offence
B. Sentenced to probation
C. A new trail date must be set
D. None of the above

51. What is the legal drinking age in Ontario?

A. 16
B. 22
C. 19
D. 18

52. Under the Trespass to Property Act which of the following reasons can you remove a person off
private property as a property owner, agent or occupier?
A. Failing to leave when asked to do so
B. Unauthorized activity
C. Entering the property when prohibited
D. You can’t remove anyone only arrest
53. Which of the following is NOT a Code of Conduct violation under the PSISA
A. Using profane, abusive or insulting language
B. Exercising unnecessary force
C. Behavior that is either prohibited or not authorized bylaw
D. Accidently spilling mustard on your uniform at lunch

54. When you make a mistake in your notebook how should you correct it?
A. Tear the page out and start over
B. Use a pen and scribble out the error until it can’t be seen
C. Draw one line through the mistake and initial it
D. Get a new notebook from the company

55. Under the Trespass to Property Act an “Occupier” includes

A. A person who is in physical possession of premises
B. A person who has responsibility for and control over the condition of premises or the
activities there carried on
C. A person who has control over persons allowed to enter the premises
D. All of the above

56. A Security Guard while on duty should

A. Not patrol using the same predictable routine
B. Be proactive
C. Be reactive
D. All of the above

57. WHMIS class “F” includes

A. Compressible Gas
B. Dangerously Reactive Material
C. Oxidizing Material
D. None of the above

58. When using a fire extinguisher you should always aim the nozzle
A. At the flames directly
B. At the flames indirectly
C. At the top of the flames
D. At the base of the flames

59. If there is a fire alarm on your site, what would be your best course of action?
A. Evacuate everyone in an orderly fashion
B. Call the fire department to confirm they will be attending
C. Refer to your emergency measures plan
D. See if you can schedule your lunch break so you can watch all the fire trucks arrive

60. In most office towers and apartment buildings what would cause elevators to automatically go
to the lobby
A. An intrusion alarm
B. A fire alarm
C. Smoke
D. A terrorist attack

1. What is the MOST important reason a security guard would cordon off scene in an emergency?
A. To protect evidence
B. To control unauthorized access
C. To protect the people in the surrounding area
D. To stay busy while the police are investigating

2. What of the following is a failure to provide duty of care?

A. Fail to report a normal looking car in the parking lot, later found to be a crime scene
B. Fail to confiscate a barbeque from a balcony at an apartment that later starts a fire
C. Fail to report a broken window noticed that turns out to be the entry for a theft
D. Fail to assess the root causes of a fire

3. Access control is considered for which types of people?

A. Employees
B. Customers
C. Everyone entering the premises
D. The general public

4. What is the first level of the Use of Force Theory?

A. Security guard presence
B. Tactical consideration
C. Passive resistance
D. Lethal force

5. You are on bicycle patrol when you witness a person smash a car window. What do you do?
A. Call 911 and ask for immediate assistance as there is a break and enter in progress
B. Call for back up and wait but do not approach the person
C. Immediately arrest the person for mischief to private property
D. Observe and monitor the situation, take notes and submit an incident report at the end of
your shift

6. As per the national use of force framework, what would be the best way to describe passive
resistant behavior?
A. Someone who swings violently at you while attempt to remove them from the property
B. Someone who curses at you as they leave the property on their own after you ask them to
C. Someone who goes limp as you try to remove them from the property
D. Someone who threatens you with a weapon as you approach them

7. What are two acts governing admissibility of evidence?

A. Ontario Civil Law and The Constitution Act
B. The Criminal Code of Canada and PIPEDA
C. Tort Law and the Employment Standards Act
D. Canada Evidence Act and The Ontario Evidence Act

8. When attending court, what should you bring?

A. Your notebook and original reports you made
B. Evidence such as the weapon seized at the time of the offence
C. A photograph of the subject on the day they were arrested
D. A co-worker for moral support

9. Which of the following is a benefit of mobile patrol compared to foot patrol?

A. Greater ability to carry equipment
B. Greater ability to chase and catch fleeing criminals
C. Greater ability to closely assess the protected building
D. Greater ability to enforce parking law

10. Which of the following is an example of an intentional tort?

A. Theft
B. False arrest
C. Fraudulently taking sick days
D. Failure to provide a reasonably safe environment by not reporting a spill on the floor

11. While working as a Security Guard you are responding to an emergency scene on the property.
What is your best course of action?
A. Identify witnesses and ask them what they saw
B. Call your supervisor and enter the scene to offer assistance
C. Take notes and return to the office to submit a report
D. Stop and evaluate the scene is safe before approaching

12. You are allowed to use handcuffs when:

A. Needed for your safety
B. When arresting anyone at any time
C. When arresting multiple persons
D. Any time your supervisor tells you that you can

13. What should a security guard do when he receives a call from people stuck in an elevator:
A. Try to open the elevator by himself
B. Instruct the people in the elevator to try to get out through the top of the elevator
C. Call the elevator service company
D. Use your keys to try to recall the elevator down

14. Which of the following is true in most criminal law?

A. Assumed guilty until proven innocent
B. The onus is on the accused to prove innocence
C. The onus is on the complainant to prove guild
D. The burden of proof is on both parties to the offence
15. Which of the following is a closed question?
A. Who attacked you?
B. Describe to me what you saw?
C. How did the accident happen?
D. Is it true the car hit the truck after running the red light?

16. While working as a Security Guard you are patrolling the perimeter of the property. You come
across an apparent crime scene. What is the first thing you should do?
A. Cordon off the area, contain the scene, keep bystanders away and call for the police
B. Call 911
C. Identify witnesses, interview them and prevent them from leaving
D. Put up caution tape, photograph the scene, draw diagrams and collect physical evidence

17. A security guard just started their shift and they need to check whether the radio was
transmitting properly, which 10 code would they use?
A. 10-0
B. 10-2
C. 10-4
D. 10-9

18. What is required of employers according to the Occupational Health & Safety Act?
A. Provide body armour to employees
B. Provide a reasonably safe and healthy work environment
C. Provide higher pay rates in riskier work environment
D. Ensure that two guards are assigned to a site at night time

19. Which of the following are possible indicators of a person intoxicated by drugs?
A. Signs of nervousness, body twitching and sweating
B. A limp right arm
C. Speaking in a high pitched and loud voice
D. Increased abilities to reason and think rapidly

20. A security guard is working as a doorperson at a licensed establishment. An obviously

intoxicated person is leaving the bar. What should the Security Guard do?
A. Arrest the person for drunk and disorderly in a public place
B. Follow them to their car and call the police
C. Ensure they have a safe way to get home
D. Nothing, as you have no authority under the Liquor License Act

21. Which of the following statement is true for Security Guards on duty?
A. You can arrest a person you find committing a criminal offence in relation to the site
B. You can arrest a person found committing a summary offence while off duty
C. You can arrest a person for which there is a warrant
D. You can arrest a person who on reasonable grounds you believe has illegal drugs

22. When referring to a collective bargaining dispute or a strike that is occurring on your property,
what would be the best example of an injunction?
A. Separating two employees that are arguing
B. Coordinating pedestrian traffic so on one gets hurt
C. Ensuring picketing workers do not obstruct other workers from entering the site by
making sure they stay back
D. An authorization to arrest all parties who enter site

23. What should you do when receiving a bomb threat?

A. Remove suspicious looking packages from the area
B. Notify people working in the building there could be a bomb
C. Immediately call 911
D. Contact property management, report the matter and follow their instruction

24. What is duty of care?

A. Anyone performing a duty must adhere to a reasonable standard of care
B. Duty of an individual to do their best while working
C. Duty to ensure everything is done to prevent injuries
D. Duty to provide a 100% secure environment under Occupier’s Liability

25. A clearly intoxicated person tries to enter a licensed premises, the security guard at the door
A. Call the police since it is illegal for an intoxicated person to be in a public place
B. Give the intoxicated person access and check up on him from time to time
C. The security guard has the right to refuse the access based on the level of intoxication

26. While working as a security guard, what authority must be given priority
A. Federal and Provincial Law
B. Protection of evidence
C. Finding the perpetrator of the crime and arresting them
D. Giving first aid to the victim

27. A security guard receives a dispatch from a remote monitoring company that indicates an
intrusion alarm was received. What steps should the security guard take:
A. Ask the dispatcher for as many details as possible and call back up. When your back up
arrives, approach cautiously and investigate the apparent cause for alarm. Call the police
if necessary. Document the incident fully
B. Call the police and wait until they arrive
C. Do not enter as you are not insured as a security guard
D. Sent another security guard, you are not comfortable doing intrusion alarms

28. After arresting a person, what do you do:

A. Give him/her to a peace officer
B. Release him after taking a report
C. Read him his rights and handcuff him
D. Leave him in the security office and wait outside for the police

29. Who has legal ownership of your notebook?

A. The security guard
B. The client
C. The company employing the security guard
D. The government

30. Which of the following statements about service dogs is true?

A. Service dogs are allowed only in accessible area
B. Service dogs are never allowed in any building
C. Service dogs are allowed in all buildings
D. Service dogs are not allowed in food service buildings

31. What is statute law?

A. Written law
B. Family law
C. Provincial law
D. Case law

32. What is the definition of negligence?

A. An act one does intentionally to another resulting in injury or loss
B. An act causing personal injury to a person
C. Failure to provides a reasonably safe and healthy work environment
D. Failure to use reasonable care and attention

33. Which of the following are valid surveillance techniques?

A. Observing the physical environment and using situation awareness
B. Using parabolic microphones to listen in on private conversations
C. Using telescopes to peek into windows of residences
D. Purposely following a vehicle closely to intimidate the subject who is a criminal

34. A Security Guard is working as a doorperson at a licensed establishment when an obviously

intoxicated person tries to enter. What should the Security Guard do?
A. Arrest the person for drink and disorderly in a public place
B. Physically restrain the person and call for the police
C. Refuse entry to the person
D. Allow them to enter and closely monitor their behavior

35. You receive a witness statement written in blue pencil, what should you do?
A. Rewrite in black ink
B. Attach it to bottom of your incident report
C. Make an electronic copy
D. Throw it away, it is of no use

36. A security guard is working alone and comes across an unconscious, unresponsive person. The
security guard doesn’t have a radio or cell phone in order to call emergency services. What
should the security guard do?
A. Leave the person and go find telephone to call for help
B. Pull the fire alarm
C. Tell someone in the crowd to go and call emergency services and report back to you. Stay
with the person to render aid
D. Do nothing. Security guard need consent before they render aid

37. At any site for the purposes of enforcing rules and the law, you are:
A. An agent of the police
B. An agent of the property manager
C. An agent of your security company
D. An agent of the Ministry of corrections and community safety

38. Which of the following is true about alarms?

A. Security guards can easily obtain prompt back up when needed
B. Security guards always work with partners so they can investigate alarms
C. Security guards often respond alone and do not have immediate back up
D. Security guards only respond to false alarms

39. Under the Trespass to Property Act, if a private person makes an arrest, who mjst they deliver
their arrested party to?
A. Peace officer
B. Public officer
C. Police officer
D. The owner of the property

40. Which of the following are basic security guard duties?

A. Enforcing traffic rules on city streets
B. Patrolling public places and enforcing laws
C. Enforcing rules and regulations on private property
D. Finding and capturing wanted criminals

