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FUNCTIONS Y Preliminary Concegls © Aw ordered Pair (a6) b&b o collection of two elements a and 6 in whid) a is the Virsh element and & is the sSecoud element. ° Bu. dePinition Cequalit, of ovelered pair). Ca, 8) = Cag 62) & ea, hb 8s. example For a¥t@: (a,b) +(@.0) {a 0% = 4b,03 ie. in seb equality He order wilh whid the elements “owe Sisled is uot iwaportert. Ta ordered ~ pair equality , Lhe order wilt which tre elements ape “Lisked 15 taken info account. we Let A,B Be tuo sels. The carlesian produd Axe it defined as AxB® = 3 (a,6l ach A &eBs evampl é For A=21,3$ and B= {4,4,5$ AxB=§ (1,99, 4, 4),U,5), (4.2), (2,9, ,58 @ xA= $094) (9,3) , Geld, (u,39, C5,4), (5398 © Aw subseh RCAXB with Rie ts cobb a relation Celween Lomeuts of A and elements of B. A relation con be represented by a corleian gragh oy Vena diag raw as in e olkowing crample: example R= 4413) 02,4), (3,4), (2,08 SAR, Venn ae Eady or red. pair corresponds 2 te ay atrow. 4 2 Corlestan graph Each ordend Pair correspouds to an point o4 the axis sy stena. PrP Buantified statements AW definitions and theorems concerning rebbions, mopping ; and Suncdions require that we we the notation of quantified stalements. elet pee Be some statement afout x that is TRUE or FALSE depending on fhe value of the voriodle x, Ue now dePne the fo Mowina statements: a) ¥xek: p& “Fov afl xeA, pla is tne “ Q) Axed: po "There is at feast one xeA , such frat pod is trae, s We define S=ixedlpQat as fhe set of off elements x of A Yor whidr pla is Jrue. It foMbows thal : : Vxeks pre S=ixeA lpwos= A dxeh + pape Sx ixedlpbotFgs EXAMPLE VoBeR sIxeR: atx=6 Por afl ereal numbers a,8 there is avother reel number x Sudr frat a+¥x = 0" Ly Ths is on example of a welt-kuown rule of reqular olse bra rewrilen os a quantified stolement . tc Delinilions of mappings £) Alge brace definition. A mapping 22 AB is a telation ? €AxB thot satisfies the FoMowina, Proper ides: © H CousG.), (ng. 62 6? Core ag & G1 = 62) eV ack: 4%6B: Ca,d>e8. 2) Venn Diagram debinition A mapping $:428 is a tebation in whose Venn diageann every element of A has one and onl, one outgoing, arrow. 3) Carlestan graph deQinchion A mappin 9:AaB 6b a relation whose aor has poids sud tral no tiso Qoinks Share the same x-coordinale. Calso see: vertical Line test. example $ The previous example was uot oo mapping . The ollowwing fa mapping: 9: $1,4,38—>R $.$(1,3),C2,¥), 03,495 Venn Diagram wee Yr w Cav Lesions Gragh, . © Thas Q mappin PAAR mops eva element: xehk to cn tque element of B uid, we shall denole as Pax) . Obvious $wes. We call Yoo Se image of x under the movppin . the sel A is the domain of fre imagping Y and we wre A = dom © the range VAD of re mapping ts the set of aft elements of B which are an image of some element in Pays £9 Go| xens Ovioushy 914 6B. This possible