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LIMITS TWDePinition of Dimils elel Pr Aga Ge a Sanction. Informally, the stalement Yim PGd=L means thot “when x appreaces **" >, then $o9) approaches L". © Possibilities for xaos x->x%0ER + approach xo from Goth sides X4 XO + Approach xe from xXKo X-t00 + x Cocomes arbitrarily Yorae X--00 : x Becomes avila smal, © PosiBi lilies Jor L: Lo be girth. We dePine the neigh Porl.eod GAS) to represent tne set of nungess near © , with & conlveling the Weaning of "way"! KEN (xo) > O 4/8 x 4@ xeNGoSe& xc-a4/§ X4-@ + Smaller §& makes the weigh borkrood fighler oround o, + Nok thal Xod Niko? and xod Nxt) 8) and vo f N(xo ,8). + let ero Ge given. We define the interval tU,2 to teprerent the set of numbers near Ly \ndbadinng ‘ self Bd is Baik, with € coulrobting tae meanma of Wear. IG) & ly-2l Vero :d8r0:2(nCo NAA) € 10,0 foNGe S20 A) NUo.8) TL.e "Fer all evo, there ts a 3¥0, such thot PING SIOAD is contained in Lys)” 2 To tnlerpret {nis shodement we vole dik : $WWCo BY AAY= Vodues ftafon Gy Farr when x is WEAR o But vot equel to & (with xed) L(L,a = Vodues near L, inchading Lif Finite e= How close we wont Pa to Ge to bL. $= How cOose x must Be Crought to o so thet Pod will Ge as cLore to L ar has Geen required dy our Choice of ¢. * Thus: as we make ¢ smaller, it should Re possidle to Find a smoller § that will squeeze PCN SIMA) Qack inside T(L.e) @ Ideiersrass definitions of Limit To construct Weierstrass dePmnikions for the \s possible cores , WE Pirst rewrihe the general APinition os MMows : dim Pape Le Xao <> Ve>o :U$r0:¥xeh: CxeN (oS) Peo et (1,2) by lsimg t P(NGr SIN AYE ILL.) © ¥xeh: (cen lod) = Ruel (Le), The definion reads : “For all ero, thee is a Sro, suck that fey alt xed, # xeW(od) then Poo ele" To construct speciic Weierstrass definitions we vephace dhe two Below ging condition, xeNloS) ond IWel (LO ath Hoe Cotrespovidu s imequalities. EX AMPLES a) Lim $= Ler Yero 2H3s0+Yxed: (06 lx-xel<$ olfo-fl xagt & Vero:IS vo: Veeck: (3<% 5348 —> PQS 4/e) a fim a = 4 o KA -e © Vero .aSv0: Ved: Lx<-tlf > [Lor~tl Waol< ed @ Limit does not extst Leb 9:AaR bea Punchion wit o o Limit potut of A We say aad : Wer: lin Poor J fin Boer does nol soles} Puy fhe too eee fen 3 n £Of-— B Geomelric exayaples a) 7 or fw foo = 4 ol NJ fin Fae a | | KaKe Xo Jim 20a does wot exit XAKo Pexeye om . Q Lim fay aa a Lo X+XKo hoe Lex vot defined ! a a tty $6) = Lim Fag = a Xakoh XaXKT 3) e) Th Golly cores: dim Payee Xa foo Nole fret bs 055; ble Anak fod ota fe are But Peer tye to sabisky Sea jor Dirile ob inttnile Viainter of pots x 0) Xato, Pixar nd defined im $e) = 40 Kiko Lim Lule to XaXof Qim 40e) = 420 Kaxe) Pl.) inet defined Lim fix) =-® k=Xor finn $00) = 400 XKo™ Qua 209 does rol exist. X¥axKo EXEAcs £5 QD Witle fre definction wilh quantifiers and also in Ensfish Sr He Foldowina stafemreds & a) him Fares Xan 8) Lim Pay= 9 Xa-o oO Lim Piuos-@ Xato Yim Sar=3 xa 4t 2) dim $x)= +o Kade d J. Vim $w<-e Xx~agr ) fim $67 = +e 4 Kad hy fim fo= to Xa ~a fim Loose yale 3) lim Jars. X43 GQI¥~> CO} KB >]E-X] HO) 2VOXAPOLVE: OFBK (3> O94] S SIVA) *VOXA ORR E! O43 AU ITSO)" BI > X) FV XA 10S3 E+ 023A GIF < CO$ <= ¥>]I-X1 70) -VPXA HOVE HOK34 (3IT~> 0D J A G>X> $-B) VORA FORGE OSIAGS (BIN OFF>> SAD VIKA 1928 E0434 (2 (BrJE- ODF] SVEN > KH) VIKA OSVE OLB AP (BITH> GS CINK KD AVOXALOSQE: 0234 0 (3 > [6-099] <= S/F-> XJ EVIXKA ORV EH OSA GD (3>Je- OF] S G>1S-*] AO) E VIXA ? OS REF OSBA Oa PES Vhimits avd operations © be PA+R ond g:BaR be fe Pancions ond Wek o Ge a Sumnf Point of Bot A and B We assume frat: Qin Poors Q, ond Qim gobs. Then: kao kao @) Sion [Ra +960] « Qiade = Qn Poa ln ga 2) fm Hoag] = Ile. ~ [fin Poa lL Lin gad ) YaeR: im LaPoole al - a fim faa xa Kao © ling a #0 = Lim [fa]. 4.- Lig He Kao Xa gu ly fier 400 e) fim Wool = (l= Lin Sat Kao Kao 2) tim $oar0 => fim Ybor = TL <1 tin foo ao xo xa x fe twviad Goails + PG) polynomial ~> Vxoelh + Lim Pik) = Pld X+kKo 2 POO, ALD polynomials Yao Qimm PCs) | Pee) Alxo) fo X4x0 Qk) (Ke) * dim Panzaro = fim VPu = ve X4xo Xako EXAMPLES 1) Pud=Vxt43x <— Lim foo. Kat Riga yous 9 roof : Lim 243K) 2 1243-L= 420 Kat = Qin Pin = bin Vx243% sTa=2. xl Brie? version: dim Pues tin V¥x2em =Vittad =VG =2. Kal 2) Pyo=_2xth 5 Lim Pay. Vxtet Xap Rigorous _proek. fim (d40= D4 = 4el=Se0 Xaq = dim Uxter = in) xan fim Cax4=2etb=5 Kae From (0) aud (2): fim Pane Qin _2xtt 2 9 2 SIS Lie. KAD man Vytey tS Ss Briel version Ci Pore fim Dxth 2 BAtL . 8 IF is Xan Vyder Votes Vs. bs tndelerminent forms @M— Form Of0 + You need to Sind be cancelation that removes 0 Svom Ye numerator and denominator. EXAMPLES | o) fags Xtt6x ta « Qim Puy. xrESy 46 Xa-3 Solution em Nele that ofo. Thus Pay = _XtOK tS (xem td xteSxte (xtar(xta) xeg. yy Dim Pag = dim x43 _ 7243 - © Lo x43 KA-D KED -3te -L @) Racy X%3K42 Dim Boer, lim Poo. Ix-4) yal” Kat Solution p Nole 0/0 form. Pocy- _xt-3x4e K-AGD lx-41 Ix-41 Tk Sodlows that = Ginn Pua = lim (-0{k-D aim _Cx-0 (x-9) xaat xagt Ix ~el katF yy = dim (x-2) = 1-%=-4 Kat and Bien Pecy= Ci Ge 9Ge-9 2 bm xx ~9) kab Xar Iya wate = Cxk-) = Lig (a-xr =~ Q-4= b. kate Gr Form ofo_avth radical We use the tdeval rly a+% to eliminabe he square vot ond expose the 0/0 cancelation. EXAHPLES &) Faye Ve-t -2 Clim Pan