41. The Criminal Code of Canada follows:

A. Special authorities for police officers and security guards
B. Security guards the same authorities as other private citizens
C. Security guards to use reasonable force arresting people named on a warrant
D. Prevents security guards using force to remove trespassers
42. Licensees are prohibited from the following facts
A. Following someone without their consent for the purpose of gathering information
B. Forcibly removing an unwanted patron from a night club
C. Assisting an owner of an apartment by reporting a tenant’s activities
D. Providing information about a person in a witness protection program

43. You are working as a Security Guard and your duty is to escort a large group of people through a
high security area. Where should you position yourself in relation to the group to best
accomplish your job?
A. The front of the group
B. The back of the group
C. Beside the group on either side
D. Access the group, then monitor their movements by closed circuit television

44. Magnetic stripe access cards can be used:

A. At an ATM machine
B. To make long distance calls
C. At doors they contain magnetic locks once programmed for them
D. As identification

45. What patterns should be avoided by security guards?

A. Regularly scheduled rotating shifts
B. Knowing where you are at all times and how to summon help
C. Regular people and their activities on the site
D. Completing patrols routinely at the same time each day

46. You are on patrol in the mechanical penthouse of a building when you notice a puddle forming
from liquid leaking out of a drum. What do you do?
A. Call 911 and ask for the fire department to attend
B. Place barricades down, contain the spill and use a squeegee to push it down a drain
C. Make a note of the concern and submit an incident report at the end of your shift
D. Keep people away from the area and check WHMIS and MSDS information on site

47. What is the first priority when responding to an emergency?

A. Preserve the evidence and ensure the scene does not get contaminated
B. Gather witnesses and take statement
C. Assess hazards and ensure the area is safe to approach
D. Triage injuries and treat life threatening injuries

48. What is the best description of a site patrol duty?

A. Assigned to a specific site, patrolling the property
B. Assigned to a specific static post
C. Assigned to patrol between many sites
D. Assigned to patrol a specific area for the purpose of detecting fire
49. What word best describes what is required regarding statements?
A. Recorded
B. Verbatim
C. Paraphrased
D. Hand written

50. The security guard on duty is trained as a first aid provider. The security guard comes across
unconscious, unresponsive victim so the guard decided to engage in P.R. How many
compressions are given and how many breaths are given?
A. 15 compressions then 2 breaths (15:2)
B. 2 compressions then 15 breaths (2:15)
C. 30 compressions then 2 breaths (30:2)
D. 2 compressions then 30 breaths (2:30)

51. What are the following types of reports, briefing reports a security guard may normally
A. Shift logs, incident reports, briefing reports and use of force reports
B. Crown briefs and private information
C. Timetables, needs assessments and recommendations
D. Execute summary and progress reports

52. Which of the following related to the court system is true?

A. Ontario Court decisions supersede those of the Supreme Court of Canada
B. Municipalities have the authority to make laws contradicting provincial laws
C. Lower courts are bound by the decision of higher courts
D. Provincial Appeals Courts are the highest courts in the land

53. What should you do when preserving a crime scene?

A. Remove broken glass, knives, blood and other safety hazards
B. Secure the perimeter and investigate the scene, personally
C. Determine the centre of the scene and work your way out
D. Secure the scene and ensure no one enters, touches or moves anything until police arrive

54. What is the best type of extinguisher to use dousing an electrical fire?
A. Class A
B. Class B
C. Class C
D. Class D

55. Which of the following fuels are associated with a Class B fire?
A. Wood, Paper, Cloth
B. Gasoline, Oil, Grease
C. Metal, Paper, Cloth
D. Wood, Paper, Electrical Equipment

56. Which of the following regulates the security industry in Ontario?

A. The Criminal Code and Charter of Rights
B. The Private Security Investigative Services Act, 2005
C. The Police Services Act
D. The Private Investigators Security Guards Act, 1990

57. Upon the arrest or detention of person, a security guard can lawfully search the person under
which scenario?
A. The security guard can never conduct a thorough search of a person under any
B. The search will afford evidence to a criminal offence
C. The security guard has reasonable and probable grounds to believe that the person has a
concealed weapon
D. There is perceived or actual element of danger, or the search is linked to the reason for
the arrest/detention

58. When responding to an alarm and detecting a lot of smoke, a guard should:
A. Call the fire department and start a search for people inside
B. Call the fire department and put the fire out
C. Enter the building to check for trapped people
D. Call the fire department, stay a safe distance and keep people back

59. What is the maximum penalty for an individual’s violation of the code of conduct?
A. $1000 fine
B. Community service
C. $25,000 fine and/or 1 year in jail
D. Suspension or revocation of the Security Guard license

60. The Criminal Code of Canada allows:

A. Special authorities for police officers and security guards
B. Security guards the same authorities as other private citizens
C. Security guards to use reasonable force arresting people named on a warrant
D. Prevents security guards using force to remove trespassers

1. Independent notes recorded in security guards notebook must be made from:

A. Independent recollections
B. Collaboration with other Security Guards
C. Comments made from witnesses/suspects
D. All of the above

2. What system is used by property managers to monitor patrol activity of security guards?
A. Magnetic swipe system at designated patrol points to create patrol log
B. Lighting systems
C. Telephone communications
D. Site log books

3. While using two-way radios, Security Guards may be required to use 10-codes. What is the 10-
code for “What is your location”?
A. 10-9
B. 10-20
C. 10-99
D. 10-7

4. While on patrol you notice a small contained fire in a closet. Your next step should be?
A. Attempt to put out the fire by using a portable fire extinguisher
B. Put a garbage can on top of the fire
C. Close the door to the closet in order to cut off oxygen to the fire
D. Throw a blanket on top of the fire

5. Upon the arrest or detention of a person, a security guard can lawfully search the person under
which scenario?
A. The security guard can never conduct a thorough search of a person under any circumstance
B. The search will afford evidence to a criminal offence
C. The security guard has reasonable and probable grounds to believe that the person has a
concealed weapon
D. There is a perceived or actual element of danger, or the search is linked to the reason for
the arrest/detention

6. Which of the following is not an offence under the Liquor License Act RSO 1990?
A. No person shall sell or supply liquor or permit liquor to be sold or supplied to any person
who is or appears to be intoxicated
B. No person shall knowingly sell or supply liquor to a person who is appears to be under 19
years of age
C. No person under 19 years of age shall be employed on a premises in which the sale or
service of liquor is authorized
D. No person shall have or consume liquor in any place other than; (a) a residence, (b) a
premises in respect of which a license or permit is issued, (c) a private place as defined in
the Regulation

7. What is the difference between a Summary Offence and an Indictable Offence?

A. An indictable offence is more serious in nature where greater penalties are imposed,
while a summary offence is considered to be less serious in nature and generally carries a
penalty of no more than 6 months in jail and/or a fine not to exceed $2000
B. For the purpose of security guards, all offences are treated as dual procedure
C. An summary offence is more serious in nature where greater penalties are imposed, while
an indictable offence is considered to be less serious in nature and generally carries a
penalty of no more than 6 months in jail and/or a fine not to exceed $2000
D. There is no difference between summary or indictable offences at the time of an arrest

8. You are conducting foot patrol and your respond to a medical situation where a woman is
having a heart attack. Ambulance staff is already on scene working on the patient. What do you
A. Secure the scene and restrict access to emergency workers only. Inform your supervisor of
the incident and document all relevant information and complete an incident report
B. Notify next of kin immediately
C. Wait for information regarding the status of the patient, then notify next of kin
D. Continue your foot patrol as emergency workers are already on site

9. While working at an establishment which is licensed to serve alcohol, a security guard is

approached by a man who is clearly intoxicated and is attempting to gain access to the
establishment. What are the security guards options?
A. The security guard must let the man enter the establishment, but should monitor his
B. The security guard cannot refuse entry to the man
C. The security guard must deny the man access into the bar due to his state of intoxication
D. Arrest the man for being intoxicated in a public place

10. The final court of appeal from all other Canadian Courts is:
A. Federal court
B. Provincial court
C. Territorial court
D. Supreme court of Canada

11. You are working the security desk of a facility hours and a gentleman approaches you and claims
to be a contractor for the site, and that he forgot a couple of tools that he needs to get
immediately. What do you do?
A. Deny access to the contractor and tell him he’ll have to come back during business hours
B. Attempt to verify the identity of the contractor. Once you have verified his identity, escort
the individual to the area to retrieve his tools, while documenting everything that is being
retrieved. Have the contractor sign off that he indeed removed the tools from the site.
Complete a thorough incident report indicating the occurrence
C. Grant access to the contractor and allow him to retrieve his equipment unescorted
D. Get a description of the tools from the contractor and then go and retrieve them on his

12. While responding to an emergency scene, what should a security guards primary concern be?
A. Personal safety
B. Preserving evidence
C. Safety of bystanders
D. Restricting unauthorized access to the scene

13. Who owns a security guards property such as a notebook, handcuffs, batons?
A. The security guard
B. The company that hired the security guard
C. The company for which the security guard works
D. The specific property in which a security guard works

14. Which of the following is not a requirement under the PSISA Uniform Regulations?
A. Term “Security” or “Security Guard” affixed to the outmost piece of the uniform
B. Identification tag with the security guard’s name and/or license number to be affixed to the
outmost piece of the uniform
C. The trouser must have a red, blue, or reflective stripe down the sides
D. If the uniform includes a shirt with a collar, the shirt must not be black or navy blue

15. What is the first tactical consideration in the National Use of Force model?
A. Communication
B. Soft physical control
C. Lethal force
D. Officer presence

16. Which of the following fuels are associated with a Class B fire?
A. Wood, paper, cloth
B. Gasoline, oil, grease
C. Metal, paper, cloth
D. Wood, paper, electrical equipment

17. Which of the following is found in the PSISA Vehicle Regulations?

A. The word “Security” must be prominently displayed in a color that contrasts the color of the
B. Vehicle must not have the following terms displayed: “Detective”, “Private Detective”,
“Police”, and “Officer”
C. Vehicle must not have any red, blue, gold, or yellow stripes in any combination of red, blue
gold, or yellow stripes except as part of the licensee’s crest or logo
D. All of the above

18. Which of the following equipment would a security guard who is on vehicle patrol use to
communicate with a dispatcher?
A. Fax machine
B. Alarm system
C. Two-way radio
D. Cell phone
19. Which regulation under the Private Security & Investigative Services Act, 2005, sets out what
data a licensed business entity shall keep?
A. Information to be provided to the registrar
B. Insurance
C. Record keeping requirements for licensed business entities
D. Registration requirements for business entities

20. While using 2-way radios in emergency, what should a security guard remember to do in respect
to radio transmission?
A. Make long and descriptive transmissions, relaying any information you can think of,
regardless of its relevant or not
B. Keep radio transmissions short and to the point, while still being descriptive and
C. Radios should not be used in an emergency situation at any time
D. Use radios every 2-3 minutes to request more information so that you’re up to speed on the

21. What should a security guard refer to in order to find information regarding what evidence is
admissible in court?
A. Ontario and Canadian Evidence Act
B. Municipal Evidence Act
C. Labour Relations Act
D. Supreme Court Evidence Act

22. At what age does a person become an adult in Ontario?

A. 14
B. 16
C. 17
D. 18

23. What is the term most commonly used for a mass gathering by a group of individuals to protest
political/social issues without the use of violence?
A. Political demonstration
B. Ethical demonstration
C. Legal demonstration
D. Peaceful demonstration

