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Tac Attack April 1985

Info f'ctlvn Initial

Handling aircraft
Angle of Attack

The Secretary of the Air Force Safety Award for 1984 is presented to the
Tactical Air Command for outstanding achievements in mishap
Tactical Air Command's safety program management reflected strong
command support, supervisory involvement, and professional adher-
ence to safe operational procedures and sta ndards, and was highly
effective. The command achieved the fewest number of Class A aircraft
mishaps and lowest mishap rate in the past 10 years and sustained a
downward rate trend for the sixth consecutive year. Class B aircraft
mishaps were also lower than the previous year. These achievements,
compiled while flying more than 707 ,000 hours performing realistic
combat training missions in 18 different types of high-performance
aircraft, testify to the highest degree of professionalism among pilots,
aircrew, and support personnel. Accomplishments in ground safety
were equally impressive. The fewest number of ground mishap fatal-
ities in Tactical Air Command's history were experienced in 1984. The
number of fatalities was more than 40 percent lower than the previous
year, and military injuries were more than 20 percent lower. Addition-
ally, explosives mishaps were more than 35 percent lower than the
previous year.
The achievements of the Tactical Air Command exemplify the high
standards established for the Secretary of the Air Force Safety Award
and reflect great credit upon the command and the United States Air

Secretary of the Air Force

APRIL 1985

General Jerome F. O'Malley 4

HON VERNE ORR A message from the TAC Commander.
SECRETARY OF THE Weapons Words 6
AIR FORCE Working with TAC's weapons systems.


Interest items, mishaps with morals, for the TAC aircrew member.
(..'(.11,11ANDER F-16 Emergency Situation Training 11
What'cha gonna do now, Ace?

Don't Zero Out Your Axis 12

An audit trail of spurious electrons in the electric jet.
USAF Thunderbirds 16
By Bob Simpson.

Emergency R.O.E. 18
Sometimes your only recourse is to pull the plug ...
Chock Talk 20
COL HAL WATSON Incidents and incidentals with a maintenance slant.
CHIEF OF SAFETY Coping with an Inflight Emergency 23
Basic lessons from the School of Hard Knocks.
ED/TOR Down to Earth 26
Items that can affect you and your family here on the ground.
MARTY DILLER Part Time Flyers 28
iv?. ITER-EDITOR Lack of recent experience may be setting you up for the big one.


Our turn to take flak.
TAC Tally 31
A IC KELVIN The flight safety scoreboard.

TACRP 127-1
TAC Attack is not directive in nature. Recommendations are intended to comply with existing directives. Opinions ex-
pressed are those of the authors and not necessarily the positions of TAC or USAF. Mishap information does not identify the
persons, places or units involved and may not be construed as incriminating under Article 31 of the UCMJ. Photos and
artwork are representative and not necessarily of the people or equipment involved.
Contributions are encouraged, as are comments and criticism. We reserve the right to edit all manuscripts for readability
and good taste. Write the Editor, TAC Attack, HQ TAC/SEP, Langley AFB, VA 23665-5001; or call AUTOVON 432-3658.
Distribution FIX) is controlled by TAC/SEP through the PDO, based on a ratio of 1 copy per 10 persons assigned. DOD
units other than USAF have no fixed ratio; requests will be considered individually.
Subscriptions for readers outside DOD are available from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office,
Washington, D.C. 20402. All correspondence on subscription service should be directed to the superintendent, not to TAC/SEP.
TAC Attack (ISSN 0494-3880) is published monthly by HQ TAC/SEP, Langley AFB, VA.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to TAC Attack, TAC/SEP, Langley AFB, VA 23665-5001.
Second-class postage paid at Hampton, Virginia, and additional mailing offices.

The T AC Commander
General Jerome F. O'Malley
During his first six months as the TAC Commander, General Jerome F. O'Malley has visited
the majority ofT AC bases and has plans to visit all of them in the near future. Throughout his
travels around TAC, General O'Malley has had a chance to get to know many of you and listen
to your thoughts and concerns about how we are doing business in the command.
Communication being a two-way street, TAG Attack recently asked General O'Malley what
points he would like to make to you and, in particular, to those of you involved in TAC's daily
flying operations. Here's what he had to say:

F irst, I want to strongly

thank and compliment
everyone responsible for
T AC's excellent flying safety
record. Your outstanding
efforts resulted in TAC
earning the Secretary of the
Air Force Safety Award for
1984, and it was a personal
honor for me to receive the
award on your behalf from
Secretary Orr in February.
Although no accident rate is
desirable, your improvements
in flying safety have been
magnificent. You're doing
many things right, and you're
working harder than ever
before -- supervisors and
new guys alike. The level of
concentrated, realistic
training in TAC is the highest
I have ever seen in my career.
I feel that we are better
prepared for war right now --
April1985 --than we were
during World War II, Korea,
Vietnam or anytime since
Vietnam. The realism
is there, and we're getting the
flying time needed to reap the
benefits of that realism.
Still, with all that we have
accomplished, I am very
concerned about the increas
in command-controlled
accidents -- those accidents
that were caused or could
have been prevented by
4 APRIL 1985
people in TAC. This is a And it isn't the lieutenants
subject that I discussed in the who are making the mis-
January 1985 issue of TAC takes -- we're supervising the
Attack, and it still worries me lieutenants pretty well. But,
very much. What really we're not doing well at all
troubles me is that the with their supervisors. For
command-controlled example, it was a supervisor
accidents were, by and large, who shut down the wrong
caused by experienced people engine.
in relatively non-demanding Admittedly, we are not
circumstances. Take, for operating an airline; we are
example, the maintenance preparing for war. When we
crew improperly preparing do that, we are going to lose
an F-4 centerline fuel tank aircraft. If realistic training
for flight. The result -- fire for war were the problem, I
immediately after takeoff and would have to give some
the loss of an aircraft. Then, thought to backing away
there was the pilot who tried from it. But considering that
to go around on one engine over 90% of our 1984 accident
with the speed brakes out and rate was command-controlled,
another pilot who shut down training realism is not the
the wrong engine. All of problem -- complacency is!
these spell complacency. We have to turn that around
When aircrews fly a and give the same rigorous,
demanding RED FLAG disciplined approach to the
mission, all indications are mundane, day-in and day-out
that they plan it well, brief it tasks that we give to the
well, and it's well thought demanding missions.
through. However, when You proved in 1984 that you
performing a routine mission can train more realistically
like picking up an airplane and fly safer than ever
and flying it back home, some before, and I compliment you
aircrews are apparently not on your efforts. The
applying the same degree of challenge now is to eliminate
thoroughness -- they are not those accidents that are
thinking through the simple within our power to prevent.
and are reserving their You are the professionals --
thinking time for the more you can do it!



II: 1981 31 -1.9 1.6

. 1982 30 4.9 1.9
' 198:3 26 :3.7
1984 23 3.2 ?.0
'Command-controlled mishaps are those mishaps which are caused or could
been prevented by people in TAC.

