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Tidal Energy

Using renewable energy is a great challenge for the modern world, and a source that has
been little exploited is tidal energy. This source depends on factors such as the gravitational
effect of the moon and the sun, and is associated with a cost of zero raw material, because
all the energy is extracted from the sea. This implies a source of energy that is free,
renewable and inexhaustible. The high costs of the installations necessary for the extraction
of electric power are currently a brake for those seeking to invest in these type of projects.
However, non-renewable energies are becoming more expensive every day, so it is expected
that someday these new sources of energy will be profitable. At the theoretical level, we
investigate how tidal energy works, where this type of energy is obtained, and which are the
main exponents worldwide; along with the advantages and disadvantages of obtaining
energy in this manner. On a practical level, a diagnosis is made of the tidal potential that
exists in two places in the world. Different technologies are exposed to take advantage of
the energy potential of the tides, those that harness their potential energy and those that
use the kinetic energy generated by the tidal currents. And in order to identify the feasibility
of using this resource, evaluations are presented from the social, environmental and
economic point of view.

Tidal Energy

Table of contents
1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................ 5
2 Objectives ........................................................................................................................................... 7
3 Ocean tides theory ............................................................................................................................. 7
4 Tidal Energy ...................................................................................................................................... 11
4.1 Harnessing the Potential Energy of the Tides ........................................................................... 11
4.1.1 Evaluation of the Potential of a Bay. .................................................................................. 12
4.1.2 Choice of the Place ............................................................................................................. 13
4.2 Harnessing the Kinetic Energy of the Tides ............................................................................... 14
4.2.1 Kinetic Potential of a Current ............................................................................................. 14
4.2.2 Potential Places .................................................................................................................. 16
5. Areas with tidal potential ................................................................................................................ 16
6 Generation methods and types of generators for the use of marine currents ............................... 19
6.1 Generation methods ................................................................................................................. 19
6.1.1 Tidal Barrages ..................................................................................................................... 19
6.1.2 Tidal Turbines ..................................................................................................................... 22
6.1.3 Tidal Fences ........................................................................................................................ 24
6.2 Tidal Stream Technologies ........................................................................................................ 27
6.2.1 Horizontal axis turbines...................................................................................................... 27
6.2.2 Vertical axis turbines .......................................................................................................... 28
6.2.3 Oscillating hydrodynamic profile (hydrofoil) ..................................................................... 28
6.2.4 Venturi effect system ......................................................................................................... 29
6.2.5 Archimedes’ screw ............................................................................................................. 29
6.2.6 Tidal kite ............................................................................................................................. 30
7 Projects ............................................................................................................................................. 31
7.1 Technical feasibility and operational needs .............................................................................. 31
7.1.1 Resources ........................................................................................................................... 31
7.1.2 Location .............................................................................................................................. 31
7.1.3 Technical Requirements ..................................................................................................... 32
7.1.4 Legal/Regulatory ................................................................................................................ 32
7.1.5 Social Acceptance ............................................................................................................... 32
7.2 State of technology and its future market potential ................................................................ 32
7.3 Contribution of the technology to protection of the environment .......................................... 32
7.4 Climate ...................................................................................................................................... 33

Tidal Energy

7.5 Financial needs and costs .......................................................................................................... 33

7.6 The Projects ............................................................................................................................... 33
7.6.1 United Kingdom: Use of the potential energy of the tides. ............................................... 34
7.6.2 Chili: use of the kinetic energy of the tides. ....................................................................... 46
8. Conclusions...................................................................................................................................... 58
9. Appendix ......................................................................................................................................... 61
APPENDIX 1 ..................................................................................................................................... 61
Bibliography ........................................................................................................................................ 67

Figure 1: Global Primary Energy Consumption 2016 ............................................................................................ 5

Figure 2: Tidal power plants in operation around the world ................................................................................ 6
Figure 3: Gravitational effects around the earth .................................................................................................. 8
Figure 4: Gravitational and centrifugal forces between the moon and the earth ................................................ 9
Figure 5: Spring tides and neap tides ................................................................................................................. 10
Figure 6: Performance of a tidal barrage ........................................................................................................... 11
Figure 7: One type of tidal turbine ...................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 8: Speed of the current as a function of power density ........................................................................... 15
Figure 9: Wind speed as a function of power density ......................................................................................... 15
Figure 10: High Potential Areas for Tidal Resources ........................................................................................... 17
Figure 11: Tidal range to be effective ................................................................................................................. 18
Figure 12: Most outstanding sites for the development of tidal power stations ............................................... 18
Figure 13: Existing tidal power plants ................................................................................................................ 19
Figure 14: Tidal barrage system ......................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 15: Single-basin tidal barrages ................................................................................................................ 20
Figure 16: Double-basin tidal barrages .............................................................................................................. 21
Figure 17: Tidal turbine system .......................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 18: Example of a gravity structure .......................................................................................................... 23
Figure 19: Example of a piled structure .............................................................................................................. 23
Figure 20: Example of a floating structure ......................................................................................................... 24
Figure 21: Tidal fence system ............................................................................................................................. 25
Figure 22: Different types of tidal fences ............................................................................................................ 25
Figure 23: Tidal fences can be mounted (a) at the entrance of bays, (b) between the main land and an island
(c) between two islands ...................................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 24: Horizontal axis turbines ..................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 25: Vertical axis turbines ......................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 26: Oscillating hydrodynamic profile ....................................................................................................... 29
Figure 27: Venturi effect system ......................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 28: Archimedes' screw ............................................................................................................................. 30
Figure 29: Two examples of tidal kite ................................................................................................................. 30
Figure 30: High potential areas for tidal resources ............................................................................................ 34
Figure 31: Areas with the highest tidal resource in Europe ................................................................................ 35
Figure 32: Wyre estuary ..................................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 33: The northernmost site ....................................................................................................................... 37
Figure 34: The Project for the Wyre Tidal Barrage ............................................................................................. 41
Figure 35: Several places of interest where a tidal project could be realised ..................................................... 46
Figure 36: The Chacao Channel .......................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 37: Speed of currents in a day ................................................................................................................. 49
Figure 38: Distribution of speeds in any month .................................................................................................. 49

Tidal Energy

Figure 39: The monthly distribution of the power density .................................................................................. 50

Figure 40: Transversal profile of the channel ..................................................................................................... 50
Figure 41: Connexion options in The Chacao Channel ........................................................................................ 51
Figure 42: View of the Chacao Channel .............................................................................................................. 52
Figure 43: RTT2000 turbine ................................................................................................................................ 53
Figure 44: Necessary spaces for the RTT2000 turbine ........................................................................................ 54

Table 1: Capital and operating costs for the north Wyre barrage alignments ................................................... 38
Table 2: Unit costs of generation ........................................................................................................................ 39
Table 3: Carbon balance ..................................................................................................................................... 40
Table 4: Summary of key environmental sensitivities/constraints ..................................................................... 43
Table 5: Carbon conversion factors .................................................................................................................... 45
Table 6: Main characteristics of the Chacao Channel ........................................................................................ 55
Table 7: Total costs of the Chacao Project.......................................................................................................... 56
Table 8: Economic evaluation of the project ...................................................................................................... 57

Tidal Energy

1 Introduction
It is known that the world is currently suffering from a severe energy crisis. The current
model of energy production and consumption is slowly transforming: from the
predominance of unsustainable fossil fuels, the model evolves towards a model based on
renewable energies, much more respectful with the environment.

Figure 1: Global Primary Energy Consumption 2016

Fossil fuels are running out. More or less, since they began to exploit massively a century
ago, the human being has already consumed about half of their reserves. Coal will reach its
maximum production, just as it does with oil. In addition, these fuels produce more pollution
and CO2 per unit of energy (1).

Taking into account that these resources are not renewable nor sustainable environmentally
speaking, the substitution for other forms of renewable energy production and respectful to
the environment are essential. This new energy "revolution" based on renewable energies
must be based on scientific revolutions.

Thus, the demand for renewable energy is growing throughout the world. This has led to the
need to carry out drastic changes in the way of generating energy, which implies the search
for new ways to solve the problem of how to develop new technologies for the use of
renewable energy.

Tidal Energy

It must be borne in mind that the marine resources of renewable energy, such as tidal
energy, today are technically difficult and expensive to develop. But this situation may be
different in the near future because climate change has led to the need to reduce emissions
of greenhouse gases, imposing important goals to countries to limit their effects.
Furthermore, the rising trend in the prices of fossil fuels makes electricity production
increasingly expensive, and therefore, provokes distortions in the costs of energy sources,
causing that those systems that were previously not economically competitive, now or in the
near future they will be. That is to say, at this moment there are many institutions and
companies that are developing new technologies that take advantage of the ocean tides to
generate electric power, in a more economical way.

Twice a day, thanks to the gravitational effect produced by the moon and the sun on the
earth, the ocean produces great currents induced by the ups and downs of the tides.

These have an important energy potential. This potential can be predicted perfectly, which
makes this type of energy safer and reliable than other sources such as wind or solar.

On the other hand, it is important for nations to improve the country's energy independence
and increase security against the randomness of foreign supply. The successful use of
renewable energy points in that direction. Nonetheless, tidal energy has a cyclical behaviour,
which limits its use. Also, and for obvious reasons, its potential use would be limited to areas
near the sea.

It is necessary to continue the itinerary initiated by others. Next figure refers to tidal power
generation projects currently in operation (2).