Yat some elements of B are NoT images of ang eGement of A Gee schemodtc example Fer P= {(1,3), 9,77, 03,05 Domain A= dom(£) = 41,2,33 Puy=3 $uy=F f = Fa = £13,328 — Range. Poreb e het REAXB be a relation. We deLine the inverse reladion as AA = LCbadl Ca BER The Venn dtagvam of &R-! is obtained Yrom the Veun diagram of RG reversing the divedion of oft ovvows!! © The inverse Q-t of a magpin PeAaB is a veladion , of course, Bul prove is no guarantee drat 4 wilt ofso bow mapping. elet P:A+B bea mapping... We sem Yat YL one-to-one Se Yuu ed =CY Go ~ Pup x, =X9) oo p Ynopp ina t= prt is also $ nebo one ao mapping. example For $= 90137, (2,27, G48 $= $0 (4,2),13)8 is aso a mapping. For P= 4 (4,3), (2,42, (3,475 Une inverse $782 103,00,04,9),(4.328 ts Not a mapping. ole P:AaB is & one-to-one mapping Shen P-L is also fhe may ing PLLC B. then, the range of 2 is domain of YL. ie. dom(2-!) = a) = g (dom) EXER ses © Wile out AXB ond BKA for Aub dePned as follows oo) A= f43t% and BH125F BY A= 8123 end B= W297 OQ A=4L33 and BULL d) A>133. and B= {2,63 e) A= 5% oud Be 845 $) A= aud Be 8.3,4F 9) Az PB aud B= ¥, @ Wile out the fo btowin stolewents tn compflele English sentences. a) Vu elf: Xtg ogi 0) Vay elk: xG442) = xBtxd 2 Axe: 3xth=5 ad) Vxem-to}: FyeR: Kya e) Fach: ¥xem:_ + Lo 14 x2 LD Wxcixgeds CE Gad =P ceed => x1=K9? | CdePinthion of “Bis one+tr-oue) g) dxuxsed: CPrca=Pt%—) Axctxe CdePimition of "2 is net one-one“) ® Hake Vern ciagians for the Soflowing relations, Which of there relabions ave. mappings? ie yess show the domain and vange . Is Ye inverse velahion a mapping 7 a) - $04.99 ,C9. 607,00, OF B) 8-7 @2.40,44), a9F ce) RE 4 (9.0. (4,8), 09,393 DP 1 GOS Se 104,59), (8,3),G.2, 9,93 Pia. Ga} Fe 91 Ye dd G2). C4) (5,03 Td Be 2 C0 CH De CL 1 £56), (5.99F DEG, G92 6.9.0,92. AS V Functions ~ Basic Concepts © A tecl-valued funchon Cor jut Punction) & is a Mnopping, G:ASR wilh ACR ond Ad@ ° A= dom(?) — Pomain of % Siar = iPoal xed} <— Range of @, Lo. properly define a Pancion 2, we must define @) the domain A= dom(P) @) The Formula 4=Po. exaimples + Yow to wrile a Burcion definition a) let $:[odecd—iR Be a Surchion with Pure BD let FexyeVx | Yue Loto) then the domain A is not given, we assume Gy default the widest posible subel of R Br uhrich the Porwit fo y= Foo tells a vel wember. sHethod : To find “the default domain of a Punction $ we introduce the necessary constraints such that a) Thee ts No Division BY ZERO ©) There i No Root oF A NEGATIVE NUMBER. EXaMPLes 0) For Rive x*ax4h , evaluate PUHE) and 9 (Ra-4). Solution Pus): Ceig)*+3CHe th = = 19s 4o) + 3CUHe) t4= = Atalee2taesieed = FESe $ Cae De (Aa-1L)%43(Qa-L ths = Gotbatl t6a-3t b= = Hartt Za-1. 