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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2005, 19(2), 412–420

q 2005 National Strength & Conditioning Association


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University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska 68583; 2University of Texas-Arlington, Arlington, Texas 76019;

Des Moines University, Des Moines, Iowa 50312.


ABSTRACT. Coburn, J.W., T.J. Housh, J.T. Cramer, J.P. Weir, tween MMG amplitude and force (or torque). These stud-
J.M. Miller, T.W. Beck, M.H. Malek, and G.O. Johnson. Me- ies have shown an increase in MMG amplitude to maxi-
chanomyographic and electromyographic responses of the vastus mal voluntary contraction (MVC) (11, 12, 38) or an in-
medialis muscle during isometric and concentric muscle actions.
crease to approximately 75–80% MVC, followed by a
J. Strength Cond. Res. 19(2):412–420. 2005.—The purpose of this
study was to examine the patterns for the mechanomyographic plateau or decrease to MVC (11, 12, 31). The pattern of
(MMG) and electromyographic (EMG) amplitude and mean pow- the MMG amplitude vs. isometric force relationship may
er frequency (MPF) vs. torque relationships during submaximal be influenced by motor unit activation strategies, muscle
to maximal isometric and isokinetic muscle actions. Seven men compliance, and/or muscle stiffness (31, 33, 34, 42). In-
(mean 6 SD age, 22.4 6 1.3 years) volunteered to perform iso- creases in MMG amplitude to MVC have been attributed
metric and concentric isokinetic leg extension muscle actions at to the progressive recruitment of new motor units and
20, 40, 60, 80, and 100% of maximal voluntary contraction increases in the firing rates of the already activated mo-
(MVC) and peak torque (PT) on a Cybex II dynamometer. A pi- tor units (11, 12, 38), whereas the plateau and/or decrease
ezoelectric MMG recording sensor was placed between bipolar
in MMG amplitude has been attributed to decreased mus-
surface EMG electrodes on the vastus medialis. Polynomial re-
gression and separate 1-way repeated-measures analysis of var- cle compliance, increased muscle stiffness, or the fusion
iance were used to analyze the EMG amplitude, MMG ampli- of motor unit twitches at high firing rates (11, 12, 31, 33,
tude, EMG MPF, and MMG MPF data for the isometric and 34, 38).
isokinetic muscle actions. For the isometric muscle actions, Recent studies that have examined MMG amplitude
EMG amplitude (R2 5 0.999) and MMG MPF (R2 5 0.946) in- responses during dynamic muscle actions have found in-
creased to MVC, mean MMG amplitude increased to 60% MVC creases with force during submaximal concentric muscle
and then plateaued, and mean EMG MPF did not change (p . actions for the biceps brachii (9, 36) and brachioradialis
0.05) across torque levels. For the isokinetic muscle actions, muscles (36). Madeleine et al. (27), however, found no
EMG amplitude (R2 5 0.988) and MMG amplitude (R2 5 0.933)
increased to PT, but there were no significant mean changes
change in MMG amplitude from the first dorsal interos-
with torque for EMG MPF or MMG MPF. The different torque- seus muscle when subjects performed dynamic muscle ac-
related responses for EMG and MMG amplitude and MPF may tions across a wide range of force outputs (0, 25, 50, 75,
reflect differences in the motor control strategies that modulate and 100% MVC). These findings (9, 27, 36) suggest that
torque production for isometric vs. dynamic muscle actions. there are muscle-specific MMG amplitude responses dur-
These results support the findings of others and suggest that ing dynamic muscle actions. Furthermore, with regard to
isometric torque production was modulated by a combination of the frequency domain of the MMG signal, 3 studies have
recruitment and firing rate, whereas dynamic torque production reported increases to 80–90% MVC (10, 31, 38) followed
was modulated primarily through recruitment.
by an increase, decrease, or plateau in the MMG mean
KEY WORDS. electromyography, mechanomyography, phonomyo- power frequency (MPF), depending on the strength of the
graphy, acoustic myography, quadriceps subjects (31) or the specific muscle examined (38). No
studies, however, have examined the MMG amplitude or
MPF vs. force (torque) relationships during dynamic mus-
INTRODUCTION cle actions of the leg extensors.
echanomyography (MMG) records the low- Gordon and Holbourn (17) described MMG as the me-

