Various Lde Questions Udc To Assistant Upto 2022

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Time Allowed : 3 hours FM : 100 PM : 35

Marks for each question is indicated against it.

Attempt all questions.

(40 marks)
(Central Secretariat - Manual of Office Procedure)

1. Define any five of the following terms: (5×2=10)

(a) PUC (b) Current file
(c) Urgent dak (d) Issue
(e) Postal dak (f) Fresh receipt
(g) Security grading
2. Write 5 (five) forms of Written Communications. What form of communication is used when
Government orders in disciplinary cases are issued? (6)
3. By using Functional Filing System, please open the file from the following particulars: (6)
Group Head .................................... D
Primary Head ................................. 14
Secondary Head ............................. 12
First file on the subject
Year of opening ............................... 2014
Name of the Department ................ DP&AR (SSW)
4. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words : (8×1=8)
(a) __________ dak will be separated from other dak and dealt with first.
(b) Every Section should maintain __________ for diarising receipts.
(c) The Dealing Assistant will enter the receipts in the __________ diary.
(d) Stencil will be cut whenever more than __________ copies of communication are required.
(e) The executive power of the Union formally vests in the __________.
(f) The Council of Ministers is headed by __________ in the State.
(g) Fair copies of letter should be typed with __________ spacing unless otherwise directed.
(h) One of the urgency grading is __________.

5. Arrange the following papers in a case from top to downwards. (5)

(a) Running summary of facts;
(b) Reference books;
(c) Draft for approval, if any;
(d) Notes portion of the current file ending with note for consideration;
(e) Appendix to notes and correspondence;
6. Choose the correct answer from the given options: (5×1=5)
(a) Movement of files will be entered in Record Register/File Movement Register.
(b) File will be indexed at the time of opening/recording.
(c) The Allocation of Business Rules/Transaction of Business Rules allocates the business of the
(d) While typing, Urgent/Reminder draft will be attended to first.
(e) The label Immediate/Urgent will be used only in cases requiring prompt attention.

GROUP ‘B’ (25 marks)

(FR9 – 57)

7. Define any 5 (five) of the following: ( 5×2=10)

(a) Cadre (b) Lien
(c) The Act (d) Personal Pay
(e) Foreign Service (f) Permanent post
8. What are the conditions on which Service counts for increments in a time Scale of pay? (5)
9. There are some conditions under which date of birth of a Government Servant already accepted can
be altered. What are those conditions? (5)
10. What is Combination of appointments? How is pay regulated if a Government Servant is formally
appointed to hold dual charges of two posts in the same cadre in the same office carrying identical
scales of pay? (5)

GROUP ‘C’ (25 marks)

(S.R. 17 – 195, T.A. RULES)

11. What are the different kinds of Travelling Allowances which may be drawn in different circumstances
by a Government Servant? (5)
12. Define any 5 (five) of the following: (5×2=10)
(a) Camp equipment (b) Enforce halt
(c) Composite transfer grant (d) Local Journey
(e) Validity of T.A claim (f) Mileage allowance
13. State whether the following statements are True or False: (5×1=5)
(a) Permanent travelling allowance may be drawn during joining time.
(b) Air lifting of dead body of a Government Servant by a commercial flight is permissible.
(c) Travelling allowance is admissible to a Government Servant under suspension who is required
to perform journey to attend Departmental Enquiry.

(d) Temporary transfer means transfer within the same station.

(e) Daily allowance is not admissible for a period of absence from headquarters not exceeding 6
14. What are the duties of a Controlling Officer in regard to Travelling Allowance claims? (5)

GROUP ‘D’ (10 marks)

(S.R 293 – 306 C.C.S. (JOINING TIME) RULES, 1979)

15. What will be the dates of commencement of Joining Time if a Government Servant on transfer in the
interest of Public Service: (2×2=4)
(a) Handed over charge of his office on 1-9-2014 (FN)
(b) Handed over charge of his office on 16-9-2014 (AN)
16. How will you regulate unavailed Joining Time in relation to Earned Leave credit? (3)
17. Pu Biaka, Assistant was transferred from Aizawl to Saiha in the interest of Public Service. After
handing over charge of his old post and while on transit, he received another transfer order. How will
you regulate his joining time? (3)


Time Allowed : 3 hours FM : 100 PM : 35

Marks for each question is indicated against it.

Attempt all questions.

1. Describe in detail the provisions of Rule 3 (General) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964. (10)
2. What constitutes ‘Strike’ under the CCS (Conduct) Rules? (10)
3. Define ‘Gifts’. Is Government servant free to accept gifts from his subordinates at the time of his/her
marriage? (10)
4. What are the assets and liabilities a government servant has to submit on his first appointment to the
service? (10)
5. What are the restrictions imposed on the government servant by the Conduct Rules in regard to
consumption of intoxicating drinks and drugs? (10)
6. Under what circumstances Petition is made to the President of India? State the correct method of
submission of the Petition. (10)
7. What is the prescribed procedure for termination of Temporary Service? What benefits are admissible
to such government servants? (10)
8. How is earned leave calculated? What is the maximum that can be credited to the account of the
government servant? How is the excess EL disposed at the time of retirement? (10)
9. Name different kinds of leaves. Can you combine one kind of leave with any other kind of leave?
Give details. (10)
10. What is leave salary? How is the amount of leave salary determined for different kinds of leaves?


Time Allowed : 3 hours FM : 100 PM : 35
Marks for each question is indicated against it.

(Question No. 6 is compulsory. Answer any 4 (four) questions From Question No.1 to No.5)

1. State the instructions for receipt and issue of stores. (10)

2. State the Standards of financial propriety. (10)
3. What do you mean by the following? (2×5=10)
(a) Stores (b) Limited Tender
4. Answer the following: (2×5=10)
(a) On what condition may a Government Servant without a substantive appointment be granted
an advance from public funds?
(b) When does sanction lapse?
5. State the procedure to be followed : (2×5=10)
(a) In cases where a portion of service cannot be verified from records
(b) In making a physical verification of stores
6. Fill in the blanks: (10×1=10)
(a) Stores remaining in stock for over a year shall be considered __________ unless there is any
good reason to treat them otherwise.
(b) No certificate of verification in respect of an employee need be recorded in service book by
the Head of Office in respect of periods of __________.
(c) If a person newly appointed to a service or a post under Government is unable to state his
exact date of birth but can state the year and month of birth, the __________ of the month
shall be treated as the date of his birth.
(d) A certified copy of a Service Book may be supplied on payment of copying fee of
Rs.__________ to a Government Servant who asks for it on quitting Government service by
retirement, discharge or resignation.
(e) In the disposal of stores, where the articles are sold by public auction, the Head of Office or
any other Gazetted Officer should invariably attend the auction and record the ________ bids.
(f) All orders conveying sanction to expenditure of a definite amount or up to a specific limit
should express the amount of expenditure sanctioned both in __________
(g) A subordinate authority empowered to sanction a cash grant may sanction any __________
not exceeding the amount of the cash grant.
(h) Cases involving losses not exceeding __________ each need not be reported to the Audit
Officer and the Accounts Officer unless there are, in any case, important features which merit
detailed investigation and consideration.

(i) The amount of advance, after it is determined in accordance with provisions contained in General
Financial Rules 1963 should be rounded off to the nearest multiple of __________
(j) All proposals for sanction to expenditure, including new expenditure, should indicate whether
such expenditure can be met by valid appropriation or __________

(Question No. 12 is compulsory. Answer any 4 (four) questions From Question No.7 to No.11)

7. Specify the instructions : (2×5=10)

(a) For presentation of challan in the case of recovery of overpayment made in cash.
(b) Regarding issue of duplicate or copies of receipts.
8. What do you mean by the term: (2×5=10)
(a) Contingent Charges (b) Abstract Contingent Bills
9. State the procedure to be followed: (2×5=10)
(a) By a Government Officer dealing with both Government and non-Government money in his
official capacity.
(b) In issuing receipts to the payer.
10. Answer the following: (2×5=10)
(a) How will Government money not in the custody of a Treasury or the Bank be kept?
(b) What are the duties of the Head of Office in the verification of Cash Book?
11. Comment on the following: (2×5=10)
(a) A bill to be presented to the Treasury contains over writings.
(b) A payment is not supported by a voucher/payee’s receipt.
12. Fill in the blanks: (10×1=10)
(a) When departmental cash chest are lodged in the Treasury for safe custody, the keys of such
chests must be kept with the __________.
(b) A __________ is a statement of claims against the Government containing specification of the
nature and amount of the claim, either in gross or by items, and includes such a statement
presented in the form of a simple receipt.
(c) Charges against two or more __________ should not be included in one bill.
(d) The Head of an Office may authorise any Gazetted Officer serving under him to sign a bill or
order for him, communicating the name and __________ of the Officer to the disbursing Office
(e) It is not permissible to draw money from the Treasury in anticipation of demands or to prevent
the __________ of budget grants.
(f) A bill or a cheque becomes a __________ only when it is receipted and stamped “paid”.
(g) The spaces left blank either in the money column or in the columns for particulars of the bill
should invariably be covered by __________
(h) All cheques should be written and signed in __________ ink only.
(i) No document bearing an __________ can be accepted and payment on such document shall
be refused by the Treasury Officer and a fresh document called for.
(j) All sub-vouchers to bills must be __________ in such a manner that they cannot be subsequently
used for presenting fraudulent claims or other fraudulent purposes.


Time Allowed : 3 hours FM : 100 PM : 35

Marks for each question is indicated against it.

Attempt all questions.