6) Find the default domain Por Px) =x? (xt yt, 7 Selubion No constrounts, thus A=R. a For polynomial Punchious of the foam Pad = an + On t-- + AXES Here ore no constraint, Hrerefore the defautt domain tr always Aa. Find the default domain for P(e _x%4 xB 4.4443 Solution We require. x244x%43 HO Solve: xX244xtb=0 > ktO(xt3) =0 & xtl=eo Vxt320@ x=-4Vx<-3. Ut SoMows Hat Ax R-4-1,-33, = (-00,-3)0(3,-1) uf 1, ). Ly Note thet this Samchion cam fe simplified f fone X29. (k-3)G) _ _¥-3 x44 t Cuts) Oct wel : Woweree, the defadt domain of the simple Fred Pormula ts wider: A=R~§-1%. Thus, te Pind Ye comet dePault domain , You must NoT bo simp liPy or otharwise modify fhe formula for fier QePore writing down the constraints . DQ Find the defoull domain of Poas ,/ etl and gles Vaxt At3x Vi43x Solution + For Pua Requre 2Xt! po. 143% ~4/e 413 Qxtl tx - + Tneq - yt Ths (Wx € (- ,- Ha] LEZ, +00? and therebre Az (-o,-Salv C/3,t0 o For go) Require: 5 Ut FO & 4 Wx Yk K&S { xy -4/4. 143% 20 ax re x>- 4s & -x>-sl3 therefore A= (-113, +0). EXERCISES @ Find we delautk dowain Lor tre PoBlowing. Punchions a) boos xb Cet? h) bare ¥3-« 0 Pare 3 i) Peer = Vxt—¥-6 X-1 p) Porn V3 5x8 bx o) Shae X28 WD he x48 xd x2_4 LD foe = _ 3b Oboas fee xP 4x X-3 e) Verr= _2x2-3 wm) Pays _vxes x2 45x46 Vv x3 2) Pex) extn XPS +6 compare L) Poy. f x24 9 Qem. _ x2 2-5 X-3 © Find the default domain for the Following urctions a) Pare ~3lx-tf DPy). Be \xe4 ul Q) Pegs Xb e) 2ty)= [stk Ix-al-2 Ixl+4 2) Pune PRA t-x v Puy. xd V4-(xtal V Mae8 ca uit funciows s bel FeAaR ond 9:B42R Be two functions. We abso debine CHix 6B | gle = 0f We vow give dhe fo Louies definibons : 1) Equality : faa & 9 dom(P)=domg> 3 ene. ray 2) Sum dea hom (P+ = dom(#) 1 dom(s) = AaB Vx cane : Pade) = Poatgin 2 Produ fy [dom (By) = dom (Bn domla?= An | Vx ne : Gy) @®e teados 4) Scalar Product — Jalom (cl) = dom (2) CF wilh ce [Veek: CP G0 ~ choo 5) Divirion Pla | dom (0/q) =[domlPAdauta}- fxeBl g(x) 05 a Zane) 3 3 ¥icedow (W : ip. be EXAMPLES 9) Given the Punckions: $4.19), (4,22 G0), CAF 92 EG. (5.9) (419). COBH deline He function h= Seg, Sofubion dom(h)= dom ($44) = dom(P) Adora (4) = = 342,545 0 23.5,4, 65 = 13.44. h(a) = Cha) ) = P03) 49,04) = G4+i Fist we Pind the domain of h. Sele aie =o a7 Vxt-L =0 & XP-1o0 & x24 ; & Xe LVK=-Le xe TL, Tt Slows that -- dom (hn) = dom CF/a) = Gam A dema)—{xeR | gad =03 =(£-3.37q ((-0,-1F uli fe?) - £-4.43 = = (0-3,-t1u Ci31) ~ £143 = . =f3,-)v C131 On the Yad Bine, te Pind the infersedton we use: sou Cg) “3 ~t 4 3 domPndomg = [-3-Tu[4.37. & The formula woh is: hoo= (£5 G)- $oa 2 Vx, Wee La -ilut,2] 3 a xe be Nole ago thot to define a now Sunction we must dekrmne Bord the domain and the Pormula of the new Sunction . Defining ge Pra | dom) = dam (24g) = dom (PY 0 dow Gy) = e--=f-3,-u lta] Gx) = C£4q) Cc) = PodtyGd = 21$-x2 4¢x2-0, ¥xe [3,-olt a3, Lis tn pre Blems wetr wubliple requests, itis sufrerent be calcullale. alow (P2 A dow GY once, and then reuse fhe vesult , a> we have done above. ©) Given the Punctions 2g: 4 , %r AIR, guB—R, and g4:B~R with Ac, Belk, and Anode, show that Fda Nagy > Rtg. = fatge Solution Assume that 2.2% oud 4 92- Then $e yeh: Purefead WwW 4299 WEB: 9, &) <4, @) * Sows Pata 5 dom (P.4g.)