Cable fable
A n A-10 was on a local training mission drop-
ping BDU-33 practice bombs on the nearby
range. The aircraft was hauling several triple
leased a single store from the station, the TER.
Since stubborn and contrary cables can cause
trouble for both load crews and pilots, maybe w
ejector racks, each loaded with three bombs. On should keep better track of what shape they're
the seventh pass, when the pilot pressed the -before they give us a hard time. This unit now
bomb button to release one bomb from station 9, numbers their cables and keeps track of them.
the TER and the other two practice bombs came They inspect release cables every 120 days for
ease of installation as well as electrical

Hand jive
uring a routine check of the jettison circuitry
D of an F -4 Phantom, one worker climbed into
the cockpit, another cranked up the power unit
and a third stood out in front of the pi tot boom to
direct the operation. While the comm cord was
being connected, the worker out front gave a
thumbs up signal to tell the worker in the cock-
pit the APU is up to speed. But the guy in the
pilot's seat thought that the thumbs up meant
OK, we're ready down here, go ahead and do the
along for the ride too. check; so he set up the cockpit switches and
Troubleshooters noticed that the release cable pushed the stores jettison button. Kapow! An
was extremely difficult to install properly be- empty 600-gallon centerline fuel tank did a high-
cause of flat spots on the mechanical lock rings. priced nose-dive into the parking ramp.
That probably meant that way back before take- When the comm cord was finally plugged in
off someone had left the connector of the few seconds later, the guy in front was able to
TER-9A's release cable cocked. With the con- explain to the guy in the cockpit what he really
nector at an angle, voltage that was intended to meant by the thumbs up. But it was too late
release a single bomb from the TER instead re- then.

6 APRIL 1985
Being late with the verbal communication missiles. Solid procedure - only whoever cut the
wasn't the only problem. The aircraft forms and pins inside this connector didn't choose the right
1rd were trying to tell the crew that the two. A case of faulty PINmanship.
'- . .hes were loaded. But they never checked to How come two missiles? Why didn't someone
S'ee'!f the jettison carts were removed. discover the faulty umbilical earlier when the
This little tale contains a lot of ways to not first missile was damaged? They did. But it
communicate. Get the message? wasn't immediately removed. Why? Well , it had
been a long, busy sortie surge filled with many
weapons operations. Then there was a shift
change. When the wafer was finally pulled from
the aircraft, it was checked by someone on the
Sloppy PINmanship flight line who apparently didn't recognize it as
n AIM-7M Sparrow missile held captive in
A one of the missile wells beneath an F-15 was
ruined (required depot repair ) when its gas grain
an unsuitable substitute. So it was reinstalled on
the aircraft.
The second missile was uploaded without any
generator and thermal battery fired. And it problems. But later when a load crew was prep-
couldn't have happened at a worse time, right in ping the aircraft for its next sortie, apparently
the middle of a sortie surge exercise. But that static electricity generated by the workers' activ-
wasn't the worst of it. Another missile hung on ity around the aircraft found its way through the
the same station about 20 hours later suffered faulty connector to the missile's guidance unit.
the same fate. Pop! White smoke poured from the missile.
The culprit? An incorrectly modified umbilical Many of us move from base to base in the ser-
wafer, the cannon plug connector that fits into vice of our country. Others finish tech school and
the side of the missile and electrically hooks it up show up for just one tour before leaving. Either
to the aircraft's fire control system. way, people who are not familiar with local pro-
One of the alterations that tames a captive cedures and routines come, and people who are
AIM-7 missile is its modified connector. By re- go. The constant turnover in the work force is
moving two specific pins inside a standard urn- one reason we seem to have so many exercises, to
'll wafer connector, electrical current is pre- train the new guy. We need to remember that it's
;d from finding its way to the gas grain gen- not only our job to train them. It's also our job to
'en:rcor. Then the modified umbilical connectors keep in mind what they don't know in the mean-
are wrapped with reflective tape; so it's easy to time - even in the midst of sortie surge
identify them for use exclusively with captive exercises.

Tac tips

Cable fable II Over the years there have been a number of

incidents where cables have jumped up and
ripped off various appendages of unsuspecting
A three-ship of F-106s had to divert to a
nearby joint-use field when a thunderstorm
at the home 'drome cut them out of the pattern.
aircraft that were taking off ... especially at
joint-use airfields (serving both fighter and hea\
When the weather cleared and the jets had been aircraft) with BAK-12 cables strung across the
serviced, the lead element lined up and took off. runway near the touchdown zone. Apparently,
Number three followed suit ten seconds later. keeping proper tension on a cable with heavies
When three rolled across the approach-end cable! frequently rolling across it is difficult. The long-
the wire bounced up and grabbed both of the air- term fix is replacing the BAK-12 cables with re-
craft's main gear doors. When the aircraft lifted tractable BAK-14s.
off and the pilot raised the gear handle, the In the meantime, what about airfields (joint-
Landing Gear Unsafe light came on. use and otherwise) with BAK-12 cables that you
might have to consider as emergency/divert
bases? If the local area doesn't have any, how
about cross-country missions? The slack cable
hazard could be even more of a problem if you
have to make an approach-end arrestment. In
those cases, a call ahead to tower asking for bar-
rier maintenance service before your arrival
could pay dividends.

Hung up
After join-up, the flight lead gave number
three a good looking over and told him about the
T he modified connector that the G-suit hose
mates with in the F-16 cockpit is a wonderful
thing in flight. It's fairly successful at keeping
missing hardware. Three lowered the landing the hose from popping out when the pilot quick}
gear normally and was greeted with a down-and- increases the G-load. But nothing is free. Diffi-
locked indication. After burning down fuel, a culty unplugging the connector on the ground
chat with the SOF and a controllability check, he may be the price.
landed uneventfully. When a Falcon pilot pulled into his parking