1. Give a précis of the following passage adding a suitable title. (20)

The ease with which democratic Government has given way to authoritarian regime in one
Asian Country after another has made many persons ask in despair whether the parliamentary system
based on the western model is suited to underdeveloped countries. People who do not know how to
read and write, they argue, can hardly know how to vote. Popular elections often brings incompetent
men to the top, they contend and the division of party spoils, breeds on corruption. What is worse,
the system of perpetual party warfare obstructs the business of Government.
They point to the dismal results of the last ten years. The pace of social and economic change
has been far too slow and the Governments in most of the under developed countries have failed to
come to grips with the problems which face the people. What they say is, no doubt, true to some
extent but it is pertinent to remember that every alternative to democracy while it in no way guarantees
integrity or efficiency in the administration, lack even the saving merits of regimes which are based on
suffrage of the best people, leave it to the people to find out, by trial and error, who is their best
friend. The people can peacefully get rid of democratic Government which has failed to keep its
promise. They can overthrow a dictatorial regime only through a violent resolution. Those who feel
sore over the ills from which democratic regime suffers should be aware, therefore of suggesting a
cure which is likely to undermine the democratic structures of the State. The people can at least raise
their voice in protest against the injustice of a democratic government, they can only suffer in silence
the tyranny of a regime which is responsible to no one but itself.
2. Write an essay (in about 1000 words) on any one of the following topics. (20)
(a) The problems faced by the Educated unemployed in Mizoram.
(b) The Spread of HIV has made drug addiction a menace to the health, life and peace of many
(c) Mizo culture is under great stress because our youths are exposed to Globalisation of Western
3. The Parliament Secretariat has six posts of Assistant requiring to be filled by experienced men.
Candidates must be graduate of a recognised university, have worked in a government department
for at least two years as an Assistant or five years as Upper Division Clerk. Must have sound general
knowledge of current affairs, good personality and initiative, selected candidates will be required to
attend an interview in New Delhi at their own expense. Two testimonials in original must be submitted.
Application to be in candidate’s own handwriting. Pay and allowances at prescribed rates. Canvassing
will disqualify. Age between 23 and 30.
Prepare an Office Memorandum for circulation to all Ministries and Departments of the Government
of India. (10)

4. Read the passage and answer the following questions given below.
Much blood has been shed in the name of religion. God is one but the ways of worships are
different. Paths of our entry or exits from the world are the same. On Earth man has to perform
certain sublime deeds, but here he becomes a tyrannical beast ever ready to destroy life which is so
sacrosanct and in that process he himself meets his doom when he departs from this earthly sojourn.
Religions are necessary for existence upon Earth as these are paths of spiritualism and the gateways
to the Divine Providence, but any strife in the name of God is a beastly action which must be condemned
with all the force at our command. We should live like honest human beings everyday to render
selfless service to humanity and rather the whole creation. Life of all sorts must be held sacrosanct.
Beautiful animals created by God should be allowed to exist on our beautiful Earth planet as they are
part and parcel of the Divine Plan. Therefore, we should try to lead a holy life and should live like a
pilgrim on this Earth ever ready to help all with whatever we can.
(a) What is the religion according to the above lines? (2)
(b) Why has man been termed as a tyrannical beast? (2)
(c) How can we serve the humanity? (2)
(d) Give a suitable title heading to the above passage. (1)
5. Make sentences with any five of the following words. (5×1=5)
(a) Forgo. (b) Hoard.
(c) Honorary. (d) Petrify.
(e) Venial. (f) Prudent.
(g) Ignenuous.
6. Make illustrative sentences with the following Idioms and Phrases (Any four). (4×2=8)
(a) Fall into a rage. (b) Off the hook.
(c) Shot in the locker. (d) Rake over old ashes.
(e) Weal and Woe. (f) Get into hot waters.
(g) Close shave.
7. Write the one word substitution for any five of the following sentences. (5×1=5)
(a) That happens at the same time. (b) One who is all powerful.
(c) The right of Self Government. (d) A remedy for all deseases.
(e) A fault that may be forgiven. (f) One who acts against religion.
(g) One who studies the pattern of voting in Election.
8. Expand the idea in any two of the following in about two paragraphs. (2×5=10)
(a) ‘Paths of glory lead but to the grave’. (b) ‘Failures are stepping stone to success’.
(c) ‘Speech is silver, Silence is Gold’. (d) ‘Sweet are the uses of adversity’.
9. Fill in the blanks with suitable Adverb. (5×1=5)
(a) I __________ for a walk every morning.
(b) The widow __________ worried and terrified.
(c) Parents __________ their children.
(d) __________ you beat his brother?
(e) She __________ at my words.

10. Change the voice into Active in the following sentences. (5×1=5)
(a) It is said that honesty is the best policy.
(b) Let not anyone be hated.
(c) He was taken for a cheat.
(d) Has anything been done by him?
(e) Could I be helped by you, Sir?
11. Fill in appropriate Preposition. (5×1=5)
(a) This fellow is good __________ nothing.
(b) Cut the rope __________ a knife.
(c) No wasteland is being brought __________ cultivation.
(d) They are talking __________ her behaviour.
(e) No noble act is prompted __________ selfish motives.


Time Allowed : 3 hours FM : 100 PM : 35

Marks for each question is indicated against it.

Attempt all questions.

GROUP ‘A’ (40 marks)

(Central Secretariat manual of office procedure)

1. Define the following terms as used in the Secretariat Manual of Office Procedure: (10)
(a) Dak (b) Receipt
(c) Docketing (d) Note
(e) Minute
2. What are the points to be kept in view by the Dealing Hand while putting up a note in file? (10)
3. In functional Filing System, functional or activity group heading, main subject, subordinate subject
etc. are represented by numerals and abbreviating letters. Given file No. A.19011/2/2015-
P&AR(SSW), for what does the following numerals and alphabets stand? (6×1=6)
A = _______
19 = _______
0 = _______
11 = _______
2 = _______
P&AR(SSW) = _______
4. What urgency grading will be used: (2)
(a) for cases requiring prompt attention?
(b) for cases which merit disposal in precedence to others of ordinary nature?
5. Give the long form of the following abbreviations: (2)
(a) Puc (b) DFA
6. Mention any 8 (eight) forms of written communications generally used by Departments. What form
will be most appropriate for corresponding with the Mizoram Public Service Commission in matter of
Limited Departmental Examination for promotion to Assistant Grade? (8+2=10)

GROUP ‘B’ (25 marks)


7. Define any 5 (five) of the following: (5×2=10)

(a) Foreign Service (b) Ministerial Servant
(c) Temporary Post (d) Special Pay
(e) Compensatory allowance (f) Substantive Pay
(g) Lien
8. What do you mean by ‘Pay’? How will you regulate pay of a Government Servant promoted to
higher post who opted to get his pay fixed from the date of next increment? (3+5=8)
9. On what ground can a Government Servant be transferred to a post carrying less pay than the pay of
the post on which he hold a lien? (2)
10. What will be the initial entitlement of subsistence allowance to a Government servant who has been
placed under suspension? Can this be reduced or increased subsequently? If so, to what extent?(5)

GROUP ‘C’ (25 marks)

(SR 17-195, TA RULES)

11. Mention the different kinds of Travelling Allowance which may be drawn by Government Servants in
different circumstances? (5)
12. For the purpose of travelling allowance, employees are divided into five grades based on grade pay
on the post held by them. What are such grades? (5)
13. To whom can permanent monthly travelling allowance be granted? Can a permanent T.A be drawn
during (2+3=5)
(a) Leave? (b) Temporary transfer?
(c) Joining time?
14. What is ‘Mileage allowance’? How will you regulate mileage allowance when a Government servant
travelled by a route which is not the shortest route but is cheaper than the shortest route? (2+2=4)
15. Define ‘Daily allowance’. What will be the rate of daily allowance for a period of absence from
headquarters: (3×2=6)
(a) not exceeding 6 hours?
(b) exceeding 6 hours but not exceeding 12 hours?
(c) exceeding 12 hours?

GROUP ‘D’ (10 marks)

(SR 293-306, Joining Time Rules)

16. What is ‘Joining Time’? When will the joining time commence if a Government Servant is transferred
from one station to another involving change of residence? (5)
17. What are the entitlement of pay and allowances to a Government servant during joining time? (3)
18. Can joining time be prefixed or suffixed with holidays? (2)


Time Allowed : 3 hours FM : 100 PM : 35

Marks for each question is indicated against it.

Attempt all questions.

Group “A’ : Instructions for the Submission, Receipt, etc. of Petitions to the President of India.

1. What are the forms and contents of petitions addressed to the President of India? (10)
List out any five of the circumstances in which petitions to the President may be withheld. (10)

Group ‘B’ : CCS (Temporary Service) Rules, 1965

2. How is the services of a temporary Government servant liable to termination and what are the procedure
for serving notice on such Government servant? (10)

Group ‘C’ : CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964

3. Answer any five of the following :- (5×5=25)

(a) Write down the requirements, as enumerated under sub-rule (1) of Rule 3 of the CCS (Conduct)
Rules, 1964, which every Government servant shall follow at all times.
(b) What do you understand by ‘Sexual Harassment’ within the meaning of the CCS (Conduct)
Rules, 1964?
(c) What are the ceiling limits of value of gifts different groups of Government servant can accept
on occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, funerals or religious functions without the
requirement of reporting it to the Government?
(d) What are the do’s and don’ts in regard to communication of official information?
(e) On his first appointment to any service or post, what are the assets and liabilities on which
every Government servant shall submit a return?
(f) Write down any four of private trade or employment on which previous sanction of the
Government is necessary for a Government servant to take part.
(g) What restrictions are laid down for a Government servant in regard to consumption of intoxicating
drinks and drugs?
4. Define any three of the following : (3×5=15)
(a) Strike (b) Public Place
(c) Movable Property (d) Valuable Security

Group ‘D’ : CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972

5. What are the services/staff which do not come under the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972? (10)
Write down the kinds of leave due and admissible. (10)
6. Answer any four of the following : (4×5=20)
(a) What is the maximum Earned Leave that may be granted to a Government servant at a time?
(b) What are the conditions for grant of Extraordinary Leave?
(c) What are the maximum amount of Casual Leave and Special Casual Leave that can be granted
to a Government servant in any one calendar year? Can Casual Leave be combined with Special
Casual Leave? What kind of Sports and Cultural Activities are admissible for grant of Special
Casual Leave? (App. III)
(d) Who are eligible for grant of Study Leave? What is the maximum amount of Study Leave that
can be granted to a Government servant at a time and during his entire service?
(R. 50(5) & R. 51)
(e) Who are the Government servants not to be granted leave?(R. 17)
(f) What is the maximum amount of leave that can be granted to a Government servant? What are
the conditions for retrospective commutation of leave of one kind into leave of different kind?
(R. 10 & 12)
7. Define any two of the following : (2×5=10)
(a) Completed years of service (b) Foreign service
(c) Vacation department


Time Allowed : 3 hours FM : 100 PM : 35
Marks for each question is indicated against it.

