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PART: I Read the Stanza carefully and answer the

GENERAL ENGLISH following five questions choosing the

correct alternatives. (6-10)
Read the passage carefully and answer
How beautiful is the rain!
the following questions choosing the
After the dust and heat,
correct alternatives: (1-5)
In the broad and fiery street,
Money is the key to human happiness.
How beautiful is the rain!
People slog at work to earn an income to
enable them to buy food to the table, clothe
How it clatters along the roofs,
themselves as well as build a dream house
Like the tramp of hoofs!
of their own. It is a means to access a
How it gushes and struggles out
decent lifestyle. Money is badly necessary at
From the throat of the overflowing spout!
the time of distress due to disease, accident
6. In the poem, "fiery" means
or natural calamity. Many parents work hard
(A) furious
so that they can provide comfort and
(B) heat of the sun ray
stability to their children. Many families
(C) fairly
struggle to make ends meet and millions
(D) none of the above
live in misery due to poverty. They are
7. The word "sout" means –
deprived of happiness, dignity and a sence
(A) the new plant
of direction in their lives.
(B) the stream water
1. The word ‘Badly’ as used in the passage
(C) forceful stream water
means ………….?
(D) none of the above
(A) Hardly (B) Never
8. The past tense form of "gust" is
(C) Very much (D) Not at all
(A) gushed (B) gash
2. Why do parents work hard?
(C) gushd (D) none of the
(A) for their own pleasure
(B) to be famous
9. The past tense form of "struggle" is
(C) for fun
(A) struggled (B) strugglled
(D) for their children
(C) stragle (D) none of the
3. What can people do with money?
(A) Sweet dreams
10. The rain water ____the drains. (overflow)
(B) food, clothes, shelter
(A) is overflowing (B) overflowed
(C) sound sleep
(C) overflows (D) none of these
(D) peace
4. Which is opposite in meaning to GENERAL ODIA

'comfort'? ଦ ଅନୁ େ ଦଟିକୁ ପଢ଼ି ନିମେର ଦିଆଯାଇ ବା

(A) Uncomfort (B) discomfort ଶଗୁଡ଼କ
ି ର ଉ ର େଲଖ । (11-15)
(C) incomfort (D) miscomfort େଦଶ ଛାଢ଼ି ଜେଣ ବିେଦଶେର େଗାଟିଏ ବଷ ରହିଯାଏ େତେବ େସଇ
5. Poverty is the cause of.......... ବିେଦଶଟା ତା ର ତ
ି ୀୟ ଘର େହାଇଯାଏ । ସବୁ ଅ ୀତିକର ମୁହୂତକୁ
(A) happiness (B) dignity ଭୁଲିଯାଇ େମାହନ ଦ ିଣ ଆ ି କାର େଗାଟିଏ ସୁ ର ଚି ଧରି େଫରିଛ ି
(C) misery (D) a sense of direction । ତା ର ବିଦାୟକାଳୀନ ସଭାେର ଭାରତୀୟ ସହିତ ଅେନକ ଇଂେରଜ

ଉପ ିତ େଲ । ବିଦାୟ ସମ ନାର ଉ ର େଦଇ ଗା ଜ

ି ୀ କହିେଲ –

Vortex Academy (Branch- 2) “ଶି ା”, Plot no.- A102, Janaki Bhawan: 2nd floor, Nayapalli, BBSR 🕿 1800 889 2298

“ଯଦି ମାତୃ ଭୂମି ପେର େକଉଁ େଦଶ େମାର ଅ କ ିୟ େହାଇଥାଏ, େକେତ ନ ସହିଛୁ ସେତ ।
େତେବ ତାହା େହଉଛି ଦ ିଣ ଆ ି କା । ମଁୁ ଦୁ ଃଖର ସହିତ ଏ େଦଶ ଛାଡୁ ଛି େଦହ ଦୁ ଃଖ ପାଇଁ ସାଇତିଛୁ େକେତ
। ବ ମାନ ଦ ିଣ ଆ ି କା ଓ େମା ଭିତେର େଯଉଁ ବ ବଧାନ ରହିବ ଚାହା େଚରମୂଳି ଗଛ ଲତା
ବରଂ ମେତ ଏ େଦଶ ଆଳକୁ ଆକଷତ କରିବ । ଦ ିଣ ଆ ି କାର କଲ ାଣ ମନ ସୁଖ ଲାଗି ନଈ ସମୁ େର
ଭରିଅଛୁ ହସ କଥା।
େଦଖୁବା କୁ ମଁୁ ବ ାକୁ ଳ େହଉ ବି । ଏଠି େମାର େଦଶବାସୀ ଠାରୁ େଯଉଁ
ବୁ କୁ େମା ଫୁ ଲାଏ ଆ େମା ଭୁଲାଏ
ା ପାଉଛି ଏବଂ ୟୁେରାପୀୟମାେନ େମାେତ ଲଦାରଭାେବ ସାହାଯ
େତା’ ବଣ ପ ୀର ଡାକ
କରିବାକୁ େଯଭଳି ଆେଗଇ ଆସିଛ ,ି ତାହା େମାର ସବୁ ଦେି ନ ରଣ
ସରଗ ଡାକିେଲ ମନ ବେଳ ନାହ
ଛାଡ଼ିବାକୁ େତାର କାଖ।
11. େମାହନ ଦ ିଣ ଆ ି କା ରୁ କ'ଣ େନଇ େଫରିଗେଲ?
16. କବି କାହାକୁ “ସବସହଣୀ” େବାଲି କହିଛ ି ?
(A) ହୃ ଦୟେର ସୁ ର ମୂତ (B) ଫେଟା ଚି (A) ପାଣି ଓ ପବନ (B) ମାଟି ମାଆକୁ
(D) ଦ ିଣ ଆ ି କାର କଳାକୃ ତି (D) ସୁ ର େପାଷାକ (C) ଉଭୟ (A) ଓ (B) (D) କୃ ତ ି କୁ
12. ବିେଦଶ ଦିତୀୟ ଘର େକମିତ ି ପାଲେଟ? 17. ଆମ ମନସୁଖ ଲାଗି ହସକଥା େକଉଁଠାେର ଭରି ରହିଛ ି ?
(A) ବିେଦଶ େର ମନ ଲାଗି ଗେଲI (A) ନଈ ସମୁ େର (B) ଗଛ ଲତାେର
(B) େସ େଦଶର ନାଗରିକତା ସୀକାର କେଲ (C) ଉଭୟ (A) ଓ (B) (D) ମାଟିେର
(C) ନିେବଶ େର େକାଡ଼ିଏ ବଷ ରହିଗେଲ 18. ବଣ ପ ୀର ଡାକଶୁଣି େଦହେର କି ଭାବ ସୃ ି ହୁ ଏ ?
(D) ବିେଦଶ େର ବିବାହ କେଲ (A) ଆନ େର ଛାତି ଫୁ ଲିଉେଠ