x-S x25 Sodution Pore Vet -2 2 4 Uy-e)t-3t = x-5 X-S5 fy 4 ~ 4 e-0-4 2 K-5 K-5 Vyxsr 42 ¥-5 Venu +2 i Vy-b 4% > Ln Dare Wing = A xe Kas ea \ oe (s-1 +2 @) Pao. XE LY Lim Poy Vx -4 XL So dution x4 (1K) fare XAT = xXt4Tk Vk -4 (Wx )4- 1 eth = (x4_x) IK +0 . x (x3-0 (1k +0 . Cx) Cte) (e-0 Ox24 5X) 2 XG t4 xO RHC (x~0 Cxt4 FD =X Cxtext0 40 3 Krad > Bin B60 = bin Geet MeO kal kab xtetx eA Ute THD _ 4-3-9 (heyy % =>d. e Using side Qmils : xaxd , xaxe From the dePinition we prove the Fo flowina properties & side Limibs: | Dim Pixr= Le Lim Pao=L A dim Sua = Lb XAKe, x4xot Xa ke s|Oim Par=by aK Lim Parels => Dim Pug does not exist kAXKo K-AXo OT litle * Does wot exist means that Cim Payel ws a Jolse stalement for alg **¥° possi ble chotces of L Cie. LER, L=to, L=-o). + We use the above properties In Conjunchion with, side Limes. EXAMPLES o) Pixy= xt abel c Um fe. x@_olyl X40 Sekution o We uye side Dimits to simpLify Ixt. Bing Pore Gime xFH8UR © Qing KAR S x-0t Xsot y2_AIx] X+ot x2-9x ~ him = _xX0st9) Yim X42 xa0f x (x-9) Kant X-2 = 0F0 2-4 co o-2% Lim Lays Lim _x242\xl 2 Qiu, _X2-2% L x07 xao7 x2-Axl X407 XZAzEZ x = Wim x Oe-2) Ci XR x407 x (xt+2) XAO- KED = 0-2 a-k (2) O42 From li) ond (a+ dim Pa =-4, x40 Q) Pay 2 _xtex 2 Lim Poo ixl xx Solutton Gin oer = lim _Xt4x 2 im x (e+. kaot kaot xt x sot x“ elim (xt =oFle4 oO xaot Lim Qoas Din _xttx 2 im xCetO KAT KOT yy K207 ~* = dim (-x-O = -0-b = -4 @) x307 From (Q and (2): fim Par does nol exish. Ka0 EXER cis€s @ Show Prat a) lim _xt-% 3 $) img X2-BkH Lg Kad xls Kast ke @) lim X84 yg) hon Ix-S14X 4G Lg Xalg x2-2 ¥ase x-S ©) lim _xP49x-3_ Hdtm G&D? og Xa X-4k Katt Bde d) fim xtty-3 3 i) fim = _9x8-B cb yal yah 2 kate hed © lim X-9K11 20 Sim xt=bRI8 20 wa fed Kas kl-3 ® Evoluale, if Tey, exist, the following Limis : a lim 194x -3 e) Cin, Whex® - 1 X40 x X40 x BY Qin Viex®-4 $) City Xt kao x wal Jka lim V¥-t =2 9) Lim Vero —2 XAG xX-S yan x-4 ol) Gm Vxttr -1 h) fin Vege -1 xao Ves ~4 Yao Vyaq -% @ Evoluale the fp Mowing, Stoarts , it Hew exists o) Lim _x*-8xit e) Lim kak lxtea wad 0) hin _xttoeet £) Lim Kak WxI-t “40 oO Lim Ix-2] +x?-3e42. gilinn xa x-2 a3 DD lin XESettle-3l bd Lim Yad x-3, X40 x44x~9 Ixt-4 PAR bel x%-2Ix} x31 4 x2 -x-6 x-3 Bxt Ixl Fuuchons with hands bo tafini Addition and. produc of {uo Ponctions where one of the goes 4o onbiaily con be houdled by te Following thestem ® bet Pe AaR ond 4: Bh be fue functions aud fet o be a Quam point af A and B. bel Sro awd ach. Thea: a Yxe N(oSINB = go 70 => lin o Ltoosgual = 40 Lon figs to te 8) ) Wwe N(oS1NB: guise 2 fin 1 en 1g 0a] =-2 fot fad=-@ lin & «w=+to Kare 2 { Yeeute®rae guar