24. Section 494(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada states that anyone may arrest without a warrant:
A. A person whom he finds committing an indictable offence
B. A person who on reasonable grounds he believes has committed a criminal offence
C. A person who on reasonable grounds believes is escaping from or being freshly persued by
persons who have lawful authority to arrest
D. All of the above
25. While working as a security guard, you personally become a victim of a crim. What should you
A. Notify the policy immediately
B. Contact your supervisor
C. Fill out an incident report the contact your supervisor
D. Search the area for the suspect and arrest them accordingly

26. Which of the following is not a regulation under the PSISA Code of Conduct?
A. Act with honesty and integrity
B. Co-operate with police where it is required by law
C. Must not misrepresent the class or condition on their license
D. Must be willing to work shift work

27. A security guard is described as:

A. A person who performs work for remuneration that consists of guarding or protecting
persons and/or property
B. A person who only observes activity on property and reports their findings
C. A person whose job is to control access to and from sites only
D. A person who protects property

28. In respect to Loss Prevention principles, what should Security Guards be aware of?
A. Individuals who avoid contact with sales associates
B. Areas with empty coat hangers
C. Persons carrying large/oversized bags
D. All of the above

29. What does section 10 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms state in respect to arrest
or detention?
A. Everyone has the right not to be arbitrarily detained or imprisoned
B. Everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure
C. Everyone has the right of life, liberty, and the security of their person
D. Everyone has the right on arrest or detention to be informed promptly of the reason
thereof, to retain/instruct counsel without delay and to be informed of that right, and to
have validity of the detention determined

30. While working inside a licensed establishment, a security guard observes a severely intoxicated
individual leaving the bar alone. What should the guard do?
A. Take away the individuals car key
B. Report the drunk man to the police
C. Make every reasonable effort to ensure that the individual has a safe ride home
D. Arrest the individual for being intoxicated in a public place

31. While on duty, security guards need to utilize all of their senses to identify and detect what is
going on in their environment. What would be best described as your powers of observation?
A. Hearing, smelling, touching, tasting
B. Statements from witnesses, third party observations
D. Gut feeling based on prior experiences

32. What is the difference between covert surveillance and overt surveillance?
A. Covert is the act of concealing your identity in order to achieve surveillance goals, while
overt your identity is not concealed and presence is public knowledge, usually meaning in
B. They both involve having a concealed identity
C. They both involve having a uniformed presence
D. Overt is the act of concealing your identity in order to achieve surveillance goals, while
covert your identity is not concealed and presence is public knowledge, usually meaning in

33. Who must a security guard show his/her security license to when requested?
A. Anybody
B. Only their employer
C. Only a police officer
D. A security guard never has to present his/her security license

34. While working, you encounter a suspected homicide or suicide. What do you do first?
A. Secure the scene and start collecting evidence
B. Contact the police immediately
C. Notify next of kin
D. Notify your supervisor

35. You are patrolling a park and you witness a man smashing the window of one of the van’s in the
parking lot. What do you do?
A. Communicate the situation with your dispatcher, including your location and subject
description, request and wait for backup, and then proceed with the situation when it is
safe to do so
B. Yell at the individual to stop and then engage him
C. Call the police immediately
D. Approach the individual and arrest him immediately

36. While on mobile patrol, you receive a radio transmission dispatching you to a building where an
intrusion alarm has been set off. What should you do?
A. Investigate the source of the alarm. Should you feel it was false, reset the alarm and
continue on your patrols
B. Observe the scene from a safe distance upon arrival, communicate your initials findings
with dispatch, request backup or police assistance if required, and then proceed once it is
safe to do so
C. Notify the police immediately
D. Enter the site and arrest anybody you find for trespassing

37. What is the most common physical measure taken for access control?
A. Identification cards
B. Tracing devices/GPS
C. Locks & keys
D. Metal detectors

38. While on a general foot patrol, you notice workers on the roof of the buildings your responsible
for. To the best of your knowledge you do not remember there being any notices regarding
work being done on the roof that day. What do you do?
A. Approach the individuals and arrest them for trespassing
B. Approach the individuals and ask them to identify themselves. If you cannot verify their
identity, arrest them immediately for trespassing
C. Attempt to verify the identity of the individuals as well as the company in which they
work for. Also ask them to reveal who their contact person is on site, who authorized the
work. Record all this information and contact the person they state has authorized the
work. Contact your supervisor afterwards for the next steps to take
D. Do not approach the workers, rather just document the occurrence

39. What is injunction?

A. To declare or engage in a suspension of work until an employer grants certain demands,
such as pay increases, an improved pension plan, etc.
B. To declare or engage in a suspension of work against a factory, employer, or industry, until
certain demands are met
C. A judicial process limiting the number of people allowed to join in a strike at any given
time, or orders a group of employees to cease striking and return back to work
D. A strike held only by the minority of a workplace

40. Which of the following are considered access control points?

A. Door, turnstile, parking gate
B. Window, door, stairs
C. Sidewalk, pathway, lane
D. Room, garage, lobby

41. While patrolling a property, you notice a vehicle parked in an unauthorized parking zone. What
should you do?
A. Record the vehicle information and contact parking enforcement
B. Continue your patrol and only deal with the situation should the vehicle still be there on
your next patrol
C. Wait at the vehicle for the owner to arrive
D. Tow the car immediately

42. Which of the following is not a principle of Vehicle Control?

A. You are responsible for the actions of the vehicles you direct
B. You can direct traffic on both private property and public streets
C. Your hand signals must be over-exaggerated that provide clear, simple and specific
D. You must remain aware of your own person safety and drivers may become impatient

43. Magnetic key cards are primarily used for what purpose?
A. Gain access to locked rooms/buildings when swiped against magnetic card swipe readers
when programmed
B. Identification purposes
C. Logging hours worked by security employees
D. Gaining access to files

44. While working the security desk, a woman approaches you and claims to have been sexually
assaulted and names a specific person who committed the act. This person is known to you.
What do you do?
A. Ignore the complaint as you didn’t witness the offense yourself
B. Suggest that she contact the police
C. Take a report from the woman and contact the police immediately on her behalf
D. Accompany the woman to find the individual she has named and arrest them

45. When assisting the public, what is the only acceptable form of identification that a security
guard can use?
A. Security Guard license
B. Driver license
C. Passport
D. Health card

46. A security guard is on patrol and encounters an individual who has injured himself. The
individual refuses help even though the security guard advises the individual that he/she is
trained in first aid. What should security guard do?
A. Demand that the individual allows the security guard to perform first aid on him/her
B. Ask a passerby to assist the individual instead
C. Call for help and wait until the ambulance/medical help arrive
D. Call for help and leave the individual alone
47. While working security in a condominium, you receive an emergency call from one of the
elevators, there are people trapped inside. What should you do next?
A. Contact the fire department & elevator company
B. Instruct the trapped people to exit through the roof latch
C. Attend to the mechanical room and shut down the power to the elevator
D. Attempt to pry the doors open yourself

48. While escorting a group of individuals through a high risk environment, where should the
security guard be positioned?
A. In front of the group
B. In the middle of the group
C. Behind the group
D. It doesn’t matter where the guard is positioned

49. Which of these areas should not be a search priority when inspecting vehicles entering and
exiting a property?
A. The trunk
B. Cargo area
C. Under the hood
D. Truck bed

50. You are directed by the security manager to retrieve company equipment from a terminated
employee’s locker. What is the best course of action to take?
A. Attend the locker by yourself, cut the lock, and bring back all the locker contents to the
security managers office
B. Attend the locker with the terminate employee. Have with you a list of all the company
equipment which has been requested to be turned over. Go through the contents of the
locker, obtaining all the company equipment while documenting it. Have the terminated
employee sign for all equipment that has been turned over. Return all the retrieved
company equipment along with an incident report signed by both you and the terminated
C. Inform the security manager that this task is not a duty of a security guard and refuse to do
the task
D. Inform the terminated as to what equipment is to be returned, and have him go through the
locker contents by himself

51. Which of the following documents would be used by an employer/property owner to set out the
tasks, actions and/or policies and procedures for a security guard while performing his/her
A. Post or Standing Orders
B. Legal agreements
C. Daily reports
D. Company directory

52. You are working the security desk at a factory after hours. Your control panel begins to signal a
heat alarms from one of the mechanical rooms. You are not permitted to leave the security
desk. What do you do?
A. Leave the security desk to go investigate the source of the alarm further
B. Refer to your post/standing orders to retrieve emergency contact information regarding
that specific room or machinery. Contact that person immediately and inform them of the
situation. Complete and incident report on the situation
C. Wait to see if the alarm persists or if any further damage appears to have been caused. If it
doesn’t escalate, reset the alarm
D. Call for police assistance

53. While using two-way radios, security guards may be required to use 10-codes. What is the 10-
code for “Repeat Message”?
A. 10-4
B. 10-9
C. 10-20
D. 10-21

54. It is always up to the courts to decide whether or not to proceed by way of summary or
indictable in regards to citizens powers of arrest, section 494.(3) of the Criminal Code of Canada
states that upon arrest a security guard must?
A. Establish ownership by taking physical control of the suspect
B. May not use more force than necessary
C. Must always use handcuffs
D. Shall forthwith deliver the person to peace officer

55. Batons may only be used for:

A. Defensive purposes only
B. Gaining access through doors/windows which may be locked
C. Intimidating trespassers
D. Searching through shrubbery or garbage for evidence

56. What is meant by para-verbal communications?

A. Language, dialect, ethnic traditions
B. Tone, volume, cadence
C. Body language, eye contact
D. Use of interpreters to overcome language barriers

57. The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act states that personal
information may not be disclosed without consent, unless:
A. On reasonable grounds it could be useful in an investigation of a crime against the Laws of
B. Used in respect to an emergency that affects life, health, or security of an individual
C. Security guards can always disclose individuals personal information
D. Both A & B

58. The principles of general security patrol could be described as:

A. Providing a uniformed security function
B. Providing security services at a public or private property entity
C. Generally consisting of “walking patrols”
D. All of the above

59. Security guards should be recording in their notebook when the following occurs:
A. Criminal activity
B. Situations in which litigation may occur
C. Any suspicious circumstances
D. All of the above

60. The perimeter of a facility can be defined by:

A. By connecting an invisible line between the lighting towers outside of the building
B. Defined by the road ways which surround a building
C. Hedge lines
D. Exterior of the building

1. Which of the following is NOT an offence under section 2 of the Trespass To Property Act
A. Enters on premises when entry is prohibited
B. Enter on premises intoxicated
C. Engages in an activity on premises when the activity is prohibited
D. Leaves the premises within 10 minutes after he or she is directed to do so by the occupier
of the premises or a person authorized by the occupier

2. How the perimeter of a building is determined?

A. Outside of building
B. Road network
C. Hedge network
D. Light post

3. What Smart Serve Program provides?

A. Training program to individuals who serve or work where alcohol is sold and served
B. Assist the security guard to determine how much force to use on someone who appears
C. How to follow company’s emergency procedure while on duty
D. To determine which alcoholic beverage someone would prefer

4. You work in a building. A resident was taken to hospital in serious condition. Whom would you
A. Spouse or partner and meet the, discuss the situation
B. Next to kin and write the incident report in detail
C. No one, it is now hospital’s responsibility
D. Call the police and inform the whole situation

5. In event of emergency in your building what you will do?

A. Call 999
B. Call supervisor and let him come on spot
C. Follows company’s emergency procedure
D. Evacuate the building
6. Where does security guard find what is admission in court as evidence?
A. In Canadian Evidence Act and Ontario Evidence Act
B. In Criminal Code
C. In Charter's Rights
D. In the newspaper

