Planning Model

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HEAL 451

Program Planning

Isabela Paiva


The PRECEDE-PROCEED approach is a thorough framework for identifying health

needs and developing, implementing, and analyzing public health initiatives that promote healthy

living. The planning framework for a targeted and concentrated public health program is

provided by PRECEDE. The framework for implementing and assessing the public health

program is provided by PROCEED. Predisposing, Reinforcing, and Enabling Constructs in

Educational Diagnosis and Evaluation is abbreviated as PRECEDE. This strategy has been

successful in supporting both one-time interventions and ongoing programs for a variety of

health promotion themes.

PRECEDE-PROCEED invites participation from community members and has the

ability to create community ownership of the program, much like the Community Readiness

Model does. With the goal to address sleep deprivation among restaurant workers , I believe that

the PRECEDE PROCEED model is best in looking at an appropriate and sustainable

intervention. By involving the participants and having them take ownership, the ability to

understand why these behaviors exist, especially within the common environment of the

restaurant, will allow the group to cater this mission to their own needs. I believe that this

specific health concern involves a lot of environmental factors and a lack of education on the

issues associated with sleep deprivation, and this model would address that thoroughly.

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