M frequency pressure waves produced by lat-

eral oscillations of contracting skeletal mus-
cle fibers (5, 29, 40). It has been suggested
that these lateral oscillations are due to (a)
a gross lateral movement of the muscle at the initiation
chanical counterpart of motor unit electrical activity as
measured by electromyography (EMG). The time and fre-
quency domains of the MMG and EMG signals have been
used to study various aspects of muscle function, includ-
ing neuromuscular fatigue (43), muscle activation pat-
of contraction, (b) smaller subsequent lateral oscillations terns (6, 15), electromechanical delay (7), muscle action
that occur at the resonant frequency of the muscle, and potential conduction velocity (6, 15), muscle fiber-type
(c) dimensional changes of the active muscle fibers (3). distribution patterns (1, 29, 35), and neuromuscular dis-
A number of studies (11, 12, 31, 38) have used iso- orders in adult and pediatric populations (1). According
metric muscle actions to determine the relationship be- to Stokes (40), ‘‘As knowledge of muscle sounds increases


and the development of more appropriate methodology oc-

curs, the potential uses and limitations of [MMG] must
be reassessed continually.’’ One potential application of
simultaneous measurements of MMG and EMG ampli-
tude and frequency characteristics is the determination
of motor control strategies (motor unit recruitment and
firing rate) during different types of muscle actions (28,
41). For example, it has been suggested that the ampli-
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tude of the MMG and EMG signals are related to motor

unit activation, whereas the frequency of the MMG signal
may be related to the firing rate of the active motor units
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(34). Therefore, simultaneous examination of the MMG

and EMG signals may contribute to our understanding of
muscle-specific patterns of motor unit recruitment and
firing rate that modulate force production during isomet-
ric and dynamic muscle actions. The purpose of this study
was to examine the patterns for the MMG and EMG am-
plitude and MPF vs. torque relationships during submax-
imal to maximal isometric and isokinetic muscle actions.
FIGURE 1. Electromyographic electrode and mechanomy-
METHODS ographic sensor placement.

Experimental Approach to the Problem

ma, NY) at 308·s21. The subjects were in a seated position
The study protocol was designed to examine the patterns in accordance with the Cybex II testing manual (Isolated
for MMG and EMG amplitude and MPF vs. torque for Joint Testing & Exercise; CYBEX Division of LUMEX).
submaximal to maximal isometric and dynamic muscle Two maximal muscle actions were performed, with the
actions of the vastus medialis. These patterns may reflect highest value selected as PT. All other muscle actions
the motor control strategies used to modulate torque dur- were submaximal, and the subjects were instructed to
ing different types of muscle actions. We chose surface produce a torque that, to the best of their subjective abil-
EMG as a relatively simple, noninvasive method of mea- ity, corresponded to a specific percentage of PT, according
suring neural activation. Mechanomyography is a non- to the procedures of Weir et al. (49). That is, the subjects
invasive method that measures the mechanical compo- were asked to provide, in random order, concentric, iso-
nent of muscle function. The amplitude and MPF of the kinetic muscle actions at 20, 40, 60, and 80% of PT. The
MMG signal may be reflective of motor unit recruitment subjects were given verbal feedback to produce the de-
and motor unit firing rate, respectively. To our knowl- sired amount of torque. A submaximal trial was repeated
edge, no previous study has simultaneously compared the if the actual torque produced was not within 65% of the
patterns for MMG and EMG amplitude and MPF during desired torque value. A 2-minute rest was allowed be-
submaximal to maximal isometric and dynamic muscle tween muscle actions.
actions of the vastus medialis.
Isometric Measurements
Maximal isometric torque was determined at a leg flexion
Seven men (mean 6 SD age, 22.4 6 1.3 years) volun- angle of 0.785 rad (458) below the horizontal plane. Two
teered to be subjects for this investigation. All procedures maximal muscle actions were performed, with the highest
were approved by the University Institutional Review value selected as the MVC. Submaximal isometric muscle
Board for Human Subjects, and the subjects signed in- actions at approximately 20, 40, 60, and 80% of MVC
formed consent before any testing. were then performed at the same leg flexion angle (49).
Each subject visited the laboratory on 3 occasions sep- The order of the submaximal muscle actions was random-
arated by at least 24 hours. The first visit was an orien- ly determined. Each isometric muscle action was held for
tation session that was used to describe the study protocol 6 seconds. A submaximal trial was repeated if the actual
and familiarize the subjects with the testing equipment. torque produced was not within 65% of the desired
During the orientation session, the subjects performed torque value. A 2-minute rest was allowed between mus-
maximal and submaximal trials of the isometric and iso- cle actions. In addition to verbal feedback, the subjects
kinetic testing at 5 randomly selected percentages of their were able to read their torque production directly off the
maximal values. The second visit was an isometric testing dynamometer.
session, and the third visit was an isokinetic testing ses-
sion. The order of the isometric and isokinetic testing ses- EMG Measurements
sions was randomized for each subject. Each session be- A bipolar (7.62 cm center to center) surface electrode
gan with a warm-up that consisted of 5 minutes of cycle (Quinton Quick Prep silver-silver chloride) arrangement
ergometry at a power output of 50 W. was placed over the longitudinal axis of the vastus me-
dialis muscle of the dominant limb. The interelectrode
Isokinetic Measurements
distance was selected to accommodate placing the MMG
Concentric, isokinetic leg extension peak torque (PT) of sensor between the EMG electrodes (Figure 1). The elec-
the dominant limb (based on kicking preference) was trode placement for the vastus medialis was 20% of the
measured using a calibrated Cybex II isokinetic dyna- distance between the medial gap of the knee joint and the
mometer (CYBEX Division of LUMEX, Inc., Ronkonko- anterior superior spine of the pelvis (51). For the EMG
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FIGURE 2. Raw electromyographic and mechanomyographic signals and torque production curve.