are = lim 1 Loogio] - to ad) ite reW(sS)AB: gid ie 0 Xoo x4 o7 Loo © From this theo, we can show fied, Voeth: Sim 1b = 4 xaat Yeo VecQ: tine XaT X-0 Wkebt: Yooh: Vim 4 te xno _(k-ay** These result, Oy, Thonselrer are subftcient fr handling Limits oe Guuckious nat are dePined Oo tatio & tuo polynomtal, ond yell oa klo don. EXAWPLEs a) Po. 43x di $09 (x-2)* ad Solution fooe Ae. 9x 4 9 (x-2)* (x-9)* fim 4 40 (2) X9% (y-9)h lim U-3x)= 41$-924-62-5 (3) x>h From Eq. (1) ,020,(4) = Si Jus CHa) =-@ AZ 6) Poe Seth Lim Sexy, Mx -4 xs 4/9 Solution Pope Bett 2 (Qt tL axtt ot w dx- Lb 2e-L 2 x- Ya. Lim 4s -@ (2) xt “ya : fin Gxtla, oath _ AL oy i) Xa YE> Q % Q From Eq. (0, (alc(4): Qin Jars {-Co)= -« x ©) Pexye X3xH2 2 lim Poo xe 4K E4 k-a-gt Sollubiow_: Nole Mat inti fea is a lo Sumit. xPb at (x 9)% xt = (xtO_t = et, @ KER x-C2 fim 4 = to (2) x4 -9F y-(-9) fin (xt = Cael = 4 @ Kaagh . From Eq.c (alts): Lim Pods Cutie) =o ka-gt Q Megs 9h — lim Lee (xt) 2 (x84 6x #5) Xard Sobution Sere 3- Mx < «3-4 (eeO* Cb touts) (x i)® (48) G0 1 9K 4 Buy iy (xt)? xt {x-col? ¥t5 fim Bowe 2 3-40 2 3t4 oT yo lw Kael xt (DS 4 4 fim 4 a t00 = Lim 4 ato & Kel x. GO anit [xo]? tin 4 =-0 => lin { = -0 (® Yat” x= (-0 Xeni {x-Co]? From Eq. (0, (2,9: Lim Fur= (HId(@) = 40 (5) wae] From Eq. (c(,(0 lim Pade IMCa--% @& Kat From Eq. (5). (6): fl 40a £ Bim Peed > fla Poy doer nol exist, xanlk xa Kael EXERC ES © Evaluole the FoBlow ina Gimils, 1 they, exist. a) Qim = 3x4h xX4gt G-% Q) Vim 42x Xaot x ©) Cm X24 3x49 ¥A-g xteuyty d) dm _ %-Sx« X4B XP bx48 lim xP Bet X9S x9-3x2 43-1 5) lw = _xt4 dh Kalfat dy » Ltn aX % KAR yA h) lim 2x-t xaat g- x? For Samils with xato aud kKa- wt on fhe $ollowing wethedologs: ty a Trivial Siwils ®D Nouomials For Qimsts insolivas, mononals, we we the Foslawing resulls : a) Veet: fim x*= to X=to0 2) Yeew*: fim xt = 4 K-00 2 Veet: fim x22 -w Xa-00 4d) Veet: Gin x= 0 Xs £00 a) lim (3%°)=3-Ued= to’ Keto og BY him (2x5) = 9: (400) = 400 X-3-00 3 lim GIA) = -260) = te KA-@ 4d) Gira 2 =%4..020 Kato Oyo a © Polsnomtals WP Seas one + onixt 4 --- tol toe » then: a ia Poo = im Qyx" K+£0 EXAMPLE 2) Sim Gx -%3 41) = Sim Gad = -9(-a) = te @) Por = (1-32)? (x4 3x2-8) ee Lina 60. Selabon Jin Bene Sl Yin lu- 3x2)? (ct 3x2 -2>]- - Lion { (-342)? (-x?)