7. You noticed an unauthorized vehicle in property. What will you do?

A. Do nothing
B. Stick a note saying you cannot enter
C. Break window to get the car key
D. Record vehicle information and call parking enforcement

8. What is Para-verbal communication?

A. Volume, tone, cadence
B. Vocabulary, pitch, volume
C. Face expression, eye contact, hand gestures
D. Volume, tone, hand gestures

9. During your duty, you noticed window-breaking by burglar/someone

A. You will approach
B. You will call for further back up to proceed and wait until arrives
C. You will try to find a burglar
D. You will call supervisor

10. When a security guard is dispatched through a radio about an incident and investigate it, what
should he/she do?
A. Maintain communication with the dispatcher, go with a partner if possible and call police
if it is emergency
B. Tell the dispatch to call police for investigation
C. Ask a person who was at the incident location to describe the incident and possible cause
D. Call the police and inform supervisor

11. Who you are needed to show identification of security guard?

A. Anyone who asks for
B. Company supervisor
C. Only police officer
D. Client

12. What should a security guard do when he/she is victim of a crime?

A. Call police
B. Tell supervisor to call police and describe the incident
C. Write a detailed report about it in their notebook
D. Inform the company he/she works for
13. You are checking vehicles exiting. What you will not check?
A. Under hood
B. Trunk
C. Inside vehicle
D. Cargo area

14. In case of an accident, you secure the area so that

A. Police can work easily
B. People can’t get access
C. Physical evidence is not lost
D. Emergency staff can work easily

15. Everyone who is authorized by law to use force is criminally responsible for any excess thereof.
What section of the Criminal Code deals with “Excess of Force”
A. Section 25 ccc
B. Section 26 ccc
C. Section 41 ccc
D. None of the above

16. Where the contents of a document are material to a case the “Best Evidence Rule” requires
A. That the party submit the original unless the party is unable to do so
B. Six separate copies of the document be submitted to the court instead of the original
C. That the original must be produced or the evidence will not be admitted
D. None of the above

17. Your supervisor instructed you to fix agenda in next security personnel’s meeting
A. You will refuse to do as you are new in job
B. Take initiative and organize everything with all agenda to put in meeting with a nice
follow up
C. Ask supervisor for help and ask for others to help
D. You discuss with other guards

18. You have arrested a person. What to do with arrested person?

A. Keep in building
B. Investigate
C. Hand over to the police officer
D. Hand him over to your supervisor

19. There is a problem in a pub. You are dispatched there. What will you do?
A. Don’t go
B. Go, access and call for back up if required
C. Go, access and proceed by yourself
D. Tell the dispatcher to call police as it is dangerous for you to go there
20. During patrolling you noticed toxic and hazardous material spilled on floor. What will you do?
A. Start cleaning
B. Stop people entering the area. See WHMIS & MSDS and inform appropriate company
C. Do nothing
D. Leave it for next day

21. You arrested a person. As per his right of freedom what he deserves?
A. To be treated properly
B. To know why he has been arrested
C. To be treated as a
D. Handcuffs should not be used

22. You found a crowd at entrance of the building. What will you do?
A. Just sit on desk
B. Go out and talk with them
C. Tell the crowd to disperse
D. Tell the leader of the crowd to disperse

23. While on patrol on bike, you observed someone is breaking the window of a vehicle. What you
will do?
A. Call dispatch and continue patrol
B. Approach the person
C. Call dispatch for help and watch from a safe distance
D. Yell to the person

24. Private security and investigative services (PSIS) required to carry license:
A. While on duty
B. When you go to find a job
C. All time
D. Until you get the job

25. Who is the owner of notebook?

A. Security guard
B. Company that hired the security
C. The company for which security guard works
D. Your supervisor

26. When collecting evidence, to ensure continuity, a Private Investigator should:

A. Keep the evidence in a place only he knows about
B. Complete a “Chain of Custody” report and store the evidence in a safe locked place only
the Private Investigator has access to or an evidence custodian who can testify to its
C. Contact the local police to take custody of the evidence as they have more experience and a
more advanced system in place
D. None of the above

27. The most common access is done by:

A. Access card
B. Code number
C. Doors
D. Lock and keys

28. While working as a security guard what is the FIRST thing you have to follow?
A. Company policy
B. Client’s policy
C. Federal and Provincial rules
D. Municipal rules

29. You are on duty in a private property. You will control only:
A. Pedestrian
B. Vehicle
C. Property
D. Orderly flow of traffic (both vehicle and pedestrians)

30. As per PSISA, security guard will have to show license

A. On request
B. Never
C. Upon police request only
D. Show to supervisor and managers only

31. What will you follow to do your security guard job in a building?
A. Post/standing order
B. Memo book
C. The contract that you signed with the company
D. Supervisor’s instruction

32. You found a person trapped inside elevator. What will you do?
A. Break the elevator door
B. Call elevator company and/or police
C. Go to machine room and turn off power
D. Do nothing

33. You are working as a guard in a pub. You noticed an intoxicated person leaving through rear
door. What you will do?
A. Call local police
B. Call the pub manager
C. You will make sure his safe way to home
D. You will tell bartender not to serve him drink any more

34. Accident occurred. What will you do?

A. Secure and wait for police to come
B. Secure and you start investigating
C. Call supervisor and start investigating
D. Do nothing

35. Upon a person’s arrest or detention section 10 (b) of the “Charter of Rights and Freedom”
requires a person
A. To be informed of the right to retain and instruct council without delay
B. To be tried within a reasonable time
C. Not to be denied reasonable bail
D. None of the above

36. When a security guard is communicating through a radio during emergency situation, what
should he/she do?
A. Make short transmission and wait to hear that other person confirmed the receiving of
B. Do not use radio at all
C. Make long transmission and explain whole situation in one time
D. Tell the dispatcher to send supervisor on site

37. In case of emergency, communication by two-way radio

A. Give accurate and brief description
B. Give unclear statement
C. Describe the actual situation in one time
D. Do not use radio to avoid other people from knowing

38. According to the National Use of Force Framework, the use of a baton would fall under what use
of force option?
A. Intermediate weapons
B. Communications
C. Physical control-soft
D. Active resistant

39. Which of the following is a non-violent demonstration?

A. Peaceful demonstration
B. Political demonstration
C. Political rally
D. Executive process
40. Who is the owner of security daily logs, memo books, reports etc.?
A. Company where you work
B. Your employer
C. Your supervisor
D. Property manager

41. Two-way radio communication is operated by

A. Radio frequency
B. Microwave frequency
C. Infrared waves
D. Bluetooth connection

42. Usual entrance in a building is done by

A. Checking ID
B. Access card
C. Mobile call sign-in
D. Writing a name in a log register

43. To trace the call of bomb threat who will you call first after caller hang up the phone
A. Call 999
B. Call emergency number from company’s emergency procedure guideline
C. Call the security supervisor
D. Call the emergency number from blue pages of directory

44. Drunken/intoxicated person wants to enter bar/pub, where you are on duty at the door
A. Call bar/pub manager
B. Do not allow to enter
C. Call police
D. Check his ID card and let him come in

45. During your shift, you found an intrusion alarm. What will you do?
A. Reset alarm
B. Call emergency number
C. Report in daily log
D. Call supervisor for instruction

46. To contain a small fire what you will use?

A. Fire hose
B. Portable extinguisher
C. Call for help, don’t do by yourself
D. A water bucket

47. According to Criminal Code 494, a security guard working in a site represents
A. Property owner
B. Himself/herself
C. Manager of property
D. Employer

48. When you patrol inside building, what you will follow?
A. Hallway direction
B. Light direction
C. Out to In direction
D. GPS direction

49. According to Ontario courts, what are the 3 types of evidence?

A. Real, False, Hearsay
B. Contradictory, Real, Hearsay
C. Real, Documentary, Testimony
D. Paper, Metal, Plastic

50. You are in duty in desk of an industry and can not leave the desk. Panel shows high temperature
in mechanical room. What will you do?
A. Just report in log
B. Report and wait for next day
C. Call supervisor
D. Follow emergency procedure of company

51. Security jobs follows

A. Ontario law
B. Ontario and Canada law
C. Municipal Law
D. By-laws

52. What type of sensor used in the security system for large area?
A. Hygrogram sensor
B. Area or volumetric sensor
C. Smoke detector
D. Pressure sensor

53. What is the primary concern of a security guard when faced with an emergency situation?
A. Assist the injured person
B. Personal safety
C. Safety of workers
D. Safety of the building

54. During patrolling you found a seriously injured person. You don’t have any telephone facility in
that place. What you will do?
A. Leave him there
B. Drag him to lobby
C. Pull the nearest station
D. Send your co-worker to call for emergency while you take care of him

55. Evidence obtained from a person against his or her interest, such as bodily fluids, or a confession
or admission; usually through a Charter Violation is called what type of evidence
A. Trace
B. Hard
C. Similar fact evidence
D. Conscripted

56. What is the best example of Excited Delirium?

A. Someone who is new to the city and eagerly asks you for direction
B. Your partner before they take vacation
C. A substance abuser who is displaying bizarre behavior combined with unexpected physical
D. The client reprimanding you for not doing the correct amount of patrols

57. In relation to labour dispute, what is injunction?

A. Separating two employees that are arguing
B. Coordinating pedestrian traffic so no one gets hurt
C. A court order where by the employees are required to do or to refrain from doing certain
D. An authorization to arrest all parties who enter site

58. When a visitor is allowed in a high risk area

A. Visitor will be accompanied by a company/security guard
B. Will be given a visitor pass and let him go alone
C. You stop your duty and go with the visitor
D. Keep an eye from your own duty

59. While working you encountered a suicidal and/or homicidal case. What should you do first?
A. Inform family members
B. Call supervisor
C. Secure area and investigate
D. Secure area and call police

60. During patrolling you found an injured person. What should be your first concern?
A. To treat the person
B. To cordon area
C. Call police
D. To give him a CPR
1. You encounter an irate individual and another person in a heated conversation. What should
you do?
A. Arrest both individuals for causing a disturbance
B. Target your efforts to the individual speaking the loudest
C. Observe from a safe distance and monitor the situation
D. Ask both individuals to leave the property

2. Which of the following is a definition of continuity of evidence?

A. Chain of custody controlled by a police service.
B. Unbroken chain of custody and control which protects integrity of an object.
C. Chain of custody unbroken and controlled by only one individual.
D. Evidence presented in proper sequence.

3. An employee has been fired and you are under direction to retrieve company property they
keep in their locker. What do you do?
A. Immediately open the locker with bolt cutters and seize the company property
B. Ask management for a second key and have the foreman witness what you remove and turn
over the fired employee’s property at a later date
C. Let the employee empty their locker and bring the items to you at your post
D. Escort them, get them to open the locker, document everything belonging to the company
and have them sign that you have obtained these items from them.