Figure 2: Tidal power plants in operation around the world

Tidal Energy

2 Objectives
In this project, a feasibility study of the suitability of the chosen tidal energy generation
method will be carried out. The study will compare the economy, the type of technology and
the projected capacity for a minimum of two locations worldwide. Thus, the objectives of
this work are:

General objectives

• Make a general study of the possibilities of ocean tides as a source of renewable

Specific objectives

• Describe and analyse the phenomenon of tides in general.

• Study the tidal resource in two regions and make an energy diagnosis.
• Analyse from an economic point of view and of electrical production the different
technologies that take advantage of this resource.
• Evaluate aspects of electricity production efficiency.
• Analyse in a general way the environmental effect of the use of these technologies.

3 Ocean tides theory

For a better understanding of tidal energy, you must first understand the source of energy,
i.e. the tides. Pugh (1987) made a clear explanation of the forces that produce this
phenomenon. We recommend reading it to those people interested in a complete
theoretical study (3).

The tide is a phenomenon that is produced by the periodic movement of large bodies of
water due to the force of gravitational attraction exerted by the masses of the moon and the
sun on the surface of the earth. This force of attraction, much more by the moon than by the
sun, acts combined with the force of inertia that generates the rotation of the earth and that
we know as centrifugal force. The result of these three forces is what we know as the tide.

Tidal Energy

Figure 3: Gravitational effects around the earth

The attractive force of the moon, being much closer to the earth than the sun, is the main
force or cause of the tide, being 2.3 times greater than that of the sun.

The cycle of the tide

It is easy to understand that the force of gravity that the moon exerts on the earth causes
the level of the sea water to rise in the part of the earth that looks aligned towards the moon,
raising what we call the tide.

Now, the earth takes 24 hours to fully turn itself, that is, from the point of view of an
observer, only once every 24 hours the earth is aligned with the moon, and therefore, it
would be logical to think that there should be a single high tide throughout the day. As we
know, this does not happen like this, throughout the day (24 hours) two high tides occur in
a cycle of approximately 12 hours, with two low tides in between. Why does this happen?

The earth and the moon form a system that rotates around a centre of rotation, when the
moon is on the vertical of an ocean it attracts the waters and these rise. On the opposite side
of the earth, the rotation movement of the earth-moon system causes a centrifugal force
that also causes the water to rise, also causing a high tide (lower intensity) on the opposite

Tidal Energy

side of the moon. On the opposite, in the oceans of the faces not aligned with the moon, the
gravitational and centrifugal forces are counteracted giving rise to the low tide.

Figure 4: Gravitational and centrifugal forces between the moon and the earth

To understand the cycle of the tide correctly, we must think that as the earth rotates on its
own axis in a rotatory motion, the moon turns around the earth in translation, advancing
approximately 12 degrees and taking 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes and 3 seconds to
complete its orbit. This movement of translation of the moon, makes that from a point on
the earth we take a little bit more than 24 hours to be aligned in front of the moon, more
exactly taking 24 hours, 50 minutes and 28 seconds. This is what we call a lunar day and it is
the time by which the tidal cycle is governed (4).

Therefore, and theoretically speaking, the tide cycle is 12 hours, 25 minutes and 14 seconds
between 2 high tides, and 6 hours, 12 minutes and 37 seconds between high tide and low
tide. We are saying theoretically since reality is not so purely mathematical. The earth is not
only formed by water, it is an irregular surface with continents of earth in the middle that
make an effect of interferences in the tide, the geometry of the coasts also affects, the depth
profile of each coast, the storms, the oceanic currents, the wind, the latitude to which a
certain point is located and even the atmospheric pressure.

Tidal Energy

As we have seen, the height of the tide or rather, its amplitude, varies depending on the
position of the moon and the sun regarding the earth (5). When the moon and the sun are
aligned with the earth (new moon or full moon), it is when the greatest force of attraction
occurs and therefore the tides are higher, and the high tides are the highest value (spring
tides). This happens to a greater extent with the new moon. On the contrary, when the
moon, the earth and the sun form a right angle (moon in crescent or quarter waning) the
force of attraction of gravity is minimal, being the smaller tides, also called "neap tides".

Figure 5: Spring tides and neap tides

Thus, we define:

High tide: When the sea water reaches the maximum level within the tide cycle.

Low tide: When the water level of the tide cycle reaches its minimum level.

High tide time: The instant when the high tide or moment of greater amplitude of sea level
occurs at a certain point.

Low tide time: Instant when the low tide or lower amplitude of the sea level occurs at a
certain point.

Tidal Energy

4 Tidal Energy
Currently, there are mainly two ways to produce energy with the tides. The first one consists
in damming water. The movement of the tides causes a difference in height, and thus
generates potential energy. This system works just like a reservoir hydroelectric power
station. Another form of production is to take advantage of the kinetic energy of the tides,
that is, to use their currents, which is done by a helix that works for flows in both directions.
In this chapter these two methods will be explained.

4.1 Harnessing the Potential Energy of the Tides

The method of harnessing the potential energy of the tides is the one that has been the most
developed in the world (6). As discussed in the previous chapter, the tides have a period of
approximately 12 hours and 25 minutes, and the highest tides are found mainly in bays and
estuaries. Then, if part of an estuary is impounded, letting in all the water while the tide is
rising, and then, before the sea is collected, all the floodgates are closed, an appreciable
height difference is created. Finally, the water is let out through turbines, generating energy.

Figure 6: Performance of a tidal barrage

The potential energy has the form of:

Tidal Energy

Where Ep is the potential energy, m is the mass, g is the acceleration of gravity, h is the
height, Q is the volumetric flow rate, ρ the density of the sea water and t is time.

While, due to the tides, large differences in height cannot be obtained (with a maximum of
21 meters in the Bay Fundy, Canada) but it is possible to have a large volumetric flow rate,
which can be exploited, thus having a large generable potential. This system works basically
in the same way as a reservoir hydroelectric plant, differing only in the availability of water.
In a hydroelectric power station, the availability of water depends on climatic conditions,
therefore there are risks of non-availability of the resource in times of drought, and there
are significant risks during high flood events, causing a risk of damage both to the structures
and the population that could inhabit downstream of this one. On the other hand, the use
of the potential energy of the tides works with the gravitational force explained before,
which is perfectly predictable, but which is oscillating in time, both during the course of the
day and the month. Usable power and energy depend basically on the amplitude of the tides,
(the one that varies continuously in each cycle), the area of the estuary, the capacity of the
floodgates to pass water from the sea to the enclosed estuary or vice versa, the capacity of
the generating units and the mode of operation used in the plant. Due to the natural
fluctuations of the tides, designing a plant of this type for the maximum generable is not
convenient, since only that amount of energy will be produced only twice a month.
Therefore, the installed capacity does not depend on the available flux, but on complex
economic optimization models.

4.1.1 Evaluation of the Potential of a Bay.

To estimate the theoretically extractable energy in a bay or fjord, it can be calculated
analytically with the sea levels measured in the terrain and the reservoir area. The available
energy during the emptying of the reservoir is:

Tidal Energy

where z is the level of the sea, which varies in time, A (z) is the reservoir area that depends
on the level z of the sea, a is the amplitude of the tidal wave, and γ is the specific weight of
seawater. The energy available during the filling of the reservoir is given by:

Then the potential energy available for a tidal cycle of 6.2 hours is the sum of the previous

This available energy is the maximum available in the fjord, but not necessarily the
extractable one. The extractable energy depends both on the efficiencies of the machines
and the number of turbines, the size of these that can be installed, and the capacity of the
pouring works, which should be transferred as quickly as possible to approach this value.

4.1.2 Choice of the Place

To choose a priori the appropriate place for a tidal power station, three fundamental
parameters must be taken into account; these are the tidal range, the length of the barrier
and the area of the bay that is to be dammed.

While the minimum height at which the turbines used for this type of power plant operate
is 0.5 meters, this does not mean that with a tidal range of that height it is enough to operate
a tidal power plant. According to Bernshtein (1961), the average amplitude that ensures a
maximum utilization of energy is 5.44 meters. Another factor that is important to consider
and that determines the potential of the bay, and therefore the cost of energy, is the
dammed area and the dimensions of the barrier. Considering the characteristics already
mentioned, we conclude that the most propitious sites to develop a project of this nature

Tidal Energy

would be bays, estuaries or fjords that have a relatively narrow and shallow outlet and that
have a considerable area.

4.2 Harnessing the Kinetic Energy of the Tides

So that the sea level in a certain place varies, it is necessary that water enters and leaves,
generating in certain places important marine currents. These marine currents have a kinetic
energy that can be exploited. For this, different technologies have been developed. These
technologies work mainly in open systems, basing their designs on that of wind turbines.

Figure 7: One type of tidal turbine

4.2.1 Kinetic Potential of a Current

The way to take advantage of the kinetic energy of the tides is the same as to take advantage
of the energy of the winds (7). The analysis of the available energy of a flow is shown below,
starting with the basic form of the kinetic energy, according to equation

Where m is the mass in kilograms, v is the velocity of the current in meters / seconds and E
is the kinetic energy in joules.

Tidal Energy

Power is energy per unit of time, therefore, the existing power per unit area for a water flow
can be expressed as:

Where A is the area of current intercepted by the turbine, that is, the area of the rotor sweep
in square meters, ρ is the density of water, (which is 1000 kg/m3 but for sea water the density
is 1024 kg/m3) and P is the power in watts. Due to the high density of the seawater compared
to that of air, a tidal power plant with much less speed reaches the same power as a wind
power plant, or with a smaller area (air density = 1,225 kg / m3). Figures 8 and 9 show the
differences between the power density of the wind resource compared to the tidal power at
their respective speeds.