(Answer any 5 (five) questions from question No. 1 to 6)

1. State the principal standards of financial propriety. (10)

2. Briefly explain: (2×5=10)
(a) Reappropriation of Funds (b) Supplementary Grants
3. Distinguish between : (2×5=10)
(a) Charged and Voted Expenditure (b) Capital and Revenue Expenditure
4. What are the instructions to be followed in the disposal of surplus and unserviceable stores? (10)
5. Write short notes on : (4×2½ = 10)
(a) The rules governing receipt of money due to the government
(b) The procedure prescribed for dealing with time-barred claims
(c) ‘Cost Plus’ contract
(d) Vote on account
6. Fill in the blanks : (10×1=10)
(a) “Consolidated Fund” means the consolidated Fund of India referred to in Article __________
of the Consitution.
(b) __________ means the transfer of funds from one primary unit of appropriation to another
such unit.
(c) Recurring expenditure means the expenditure which is incurred at __________.
(d) The financial powers of the Government, which have not been delegated to a
subordinate authority vide DFP Rules, shall vest in the __________.
(e) All proposals for sanction to expenditure, shall indicate whether such expenditure can be met
by valid __________.
(f) A sanction for any fresh charge shall, unless it is specifically renewed, lapse if no
payment in whole or in part has been made during a period of __________ from the date of
issue of such sanction.
(g) Financial year of the Government shall commence on the __________ of each year and end on
the __________ of the following year.
(h) The provisions for preparation, formulation and submission of budget to the
Parliament are contained in Article __________ to __________ of the Constitution of India.

(i) In case the Service Book of Government Servants’ copy is lost by the Government Servant, it
shall be replaced on payment of a sum of __________.
(j) Travelling Allowance claim of a Government servant shall be submitted within __________ of
its becoming due failing which it shall stand forfeited.

(Answer all the questions from question No. 7 to 11)

7. Under what circumstances may a Teasury Officer permit withdrawal of moneys from the Government
Account? (10)
8. State the principles to be observed by Government Officers who are required to receive Government
dues and handle cash. (10)
9. What are the instructions to be observed in preparation and form of bills? (10)
10. What do you mean by the term contingent charges? Briefly define the five classes of contingencies.
11. Write short notes on : (4×2½=10)
(a) Bank Treasury and Non-Bank Treasury
(b) Letters of Credit
(c) Check to be applied at Treasury
(d) Permanent Advances


Time Allowed : 3 hours FM : 100 PM : 35

Marks for each question is indicated against it.

Attempt all questions.

1. Write an essay (in about 1000 words) on any one of the following topics: (20)
(a) The curse of illiteracy in India.
(b) The uses of leisure.
(c) Violence in the society.
2. Make a précis of the following passage in one-third of its original length. Supply a suitable title:(20)
Industrialisation and its consequent processes of urbanisation, modernisation, rapid
advancement in the sphere of science and technology, have had a socio-economic, political and
psychological impact on mankind. As a matter of fact, man had until very recently kept his eyes
closed to the enormous damage he had done to his environment and the manner in which he had
upset the ecological balance through indiscriminate use of technology. Man has virtually poisoned his
environment and lives a highly unhygienic life by his own scientific standards. Scientists and ecologists
along with other experts have established that nature’s gifts of air, water and earth to man, have
become terribly filthy and contaminated – courtesy man’s inhumanity towards his environment. The
advanced countries were perplexed and vexed to know that population was detrimental to all forms
and species of life on earth.
3. Draft an Office memorandum for circulation to all departments under the Government of Mizoram for
filling up of five posts of Assistant Grade under DP&AR(SSW) Deptt. Candidates must be graduates
of a recognised university, have worked in a government department for at least five years as an as
Upper Desk Division Clerk. Must have sound knowledge of current affairs and computer skills, with
good personality and initiative. Candidates will have to undergo an examination under MPSC. Two
testimonials in original must be submitted. Application to be in candidate’s own handwriting. Pay and
allowances at prescribed rates. Canvassing will disqualify. Age between 23 and 30. Invent other
necessary details. (10)
4. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
We do not realise adequately to what extent our minds are moulded by books we read especially
in youth. We have several means by which we acquire knowledge today i.e radio, cinema, newspaper
and television etc. Reading a book is different from mechanised instruction. We are never alone when
we have books as our companion.
A great writer has said that religion is what man does with his solitariness. It is not merely
religion but art and literature, scientific discovery and technological invention that are the outcome of
what a man does with his solitariness. In the modern world we tend to be gregarious beings. When
we have little leisure we run to parties, clubs or other social activities. We are afraid to be alone with
ourselves, afraid to stand and stare, much less to sit and think. We are happy with others not with
ourselves. Pascal tells us that all the evils of the world arise from the fact that men are unable to sit still
in a room. Reading a book gives us the habit of solitary reflection and true enjoyment.
(a) What is the best means of acquiring knowledge? (2)
(b) How has man produced great works of art, literature, scientific discoveries or technological
inventions? (3)
(c) What is man by nature and how does he use his leisure? (3)
(d) What is the cause of evil in this world? (2)
5. Make sentences with the following idioms and phrases(any five) (5×2=10)
(a) At the spur of the moment (b) Break the news
(c) End in smoke (d) Foot the bill
(e) High and dry (f ) In cold blood
(g) Leaps and bounds (h) Pull strings
6. Give one word substitution for any five of the following: (5×1=5)
(a) Government by the nobility
(b) To utter profane language against God or anything holy
(c) Murder of a new born child
(d) A work whose writer is unknown
(e) One who compiles a dictionary
(f) The science of government
(g) Confinement to one place to avoid spread of disease
7. Expand the idea contained in any two of the following: (2×5=10)
(a) We live in deeds not in years (b) Beggars cannot be choosers
(c) Strike while the iron is hot (d) Necessity is the mother of invention
8. Correct the following sentences: (5×1=5)
(a) Great many people attended the wedding.
(b) They insisted on me resigning the post.
(c) The whole India mourned the death of Nehru.
(d) I went to buy some new stationeries.
(e) He is one of those men who is always finding fault with others.
9. Rewrite the following sentences as directed: (5×1=5)
(a) People tell lies everywhere. (Change into passive voice)
(b) The doctor said to the patient ,”Take only liquid food for three days at least”. (Change into
indirect speech)
(c) Can you tell me __________ road will take me to the college? (Add a suitable adjective)
(d) She can speak English __________. (add a suitable adverb)
(e) He is so strict that he will not tolerate such indiscipline. (use ‘too’)
10. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions: (5×1=5)
(a) After all, hard work has come to tell __________ your health.
(b) He made insulting remarks that are derogatory __________ his reputation.
(c) The court has absolved him __________ all the charges levelled against him.
(d) He is born __________ an intelligent mother.
(e) He has great antipathy __________ those who are hypocrites.


Time Allowed : 3 hours FM : 100 PM : 35

Marks for each question is indicated against it.

Attempt all questions.

1. Define the following: (5×2=10)

(a) Docketing (b) Paper under consideration
(c) Current file (d) Security grading
(e) Urgent dak
2. What are indicated in every parts of a functional file beraring No. A.20012/2/2016-PAR(SSW)?
3. Describe any five points of general guidelines for noting. (5)
State any five points of general guidelines for drafting.
4. Answer any five of the following: (5×3=15)
(a) Who are authorized to authenticate orders of the Government?
(b) What are the two basic principles to be borne in mind while dealing with MPs/MLAs?
(c) What is the main function of a Department?
(d) What types of communications are to be addressed by name?
(e) What are the activities involved in record management?
(f) What is Precedent Book?
(g) To what extent will information sought by an MP/MLA be supplied to him?
5. Fill in the blanks: (5×1=5)
(a) A demi official letter from Ministers will exhibit the National Emblem in _______ colour.
(b) ________ is generally used for corresponding with other departments or in calling for information
from or conveying information to its employees.
(c) Fair copies of a comunication will be typed with _________ spacing unless otherwise directed.
(d) Every classified will be reviewed once in _________ years for declassification.
(e) Each grievance petition will be acknowledged within _________ days.
6. How will you regulate the pay and period of absence of a Govt. servant who has been dismissed,
removed or compulsorily retired is reinstated as a result of appeal? (5)
7. Discuss how a Govt. servant can retire from service on his own volition. (5)
What is meant by a temporary post? How will you fix pay of a temporary post?