= dom ® 0 dom a, = Aae t= dom (Pa tg9)= dom Fa ndomgse ANB => dom Chitgd = dom Chat ae) @) and ! Qi490 G0 ehoot g.(x) = [Gy det J < foot alx= Lwe (0 ond (2] = (Batagre), VxehaB. (4) From (3) and (4): Fita.= fates. Nole Yat +f show Yat two functions fg ake equal Ge. P-g) » we have fo show tat: 41) Both functions hove the some clomain A dom (2) < dom(g) = A D The Formulas for P onda always agree: Vxed: Poa egan A) Given the Purchions PAR ond 9.8K with Angi and the numbers a teh, shaw oat (of) (eq) = Cok) 9a). Sebution dom {MGs = dom (ah) N dom Gs) = = dom (2) AdomG@)=AnB lo dom fab @g\]= dom CPgr= dam@)ndomls)= AnB ta) From (ty) and (22 cow [CaP tg) = dom {Cal)(0g5, @) We dso neole tak Leak) (bg) TG0 = CaP) G2-C0grGa = [aloo] [égea] i = 08 Paya bd= ad Cf) (x) = . = [(ae) @g) 1 Ga ,Wxe ANB (@) From GY and (4): ~ (of) (by)= (08) (fy). EXERCsEes @© Dekine tre Funchons bi= Pre , he=Pg phg= Pla, ond hi=glP, when Pond 9 are defined as: 6) PH BU, 0. 4 BE = 202.0), 4,9) C4, (6.3)9 B) Pe EL). 9. (9,5), (5,68 21@,9. G0, 4 (5,2, 93 ) F114), G03 = £ (hyo) Cord, C9,22, (345 4) Pe 1(21-G, 0), (4,2),€5,00, (6,295 49> 15), 7,2, (6.3), Coals ® Let Crab be Panctious wrth $f AaB, g: A=R, ond h: Bath. Show thot a) Png > Peh=gth a) eg => Phe oh ec) CPIGH= Pa. Find. the defeult domain for the Functions Fig and « dePane Hue Punctions hx Pra , hy=Pq , hp = Fla with & and 4 given by: a)Poge Vi-xt and gd = tix @) PugextVi—x and 9 bo= dx ie ©) Pane Fax? and gts Bxth V xt A Poy = 1943 and gods Vxttx—2 ® Consider the functions Pegh wilh F: A=R, 2BalR, and hi: Ba RW where AnBey. Show that ¥Cags Gh) = 0 (P+ OCPh) V Odd and even Sunctious chet PF: A-iR Se a function. We sag thal 0 even eo ¥xek : (xed APCx = Paw) Podd a> Vxek: Cxed ASC) =- Fa tA prerequisite for the function F to Be odd or even iy Yrok Mt hes a domain A thet is si wametric around the origin Cie. ¥xed: —KeA). If the domain is not symmetric, then the fancton can be either even nor odd. 0 An even Sanction has graph toat ts Syintnedeic. accwols the axis, An odd function as gyroph such that the “ko . part is obtained Gy erst re Pleching the xvo Port accross the yronis ond then the x-axis P even EXAMPLES Which of the Pobbowing functions ore. edd ov even? o) Sud= (3x49) tbsx-al Solution Domain A=R fs summetyic, Fewde Gxrtal 4 130-0 -2l= = l-3xtal+ l-3%-al= = lax-alt Iaxtals = 13xto.) t 13x-2l = Poo , Fx eR > => Ph even. 0) Sage _ 5x3 \xl-4 Sodutron Domain: - Solve |xl-b=o@p Ixle db @ x24 Vxe-t thes Ak A443 which ts Symmetvrs, exe S60? 