Figure 8: Speed of the current as a function of power density

Figure 9: Wind speed as a function of power density

Tidal Energy

The currents caused by the tides are not constant, in fact in each place they vary with a
different speed distribution. Because of the power density depends on the cube of the
current speed, the average power density cannot be obtained by using the average current
speed, but the average of the power densities evaluated with the different speeds which
compose that distribution must be obtained.

In a channel you cannot extract all the energy that has the current, this is due to various
factors. First, if the channel is used by large vessels, it must be let free between 15 and 20
meters from the visible surface of the water, if the canal is not navigated by these large
vessels, it must be kept 5 meters free so that small boats and commercial fishing boats can
pass through the place safely.

4.2.2 Potential Places

Suitable sites for this type of project are usually canals, narrow passages of the sea, or fjords
where there are important currents produced by the tides. The important factors that must
be taken into account to determine the potential of the place are the speed of the tidal
currents and the perpendicular area to the channel current. In addition, you must have a
seabed with adequate geology to be able to anchor these turbines, be near of any point of
connection to the distribution or transmission system and have a nearby pier suitable for
tasks of inspection, maintenance and repair of equipment. It is recommended to study all
the places that have maximum flows greater than 1.5 m/s.

5. Areas with tidal potential

Tidal energy is available in many regions of the world; however, its exploitation is not always
economically and financially viable. To help investors and nations to fully exploit the tides,
tidal maps have been developed (8).

Next figure shows high potential areas for tidal resources. According to this information UK
has 18TWh/y of technically extractable tidal current resource. 40% of its is concentrated in
the north of Scotland. There are many othe areas with similar characteristics, but we were
interested in one other area, Chili.

Tidal Energy

Figure 10: High Potential Areas for Tidal Resources

Bearing in mind that the limited number of suitable places for the installation to be effective
(tidal range greater than 5 m) eliminates practically 90% of the theoretical available energy

Tidal Energy

estimated at 3,106 MW, that the energy dissipation by friction is of the order of 1 W/m2 and
that a tidal power plant has a maximum performance of 25%, implies that only 75,000 MW
could be harnessed, corresponding to the tides in the littoral, which represents a very small
fraction (9).

Figure 11: Tidal range to be effective

Thus, the most prominent sites for the development of tidal power stations are:

Figure 12: Most outstanding sites for the development of tidal power stations

Success stories

The tidal generation methods are still in a very precarious stage of development. Worldwide,
very few countries have tidal generation in a commercial scale, however there are several
success stories worthy of mention. We can find tidal power plants in Canada, France and

Tidal Energy

China that meet the feasibility requirements and are currently exploiting tidal energy to
produce electricity.

Figure 13: Existing tidal power plants

6 Generation methods and types of generators for the use of marine

6.1 Generation methods
• Tidal barrages
• Tidal fences
• Tidal turbines

6.1.1 Tidal Barrages

Tidal dam systems are a method of generating tidal energy that works in a similar way to
hydroelectric power and have sluice gates that control the flow of tides to impulse the
turbines and generate electricity.

Figure 14: Tidal barrage system

Tidal Energy Principles of operation

The tidal barrages use the difference in water height between high and low tides to generate
energy by the difference in potential energy. Its most common placement is usually a bay or
estuary that experiences a tidal range greater than 5 m, where they occupy the entire width
to avoid yield reductions due to lateral losses. Types
• (10).
• Flood Generation: The basin is filled through the turbine that generates electricity
while the basin is flooded (10).
• Two Way Generation: This method of operation uses the two previous methods
to generate electricity (10).

Figure 15: Single-basin tidal barrages

Double-basin tidal barrages:

There are two basins, but it works similarly to the ebb Generation method. The only
difference is that a proportion of the electricity generated is used to pump water to the
second basin, which allows storage. Therefore, this system allows adjusting the delivery of
electricity to meet the demands of consumers (10).

Tidal Energy

Figure 16: Double-basin tidal barrages Rent Status

The generation of electricity using tidal dams is proven and reliable. Numerous tidal sites
around the world are considered suitable for development; however, there are only four
tidal barrage power plants in operation at present (11). The four operational power plants
and other tidal barrage sites subjected to feasibility studies were described in chapter 5. Current Issues

The disadvantages of this system are its high costs, its limited location in the world and the
environmental consequences generated. Environmental Impact

The placement of a barrier in an estuary has a considerable effect on the water within the
basin and in the ecosystem. Through researches done on tidal plants, it has been discovered
that tidal dams built in estuaries present environmental threats similar to those of large
dams. The construction of large tidal plants alters the flow of salt water in and out of
estuaries, which changes hydrology and salinity and possibly affects adversely marine
mammals that use estuaries as their habitat (11). Conclusion
The extraction of energy from the sea is not easy. For the commercial generation of energy
by this method the devices to be used must be simple and economical to install, which
requires a minimum maintenance and capacity to resist the accumulation of biofouling for a
long time. However, there is a considerable potential of sea energy that can be stored in

Tidal Energy

estuaries, to be later transformed into electricity. We will have to be extremely careful,

choosing sites that can withstand the alterations in the environment caused by power plants,
which will be crucial to develop these technologies without damaging the ocean. As with any
promising new technology, it is advisable to continue with the research efforts, but
proceeding with caution, prioritizing the health of the marine environment while producing
clean energy.

6.1.2 Tidal Turbines

Tidal turbines are very similar to windmills, except that the rotors are driven by fast-moving
marine currents.

Figure 17: Tidal turbine system Principles of operation

Submerged rotors harness the kinetic energy of marine currents to impulse generators,
which in turn produce electricity. The water is 832 times denser than air and, consequently,
the tidal turbine rotors are much smaller than the rotors of wind turbines and, therefore,
can be placed much closer together and still generate equivalent amounts of electricity (12). Types
Gravity Structures are steel or concrete structures attached to the base of the units to
achieve stability due to their own inertia (13).

Tidal Energy

Figure 18: Example of a gravity structure

Piled Structures: The stacked structures are fixed to the seabed with one or more steel or
concrete piles (13).

Figure 19: Example of a piled structure

Floating Structures: The floating structures provide a potentially more convincing solution
for deep water locations (13).

Tidal Energy

Figure 20: Example of a floating structure Rent status

Tidal turbines are relatively cheap to manufacture. Any number of turbines can be built and
installed at any time under water. Current issues

Around the world is one of the most used methods because it has a lower ecological impact
compared to other types of technologies avoiding contact with marine flora and fauna. Environmental impact

The tidal turbines are, by definition, submerged and it is believed that their environmental
impact is negligible thanks to their slow rotation rates of only 10-30 revolutions per minute.

Tidal turbines do not affect navigation, so there are no hidden additional costs to consider. Conclusion
These devices do not use dams or concrete walls, so they have the potential to leave a much
smaller environmental footprint. A turbine of these characteristics uses the energy of moving
water to produce electricity. Its advantages include: extraction capacity, scalability (one or
several devices can be installed at the same time) and have lower potential costs and
ecological impact.

6.1.3 Tidal Fences

A tidal fence is another generation method that directly uses the fast-flowing ocean currents
for the generation of energy. Differently from submerged tidal turbines that are placed

Tidal Energy

individually around the bottom of the ocean, the tidal fences are composed of individual
vertical axis turbines that are mounted together within a single structure similar to a fence
(hence its name). The objective of this different method is to exploit the kinetic energy of
the underwater tides (14).

Figure 21: Tidal fence system Principles of operation

The tidal fences act as a submerged tidal barrage. The sea currents are forced to go through
the turbine blades, which causes them to spin, which in turn impulses the generators to
create electricity. Nonetheless, unlike a tidal barrage, the tidal fences do not block the flow
of seawater allowing the water to flow continuously, resulting in more economical
installation than a tidal barrage of concrete and steel. Types
The tidal fences are of a single type. They are composed of several vertical axis turbines,
mounted inside a fence structure, known as caisson.

Figure 22: Different types of tidal fences

Tidal Energy Rent status

The tidal fences use vertical axis cross-flow turbines, aligned below the surface of the water
in a single row. One of the advantages of the tidal fences is that electrical generators,
machinery and wiring can be kept dry above the water line. In this way it is easy to access to
perform maintenance tasks and repairs. In addition, differently from a tidal barrage that
requires a closed estuary or basin, a tidal fence can also be used in open water, in channels
between the nearby island and the mainland or between two islands with enough tidal
current. They can also produce electricity as individual modules connected together (14).

Figure 23: Tidal fences can be mounted (a) at the entrance of bays, (b) between the main land and an island (c) between
two islands Current issues

As with most technology in its early stages, they are currently very expensive to build.

Like solar and wind energy, tidal energy is not continuous and needs storage or network

Although defenders of tidal fences believe they have a minor impact on wildlife, their overall
impact on fish, marine mammals and birds is still not fully understood.

Tidal Energy Environmental impact

Tidal fences have much less impact on the environment than other forms of oceanic tidal
generation, because they do not need the flooding of a basin and their installation is
significantly cheaper and they use less materials (concrete and steel). But the tidal fences
are not free of environmental or social problems, since a caisson is necessary.

This structure can interrupt fish migration and block local navigation. In order to reduce the
dangers for the fishes, the tidal fences could be designed with spaces large enough to allow
the fish to pass undamaged (14). Conclusion
The tidal fences are used in areas of rapid flow, such as channels between two land masses,
where seawater passes through the turbines. Power generation using tidal fences has little
environmental impact and can be built in many different places in the ocean, since there is
a large amount of renewable energy from the tides around the world's coasts that could be
harnessed to provide a source of free alternative energy.