8. Mr. Liana, UDC drawing band pay of Rs.18,640/- in the PB-2; Rs.9300-34,800 + GP-4,200 was
given functional promotion to the post of Assistant in the PB-2; Rs.15,600-39,100 + GP-4,400 with
effect from 21/4/2016. He opted to have his pay fixed on the date of his next increment,
i.e. 1/7/2016. Fix his pay indicating DNI. (5)
9. Answer the following: (5×3=15)
(a) What should be stated in an order of reduction of pay to a lower stage in a time-scale as a
measure of penalty?
(b) How will you regulate pay of an officer who holds dual charges in the same cadre?
(c) What is meant by a month? Calculate the period commencing from 12th February, 2016 and
ending with 21st July, 2016.
(d) What do you meant by time-scale of pay? How can you say that time-scales are identical?
(e) Discuss briefly the principle of no work no pay enshrines in FR 17(1).
10. What do you mean by ‘transfer’? What are the elements of traveling allowance on regular transfer?
What is temporary transfer? How is travelling allowance regulated in temporary transfer?
11. What do you mean by ‘Daily Allowance’? Give the rates of daily allowance admissible to Assistant
Grade. (5)
12. Comment the following: (5×2=10)
(a) A retiring Govt. servant submits traveling allowance claim for the journey he performed to his
home town.
(b) ‘Date of submission’ in respect of T.A. claim.
(c) A Govt. servant submitted claim for travelling allowance for the journey he performed in
connection with the mandatory departmental examination.
(d) A Govt. servant who performed local tour claims TA/DA.
(e) A govt. servant died while on tour and his wife claims air-lifting of the dead body on the expense
of Government.
13. Define joining time? When will joining time commence? How will you regulate joining time pay? (5)
14. Discuss the admissibility of joining time in various cases of transfer. (5)


Time Allowed : 3 hours FM : 100 PM : 35

Marks for each question is indicated against it.

Attempt all questions.

Group “A’ : Instructions for the Submission, Receipt, etc. of Petitions to the President of India.

1. What is the form and manner of petition to be submitted to the President ? What is the time-limit
prescribed for submission of petition to the President? What should be the contents of the petition to
be submitted to the President? (4+2+4=10)
2. Mention two circumstances under which a petition to the President can be withheld by the Prescribed
Authority. (4)

Group ‘B’ : CCS (Temporary Service) Rules, 1965

3. Answer the following questions briefly and to the points: (3×2=6)

(a) Under which Articles of the Constitution of India, The Central Civil Services (Temporary Service)
Rules, 1965 have been framed ?
(b) When did The Central Civil Services (Temporary Service) Rules, 1965 come into force?
(c) Is gratuity admissible under this rule to a Government servant,-
(i) who resigns his post or who is removed or dismissed from service as a disciplinary measure;
(ii) who is re-employed after retirement on superannuation or retiring pension.
4. To whom do The Central Civil Services (Temporary Service) Rules, 1965 shall apply? Mention three
categories of government servants to whom The Central Civil Services (Temporary Service) Rules,
1965 shall not apply. (3+3=6)
5. What is the procedure for termination of a service of a temporary government servant? Mention two
procedure to be adopted by the appointing authority while serving notice on such government servant.

Group ‘C’ : CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964

6. Mention three things that every govt.servant shall do as per Rule 3? (9)
7. What are the two things that a govt.servant shall do/shall not do as per Rule 22(Consumption of
intoxicating drinks and drugs)? (6)
8. Elaborate ‘Lacking in devotion to duty’. (4)

9. What are the three sexual harassment mentioned for the purpose of conduct rules? (6)
10. What is meant by ‘Strike’? Mention two acts which are regarded as strike. (4)
11. What is ‘Public place’ for the purpose of Rule 22? (4)

Group ‘D’ : CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972

12. Mention only 6 general conditions governing grant of leave under CCS(Leave) Rules, 1972. (12)
13. Describe only two conditions for commutation of one kind of leave into leave of another kind? (4)
14. Give your Answer in a very short form and to the point : (12×1=12)
(a) Name one kind of leave that can be commuted retrospectively for period of absence.
(b) What is the maximum amount of continuous leave that can be granted to a govt.servant?
(c) Can Leave be granted to a govt.servant under suspension?
(d) Can Restricted Holiday be suffixed to regular leave ?
(e) Can a govt.servant who has taken leave on medical certificate join duty without production of
medical certificate of fitness ?
(f) What is the maximum EL that can be accumulated by a govt.servant?
(g) How many days of Earned Leave can be granted at a time ?
(h) Can vacation be combined with casual leave?
(i) Is medical certificate necessary for the grant of LND in continuation of maternity leave?
(j) Should fraction of a day in leave calculation be ignored or rounded off to the nearest day?
(k) Can leave sanctioning authority refused to grant Leave applied by a govt. service
(l) Can leave sanctioning authority alter the kind of Leave applied for which is admissible?
15. How will you deal with overstayal of leave as per Rule 25 ? (5)


Time Allowed : 3 hours FM : 100 PM : 35
Marks for each question is indicated against it.

(Attempt all questions)

1. Enumerate the principles on which emphasis is generally laid for every officer incurring or authorizing
expenditure from public funds. (10)
2. Write Short Notes on any two of the following:- (2×5=10)
(a) Festival Advance
(b) Advance of Travelling Allowance for Journeys on Tour
(d) Limited Tender Enquiry
3. What is the currency of the sanction? Do all sanctions expire after this period. (2+8=10)
4. What are the measures that should be observed by every authority to ensure transparency, competition,
fairness and elimination of arbitrariness in the procurement process. (10)
5. Fill in the blanks. (10×1=10)
(a) A certify copy of Service Book may be supplied on payment of copying fee of Rs_____ to a
Government Servant who asks for it on quitting Government Service by retirement, discharge
or resignation.
(b) All losses above the value of _____________ due to suspected fire, theft, fraud etc shall be
invariably reported to the Police for investigation as early as possible.
(c) No authority may incur any expenditure or enter into any ______ involving expenditure or
transfer of moneys for investment or deposit from Government account unless the same has
been sanctioned by a competent authority.
(d) Purchase of goods up to the value of ____________ only on each occasion may be made
without inviting quotations or bids.
(e) To ensure due performance of the contract________________ is to be obtained from the
successful bidder awarded of the contract.
(f) The advance sanctioned for the purchase of a personal computer shall be recovered in such a
number of equal monthly instalments as the Government Servant may elect, but not exceeding
(g) The amount of security to be obtained from a Government Servant shall be determined on the
basis of actual cash handled which shall not include ________
(h) A ______________ should be prepared for goods disposed of in Form GFR 18 duly signed
by the Officer who supervised the sale or auction.

(i) ________ is the documents to be used by the Ministry/Department for obtaining offers from
the consultants for the required works/service and should be issued to the short listed consultant
to seek their technical and financial proposals.
(j) All moneys received by or on behalf of the Government either as dues of Government or for
deposit, remittance or otherwise shall be brought into Government Account without

(Answer any 5 (five) questions from question No.6 to 11)

6. How does a Treasury Officer satisfy himself regarding the validity of a claim before passing it for
payment? How does he watch that the emoluments by a gazette officer do not exceed those admissible
to him and what should he do if he finds arithmetical mistake in a bill or any excessclaim included in
it. (8+2=10)
7. State the principles to be observed by Government Officers who are required to receive Government
dues and handle cash. (10)
8. What are the different classes of contingent expenditure? State the general limitations applicable to
such expenditure? (5+5=10)
9. Write short notes on any two of the following : (2×5=10)
(a) Memorandum or Challan
(b) Cancellation and destruction of Sub-Vouchers
(c) Letter of Credit
(d) Detailed Bill
10. State the general instructions on preparation and Form of Bills. (10)
11. Fill in the blanks : (10×1=10)
(a) Government money not in the custody of a Central Treasury or the Bank shall be kept in
____________ secured by two locks of different patterns.
(b) The money held in a Central Treasury is usually divided into two parts, viz., -
(i) _______________ and (ii) Currency chest balance.
(c) The space left blank either in money column or in the columns for particulars of the bill should
invariably be covered by _________________.
(d) Every Voucher must bear or have attached to it, an__________signed by the person by whom
or in whose behalf the claim is put forward.
(e) All vouchers must be stamped _______________ or so cancelled that they cannot be used a
second time.
(f) Treasury Officer may permit withdrawal of moneys from the Government Account to pay sums
due from the Government to the ________________ .
(g) Cheques issued by Cheque Drawing DDOs are required to be entered in a _________ issued
in Form TR-74.
(h) All Government Officers receiving money on behalf of the Government shall used Receipt
Book in Form _________ unless any special form is prescribed by the Government.
(i) No Government Officer may issue ___________ for the payment of money which has already
been paid on the allegation that the originals have been lost.
(j) A Government Officer may not, except with the special permission of the Government,
___________ , other than the Reserve Bank or its agent for the purpose of Government
transactions, money withdrawn from the Government Account.

Time Allowed : 3 hours FM : 100 PM : 35

Marks for each question is indicated against it.

Attempt all questions.