8 APRIL 1985

spot after landing, he lowered the ejection seat see if they were alive . They were. No sweat, GI.
and began unstrapping some of the hardware About 2,000 feet from the end of the runway,
that held him to the seat while the crew chief the pilot decided it was time to get serious about
was installing the wheel chocks. When he pulled stopping. But the harder he pressed on the brake
·"the hose to unplug his G-suit, it was harder to pedals, the less likely it appeared the Warthog
connect than he anticipated; his hand slipped was going to stop.
{the G-suit hose and banged up against the
throttle, shoving it forward to about 80 percent
rpm. Before he could react, the aircraft lurched
forward, jumped the chocks and nearly picked up
five points for running down the crew chief who
was trying to pin the gear. Close.
A good solid tug straight out from the hose is
what it takes to disconnect. Side force com-
plicates the issue. Good thing to remember-
anytime you might need to make a quick dash
from the cockpit during an emergency ground
egress. But when the crew chief is underneath
your jet, your hands should be visible, not busy
doing little cockpit tasks. In textbook fashion, as the pilot saw the over-
run closing fast at 12 o'clock, he switched off the
antiskid and pumped hard on the binders. The
A-10's wheels continued to sail along on top of
the rain-drenched runway that was adorned with
paint and rubber deposits.
No sweat, GI In desperation , the pilot then reached up and
umber two rolled out of the base turn as grabbed the emergency brake handle. Whoosh!
N lead was touching down. Good spacing. Nice
pattern. No sweat, GI.
The canopy departed the aircraft about 150 feet
before the aircraft slid into the overrun. Real-
After touching down on the wet runway , two izing he had mistakenly grabbed the canopy jet-
·t out the speed boards and pulled up the nose tison handle, the pilot let go and pulled the brake
is A-10 to aerobrake. When he ran out of lift- handle. With emergency brakes on the porous
·, the pilot lowered the nosewheel back into the overrun surface, the aircraft stopped readily.
water, brought the speedbrakes back in to about By choosing to delay braking until the last
40 percent extension and tapped the brakes to couple of thousand feet of a rain-slick runway ,

memory jogger would help because slightly
askew tape-over-counter fuel readings are in-
sidious and difficult to recognize in the midst of a
busy low level, range, or BFM mission.
So here is Bill's idea for a trapped gas detector
(suitable for gluing to the checklist page of your
another pilot asked more of his aircraft's stopping choice). This little transfer schedule won't give
devices than Mother Nature was willing to give you an exact answer, but it's close.
up. Somewhat familiar story: a little extra speed Just in case it's not obvious, the figures on the
on final (Warthogs landed on-speed usually don't righ,t side of the chart indicate full fuselage
lend themselves to aerobraking), retracting tanks. At the left side of the chart, the internal
speedbrakes that were working just fine and wing tanks should be empty and the tape-over-
switching off the antiskid .. . counter marriage should endure until flame~ut
Most flight manuals mention that paint and (or in E and G models until autotransfer).
rubber deposits normally found at the ends of the
runway can complicate the stopping problem -----------------·-·-·
Hard wing models with six fuselage fuel cells:
when it's wet. With April showers and all that,
we'd better believe it. 5.3 6.3 7.2 8.2 I
I-------------------- I-------------------- I --------------------I
5.3 7.6 9.9 12.2
The tape-over-counter
memory Jogger
E and G models with seven fuselage fuel cells:
5.3 6.3 7.2 8.2 :
I-------------------- I --------------------I --------------------I
L ooking around the cockpit of my trusty
Rhino, I spy several placards of little or no 6.0 8.3 10.6 12.9
. -----------------------
consequence: I

• Radio Call: 40427.

• LANDING: wheels, flaps , armament, harness. The schedule does not take into account-
• CAUTION: Do not lower gear or flaps above • jets with foam tanks (subtract approximately
250 knots. ten percent from all the numbs),
Memory joggers like these have collected on • burning JP-8 or JP-5, or
the firewall over the last 20 + years (64-027 was • using 5/6 Lockout.
flying in combat while I was worried about col- Tolerances are about + I - 300 pounds in most
lege entrance exams). Makes you wonder who or regimes according to Mr. Bobby Moore, the
what they had in mind when they stuck those MCAIR tech rep here at HQ TAC who's been
things on the dashboard. around since the Phantom was a gleam in some-
Now I'll admit to being glad the tail numb'er is one's eye.
cleverly disguised there as radio call. When you The spread between tape and counter will be
call maintenance, they don't care about your call higher than indicated on the chart if you're in
sign, they want your jet's tail number. If you've burner or maneuvering in the vertical. If you get
climbed in and out of several spares, that's one more than about 2,000 pounds off schedule dur-
little bit of info that's probably not on your mis- ing any flight conditions, you might consider a
sion data card. But the other two placards are knock-it-off and another gas check in straight
next to useless (or let's hope so). and level flight.
While trying to start our hearts one morning One final point: this idea should make it easier
over a cup of coffee, Bill Meeker, the Studies and to detect trapped wing fuel before you're in
Analysis guy, recommended we come up with a trouble. But if you don't (1) look at the fuel
more useful sticker. We were discussing the re- gauge and (2) think about what it's telling you,
cent rash of incidents and accidents where inter- this little memory jogger isn't going to save you.
nal wing fuel failed to transfer. We agreed that a Fly smart (and check gas).
10 APRIL 1985
~ D
'~ F-16

. Maj Rich Grinnell
is not restored, you are committed to a heavy-
weight landing.
DISCUSSION: Option A would be nice, but
SITUATION: As you move the throttle of your you can't jettison anything unless either the gen-

sleek and racey electric jet into max AB, you erator or EPU is on-line. Option B probably won't
and your load of twin 370s and six inert MK-82s work-the Air light tells you the EPU has

roar down the runway. When you come out of AB already received a start command-but it's worth
(bet you think this will be a loss of thrust-it's a try. Since a Hydrazine light only means it's be-
not, but do you know off the top of your head ing commanded, not necessarily available, a little
~ "'~ what you'd do?), things get real quiet. You lose all extra bleed air (Option C) might help an under-

~ ~ avionics. "Caution, Caution" rings in your ear. speeding EPU. Whether or not Option C works,
The Master Caution, Elec Sys and Main Gener- Option D is a player. Burning down gas with
ator lights are shining at you, but EPU Run light open speedbrakes (they won't) and extended gear
is not. The Air and Hydrazine lights are ON as (alternate extension) is a luxury you may not be
~,. are some others; they are all telling you the EPU able to afford. Unfortunately, the hook, brakes

' ~E~;~~;:~;;~~;~~;;·;;;;;;::ow.
Turn the EPU ON and see if it picks up the
and UHF work off the battery, and the flight
manual says to plan on landing within 30 minutes.
Without the new FLCS PMG, your flight controls
are also fly -by-battery.
Get the hook down early, and don't use the
radio any more than necessary. An approach-end
...__ Push the power up to a minimum of 80 per- arrestment with all that weight? Departure-end?
cent to give the EPU an extra shot of bleed air. In any case, stay alert for degraded aircraft re-
D. Try to reset the generator; if electrical power sponse and eject if it's not flying right. -->-