6.2 Tidal Stream Technologies

We are currently working on the creation of various technologies that allow a better use of
the energy flowing in the seas and according to the EMEC (European Marine Energy Centre)
we can classify the energy converters of marine currents into electrical energy in six

6.2.1 Horizontal axis turbines

This system extracts the energy of the currents in a very similar manner to that of wind
turbines, by the horizontal flow of the fluid. Water in the case of submerged turbines and air
in the case of wind turbines. The flow of water rotates the rotor generating a lift due to the
flux around the blades, this rotational movement is used to generate electricity. These
systems can be housed in casings to accelerate the fluid that passes through the rotor to
increase the energy extracted (15).

Tidal Energy

Figure 24: Horizontal axis turbines

6.2.2 Vertical axis turbines

As its name indicates, the axis is located perpendicular to the current, which means that the
energy conversion equipment are located outside the water. They are composed of a set of
helicoidal blades, also known as Darreious or Gorlov (16).

Figure 25: Vertical axis turbines

6.2.3 Oscillating hydrodynamic profile (hydrofoil)

The hydrofoil is installed on an arm that allows vertical oscillation, its vertical movement is
due to the horizontal flow that causes the lift in the profile. The opposite end of the arm is
anchored to a structure supported on the seabed that has in turn installed a hydraulic system

Tidal Energy

that by raising and lowering the arm by the effect of lift the profile moves the hydraulic fluid
that in turn produces electricity (17).

Figure 26: Oscillating hydrodynamic profile

6.2.4 Venturi effect system

It is a horizontal axis turbine wrapped in a casing that narrows itself to a diameter slightly
larger than the rotor and that widens downstream. This causes an acceleration of the flow
of the current by the pressure differential that exists, thanks to this system we can increase
the performance of the turbines (17).

Figure 27: Venturi effect system

6.2.5 Archimedes’ screw

The Archimedes’ screw is a system with a helical corkscrew configuration, this helicoid
rotates on a central axis anchored to the seabed. This system draws energy from the flow of
marine current that cross the device causing it to turn (17).

Tidal Energy

Figure 28: Archimedes' screw

6.2.6 Tidal kite

It is a kite-shaped device that has a turbine installed and anchored to the seabed. This kite is
in "suspension" as if it were a kite in the air, the "suspension" is provided by the marine
current of the tide. The device makes an eight-shaped trajectory, taking advantage of the
accelerations of the kite when it plummets to obtain a greater rotation of the turbine to
produce greater energy (17).

Figure 29: Two examples of tidal kite

Tidal Energy

7 Projects
Two projects were selected to illustrate different situations and their impacts. In addition,
the choice of the analysed cases has taken into account the different technological options,
sizes of installations and locations. As we have explained in chapter 3, the tidal power plants
exploit the movement of coastal tides induced by the interaction of the gravitational fields
of the earth, the moon and the sun. The necessary fast-flowing currents are produced by
various characteristics of the marine terrain, which constrict the flow and act to increase its
speed. It should be taken into account that the tidal currents only flow during periods of tidal
movement, that is, when they change from high tide to low tide, and that they reverse the
direction of their flow four times a day (corresponding to two high tides and two low tides).
This means that most devices will have to be designed to work for flow in any direction and
that, for reasonable periods, each day the devices produce little or no energy as the flow
slows down and changes direction. This should be considered in any study on the economic
viability of a tidal power project.

Most of the devices that are used are very similar to the submerged wind turbines and are
used to exploit the kinetic energy in tidal currents. The higher water density means that the
blades can be significantly smaller and spin more slowly than wind turbines, but still offer a
potentially comparable amount of energy.

7.1 Technical feasibility and operational needs

7.1.1 Resources
The energy potential of the oceans is immense, exceeding 3000 GW of power. However, less
than 3% of this amount could be used to generate electricity. The place of extraction of this
type of energy is conditioned to the speeds of the currents and factors such as the
bathymetry of the region. Thus, among the countries with the greatest potential are the
United Kingdom, France, the west of India, the east of Canada, China, the Pacific coast of
Russia, South Korea, Mexico, Chile, and the Patagonian coast of Argentina.

7.1.2 Location
The devices that generate energy from the tides occupy a physical space in the ocean, so it
is necessary to take into account the impact that the placement of these devices may have
on the marine transport and the environment. Many of the current devices are installed at
the bottom of the sea, with little impact on the activities on the surface, however this is

Tidal Energy

something that should be considered during consultations to determine the feasibility of a

particular site.

7.1.3 Technical Requirements

The installation of power generating devices generally implies the presence of machines and
equipment that can significantly alter the life of the environment. It is a fact that the entire
installation operation would have to be carried out in a difficult environment, which is why
the implementation methods must be extremely robust to survive the fast or very fast flows,
taking advantage of the most favourable moments. The maintenance of equipment is
another major challenge to consider. Normally, these activities require skilled workers,
appropriate vessels and appropriate technical support on the ground. The costs are usually
very large and should be carefully considered when comparing designs.

7.1.4 Legal/Regulatory
The leasing of sea beds is not clearly regulated. Unlike terrestrial wind farms, much remains
to be done to obtain leases and exploitation permits on seabed.

7.1.5 Social Acceptance

The experiences are still very few. It is true that, in general, the devices used do not bother
the nearby neighbour. However, the main interested people to be considered are other
ocean users and affected ecological groups.

7.2 State of technology and its future market potential

The technologies that are used in this type of installations are varied, without any clear
favouritism of any particular design. This is not positive, quite the contrary, since it does not
favour economies of scale. Future cost reductions will require the mass production and
refinement of a much smaller subset of the designs currently promoted. The future market
depends to a large extent on this being the case.

7.3 Contribution of the technology to protection of the environment

Tidal energy systems offer the same kind of environmental benefits as wind and solar power
systems: they avoid the pollution coming from burning fossil fuels, they are renewable
because the oceans are a constant source of energy and, therefore, they do not deplete any
of our precious natural resources. Among the concerns regarding tidal power plants is the
endangering of bird and fish species, changes in ecosystems and the accumulation of
pollutants. All these concerns are clearly site specific and should be studied in more detail,

Tidal Energy

case by case. Interruptions to navigation have also been mentioned. These aspects will be
addressed when studying the possible development of tidal power stations in a specific

7.4 Climate
Climate change is a reality. Tidal current devices provide a completely renewable source of
energy free of GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions, which helps minimize undesirable

7.5 Financial needs and costs

The costs related to the development of tidal energy projects are very high at the beginning;
The difficulty to achieve the investment required for this development has been one of the
main reasons for the relative advance of this energy source. However, when looking at the
life of the project, costs related to tidal energy can be very attractive. It is important to
remember that with this kind of energy source there are no fuel costs. So, once the initial
costs have been realised, the energy is free and continuous. It is expected that the tide
stations have a long life (up to 120 years) and that the amount of energy produced is also
large. In England, the Energy Technology Support Unit estimated in 1988 that the potential
for tidal energy in that country could only be up to 50 Terawatt hours per year (only 20% less
than the electricity demand in that time). Uncertainties about the costs and technical
performance of marine energy technologies must be overcome before they can attract
significant commercial investment. Large-scale demonstration / prototype schemes can help
in this regard to inform investors about the key issues of reliability, efficiency and

7.6 The Projects

Two situations will be presented associated to:

• Different technologies
• Located in geographical regions very far from one another
• With similar installed capacity (MW) and generated power (GWh).

The following illustration shows the high potential areas for tidal resources, whose
information is used to select the suitable areas for the generation of energy on which the
studies will be carried out.

Tidal Energy

Figure 30: High potential areas for tidal resources

These areas are located at:

1. United Kingdom: study of the use of the potential energy of the tides.
2. Chili: study of the use of the kinetic energy of the tides.

7.6.1 United Kingdom: Use of the potential energy of the tides.

In Chapter 4 it was explained that in this situation the vertical difference between high and
low tides is used to generate energy. As the tides arrive, the water flows through the turbines
and is retained by barriers or artificial lagoons. As the tide goes down, the water is released
and again passes through the turbines to generate energy.

The following figure shows the areas with the highest tidal resource in Europe. The estuaries
located on the northwest coast of England stand out; and among them the Wyre estuary.

Tidal Energy

Figure 31: Areas with the highest tidal resource in Europe

Thus, the area chosen to present a complete project where the potential energy of the tides
is exploited from the use of tidal barrages is the Wyre Estuary. The Wyre river empties into
the Irish Sea at Fleetwood halfway between Blackpool and Morecambe Bay. Fleetwood was
an important fishing port with a pier that has the potential to expand alternative uses. There
is no crossing between the Port of Fleetwood and the neighbouring community of Knot End
on the opposite shore. Thus, the Lancashire County Council, in combination with other
partners, commissioned a study in 1991 to assess the energy potential of the estuary tides
and the regional benefits of a new road junction at the mouth of the estuary (18). Backgrounds
The Wyre has a high-ranking tide (6.6 m on average). In 1990, studies were carried out to
evaluate the energy potential of the area, with the additional objective of incorporating a

Tidal Energy

road junction. This work summarizes the results of that feasibility study including the
potential for renewable energy and the costs referred to 2006. Location, design and cost of the dam

Three sites were initially considered to locate the barrier. One of them was discarded at an
early stage, so the focus was on two localities: a central alignment 100 m upstream from the
entry to the Fleetwood Docks (Figure 32 left) and a further north position at 400 m
downstream (Figure 32 right).