13. ବିଦାୟକାଳୀନ ସଭାେର େକଉଁ ମାେନ େଲ? (B) ଆ ବାଟଭୁଲା େହାଇଯାଏ

(C) ଉଭୟ (A) ଓ (B)
(A) େକବଳ ଆ ି କାର େଲାକ
(D) ମନବଳ ବେଢ
(B) ଭାରତୀୟ ଓ ୟୁେରାପୀୟ
19. ଏହା ମ ରୁ େକଉଁଟ ି ନଦୀ ର ତିଶ ନୁ େହଁ?
(C) ଭାରତୀୟ ଓ ଇଂେରଜ
(A) ନିମଗା (B) ଊମ
(D) େକବଳ ଭାରତୀୟ
(C) ପୟସିନୀ (D) ତଟିନୀ
14. ମାତୃଭୂମି ପେର ଗା ୀ େକଉଁ ାନ ିୟ େବାଲି ବହିଛ ?
20. ମାଟି େଚରମୂଳ ଗଛଲତା ସାଇତି ର ବା ପଛେର କି
(A) ଦ ିଣ ଆ ି କା (B) ସେଦଶ ଉେ ଶ ଅଛି?
(C) ଭାରତ (D) ଇଂଲ (A) େଦହ ଦୁ ଃଖ ଲାଗି
15. ଗା ଜ
ି ୀ ଦ ିଣ ଆ ି କାର େକଉଁ ମୃତଟ
ି ି ସବଦା ମେନ (B) େରାଗ ଯ ଣା ଉପଶମ ପାଇଁ
ରହିବେବାଲି ବହିଛ ?
ି (C) ମନବଳ ବଢିବା ଲାଗି
(A) ା ଓ ସାହାଯ (B) ଦଶନୀୟ ାନ (D) ଉଭୟ (A) ଓ (B)
(C) େସଠିକାର ଭାଷା (D) େସଠିକାର ଖାଦ GK AND CURRENT AFFAIRS
ନିମ ଦ କବିତାଂଶଟି ପାଠକରି ତେଳ ଦିଆଯାଇ ବା ଶ 21. Similipal National Park is situated in
ି ର ଉ ର େଲଖ : (16-20) which District of Odisha?
ସରବ ସହଣୀ ମାଟି (A) Kendrapara (B) Cuttack
ସବୁ ରି ଉପେର େସେନହ େତାହର (C) Sundergarh (D) Mayurbhanj
ସମାେନ େଦଇଛୁ ବା ି । 22. Who were the first Europeans to enter in
େତାର ମିଠାପାଣି େତା’ ଧୀର ପବନ Odhisa?
େଦେହ େମା େଦଇଛି ବଳ (A) English (B)Portuguese
ଶକତି େଦଇଛି ତୃ ପତି େଦଇଛି (C) Danish (D) French
େତା’ ଗଛ ଲତାର ଫଳ। 23. Which one of the following waves are
ସବୁ ଜ ଘାସର କଅଁଳ ବିଛଣା used by the common TV remote control?
(A) Radio waves

ଦିଏ କି ଆରାମ ମେତ


ମାଆ ପରି େମାର ଅଳି ଅରଦଳି (B) Lasers

Vortex Academy (Branch- 2) “ଶି ା”, Plot no.- A102, Janaki Bhawan: 2nd floor, Nayapalli, BBSR 🕿 1800 889 2298