| « Loon Lert) ew] = dion (99x?) = 4 (00d = -@, kre B Rational functions I Ped = Onx™ + ouux” 4-- fates , aud Ofc = Dan xt Bann x lt + bixt be, then: lim P(x) Xat@ Qt) EXAMPLES a) fire KOH fn Loo ay -x* Kane Selution fin Pore Qin PEL 2 im 2X? X4-00 Kare gy yh Xa-00 Lye -& Cxd= -Ced= 4a. Kan ® = 3x* 13x-4 i Joo ie — Sin Poo Selution Qin Fore Qin 2x*43x-1 fm 3x* 2 3 Kato X~ too xt Xtto Kh Fuge th Shan Be) det Xone Sofution fin faye Gg = X84 din xe Lien 4 X-4-00 Kao g yt x Xa-@ gy4 Xam 42 ~+.0 =0 2 8) feo~ Be xP OED Tin Yee, (3xt2) (Sx244x40)* xoteo Sodubiow lima 40d Lim DX(ax- 17GE-2 Xho Kt? (acta) Shp txt D)* = Yim x2) (Ox)? xt. Kate (3x) (oy2)% = him (3x2) (8x7 )x%@_ fig 24x? Yate Bx)(aSv4) kt 75x58 zim $4%% 2 94 (fa)e 400 Kato 75 tS b Indeterminate forms 1) Forno loo Pore Vg@” , Poae 90 Par [Fo h& ha VhGd © Factor highest ~ order term ond simplify. caution: | Vx% = Ix] (x) EXAMPLE. linn AV 9x8=218 im VKR VO~ Rix ES lt K-00 x Fy XA-0 x CLE 4 elim f9-ale4she lim AXE XK 4-00 AE Uy X40 Xx ztd-oto fim, Ik! 2 Yo Dim =x to x40 «6k«OCOt Ka-0 & <3 lim “Cds 3, . Xa & Since Ka-wm, assume K<0 ep | xe =lxl= -x, 2) Form co -60 AY Pa = GQ (h- Qalx? with Q..Q¢ vationad functions. > Helrod: Combine to one fraction, and we previous methods. EXAMPLE a) Pre ** __ae® i. im Pow. x2t( xkr-t Kato b Gives co-o. Thus: Rey = XP aR XP (K- 1 - 2x2 OPO xP+h x~L (x2+0(x-1) = Haya Dut 9% eH O Ottd ed te OK-0 => him Peg ~ Lim 2X =XF 22 Ly =X XK-At@ Kates (x24) (x-0 xato > = lim (x) = - (to) < -@ KAt@ @) Pg - _ettte® _ xh 4deth lim Poo x2-( \ytet X-~e0 & Gives goto! Not indeleminale Porm se We can we a constructive argument °) Qim = _X449%2 _ Lin x di xts fe OW X4-00 Kt—-y K-00 ae Kae fin XP43xt fim X72 lin x? =-00 Karoo yey Xavoo yh Ka-e0 Thus, from (Yond Cad: Lim Lore Cin [aa _ XS 43x41 |: Xa -@ Karo] xt. teh = (+00) — (-00) = (4@)+ (to) = too 8) PuareV9 er ~vhoe fare w= VA («? Fao. “Vg ba - hod & Use the tdenfehy o te eliminale the Square roots Crom the wo-wm factor. EXAMPLE Boas V9xt4xek - 3x —s Qim $00, fim $e) xx+teo Kao Boers VOxtHcds -3y ~ LV9xtexH*-(3x)* V9xtEXdh + 3x 2 (oxtexted = 9x2 2 xel V9x2¢u41 +3% V9xtERKEL + Fy Since Voxtewet = Vx Vod dik gilxe = sIxl VS Lct Se = = xV Stik $L$A2 it So Mow; ret Yor XL lt XV 9444 lke + 3x ox Gti) x{Vorixsike +3] = AM x V9O4t + ble $3 ~ lim Yog = ito Katte V9+0t0 +3 ern) ek. 6 8) fim Cataxt > ~ fun (9x2) = 9 Gee) = +00 Xo Kao => Sim Vaxtixit = to. W Xx-00 fin (3x) = -3(--) = to (a K-4-00 From eq. (tC): Qa £00) = {400) + L400) = $00. Kx -00 La tn the absense of the indelerminale Porm ©0- 00, dhe Limit con Be evaluated diredly as shoan ofere EXAM@LES ® Evoluale the So flowing Limils, if fey exist: a) Lim (2x4 4x3-9x 43) $$) lim x4 x43. X4~00 ka-09 yh4g @) dim C9x3+Sx2-3) 9) Livy 2x3 -Seth Xate Yatoo xS4gy4 OQ lim Cxt45x) bh) dim 8-4 X23 -00 Ka-o X-2 A) dim CoxSey2-xK-) dim _ 3. xa-@ Y4-@ X28 e) Lim $x? -5x4+1 3) lam Pat 2 Kato 3x3 -9y2 kalo Ay-4 @ Evaluole the Foltowing Limits, if they exist : 0) Ginn Vaxt—teed 2 ly Ara te 2 X4400 — AxtB Kate Ty 3 [xP 2 6) Qin _bxt-x+ 3 a6 $) inn VReHe -Kt5 _ 9 xKato fy4 42, X4-00 KY © Vim V9x2-2e+S 3 gp bien a8. 