1. Write an essay in about 800 words on any one of the following topics : (20)
- Traffic Jam in Aizawl
- MLPC Act : Advantages and Disadvantages
- Impact of Information Technology
- Role of Media in shaping the minds of the public
2. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below :
Education has always had two objects : on the one hand, to give skill; on the other, to impart a
vaguer thing we may call wisdom. The role of skill has become much larger than it used to be and is
increasingly threatening to oust the role of wisdom. At the same time it must be admitted that wisdom
in our world is useless except for those who realize the great part played by skills, for it is increase of
skill that is the distinctive feature of your world.
Although scientific skill is necessary, it is by no means sufficient. A dictatorship of men of
science would very soon become horrible. Skill without wisdom may prove to be purely destructive.
For this reason, if for no other, it is of great importance that those who receive a scientific education
should not be merely scientific, but should have some understanding of that kind of wisdom which, if
it can be imparted at all, can only be imparted by the cultural side of education. Science enables us to
know the means to any chosen end, but it does not help us to decide upon what ends should be
pursued. If you wish to exterminate the human race, it will show you how to do it. If you wish to make
the human race so numerous that all are on the very verge of starvation, it will show you how to do
that. If you wish to secure adequate prosperity for the whole human race, science will tell you what
you must do. But it will not tell you if one of these ends is more desirable than another. Nor will it give
you that instinctive understanding of human being that is necessary if your measures are not to arouse
fierce opposition which only ferocious tyranny can quell. It cannot teach you patience, it cannot teach
you sympathy, it cannot teach you a sense of human dignity. These things, in so far as they can be
taught in formal education, are most likely to emerge from the learning history and great literature.
(a) Why is increase of skill a distinctive feature of our world? (2)
(b) What danger does the writer see in the present emphasis on imparting skill? (2)
(c) Why should we study history and great literature? (2)
(d) What is the distinction between ‘knowledge’ and ‘wisdom’? (2)
(e) What should, according to thewriter, be the aim of education? (2)

3. Write a précis of the following passage and give a suitable title : (15)
It is very easy to acquire bad habits, such as eating too many sweets or too much food, or
drinking too much fluid of any kind, or smoking. The more we do a thing the more we tend to like
doing it; and, if we do not continue to do it, we feel unhappy. This is called the force of habit, and the
force of habit should be fought against.
Things which may be very good when only done time to time, tend to become very harmful
when done too often and too much. This applies even to such good things as work or rest. Some
people form a habit of working too much, and others of idling too much. The wise man always
remembers that this is true about himself, and checks any bad habit. He says to himself, “I am now
becoming idle,” or “I like too many sweets,” or “I smoke too much, “and then adds, “I will get out of
this bad habit at once.”
One of the most widely spread of bad habits is the use of tobacco. Tobacco is now smoked or
chewed by men, women and even by children, almost all over the world.It is very much doubtful
whether there is any good in the habit, even when tobacco is not used in excess; and it is extremely
difficult to get rid of the habit once it has been formed.
Alcohol is taken in almost all cool and cold climate, and to a much less extent in hot ones. It is
taken by people who live in the Himalayas, but not nearly so much by those who live in the plains of
India. Alcohol is not necessary in any way to anybody. Millions of people are beginning to do without
it entirely. In India it is not required by the people at all, and should be avoided by them altogether.
The regular use of alcohol, even in small quantities, tends to cause mischief in many ways to various
organs of the body .It affects the liver, it weakens the mental powers and lessens the general energy
of the body.

4. As an Upper Division Clerk in the Department of DP & AR (SSW), draft a letter to the Director for
transfer of posting to the Office of Director, Food and Civil Supplies, Govt.of Mizoram. (15)
5. Make sentences with each word in the following pairs of words to show their difference in meaning:
(5×2 =10)
(a) Dead/death (b) lie/lay
(c) story/storey (d) principle/principal
(e) weight/wait
6. Name the Parts of Speech of the underlined words in the following sentences : (10)
(a) There is a cow in the garden.
(b) I ran fast, but missed the train.
(c) He is a brave boy.
(d) The rose smells sweet.
(e) Alas! She is dead.
(f) Siama wrote a letter to his father.
(g) The books are where you left them.
(h) The flower is very beautiful.
(i) The man is a thief
(j) A fair little girl sat under a tree
7. Conjugate the following verbs (eg: see – saw – seen): (5×2 = 10)
(a) Love (b) break
(c) give (d) know
(e) sing

8. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets : (5)

(a) The boy cries for his mother (change to Present Continuous Tense)
(b) He said, “ I have finished the work.” (change to Indirect Speech)
(c) The car ran over the dog (change to Passive Voice)
(d) I prefer tea ____ coffee (fill in with the correct preposition)
(e) The sun is rising in the east (correct the form of verb)
9. Choose the correct answer from the brackets to fill in the blanks : (5)
(a) Neither Sangi nor Puii _____ arrived (has/have)
(b) One of the boys ____ my friend (is/are)
(c) He _____ my invitation to the party (excepted/accepted)
(d) The horse jumped ____ the fence (over/above)
(e) The beggar was sitting ____ the road (besides/beside)


Time Allowed : 3 hours FM : 100 PM : 35

Marks for each question is indicated against it.

Attempt all questions.

Central Secretariat Manual of Office Procedure
(40 marks)

1. Define any five of the following terms: (5×2=10)

(a) Case (b) Classified dak
(c) Come back case (d) Current file
(e) Fresh receipt (f) Security grading
2. What do you mean by File Numbering System? By using Functional file numbering system, open the
file from the following particulars given below: (2+4=6)

Group Head .........................................A

Primary Head ......................................13
Secondary Head .................................. 11
Second file on the subject ...................
Year of opening .................................. 2017
Name of the Department ................... SAD
3. The Council of Ministers consists of three categories of Ministers, what are they? Who lead the
Council of Ministers? (4)
4. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: (10×1=10)
(a) The __________________ will deal with the urgent receipt first.
(b) Every Section should maintain _______________ for diarising receipts.
(c) The executive power of the Union formally vests in the _______________
(d) __________________ are ordinally entrusted with work of routine nature.
(e) _______________leave applications should not be diarized.
(f) Officer of the level of _________________ of Government and above may use green or red
ink in rare cases.
(g) Stencil will be cut whenever more than __________copies of communication are required.
(h) Files should be recorded after action on the issues considered thereon has been _____.
(i) __________________ will be used for issuing instructions meant for internal administration.
(j) One of the urgency grading is _____________

5. Write short notes on: (2×3=6)

(a) Weekly arrear statement (b) Drafting of communications
6. Arrange the following papers in a case from top to downwards: (4×1=4)
(a) Draft for approval
(b) Reference books
(c) Running summary of facts
(d) Notes portion of the current file ending with note for consideration.

(25 marks)

7. Define any 5 (five) of the following: (5×2=10)

(a) The Act (b) Cadre
(c) Leave Salary (d) Month
(e) Permanent post (f) Personal pay
8. In what circumstances does a Government servant retain a lien on a post? (5)
9. What are the conditions on which Service counts for increments in a time scale of pay? (5)
10. Choose the correct answers from the following statements where compulsory deductions can be
effected from subsistence allowance of a Govt. servant. (5)
(a) House rent and allied charges (b) Income tax
(c) Subscription to a General Provident Fund (d) Subscription to CGEGIS/MSGEGIS
(e) Amounts due on court attachments

S.R.17 – 195 (T.A. RULES)
(25 marks)

11. What are the different kinds of Travelling Allowances which may be drawn in different circumstances
by a Govt. servant? (5)
12. State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. (5×2=10)
(a) Temporary transfer means transfer within the same station.
(b) Air lifting of dead body of a Government servant by a commercial flight is permissible.
(c) All officers of the rank of Under Secretary and above may be declared as their own Controlling
(d) Permanent travelling allowance may be drawn during joining time.
(e) The Heads of Departments may grant Cycle Allowance at Rs.60 per month.
13. Define any three of the following: (3×2=6 )
(a) Camp equipment (b) Enforce halt
(c) Validity of T.A claim (d) Local journey
(e) Headquarters.

14. What is the admissibility of Travelling Allowances? (2×2=4)

(a) Government servant under suspension to attend departmental enquiry.
(b) Absence from headquarters on official duty for a period not exceeding 6 hours.

S.R. 293-306 C.C.S (Joining Time ) Rules, 1979
(10 marks)

15. How will you regulate unavailed Joining Time in relation to Earned Leave credit? (4)
16. Pu Thanga, Assistant was transferred from Aizawl to Lunglei in the interest of public service: (3×2=6)
(a) The transfer necessarily involves continuous travel by road for more than 200 kms. What will
be joining time admissible to him?
(b) He applies for combination of his joining time with casual leave. Please comment.
(c) What will be the commencement of joining time if he handed over charge of his office on the
forenoon of 30-10-2017?


Time Allowed : 3 hours FM : 100 PM : 35

Marks for each question is indicated against it.

Attempt all questions.

Instructions for Submission, Receipt, etc. of Petitions to the President of India

1. What are the methods of submission of petitions to be submitted to the President of India? (4)

2. Write down any three circumstances in which petitions can be withheld by the Prescribed Authority.(6)

CCS (Temporary Service) Rules, 1965

3. What are the procedures to be adopted by the Appointing Authority while serving notice on a
Government servant? (5)
4. Fill in the blanks: (5×1=5)
(a) Temporary Service means the service of a temporary Government servant in a temporary post
or officiating service in a _________________ post.
(b) The period of notice for termination of a temporary Government servant shall be __________.
(c) The order of termination passed by the Appointing Authority should not mention the __________
for such termination.
(d) The service of a temporary Government servant can be terminated while he is
______________or/and departmental proceedings are pending against him.
(e) No __________ shall be admissible to a Government servant who is re-employed after
retirement or superannuation or retiring pension.

CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964

5. State any three things that every Government servant shall do at all times. (3×2=6)
6. Write the five acts or behavior that can be termed as ‘sexual harassment. (5)

7. What are the procedures to be followed by a Government servant while acquiring or disposing of
immovable property? What categories of Government servants are exempted from the requirement
of furnishing property return? (4+2=6)
What are the assets or liabilities on which every Government servant shall submit a return on his first
appointment to any service or post?
8. What does the expression ‘Gift’ include? What are the ceiling limits prescribed for accepting gifts
from near relatives and personal friends having no official dealings on special occasions? (3+3=6)
9. State the provisions relating to canvassing of non-official or other outside influence. (3)
10. What restrictions are imposed on all Government servants in regard to consumption of intoxicating
drinks and drugs? (6)
11. State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. (8×1=8)
(a) Every Government servant making a representation should do so separately and in his own
(b) Habitual late attendance does not amount to misconduct.
(c) Any Government servant can be a member of any political party or any organization which
takes part in politics.
(d) Strike includes refusal to work overtime where such overtime work is necessary in the public
(e) A Government servant can give evidence in connection with any enquiry conducted by any
person, committee or authority without the previous sanction of the Government.
(f) No Government servant should engage directly or indirectly in any trade or business without
the previous sanction of the Government.
(g) Public place means any place or premises (including a conveyance) to which the public have
(h) No Government servant should employ to work any child below the age of 16 years.

CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972

12. State any two general conditions governing grant of leave under CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972. (4)
13. Write down any two effects of dismissal, removal or resignation on leave at credit. (4)
14. What are the conditions for retrospective commutation of one kind of leave into another kind? (6)
How will you treat wilful absence from duty not recognized as prescribed by GOI’s decision below
Rule 25?
15. Under what circumstances can Commuted Leave be sanctioned to a Government servant? (6)
16. Explain Child Care Leave. (5)
17. Answer the following questions in brief: (4×2=8)
(a) To whom leave shall not be granted?
(b) What is the maximum amount of Study Leave which may be granted to Government servant,
other than Central Health Service officers?
(c) Mention the periods during which Paternity Leave should be availed.
(d) What are the two conditions for grant of Extraordinary Leave in special circumstances?

18. Fill in the blanks: (7×1=7)

(a) ______________of leave into one kind into leave of another kind cannot be done after the
employees cease to be in service.
(b) Casual Leave cannot be ______________ with any other kind of leave admissible under the
(c) No Government servant shall be granted leave of any kind for a continuous period exceeding
_______ years.
(d) Any application for leave or for extension of leave shall be made in ___________ to the
authority competent to grant leave.
(e) Leave ordinarily begins on the day on which the ________ of charge is effected and ends on
the day preceding that on which the charge is resumed.
(f) The maximum Earned Leave that may be granted to any Government servant in India is
__________ days.
(g) A Government servant on ______________ leave is not entitled to any leave salary.


Time Allowed : 3 hours FM : 100 PM : 35

Marks for each question is indicated against it.

Attempt all questions.

(General Financial Rules)

(Answer Question No 1 and any 4 (four) other question from Question No 2 to 6)

1. Fill in the blanks (5×2=10)

(a) All financial sanctions and orders issued by a competent authority shall be communicated to the
(b) All losses above the value of _________due to suspected fire,theft,fraud etc shall be reported
to the Police.
(c) Petty losses of value not exceeding _________ need not be reported.
(d) The service book of a Government servant shall be maintained in _________.
(e) In _________ each year, the Government servant shall handover his copy of the service book
to his office for updation.
2. When does a sanction take effect? Mention the Rules regarding the validity periods of sanctions.
3. What are the essential conditions governing expenditure from Public Funds? (10)
4. Briefly mention the necessary procedure to be observed for all kinds of Sanctions to the expenditure.
5. State the procedure prescribed for dealing with cases of losses of Government money or property
caused by defalcations, accidents, thefts etc. (10)
6. Briefly state the general condition governing payment of interest and repayment of principal of loan
granted to a Government servant . (10)

(Central Treasury Rules, Volume I)

(Answer Question No 7 and any 4 (four) other question from Question No 8 to 12)

7. Fill in the blanks (5×2=10)

(a) All receipts must be written in figures and in words in the original and such other copies of
challans in Form _________.
(b) Every Officer receiving money on behalf of the Government should maintain Cash Book in
Form _________.
(c) All Bills must be filled in and signed in _________.
(d) Charges against two or more _________ should not be included in one bill.
(e) Receipts, duly stamped, where necessary, for all other payments made on bills shall be given at
the time of _________.
8. Answer the following (2×5=10)
(a) How is Government dues or moneys receiveable on Government account realized?
(b) What should be done when an erasure or overwritting is found in the Cash Book entry?
9. Write a short note on the following : (2×5=10)
(a) Procedure for maintenance of Vouchers for payment.
(b) Forms of Bills to be presented at Treasury.
10. What is a Bill? When is a Bill becomes a Voucher? What should be done when a person not in the
Government employment claims payment for work done or articles supplied? (3+2+5=10)
11. Define Contingent Charges? Briefly explain the different classes of Contingent Charges? (5+5=10)
12. Briefly elaborate the general instructions for maintenance of Cash Book? (10)


Time Allowed : 3 hours FM : 100 PM : 35

Marks for each question is indicated against it.

Attempt all questions.

1. Write an Essay (in about 400 words) on any one (1) of the following topics : (20)
(a) Alcoholism in Mizoram
(b) Social Networking Sites : blessing or curse for the society
(c) Transparency in Administration
(d) Global warming
2. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below :
Religion can be defined as a system of beliefs and practices by means of which a group of
people struggle with the ultimate problems of human life. It is the refusal to capitulate to death, to give
up in the face of frustration and allow hostility to tear apart one’s human associations.
All men experience these unending difficulties to some degree. For some persons, however,
they stand out as the most significant experiences of life. These individuals are impelled to try to
discover some meaning in what seems to be senseless suffering, some find a road to salvation through
the obstacles of human life.
The beliefs and rites that make up a religion are the expressions of those who have felt the
problems most intensively, who have been most acutely sensitive to the tragedies of death, the burdens
of frustration, the sense of failure, the disruptive effects of hostility, powered by the strength of their
feelings, such religious innovations have created ‘solutions’ that frequently have burst the bonds of
man’s sense and of nature, that have brought their adherents some relief. Thus religions are built to
carry the ‘peak load’ of human emotional need.
Defined in this way, religion is and seems likely to remain an inevitable part of human life.
Although the ways of struggling with these ultimate problems are enormously diverse and seem destined
for continuous change, the problems themselves are universal. A society that did not furnish its members
with beliefs and practices that sought to deal with an enormous burden of tragedy unalloyed with
hostility unrestrained could not flourish, if need, it could survive at all.
(a) How can religion be defined? (2)
(b) What, according to the writer, is ‘experience’ as it is understood by some? (2)
(c) What are the religious ‘solutions’ made in order to overcome the human problems? (2)
(d) Why are religions built? (2)
(e) Why are religious beliefs and rites called innovations in the paragraph? (2)

3. Write a précis of the following passage in about one-third of its length and give a suitable title. (15)
I take it that the whole object of education is, in the first place, to train the faculties of the young
in such a manner as to give their possessors the best chance of being happy and useful in their
generation; and, in the school place, to furnish them with the most important portions of that immense
capitalized experience of the human race which we call knowledge of various kinds. I am using the
term knowledge in its widest possible sense; and the question is, what subjects to select by training
and discipline, in which the object I have just defined may be best attained.
I must call attention further to this fact, that all the subjects of our thought- all feelings and
propositions (leaving aside our sensations as the mere materials and occasions of thinking and feeling),
all our mental furniture- may be classified under one of two heads- as either within the province of the
intellect, something that can be put into propositions and affirmed or denied; or as within the province
of feeling, or that which, before the name was defined, was called the aesthetic side of our nature,
and which can neither be proved nor disproved, but only felt and known.
According to the classification which I have put before you, then, the subjects of all knowledge
are divisible into two groups, matters of science and matters of art; for all things with which the
reasoning faculty alone is occupied, come under the province of science; and in the broadest sense,
and not in the narrow and technical sense in which we are now accustomed to use the word art, all
things feelable, all things which stir our emotions, come under the term of art, in the sense of the
subject-matter of the aesthetic faculty. So that we are shut up to this- that the business of education
is, in the first place, to provide the young with the means and the habit of observation; and, secondly
to supply the subject-matter of knowledge either in the shape of science or of art, or both combined.
4. Being an Upper Division Clerk in the Department of Horticulture, you have been posted in Champhai.
After staying for 3 years you wish to stay in a city due to ill health. Draft a letter to the Director for
transfer of posting to the office of Director, Horticulture, Govt. of Mizoram. Sign yourself as
Lalthangliana/Lalthangliani. (15)
5. Choose any five (5) from the given idioms and phrases to make meaningful sentences. (5×3=15)
(a) Make a clean breast (b) Bell the cat
(c) Flesh and blood (d) Good Samaritan
(e) Lost in the clouds (f) High an dry
(g) Kith and kin
6. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition : (10×1=10)
(a) When Paul left home, his attitude_________his parents seemed to change.
(b) There are some differences _________ British and American English.
(c) The man we interviewed for the job was intelligent, but we weren’t very impressed _________
his appearance.
(d) They didn’t reply to our letter, which wasn’t very polite________ them.
(e) Please don’t shout _____ me ! Try to calm down.
(f) He’s very selfish. He doesn’t care ___________ other people.
(g) They wore warm clothes to protect themselves __________ the cold.
(h) The accident was my fault, So I had to pay _______ the repairs.
(i) She hasn’t got a job. She depends _______ her parents for money
(j) There was an awful noise as the car crashed______ a tree.

7. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning. Do not make unnecessary changes
in the original sentence. (5×1=5)
(a) We are seeing with our eyes (b) Move fast lest you would miss the bus
(c) It rained an hour before (d) Until you work hard, you can’t beat him
(e) No one voted against the bill, had they?
8. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets (5×1=5)
(a) He reads a book. (change into passive voice)
(b) The dog was not killed by the boy. (change into active voice)
(c) All the children heard an interesting story. (change into passive voice)
(d) Books are being read by them (change into active voice)
(e) The poor should be helped (change into active voice)
9. Combine the following simple sentences into one simple sentence. (5×1=5)
(a) The dog bit the man. He was a notorious burglar.
(b) It must be done. The cost does not count.
(c) A girl was injured in the accident. She is now in hospital.
(d) It is very hot outside. You can not go out.
(e) Let men sow anything. They will reap its fruit.


Time Allowed : 3 hours FM : 100 PM : 35

Marks for each question is indicated against it.

Attempt all questions.