(C) Infrared waves Which of the following statements is not

(D) Ultrasonic wave true?
24. What is the ‘BASUDHA Scheme’ (A) E is the mother-in-law of B
launched by Govt. of ODISHA? (B) B is the son of F.
(A) A mega pipe water supply project (C) D is the daughter-in-law of F.
(B) Providing land to poor people (D) E is the wife of F.
(C) Both (A) & (C) 32. Find the alternative which most closely
(D) A project under Swachh Bharat resembles the mirror image of the
25. The Chandrayaan-3 mission’s rover is following figure.
known as:
(A) Vikram (B) Bheem
(C) Pragyaan (D) Dhruv
26. For the first time, Purna Swaraj was
declared by the Congress at:
(A) Lahore (B) Amritsar
(C) Luchnow (D) Tripuri
27. What is the Theme of G20 Summit 2023?
(A) One Earth-One Family-One Future
(B) One World-One Home 33. If the word 'CODE' is coded as 'DQGI',
(C) Vasudheba Kutumbakam then what is the code for 'DECODE"?
(D) both A&C (A) EGFSIK (B) EGDQGI
28. Nine-degree channel separates which (C) EGFRIK (D) EFGRIK
islands? 34. Find the odd word pair.
(A) Lakshadeep & Minicoy (A) Enterprise: Success
(B) Minicoy & Andaman (B) Crime: Punishment
(C) Andaman & Nicobar (C) Exercise: Health
(D) Minicoy & Maldives (D) Judgment: Advocate
29. Gross profit means: 35. Which letter in the following alphabet
(A) Total investment over total saving sequence is the eighth letter to the right of
(B) Changes in methods of production the tenth letter to the left of the last but
(C) Total receipts over total expenditure one letter?
(D) Changes in the form of business ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU
organisation VWXYZ
30. Indian constitution is made up of how (A) W (B) V
many words? (C) U (D) Y
(A) 8000 (B) 9000 36. Assuming the statements to be true,
(C) 10000 (D) 11000 decide which of the conclusion(s)
REASONING ABILITY logically follow(s). Statements:
31. In a family of six persons, A is the son of B 1. Some chairs are benches.
and brother of (C) E's daughter D is the 2. Some benches are stools.
wife of C's father. F is the paternal 3. No stool is table.

grandmother of (C) Conclusions:

Vortex Academy (Branch- 2) “ଶି ା”, Plot no.- A102, Janaki Bhawan: 2nd floor, Nayapalli, BBSR 🕿 1800 889 2298

I. Some stools are chairs. A. Skype

II. No table is bench. B. Piktochart
III. No stool is chair. C. Blue Jeans Meeting
(A) Only I follows D. Jabber
(B) Only II follows E. Mindmeister
(C) Either I or III follows Choose the correct answer from the
(D) None follows options given below.
37. In a queue, John is 10th from the front (A) B, C and E only
and there are twice as many behind him (B) B, C and D only
as there are in front of him. If Tushar is (C) A, C and D only
exactly in the middle between John and (D) A, D and E only
the 9th person from the back of the 43. Which of the following is not a characteris c
queue, what is the position of Tushar of a computer?
from the front? (A) Diligence (B) Versa lity
(A) 14th (B) 13th (C) Accuracy (D) I.Q
(C) 16th (D) 15th 44. SSD stands for:
38. A radio was purchased for 490 and sold (A) Solid State Disk

for 465.50. What was the loss (B) Small Solid Disk

percentage? (C) Solid State Drive

(A) 6% (B)7% (D) Small State Drive

(C) 5% (D) 4% 45. Which among the following is an

39. Which set of Letters when sequentially operating system?

placed at the gaps in the given letter (A) Microsoft Windows

series shall complete it. (B) Linux

SJ_JS__J_SSJ (C) macOS

(A) JSSJ (B) JSJS (D) All of the above


40. Akshay walks 7-metre to the East of CURRICULUM
Karan and then turns to his left. He walks 46. What do you mean by cognitive
17 metre and turns to his right. He walks development?
5-metre further before stopping. In which (A) Devlopment of motor skills
direction is Akshay with respect to (B) Devlopment of social skills
Karan? (C) Devlopment of attitude
(A) North - West (B) North - East (D) Devlopment of intelligence
(C) South - West (D) South – East 47. An ideal Teacher is one who
COMPUTER LITERACY (A) Likes discipline

41. Which of the following terms is (B) Is a friend, philosopher and guide

associated with network? (C) Helps students in learning

(A) MS Excel (B) Mouse (D) Covers the full course

(C) Plotter (D) Connectivity 48. Basic education is:

42. Which of the following are the video- (A) Activity oriented

conferencing tools? (B) Student oriented

Vortex Academy (Branch- 2) “ଶି ା”, Plot no.- A102, Janaki Bhawan: 2nd floor, Nayapalli, BBSR 🕿 1800 889 2298