Figure 32: Wyre estuary

The feasibility study established that the northernmost site would offer the greatest number
of benefits. These advantages included:

• The shortest barrier length (around 500 m).

• The maximum area of the closed basin.
• The greatest production of energy.
• Minimal alteration to the development plans of that time.
• Direct links to the existing road network.
• And the minimum dredging requirement.

Tidal Energy

Figure 33: The northernmost site

The central section of the barrier would house a combination of turbines and sluice gates.
Four turbines with a nominal power of 15.9MW and blades of 6.2m in diameter, five gates
and a pass for fish. To the west, an area for the recovery of dredged material would be built,
a navigation lock with steel radial doors and swinging bridges, a control building, a
transformer and a parking for visitors. The barrier would be 74m long and 10m wide. If the
barrier was used to form a road junction, traffic flow could be almost continuous using rocker
bridges, located at each end of the navigation lock. The design also included a link road, to
connect with the existing road network. Just like with other dam systems, the reinforced
concrete structures would be towed to temporary moorings, and then moved to their
position following construction techniques already used.

The construction of the dam would take approximately two years from the start of
construction of the dam to the start of the generation of electricity. The whole program of
the project, including:

• additional studies
• planning approval
• detailed design
• construction

Tidal Energy

• installation and the start-up before commercial generation

would take up to six years.

The following table shows the capital, operating costs and energy output for the central Wyre North
Site (18). The cost of the tidal barrage was determined using the prices of 2006 for construction
materials and generator equipment.

Table 1: Capital and operating costs for the north Wyre barrage alignments

The production of the plan would be just over 63MW at maximum production, transmitted
via buried 11kV crosslink, polythene-insulated cables to a transformer at the western end of
the barrier. The supply would be transmitted at 33 kV through an underground cable to the
existing substation at the site of the disused electric station in Fleetwood, at a distance of

Tidal Energy

approximately 1km. The same system would be used in reverse to provide electricity to the
turbines during pumping (18). Energy output barrage

The potential energy of the estuary tides depends on:

• The position of the barrage alignment

• The range of the tide
• The area of the basin
• The distance to the open sea

The feasibility study carried out showed that the selected position allowed capturing up to
7.4% more energy (133 GWh / year compared to 123 GWh / year for the discarded
alignment). The barrier would be shorter and the dredging tasks would be significantly lower,
which reduced the total cost. This location was also better for a possible road junction.
Additionally, the design would allow the access of ships in all the states of the tide, something
impossible until then (19).

Unit cost of generation: The unit cost of energy was calculated assuming 120 years of
technical lifespan and a renovation of the generation plant at intervals of 40 years. The unit
costs of generation, presented in the following table, suppose an average energy production
of 133 GWh/year. If the capacity of the basin is reduced due to the accumulation of
sediment, the production of energy will progressively decrease.

Table 2: Unit costs of generation Carbon balance

The embedded carbon is a generic term used to describe the range of greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions associated with the production of a product. In our case, the embedded carbon
used in the manufacture of the materials (mainly steel and concrete) has been estimated
based on the estimated quantities in the feasibility study. The results are presented in the
following table. The amount of carbon emissions saved represents an average energy

Tidal Energy

production during the life of the plan. Actually, this may not necessarily be the case if the
capacity of the basin is reduced by sediment deposition. The carbon savings assume that
each kWh generated would displace 0.43kg of CO2 (20).

Table 3: Carbon balance Regional impacts and benefits

The project, which has a lifespan of more than 120 years, will supply electricity to tens of
thousands of homes in the United Kingdom and will support the UK government in its clean
and renewable energy goals. It will have the additional advantage of an access road for
emergency vehicles, access for pedestrians and cyclists on each side of the river, a
multipurpose learning and development centre, two lock pits (one for commercial boats and
one for recreation) and impressive views to the sea for everyone who wants to go there.
Once the problems of planning and development have been resolved, the tidal barrage will
provide a green and affordable source of energy for many years (21).

Tidal Energy

Figure 34: The Project for the Wyre Tidal Barrage

The plan will also have a profound impact on the surrounding area with a list of benefits that
includes (22):

• An increase in water-based activities on the river

• Leisure facilities including river side dining.
• Retail environments.
• Commercial investment due to carbon credit incentives for energy hungry

Tidal Energy

• An anticipated 600,000 visitors per annum.

• Full pedestrian and cyclist access.
• Two lock pits for safe passage of vessels.
• Thousands of jobs.
• Renewable green energy to power tens of thousands of homes.
• Flood defence.
• Improved habitat for birds.
• Educational learning centre for primary and high school children along with
University level research facilities.
• Visitor centre to explore how the barrage works and the benefits it brings.
• An emergency vehicle access road bringing peace of mind to those in the rural
villages to the east of the river.
• Reduced UK dependency on energy imports increasing UK energy security

The benefits on employment are perceived important. The construction period would last
approximately two years. The feasibility study did not estimate the number of workers that
would be needed. The experience in the barrier of Mersey allows to estimate that a
maximum of 2,000 people would be reached at the time of greater work. Environmental effects

The Wyre Estuary is situated in Lancashire, England and its catchment covers an area of
548km². The river flows into the Irish Sea at Fleetwood, and is approximately 800m wide,
with a 200m channel at low tide and 600m of mudflats and sandbars. The area to the west
of the Wyre is saltmarsh, subject to regular flooding from the River Wyre. The Wyre Estuary
is an integral part of Morecombe Bay, one of the largest areas of intertidal estuarine flats in
Britain. In general, the upper Wyre is largely undeveloped and rural in character. Other than
the town of Garstang, urban areas are mostly concentrated in the western part of the
catchment around the seaside towns of Blackpool and Fleetwood (23).

Tidal Energy

Summary of key environmental sensitivities/constraints

Table 4: Summary of key environmental sensitivities/constraints

Tidal Energy Another points of view

The Wyre project could be replicated in several other estuaries throughout the United
Kingdom, as long as it can be shown that the environmental impact is reasonable. However,
the scheme and concept of tidal dams are not free of severe criticism. A senior conservation
official, reported on the BBC website:

“Climate change is the biggest threat to the environment, so more renewable energy is
vital. But tidal barrages are not the right choice and this scheme proposed in the Wyre
would cause significant damage to the estuary” Methodology to calculate the unit cost of energy

The unit cost of energy is the value of the energy, expressed in p/kWh, that would be
required to pay for the investment made. The methodology is based on a discounted cash
flow during the lifespan of the project. In the case of dams, a technical life of 120 years has
been assumed with the replacement of turbines and generators at intervals of 40 years. The
methodology also assumes an annual operation and cost of maintenance or performance
that must be included for each year of operation. The cash flow discount can be calculated
using the following equation where n is the number of years the installation is in operation.
The energy generated each year is also discounted using the same methodology and for the
same number of years. The unit cost of energy is the sum of the discounted cash flow divided
by the sum of the discounted energy.

The unit cost of energy has been calculated using four different discount rates to reflect
variable investment conditions that could be applied. Methodology for estimating Embedded Carbon

The tidal energy generation system emits carbon dioxide indirectly during the non-
operational period. This 'integrated carbon' is the carbon dioxide emitted indirectly during
the production of materials and the construction of the project.

Tidal Energy


The carbon dioxide produced during the extraction and production of materials used to
construct the projects of tidal currents, lagoons or tidal streams is calculated by multiplying
the total amount of the material (in this analysis, the amount of steel, concrete and copper)
by a carbon conversion factor. Next table shows the carbon conversion factors to be applied
for these materials. Where more than one factor was obtained, a high and low scenario was
carried out applying the maximum and minimum factor respectively.

Table 5: Carbon conversion factors


The amount of energy required to operate the pumps during the dredging of material (sand,
mud gravel, etc.) of the site was estimated. The tasks would imply a pumping rate of
approximately 1000 m3 / hour. It has been assumed that the fuel used, diesel, has a carbon
emission factor of 0.068 kg (C) / kWh or 0.249 kg (CO2) / kWh. This provides an emission rate
of 0.340 te (C)/hour or 1.25 te (CO2)/hour. The division by the pumping rate gives the
emission per m3 of dredged material. This is 0.00034 te (C/m3 or 0.00125 te (CO2)/m3 of
dredged material. Conclusion
The Wyre Tidal Barrage would generate positive results at all levels; the production of green
energy, the increase of local employment, the increase in trade by tourism, the much-
needed defences against local floods, the protection of the environment and dynamic
economic growth. The motivation for green energy has never been higher. Fossil fuels are
running out at an increasing rate and the reduction of our dependence on them is accepted
as the only sustainable way to move forward. The development, construction and operation
of tidal barriers, a renewable energy technology, predictable and well understood, should
serve to stimulate local economies throughout the country, establishing an improved
infrastructure and creating job opportunities and supply chain.

Tidal Energy

7.6.2 Chili: use of the kinetic energy of the tides.

We explained in chapter 4 that, in order for the sea level to vary in a certain place, it is
necessary for water to enter and exit, generating in certain places important marine
currents. These areas are ideal for the installation of turbines that can be used to generate
energy from the fast waters. The south of Chile has numerous channels, many of which have
large currents, which adapt to the recommendation of studying the places that have
maximum flows greater than 1.5 m/s. The following table shows several characteristics of
places of interest: their coordinates, the maximum speed recorded on the surface, the area,
the maximum power density at the barycentre and the maximum available power of each

Figure 35: Several places of interest where a tidal project could be realised

Tidal Energy

Thus, the area chosen to present a project where the kinetic energy of the tides is harnessed
from the use of Tidal Turbines is the Chacao Channel.