4. Who must a Security Guard Present identification to when asked?

A. A peace office or justice of the peace
B. The client, Supervisor or official from the contract company employing the Guard
C. Any member of the public who asks the Guard to present it
D. Appointed inspectors or investigators working for the private security and investigative
E. Services Branch

5. As a security guard the purpose of your notebook is to

A. Keep personal information you do not want others to know about
B. Maintain an accurate daily record of the events while on shift
C. Keep intel on suspects you come in contact with
D. The law requires you to carry a notebook at all times

6. Which of the following situations best describe an indictable Offence?

A. One person applies force to another person without permission or justification
B. A petty crime committed on federal property at an airport
C. A Labour Relations Act violation during a labour dispute involving lockout of the employees
D. A serious crime witnessed by a security Guard or another Person

7. What is the legal drinking age for person in a licensed establishment according to the Liquor
License Act of Ontario?
A. 18 years of age or older
B. 17 years of age or older
C. 19 years of age or older
D. 21 years of age or older
8. A noisy group forms a protest at the entrance to your store/mall, what do you do?
A. Direct them to leave and advise them if the fail to comply they will be arrested for
B. Monitor the group and call the authorities if necessary, to protect people or property
C. Arrest the leader for engaging in prohibited activity
D. Call 911 and ask the police to attend and arrest the trouble markers

9. What would NOT be a likely result of writing a detailed and concise report as a Security Guard?
A. An accurate record of events would be created
B. The police could have enough evidence to lay a charge based on the details
C. The Security Guard would be reprimanded for unprofessional reporting of an incident
D. A client could become aware of an ongoing problem relating to the site

10. What is the definition of statute law?

A. Law written in official documents
B. Decisions of the courts recorded and used as guidance for the other court decisions
C. Law from the British Common Law and Napoleonic Code
D. Laws used to right the wrongs by providing civil remedies

11. What is the best course of action to take when you find people stuck in an elevator, after hours
late in the evening?
A. Locate the elevator, reassure the occupants and call the elevator service company
B. Call 911
C. Attempt to force the doors open and rescue the trapped occupants
D. Call the site property manager and ask for instructions

12. What is the one piece of ID that Security Guard on duty is required to carry by law?
A. Driver’s license issued in the province or country of origin
B. A Canadian Social Insurance Card or permit to work
C. A current passport issued in Canada or the country of the worker’s origin
D. The Security Guard License Issued to the Guard in the province of Ontario

13. You should report your use of force when?

A. When I have to escort someone off property
B. Only when I use hard physical control techniques
C. The arrested person submits a complaint about being arrested
D. The force used results in an injury to a subject that requires medical attention

14. When conducting a bomb search after a threatening call is received and a suspicious object is
found. What you should do next?
A. Prevent anyone from going near or touching the object, notify the property manager and
follow instructions
B. Immediately evacuate the building by pulling a fire alarm
C. Call 911 and notify the dispatcher there is a bomb in the building
D. Locate a bucket of water to douse the explosive and prevent it going off

15. An aggressive subject raises his fist and yells a threat, closing aggressively. This action is
considered what level of profiled subject behaviour?
A. Cooperative
B. Actively Resistant
C. Assaultive
D. Passively Resistant

16. Section 25 of the Criminal Code allows anyone who is required or authorized under the law to
do anything in administration or enforcement of the law if acting reasonably to do what?
A. Use as much force as reasonably necessary for the purpose
B. Use force to reasonably protect their self against assault.
C. Use force to reasonably protect others against assault.
D. Use reasonable defensive force to prevent injury to self or others

17. Section 494, subsection 1(a) of the criminal code of Canada allows what authority to persons?
A. Peace officers to arrest people without warrant who they believe on reasonable grounds to
have committed an offence for which they may be arrested without warrant
B. Security Guards to arrest people without warrant who they believe on reasonable grounds
to have committed an offence for which they may be arrested without warrant
C. Anyone to arrest a person whom he finds committing and indictable offence
D. The authority for anyone who is required or authorized to do anything in the administration
or enforcement of the law to use as much force as is reasonably necessary for that purpose

18. An actively resistant, arrested subject pulls away from you when arrested, you should do what?
A. Punch him at least 3 times
B. Ground the subject and handcuff him immediately
C. Kick his shin and use strong commands to stop his resistance
D. Use soft physical control techniques and tactical communications to control him

19. You are on site after an emergency. A man suffered a heart attack and has been taken away by
ambulance to the hospital. What is your next step?
A. Contact the hospital to determine the patient’s condition
B. Return to the Security office, notify your supervisor or dispatcher and write a detailed
incident report
C. Call the client at home to verbally notify her what occurred
D. Make detailed notes and submit an occurrence report the next business day

20. You are working as a Security Guard at a large night club when you receive a radio Call asking
you to respond to the ground level and provide assistance at the door. What do you do?
A. Run immediately to the area to determine how you can help
B. Ask for more information and respond as quickly as possible in a safe manner
C. Respond as quickly as possible in a safe manner and call 911 on your way
D. Ask your supervisor to respond as you are engaged in other critical duties

21. You are working at a manufacturing facility where employees have signed a workplace contract
agreeing to a search of their person and parcels prior to exiting the building. An employee is
leaving at the end of their shift. You ask to search them, and they refuse to allow you to perform
the search. What should you do?
A. Search them under the authority of the trespass to property Act.
B. Do not search them, advise them it is the company policy to search all employees and
request they await a facility manager.
C. Arrest them on the reasonable and probable grounds of having stolen something.
D. Insist that they submit to search by reminding them that they have signed a contract to that

22. What does private information and protection of electronic documents Act govern?
A. Use of the internet, computer, email and electronic devices.
B. The collection use and disclosure of personal information.
C. Protection of private and personal documents against theft.
D. The types of documents that can be collected and stored electronically.

23. While working as a security Guard you notice a person with a disability having difficulty entering
the doors with their wheelchair. What should you do?
A. Approach and ask if they would like your assistance.
B. Approach quickly before they have an accident and push the wheelchair to correct the
C. Monitor them until they ask for assistance.
D. Continue your duties as the situation is personal and none of your business.

24. Which of the following items best describes para-verbal communication?

A. Tone, pitch, cadence and pacing
B. Volume of the voice
C. Body language
D. Firmness in direct proportion to the level of resistance received

25. You have a statement from a person hand-written on blue lined paper in pencil, what do you
A. Dispose of it and submit a proper report
B. Ask the person who wrote it to re-write the statement in black ink and proper format
C. Ask your supervisor to speak to the person who made the statement
D. Append the statement to your report

26. What statute provides for the use of force by Security Guards when justified?
A. The Criminal Code of Canada
B. Post orders and company policy
C. The Trespass to Property Act
D. The Duty of Dare Act

27. You are working as a Security Guard and approached by a female reporting a sexual assault
committed by someone know to you, what do you do?
A. Locate the suspect and arrest him
B. Advise the complainant that she can notify police and write a detailed report
C. Advise the complainant she can arrest the subject and assist her with the arrest
D. Immediately call the police and report the matter to them

28. According to regulations, who is the owner of the memo book you completed while on duty?
A. The Security Guard completing the notes
B. The security company you work for
C. The client for the property contracting security services
D. The Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services

29. Which of the following is an example of Bias that Security Guard may have?
A. People under the influence of illegal drugs may be dangerous
B. People from their own background are friendlier than people from anywhere else
C. Peace officers are considered experts in field of law and legal matters.
D. Fire Fighters are the best suited fight large fires

30. What does section 10 of the charter apply to?

A. Freedom of religion
B. The right to vote
C. Security Guard’s authority to search a person
D. A person’s rights on arrest or detention

31. What radio 10 code is used when you don’t understand what the dispatcher has said and you
need them to repeat their transmission?
A. 10-78
B. 10-99
C. 10-9
D. 10-4

32. Your supervisor asks you to write a detailed summary report briefing the client regarding an
occurrence. You have never written a report of this nature before. What do you do?
A. Write the report and seek the assistance advice of your supervisor
B. Advise and supervisor this is not in your job description
C. Ask your co-workers to assist you with the report and detail all concerns the team may have
regarding the incident
D. Do the best you can and submit the report as is

33. The best way to describe a Fire safety plan is which of the following?
A. A legal document, which is approved by the local fire department and specifies the legal
responsibilities of the site owner and agents of the owner with respects to fire safety.
B. A legal document containing the laws governing all aspects of fire
C. Laws that are approved by the city for the site
D. A legal document listing all of the emergency equipment and first aid cabinets on a site

34. You would likely be justified handcuffing someone when?

A. They are younger and giving a hard time
B. They use words indicating they may be violent
C. They fail to leave the property as directed
D. You know they are wanted for questioning

35. The assessment process from the national use of Force Framework is what?
A. Profiled Subject Behaviours
B. Assess, Plan, Act
C. Act, Assess, Plan
D. Plan Officer Response Options

36. A class “A” extinguisher is

A. Water based
B. Chemical foam
C. Co2, inert gas
D. None of the above

37. As a Security Guard there may be times when you will have to appear in court to testify. If
required, the court will more than likely allow you to
A. Read your case notes directly into evidence
B. Refer to your notes to refresh your memory providing they were made at the time of the
event or shortly after and that you can authenticate the notes
C. Turn your notebook in as evidence
D. None of the above

38. Upon a person’s arrest or detention section 10(a) of the charter requires a person
A. To be informed promptly of the reasons
B. To retain and instruct counsel without delay to be informed of the right
C. Not to be compelled to be a witness
D. To be presumed innocent until proven guilty

39. In what circumstances may an entry be made into a residential premise by a landlord or an
agent of the landlord under the Residential Tenancies Act without notice?
A. In the case where there is suspicion of illegal acts going on in the premise.
B. In the case where the tenant is behind on their rent and the landlord wants to confiscate
property to recoup monies owed.
C. In the case of an emergency situation where access is required to prevent major damage
and/or injury
D. In the case where a reality agent wants to show the unit to potential renters.

40. You are working as a Security Guard when you become the victim of a Criminal act while on
duty. What do you do next?
A. Complete a detailed report and notify your supervisor
B. Call the police and make a report
C. Attempt to identify the suspect, conduct an investigation and arrest the offender once
D. Take notes and notify your supervisor on the next business day

41. while on duty a security guard notices a youth skateboarding on the property under protection.
Upon approaching the youth and requesting that he stop skateboarding and leave, the youth
swears and yells at Security Guard refusing to leave. Under the trespass to Private Property Act
RSO 1990 the Security Guard can do what?
A. Swear and yell back at the youth in response to the treatment received
B. Arrest the youth as he has just committed a verbal assault against the security guard
C. Immediately contact 911 and have the police arrest the skateboarder for committing a
nuisance criminal offence
D. Arrest the youth for failure to leave immediately when directed to do so.

42. You are working alone on a site after hours at a fixed post in the lobby of the building and you
have been given strict instructions to not leave the desk unless properly relived. You receive a
mechanical alarm. What do you do?
A. Stay at your post and submit an incident report at the end of your shift
B. Immediately attend the mechanical area to determine the cause
C. Contact mechanical personnel for the site and advise them of the alarm
D. Continue to monitor the alarm condition to see if it gets worse

43. What does WHMIS stand for?

A. Workplace Heavy Materials Industrial Standards
B. Workplace Hazmat Materials Information Synopsis
C. Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System
D. Workplace History Mandated Information Series

44. You come upon a car parked in an unauthorized area on your property. What is the best thing to
A. Open the car and see if you can find the ownership, identify and have them move it
B. Call 911 and immediately report the matter to the police
C. Record the vehicle’s information and call parking enforcement to attend, then submit a
D. Call the towing company authorized on your site and have it removed

45. Working as Security Guard you arrest an individual for committing a crime. What is a best
practice II step you should take to ensure the arresting person’s rights have been met?
A. Search them and confiscate any evidence you find
B. Inform them of their right to legal counsel.
C. Make sure they are comfortable, and their handcuffs are not too tight.
D. Provide a translator immediately if they do not speak English

46. What is the one piece of ID that a Security Guard on duty is required to carry by law?
A. Driver’s license issued in the province or country of origin
B. A Canadian Social Insurance Card or permit to work
C. A current Passport issued in Canada or the country of the worker’s origin
D. The security Guard License issued to Guard in the province of Ontario.

