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Environmental Issues

A thing that many people know but ignore is the fact that we’re damaging our planet.
Industries that only care about the money making instead of the contamination they
are making, people not caring about recycling their trash, deforestation, water
wasting… Those are some of the “little” things that will take us to our final days here
on earth.
Even though it seems like leaving the faucet running for a little more than you actually
need won’t make a big change, you got to take in count that is not only you thinking
that way, maybe your neighbor crossing the street does the same, and your mother in
another state, maybe your cousins or nephews, maybe someone you don’t even know
is now washing the vegetables in the kitchen, leaving the faucet running instead of
preparing some water in a bowl, and that person might be thinking “it won’t matter if I
leave it open a few minutes more, the water won’t disappear because of 1 single
faucet”, but guess what? Is never “1 single faucet” is always more than one, the world
is too big and many people leave in it, many people that believe they think different,
but we’re all the same. Wasting our more valuable and important resource is
something we all do carelessly and it’s killing us little by little.
To say the least, African countries/cities with lack of water are only the beginning,
we’re not paying too much attention to that because most of the time we think “it’s
only them, that won’t happen to my country”, but we keep on wasting and
contaminating water day by day, as if it wasn’t the resource we use the most, to drink,
to wash ourselves, clothes and dishes, to keep our house clean, to water our plants,
etc. Water is the resource we need the most and still we’re wasting it as if it won’t ever
disappear. It’s true, water falls from the sky, but with all the contamination that’s in
the air, the rain also gets contaminated and so that water “pure and clean” that falls
from the sky turns into contaminated water that we cannot drink and can also be
dangerous for our skin.
To finish I must provide some ideas or tips to rescue our most valuable resource. First,
we should plant trees by the rivers, the trees are important for the rivers because they
stop the trash and dirt from falling into the river and contaminating the water. We
should also only use the water we will need, for example, if you’re washing the dishes,
you could take in a bowl the amount of water you will need to rinse the dishes instead
of leaving the faucet running; When you’re going to take a bath, instead of turning on
the shower and waiting for it to get hot so that you can take your “hot shower”, take a
bucket, put it under the shower and let the water store in there, later on you can use
that water for another purposes and still you’ll be able to take your hot shower
without wasting water. Finally, I think we all should take conscience on the waste of
water we do every day, remember that our water won’t be forever and is also the
most important resource we need to live, so stop wasting it.

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