Coaching Session Wrap Up Worksheet

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Coaching Session Wrap-up
I always recommend that my clients take a few minutes immediately following their coaching session to gather their thoughts
and emotions from our session, and to fill out this short worksheet for themselves. It helps to solidify what we worked through,
and the emotions or breakthroughs that came up during the session. It has the added benefit of clarifying what the main ‘take-
aways’ were. This worksheet closes out with your intentions or action steps. This is a great tool to help you stay focused on what
you are going to do with your newfound realizations and empowerment.

Name: Day/Date:

What main topics came up in your coaching session today?

What emotions and/or break-throughs did you experience? What did you learn from this?

What are your intentions and/or action steps moving forward? Be sure to include a detailed timeline.

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