Central Secretariat Manual of Office Procedure

1. Define the following- (5×2=10)

(a) Case (b) Classified Dak
(c) Diarist (d) Docketing
(e) Note
2. Define the term ‘Dealing hand’. State the two types of Dealing hands. Mention at least 5 (five)
responsibilities of Dealing hands. (2+2+5=9)
3. State the procedure to be followed when dealing with Oral orders on behalf of or from Minister.
4. Indicate the most appropriate forms of communication in the following cases- (5×1=5)
(a) For correspondence between Government officers for inviting their personal attention on an
issue, written in the first person in a personal and friendly tone.
(b) For notifying promulgation of statutory rules, orders, appointment and promotions of Gazetted
Officers etc. through publication in the official Gazette.
(c) For issuing certain types of financial sanctions and for communicating Government orders in
disciplinary cases.
(d) Formal in character and expected to be reproduced intact by the press for giving wide publicity
to a decision of the Government.
(e) For corresponding with other Departments or in calling for information/conveying information
from/to employees. Written in third person and bears no salutation except the name and
designation of the officer signing it.
5. State any 3 (three) general instructions for drafting of communications. (3)
6. Write short note on ‘Part File’. (3)
7. (i) State the procedure for communication of information to the press. (4)
(ii) Mention four standard lists of ‘heads’ under functional file numbering system. (4)


8. Define the following- (5×2=10)

(a) Officiate (b) Leave salary
(c) Foreign service (d) Honorarium
(e) Permanent post
9. Define ‘Lien’. No Government servant shall be transferred to, or appoint to officiate in, a post carrying
less pay than the post on which he holds a lien except under two circumstances. What are the
circumstances? (3+2=5)
10. What are the conditions on which Service counts for increments in a time scale of pay? (5)
11. State the circumstances under which an appropriate authority can withhold permission to a Government
servant, seeking voluntary retirement under FR 56 (k) and FR 56 (m). (3)
12. Calculate the date of retirement of a Government servant whose date of birth is: (2×1=2)
(a) 1st July, 1970
(b) 28th February, 1975
13. State whether the following are ‘True’ or ‘False. (5×1=5)
(a) Concurrence of DoPT is not required for payment of the additional pay where a Government
servant is formally appointed to hold charge of another posts for a period of 2 (two)
(b) Where a Government servant is formally appointed to hold dual charges of two posts in the
same cadre in the same office carrying identical scale of pay, no additional pay, except special
pay is admissible.
(c) A Government servant on deputation may not be granted compensatory allowance in a foreign
(d) Leave may be granted to a Government servant under suspension.
(e) In the case of a retiring Government servant whose date of retirement happens to be a closed
holiday, he should formally relinquish charge of office on the next working day.

S.R.17 – 195 (T.A. RULES)

14. State the different kinds of Travelling Allowances which may be drawn in different circumstances
by Government servants. (5)
15. Define ‘Daily Allowance’. What are the conditions to be satisfied for drawal of Daily
Allowance? (2+3=5)
16. Discuss the admissibility of Travelling Allowance in the following cases. (3+3=6)
(a) A Government servant under suspension is required to perform a journey to attend a
departmental inquiry.
(b) Transfer of a Government servant for a short period not exceeding 180 days
17. What is ‘Mileage Allowance’? State the general principles for calculation of Mileage Allowance.

S.R. 293-306 C.C.S (Joining Time) Rules, 1979

18. Define ‘Transfer’. (2)

19. Define ‘Joining time’. Who are the competent Authorities to extend Joining time? (2+1=3)
20. State whether the following are ‘true’ or ‘false’ (5×1=5)
(a) Joining time is admissible in cases of transfer at own request.
(b) Joining time is calculated from the new headquarters in all cases.
(c) Joining time counts for increment.
(d) Joining time is admissible in cases of temporary transfer for a period not exceeding 180 days.
(e) Joining time cannot be combined with Casual Leave


Time Allowed : 3 hours FM : 100 PM : 35

Marks for each question is indicated against it.

Attempt all questions.

Group ‘A’
Instructions for Submission, Receipt, etc. of Petitions to the President of India

1. Mention any three contents of petitions to be submitted to the President of India. (5)

2. What actions are to be taken after final orders are passed on petitions to the President of India?

Group ‘B’
CCS ( Temporary Service) Rules, 1965

3. Fill in the blanks : (4×1=4)

(a) The services of a temporary Govt. servant can be terminated under Rule_________________
of CCS (Temporary Service) Rules, 1965.
(b) The period of notice of termination of temporary Govt. servant shall be __________________.
(c) When action is taken to terminate the services of a temporary employee, the order of termination
should not mention the _________________ for such termination.
(d) No _________________ shall be admissible to a Govt. servant who resigns his post.

4. Calculate cash equivalent payable on termination of temporary Govt. employees from the particulars
given below:- (6)
Pay + Grade pay - Rs 35000/-
DA admissible - 50% of pay
No. of days of unutilised - 100 days
earned leave

Group ‘C’
CCS ( Conduct) Rules, 1964

5. Define “Members of family” in relation to Government servant in the context of CCS (Conduct)
Rules, 1964. (6)
6. What are the essential qualities of conduct to be maintained by a Government Servant at all
times under Rule 3 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964? (4)
7. Fill in the blanks any 5(five) of the following: (5×2=10)
(a) Every Government servant shall on his first ____________ to any service or post submit a
return of his assets and liabilities.
(b) Representation on ____________ matter by relatives should be discouraged.
(c) Refrigerators, Radios are included in ____________ property.
(d) ____________ means refusal to work or stoppage or slowing down of work by a group of
employees acting in combination.
(e) Rule ____________ of CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 relates to evidence before Committee
or any other authority.
(f) As provided under Rule 11, only officers specially authorised should meet the
(g) A Government servant shall not appear in a ____________ place in a state of intoxication.
8. What are the restrictions imposed on a Government servant in regard to taking part in politics
and election? (4)
9. Write short notes on : (2×3=6)
(a) Gift
(b) Contract marriage
10. Define ‘Public place’ in relation to Rule 22 of CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964. (5)
11. Mention the five acts or behaviour that can be termed as ‘Sexual harassment’. (5)

Group ‘D’
CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972

12. Mention 5(five) employees to whom CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 shall not apply. (5)
13. What are the special kinds of leave other than study leave that can be availed of by a Government
servant? (6)
14. Calculate Earned Leave at the credit of Pu Liana, UDC from the particulars given below:- (6)
Earned leave at credit on 1.1.2016 : 150 days
Availed Earned leave 1) 20 days from 10.2.2016
2) 10 days from 20.8.2016
Find out Earned leave credit on 1.7.2017
15. Enumerate the various kinds of leave that can be availed of by a Government servant with
production of medical certificate. (6)

16. Define any two of the following : (2×3=6)

(a) Child care Leave
(b) Leave salary
(c) Leave preparatory to retirement
17. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words :- (6×1=6)
(a) Leave cannot be claimed as of _________________.
(b) ________________ leave shall not be combined with any other kind of leave admissible under
the rules.
(c) Leave may not be granted to Govt. servant under ________________.
(d) Leave sanctioning authority may secure second ________________ opinion for grant of leave
on medical ground.
(e) Wilful absence from duty after the expiry of leave renders a Govt. servant liable to
________________ action.
(f) Leave sanctioning authority may waive the production of a ________________ in case of
application for leave for a period not exceeding three days at a time.
18. Under what circumstances can Extraordinary leave be granted to Government Servants? (5)


Time Allowed : 3 hours FM : 100 PM : 35

Marks for each question is indicated against it.

Attempt all questions.

General Financial Rules

1. “A sanction for any fresh charge shall, unless it is specifically renewed, lapse if no payment in
whole or in part has been made during a period of twelve months from the date of issue of such
sanction”. Mention exceptions to this? (6)
2. State the condition(s) essential for incurring expenditure from public funds. (2)
3. When does a sanction become effective? (2)
4. What steps will be taken by an officer in cases involving material loss or destruction of
Government property as a result of fire, theft, fraud, etc.? (4)
5. The procedure to be followed in making public procurement (i.e. purchasing stores, office
equipment and stationeries) must conform to certain yardsticks. List out ten such yardsticks.
6. State the general rules that an officer in charge of stores shall keep in respect of the goods
placed in his charge. (6)
7. State briefly the rules and procedure for maintenance of Service Books. (5)
8. Classify the following into two groups namely (i) interest-free advances, and (ii) interest-bearing
advances: (5×1=5)
(a) Advance for purchase of personal computer
(b) Advance of T.A. on transfer
(c) Advance of LTC
(d) Advance for purchase of house
(e) Advance in connection with medical treatment
9. Name any five purposes for which a House Building Advance can be sanctioned. (5)
10. State whether the following statements are true or false: (5×1=5)
(a) All proposals for sanction to expenditure shall indicate whether such expenditure can be
met by valid appropriation or re-appropriation.
(b) It is a must to report losses of revenue due to mistakes in assessments which are discovered
too late to permit of a supplementary claim being made.
(c) Orders sanctioning the creation of a temporary post should, in addition to the sanctioned
duration, invariably specify the date from which it is to be created.