2 _=5x? 2 - Poa, ¥xeh => ©) Paos XL Sollahon * Domain. Solve xtl=og x=-1 bus A= R-2-13. s Nole Frat A is vet symmetric Beane Lg A aud FLEA. Therefore 2 is nob even and P is vrot odd. b> Te establish that o Puckion ts even or odd, ou hove to Pit Sind the doman and show that it is symmetric. before you coLadate Pod. IE fre clomam is vot symmetric, fhen the Panchen ay nether odd nor een. d) IP Ris an odd Gunckion aud 3 an even Runchion , show hat fs, is an odd Punction Solubion Debme A=dom(P) and B= domlg). dom (Pa) = dom (2) a dom ty) = An®B . Symmetry. £ odd => A Symuety ce 4 even > 8 symmelvte -xEhOB = xe AA-xeB Ls mbesection] => x6AAyeB = LAG symmebic] = _X¢ANB Lick imbersechiouy therefore AaB is Symmetric. + Pari (gee = Pema = [-Pual gto = = -Pargen z= Cha yGo > VxcAnB=> > ty odd. L, In general to prove that a seb At Sigimmetyre we musk prove ~xeA => xeA or equivalently. xe => -xeA To do Hak we we the fo flowing Properkies: xeANB & xeh AxeB x6hvB & Keh VxePR xe kB & xed AxdB. @ well oy any Pre-exishheay Summer assumphions. EXERCDES. @ Whe oF fe Sewing Dondiony ore odd or een? Show that Hey are. odd o- even, when opp liable , or sow Siak they ore netlber odd nor even. a) fire Ixt4t etx -4l gp Pior= 5x7— Uy? 8) Pi = Lx? -3x x43 2) Puae 2x4 —-3x245 W) Loge Xt44 4) Seas VEexe XEt5K 46 ey Pays xed 1) Say = Siew 4Viex xed 4) Pox = Beth 4 2x4 £) Pace _ Boch Jx-$ — Ixth axl 44 & iH Pay are even Sunckions, show that fig aud 4 Gre also even. @ Ib Gay ove abd Funchions, show that eq oval fo abe alvo edd. 5 T Funckion composition s bel PAR and 3: Ba Le hwo Pinchons. We ayume rok PaMABeg, Leb Al be the subyel of A whose element ave mapped S 2 ints fhe talenection PUYAB. Thus Ab ss giver dy AletxcAl Poa 683. Ve may Yoeefore define the Sunclion gel Aa R Or 9. Wows : dom (oh) = {xedom(P)| Poa e don C95 =f! Vveal: Coby Ged = gC Fexr? * De vole Prat the felonging condition for gt ts xedomCg of) a i xedom(2) fag e dom (a) Method: To define get = eo: Find fhe domain dom (qof) by solving : xedom (aof) 2 ; xedom(L) gy... $x) edom (45 og Find tre formula of of: Cap Gx) = g(Fos) = eKam ple Fer fae Vi-xt and gly)= x24 3x4 % yedom( & L-x? oa: 4 xe lit) thas dom(?) = ft) AYso dom (4) = R. (a) To Pind got: yedom C he xedom (#) xeCtal ; een. orl 1-x2 61K @ xel-4al thus dom ¢ of) = {- and CuBr Ge = ese) = 5 (-x2) <= = (Virxe 2 + 3epoxt +2 = t-y2t 3 Vi-xe #7 = = 3-xtt3VoRxe . (8) To Pind Poa: fei Te rea? © 3 xe SL Sxt43x ea oh xte3xe2 ELL al © 3 x2t3x43%0 W x2 43x41 fo (Y For A): A= B-W43= SIR <0 bay aorlre > x2t3¥43>0 ,¥xelk 2 0 identity. For (2): A= $~4-1-l=9-4=5 5 ~» Xuyq = eet tA) xeLXiikel Thus dom (hoa) = [ae » EE | aud. a 2 Poa )(xr = Pxteax $9) = = fle Cha Bato yt EXAMPLES. ©) Given 2% 4) (422.63, L408 ond. 522A GAD, (4595 debine Peg and at Solution We vole Hak hom (P)= 4112,7.45 aud dom(g)={2,3,45. . Poa definition : - 9)(2)=3edomCP) => (fog) = Pega = Pape 9 A= Bedom (9) > hogy (= £ig GP =P = 4 (Wy = S¢dom(2) =7 SF dom Coy. We PoMlows Prak Poa: 1A.0.G,n5. . got definekion we e domi) > CgoF) A= 9 