measurement, the reference electrode was placed over the number of data points. Therefore, DFT analyses were per-
iliac crest. Interelectrode impedance was kept below formed without having to truncate the data segments or
2,000 Ohms by shaving the area and careful skin abra- resort to zero padding. Frequency data were expressed as
sion. The EMG signal was preamplified (gain 31,000) us- MPF.
ing a differential amplifier (EMG 100, Biopac Systems
Inc., Santa Barbara, CA; bandwidth, 1–5,000 Hz). Statistical Analyses
Before the statistical analyses, each subject’s data were
MMG Measurements
normalized to their highest recorded value (percentage of
The MMG signal was detected by a piezoelectric crystal MVC or PT) for EMG amplitude, MMG amplitude, EMG
contact sensor (model 21050A, Hewlett-Packard; band- MPF, and MMG MPF. Polynomial regression and sepa-
width, 0.02–2,000 Hz). The MMG sensor was placed over rate 1-way repeated-measures analyses of variance (AN-
the belly of the vastus medialis muscle (Figure 1). A sta- OVAs) were used to analyze the EMG amplitude, MMG
bilizing ring, double-sided foam tape, and microporous amplitude, EMG MPF, and MMG MPF data for the iso-
tape were used to ensure consistent contact pressure of metric and isokinetic muscle actions (SPSS version 11.5
the MMG sensor. for Windows software package, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL).
Follow-up analyses for the ANOVAs included Tukey post
Signal Processing
hoc comparisons. An a # 0.05 was considered statistically
The raw MMG and EMG signals were stored and dis- significant for all comparisons. Post hoc effect size and
played on a personal computer (AcqKnowledge III, Biopac statistical power were calculated (Table 1).
Systems Inc.). The sampling frequency was 1,000 Hz for
both signals. The MMG and EMG signals were bandpass RESULTS
filtered (fourth-order Butterworth filter) at 5–100 Hz and Isometric and Isokinetic EMG Amplitude
10–500 Hz, respectively. For the isokinetic muscle ac-
tions, the MMG and EMG amplitude and frequency val- Figure 3 shows the mean 6 SEM normalized EMG am-
ues were calculated for a 1-second period that correspond- plitude values at 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100% of MVC and
ed to a 308 range of motion from approximately 120–1508 PT for the isometric and isokinetic muscle actions. For
of leg flexion. This range of motion was selected to avoid the isometric muscle actions, the EMG amplitude vs. the
the acceleration and deceleration phases that are typical percentage of MVC relationship was quadratic (R2 5
of isokinetic dynamometry (8). For the isometric muscle 0.999), and EMG amplitude increased significantly for
actions, the middle 2 seconds of the 6-second muscle ac- each percentage of MVC (100 . 80 . 60 . 40 . 20%).
tion were used for the MMG and EMG analyses (Figure For the isokinetic muscle actions, the EMG amplitude vs.
2). The signals were expressed as root mean square am- percentage of PT relationship was linear (r2 5 0.988), and
plitude values, and all frequency analyses were per- EMG amplitude increased significantly for each percent-
formed with custom programs written with LabVIEW age of PT, except between 40 and 60% PT (100 . 80 .
software (version 6.1, National Instruments, Austin, TX). 60 and 40 . 20%).
Each MMG and EMG data segment was processed with
Isometric and Isokinetic EMG MPF
a Hamming window and Discrete Fourier Transformation
(DFT). We chose DFT, as opposed to Fast Fourier Trans- Figure 4 includes the mean 6 SEM normalized EMG
formations, because the DFT is not constrained to 2n MPF values at 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100% MVC and PT for