2 Xa-00 X44 Kaew a) dim 4x? -x4) = +o h)Lim Sx Xato Vxtexds Kate 3x - 49xt4 xt Fvoluale pre Folowina Lints , if they exist o) lim ¥x?-5 A) bins (Vy 3 42x) Xa-@ —_ Xatoo _ 8) dim CV igxt exis —4e) od lim V9xte3e24l Xa ~00 k~40 © Lim Cxtu-[x2—x43) 0) dim Uxaey X~-00 kA Oo Evaluale re falowing limits , 5 they exivd = @ fli (x _ +) olim (2 -* ) Kato *x-& X44 Katoo + x2+4 X-d 6) bin (4 - HE) oh) flim Che +241) ¥3~-00 X4-0 @® Evoluale the Limids , iF they exist : a) dun (1x41 -) e) Lim (x+4-Vx2-K43 ) kato Xato @) lim Chxtet -x) $) fin (xsi -Vx-Ix ) X4+00 X4too o) Lum Chaxtex+4 -3x) gp Lem (at dtd xaaKeth) Xato X4to d) umn CV ext Vert) hy Din YE = Kato kato We fe Y Trigononeric Limits To establish the Bane theovg ve use thee folowing nequokhy : Vxe Cai 20/2); fsincl < lxt < [taux ! in conjunction with the “squeeze 4 tere’ theorem rr Squere to revo fhoorem Let Be paR oud g: Aah Ge fue function ond Cet o Bea Vimil point of A. Then: j Ve N@ SAA: [foal < ¢@ => lim {w= dim gw =o xe xa Proak Tt ts sufbiaent te show tat Vero: ASvo: VxeA: Cxen@s) > lPual |gcal Ig cal bore 9 Lhypolbesis J < [goal Tel astra | fe [Ga] = / => lfal [Ptal <2) 3 Dion $0 29 a xa r Limit of sine Vxoeth: fim stnx = sinke Ke. Prod. Let vee Be given and define Pty = Sinx-sinte Then: = |sinx-sinol = | 4 sin (¥-*2.) co: 2 \\ [Goal = Isinx~ sinxol |2sia( 2) cos (Ht | o($)}|(2¢)] « <2|sn(rye)| 61 | ee =4 = 4 [v-xol_ < [y-Kel , YxeR => 2 > VeeR: [Pool < [k-xel (. oud fim Cx-Ke) = %Ko=0 => Ling lx-xel = 0 kako X=Ko From £9.00 ond bq.(2)» fim boa = Zim (sine -sinves) = 0 > Lim sinks Sint. DB Kako XaKe KaKo = Lig sin = Qin [(siuye stake) + sino J = K*Ke XKe » Lim (sime-sinke) 4 Sinko = KaKo = OtsinXe = sinks b> Compesifion theorem Tint let 2A-R awk g:BoB Be foe function oud Cel hi GaiR wilh C= ixeBlgweA be defined as VyeG: hha Pegbed . het o fe a Cimit point of Baud G and Qel oe A. Then: fim gin=aeR we {> din Fea ta = $d = 2a gta) lien Pare Pea kor ae x te Pood. This suffhcteab fo show funk Yero:Abso: Yxed: (xeN@Sl=> [Pe cai) - Pral $5 Vesro: deo: Weed: — (0 [ur -$ial Ig00-al< ee) For So=Se, we have: Tro: Yee: (xe Nlo 8 > Igu0 -al<%o) Choose a Sx0 suck Maat YxeB: Ceen(od) © latvd- al xeAAxeNloSd [via G AI » [goo -al <8 Iwi Eq. (CS be need a strongey condition o< lsu -al Megva)- fal o:¥xed: (xe NG) 71} led -Pol Peay, xar IF we replace the stalenent dim fide Fea) wil tint aed we oF the Following oreltony of the campesiion Heeorev: Corollary + het f:AsR aud 9B Be hos fancon ved Ud |r: Gat wih Gs fxeBlgedd Be defineh os Vice €: hixd= Pista). he be Lat point of Bouek 6 oud fet och. Then: . zack Lin 9) ae Yin 40 = Be => lin Pagiad=B yaa Xo" YxeN(oS)0B = gue a Proof Ur define Fale } Poa : f xe A-ia} 4 a sk X2@ Thor: Lin Feu) = im fix) « G= Fla) XAa X4O- Using the composition theorem: Lin gash kar 4 ln FlgG) = Fla)= 8. 