CFC) = 914) =S fa=26 domlay > lgeP) (2)= 4 Pea)= 9 Ca) =% Pim=sd clo) > 3¢ dom Cxob? Pin =1¢ domcsy => 4 ¢ domlgof) TE Solow, Yak apf tt. (4,35 en evaluate. fog Sor a discele problem, Rirst we wrile down dom(P) ond domly. Then, Por each cement xedom Cy) we de the following» #1 Cohufate 3. es If 99 edom(2), fren we con 9° ahead ond cobculale Coa) (x). to IP gcerddom(P) , tren x¢ dom (fog) 5 tm olhey works, CRog) tx) camot be calurlaled and that x is nob in She domain of fey. 8) Let PitRatR ond 9: RaIR . Show thet even and 9 odd => ge? even A Fog even. Se kution For oof, Since dom(P oR and dom(ay= IR, it Sollows that: dow CaoP) = Lx edom (9) | Prag edom (1S = =ixeR| fooemy =m. which & symmebric. Furthermore: Coe) G0 = abun [def : = aia) LP even] = GP GQ, ¥xeR — def. => geof even. «For Lo dom CRogy = ixedomlsy | gtx) e chamCF) $ = ixeRlPoeiR3=R _ which ts symmetric. Furthermore: Gog rl-x) = 2ta¢-xd LdeP] =F Gg00) Lg ost} = Lega) {9 even] = Cho3Ga, Vxe RK (deb ~~ fog even. ® @ ® EXERCUES rnd Fog aud got Joe We I, Ltowing ancttons a) Pas x*tL , gle= V3-% O) Par] Axel | ley = xt4g oO Vey = Vax’ , 4 (x) = Vine 4) bog «KR, lxy= 4 Xe Let Pgh be Hwee Runchions. Show That Fog ~~ Yoh =goh het PF: IR+tR and g:iRaR. Show teat o) Qven and eren => Bo ren @7 2 odd and 4 odd. 9 toa odd 8 even and a, edd. ong even Lek $= $04.3), 02,4, (3.0, C405 =4@,4), o. oO 497% Deine Pog and get Lee P= $04,99,0,0), (2.4), C4} C43) C240, (3,9), C4 QF velind 4 ond gor. . V Funckions and Monchmtethy, let $ Be o Runchon web PAAR and let BeA. We make dhe Pa blowing definebions: PPB eo Vx eB: Cxsngae 200% Pecer? IA Bee Vxuxne B®: (x dXq ap Pade Pag We read: 2a: Fis she incesing in B PNB: Pies oak deceasny in B. Monohonicthy can Be defevnined dive from the ce wilh 2% methods: Ms 4) Analytic Method, 2) Synthetic Nethod. Tn Caladus ; monotonicthy an abe Ge delemmined wing DiPPerential Calleuluag. r Analy tre Method To show {te or PAB. ec Let xuxe EB be given with wu o or Aco. eq Fish the argument. EXAMPLES a) Show that Paa-3xtS is shricky increasing in R. Solution dom (2) =1R . Lek xg el Ge given wif, x. SK. AS (e..xed = Pe) Pa = Gxq45)- Bait 9)= =3(x%g-kD Since Xi Xe-K 20> 2 3lxe-xKd 209 => 9 (xed Pam 20> =? Ray

o Ths: Vxuxeelh: Ga dxa > Parc Pad 2 RK. ®) Show Inet Puoe 9x is stil clecreasing x-4 in (Ay tw), Sebutton Let xuxee Chto) be given wilh x Xi-Ka, XO. x1EU, to) > Xi 7h Xb 20 XgECA,to) 2 Xerh =| Xg-b FO Hrerelore AP Gx,.xe) <0 7 Pika) PH) Lo => > P60 > Pree Thus: VxxeeCh tor: (xi Ske > Peey > Pag = PN Cite). 