TABLE 1. Normalized isometric and isokinetic electromyographic (EMG) and mechanomyographic (MMG) amplitude and mean
power frequency (MPF) (n 5 7).
Maximal voluntary contraction or peak torque
20% 40% 60% 80% 100% p value Effect size Power
EMG amplitude 0.121 6 0.005 0.266 6 0.026 0.468 6 0.037 0.708 6 0.038 0.988 6 0.012 ,0.05 0.979 1.000
EMG MPF 0.888 6 0.023 0.920 6 0.018 .927 6 0.012 0.947 6 0.016 0.905 6 0.024 .0.05 0.187 0.362
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MMG amplitude 0.155 6 0.022 0.318 6 0.038 0.631 6 0.093 0.795 6 0.101 0.772 6 0.083 ,0.05 0.713 1.000
MMG MPF 0.606 6 0.036 0.646 6 0.034 0.806 6 0.040 0.907 6 0.031 0.932 6 0.028 ,0.05 0.835 1.000
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EMG amplitude 0.209 6 0.022 0.476 6 0.059 0.601 6 0.35 0.771 6 0.040 0.986 6 0.010 ,0.05 0.930 1.000
EMG MPF 0.928 6 0.016 0.883 6 0.011 0.890 6 0.023 0.896 6 0.038 0.855 6 0.016 .0.05 0.206 0.406
MMG amplitude 0.234 6 0.042 0.424 6 0.088 0.519 6 0.45 0.580 6 0.077 0.890 6 0.056 ,0.05 0.677 1.000
MMG MPF 0.753 6 0.068 0.822 6 0.052 0.849 6 0.044 0.916 6 0.037 0.827 6 0.037 .0.05 0.223 0.403