47. A worker returns to the worksite after hours and advises he has forgotten his tools in a secure
area of the facility that he says he needs the next morning for work at another worksite. What
should you do?
A. Let the worker get his tools and submit a report
B. Properly identify the worker, escort him to the area and note all property he removes in
C. Refuse him access to the area and advise him to return during business hours the next day
D. Call the property manager at home to get authorization before giving the worker his tools
48. In court, a trial within a trial is called
A. Mens rea
B. Voir Dire
C. Actus reus
D. None of the above

49. Which of the following are example of questions that WOULD NOT need to be answered in an
incident report/notebook?
A. Was there any damage to people/property?
B. Where did the incident occur?
C. Who was involved?
D. What the appropriate ban length should be for the trespassing infraction committed?

50. Which one of the following would be an example of a stereotype II?

A. Men on average are larger than women
B. People who exercise a lot are in better shape than those who do not exercise at all.
C. Older people are poor drivers.
D. People of Asian ethnicity tend to have black color hair.

51. section 494(1) criminal code of Canada states anyone may arrest without warrant a person
whom he finds
A. Committing an indictable offence
B. Committing a criminal offence
C. Only police can arrest
D. None of the above

52. You need to respond to an unusual situation on your site. What is the first authority you should
consider before formulating your plan?
A. Federal and provincial statutes
B. Post orders, daily briefs and your supervisor’s instructions
C. The client’s policy
D. Your security company’s policy

53. Under 494(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada anyone who is (a) the owner or a person in lawful
possession of property, or (b) a person authorized by the owner or by the lawful possession of
property, may arrest without warrant a person whom he finds committing a criminal offence on
or in relation to the property. What is a criminal offence as referred to in this section?
A. An indictable offence
B. A summary conviction offence
C. A hybrid offence
D. All of the above

54. At what age is a personal legally an adult in Canada?

A. 16 years of age
B. 12 years of age
C. 18 years of age
D. 21 years of age
55. You come across a contractor on the roof that cannot provide the request for work order you
have no record of him needing to be there, what do you do?
A. Arrest them for trespassing
B. Properly identify them and contact your supervisor by radio to report the matter and
follow instructions
C. Make them immediately leave the area with their tools and lock the roof access to prevent
further intrusion
D. Take notes and submit an incident report at the end of your shift

56. Which of the following are symptoms of excited delirium?

A. Hallucinations, paranoia and difficulty breathing.
B. Cold skin, bad body odour and very aggressive behaviour.
C. Chest pains, nausea and shortness of breath.
D. Unexpected physical strength, impaired thinking and abnormal tolerance of pain

57. While working in a mall as a Security Guard you receive a call from a store clerk regarding a theft
occurrence in their store that they have witnessed. What should you do next?
A. You go to the store in question and make the arrest once the store clerk has identified the
B. You go to the store in question and assist the store clerk in making lawful arrest.
C. You go to the store in question and use physical force to apprehend the suspect.
D. You go to the store in question and arrest the suspect once they leave the store.

58. In emergencies the role of security is what?

A. Always to protect life, the property, confidential information, and minimize liability
B. Contain spills, keep innocent people inside; expedite response of security and document
who is at fault.
C. Leave the site when emergency occurs
D. Assist the authorities by conducting a preliminary assessment and cancelling them if not

59. During a labour dispute, which situation would best describe an injunction?
A. Special rights and authorities for police officers and security guards.
B. Legal right under the charter of rights and freedoms
C. A juncture points of an intersection where more than two streets meet.
D. A court order limiting the number of picketers allowed on the picket line

60. You are working as a security guard in a factory when you come across a small, contained fire in
an outside trash bin on the property. What do you do?
A. Use a fire house to douse the flames before it gets out of hand
B. Call 911 and request the assistance of the Fire Department immediately
C. Throw a floor mat over the fire to smother it
D. Use a portable extinguisher of the correct type of put it out

61. What is a common physical access control method employed on a building?

A. Doors and mechanical locks.
B. A gate, barricade or a fence.
C. A guard dogs.
D. An alarm system.

1. The term “tactical communication” refers to:

A. The use of the two-way radios in an emergency situation
B. Techniques used to criticize people’s actions in a way that does not hurt their feelings
C. The use of the specific verbal skills intended to help secure voluntary compliance on the
part of a subject
D. The hand signals used by security guards or others when directing traffic
E. The use of specific language as a stalling tactic while waiting for backup

2. An oral report delivered by a security guard to a person in authority:

A. Should always be as short as possible
B. Is an informal communication, and therefore does not have to be as carefully thought out as
a written report?
C. Should always be delivered by the guard while he or she is standing
D. Should be delivered just as professionally as written report
E. Should always be followed up by a written report

3. The duty of Security Guard during a building evacuation is to:

A. Exit the building first, to ensure that there is a safe place for building occupants to evacuate
B. Make sure that all internal building doors are shut.
C. Follow the instructions for carrying out building evacuations as set out in the emergency
measures plan for that site
D. Determine the order in which to evacuate people
E. Turn off all critical building operation systems

4. The narrative portion of an occurrence or incident report should always be written:

A. In point form
B. In 100 words or less
C. In chronological order
D. Without any reference to names of particular individuals
E. In black ink

5. Under the criminal code, all licensed security guard in Canada have the same legal authorities
A. Members of the general public
B. Special constables
C. Municipal law enforcement officers
D. Provincial law enforcement officers
E. Police officers

6. The best place for a security guard to have his or her hands while talking to a potentially
aggressive person is:
A. Hanging straight down at his or her sides, in order to look natural
B. Behind his or her back, in order to appear less threatening
C. In his or her pockets, so that person cannot be sure what is in them
D. In from of him or her at waist height or height, in order to be prepared to react quickly
E. Help up to shoulder height with palms open, in order to demonstrate that they are empty

7. According to Liquor Licence Act, the legal drinking age in Ontario is:
A. 16
B. 18
C. 19
D. 21
E. 25

8. The rule of evidence that says that a court will not ordinarily accept a recorded interview with a
living witness in the place of direct testimony if it is possible for the witness to come to court
and give direct testimony is called:
A. The best evidence rules
B. Habeas corpus
C. The common-law rule of evidence
D. The recorded evidence rules
E. The cross-examination of witness’s rule

9. A security guard who has the authority to arrest a person for the offence of trespassing under
provincial trespass to property legislation:
A. Is not authorized to use force to effect the arrest
B. Is only authorized to use force in self-defence
C. Is authorized to use force to effect the arrest, but only if use of force is necessary
D. Can use force, but must stop using force if the person offers to leave
E. Can only use force if the person who is being arrested has weapon

10. The fire department can legally enter any property at any time without the permission of the
A. As long as they enter the property between 6:00 a.m. 10:00 p.m.
B. As long as they do not do any damage to property
C. If they have reasonable grounds to believe that a crime is in progress
D. If provincial authorities have legally declared a state of emergency
E. If it’s necessary for them to do so in order to save a life or protect the safety of people and

11. Under section 41 (I) of the Criminal Code, a person acting under the authority of the owner or
occupier of a property:
A. Has the authority to use force if necessary either to remove a trespasser or to keep a
person from trespassing
B. Has no authority to use force to remove a trespasser or keep a person from trespassing
C. Has the authority to use force if necessary, to remove a trespasser but not to use force to
keep a person from trespassing
D. Has the authority to use force if necessary, to keep a person from trespassing but not use
force to remove trespasser once the trespasser is on the property
E. Cannot use force to remove a trespasser unless the trespasser is placed under arrest first

12. The right of worker to refuse to do unsafe work, as set out in provincial occupational health and
safety legislation:
A. Does not apply to Security Guards
B. Applies to Security Guards in cases involving physical hazards but not in cases involving the
threat of workplace violence
C. Applies to Security Guards in cases involving physical hazards as well as in cases involving
the threat of workplace violence
D. Applies to unionized Security Guards but not to non-unionized Security Guards
E. Applies to in-house Security Guards but not to contract Security Guards

13. A Security guard should be familiar with the post orders for his or her site because:
A. Members of the public frequently ask questions about what is contained in the post orders
B. Post orders change every day
C. Security guards are routinely subjected to surprised quizzes
D. Post orders set out the basic policies and procedures that the Guard is required to follow
E. Post orders describe the correct procedure for mailing and receiving packages through the

14. When access is widely permitted to most parts of a property or a building but is controlled with
respect to a particular part of the property or the building, the process of controlling access to
that part is referred to as:
A. Area protection
B. Perimeter protection
C. Lockdown
D. Physical Security
E. Standing orders

15. If an audible alarm sounds, all the elevators stop working and return to the main floor, and all of
the doors between different parts of building that usually stay open automatically close, it is
likely that:
A. A fire alarm has gone off
B. An intrusion alarm has gone off
C. A carbon monoxide detector alarm has gone off
D. There has been a hazardous gas spill
E. A building lockdown has been initiated in response to an active shooter

16. Even if a security guard does not find the person in the process of committing an offence, a
guard may arrest a person if the guard has reasonable grounds to believe that the person has
committed a criminal offence and has reasonable grounds to believe that:
A. The person has Criminal Record
B. The person is attempting to leave the premises
C. The offence involved the theft of an amount exceeding $5,000
D. The police are on the way
E. The person is being chased by someone who has the authority to arrest him or her

17. Which of the following is not something a security guard should do after providing first aid to an
injured and/or sick person while waiting for the emergency services(s) to arrive?
A. Provide reassurance to person and bystanders
B. Monitor and make note of any changes to person’s condition
C. Immediately attempt to locate the person’s health card in order to be ready to present it
to emergency services personnel
D. Cover the person
E. If known, inform the person and the bystanders of the estimated time arrival of the
emergency services

18. The best place for a security guard to keep his or her notebook while on duty is:
A. With the guard at all time
B. At the desk or other workspace where the guard completes his or her reports
C. In the guard’s personal locker
D. In the possession of the guard’s supervisor
E. In a secure location know only to the guard

19. The role of a security guard is to:

A. Protect property but not people or Information
B. Provide protection to people, property and information
C. Protect people and property, but not information
D. Enforce rules, regulations and laws that are designed to protect people and property
E. Protect people, not property and information

20. A security guard’s ethics are:

A. The written instructions that describe the guard’s duties on a particular site
B. The moral principles that guide a guard’s behaviour
C. Guidelines for behaviours that a guard is free to follow or ignore depending on the
circumstances of a particular situation
D. The skills and abilities that a guard brings to his or her work
E. The tactical communication techniques that a guard uses in interactions with others

21. What should a security guard who comes upon a child who is already in cardiac arrest do first?
A. Leave the child in the position found and immediately contact emergency services
B. Place the child in the recovery position and then immediately contact emergency services
C. Provide two effective breaths before going to contact emergency services
D. Perform CPR for about two min before going to contact emergency services
E. Perform five abdominal thrusts before going to contact emergency services

22. Class “B” Fires Involve

A. Combustible Metals
B. Ordinary Combustible
C. Flammable Liquids
D. Compressible Gas

23. The role of a security guard is responding to an emergency is determined by:

A. The emergency measures plan for the site
B. The material safety data sheets for the site
C. Occupational health and safety legislation for that province
D. The provisions under the Emergency Measures Act
E. The instructions given by the highest-ranking firefighter or police officer on site
24. Under the Charter of Rights and Freedom, media representatives:
A. Can report on whatever they choose to without fear of having what they report controlled
or censored by the government
B. Are free to go whatever they want whenever they want, including private property
C. Should be viewed as likely hostile to the interests of any organization whose property a
security guard is protecting
D. Cannot be compelled to testify in court
E. Should never be given access to private property