2 Show Hat Puy = x*rSxt6 a striekly increasing, in (5/2, 40) Solution Let xine €C5/2, te) be given wilh x1 Ke Then AR Cee 1x9) = 2 OxcgrPtmrd = CxP+S x9 46) — (xP Sct? = Og-x?) +9 (xg-xd = = ak (xe tk £5 Cee) = = (%e-Kd (Ke tx tS) Since x, 4Xa => Xg~-Ki 40 ay 1 €(-5/9,t0) > Ki > -5/2 b= x2 CS/2, too) > Xa -9/9. = XitXa > ~9/2-5/2 = -5 => &4XgtS ro (a) From) and (CQ): Ab uke) ro 2X9) Pear) 0 > Pan Peed Tt PoPtows hat: Yxurge C912, 40): Cxdke =7 Poe < Poe) => =r 2 ft C-5/9, +0). Le for quadroticy PayeoxttOxre , monotonicity changes ot re oxis of symmetry at x= -/2a_ fH In addition to the usual properties, itt good to kvew the Fo Blowing additional properties: 4) We con add two inequalli Hey if they have Ye same direction: arg \> atx > Oty REY %) We can vu Rig ly two inequalities PR thoy hoe the some direction AND @dl sides are Positive! orbro. = ax>8 yee b ” 3 2) We wan raise an mequalily to 0 gestlive Power it both sides of the inequality are positive erhro ban ol! >OP>o pro eg. arbro= la rtk vo Se p= i/z. 4) We can raise on inequadih fo a re alive power if Goll sides the pon Be positive Gul Gut then the diredion of inequabify is reversed. arbre bay a Xta Lyte ¥<4 Ley px D x4y hep nx en abe sey P Rae pees fo add /mmulliply 0 constant to Bells sides des of am inequalthy. tr Synthetic Hethod To show frat § £6 or PB: eo Let xuxoeB be given wilh %Ske. #9 Use a sequence of deducions fo show thet Ky Shaq Saree eee ae PODS exe or Kidke

-Rky sy 18x, > b- Bee 4+, OS 9x1 Saxg-L [becawe xr tle Axa 0] (hy => (9x2 < Cxg- 12 SH (1-90? < Ch-9x9)* =) — Bed > - -9x9)% =p 3-UI-9xd* > 3- CL- 2x9)? = Fd dP Ke). Thus: Vek] CU9 4000: Cxideg => Par >P exer) = FN Clie to. & We mmol phy inequalihy wih -1 4o ensue Prat Gok sides ove. post bie Ge fore going ahead and Squaring, ik. ke Here we use xt=> Cx). Li a the above sedation you should be alle to identity which inequality property fs wed at every step. ®) For Pyge BxthtVE-x% , show that 2 f(-t.07) Soluten Let xcke E(t.) be given such thot Xe S%a- Then X1 XXq 52 BK MK ay xt hb L3xetd C4) Also nele Yat Xi Sk Ke > -¥g 0 a Cx)? > Cxe)* => xP oxF = x2 < xg =p exe CKwt=> => doxtey d-x2so &) ond similarly xge Cid) --- Se L-xP ro. O) From (4), (al, (u) , it Fo Wows frat 0K<4-xA< doxeey Vi-xe ¢Vi-xge? Fron (UY oud (5), odding the inequalties: Bx tht VA-x\2 < Bxatht Vinge za = Ney

Plxa< Pexey) ew LCL. L, Nole that Before we raise on inequafi to ony Power we. have fo ewsute/ check et Gelh sides of the inequablily are posilive. Thus in Yre above : Xi Sxq =p Xtc xt fs WRONG simce Xi<0 and xg0 and 1-xgt do. Nole he corchl use of equation Label to inlerugt ond restert ow mon orgument, §e) Fer Pud= 4, show that Bf (00,02) xXt-2 Solution Let Xiexg € Goo,-VE) be given wil X x9. Then Xi Sky Kid -ka Yo =p (xd? > Cxglt=r xb >xk Se XP 2D xp -% a Ale nele thet X, € 00, 1B) => x4 <-18 se - xy > 1 =e Crd 02> 2 xPrZ—= xPr-2>0. and sivnilerky x,¢Cw,-TL) = xf-2>0 (). From (iC), aud CG): XP-9> xP-Br0—> 1 pA wy Pad Pexe) xP_a, xXe-9 Tk Foldows that Vecxge (-w, TR2* Cxrcxg—> Poa < Pex) = Pf Ce, -m). EXERcisEs Vie the enolate method fo dalermine the menebontethy of He folowing functions a) Yo) =3xt2 on BR @ Poa= S—4x on RK ©) Rags xt-4xtS on (+0, 2) A) boas 3xtt on (2,40) xD el Fuxy= x8 on (-00, 413) axel f) Pars (2x '5)*-3 on Cw, -5/2) » Poa= Cx) Caxrt) on Chto) ® se te syrthehic method fo ddenmine dhe monotensethy of tre BBlowing Suunckions a) fons Sx-3 on R ®) Papeete on RK (oe) Fexd= (9x4 D*EL on Go, t00) dD) Poas (2-$x)?