~ TACA7TACk · 11
don't zero

your axis
F -16 passive axis
a subtle danger
Maj Mike Lichty

only ignoring guidance in the

T he Aggressors are in town
and you're right in the
middle of a 2-v-2. Your wing-
tech order, but also unneces-
sarily risking loss of control.
reset the axis light, but do a
CAUTION RESET to put out
the Fit Cont Sys Caution and
man has ripped the lips off the A passive axis failure can the Master Caution lights. \
lead F-5, and you're getting occur at any time regardless If you do an ELEC RESET, a
ready to turn the heater on his of flight conditions and causes subsequent failure in another
wingman. As you roll and pull a loss of signal from a single branch may cause loss of that
into the plane, you're distracted flight control system branch axis and loss of control.
by the Master Caution, Fit into the mid- value selector. 2) If the light is reset more
Cont Sys (Flight Control Sys- The passive failure is not than once, subsequent failure
tem) Caution and R (roll axis) detected in .straight and level in another branch of that axis
lights. @*# + ! The DRPCB flight since the failed branch may cause loss of that axis and
(dirty rotten ... ) is going to get loss of control.
is being compared to the
away again . . . 3) If the light won't reset, or if
three active branches whose
"Knock it off, knock it off, the light comes on again once
outputs are also near zero
knock it off. Viper 1 has an it's been reset, do not attempt
(therefore, below the detec-
FCS light." The jet seems to be further resets and land as soon
tion or voting threshold )·
controllable enough. Looks like as practical.
a passive axis failure. No In maneuvering flight, how-
ever the failure is detected Improper handling of a pass-
sweat. Time to reset the lights
as the' outputs from the three ive failure can set you up to be
and nail that DRPCB in the an ACES II test pilot. If I've
next engagement, right? Not so active branches rise above
jogged your memory enough to
fast ... the voting threshold and the
bring back RTU flight control
Within the last year, as the failed branch remains at zero,
system academics, enough said.
contractor has reviewed mem- thus illuminating the Master
However, if you need are-
ory dumps from several F-16s, Caution, Fit Cont Sys Caution
fresher and your wing can't af-
guess what's been found? The and apprupr.iate axis lights.
ford to fund the TDY, read on.
tapes reveal that some pilots When this occurs, it's im- First, let's look inside the
have repeatedly tried Fit Cont portant to remember three flight control computer. Figure
Sys , Elec, or Servo resets to things: 1 is a simplified sketch of one
clear illuminated flight 1) If, for whatever reason,
of the four quad mid-value
control axis lights (P, R or Y) you're not in a position to do a selectors (MVS).
or Servo Mal lights. A pilot similar maneuver to see if it
The signal selector concept
using this technique is not trips the light(s) again, do not

12 APRIL 1985
incorporates an MVS voting
scheme with a redundancy tea-
ture. In the normal (no failure) Figure 1
condition, Branch D in each
selector is switched to a
standby condition, and the sig-
nal selector functions as a
middle-value voter for the
three remaining branch sig-
nals. The middle value of
branches A, B and C is selected
while all four branches are con-
tinuously monitored. In the
If A fails, then SW 1 & 4 (after 118 second delay)
event of failure, the failed If B fails, then SW 2 & 4 (after 1/8 second delay)
branch is detected and switched If C fails , then SW 3 & 4 (after 1/8 second delay)
out. At the same time, Branch If D fails , then inhibit SW 4 (after 1/8 second delay)
Dis switched from a standby to
active status and replaces the
l'<tiled branch, provided Branch
too, has not failed. After a Figure 2
~cond (i.e., dual) failure, the
signal nearest zero is selected
and passed to the servoampli-
What happens if there is a
dual passive failure? Figure 2
illustrates that a passive fail-
ure has occurred in Branch A.
The failure has been de-
tected, Branch A has been
switched out and Branch D has
been switched in. The Axis and
Flt Cont Sys Caution lights
will be illuminated. Once the
aircraft has returned to
straight and level (e.g. non-
maneuvering flight), when the
pilot initiates ELEC RESET,
the selector monitor will reset
and the lights will extinguish.
That's what happened in figure
3. Branch A has been reset al-
though the passive failure still
exists, and Branch D has been
r~turned to a standby position.
0 inputs at Branches B, C,
..__._JD (that replace the + in-
puts in figure 2) indicate non-
maneuvering flight.

TAC AJTAC[{, · 13
't zero out your axis

We know that if ELEC RE- passive failure occurs, as shown and a dual failure occurs.
SET occurs in nonmaneuvering in Figure 4, he's in deep serious. After a dual failure, the
flight , the pilot should initiate The selectors are set to select selector will choose the lowest
a maneuver in the same axis as the mid-value of Branches A, of the two unswitched inputs.
soon as possible. If the lights B and C. However, passive Since both A and B inputs are
come on again, the CAUTION failures have occurred in zero, the resultant selector out-
RESET switch should be Branches A and B. As the air- puts will be zero. Bad news if
pressed. That will extinguish craft maneuvers (indicated by this happens in the pitch selector .
the Flt Cont Sys Caution light + at Branches C and D) , the For your own safety, heed
and leave the selectors the way selector monitors see that the three warnings under the
they were in Figure 2 with the Branch C does not compare P, R and Y malfunctions in the
faulty Branch A switched out. with Branches A and B; there- emergency procedures section
Let's say that the pilot has fore , a Branch C failure is de- of the Dash One. Remember,
electrically reset and left the tected. Branch C is switched the emphasis here is on passive
selectors as shown in Figure 3 out and Branch Dis switched failures , not nuisance lights
with a Branch A passive fail- in. As Branch Dis now com- caused by things like flying
ure. If he flies for a period of pared to Branches A and B, it near certain HF antennas.
time without maneuvering, the also doesn't agree. So the selec- ACES II is batting one thou-
stage has been set; if a second tor switches Branch D back out sand, but why press your luck?.--:>
14 APRIL 1985
Strike hazard HELP
Aiveraft a bird 013, is WANTED:
'isalis hosting needs Major
team. at a-denburg conference could staff (ptooey) fighter
The bisd. do worse tour pilot
(13NSI-1) 1985. with. writes than Langley and thinksvvho
14ay dealing well;
reduction 13-16currently installation..
the would he
APB, Virginia;
flying oper lots like the
to anyone exclusivelyflying and the the
open at a Military
will dealof Military of flight,
wouldnt who help to help other
conference the risk
full day)
and of
ttack ear
get him pi
reducing (a
If hat'sinyou, place h month; copies
unique includingthe airfield your by Ma/June
tions at, contactS,S 432-3658, give
bird control atteading, T AC straight. you, he a/all 1985.
in TAC, NV be happy at AV
developnl.ents. 11(21
illet- except I don't know to tell
If interested of 23665-5001., for con the
get here entire staff what else to ittell M Ya
Visginia required 'cause is
vipocolsissY013, orders Any uestions, that's not Pm outta anxious for you
Travel enough, here you to
Laney .N.V. AVSSCIDYS'S, NV Stan has in July.
432,-561,4). lifa Marty a boat; If
at V andenburgteM, 52405-5000, is single
Ing, and Kelvin and has
tact theBSIA."Forida drafts if
won't stipple an IRA;
Tynda or 45. nice on Your
The USAF Survival to him. rough
910-62,42 S choof wants your
survival episode. If you've
in a survival situation been invo Lew
(regardless DAC AttackWitt, Editor
length of time or the circumstances), of the Magazine
would like to hear from they
include your experience you. They'd like to
son plans to help teach and to update their les-
Send your motivate others.
handwritten There I Was survival story,
Fairchild AFB, or typed, to 3636 CCTW/DOV,
Washington 99011-6024,
call MSgt Edgar at or
AV 352-2371.