The Chacao Channel has one of the strongest currents in Chile, and has a large area to take
advantage of, which translates into great tidal potential. It has maximum depths of the order
of 120 meters, so turbines would have to be used for great depths. The following figure
shows the Chacao Canal zone.

Figure 36: The Chacao Channel Choice of the place

The Los Lagos region (X) has an important potential in the generation of electricity through
marine energies, according to a study carried out by the international consultancy Aquatera
in collaboration with the Renewable Energy Division of the Ministry of Energy, commissioned

Tidal Energy

by the British Embassy in Chile. The project is located in the

Chacao Channel, belonging to the X region of Los Lagos, between
the provinces of Llanquihue and Chiloé, between the communes
of Ancúd and Calbuco. The Chacao Channel was considered the
most convenient place for the following reasons:

• Great currents of tides.

• Close to an interconnected system.
• Next to a pier with sufficient infrastructure to support the
plant, both in the construction, operation and
maintenance of it. Energy resource available

The speeds of currents are of utmost importance for a project of this nature, this is because
the power depends directly on the cube of the speed. Therefore, even minor differences in
speed can have a great impact on the performance of the plant. The nautical chart indicates
that the maximum speed of surface currents in that area is 8 knots, equivalent to 4.12m/s.
This maximum speed will be extrapolated, as recommended by the Electric Power Research
Institute (EPRI), for a semi-day regime when only the maximum value of the current speed
of a particular channel is available. In these cases, the EPRI (24) proposes a model to
extrapolate the currents, and thus be able to have an approximate distribution of the current
velocities. This extrapolation consists of considering a linear variation of the maximum values
between a spring tide and a neap tide. It also indicates that locally it varies in sinusoidal form
in the way shown in the following equation:

where t is the time measured from the moment when the maximum speed is reached, and
T is the half of the tide period which is 6.25 Hrs. It also takes into account that the speed of
the flow is 90% of the speed of the reflux, that the second tide of the day is 80% of the first

Tidal Energy

and that with neap tide the current speed is 60% of the speed that it has with spring tide.
The following figure shows a day of currents, both of neap tide and spring tide (see

Figure 37: Speed of currents in a day

The following figure shows the distribution of speeds in any month.

Figure 38: Distribution of speeds in any month

The average power density was obtained as 76.9% of the surface power as indicated in the
appendix. Through these equations, the gross power density of 28 kW/m2 was obtained for
the maximum speed, producing an annual energy of 36.75 MWh/m2/year. The monthly
distribution of the power density is shown in the following figure.

Tidal Energy

Figure 39: The monthly distribution of the power density

The current values must be measured at different depths for a sufficient time to obtain
representative data. It is important to do this before carrying out the project because the
existing current data are of short duration, and as mentioned above, these values can vary
considerably during the year due to changes in water temperature and density between
others (9). Bathymetry
The bathymetry (study of the marine depths) is very important for the location of a power
station for the kinetic use of the tides and for the choice of the turbine type. In very shallow
places there may not be enough space for the turbine rotor, and in very deep places the
electrical connection to the coast and the turbine foundation may become too expensive.
Based on the nautical chart developed by the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of
the Chilean Army (HOSCA), a transversal profile of the channel is established in the study
line. This transversal profile is shown in the following figure. This bathymetry delivers a cross-
sectional area of 168,750 m2. This delivers a maximum gross power to the channel of 4,725
MW and an annual energy of 6,202,237.5 MWh.

Figure 40: Transversal profile of the channel

Tidal Energy Connexion options

The chosen location for this project is very convenient in terms of connection. This is because
it is only at 500 meters from the Punta Barranco substation and at the same distance from
the Punta San Gallán substation. These substations belong to the Central Interconnected
System (CIS) and are connected to a 110 kV line. The following image shows the area of
interest on the CIS map.

Figure 41: Connexion options in The Chacao Channel Port facilities

Only 5 kilometres away is the Chacao transfer terminal. This terminal is the current point of
road connection between the mainland and the Isla Grande de Chiloé. Therefore, it has boats
of sufficient size for the transhipment of heavy vehicles. This port infrastructure can be used,
but it is not enough. The investment to add storage warehouses and other infrastructure
that may be required is less. It also has the support of Puerto Montt, which is 100 kilometres
away and that of Ancud, which is 28 kilometres away. Seabed
For this study, we did not have geological or geotechnical information about the seabed. For
a more finished study it is essential to have a study about it in order to analyse if the soil has
the necessary resistance to resist the efforts generated by the turbines. This point is essential

Tidal Energy

to choose the type of turbine that can be installed in the place. For the purposes of this study
we will consider favourable conditions for any type of foundation. Navigation area

The Chacao channel is an area with high traffic of large vessels, because it is the route of the
boats that go to Puerto Montt, which is a port of significant relevance. Due to this, it must
be considered that the turbines must be at least 15 meters below the lowest tide level. The
Chacao channel is quite wide (see image), so there would be no problem in having
outstanding piles to the surface. These piles are often considered as positive because they
can function as guides to the boats using beacons for this purpose. (25)

Figure 42: View of the Chacao Channel Choice of the turbine

Considering that the maximum depth of the site is 124 meters and that in general the depth
exceeds 90 meters, it is important that the turbine chosen is for great depths. Of the turbines
studied above, the MCT and Open Hydro turbines are discarded immediately, which are
designed for depths less than 50 meters. Verdant Power turbines are also discarded due to
the high complexity of their foundations at great depths. For large depths, floating or
gravitational foundations are recommended. The turbines that fulfil these characteristics are
those of Lunar Energy, SMD Hydrovision, and those of vertical axis like GCK. The decision of

Tidal Energy

the choice of the turbine was based on the cheapest option among the aforementioned. This
turbine is the RTT2000 by Lunar Energy (26).

Figure 43: RTT2000 turbine

The Lunar Energy turbine, known as Rotech Tidal Turbine (RTT) consists of a horizontal axis
turbine located inside a symmetrical tube. The tube has the shape of a venturi tube, causing
an acceleration of the flow in that place, and ordering the flow direction, thus increasing the
efficiency of the turbine. It has adjustable blades, and a mechanical gearbox. The turbine is
removable without the need to remove the venturi tube (27).

Technical specifications of an RTT marine generator:

• Diameter of the tube: 25m

• Diameter of the hub: 3.9m
• Length of the blades: 7,8m
• Design power: 2 MW with a design speed of 3.1m/s
• Connection speed: 1m / s
• Connection to the transmission: It is optional. The output is in 3 phases at 50 or 60
Hz according to the requirements of the country and can exit at 11 kV. System design

To harness of 15% of the energy of the currents, a large portion of the cross-sectional area
must be used. For this, the turbines should be arranged in a row, in places where the depth
is enough to have space for the turbine itself without impeding navigation. It is possible that

Tidal Energy

due to the bathymetry of the place it is not going to be possible to extract 15% of the
available energy.

The RTT2000 turbine has an outside tube diameter of 25 meters, and with the gravitational
foundation it has a height from the seabed to the centre of the turbine of 22.5 meters. This
indicates that the minimum depth necessary for these units in a navigation zone of large
vessels is at least 50 meters. This turbine also requires a distance of 10.5 meters with the
turbine next to it for a safe maintenance procedure. The length of each turbine is 19.2
meters. The figure shows the necessary spaces for the RTT2000 turbine.

Figure 44: Necessary spaces for the RTT2000 turbine

Considering the depth limitations, the number of RTT2000 turbines that can be installed
along the channel is 49 units. Each of these units is located at a different depth, which
depends on the position of the turbine. Because of this, each turbine captures a different
current speed and each one must be analysed separately. The following table shows the
depth of the channel at the base of each turbine, the horizontal distance of Punta Gallán and
the annual energy generated.

Tidal Energy

Table 6: Main characteristics of the Chacao Channel

Looking at the table, it can be seen that due to the bathymetry of the development line of
the projected tidal fleet, it is only possible to install 98 MW of power, delivering 229,289.7

Tidal Energy

MWh per year, which it means, 26.7% of the plant factor. The maximum recommended
power limit in this area is 945 MW, which corresponds to 20% of the total power in the
barycentre. This limit is well above the 98 MW that limits the bathymetry in this
development line. It is possible to install more rows in the channel to reach the installed 945
MW, but we must take care that these lines of development are far from the line studied in
at least three to four times the diameter of the venturi tube, that is, they must be at least 75
meters apart from one row to another. The recommendation comes from Carbon Trust and
it is so that the second row is located outside the wake left by the first row. The development
of other development lines will be left for a next stage of the project. Costs
The costs shown in this economic evaluation were made for MCT turbines, which have a cost
per kilowatt installed higher than the RTT2000. Because of this and the lack of more detailed
cost information for the RTT200 turbines, it was considered that using these costs was a
conservative way to evaluate this project.

Table 7: Total costs of the Chacao Project Economic evaluation of the project

The economic evaluation of the project was made considering a useful life of 30 years and a
linear depreciation of equipment and infrastructure. In the economic evaluation, the sale of
carbon bonds was considered. The saving of CO2 is estimated as 600 tons CO2 / GWh. To
calculate the incomes, the price of energy was considered as US $ 55 / MWh and the price
of carbon bonds as US $ 7 / tonCO2. The investment was considered divided in the first two
years, where the first year only 20% of the total investment is spent, and the second year

Tidal Energy

the remaining 80%. Due to the oscillating nature of the tides, incomes from the sale of firm
power cannot be considered.