-% on (0,400) 8 Pwo. 72 on (0, too) LXE % Paa= vax-t om (+e) ay tud= 2-3 Vu—x% on (og w) fa) 2-449 V8-0GbFe on G40 i) bog = 3xtQ4V¥ED on Corted 7) Poa~ Gx-D Veer eon Gas @ Let fuas -t/x. 0) show frat $7 Come) and 2 L Coo.0? 8) Now, show Yrak the stulement ££ C-0010) UV Co/teo) is FALSE. Li Te show that PPA ts False, ch ms suPfrcsont : to Pind a counterexample, that i, to fend some Kuxgeb with xe PA Coro), V Invese Funcions @ Let F:A—>R Se a Function with vonge LW. In order for % fo hare an inverse Cunchion, ct has bo sobisPy the Mone—te-one properly. $+ One-h-one Punckons #}2 one-te-onegy ¥xiixg CAs CROa =Ptxg) => xox | b Venn diagram inlergrebotion: In a one-to-one funchiou, every point in the ronae cA) of 2 receives only Oue avrow. ) (if £ ts one—te-oue, Lis bef ter A ws Neale dePruition: 2 Not one-to-one <> Fxixgek= (Puc ~ Paar A viAxe) EXAMPLES ®) Show that $ay=2x-4 is one-to-one. Deed Selubion *Pomoain: A= R-1-2/23 (Require xt27 0). * het Kuxge A Be given such fret Paa =Puxa). Then: Reed Pocerap Deck Berd oy Bx,-4b 3xe-b > (ax Vx. = Coxe 1) (xa-L) > ~D bxikg ~9x,-Bxath= bxixe— 3X1 -Wke th 7 22 2x ¢-3ka =~ PK -Whe 7 IKI DK = FX q—-DKe > Xp=ko. Thus ¥xoxged = Cho =f xa) 2 %=Xe) -7 =7 $ one-to~one- Lot. show that o Puncion £ 5 one-be-one si het xaaeh Be given wilh Poxd = Paar #9. Show + Par< Pie) Sp--+ += Keke © > Condude Argument. 8) Show trot Pure2x® $6x-# ts MOT one-be-one. Solution *Pomain: A=tR Cue. resbickow) & Solve Prete Uxttbx-F =-FE Ix 46x <0 © Ix(xt32=0 © © Ix=0 Vxte~0@ © xsoVx--3 Tk SoMows frat for x20 ond Xa-3: : { Foan= Poss = -% = § not one-to-one. kid Xe Ls To shew Phat o Punctlon & > MT one-to-one, . ik es chough te Pad just one counterexample Kaxgek Cie. sped Pee chores Br X, aud Xe) sud, Hoot Peo= Ped aud xfXe. EXERCISES B® Show that te frLlowines Sunckions are one-to-one. oD) Pars axch wit ae aud afo. 6) Pars alx wet ac and ato 2 Fare oxt® wilh a8: he ond Dead-Be to. exe GH) Show frat Pun mox*tBxte with a,@ceR and ato fs NoT one-to-one. Cnt: Solve Par=o) GD Let SAR be a Funckion. Show that a) PA =r § one-to-one 8) 2X4 37 2 one-to-one OP even => 2 not one-to-one. fF DePinston of the inverse Purchion * Let $:AaR Be a one-to-one Funckion with vouse P(A). then there ts a nique function PLY AR such frat §-qxy= & durex lie. cake 9-1 fre invesse of Q. *Noke that the vavige Qa of & is the domain oh ke invene P-L e Tt can Ge shown that Vek : 2' (Pan) =x Vxeht: POO) =x « The grerk of PS is the tefledcdion of the grep . FP accror Pre Dine CM: y=x. 2 ext eg. —s Q): 4 =x Pele

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