(C) Handicraft oriented (C) "good boy" or "good girl" morality

(D) All of these (D) Authority and social order maintaining
49. The main aim of class room teaching is: morality.
(A) To develop inquiring mind 56. Adolescents show their emotions of love
(B) To develop personality of students for
(C) To give information (A) Their friends (B) Their country
(D) None of the above (C) Their heroes (D) All of these
50. The main purpose of teaching is: 57. All humans contain _________
(A) Devlopment of reasoning power chromosomes.
(B) Devlopment of thinking power (A) 26 (B) 36
(C) Both (A) and (B) (C) 46 (D) 42
(D) Giving information only 58. Devlopment takes place when
51. The class teacher observed Raghav in her (A) Environmental forces work on the
class playing melodious self - composed organism
music on his keyboard. The class teacher (B) Environmental forces interact with the
thought that Raghav seemed to be high in hereditary forces in an organism
_________ intelligence. (C) Both of these
(A) Spatial (D) None of these
(B) Bodily - kinesthetic 59. According to Piaget, how many stages of
(C) Musical child ' s cognitive development?
(D) Linguistic (A) Three (B) Four
52. Which of the following sex characteristics (C) Five (D) Six
is the first to develop in boys? 60. Devlopment is:
(A) Production of sperm (A) Maturation
(B) Appearance of facial hair (B) Learning
(C) Growth of testes and scrotum (C) Synthesis of abilities
(D) Growth of penis (D) All of these
53. In order to win the trust of students, the PART: II
teacher should behave with them like a ODIA
(A) Mother (B) Friend 61. ନିମରୁ େକଉଁଟ ି ‘ଘର’ ର ତିଶ ନୁ େହଁ ?
(C) Teacher (D) Father (A) ସଦନ (B) ସହ
54. Teacher should be effective in (C) େବଶ (D) ବାସ
communication 62. ଆପଣା କଲା ବ ମାନ, ଆଗୁ େହାଇବ ସାବଧାନ, କି କାର
(A) Yes ସବନାମ ?
(B) Yes, to some extent (A) ନି ାୟକ (B) ଆ ବାଚକ
(C) No (C) ସମୁଜୟୀ (D) ଆେପ ିକ
(D) Nothing can be said 63. ସୁସମା-ଏଠାେର କି କାର ଅଶୁ ଅଛି ?
55. A teenager who begins using alcohol (A) ଲି ଗତ (B) ବଚନଗତ
because all his friends are doing it is (C) ‘ଣ ’ ବି ଗତ (D) ‘ଷ ’ ବି ଗତ
probably in Kohlber's. __________ stage. 64. ‘ବ କବାଟ’ପୁ କର େଲଖକ କିଏ?
(A) Punishment and obedience orientation

(A) ସୁେର ମହା ି


(B) Instrumental hedonism (B) ବିଭୂତି ପ ନାୟକ

Vortex Academy (Branch- 2) “ଶି ା”, Plot no.- A102, Janaki Bhawan: 2nd floor, Nayapalli, BBSR 🕿 1800 889 2298