Next month in the

issue of TAC Attack

you can look forward to
seeing the F-16 Falcon

Thunder birds

T he USAF Thunderbirds
were formed in May 1953
at Luke AFB, Arizona, to show
the public first-line fighter air-
craft and how USAF pilots fly
Over the years the aircraft
have changed. Instant recogni-
tion of the red , white and blue
hasn't . Neither has the thrill
that excites the little boy in
men in blue like me who stand
about two feet taller when the
Thunderbirds roar and roll and
When they're in town , I'll be
there . ~

16 APRIL 1985
Emergency R.O.E.
Lt Col Robert D. Mielbrecht
Chief, Wi ng Safety
366 TFW
A ll crew members are
familiar with the three
basic rules for handling emer-
The tendency is to consider
condition three as synonymous
with maintaining aircraft con-
Mountain Home AFB, Idaho gencies, but I would propose trol, but it is probably the least
that rule one is not as straight important of the three. Pilots
forward as it sounds. In order are conditioned from day-one to
to maintain aircraft control, we control aircraft attitude; but
must have three conditions go- when they can't, crewmembers
ing for us: rarely delay ejection .
1) we must know which way is Knowing which way is up
up , sounds simple and it is, pro-
2) our jet must have sufficient viding we never lose sight of its
thrust available to sustain importance. Unfortunately, a
flight and number of our brothers have
3) we must be able to make dug big holes in the ground be-
the pointy end go wherever we cause they neglected giving it
think necessary. enough emphasis. Recently, an
Aardvark crew climbing out of
a night terrain following radar
low-level route reminded the
rest of us of its importance. By
the time the clue bird reminded
them of condition one, they
were in a nose-low unusual at-
titude without enough altitude
to salvage the situation.
Having thrust available
equal to or greater than thrust
required is also a biggie. If Block 1 problems are usually response to erroneous AOA in-
your JP-4 converters are not personal, and we'll ignore them dications. The point is, if main-
producing enough heat, smoke here. (But you can only do so taining control is in jeopardy,
and noise, you're not going to much of that in real life.) turn off the offending magic,
be able to maintain aircraft Troubles in Block 3 or 4 pronto. But be prepared to im-
control for very long. Case in usually result in conditions mediately reactivate the sys-
point was a fellow fighter crew where ejection is the only al- tem if it turns out to be
across the pond that took a bird ternative. However, Block 2 helping.
on the beak during a 550-knot problems can be a real player Having a solid grasp of the
bomb run-in. When the fiber- in maintaining aircraft control. three basic rules for handling
glass radome collapsed, they Of course, if time and cir- aircraft emergencies is not
started a climb and turned cumstances permit, you can dig enough. To maintain aircraft
wards the nearest field. out your trusty checklist (or control requires three ad-
iortly thereafter, they decided ask your right/backseater, if ditional things: never lose sight
N----that their ability to comply you're lucky enough to have of which way is up (lest the
with basic rule one was deteri- one, to dig into his) and see if clue bird beat a retreat into
orating and they ejected. What any of several dozen procedures your G-suit pocket), insure that
they didn't know was that both for flight control malfunctions thrust available is at least
engines had stalled, they were describes something akin to equal to drag and if the push-
rapidly running out of smash your current predicament. rods are having a problem, try
and had they delayed ejection a Like most things built by the eliminating the middle man.
little longer, the ensuing post- lowest bidder, Block 2 systems
stall gyration may have put think they are smarter than
them out of the envelope. So fighter pilots, and sometimes
ignoring the importance of your only recourse is to pull
the plug. In the case of the 550 - Lt Col Mielhrecht has over 3,000
available thrust can also kill. hours in the F-111, ,000 hours fighter
That brings us to keeping the knot birdstrike at low-level, the time. He has served as an IP and SEFE
pointy end forward. The flight collapsing radome damaged the in TAC. USAFE and PACAF. Cur-
control systems on most newer angle of attack probes causing rently he is the Chief of Safety at
fighters look something like the stall inhibitor system to APT, Idaho.
this block diagram. drive the nose up and down in


Stick Pushrods, Control

pusher- Magic Bell cranks, surfaces
puller et al

Chock Talk Incident and

A couple of RF -4s completed a series of de-
fensive maneuvering engagements that in-
volved supersonic and high-G flight. The leader
the wing, right? Nope. All it took was a lack of
About a month before the missing hardware
then rejoined the wingman to look over his air- incident, during a post-flight inspection, someone
craft. One of the reasons for this routine check discovered that the four-by-eight-inch patch that ·
that always follows an air-to-air workout is to re-enforced the metal strip was loose. The dis-
alert the pilot to any structural damage that crepancy was written in the aircraft forms
might have occurred before the aircraft returns (AFTO Form 781A).
to the slow-speed landing environment. A sheet metal specialist took a look at the
A metal strip at the wing fold junction on top patch and determined it would hold long enough
of the Phantom's wing was missing. The piece for a new one to be ordered. After he ordered the
that didn't make the return trip wasn't a little new part, he told the crew chief to inspect the
dollar panel or a lens cover; it was a two-by- patch after every flight and released the aircraft
twenty four-inch strip of sheet metal. Must've for flight. But he never documented the inspec-
been a major over-G to rip the hefty part from tion requirement.
When the new wing fold was ordered, someone
transferred the write-up to the back of the air-
craft forms , the 781K. Later, when a new 781K
was transcribed, the write-up about the patch
was inadvertently dropped. Soon the inspection
requirement was forgotten . So the aircraft con-
tinued to fly , but no one was keeping tabs on the
Then, during this particular flight the airflow
most likely snuck up under the leading edge of
the patch and caused it to separate. And when
the patch gave up , the sheet metal section of the
wing fold came along for the ride.
Most of us feel that if a specialist told us to in-
spect an area after every flight , we would do it
faithfully whether or not it was written down.
That's because we're professionals. But even pro-
fessionals get sick, are sent TDY, take leave, etc.
Get the point?
20 APRIL 1985