The following table shows the economic evaluation of the project. It is observed that the IRR
of the project considering the aforementioned prices for 30 years of evaluation is of 1.39%.
An acceptable IRR for a private company is 10%, down to a maximum of 8%. This means that
although the IRR is positive, it is not enough for a private company to be interested in this
project. Because this technology is very well considered environmentally, it is possible that
certain companies may be interested to improve their public image regarding the

Table 8: Economic evaluation of the project

Tidal Energy Environmental impact

Regarding the environmental impact, the main concerns are:

• The presence of endangered species that may collide with the blades
• The removal of energy
• Increase in noise levels.

The Environmental Impact Assessment of the Chacao Bridge (another ongoing project in the
region) states that no wildlife was found with conservation problems in the project area, so
the impact of the rotation of the blades is diminished. Both the removal of energy and the
increase in noise levels are not significant due to the size of the implementation. In general,
the implementation of tidal generation has negative impacts on the environment, however,
these can be considered to be of little relevance since they are a project with a reduced
dimension. Conclusions
The development of a project to exploit the kinetic potential of tides in the Chacao Channel
is technically possible. The place has the great advantage of having strong currents
(maximum speed of 4.12 m / s) and being only 500 meters away from two CIS substations. It
is possible to harness 945 MW of power throughout the channel, producing some
2,210,279.4 MWh per year. The development line studied, using the RTT2000 turbine, has a
potential of 98MW, producing 229,289.7 MWh per year. But the low factor of plant that
these projects have (26.7% in the Chacao Channel) and the high cost due to it is a technology
that is at an early stage of development, make them economically unviable at the moment.
The IRR of the analysed project is 1.39%, which is very low for any company interested in
investing in it.

8. Conclusions
The marine energy is a great deposit of energy in constant movement. To understand it
even better we have to know its advantages and disadvantages.

Some of the advantages are:

• Renewable energy: It is a type of clean and non-polluting energy because it does

not emit gases into the atmosphere, thus avoiding the greenhouse effect.

Tidal Energy

• Low cost of raw material: The tides that generate energy are obtained free of
• Inexhaustible energy: it is an inexhaustible energy that is obtained thanks to the
tides that occur in the sea, oceans, etc.
• Silent energy: in the obtaining of tidal energy no operations are carried out in which
there are noises, it is a very silent way of obtaining.

Now, talking about the disadvantages, the main important are:

• High cost: A large initial investment is necessary for the construction of the
• Great visual impact: the construction of a dam in an estuary modifies the landscape
and all the special animals that live there.
• Specific location: it is a type of power generation that can only be viable in some
specific areas of the world

That is to say that, although it is still in the experimental phase, marine energy is one of the
great renewable energy sources and perhaps the one that has the best chance of getting
ahead. The advantages are stronger than the disadvantages.

Thus, the main conclusions are:

• The weather progresses inexorably, for the time being, towards a destination with
unpredictable consequences. Climate change and the consequent global warming
have set off the alarms, and the urgency to find solutions is increasingly pressing.
The current energy model around the world is not ideal to guarantee this future.
Therefore, renewable energies and clean energies must come into the game and
have an important role.
• It is more than proved that mechanical engineering is vital when considering studies
of tidal energy, which is still in development, since the design and the perfect
choice of mechanical equipment is essential for the optimal performance of the
plants. Having a wide knowledge about the different mechanical systems used to
transform mechanical energy into electrical energy, becomes a powerful weapon,

Tidal Energy

because it provides criteria to know what would be the best choice for the type of
environment or land that you want to use for installing a tidal power plant.
• The tidal power plants can cause a great ecological impact, but part of the
engineers' task is to avoid it, making real studies on the environmental impact,
improving materials and implementing the most adequate equipment to produce
the least possible damage in the marine environment.
• The use of tidal energy has to be promoted, making known the technology and the
main fields where it can have a positive impact, based on suitable sites for the
implementation of a power plant.
• It is known that the investment of capital in the construction of a tidal power plant
is high at the beginning of its operation, but then, over the years they will be
gradually recovered, so it is important to ensure the feasibility of building a central
of this type.
• The materials and their durability must be taken into account in an environment as
severe as the sea, so a study on polymers would have to be done in order to give
more design and construction alternatives.

Tidal energy alone is not enough, since well-engineered mechanical systems and a precise
feasibility study are needed. The sea and its components make this environment one of the
most inhospitable and most difficult to work with mechanical equipment, but thanks to
engineering progress is made every day in the prevention of corrosion and wear, making
these systems more and more efficient. It is foreseen that these equipment will be
developed in the future, that the use of tidal energy will be more viable, but to achieve
success it is necessary to take into account the best way to take advantage of this powerful
resource, since there isn’t only one way to transform its mechanical energy and that will
depend on the efficiency of future systems.

Tidal Energy

9. Appendix

Extrapolation of Currents of Semi-Diurnal Tides in Chacao Channel

Many times, only the maximum value of the current speed of a particular channel is known.
For an area with a semi-diurnal tide regime, the EPRI proposes a model to extrapolate the
currents, and thus be able to have an approximate distribution of the current velocities. This
extrapolation consists of considering a linear variation of the maximum values between a
spring tide and a neap tide. In addition it indicates that locally it varies in sinusoidal form,
where t is the time measured from the moment when the maximum speed is reached and T

is the half of the tide period which is 6.25 hours. Also take into account that the speed of the
flow is 90% of the speed of the reflux, that the second tide of the day is 80% of the first and
that with neap tide the current speed is 60% of the speed that is has with spring tide.

Spring tide
Time Vmax V Density

0:00:00 0 1 4,12 4,12 28

0:15:00 0,25 0,99 4,12 4,09 27 7
0:30:00 0,5 0,97 4,12 3,99 25 6
0:45:00 0,75 0,93 4,12 3,83 22 6
1:00:00 1 0,88 4,12 3,61 19 5
1:15:00 1,25 0,81 4,12 3,33 15 4
1:30:00 1,5 0,73 4,12 3,00 11 3
1:45:00 1,75 0,64 4,12 2,63 7 2
2:00:00 2 0,54 4,12 2,21 4 1
2:15:00 2,25 0,43 4,12 1,75 2 1
2:30:00 2,5 0,31 4,12 1,27 1 0
2:45:00 2,75 0,19 4,12 0,77 0 0
3:00:00 3 0,06 4,12 0,26 0 0
3:15:00 3,25 -0,06 3,708 -0,23 0 0
3:30:00 3,5 -0,19 3,708 -0,69 0 0
3:45:00 3,75 -0,31 3,708 -1,15 1 0

Tidal Energy

4:00:00 4 -0,43 3,708 -1,58 2 0

4:15:00 4,25 -0,54 3,708 -1,99 3 1
4:30:00 4,5 -0,64 3,708 -2,36 5 1
4:45:00 4,75 -0,73 3,708 -2,70 8 2
5:00:00 5 -0,81 3,708 -3,00 11 3
5:15:00 5,25 -0,88 3,708 -3,25 14 3
5:30:00 5,5 -0,93 3,708 -3,45 16 4
5:45:00 5,75 -0,97 3,708 -3,59 18 5
6:00:00 6 -0,99 3,708 -3,68 20 5
6:15:00 6,25 -1,00 3,708 -3,71 20 5
6:30:00 6,5 -0,99 3,708 -3,68 20 5
6:45:00 6,75 -0,97 3,708 -3,59 18 5
7:00:00 7 -0,93 3,708 -3,45 16 4
7:15:00 7,25 -0,88 3,708 -3,25 14 3
7:30:00 7,5 -0,81 3,708 -3,00 11 3
7:45:00 7,75 -0,73 3,708 -2,70 8 2
8:00:00 8 -0,64 3,708 -2,36 5 1
8:15:00 8,25 -0,54 3,708 -1,99 3 1
8:30:00 8,5 -0,43 3,708 -1,58 2 0
8:45:00 8,75 -0,31 3,708 -1,15 1 0
9:00:00 9 -0,19 3,708 -0,69 0 0
9:15:00 9,25 -0,06 3,708 -0,23 0 0
9:30:00 9,5 0,06 3,296 0,21 0 0
9:45:00 9,75 0,19 3,296 0,62 0 0
10:00:00 10 0,31 3,296 1,02 0 0
10:15:00 10,25 0,43 3,296 1,40 1 0
10:30:00 10,5 0,54 3,296 1,77 2 1
10:45:00 10,75 0,64 3,296 2,10 4 1
11:00:00 11 0,73 3,296 2,40 5 1
11:15:00 11,25 0,81 3,296 2,67 7 2
11:30:00 11,5 0,88 3,296 2,89 9 2
11:45:00 11,75 0,93 3,296 3,06 11 3
12:00:00 12 0,97 3,296 3,19 13 3
12:15:00 12,25 0,99 3,296 3,27 14 3
12:30:00 12,5 1,00 3,296 3,30 14 4
12:45:00 12,75 0,99 3,296 3,27 14 3
13:00:00 13 0,97 3,296 3,19 13 3
13:15:00 13,25 0,93 3,296 3,06 11 3
13:30:00 13,5 0,88 3,296 2,89 9 2
13:45:00 13,75 0,81 3,296 2,67 7 2
14:00:00 14 0,73 3,296 2,40 5 1
14:15:00 14,25 0,64 3,296 2,10 4 1