49 lun FOd2F@) 7 Xn Since Winer s)nBs gure) => (Heenlrdlad: Flgta) = {(g¢e)) lin Hegind = in FQiad=6 Xar xe r Limbs oP cos’ x, bax cob From ne composition Leotem combined uth the rent iM_SinX = Sinko X4Ko tb Sottows that: din gure im sin (4,08) = Sima = sin (Lin a X40- Kao Kar We we ths result abens, with the cofactor ideality corx = sin (2. x) 1 fo show frak: © [VxoeR: lim cosK = cosxo Kaxo a Let yooh be qien. Then: fom CosK = Sion sin -x) Lco-Pacloy idewly J KK = sin(Lin (4x) Leomporline Haman] 2 sin (e - xo) 2 Cooke Lo-fador teal | a From thir rendh, via asic. finit properties we get: Veco R= Sunt nlaseZ3: Qin lone banko Xako VeoelR— fen [xeZS: hin cobx = col Xo X~Ko Combining these ren wer the. compotion heorem, we get 2 im gixd=a. => Sim sing 69) = sina. = sin (un gu xar xo xno fiw guosa bin os (4 (x0) = cosa cos Chim ge) xo Kar Xa Sim qorzoeR Tuntofa [ket > fim fom le) = howe xa Kao fim gd= a6 lh-ten lee ZS = Lim cob (00) = oto. xXao- xr EXAMPLES e) fay= tan (welanisr — Lin Pe (9x XAt@ Solution Since, fim Gxt) 2 Nim GD = Sim Bx Ya-@ 19x K- too (8% Xafoo 1axt =i 2 n_ ¢R-lwkormlalweL3 > ¢ alin fers ia daw ( (Gat . ton (1) - 4-H K-+4oo KAto a. we 4 19x 8) Paretany -— fin fo Solution oNge Since $e ztony = 5% 2 (sink? Cosk CosK sin aud. Ma cox 60, Vxe Cnt) to co lim cor = Cos(nla) = xaagt {| A alm 1 2-6 xK«agk cosy and Lim sin = sinfolnd= 4 (@ xaalgk From E4.(01 ond 64.12) Lin foa = finn Giwx)_ = 1-w) = ~o xanigt Xaalgr ox c) fey = Xt cox <—_ fim $0 Xsiny, ¥4o Sollubion, Simce, fim Gt cor) = O%-cas0 = O- b= -4 g 40 and i YxeCo,nin):(x>0 Asiuxd0) a5 ¥x €(-n/9.0): (x<0 A sinx X40 Xsinx it Volos Prom C4.) aud. €q.(2): fim fas Yim _Xt-@x 2-4 Ue) = —09 Xoo KO _>E=sinx Pr Lero bounded Limits Debs Let LAB Se a Rundion avd (el SecA. Then: 2 Lomded on Seo Joe ita: Yes alsa oor example: . . Yee: lsimcl4 <> sin Bounded ov h VxeR:lcoxla 4 = cos hounded on I + To show Saat a function t» Rounded io weft fo recall the Pedtasins properties of obsolule values: Vode: lasOl < lal+tél VabeR: lo-bl => daclopte): Yxe AaNlo 8): Pool Lg Wool =o => Lin. (algu=o Ce. xXer From Eq( ON aud Eq.