Brief debrief
uring a realistic training exercise, an F-15 code in the forms; a more thorough inspec-
D pilot flying an intercept mission with his
fangs out suddenly forgot about shooting the bad
tion (required by the correct fault code) more
than likely would have revealed the real
.,.uys. He was booking along at .9 Mach at 10,000 problem .
)t when he heard and felt a thump. Then the We don't know how thorough the de-
d light in the landing gear handle came on. briefing was. But one thing we do know-
When the pilot called his wingman over to even though sometimes the paperwork seems
take a look, the wingman delivered some bad like nuisance, doing it correctly is the only
news: one of the gear doors on the leader's way to make sure the right job gets done.
aircraft was missing and another was flap-
ping in the breeze. The pilot declared an
emergency and lowered the landing gear on
the way back to base. The gear gave a posi-
tive down and locked indication. The sub-
sequent landing was uneventful-but
neither the normal nor emergency brakes
worked during the rollout. Fortunately, the
tailhook worked and snagged the departure-
end cable.
What's up, Doc? What would make the
gear come down of its own volition? Thirteen
sorties earlier, a similar event took place.
When the pilot noticed the unsafe gear indi-
cation, he cycled the gear handle, the light
went out, so he pressed on. About five
minutes later, however, the light came on
again; that convinced the pilot to abort the
mission and bring the aircraft home.
During debrief, the pilot described what
t..11ppened and the technician entered a fault
le in the aircraft forms. Somehow, the
..____.,-rong fault code ended up in the forms. Re-
pairmen used the appropriate trouble-
shooting procedure that matched the fault

Extra help-no thanks
A bout nine minutes after takeoff, an F -4 crew
heard a loud thump similar to what it
sounds like when you fly through jet wash-only
installed two metal 0-rings, instead of the one
that the TO calls for, when they assembled the
clamp. Maybe they thought "If one is good, two
there was no jet wash around because this air- must be better." More likely they were just pre-
craft was single-ship. Next, the left Fire light occupied or distracted and not aware of the extra
greeted the pilot. When he retarded the throttle, 0-ring.
the warning light went out; so he left the throttle When we hear stories of $5,000 coffee pots and
in idle and turned the aircraft towards home. $84 screw drivers, a nine-cent 0-ring sounds like
Everything else seemed to be working OK on the a bargain. But in this case it almost cost us
way back to an uneventful landing. plenty. Let's not accept that kind of extra help.
Troubleshooters soon found the culprit, a V- Better to mind our Ps, Qs and 0-rings.
band clamp on the bleed air ductwork inside the
midsection of the fuselage. The clamp wasn't
properly seated and eventually worked loose. Be-
fore long the ducting separated and began blow-
ing 800-degree air all around the Phantom's
Bleed air duct failure is one of the most serious
A n A-10 was up on an acceptance flight
following major maintenance. Everytime th,
FCF pilot tried to speed up for the speedbrake
F -4 emergencies because there are no reliable blow back test, the Warthog would wobble with
warning signals to the aircrew. The extreme tem- pitch oscillations. When he'd slow down again,
perature can cause severe structural damage to the aircraft was stable. Each time he lowered the
the aircraft . Over the years we have lost a num- nose and tried to accelerate, the same thing
ber of Phantoms after their bleed air ducts came would happen. The pilot finally got the message
apart in flight. Luckily in this incident, the fire and took the path of least resistance-slow. Then
warning loop was in its path, and the aircrew he brought the aircraft back for an uneventful
landed before more serious damage occurred. landing.
Faulty overpriced clamp? Nope. Someone had Troubleshooters found the computer that con-
trols the aircraft's stability augmentation wasn't
bolted in place. With the SAS computer running
around loose like that, certain aircraft maneu-
vers made it jiggle around, sending faulty inputs
to the aircraft's flight controls. Since it's highly
unlikely that both bolts vibrated loose at the
same time, it's more probable that someone bor-
rowed the computer while the aircraft was down
for maintenance. But you couldn't prove it from
the forms-there were no entries about the SAS
computer at all.
We need to be careful to use the aircraft forms.
They tell us what has been done to the aircraft
as well as what needs to be done-but only if we
use them correctly and make the right entries.
Slowing down (even in the A-10 community) anL
taking the time to write in the forms can save
hours of extra work and wasted dollars.

22 APRIL 1985
Coping with an in flight emergency
Maj Tom D
ean M
F-16 Functional
HQ TAC/DOO anager

cope with an infli h

I' emergency? you g t
:e always got.m bet I can.
with me in Y checklist
don't I? If y:; G-suit pocket
• level of k feel that's th ,
nowled e
' deal with any emge you need t o
requires refe ergency that
list, then do:~nce to the check-
article-it's . step over this
The School of at you.
teaches that Hard Knocks
three basic a~~u . c~n pursue
ground befo t~~Itles on the
~ignificantl re Ight that will
Ity t o successfull
Y-enhance your abil-
emergenc . y cope with
• learn t y m the air: an
o use the
procedure ind emergency
0 ne checkl. t ex ofy our Dash
e IS
hind the sequ the rationale be-
each EP and ence of steps for
• develop a l
self, to bette p an to pace your-
r control
\ th e rate

( __

at which you respond and react systems engineers. Your task there any switch that must be
to unplanned events. today is to develop a set of pro- thrown immediately to main-
First, the fighter pilot who cedural steps that will logically tain aircraft control? If the an-
works hard at becoming famil- take a pilot or aircrew from the swer is yes, it is most likely
iar with the index page of his onset of an emergency situation covered by a boldface or critical
Dash One checklist will be in- to a successful landing. The se- action procedure, and that's
surance premiums ahead. Stop quence of steps you choose what you should be doing while
and take a few minutes to re- must include not only all the flying the aircraft. If the an-
view the four basic sections of required switch actions to keep swer is no, your reaction should
the indexing system covering the aircraft flying, but also the be to maintain aircraft control,
the emergency procedures: best course of action to work analyze the situation while you
ground, takeoff, inflight and around degraded systems. Ask get pointed away from the
landing. What you are looking yourself as you examine each ground and headed towards
for is the scheme that was used emergency scenario, have you home or some other suitable
to systematically list the vari- done all that you can for that runway. Those critical initial
ous emergencies within each pilot or aircrew who is relying actions must be done at the
phase of flight. For example, on your expertise and judgment proper pace to avoid hasty or
are the emergency procedures to bring that aircraft safely incorrect actions.
contained in the inflight sec- home? After dealing with these pri-
tion of the index arranged al- That's the process. And be- orities, work on attaining the
phabetically or in rank order, cause smart people are trying proper altitude and airspeed for
from major down to minor? to design a fail-safe system to the return trip. While com-
Next, review the procedures help you solve a problem with pleting the checklist, declare
within each section to identify your aircraft, a smart fighter the emergency and request a
those emergencies that require pilot like you should be able to single frequency approach with
cross-referencing. Can you in discern their reasoning and ATC.
fact find the cross-referenced rationale. If you can page At this point, when it's time
procedure quickly? through the emergency pro- to dig out that checklist (or air-
The second activity to add to cedures section of your check- crew aid, or IFR map, etc), your
your bag of tricks is the ability list and understand the ration- cockpit management can help
to see and follow the rationale ale for the sequence of steps in or hurt you. Do you strap the
for the sequence of the steps in each procedure, you are pre- checklist to your leg or keep it
each emergency procedure. pared for any emergency in the in some other part of the cock-
Who designs things like that? checklist. The confidence that pit? If you keep it stowed in
Someone with a good head on this feeling builds is signifi- some part of the cockpit, is it
his shoulders, like you. cant. It's well worth your time. secure? Will you be able to
Picture yourself seated at a Third, while understanding maintain altitude and airspeed
conference table in the engi- the layout and scheme of each without the checklist ending up
neering building of the com- emergency procedure is im- on the floor?
pany that manufactures your portant, "referring to the Now that it's time to refer t~
aircraft. At your nine, twelve checklist " must first be put in the emergency procedures sec
and three o'clock positions are proper perspective. First and tion of your checklist, you are
two other Air Force pilots and foremost , fly the jet. Then, in ready. You know how to let the
several company structural and any emergency situation, is index help you by choosing the