(C) ଫକୀରେମାହନ େସନାପତି (C) ସାଧାରଣ ସଂସାରୀ େଲାକ

(D) ଦୁ ଗାମାଧବ ମି (D) ଆ ୀୟ ଓ ଇତରେଲାକ
65. ନିେମା ମ ରୁ େକଉଁଟି ଗ ାଧର େମେହର ାରା 69. େଲଖାେର ସମାଜର ବା ବ ଚି େଦବାକୁ େଲଖକ ର ଗୁଣ ବା
ଲି ତ ନୁ େହଁ? ଆବଶ କ।
(A) ହରିବଂଶ (B) ଣୟ ବ ରୀ (A) େସ ସମାଜର ଦୁ ଃଖ ଦୁ ବଳ େଲାକ ଯଥାଥ େସବକ
(C) ତପ ନ
ି ୀ (D) କିଚକ ବଧ େହାଇଥିେବ ।
66. ମୁ କୁ େତ ୁ ଳିଆ ବିଛା କାମୁଡ଼ବ
ି ା–ଏହି ରୂଢ଼ିଟର
ି ଅଥ କ’ଣ ? (B) େସ ସମାଜର ସମସ ା ଓ େଲାକ ଚରି ର ତ ସ କେର
(A) ସୁବଧ
ି ା େଦବା ଆସିଥିେବ ।
(B) ତିେଶାଧ େନବା (C) େସ ବ ାଗ ବି ୃତ େଶୖଳୀେର ଗ ଉପନ ାସ େଲଖୁଥିେବ ।
(C) ଭୀଷଣ ଚି ାେର ପଡ଼ିବା (D) େସ ସମାଜ -ବି ାନ ଶା ଭଲଭାବେର ଅ ୟନ ଗୁଣ ବା
(D) ରାଗେର ଜଜରିତ େହବା ଆବଶ କ।
67. ବୀପରୀତାଥକ ଶ େକଉଁଟ ି – ‘ଅନୁ ହ’ 70. ସମାଜର େକଉଁମାନ ତି ଫକୀର େମାହନ ର ସହାନୁ ଭୂତି
(A) ନିରାଗ (B) ବି ହ ଲା?
(C) ନି ହ (D) ଆ ହ (A) ସାହିତ ଚ ା କରୁ ବା ଶି ିତ େଗା ୀ
ଅନୁ େଛଦଟି ପାଠକରି ଶ (68-72) ଗୁଡ଼କ
ି ର ଉ ର ବାଛ : (B) େଶାଷିତ ଓ ଅବେହଳିତ େଗା ୀ
ଫକୀର େମାହନ ଓଡ଼ିଆ ଜାତିର ପରମ ସମସ ା । ଅ ାଦଶ (C) ଅତ ାଚାର ବିେରାଧେର ତିବାଦ କରୁ ବା େଗା ୀ
ଓ ଉନବିଂଶ ଏହି ଦୁ ଇ ଶତକର ଓଡ଼ିଆ ସମାଜ, ତା’ର ଅବେହଳିତ (D) ଇଂେରଜୀ ଶି ା ତି ବିମୁଖ େହଉ ବା ବ ି
େଶାଷିତ ସାଧାରଣ େଲାକ ଜୀବନର, ତା’ର ଆଶା ଆକାଂ ା, ଅଭାବ 71. ଫକୀର େମାହନ ଓଡ଼ିଆ ଜାତିର ନମସ କାହକି ?
େଦୖନ , ବ ଥତା ଓ େନୖରାଶ ର େସ ଜେଣ ଅ ର ରୂପକାର। ପୁଣି (A) ବିଗତ ଦୁ ଇ ଶତା ୀର ଚି େସ ତା େଲଖାେର େଦଇଛ Iି
େସ ରୂପ କାଶ ପାଇଛି େଯଉଁ ଭାଷାେର, ତାହା ଖା ି ଓଡ଼ିଆ େଲାକ (B) େସ େବଶ ନିେ ଶର ସାହିତ ି କ ାରା ସଂଶିତ
ଜୀବନର ଭାଷା, ଓଡ଼ିଆ ଘରର ଅତି ପରିଚତ
ି ତୁ ର ଭାଷା । ଜନରୁ େହାଇଛ Iି
ମୃତୁ ପଯ ଫକାର େମାହନ ର ଜୀବନ ଲା ଝଡ଼ଝ ା ପୂ । (C) େସ ସି ଛ’ମାଣ ଆଠଗୁ ଉପନ ାସର େଲଖକ।
ତିକୂଳ ପରି ିତେି ର ଏକା କବାର ଜୀବନ ସ ଟରୁ ଅ ତ ାଶିତ (D) ଓଡ଼ିଆ ଭାଷାେର େଲାକ ଜୀବନର େସ ଥମ ସଫଳ
ଭାବେର ର ା ପାଇ, ଆ ୀୟ ଓ ଇତର ଠାରୁ ବହୁ ବାର ତା ଲ , ରୂପକାର।
ଅବେହଳା, ଈଷା ଓ ବି ାଘାତକତାର ଧ କା ଖାଇ େସ ମଣିଷ 72. େକଉଁ େଲଖକ ହାସ ରସିକ ?
ଚରି ଓ ତା’ର ସମାଜ ସ କେର ଚି େର ସ କରି େଲ ବହୁ ତି - (A) େଯଉଁ େଲଖକ ରସିକ ।
ମଧୁର ଅନୁ ଭୂତି । େସ ଅନୁ ଭୂତିର ତୀ ଆେଲାଡ଼ନ ଫଳେର େସ (B) ବୀର, କରୁଣ ଆଦି େସମାନ ମ ରୁ େଯଉଁ ହାସ ଟ
ଜଗତକୁ ଏକ ଅନାସ ଦୃ େି ର େଦଖୁବାର ଅଭ େହାଇ େଲ। ଭଲପାଆ ି ।
େସ ସାଧାରଣ ସଂସାରୀ େଲାକର ଛଳନା, ମିଥ ା ଦ ଓ ଅହମିକା (C) ବ ନା ଚରି ଓ ଘଟଣା ଚି ଣେର େଯଉ ହାସ ରସ ସୃ ି
ତି କଟା ପାତ କରି ହାସ , ବ ଓ ବିଦପର େ ାତ ଛୁ ଟାଇଛ ।ି କର ି ।
ନିେଜ ଜୀବନେର ଅଜ ଯ ଣା ସହି ବାରୁ େଶାଷିତ, ଲା ତ
ି ଓ (D) େଯଉଁ େଲଖକ ହସିବାକୁ ଇ ା କର ।ି
ଅବେହଳିତ ତି ତା ଅ ରର ଦରଦ ଓ ସହାନୁ ଭୂତି ଥଲା 73. 'ଅ' ଲଗାଇ ବିପରୀତ ଅଥସୂଚକ ଶ େଲଖ | (ସମଥ, ବ ବ ା,
ଅସୀମ। ସାହିତ , ଜୀବନ ଓ ସମାଜ ଓତଃେ ାତ ଭାବେର ଜଡ଼ିତ । ଦିନ, େଦଖା)
ମଣିଷର ଆଶା, ଆକାଂ ା, ସମାଜର ଦ ବି ୁ ଧ ାଣ କୁ ବାଦ ଏହା ନିେମା ମ ରୁ େକଉଁ କାର ଶର ଅ ଗତ?
େଦଇ ସାହିତ େକେବ ାଣବ ଓ ସମୃ େହାଇନପାେର । (A) ୁ ଉ ରମୂଳକ (B) ସଂ ି ଉ ରମୂଳକ
େଲଖକର ସମାହିତ ଦୃ ିବ ାଧୂ ପୀଡ଼ିତ ସମାଜର ସୁ ତା ଓ ତା’ର (C) ନି ଉ ରମୂଳକ (D) େମଳକ ଶ
ରୂପା ର ରହିବା ାଭାବିକ। େସଥୂପାଇଁ ଫକୀର େମାହନ େଶାଷିତ 74. େକଉଁଟ ି ସୃଜନା କ ଲିଖନର ଅ ଭୁ ନୁ େହଁ ?
ଓ ଅବେହଳିତ ପାଇଁ ଚାହଛ ି ସାମାଜିତ ନ ାୟ । ଉ େହଉ, ନୀଚ (A) ଚି େଦ ଗପ େଲ ବା
େହଉ, ଧନୀ େହଉ, ଗରିବ େହଉ -ମଣିଷ ତି ତା ର ା ଅସୀମ। (B) େଗାଟିଏ ନାମକରଣକୁ େନଇ କବିତା େଲ ବା
68. ଫକୀର େମାହନ ୁ େକଉଁମାେନ ଈଷା କରୁ େଲ ? (C) େକେତାଟି ଅସ କତ ଶ କୁ େନଇ ଅନୁ େ ଦ େଲ ବା
(A) ସରକାରୀ କମଚାରୀ (D) ମୁଖ କରି ବା କବିତାଟିଏ େଲ ବା..