the isometric and isokinetic muscle actions. There was no firing rates) that modulate force production during iso-
significant relationship for EMG MPF vs. percentage of metric and dynamic muscle actions (24, 26, 39, 44–48).
MVC, and there were no significant differences in EMG Recent studies have found muscle-specific differences in
MPF among the percentage of MVC levels for the iso- the contributions of motor unit recruitment and firing
metric muscle actions. For the isokinetic muscle actions, rate to isometric and dynamic force production of the bi-
the EMG MPF vs. percentage of PT relationship was cu- ceps brachii (24, 26, 44–48), brachioradialis (47, 48), bra-
bic (R2 5 0.999), but there were no significant differences chialis (48), pronator teres (48), and flexor carpi radialis
in EMG MPF among the percentage of PT levels. muscles (39). No studies, however, have used simulta-
neous measurements of EMG and MMG responses to
Isometric and Isokinetic MMG Amplitude characterize the motor control strategies of the vastus
For the isometric and isokinetic muscle actions (Figure medialis during incremental isometric and dynamic leg
5), the MMG amplitude vs. percentage of MVC or PT re- extension muscle actions.
lationships were linear (r2 5 0.902 and 0.933, respective- Typically, isometric muscle actions are characterized
ly). Figure 5 shows the mean 6 SEM normalized MMG by linear or curvilinear increases in EMG amplitude with
amplitude values at 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100% MVC and torque (or force) due to concurrent increases in motor unit
PT for the isometric and isokinetic muscle actions. For recruitment and firing rates to approximately 50–80%
the isometric muscle actions, MMG amplitude values at MVC and then increases in firing rates only between ap-
60, 80, and 100% MVC were significantly greater than proximately 50–80% and 100% MVC (12, 13, 31, 38). In
those at 20 and 40% MVC but not significantly different general, EMG vs. isometric torque relationships from
from each other. In addition, there was no significant dif- muscles with a mixed fiber-type distribution tend to be
ference in MMG amplitude between 20 and 40% MVC. curvilinear, whereas those from muscles with a uniform
For the isokinetic muscle actions, MMG amplitude was fiber-type distribution tend to be linear (50). The vastus
significantly greater at 100% PT than at 20, 40, 60, and medialis muscle has a mixed fiber-type distribution (18);
80% PT. The MMG amplitude values at 60 and 80% PT therefore, the curvilinear increase in EMG amplitude
were also significantly greater than at 20% PT. with isometric torque found in the present study (Figure
3) may have been due to progressive recruitment of large-
Isometric and Isokinetic MMG MPF diameter fast twitch muscle fibers with greater action po-
For the isometric muscle actions, the MMG MPF vs. per- tential amplitudes (50).
centage of MVC relationship was linear (Figure 6, r2 5 It has also been suggested that a curvilinear EMG am-
0.946), but for the isokinetic muscle actions, there was no plitude vs. isometric torque relationship may be due to
significant relationship between MMG MPF and percent- increases in the firing rates of motor units with fused
age of PT. Figure 6 includes the mean 6 SEM normalized twitches (50). Theoretically, increases in the firing rates
MMG MPF values at 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100% MVC and of these motor units (with fused twitches) could cause an
PT for the isometric and isokinetic muscle actions. For increase in EMG amplitude without a corresponding in-
the isometric muscle actions, MMG MPF values at 60, 80, crease in torque production and, therefore, result in a cur-
and 100% MVC were significantly greater than at 20 and vilinear EMG amplitude vs. isometric torque relationship
40% MVC, whereas 100% MVC was also greater than (50).
60% MVC. For the isokinetic muscle actions, there were Although there is conflicting evidence (14), it has been
no significant differences in MMG MPF among the per- suggested that fast twitch motor units with higher re-
centage of PT levels. cruitment thresholds tend to have higher firing rates
than slow twitch motor units with lower recruitment
DISCUSSION thresholds (50). Therefore, a torque-related increase in
The results of this study indicated that there were differ- recruitment should result in an increase in the average
ences between the isometric and isokinetic muscle actions motor unit firing rate. Although it has not been directly
for the torque-related patterns of EMG and MMG ampli- verified (2), it has been suggested that the MPF of the
tude and MPF. These patterns may reflect differences in MMG signal may qualitatively reflect the global firing
the motor control strategies (motor unit recruitment and rate of the unfused activated motor units (40). Thus, the
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FIGURE 3. The relationships and mean 6 SEM normalized FIGURE 4. The relationships and mean 6 SEM normalized
electromyographic (EMG) amplitude for the isometric (100 . electromyographic (EMG) mean power frequency (MPF) for the
80 . 60 . 40 . 20% maximal voluntary contraction [MVC], p isometric (100 5 80 5 60 5 40 5 20% maximal voluntary con-
, 0.05) and isokinetic (100 . 80 . 60 and 40 . 20% peak traction [MVC], p . 0.05) and isokinetic (100 5 80 5 60 5 40
torque [PT], p , 0.05) muscle actions. For the isometric mus- 5 20% peak torque [PT], p . 0.05) muscle actions. For the iso-
cle actions, the EMG amplitude vs. percentage of MVC rela- metric muscle actions, there was no significant relationship for
tionship was quadratic (R2 5 0.999), whereas for the isokinetic EMG MPF vs. percentage of MVC (r2 5 0.180). For the isoki-
muscle actions, the EMG amplitude vs. percentage of PT rela- netic muscle actions, the EMG MPF vs. percentage of PT rela-
tionship was linear (r2 5 0.988). tionship was cubic (R2 5 0.999).