Tidal Energy

14:30:00 14,5 0,54 3,296 1,77 2 1

14:45:00 14,75 0,43 3,296 1,40 1 0
15:00:00 15 0,31 3,296 1,02 0 0
15:15:00 15,25 0,19 3,296 0,62 0 0
15:30:00 15,5 0,06 3,296 0,21 0 0
15:45:00 15,75 -0,06 2,9664 -0,19 0 0
16:00:00 16 -0,19 2,9664 -0,56 0 0
16:15:00 16,25 -0,31 2,9664 -0,92 0 0
16:30:00 16,5 -0,43 2,9664 -1,26 1 0
16:45:00 16,75 -0,54 2,9664 -1,59 2 0
17:00:00 17 -0,64 2,9664 -1,89 3 1
17:15:00 17,25 -0,73 2,9664 -2,16 4 1
17:30:00 17,5 -0,81 2,9664 -2,40 5 1
17:45:00 17,75 -0,88 2,9664 -2,60 7 2
18:00:00 18 -0,93 2,9664 -2,76 8 2
18:15:00 18,25 -0,97 2,9664 -2,87 9 2
18:30:00 18,5 -0,99 2,9664 -2,94 10 3
18:45:00 18,75 -1,00 2,9664 -2,97 10 3
19:00:00 19 -0,99 2,9664 -2,94 10 3
19:15:00 19,25 -0,97 2,9664 -2,87 9 2
19:30:00 19,5 -0,93 2,9664 -2,76 8 2
19:45:00 19,75 -0,88 2,9664 -2,60 7 2
20:00:00 20 -0,81 2,9664 -2,40 5 1
20:15:00 20,25 -0,73 2,9664 -2,16 4 1
20:30:00 20,5 -0,64 2,9664 -1,89 3 1
20:45:00 20,75 -0,54 2,9664 -1,59 2 0
21:00:00 21 -0,43 2,9664 -1,26 1 0
21:15:00 21,25 -0,31 2,9664 -0,92 0 0
21:30:00 21,5 -0,19 2,9664 -0,56 0 0
21:45:00 21,75 -0,06 2,9664 -0,19 0 0
22:00:00 22 0,06 3,9979259 0,25 0 0
22:15:00 22,25 0,19 3,9979259 0,75 0 0
22:30:00 22,5 0,31 3,9979259 1,24 1 0
22:45:00 22,75 0,43 3,9979259 1,70 2 0
23:00:00 23 0,54 3,9979259 2,14 4 1
23:15:00 23,25 0,64 3,9979259 2,55 7 2
23:30:00 23,5 0,73 3,9979259 2,91 10 2
23:45:00 23,75 0,81 3,9979259 3,23 13 3
0:00:00 24 0,88 3,9979259 3,50 17 4

Neap Tide

Tidal Energy

Time Vmax V Density

0:00:00 0 1 2,472 2,47 6

0:15:00 0,25 0,99 2,472 2,45 6 1
0:30:00 0,5 0,97 2,472 2,39 5 1
0:45:00 0,75 0,93 2,472 2,30 5 1
1:00:00 1 0,88 2,472 2,17 4 1
1:15:00 1,25 0,81 2,472 2,00 3 1
1:30:00 1,5 0,73 2,472 1,80 2 1
1:45:00 1,75 0,64 2,472 1,58 2 0
2:00:00 2 0,54 2,472 1,32 1 0
2:15:00 2,25 0,43 2,472 1,05 0 0
2:30:00 2,5 0,31 2,472 0,76 0 0
2:45:00 2,75 0,19 2,472 0,46 0 0
3:00:00 3 0,06 2,472 0,16 0 0
3:15:00 3,25 -0,06 2,2248 -0,14 0 0
3:30:00 3,5 -0,19 2,2248 -0,42 0 0
3:45:00 3,75 -0,31 2,2248 -0,69 0 0
4:00:00 4 -0,43 2,2248 -0,95 0 0
4:15:00 4,25 -0,54 2,2248 -1,19 1 0
4:30:00 4,5 -0,64 2,2248 -1,42 1 0
4:45:00 4,75 -0,73 2,2248 -1,62 2 0
5:00:00 5 -0,81 2,2248 -1,80 2 1
5:15:00 5,25 -0,88 2,2248 -1,95 3 1
5:30:00 5,5 -0,93 2,2248 -2,07 3 1
5:45:00 5,75 -0,97 2,2248 -2,15 4 1
6:00:00 6 -0,99 2,2248 -2,21 4 1
6:15:00 6,25 -1,00 2,2248 -2,22 4 1
6:30:00 6,5 -0,99 2,2248 -2,21 4 1
6:45:00 6,75 -0,97 2,2248 -2,15 4 1
7:00:00 7 -0,93 2,2248 -2,07 3 1
7:15:00 7,25 -0,88 2,2248 -1,95 3 1
7:30:00 7,5 -0,81 2,2248 -1,80 2 1
7:45:00 7,75 -0,73 2,2248 -1,62 2 0
8:00:00 8 -0,64 2,2248 -1,42 1 0
8:15:00 8,25 -0,54 2,2248 -1,19 1 0
8:30:00 8,5 -0,43 2,2248 -0,95 0 0
8:45:00 8,75 -0,31 2,2248 -0,69 0 0
9:00:00 9 -0,19 2,2248 -0,42 0 0
9:15:00 9,25 -0,06 2,2248 -0,14 0 0

Tidal Energy

9:30:00 9,5 0,06 1,9776 0,12 0 0

9:45:00 9,75 0,19 1,9776 0,37 0 0
10:00:00 10 0,31 1,9776 0,61 0 0
10:15:00 10,25 0,43 1,9776 0,84 0 0
10:30:00 10,5 0,54 1,9776 1,06 0 0
10:45:00 10,75 0,64 1,9776 1,26 1 0
11:00:00 11 0,73 1,9776 1,44 1 0
11:15:00 11,25 0,81 1,9776 1,60 2 0
11:30:00 11,5 0,88 1,9776 1,73 2 1
11:45:00 11,75 0,93 1,9776 1,84 2 1
12:00:00 12 0,97 1,9776 1,92 3 1
12:15:00 12,25 0,99 1,9776 1,96 3 1
12:30:00 12,5 1,00 1,9776 1,98 3 1
12:45:00 12,75 0,99 1,9776 1,96 3 1
13:00:00 13 0,97 1,9776 1,92 3 1
13:15:00 13,25 0,93 1,9776 1,84 2 1
13:30:00 13,5 0,88 1,9776 1,73 2 1
13:45:00 13,75 0,81 1,9776 1,60 2 0
14:00:00 14 0,73 1,9776 1,44 1 0
14:15:00 14,25 0,64 1,9776 1,26 1 0
14:30:00 14,5 0,54 1,9776 1,06 0 0
14:45:00 14,75 0,43 1,9776 0,84 0 0
15:00:00 15 0,31 1,9776 0,61 0 0
15:15:00 15,25 0,19 1,9776 0,37 0 0
15:30:00 15,5 0,06 1,9776 0,12 0 0
15:45:00 15,75 -0,06 1,77984 -0,11 0 0
16:00:00 16 -0,19 1,77984 -0,33 0 0
16:15:00 16,25 -0,31 1,77984 -0,55 0 0
16:30:00 16,5 -0,43 1,77984 -0,76 0 0
16:45:00 16,75 -0,54 1,77984 -0,95 0 0
17:00:00 17 -0,64 1,77984 -1,13 1 0
17:15:00 17,25 -0,73 1,77984 -1,30 1 0
17:30:00 17,5 -0,81 1,77984 -1,44 1 0
17:45:00 17,75 -0,88 1,77984 -1,56 1 0
18:00:00 18 -0,93 1,77984 -1,65 2 0
18:15:00 18,25 -0,97 1,77984 -1,72 2 1
18:30:00 18,5 -0,99 1,77984 -1,77 2 1
18:45:00 18,75 -1,00 1,77984 -1,78 2 1
19:00:00 19 -0,99 1,77984 -1,77 2 1
19:15:00 19,25 -0,97 1,77984 -1,72 2 1
19:30:00 19,5 -0,93 1,77984 -1,65 2 0
19:45:00 19,75 -0,88 1,77984 -1,56 1 0

Tidal Energy

20:00:00 20 -0,81 1,77984 -1,44 1 0

20:15:00 20,25 -0,73 1,77984 -1,30 1 0
20:30:00 20,5 -0,64 1,77984 -1,13 1 0
20:45:00 20,75 -0,54 1,77984 -0,95 0 0
21:00:00 21 -0,43 1,77984 -0,76 0 0
21:15:00 21,25 -0,31 1,77984 -0,55 0 0
21:30:00 21,5 -0,19 1,77984 -0,33 0 0
21:45:00 21,75 -0,06 1,77984 -0,11 0 0
22:00:00 22 0,06 2,3987556 0,15 0 0
22:15:00 22,25 0,19 2,3987556 0,45 0 0
22:30:00 22,5 0,31 2,3987556 0,74 0 0
22:45:00 22,75 0,43 2,3987556 1,02 0 0
23:00:00 23 0,54 2,3987556 1,29 1 0
23:15:00 23,25 0,64 2,3987556 1,53 1 0
23:30:00 23,5 0,73 2,3987556 1,75 2 1
23:45:00 23,75 0,81 2,3987556 1,94 3 1
0:00:00 24 0,88 2,3987556 2,10 4 1

Tidal Energy

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