Compare and Contrast Essay

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Compare and Contrast Essay

My older sister and my younger brother:

My sister, me and my brother look so much alike, but still there are some funny
differences between us that are worthy to stick out. So, I’ll start to compare two of the
most important people in my life, my older sister, and my younger brother, they both
mean a lot to me. My sister has lived in Panama since 1994, so we hadn’t met until she
came to DR to surprise us, she’s been staying in our house for the past two weeks, so
now I know some thins about her that I didn’t know before. With all the information I
collected now I’m able to make a comparison between my siblings and have some
differences to share with them and laugh about.

So, my sister’s name is Katherine, but we like to call her Kathy, and my brother’s name
is Ezequiel, but I usually call him Eze. Kathy and Eze are both very similar in some
things like their taste in food. For example: they both hate groceries and prefer to eat
light things such as rice, wheat, bread… also, they both like sweets a lot and both are
able to spend aaall day using the computer without getting tired of it. When it comes to
personality, they are quiet and a little shy, but when you get to meet them, they’re crazy
and come out with the craziest ideas, they like to have peace and comfort and wouldn’t
change it for anything else. If they have their peace and comfort, and good food they’re

When it comes to differences there’s A LOT to point out, but I’ll just mention a few
things. First, let’s start with the obvious part, the age, Katherine is 30 years old, while
Ezequiel is only 14 years old, so there’s a 16 years gap, people could say they’re mother
and son. Second, while Kathy loves vegetables, Eze hates them (yet he still eats them all
when I hide them in his plate). Unlike Kathy, Eze doesn’t like to go out a lot, Kathy
loves to explore and discover new places in person, Eze prefers to visit them through his
laptop. And despite Ezequiel’s love for good food, he doesn’t really know how to cook,
unlike Kathy who is almost a professional chef. Finally, when it comes to music Kathy
loves to listen to Rock sometimes and, at the same time, Eze could listen to some
classics and enjoy them a lot more than actual music.

My sister and my brother may look a lot alike, but they still have their own personalities
and tastes. They are a curious combination, very similar but very different, I guess that’s
just how siblings work. While one prefers vegies, the other one prefers sweets. While
one prefers to stay in, the other one prefers to explore. It’s exciting to have them both
together, and I’m just the complement in the trio, lol, the middle one. But anyway, this
just shows us that even siblings that share the same blood can be reaaally different, and
it is not a negative thing, otherwise that’s just what makes life interesting.

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