increase in MMG MPF with isometric torque in the pres- also been suggested, however, that a plateau in the MMG
ent study (Figure 6) may have resulted from an increase amplitude vs. torque relationship may result from high
in the muscles global firing rate associated with the re- levels of muscle stiffness (31) or intramuscular fluid pres-
cruitment of higher-threshold fast twitch motor units, as sure (37).
well as an increase in the firing rates of motor units that It has been suggested that during isometric muscle
were already recruited. actions, the frequency content of the EMG signal reflects
During submaximal isometric muscle actions, MMG the average action potential conduction velocity (6, 20),
amplitude reflects the summation of the twitch oscilla- which is related to the number and type of the activated
tions of the activated motor units (4, 34). The increase in motor units (19). Theoretically, EMG MPF should in-
MMG amplitude to 80% MVC found in the present study crease with torque due to the progressive recruitment of
(Figure 5) was consistent with isometric torque-related fast twitch motor units with higher action potential con-
increases in motor unit recruitment and firing rates (4, duction velocities (6). Previous studies, however, have re-
34). Orizio et al. (32) suggested that the plateau in MMG ported increases (15, 16, 20), no change (23), or decreases
amplitude at high levels of force may signal the end of (23) in EMG center frequencies with isometric force for
motor unit recruitment and an increase in the global fir- the quadriceps femoris muscles. The differences between
ing rate of the active motor units. Thus, the plateau in studies (15, 16, 20, 23) for the EMG MPF vs. isometric
MMG amplitude between 80 and 100% MVC in the pre- force relationship may be due to the specific muscles ex-
sent study (Figure 5) was consistent with previous studies amined, electrode types and configurations, sex differenc-
(11, 12, 31) and may have been due to high motor unit es, and/or skinfold thicknesses (20). In the present study,
firing rates that caused fusion of motor unit twitches and there was no change in EMG MPF across percentage of
limited the oscillations of some muscle fibers (31). It has MVC values (Figure 4). Further research is needed to
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FIGURE 5. The relationships and mean 6 SEM normalized FIGURE 6. The relationships and mean 6 SEM normalized
mechanomyographic (MMG) amplitude for the isometric (100, mechanomyographic (MMG) mean power frequency (MPF) for
80, and 60 . 40, 20% maximal voluntary contraction [MVC], p the isometric (100, 80, and 60 . 40, 20 and 100 . 60% maxi-
, 0.05) and isokinetic (100 . 80, 60, 40, and 20, and 80, 60 . mal voluntary contraction [MVC], p , 0.05) and isokinetic (100
20% peak torque [PT], p , 0.05) muscle actions. For the iso- 5 80 5 60 5 40 5 20% peak torque [PT], p . 0.05) muscle
metric and isokinetic muscle actions, the MMG amplitude vs. actions. For the isometric muscle actions, the MMG MPF vs.
percentage of MVC or PT relationships were linear (r2 5 0.902 percentage of MVC relationship was linear (r2 5 0.946), but for
and 0.933, respectively). the isokinetic muscle actions, there was no significant relation-
ship between MMG MPF and percentage of PT (r2 5 0.426).

identify muscle-specific differences in the isometric

torque-related pattern for EMG MPF and the physiologic
mechanism underlying the relationship. early to 100% PT during the isokinetic muscle actions
For the isokinetic muscle actions, the amplitude of the (Figure 5). These findings are unique, because no previ-
EMG signal increased linearly from 20 to 100% PT (Fig- ous studies have examined the relationships for MMG
ure 3). These findings were consistent with previous stud- amplitude from the muscles of the quadriceps femoris vs.
ies that have also reported torque-related increases in submaximal to maximal torque during dynamic muscle
EMG amplitude from the quadriceps femoris muscles actions of the leg extensors. Previous studies, however,
during dynamic muscle actions (22, 50). There were, how- have reported linear increases in MMG amplitude from
ever, no torque-related changes in EMG MPF for the iso- the biceps brachii (9, 36) and brachioradialis muscles (36)
metric or isokinetic muscle actions (Figure 4). This simi- with increases in concentric forearm flexion torque. In
larity in patterns suggests that the EMG MPF responses contrast, Madeleine et al. (27) reported no significant (p
to isometric and isokinetic muscle actions may be medi- . 0.05) change in MMG amplitude from the first dorsal
ated by the same physiologic mechanism. A recent inves- interosseous muscle across concentric torque values that
tigation, however, reported a dissociation between action ranged from 0–100% PT. For the isometric muscle actions
potential conduction velocity and the median frequency of in the present study, MMG amplitude plateaued at 80%
the EMG signal during dynamic muscle actions (30). MVC. The differences in the patterns of response for the
Thus, additional research is needed to compare the EMG isokinetic vs. isometric muscle actions may have been due
MPF responses to various modes of muscle actions and to to differences in muscle stiffness and/or intramuscular
determine if there are mode-specific mechanisms under- fluid pressure. In the present study, isokinetic PT was
lying the patterns of responses. approximately 90% of the isometric MVC; therefore, it is
In the present study, MMG amplitude increased lin- likely that the isokinetic muscle actions were character-