(B) ବ ୀୟ ଔପନ ାସିକଗଣ 75. େକଉଁଟ ି ବ ାଶୁ ି ନିରାକରଣ ପାଇଁ ଉପେଯାଗୀ ନୁ େହଁ ?

Vortex Academy (Branch- 2) “ଶି ା”, Plot no.- A102, Janaki Bhawan: 2nd floor, Nayapalli, BBSR 🕿 1800 889 2298

(A) ନିରବ ପଠନ (B) ବନାନ େଖଳ Riva has forgotten my name, so I
(C) ଅଭିଧାନ ବ ବହାର (D) ଦୃ ଲିଖନ reminded her.
76. ନିେମା େକଉଁଟ ି ଶିଶୁ ମନେର ଶି ା ହଣ କରିବା ପାଇଁ ଆ ହ ସୃ ି (A) Has been forgotten
କେର ନାହ ? (B) No improvement?
(A) ଶି କ-େକୖ କ
ି ପ ା (C) Had forgotten
(B) ଶି ାଥୀ-େକୖ କ
ି ପ ା (D) Is forgotten
(C) ିୟାଭି ିକ ପ ା 84. Meaning of "Once in a blue moon".
(D) କାଯ ଭି ିକ ପ ା (A) Rarely (B) Frequently
77. ାମେର ଏକ ନଳକୂ ପ ାପନା ନିମେ ବି. ଡି. ଓ. ୁ ଏକ ଦରଖା (C) Usually (D) Regularly
େଲଖ -- ଏହା େକଉଁ କାର ପ ର ଅ ଗତ ? 85. Change the following sentence into
(A) ଔପଚାରିକ (B) ଅେନୗପଚାରିକ quoted speech:
(C) ନିମ ଣ (D) ଵାଣିଜ ି କ He bade good bye to his friends.
78. ନିେମା ମ ରୁ େକଉଁଟି ବହୁ ଭାଷୀ ଶି ାଥୀମାନ ନିକଟେର (A) He remarked, "Good bye friends".
େଦଖାଯାଏ ନାହ ?
(B) He said, "Good bye friends".
(A) କମ କଥନଦ ତା
(C) He said, "Good bye to his friends".
(B) ସୀମିତ ଶ ଭ ାର
(D) He told, "Good bye friends".
(C) ନିଭୁ ଲ ବାକ ଗଠନ କରି ନପାରିବା
86. Identify the error in the sentence given
(D) ଶର ଉ ର ଭଲଭାବେର େଲ ପାରିବା
79. ଗୁଣା କ ଶି ାର ଲ ହାସଲ ପାଇଁ େକଉଁଟ ି ଏକା ଅପରିହାଯ ?
Amana might have covered half of her
(A) ଶି ଣ ସାମ ୀ (B) ବ ାବହାରିକ ବ ାକରଣ
journey by next Monday.
(C) ଔପଚାରିକ ଶି ା (D) ଦ ଶି କ
(A) half of her journey
80. େକଉଁଟ ି ଉ ମ ହ ା ର ଲିଖନର ପରିପ ୀ ନୁ େହଁ?
(B) Amana might have covered
(A) ଅ ରଗୁଡକ
ି ୁ ନିଭୁ ଲ କରି େଲ ବା
(C) by next Monday
(B) ଅ ରର ଆକାର ସମାନ ର ବା
(D) No improvement.
(C) ଶ ଶ ମ େର ବ ବଧାନ ନ ର ବା.
87. _____children recited _______ poem in
(D) ଲିଖନର ଗତି ମଶଃ ବୃ ି କରିବା
_____ honour of ______ Prime Minister.
ENLISH (A) the, a, an, a
81. Choose the INCORRECTLY spelt word (B) a, the, the, the
from the following options. (C) no article, a, an, the
(A) Ettiquete (B) Saccharin (D) the, a, the, the
(C) Corrigendum (D) Catalogue Read the passage carefully and answer
82. The given sentence is in the active voice. the following questions choosing the
Choose the option which best expresses correct alternatives: (88-92)
the same sentence in passive voice. Sea ice has a bright surface, so much of the
Everyone says he is a great artist. sunlight that strikes it is reflected back into
(A) He is said to be a great artist. space. As a result, areas covered by sea ice
(B) He is called a great artist. do not absorb much solar energy. Sea ice
(C) He is a great artist said by everyone. also affects the movement of ocean waters.
(D) He is being said to be a great artist. Water below sea ice has a higher
83. Substitute the highlighted words with concentration of salt and is denser than
surrounding ocean water and so it sinks. In

correct option given below.


