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To do this sport you need to sell a kayak. In the shop you can find lots of types of
kayaks, color, sizes etc. Normal kayaks have between 11 to 16 cm depth.But one of the
more important things about kayaks are the places. Normally kayaks are for 1 person
but you can also find double kayaks. To start kayaking you need to be at least 4 years
old and can start by a double kayak. If you are 10 year or older you can have a single
kayak and 14 and older can have a single medium kayak or a single small kayak.

To do kayaking you need a helmet to protect your head, oars to paddle, and a dry bag
for personal items to keep your personal things safe, all this is very important.

Kayak also have rules:

● Follow the boating suggestion:don’t get out of your path, paddle with your
group(if you have one)
● Invest in appropriate clothes(don’t wear a dress or a formal suit)
● Be aware of wind: this is so important because the boat can fall down.
● Be aware of water temperature: also this is very important because if you fall
down you can get hypothermia.
Kayaks can have different prices. You can find kayaks for 1095€ but you can also find
70€ kayaks. Here are some examples of prices and what’s the kayak you will need to buy
for different occasions:
● Inflatable kayak 70€
● Beginner kayak 250€
● Fishing kayak 300€
● Whitewater kayak 1.095€

To begin kayaking, it is very important to: plan it. This can be very obvious but it is still
important; go on a sunny day. This is one of the most important things for obvious
reasons. If you choose a bad day, water can be stormy.

There are lot places that you can do kayaking:

● Waterfalls, this mode of kayaking is very extreme because waterfalls normally

are very inclined.
● River, this place is normally very relaxed but if you choose a bad day, the river
can have extreme situations.
● Lakes are a calm body of water, if you are starting kayaking this could be a good
option to begin.
● Streams and rivers are very similar but streams are less extreme.

This sport is very typical from North America.

When you are ready to begin (have a kayak, appropriate clothes etc) you need to find a
nice and calm body of water (preferably a beach) to launch. It’s recommended to plan it
and go on a sunny day.

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