25. Non-compliance to lawful request or direction using verbal defiance would be defined as:
A. Passive resistance
B. Active resistance
C. Combative
D. Assaultive

26. In Canada, federal policing is carried out by:

A. Provincial police (OPP, QPP, etc.)
B. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
C. The royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
D. The Canadian Security and Intelligence Service (CSIS)
E. The Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA)

27. The authority of security guard to direct traffic on private property comes from:
A. The Criminal Code
B. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
C. Trespass to property legislation
D. The police
E. The property owner

28. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms gives a person who has been arrested the right to know:
A. The reason that he or she is being arrested
B. The name of the arresting officer
C. The badge or licence number of the arresting officer
D. The specific offence with which he or she is going to be charged
E. Whether or not the offence was caught on video

29. Section 7 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms deals with

A. Search or seizure
B. Life liberty and security of person
C. Detention or imprisonment
D. Arrest or detention

30. Items seized by a security guard as the result of lawful search:

A. Should be treated as evidence and reported to the police
B. Must be returned to their owner within 24 hours
C. Should be treated the same way as unclaimed lost property
D. Become the property of the security guard after 90 days
E. Should always be destroyed in the presence of at least two witnesses
31. To treat a nosebleed, for how long should a person’s nostrils be pinched?
A. Thirty seconds
B. About a minute
C. Five minutes
D. Ten minutes
E. Twenty minutes

32. A person who has been arrested and his or her hands secured behind his or her back with
handcuffs will be more in danger of positional asphyxia if he or she is left in that position for any
period of time?
A. A lying on his or her side
B. Lying face down
C. Lying on his or her back
D. Sitting in a chair
E. Standing

33. A security guard who is giving testimony in a court proceeding can only use his or her notebook
as an aid to memory if he or she is granted permission to do so by:
A. The crown prosecutor
B. The judge
C. His or her employer
D. The accused
E. Any other guard who made notes in the same notebook

34. Which of the following would NOT be a reason to write a report as a security guard?
A. To pass on important information
B. To describe how much force was used in an arrest
C. To describe details of critical incident on site
D. To describe why you require days off in the future

35. The licensing requirements for the most security guards are found in legislation:
A. Federal
B. Provincial
C. Municipal
D. Common law
E. Unwritten

36. A security guard who has achieved effective communication:

A. Manages to take in more information than he or she give out
B. Gets his or her ideas across using fewest possible words
C. Gets his or her ideas across clearly and accurately, and clearly and accurately understands
what others communicating
D. Has to answer the fewest questions in order to be understood
E. Gets people to comply with his or her instructions immediately

37. Improvised explosive devices:

A. Are never left out in the open where they can easily be spotted
B. Can look like any ordinary object or container that might be found in a building or on
C. Always have some sort of visible wires attached to them
D. Should be viewed as safe as long as no one touches them
E. are easy to find once you know how to identify them

38. Effective security patrols:

A. Should always be reactive rather than proactive
B. Should always be proactive rather than reactive
C. Can be either proactive or reactive
D. Should always be random
E. Should always follow a prescribed patrol route

39. A security guard sees a person faint and does not suspect a head/neck and/or spinal injury. After
performing the scene and primary assessments, the guard discovers that the person is still
unconscious but breathing. The next thing the guard should do is:
A. Place the person in the recovery position
B. Wait for a minute before taking any action, because most people regain consciousness after
that length of time
C. Shake the person so that he will regain more quickly
D. Look through the person’s belongings in order to find out what medications he is taking
E. Begin chest compressions

40. A security guard who comes upon a crime scene should note and record anything observable
about the scene that may no longer be observable by the time the police arrive. Such things are
A. Conditional circumstances
B. Transient conditions
C. Hearsay evidence
D. Best evidence
E. Circumstantial evidence

41. The acronym CPTED refers to:

A. Canadian Private Training and Education Designation
B. Corporate Practices Toward Enhanced Defense
C. Creating protection Throughout Every Department
D. Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
E. Crime Prevention Through Everyday Decisions

42. A purpose for taking a statement from a person who has been a witness to an event is to:
A. Eliminate that witness as a potential suspect
B. Discourage the witness from changing his or her story later
C. Comply with the reporting requirements under provincial security licensing legislation
D. Create a record of what the person saw, did, and experienced
E. Record the person’s attitudes and opinions about what happened and why

43. A security Guard arrests a person without the legal authority to do so. Which of the following
would be a possible negative consequence?
A. Discipline or dismissal by his or her employer
B. Suspension or revocation of his or her security licence
C. Being charged with an offence under criminal law
D. Being charged with an offence under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
E. Being personally sued under tort law

44. A security guard who has contact with a police officer while on duty should always record:
A. The name of the person being investigated
B. The name and rank and/or the badge number of the officer
C. Any important environmental details observable at the time of the contact
D. The section number in the criminal code of the offence under investigation
E. What the guard could observe about the police officer’s demeanour

45. The best way for a security guard to know what people are thinking and feeling in a
conversation is:
A. Ignore their body language but pay close attention to the words they use
B. Listen to what they are saying but devote the most attention to their body language
C. Ask them to write down what they are thinking and feeling
D. Pay attention to what they say, how they say it, and what their body language says
E. Ignore what they say, but pay careful attention to how they say it (tone, volume, pace and

46. PIPEDA applies to

A. All organizations engaged in commercial activities, unless exempt by the Federal
B. Only the collection of medical information
C. Information only collected on line with electronic signature
D. Companies with Privacy Policies only

47. The use of casual language, slang expressions, and humour in an incident or occurrence report:
A. Is recommended as a way to make reports more readable and therefore increase their
B. Is a violation of the code of conduct Regulation under the Private security and Investigative
services Act
C. Is a violation of provincial human rights legislation
D. Does not violate any laws but is unprofessional and inappropriate
E. Is a matter of personal style that should be left to the guard writing the report

48. If a security guard is alone with an adult in cardiac arrest and an AED is available on site, the
first thing the guard should do is:
A. Place the person in the appropriate recovery position, then immediately contact
emergency services and obtain the AED
B. Perform CPR for approximately two minutes, then immediately contact emergency services
and obtain the AED
C. Leave that person in the position fount, then immediately contact emergency services and
obtain AED
D. Check the person for any signs of obvious trauma
E. Perform five abdominal thrusts, then immediately contact emergency services and obtain
the AED

49. The physical acts by which a criminal offence is committed:

A. Men’s Rea
B. Actus Reus
C. Res Judicata
D. None of the above

50. Under negligence law, a security guard who owes a duty of care to another person must meet
a _____________ standard of care in exercising his or her duty to protect that other person
from harm or loss:
A. Written
B. Reasonable
C. Democratic
D. Higher
E. Guaranteed

51. When a security guard prepares an occurrence report. The notes in his or her notebook:
A. Must be copied over exactly as they appear
B. Should be used to aid the guard’s memory of the events and how they occurred
C. Should be edited so as to leave out any information that would reflect poorly on the guard’s
D. Cannot be referred to until after the report has been submitted
E. Should be photocopied and attached

52. Incident or occurrence reports should be prepared and submitted bu a security guard:
A. At least once an hour
B. At the end of each shift
C. Whenever an incident of any significance occurs
D. At no time, because these reports are only ordinarily prepared by supervisors
E. Only when the guard feels that he or she may be questioned about an event

53. In Ontario evicting tenants from residential properties:

A. Is a duty that is ordinarily carried out by security guards
B. Is a duty that a security guard can only carry out if he or she is accompanied by a landlord
C. Is a duty that security guards are prohibited from carrying out provincial law
D. Is a duty can only be carried out by security guards who are also special constables
E. Is a duty that can only be carried out by a security guard if he or she has reasonable grounds
to believe that the tenant poses a threat to the safety of other people in the building

54. A security guard who prohibits from entering premises that is ordinarily open to the public of
that person’s ethnic or racial identity:
A. Is committing an offence under the criminal code
B. Is acting in violation of human rights law
C. Is legally authorized to do so if he or she has reasonable grounds to believe that the person
poses a threat to security
D. Must provide the person with a letter setting out the reasons for the prohibition
55. What must a security guard who is coming on duty make sure to do before the guard whom he
or she is relieving leaves?
A. ask the guard to submit to a search, in order to ensure that he or she is not removing
anything from the property without authorization
B. complete a thorough patrol of the property’s perimeter to ensure that it is secure
C. make sure that the guard has a safe means of getting home
D. receive a briefing from the guard with the respect to any unusual or particular instructions
or information that the guard who is coming on duty should be aware of
E. make the photocopies of the shift report prepared by the guard

56. Good record keeping is important to the work that security guards do because:
A. Report writing creates a permanent record of events that have occurred and services to
communicate information about the occurrence of these events to others
B. Security guards may not always be busy during their shifts, and report writing help pass the
C. Written reports allow security guards to describe events in manner that is most favourable
to them
D. Most security guards are very poor at explaining things verbally
E. Most security guards are evaluated by their employers primarily on the basis of how many
different reports they write

57. In preparing to communicate with individuals from different cultural backgrounds, a security
guard should:
A. Assume that most people will not understand what he or she is saying
B. Plan to be assertive and take control of each situation as quickly as possible
C. Remember to speak more loudly than unusual
D. Seek to gain as much knowledge and understanding as possible about the expectations
and ways of communicating of people from different cultures
E. Remember to say things in exactly the same way to everyone, so that no one person or
group is treated differently

58. During a labour dispute, the authority of security guards to act to protect people and property
from harm or loss, and to correct access to the property involved, comes from:
A. Their status as representatives of the employer/property owner
B. Their status as independence third-party observes of the labour dispute
C. The Labour relations Act
D. Their authority to make citizen’s arrest sunder the Criminal code
E. The Canadian Charter of rights and freedom

59. A class C fire involves:

A. Combustible metals
B. Flammable liquids
C. Radioactive materials
D. A live source of electricity
E. Ordinary combustibles like wood, paper, and cloth
60. Which of the following is not a circumstance under which a security gard be legally justified in
using force?
A. To arrest a person for shoplifting
B. Remove a trespasser from a public building such as library
C. Discourage strikes from picketing at the entrances to an employer’s property
D. To protect another person from an assault during a domestic dispute
E. To prevent the commission of a serious property offence

1. 10 code for busy?

