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Conservation of Mass (Continuity Equation)

Control Volume (dV)

The mass
Multiplying by dV
i l case off the
h CContinuity
i i
(for steady state)

By Appling
li the
h G
' Divergence
Di Th


Examples on the Continuity Equation
Example 0

Water at 20°c flows steadily through the nozzle at 60 kg/s. The diameters are
D1 = 220 mm and D2 = 80 mm.

Find the average velocities at sections 1 & 2.

Example 1 - Solution
Example 1
Example 2

Air at standard atmospheric conditions is drawn into a compressor at

a steady rate of 30 m3/minute. The compressor pressure ratio
Pexit/Pinlet is 10 to 1. Through the compressor P/ρn remains constant
with n = 1.4. If the average velocity in the compressor discharge line
pipe is not to exceed 30 m/s. Calculate the minimum discharge pipe
diameter required.

Example 3

For steady viscous flow through a circular tube, the axial velocity profile is given
approximately by

Example 3 - Solution
Example 4
Incompressible, laminar water flow develops in a straight pipe
having radius R. At section (1), the velocity profile is uniform; the
velocity is equal to a constant value U and is parallel to the pipe
i everywhere.
h At section
ti (2),
(2) the
th velocity
l it profile
fil is
i axisymmetric
i ti
and parabolic, with zero velocity at the pipe wall and a maximum
value of umax at the centerline.

How are U and umax are related?

Example 4 - Solution
Example 5

The tank shown in the figure below is being filled with water by two one-
dimensional inlets. Air is trapped at the top of the tank. The water height is h.
i d an expression
i forf the
h change
h i water height
in h i h dh/dt.
Example 5 - Solution
Example 6
Example 7
Example 8
Example 8 - Solution
Example 9

The V-shaped tank in has width b into the paper and is filled from the inlet
pipe at volume flow Q.
Q Derive expressions for (a) the rate of change dh/dt and
(b) the time required for the surface to rise from h1 to h2.
Example 10
An airplane
A i l moves forward
f d att a speedd off 971 km/hr.
k /h The
Th frontal
f t l intake
i t k area off
the jet engine is 0.8 m2 and the entering air density is 0.736 kg/m3. A stationary
observer determines that relative to the earth, the jet engine exhaust gases
move awayy from the engineg with a speed
p of 1050 km/hr. The engine
g exhaust
area is 0.558 m2 and the exhaust gas density is 0.515 kg/m3.

Estimate the mass flow rate of fuel into the engine in kg/hr.
Example 10 - Solution

Assuming one dimensional flow:

Example 11

Water enters a rotating lawn sprinkler through its base at the steady rate of 1000 ml/s.
The exit area of each of the two nozzles is 30 mm2.

Determine the average speed of the

water leavingg the nozzle,, relative to the
nozzle, if

(a) the rotary sprinkler head is stationary.

(b) the sprinkler head rotates at 600 rpm.
Example 11 - Solution
(a) the rotary sprinkler head is stationary

There is only one inflow [at the base of the rotating

arm, section (1)] and two outflows [the two nozzles
at the tips of the arm,
arm sections (2) and (3),
(3) each have
the same area and fluid velocity], Eq. 1 becomes:
Example 11- Solution

(b) the sprinkler head rotates at 600 rpm.

Where U=ωR is the speed of the nozzle and ω and R are the angular velocity
and radius of the sprinkler head, respectively.
Example 12

A syringe is used to inoculate a cow. The plunger has a face area of 500 mm2 s.
The liquid in the syringe is to be injected steadily at a rate of 300 cm3/minute. The
l k
leakage rate past the
h plunger
l i 0.10
is 0 10 times
i the
h volume
l fl rate out off the
flow h needle.

With what speed should the plunger be advanced?

Example 12 - Solution

Vp = ?

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