this way, sea ice contributes to the ocean's

Vortex Academy (Branch- 2) “ଶି ା”, Plot no.- A102, Janaki Bhawan: 2nd floor, Nayapalli, BBSR 🕿 1800 889 2298

global 'conveyor-belt' circulation. Cold, 2. To find the existence of ice at that time.
dense, polar water sinks and moves along 3. To find the changes in total volume of ice.
the ocean bottom towards the equator, 4. To find the changes in surface area.
while warm water from mid-depth to the Which of the statement(s) given above
surface travels from the equator towards the is/are correct?
poles. Changes in the amount of sea ice can (A) I and 2 (B) Only 2
disrupt normal ocean circulation, thereby (C) 3 and 4 (D) Only 3
leading to changes in global climate. 91. The second paragraph in this passage
'Satellites can provide detailed measures of explains:
how much ice is covering the pole right (1) the formation of sea ice.
now, but sediment cores are like fossils of (2) rise of temperature on Earth due to sea
the ocean's history', said Mr Gregery. ice.
Sediment cores are essentially a record of (3) how the ocean currents are formed
sediments that settled at the sea floor, layer Select the correct answer using the
by layer and they record the conditions of codes given below
the ocean system during the time they (A) Only 1 (B) Only 2
settled. Scientists can search for a bio- (C) 1 and 2 (D) Only 3
chemical marker that is tied to certain 92. All of the following are possible side
species of algae that live only in ice. Polar effects of sea ice melting except:
bears, whales, walrus and seals are (A) change in ocean current
changing their feeding and migration (B) changes in migration patterns of polar
patterns. Both the atmospheric currents and bears
the ocean currents can be (C) increase in temperature
expected to change. (D) increase in the density of
88. According to the passage, sea ice Arctic sea water
formation contributes to: 93. According to National Curriculum
(A) reflection of sunlight Framework 2005, which one of the
(B) global warming following is NOT an objective of
(C) movement of ocean waters language teaching-learning?
(D) movement of atmospheric current (A) The competence to understand what
89. According to the passage, what helps Mr one hears
Gregery study the ocean's history? (B) Ability to read with comprehension
1. Sediment cores. (C) Effortless expression.
2. Bio-chemical markers (D) To know the history of languages.
Select the correct answer using the 94. Children's listening, speaking, reading
codes given below and writing skills are developed:
(A) Only 1 (B) Only 2 (A) in linear or isolated processes
(C) Both 1 and 2 (D) Nome of these (B) not in linear or isolated processes.
90. Which of the following statement(s) is (C) in such a way that first productive and
supported by the author about the usage then receptive skills are enhanced.
of bio-chemical markers? (D) only after the mastery of alphabet

1. To find the history of ocean structure. 95. The purpose of remedial teaching is to:

Vortex Academy (Branch- 2) “ଶି ା”, Plot no.- A102, Janaki Bhawan: 2nd floor, Nayapalli, BBSR 🕿 1800 889 2298

(A) introduce new language items 99. Theoretical positions and beliefs about
(B) test recently taught items the nature of language, the nature of
(C) teach again the language items not language learning, and the applicability
properly learnt of both to pedagogical settings is
(D) teach again the language (A) Technique (B) Syllabus
items already learnt (C) Content (D) Approach
96. A technique used to facilitate early 100. Formative evaluation is:
literacy, which involves an adult and a (A) not subjected to change.
child looking at a book together while the (B) what is happening in the teaching-
adult asks questions and encourages a learning process.
dialogue, followed by switching roles so (C) related to ongoing development and
that the child asks questions to the adult, improvement.
is called: (D) carried out at a pre-specified or
(A) Story telling particular stage in the course.
(C) Shared reading 101. Choose the most inappropriate
(D) Dialogic reading statement regarding teaching of Social
97. A teacher can develop the listening skills Science in middle school.
of language learners by: (A) Social Science should be taught as it
(A) making the learners listen to everything helps to acquire an understanding of
they hear passively human relationships.
(B) speaking continuously to learners both (B) Social Science should be taught as it
within the classroom and outside helps to sensitise children regarding social
(C) focusing only on listening skills without reality.
associating them with other language (C) Social Science should be taught
skills. because it helps students debate and reflect
(D) creating opportunities for learners to on social issues.
listen to a variety of language sources and (D) Social Science should be a part of the
people and engaging in other curriculum so that the learners know about
listening activities. the lives of kings and the battles they fought.
98. Read the following statements and 102. The teacher facilitates the learning
choose the correct option:
process of allowing the learner to be
Assertion (1): Accuracy in language is
engaged in the learning process within
most important at the primary level.
his guidance.
Reason (2): Grammar is an integral part of
Which type of approach is this?
the primary curriculum.
(A) Individualist approach
(A) (1) is false, but (2) is true.
(B) Constructivist approach
(B) Both (1) and (2) are true and (2) is the
(C) Collaborative approach
correct explanation of (1)
(D) Indirect approach
(C) Both (1) and (2) are true, but (2) is not the
correct explanation of (1).

(D) (1) is true, but (2) is false.