A. 10-6
B. 10-1
C. 10-9
D. 10-5

2. Request tow truck

A. 10-52
B. 10-51
C. 10-47
D. 10-02

3. What section of the criminal code protects a private person making a lawful arrest?
A. Sec 26
B. Sec 25
C. Sec 27
D. None of the above

4. Why is it important to develop a “mental picture” of a particular location as a security guard?

A. Because your nightly report requires detailed descriptions of the entire location
B. Because it is important to have photographic images of all locations you are monitoring on
C. Because any changes could trigger an alert that should be remembered for future
reference, or to investigate the change immediately
D. None of the above

5. Under the Criminal Code definition a person commits an assault when

A. He applies force intentionally to another person, directly or indirectly without consent
B. While openly wearing or carrying a weapon or an imitation thereof, he accosts or impedes
another person or begs
C. He attempts or threatens, by an act or a gesture, to apply force to another person, if he has,
or causes that other person to believe on reasonable grounds that he has, present ability to
effect his purpose
D. All of the above

6. What factors are relevant in assessing the situation other than a security guard’s impact factors?
A. Environment such as weather, weapons ground
B. Number of subjects
C. Time and distance. Is the situation serious, must you act immediately or can you create
more time and distance
D. All of the above

7. Duties of a security guard includes

A. Protection of property
B. Protect information
C. Protect persons
D. All of the above

8. What is the primary purpose of a security guard uniform?

A. Displays professionalism and a sense of authority so individuals will be more responsive to
your presence
B. Allows employees to perform their duties without damaging their own clothing
C. Ensures that security guards have all necessary equipment at their disposal
D. All of the above

9. Another term for an adverse witness is

A. Stubborn witness
B. Non compliant witness
C. Hostile witness
D. None of the above

10. Uncorroborated evidence is

A. Is untruthful evidence given by a witness
B. Evidence given by a hostile witness
C. Evidence given by a witness where there is no confirmation of the evidence
D. None of the above

11. What could happen if a landlord enters a tenant’s unit in violation of the Residential Tenancies
A. The landlord would have to pay a heavy fine which would go to the tenant
B. After filing a complaint to the Board, a tenant could receive an abatement of rent
C. A landlord is exempt from any fines or penalties and does not have to give reasons why he
D. None of the above

12. What section of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms deals with search or seizure?
A. Section 3
B. Section 10
C. Section 8
D. Section 2
13. Which of the following is a reason courts generally do not allow “hearsay evidence”?
A. Admission of such evidence lends itself to the perpetration of fraud
B. Due to the lack of oath on the part of the source
C. Hearsay evidence results in a decision based upon secondary and therefore weaker
evidence, rather than the best evidence available
D. All of the above

14. Which of the following is a good example of patterns security guards should be aware of while
performing their duties?
A. Remembering the physical layout of a building
B. The hours that you are required to work in a weekly schedule
C. The people, the things they do and the times they do them
D. None of the above

15. If a proposed witness is a person of fourteen years of age or older whose mental capacity is
challenged, the court shall, before permitting the person to give evidence, conduct an enquiry
to determine
A. Whether the person is able to communicate the evidence
B. Whether the person understands the nature of an oath or a solemn affirmation
C. Both B & C
D. None of the above

16. Which of the following offences under the Criminal Code of Canada are hybrid or strictly
indictable offences?
A. Fraudulently obtaining food, beverages or accommodation
B. Pretending to practice witchcraft
C. Falsifying employment record
D. None of the above

17. Under PIPEDA a complaint arising from a refusal to grant access to personal information must
be filed within how many months after the refusal by the organization or the expiry of the time
limit for responding?
A. 10
B. 6
C. 3
D. 2

18. What provincial act deals with discrimination in the work place?
A. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
B. Human Rights Code
C. Occupational Health and Safety
D. None of the above

19. Best practices dictate that you write your notebook and reports with
A. Pencil
B. Blue pen
C. Black pen
D. Red pen

20. Under the Canada Evidence Act Section 16 (1), a potential witness who is fourteen (14) years of
age or older and whose mental capacity is challenged, the court shall before permitting the
person to give evidence
A. Conduct an injury to determine whether the person understands the nature of an oath or
a solemn affirmation and can communicate the evidence
B. Obtain a medical record of competence from a court medical practitioner
C. Have the potential witness write a competence exam sanctioned by the courts
D. Get to know more about the potential witnesses background

21. Who enforces PIPEDA

A. The office of the privacy commissioner of Canada
B. The OPP
C. Toronto Metro Police
D. The privacy agency of Canada

22. A man is sitting in a restaurant ordering a meal. He eats the meal the leaves the restaurant
without paying the bill. What criminal offence would the man most likely be charged with
A. Theft under $5000
B. Fraud
C. Fraudulently obtaining food, beverage or accommodation
D. None of the above

23. What is an impact factor?

A. An excuse that is used justifying excessive use of force in the course of duties
B. A condition unique to a person and situation which will affect what decision is made while
responding with force
C. A justification for any use of force under any condition
D. All of the above

24. A class “C” fire extinguisher is

A. Water based
B. Chemical foam
C. CO2, Inert gas, Dry Chemical
D. None of the above

25. As a security guard your duty notebook is

A. The property of the issuing company
B. The property of the crown prosecutor
C. Your own private property and no one has the right to look in it
D. None of the above

26. The Charter has been amended since its enactment. Section 25 was amended in 1983 to
explicitly recognize more rights regarding
A. Aboriginal land claims
B. New immigrants
C. Quebec
D. None of the above

27. What is the minimum age to be licensed in Ontario as a Security Guard?

A. 16
B. 18
C. 19
D. 21

28. In an officer tower there are doors used to section off each floor of the building. These doors
automatically close during a:
A. Fire alarm
B. Terrorist attack
C. Robbery in progress
D. To keep the air flowing properly

29. The offence of theft is complete when

A. A person has intent to steal anything
B. A person moves it or causes it to move
C. A person begins to cause it to become moveable
D. All of the above

30. Under the Canada Evidence Act, a proposed witness under how many years of age shall not take
an oath or make a solemn affirmation despite a provision of any act that requires an oath or a
solemn affirmation
A. 12
B. 13
C. 6
D. 14

31. Under what section of the Charter states “everyone has the right not to be subjected to any
cruel and unusual treatment or punishment”.
A. Section 15
B. Section 23
C. Section 12
D. Section 1
32. Proper evidence packaging and handling procedures of live ammunition suggest that it should
be packaged in soft paper bags or in a soft container to prevent fiction, shifting and contact
while in transit. It should be placed in a wooden box. The tag or label placed on the outside of
the container should show
A. Only the date and where it was obtained
B. The type of material, date obtained, investigator’s initials, case number, amount enclosed
C. There should be no tag placed on live ammunition
D. The receiving forensic lab will get the investigator to complete all paperwork required

33. Under the Trespass to Property Act which of the following is not defined as a “Premises”
A. Parked train
B. Parked vehicle
C. Parked railway cars
D. Moving vehicle

34. Which of the following are actions security guards can take to maintain a healthy life style and
reduce the impacts of stress on your health?
A. Getting adequate exercise
B. Maintaining a healthy diet
C. Ensuring you get adequate sleep
D. All of the above

35. If a security guard keeps accurate and concise notes this will show
A. That the security guard is ready to be promoted
B. That the security guard has taken a notebook taking courses
C. That the security guard is professional
D. That the security guard is in the wrong profession

36. Which of the following methods is the best way of prioritizing actions at an emergency
A. Ensuring the scene is safe to work in, requesting support, securing evidence for an
investigation, treating life threatening injuries
B. Treating life threatening injuries, ensuring the scene is safe to work in, requesting support
and securing evidence for an investigation
C. Requesting support, ensuring the scene is safe to work in, treating life threatening
injuries, and securing evidence for an investigation
D. Securing evidence for an investigation, ensuring the scene is safe to work in, requesting
support and treating life threatening injuries

37. Which of the following is required to justify the Use of Force under Criminal Code of Canada?
A. You must be acting on reasonable grounds
B. You are authorized to use whatever force you feel is appropriate
C. You must be a police officer, or person employed in private security
D. All of the above
38. The purpose of a bail hearing is to
A. To decide guilt or innocence
B. To determine sentence
C. To determine if condition exist for a prisoner’s conditional release pending trail
D. None of the above
39. Section 13 of the Charter states a witness who testifies in any proceedings has the right not to
have any incriminating evidence used against that witness, except in a prosecution of
A. Obstruction
B. Public mischief
C. Perjury
D. None of the above

40. If you make a mistake in your notebook you should

A. Throw it away
B. Scribble it out with a red pen
C. Draw a line through the mistake and initial it
D. None of the above

41. Under section 16 of the Charter of Rights and Freedom states that Canada has two official
A. Spanish and English
B. English and French
C. English and Hindi
D. None of the above

42. Section 8 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms deals with:

A. Detection
B. Arrest
C. Search or seizure
D. Freedom of the press

43. Under section 5(1) of the Trespass to Property Act, which of the following would not be a
method of giving notice?
A. Posted sign
B. Verbally
C. Markers
D. None of the above

44. The term “in house security” means:

A. The security guard will be guarding a dwelling house
B. The security company is your employer but you are loaned to the business for a period of
time as permanent post
C. It is considered a promotion in the security profession
D. The security guard is a direct employee of the business

45. Exculpatory evidence is:

A. The evidence favorable to the prosecution in a Criminal trial
B. The evidence favorable to the prosecution in a Criminal trial
C. Non admissible evidence
D. None of the above

46. Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, whose responsibility is workplace safety?
A. Employer & Employee
B. Municipal
C. Dispatcher
D. All of the above

47. Business records are admissible under common and statutory law. Under common law, the
record is admissible by the testimony
A. Of any person who is designated as an employee of the company and has some knowledge
of what was recorded
B. Of a manager who has some knowledge of entries and is responsible for overall operations
C. Of a person who is a record keeper, who has a duty to make the entry, and has personal
knowledge of the record’s creation
D. None of the above

48. In what position would get you the best advantage of defending yourself?
A. Standing
B. Prone
C. Sitting
D. None of the above

49. A class “K” fire involves

A. Electrical equipment
B. Vegetable oils or fats
C. Ordinary combustible materials
D. None of the above

50. Which of the following statements are true?

A. Exhibits are physical evidence presented at trial along with oral evidence
B. Unless a particular legal exception applies, all exhibits are only admissible after they have
been authenticated by oral evidence and established as material and relevant
C. One requirement of admissibility under the Canada Evidence Act is that the record is
D. All of the above

51. In Canada Criminal Law is

A. Municipal
B. Case Law
C. Federal
D. Provincial

52. Workplace Violence Policy requires: if how many or more workers are regularly employed at a
workplace, this policy must be in writing and posted in a conspicuous place in the workplace?
A. 5
B. 3
C. 4
D. 6

53. WHMIS class “E” includes

A. Corrosive material
B. Oxidizing material
C. Poisonous and Infectious material
D. Compressible gas

54. Which is one of the effects of habitual drug use?

A. Drug use such as marijuana often creates very violent individuals
B. The body could become tolerant and require more and more of the drug for the same high
creating an addiction
C. Habitual drug use of one kind of drug will also lead to a more powerful drug
D. All of the above

55. What Federal Act contains provisions regulating the use and disclosure of personal financial
information by federally regulated financial institutions
C. The Federal Institutions Act
D. The Bank Act

56. Canada has two federal Privacy Law

B. PIPEDA and The Privacy Act
C. FIPPA and The Privacy Act
D. PIPEDA and The Human Rights Code

57. If the evidence of a witness under fourteen years of age is received by the court without taking
an oath:
A. It shall have the same effect as if it were taken under oath
B. It shall not have the same effect as if it were taken under oath
C. A person under 14 cannot testify at all
D. None of the above
58. 10 code for stop transmitting
A. 10-3
B. 10-6
C. 10-7
D. 10-8

59. A security guard may handcuff an individual upon arrest. Which of the following would NOT be a
benefit of handcuffing
A. To keep the security guard safe
B. Protect the arrested individual
C. Prevent the arrested individual from escaping custody
D. To prevent the arrested individual from kicking you

60. A tenant is responsible for repair of damages to the rental unit

A. Only when the lease lists item per item
B. Only if the landlord can prove that the tenant caused the damage wilfully and proceeds with
criminal charges
C. Due to willful or negligent conduct of the tenant or invited guests
D. At no time is a tenant responsible for damages

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