24 APRIL 1985
appropriate phase of flight state your intentions. Pass during an emergency? Pace
(ground, takeoff, inflight or along the necessary infor- yourself-don't rush yourself.
landing) and then finding the mation for the folks who will Familiarity with the indexing
procedure within that section be supporting you on the scheme and understanding the
either alphabetically or in rank ground until you are safely rationale for the steps in any
order. shut down. emergency procedure will help
If the emergency develops The final step is easy-but you pace yourself. Don't con-
close to the field, instead of important. If the type of ap- fuse proper pace with an inap-
heading towards home or some proach for the emergency is propriate sense of urgency. The
other suitable alternate, you listed in the checklist, then latter can draw you to a faulty
may have to obtain maneu- that's what you fly. If it's not conclusion or action that may
vering airspace while you ac- defined, select the approach op- not be reversible.
complish the checklist pro- tion that provides the greatest Ready to cope with an in-
cedures and set up for the ap- safety margin. Then, think flight emergency?
proach. After all, not every about what could go wrong Maj Dean has about 2,400 flying
nergency situation requires after touchdown. Make a plan hours, about 500 hours in the Falcon
mmediate landing to best to cover some what-ifs, like and previous tours in the F-4 and
with the situation. missed cables or aircraft con- OV-10. He is one of the few staff offi-
cers at HQ TAC who continues to ac-
After you have completed the trol difficulties. tively fly F-16s.
checklist, contact the SOF and The most important thing Envy, envy.

have been made, and suddenly there are two par-
Coping with long-term ents again.
While either parent can be absent, it's most
family separat ions often "Daddy." Whether the separation is because
Brenda Mims of military service, distant job opportunities or
Child Development Center illness, it's important to keep the absent parent
and the child familiar with each other. The

I t's unavoidable: one of you is going away. Not

for a week or two, but for a month or two;
maybe 12. Whether it's your first long separation
Moody Child Care Center offers the following
ideas to keep the memories sharp while Daddy
or one of many, it isn't a happy time. But there
are many ways to lessen the strain of a long Before the Fact
absence. Tell the kids. Unless they're very small, tell
Long-term, nonpermanent separation is them well ahead of time, emphasizing how much
unique. It requires the same kinds of adjustments Daddy will dislike not being with you in person,
to a single-parent situation that death or divorce although you'll be in each other's thoughts. Con-
does, except the adjustments are temporary centrate on having several especially good family
rather than permanent. In many families, the times together to recall with pleasure.
absent parent's return may be the biggest prob- Take pictures of Daddy doing ordinary things
lem of all. Adjustments to a one-parent routine around the house such as washing the car, sitting
in his favorite chair, cooking spaghetti . This is
particularly import ant for younger children with
short visual memories. Put the pictures where
they can be seen often.
Dad can give a special gift-a scrap book to be
filled with post cards, matchbook covers and
other mailed mementos.

A Matched Pair
Purchase two tape recorders, one for Dad and
one for the family. Many are simple enough for a
child to operate, especially if the buttons are
coded with colored tape.
Keep a library of tapes of Daddy's voice. He
can record family stories or books before he gc
so he can still "read" the kids a bedtime story.
Keep several tapes stashed away for gloomy day .

26 APRIL 1985
"Happy Birthday to You." On birthdays, Dad
can make special tapes, singing and telling an-
ecdotes about the child's birth and when he was
Keep it candid-people are more spontaneous
when they aren't actually clutching a mike. Some
of your best tapes can be Sunday dinners at
1.ndma's when, in cloak-and-dagger tradition,
tuck the mike in the centerpiece where it
uld be forgotten .
Keep it handy-a recorder parked on the
kitchen table will encourage short messages and
comments. Chat while you work around the
kitchen and during meals. Another good time is
when children burst in from school or play . If it's
all "moans and groans" it can be erased, but Dad
is entitled to share the gripes too.
Be faithful-you might make a "date" each day find their way into letters because they're so
to talk. "ordinary."
Daddy should send private, personal messages
Misery is an Empty Mailbox to each child from time to time, even if they must
Write every day-on super-busy days, even a be read by Mom. They're a great way to stay in
toddler can be enlisted to "write" a post card. direct contact and may be glued into the scrap-
Dad will also welcome a short dictated message books to be read again and again.
by one too young to write. In return Dad can
make sketches of himself, the place he lives, and Talk, Talk, Talk
what he is doing. Talk about Daddy a lot-mention his pet
Weigh things carefully-a postal scale is very peeves, favorite cookies and things he likes to do:
handy. When you've finished a letter, add every "Daddy always enjoys mowing the lawn." Com-
last cartoon, clipping of hair from the barber ment if you wear a dress Dad especially liked.
and child's drawing you can. Write letters on the Bring his opinions into the conversation when-
backs of school work. ever you can. That more than anything else, per-
Blow-by-blow-if your child is a toddler, take haps, keeps him real.
')r 20 minutes and write a diary of activities. When Dad finally does return , you spend very
can't do this with a tape recorder, the child little time getting acquainted. It's nice that after
~~ want to listen. But it's essential to keep the a long separation you can settle into your own
children real to Daddy, too, and it's the day-to-day places without tense readjustments.
scenes he'll miss. These are the things that don't -Courtesy TAC News Ser vice

..... 27

those highly polished skills.

Y es, you're an experienced
jock; you have 47 patches
on your helmet bag, more time
Time, gravity and that swivel
chair behind your LSD have
at the top of a loop ... etc. But reduced your G-tolerance and
now you're a staff (ptooey) raised your comfort level.
puke, a wing (ptooey) weenie Maybe your lookout isn't quite
snivelling flights here and as sharp as usual. There's noth-
there, scrounging all the flight ing wrong with your hands-
time you can get out of 30 sor- it's your thought processes and
ties a half. Funny thing habit patterns that have be-
though; despite your creden- come rusty. That doesn't mean
tials and your vast experience, you should be put out to pas-
you find yourself making odd- ture or you no longer have any-
ball errors-forgetting to arm thing to contribute. It does
the seat, entering the fight mean you need to consider your
with your speedbrake out, proficiency and not let yourself
screwing up the pattern. How be scheduled for an event
prepared for degraded systems you're not ready for.
or emergencies do you think Here's an unscientific de-
you are? Take heed. These piction of fighter pilot con-
little hints from Mother Nature fidence and ability as they de-
are telling you that you may be cline with time behind the
setting yourself up for the big desk. Note the hatched area. At
one unless you change your at- some point, which is different
titude. Here are some ways to for each individual, declining
qvoid disaster-or at least keep confidence exceeds declining
Maj Bob Keeney you from standing in a brace in ability. Operating in this area,
F-15 Program Manager front of the DO somewhere. you should closely evaluate t
HQ TAC/DOV mission tasks you are expect,
Admit it to do. It's a great argument for
Lack of recent experience has a nondemanding mission after
taken a little bit of the edge off a layoff from flying.