Vortex Academy (Branch- 2) “ଶି ା”, Plot no.- A102, Janaki Bhawan: 2nd floor, Nayapalli, BBSR 🕿 1800 889 2298

103. Which of the following questions soldiers who took part in the Kargil war.
would help build the critical thinking These soldiers can be considered
skilis cf students? (A) secondary sources
(A) Comment on the 'double burden of (B) primary sources
women's work'. (C) actual narrators
(B) Write two measures the government (D) internal sources
has adopted to control pollution. 107. In order to promote cooperative
(C) 'What is the government' role in Indian learning in the classroom, a teacher
Health and Indian Education. should
(D) 'All communicable diseases are water (A) give them individual projects
borne'. State whether true or false. (B) divide the class in small groups for work
104. The objective of action research is to (C) provide them various sources to do the
(A) gain new knowledge project
(B) develop the science of behaviour in (D) engage students in debate and
educational situations discussions
(C) modify the educational practices in 108. Which of the following is not correct
school and classroom in the given statements?
(D) All of the above (A) CCE helps in improving student's
105. Consider the following statements performance by identifying their learning
related to the use of Social Science difficulties at regular time intervals.
textbook in the classroom. (B) CCE refers to a system of school-based
(1) Textbook should be seen as the only evaluation of students that covers all
source of knowledge and any deviation aspects of student development.
from it should be discouraged. (C) CCE objective is to check students' recall
(2) Learners should be ecouraged to go of subject content.
beyond the textbook and to read from (D) CCE employs suitable remedial
various other sources. measures for enhancing student's
(3) Textbooks should be used to test the learning performance.
memorisation skills of the students. 109. Match the following
(4) Teachers should enable students to List I List II
connect the information given in the A. Geetanjali 1. MK Gandhi
textbooks with their own observations. B. My Experiments 2. Rabindra Nath
with Truth Tagore
Choose the correct option. C. Nil Darpan 3. Bankim
(A) Only 1 is true Chandra Chatterjee
(B) Only 2 is true D. Anand Math 4. Dinabandhu
(C) Both 1 and 3 are true Mitra
(D) Both 2 and 4 are true Codes:
106. A student was interested in studying A B C D A B C D
problems faced by Indian soldiers during (A) 2 1 3 4 (B) 2 1 4 3

the Kargil war. She interviews several (C) 1 2 3 4 (D) 1 2 3 4


Vortex Academy (Branch- 2) “ଶି ା”, Plot no.- A102, Janaki Bhawan: 2nd floor, Nayapalli, BBSR 🕿 1800 889 2298

110. Where East India company first set up (C) The Governor was the executive
their factory in Odisha? head of category A states. The
(A) Dhamara (B) Paradeep Rajpramukh was the executive head
(C) Harihar pur (D) Baleswar of category B states. The Chief
111. Match the following Commissioner was the executive
List I List II head of categories C and D states
1. Lord Mountbatten A. Chairman of the (D) The Governor was the executive
Drafting Committee head of category A states. The Chief
2. Dr Rajendra Prasad B. First Prime Minister Commissioner was the executive
of India
head of category B states. The
3. Dr BR Ambedkar C. Member of the
Rajpramuhk was the executive head
Constituent Assembly
of categories C and D states
4. Pandit JL Nehru D. Last British
114. Political right does not include which
of the following?
5. Dr KM Munshi E. President of the
(A) Right to Vote
constituent Assembly
(B) Right to Life
F. Legal Advisor of the
(C) Right to Contest in Election
Constituent Assembly
(D) Right to Lodge complaint with
Executive Bodies of the Goverment
(A) 1-D, 2-A, 3-E, 4-B, 5-F
115. Consider the following statements
(B) 1-D, 2-E, 3-F, 4-B, 5-A
(1) The Governor of a State in India
(C) 1-D, 2-E, 3-A, 4-B, 5-C
nominates to the Legislative Council, where
(D) 1-D, 2-C, 3-F, 4-B, 5-A
it exists one-sixth of its members.
112. Who was the first Indian Woman
President of INC? (2) The Governor of a State in India may
nominate to the Legislative Assembly one
(A) Annie Besant (B) Kasturba Gandhi
person from the Anglo-Indian Community if
(C) Sarojini Naidu (D) Aruna Asaf Ali
he feels the community needs
113. The Constitution of India divided the
states of India in categories A, B, C and Din
Which of the statements given above
the year 1950. In this context which of the
is/are correct?
following statements is correct?
(A) Only 1 (B) Both 1 and 2
(A) The Chief Commissioner was the
(C) Only 2 (D) Neither 1 nor 2
executive head of category A states. The
116. Under the Panchayati Raj system
Rajpramukh was the executive head of
Gram Sabha consist of
category B states. The Governor was the
(A) Elected executives of a village
executive head of categories C and D states
(B) Persons who is registered in the
(B) The Rajpramukh was the executive
electoral rolls relating to a village
head of category A states. The Chief
(C) The village Sarpancha and the persons
Commissioner was the executive head of
nominated by him/her
categories B and C states. The Governor
(D) Elected executives of a village and

was the executive head of the category D

officials nominated by him/her


Vortex Academy (Branch- 2) “ଶି ା”, Plot no.- A102, Janaki Bhawan: 2nd floor, Nayapalli, BBSR 🕿 1800 889 2298

117. When was the state’s name officially

changed from Orissa to Odisha?
(A) 2010 (B) 2011
(C) 2012 (D) 2013
118. Climate change may have an impact
on the following
(A) agriculture, Natural terrestrial
ecosystems, and water resource
(B) air quality, oceans, and coastal zones
(C) energy and human health
(D) All of the above
119. Which is the largest Hydro electric
power project in Odisha?
(A) Machkund (B) Hirakud
(C) Indravati (D) Deras
120. Child Sex Ratio as per the provisional
results of the 2011 Census, in India is
(A) 927 (B) 924
(C) 917 (D) 914


Vortex Academy (Branch- 2) “ଶି ା”, Plot no.- A102, Janaki Bhawan: 2nd floor, Nayapalli, BBSR 🕿 1800 889 2298

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