ized by less muscle stiffness and intramuscular fluid pres- 100% MVC suggested an increase in motor unit firing
sure than the isometric muscle actions. rate due to the progressive recruitment of higher thresh-
It is also possible that the differences in the MMG old motor units and increases in the firing rates of al-
amplitude vs. torque relationships for the isokinetic and ready activated motor units. An examination of the pat-
isometric muscle actions reflected the motor control strat- terns of the EMG and MMG amplitude and MMG MPF
egies used to modulate torque production. For example, a responses in the present study supported these findings
number of studies have found lower motor unit recruit- and suggested that the isometric muscle actions were
ment thresholds and/or greater muscle activation for the graded through a combination of motor unit recruitment
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biceps brachii (24, 26, 44–48), brachioradialis (47, 48), and firing rate up to 80% MVC, with increases in motor
brachialis (48), pronator teres (48), and flexor carpi ra- unit firing rate alone increasing torque above this level.
dialis muscles (39) during concentric than isometric mus- For the isokinetic muscle actions in the present study,
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cle actions. Kossev and Christova (24) reported that dur- EMG and MMG amplitude increased to 100% PT, which
ing concentric muscle actions of the biceps brachii, gra- suggested that recruitment of new motor units occurred
dations in muscle force were influenced more by motor throughout the entire range of isokinetic torque produc-
unit recruitment than alterations in firing rate and that, tion. There were no changes in EMG or MMG MPF values
unlike isometric muscle actions (24), ‘‘the recruitment of from 20 to 100% PT. The lack of change in MMG MPF
new units takes place throughout the whole range of mus- suggested there was no change in the global motor unit
cle forces. . . .’’ It has been suggested that a plateau in firing rate across torque levels for the isokinetic muscle
MMG amplitude, often observed for incremental isomet- actions (34). These results suggested that the isokinetic
ric muscle actions at approximately 80% MVC, represents
muscle actions were modulated through increased motor
the end of motor unit recruitment (32). The increase in
unit recruitment, with little or no change in motor unit
MMG amplitude to 100% PT in the present study (Figure
firing rate. Collectively, the EMG and MMG signals pro-
5) for the concentric isokinetic muscle actions supports
vided evidence that the motor control strategies used by
the conclusions of Kossev and Christova (24) and suggests
that, like the biceps brachii, motor unit recruitment in the vastus medialis to modulate torque production differ
the vastus medialis during dynamic muscle actions may for isometric and isokinetic muscle actions.
continue throughout the whole range of torque production
The patterns of MMG MPF vs. torque for the isoki- The results of this investigation suggest there are differ-
netic and isometric muscle actions (Figure 6) found in the ences in the motor control strategies used by the vastus
present study may also reflect the differences in motor medialis to modulate torque for the isometric and concen-
control strategies. For the isometric muscle actions, the tric isokinetic muscle actions. A better understanding of
increase in MMG MPF with torque may have reflected
how torque is modulated for different force and movement
increases in the muscle’s global motor unit firing rate as-
tasks may enable practitioners to better design training
sociated with the progressive recruitment of higher-
programs to achieve desired goals. Mechanomyography
threshold fast twitch motor units and increases in the
provides the researcher with a noninvasive tool for mon-
firing rates of already activated motor units (40). For the
isokinetic muscle actions, however, there was no change itoring muscle function. With additional examination and
(p . 0.05) in MMG MPF from 20 to 100% PT. These find- validation, the concurrent use of MMG and EMG may
ings suggested that torque may have been modulated by allow the coach, trainer, or therapist to monitor training-
motor unit recruitment, with little or no change in firing induced changes in muscle function and, potentially, to
rate. Previous studies have also reported stable motor prevent overtraining.
unit firing rates with changes in concentric force produc-
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Address correspondence to Dr. Jared W. Coburn,
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