28 APRIL 1985

Be prepared just like you did when you electrical tape. On your way
If you commute to a flying were a squadron pogue. around the jet, kick the tires or
ation, give the airline host- Mentally rehearse the mis- do a chin-up on the pylon sway
\--ds a break and use the time to sion from start to finish, even brace if that's your normal rou-
study the Dash One or the though you'll be performing tine. Flying fighters is a cere-
master question file. Arrive tasks that you've done a thou- monious process. We have all
early and complete egress sand times. This will eliminate felt impending doom when
training, SEPT, tests, FCIF re- the hesitation that seems to fol- things aren't right, when
views, etc. Finish before you low a lack of recent experience. something's been left out of the
get into a time crunch. Let the You don't need hesitation at ritual.
flight leader know what your the apex of a pop pattern or
background, recent experience when closing for a snap shot. Challenge yourself
and requirements are; this way Finally, don't lower your pro-
you'll avoid being briefed to Pay attention fessional standards because
Listen to the briefing. others expect less of you. Many
They're especially important flyers expect less of you be-
when you fly at unfamiliar cause you're a desk jockey.
bases. If you find your mind Surprise them. Strive to be the
wandering back to those red- best at every task-formation,
hot suspenses in your in- radios, weapons employment,
basket, pinch yourself; this is instruments. Take their quar-
the real air force where aircraft ter. Make them grudgingly
can smack into each other or admit you're not a bad aviator
the ground in a heartbeat. Fly- for a staff type. If you do screw
ing deserves the focus of every up, accept criticism and do it
brain cell you can muster. better next time.
tears on the standards, or, con -
'rsely, getting a lot of winks, Keep your rituals Mai Keeney is a HQ TAC'Stan
indards" and a 50-minute Don't break tradition. Wear F-15 program manager. The 1971
\stty break before you step to your lucky G-suit that's never Texas A&M grad has over 13 years of
the aircraft. If you are the been washed. Take your flash- fighter experience in the A-71) and
rious models of the F-15.
leader, get up for the mission light that's held together with

Dear Editor the subject OSI agent to drop a plastic bag of bullets
In your article concerning the handling of the and have one detonate or fire. A .45 caliber bullet , as
BDU-33 (February, Weapons Words, page 14), you issued to OSI agents , is a solid metal projectile void of
stated " Being heavier, the nose of a BDU-33 falls any explosives. I will admit those metal projectiles are
first-when it's dropped from an aircraft, and when it 's assembled to a cartridge case containing an explosive
accidentally dropped by a weapons handler." Several primer and propellant. I' m quite sure the bag that fell
hundred years ago, Galileo proved that objects of differ- from the clearing barrel stand contained .45 caliber car-
ent mass fall at equal rates. The current theory is 32 tridges . Correct?
feet per second per second. Any variance to the theory Enough nit-picking, let's get down to facts. Each C
is in the aerodynamics of the object dropped. This agent is allocated 25 rounds of .45 caliber ammunition.
explains why the nose hits the ground first when The fiberboard cartons issued to the OSI offices contain
dropped from an aircraft. 50 rounds each. The cartidges should not be classified
However , Sir, because of the short distance , aero- " in storage" when issued to the OS! office, but rather
dynamics is not a determining factor when a BDU-33 " in use. " A greater state of readiness is warranted and,
is accidentally dropped by a weapons handler. I believe as such , each agent may find it necessary to load on the
that it falls on its nose when run. They would lose time if they had to open a box
accidently dropped because containing 50 cartridges and count out 25. This is the
the weapons handler holds TAC AITAf}P> reason they use plastic bags containing 25 cartridges
the bomb by the fin. each.
I've enjoyed reading TAC The mishap that occurred with the plastic bag could
Attack for many years and have happened as well with an open fiberboard carton.
look forward to many Weapons safety personnel can only do so much due to
more . Keep up the good our limited manpower. What ever happened to operator
work . common sense? The addition of a simple shelf to the
clearing barrel stand could have prevented this mishap.
SSgt Michael A. Du Bois
127 CAM Sq James Trepoy , GS-12
Selfridge ANGB, Michigan Chief, Explosives Safety Branch
HQ USAF Air Defense Weapons Center
Dear Sergeant Du Bois Tyndall AFB, Florida
Nice catch. Thank goodness for Cali! eo.
ED Dear Mr. Trepoy
Congratulations, you got the point- identifying and
fixing hazards in the workplace instead of waiting for
Dear Editor an accident to highlight them. Wonder if the Lone
I read with interest the Weapons Words article " Dad Ranger's silver bullets were attached to brass
Was Wrong" (February 1985 , page 15) , and I would cartridges.
like to point out the fact that it would be impossible for ED

30 APRIL 1985

TAC'S TOP 5 thru FEB 85


145 57 FIS (IYella) vik, Iceland

F710not 6 )
98 FISa Mi AFB, ND
95 48 FIS (F-ngl15)
Laey AFB, VA
23 TFW rj!'
(r. n-11°a)n d , AFB LA 54 318 FIS M(Fc-165h)ord AFB, WA
49 TFW FI(Fo'1-11o5m)an AFB, NM 45 87 FIS (F-106)
KI Sawyer AFB, MI


15 188 TFG ANG(F-4)
Ft Smith, AR 177 FIG Atlantic City, NJ 182 TASG ANG(a0A-37)
Peori, IL
ANG(A-7) ANG(F-106) ANGOA-37)
14 138 TFG Tulsa, OK 125 FIG Jacksonville, FL 110 TA 4rt
TASG %4 Battle Creek, MI

AFR(A-10) ANG(F-4)
14 917 TFG Barksdale AFB, LA 119 FIG Fargo, ND USAFTAW C (many fighters)
Eglin AFB, FL
12 114 TFG Sioux Falls, SD 107 FIG Niagara Falls, NY 84 FITS (T-3
Castl3e )AFB, CA
ANG(F-41 ANG(F-4)
183 TFG Springfield, IL 147 FIG Ellington AFB, TX 552 AWACD Tinker
(E-3) AFB,OK



T 1985 3.2 3.4

C 1984 3.4 4.3
AN 1985 4.8 4.8
Cj 1984 0.0 2.3

--. 1985 0.0 0.0

R 1984 0.0 0.0



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