(2, via the Squeeze fo Zero Hagorene we get fim [Pv Q6o4-o. B Kar EXAMPLES a) fue Sin. cosx —3sitn AX) 05 (2) e_ Lim Poo. WEE xt% X4-@ Solution Nole that he = _Sinx 605K -3 sin (2x) cos (Ox) XE 45x43 ~b. [ sinx cosx -3sin (2x) cos | X74 Sx 4B Define HLx) = sun cosy - Ssin (4x) cos nd. Ux eR. IOGal = | simxcosx - 3 sin(9x9 cos (Ql < & Isinx cos | + 13 sin (9x) cos (ao = Isinxll corxl + Blsin (x0 L005 (2x91 KAZ La = 143-4 | VxeR > > & Bouded on MR. (0) and Jin a fim 4 2.0 (2) Kam Xt SxtF Kam xh From Eq.) awd Ey. Ca) + tim P00 =0. Ko-0 LW would have Been sufbiciont by show that 6 0 Gounden on (-00,-4/3) but in Inis qe this Cary ty show thet 8B is Gounded on IQ. 9) fogs x Lt-sm Gnd <— fiw foe Sobubion oo We vio Yaar Parzx Boa, Yx eR-So3 where we define YeeB-to8: id= 1L-sin(4d . Since: VxetR-403: (Baol= l-sin(hol < Jal + lsin Ceherl 4hil=g— 30 Lomded on R-¥of CD. Moor Sim x20 x30 From €q-l0 aud Eq.(@): fin Pog=0 &A0 L Tk would have eon sabbiwent fo show tral 2 is Qounded on (-L,ou lo, 9). Hele feat sing the. 2ero-bowndol theorem fecomes necessary bewuse Pee) is not define. Th ts possifile te Kore rerobourded- Lumits thal ore trivial Limits, Extacses a Evoluale Ye fo Mowing Limils , f Hoes, exist. e) dim _sinkx _ 2) him 3x2 stax Kato X2tG Xatoo x?4+g 8) Lim _sinSx $) lim (x? sin CAlx)) X4-00 x X40 c) Lim 2x cosx 9 Bim [ Loox ) KA-@ = y%-3 K-+to x? d) lim (ax-D singe bh) lim Fx -0 5 3x5 X4400 x2 4% Kad D Lim «Gin t Lcos3x sin 2x) Xa-0o Ute xey )) fim siny Leos Ch/y2 tsin led] \kAo k) him x?| (simxtcosx)4 sinx cos% J X40. (axt0% (x2 -K tO O Lim [sin Crtd cos x + costo sinx | XAtoo wm) fim _X* = 8-3 3_[e(. 4 3) + 3sinx sin (4 4 | Yas xh Po Leggromeliic lo Qimils Some 010 trigonometric fimily con fe handled vio resulls frat we establish via Yre squeeze theorem. We we the Squeete, fo 0 Hacoren th prove the Squeeer Hreotem & Squeeze —theoren Tam = Let $f A-mR, gc Aak, gi Ath be tnree Punckons aah Lebo Be o Llnnd’ port of A ‘then: Vee dON@S) + q.60< P09 < 960 in fin 400 =2 hon 9 = Lin gamek eR ar Ker Mer lek xe haN(od) be given. Then: gin ston Sq, 0x Fea-q.b0 < Sp (0-g.00—9 20K [Poa bol € 92.00-9.60 and tf Solow that Vee AON): O< lfoa-gbolsosta-a6 © We abo ole that lg tgiorgiel bg gor lngta to From ©. and fy.ler, via the squeeze ty ero Leoreem ! Lin (oa - 9.0) = os Sg lim 20a = fin ( Coa 4.60) Fa.00 | = yor xar = din Bos -5.00) 48 9.00 = Jiu. Pex =9.00 tin td =OtL=0 ae & Linils of —sime/x and _fonxlx We now use ee squeeze Hneorem comfined wilh Jue. inequalihy - - - ¥xe (alg ov (0 ala): tsimcl < Ixt ¢ oul te show the Follovine Basic vresulls: ® | lim six x-0 Proof Debme Pon (sined/x , Var Roh. Ve vole faat Vue (-nl2.0) ulo,0/g): fons Simx _ & | sinx _ Isiuxl x * x \xl < let. O Ixl aud } YxveCo,nle) = (ure Asin ve) = Yue (-a/s..0): (xKohsinx

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