(d) Rates of interest for construction of house are prescribed afresh for each financial year.
(e) In the case of construction of new house or enlarging living accommodation, recovery
will commence from the pay for the month following the month of payment of the second

Central Treasury Rules

11. State the instructions to be followed in regard to ‘grant of receipt’. (5)

12. Briefly describe the instructions to be followed in respect of:- (2×2=4)
(a) an erasure or overwriting of an entry in cash book;
(b) handling of non-Government money by a Government officer who handles Government
13. Name the different instruments which are acceptable for receiving dues of the Government or
other moneys for deposit into Government account? (5)
14. State the procedure for payment of ‘money received on account of the revenues of the
Government which is temporarily appropriated for departmental use’ into the Government
Account. (5)
15. Describe the instructions to be followed for save custody of Government money lodged in
departmental chest. (5)
16. What do you mean by Abstract Contingent Bill? Briefly describe the procedure for regularization
of AC Bills. (5+5=10)
17. Specify any five circumstances and limitations under which a Treasury Officer may permit
withdrawal of money from Treasury. (5)
18. State the procedure for payment of claims preferred by a person not in Government employment
for work done, services rendered or articles supplied. (5)
19. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word or words: (6×1=6)
(a) Pay and allowances can be drawn for the day of the Government servant’s death; the
__________ at which death takes place has no effect on the claim.
(b) The Head of an office is personally responsible for the amount drawn on a bill signed by
him or on his behalf until he has paid it to the person entitled to receive it and has obtained
a __________ on the office copy of the bill.
(c) No money shall be drawn from the Treasury unless it is required for immediate __________.
(d) All charges actually incurred must be paid and drawn at once, and under no circumstances
may they be allowed to stand over to be paid from the __________ of another year.
(e) All paid vouchers must be stamped “___________” or so cancelled that they cannot be
used a second time.
(f) Every voucher must bear a __________ signed or initialed by the responsible disbursing
officer, specifying the amount payable both in words and figures.


Time Allowed : 3 hours FM : 100 PM : 35

Marks for each question is indicated against it.

Attempt all questions.

1. Write an Essay (in about 400 words) on any one (1) of the following topics : (20)
- Mental Health for Productive Service
- Promoting Tourism to Enhance State Economy
- Social Media and Cyber Crime
- The Right to Vote
2. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below :
Unquestionably, a literary life is for most part an unhappy life; because, if you have genius,
you must suffer the penalty of genius; and, if you have only talent, there are so many cares and
worries incidental to the circumstances of men of letters, as to make life exceedingly miserable.
Besides the pangs of composition, and the continuous disappointment which a true artist feels at
his inability to reveal himself, there is the ever-recurring difficulty of gaining the public ear.
Young writers are buoyed up by the hope and the belief that they have only to throw that poem at
the world’s feet to get back in return the laurel-crown; that they have only to push that novel into
print to be acknowledged at once as a new light in literature. You can never convince a young
author that the editors of magazines and the publishers of books are a practical body of men,
who are by no means frantically anxious about placing the best literature before the public. Nay,
that for the most part they are mere brokers, who conduct their business on the hardest lines of a
Profit and Loss account. But supposing your book fairly launches, its perils are only beginning.
You have to run the gauntlet of the critics. To a young author, again, this seems to be as terrible
an ordeal as passing down the files of Sioux or Comanche Indians, each one of whom is thirsting
for your scalp. When you are a little older, you will find that criticism is not much more serious
than the bye-play of clowns in a circus, when they beat around the ring the victim with bladders
slung at the end of long poles. A time comes in the life of every author when he regards critics as
comical rather than formidable, and goes his way unheeding. But there are sensitive souls that
yield under the chastisement and, perhaps, after suffering much silent torture, abandon the
profession of the pen for ever. Keats, perhaps, is the saddest example of a fine spirit hounded to
death by savage criticism; because, whatever his biographers may aver, that furious attack of
Gifford and Terry undoubtedly expedited his death. But no doubt there are hundreds who suffer
keenly from hostile and unscrupulous criticism, and who have to bear that suffering in silence,
because it is a cardinal principle in literature that the most unwise thing in the world for an
author is to take public notice of criticism in the way of defending himself. Silence is the only
safeguard, as it is the only dignified protest against insult and offence.

(a) Why is literary life mostly an unhappy one? (2)
(b) Are editors and publishers sympathetic to young authors? (2)
(c) What are some of the ordeals awaiting the young authors from the critics? (2)
(d) What attitude should an author adopt in the face of bitter critics? (2)
(e) Write in simple English: (2×1=2)
(i) buoyed up by the hope (ii) thirsting for your scalp.
3. Write a précis of the following passage in about one-third of its length and give a suitable title.
The effect produced on the mind by travelling depends entirely on the mind of the traveller
and on the way in which he conducts himself. The chief idea of one very common type of
traveller is to see as many objects of interest as he possibly can. If he can only after his return
home say that he has seen such and such a temple, castle, picture gallery, or museum, he is
perfectly satisfied. Therefore, when he arrives at a famous city, he rushes through it, so that he
may get over as quickly as possible the task of seeing its principal sights, enter them by name in
his note-book as visited or, in his own phraseology ‘done’, and then hurry on to another city
which he treats in the same unceremonious way.
Another kind of traveller in all he sees finds entertainment for his foolish spirit of ridicule.
The more hallowed any object is from historical and religious associations or artistic beauty,
the more he delights to degrade it by applying to it familiar terms of vulgar slang that he mistakes
for wit. Such a one brings disgrace upon his nation by the rude insolence with which he laughs
at foreigners and their ways, and everything else that attracts the notice of his feeble
understanding. At the end of his wanderings he returns to his home as a living example, showing
How much the fool that hath been taught to roam
Excels the fools that hath been kept at home.
Far different is the effect of travels upon who leave their native country with minds prepared
by culture to feel intelligent admiration for all the beauties of nature and art to be found in
foreign lands. Their object is not to see much, but to see well. When they visit Paris or Athens
or Rome, instead of hurrying from temple to museum, and from museum to picture gallery, they
allow the spirit of the place to sink into their minds, and only visit such monuments as the time
they have at their disposal allows them to contemplate without irreverent haste. They find it
more profitable and delightful to settle down for a week or so at the centres of great historical
and artistic interest or of remarkable natural beauty, than to pay short visits to all the principal
cities that they pass by. In this way they gain by their travels refreshment and rest for their
minds, satisfaction to their intellectual curiosity or artistic tastes, and increased knowledge of
the world and its inhabitants. Such people, who travelled with their eyes open, return to their
native land with a greater knowledge of its glories and defects than the stay-at-home can ever

4. You are posted as Lower Division Clerk in the office of the Divisional Forest Officer, Serchhip.
Write an application for transfer to Aizawl on Medical Ground. Sign yourself as Rinliana.(15)

5. Choose any five (5) from the given idioms and phrases to make meaningful sentences.
(a) To be up and doing (b) At daggers drawn
(c) Cut and dry (d) On the wrong side of
(e) No legs to stand upon (f) Without rhyme or reason
(g) A white elephant
6. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition: (5×1=5)
(a) Don’t loiter ______ the street.
(b) The driver jumped ______ the car.
(c) I have not slept ______ yesterday.
(d) It cannot be done ______ offence.
(e) We suffered ______ your neglect.
(f) The public are cautioned ______ pickpockets.
7. Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs that agree with the subject: (5×1=5)
(a) Either he or I ______ mistaken.
(b) Fifteen minutes ______ allowed to each speaker.
(c) My friend and benefactor ______ come.
(d) Knowledge and wisdom ______ of times no connection.
(e) My means ______ much reduced owing to that heavy loss.
8. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning. (5×1=5)
(a) The news is too good to be true.
(b) He chose the wrong career.
(c) This cloth is made of wool.
(d) No other singer is as good as you.
(e) I was doubtful whether it was you.
9. Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets. (5×1=5)
(a) Challenge incites conflict and conflict breeds catastrophe. (Change to Present Perfect
(b) I can resist everything except temptation. (Change to Passive Voice)
(c) Let him be blessed. (Change to Active Voice)
(d) He said, “Daughter, take my golden jug, and fetch me some water from the well.
(Change to Indirect Speech)
(e) He exclaimed sadly that he was ruined. (Change to Direct Speech)
10. Convert the following complex sentences into simple sentences. (5×1=5)
(a) How long I shall stay is doubtful.
(b) We came upon a hut where a peasant lived.
(c) He was so tired that he could not stand.
(d) The son who was his chief pride in his old age is dead.
(e) As the war was ended, the soldiers returned.


Time Allowed : 3 hours Full Marks : 100

Marks for each question is indicated against it.

Attempt all questions.

Part – A : Central Secretariat Manual of Office Procedure

(35 marks)
1. Choose the correct answer : (15x1=15)
(i) Which of the following is a statutory body?
(A) Election Commission of India (B) Comptroller and Auditor General of India
(C) Union Public Service Commission (D) Central Information Commission
(ii) Under Functional File Numbering System, ‘C’ relates to
(A) Establishment (B) Welfare
(C) Vigilance (D) Parliamentary matters
(iii) ‘Order’ is generally used for conveying
(A) financial sanction (B) grant of regular leave
(C) distribution of works (D) internal posting and transfer
(iv) A sanction for any fresh charge shall, unless specifically renewed, lapse if no payment in whole or part
has been made during a period of
(A) 6 months from the date of issue (B) 12 months from the date of issue
(C) 18 months from the date of issue (D) none of these
(v) Records of historical importance are categorised under
(A) Category ‘A’ - keep and microfilm (B) Category ‘B’ - keep but do not microfilm
(C) Category ‘C’ - keep for specified period only (D) all of these
(vi) A register in a prescribed format to keep note of important rulings and decisions having a precedent
value for ready reference.
(A) Reference folder (B) Sectional note
(C) Precedent book (D) Shadow file
(vii) Urgency grading includes
(A) immediate, urgent and priority (B) immediate, priority and top priority
(C) urgent, priority and top priority (D) immediate, urgent and top priority
(viii) Distribution of work among the staff as evenly as possible is the responsibility of
(A) Deputy Secretary (B) Under Secretary
(C) Section Officer (D) Assistant Section Officer
(ix) Each communication received from the Members of Parliament should be acknowledge
(A) within 10 days (B) within 15 days
(C) within 20 days (D) none of these

(x) A form of written communication used for promulgation of statutory rules and orders, appointments
and promotion of certain categories of officer etc is
(A) Office Memorandum (B) Notification
(C) Resolution (D) Office Order
(xi) ____________ means making of entries in the notes portion of a file about the serial number assigned
to each item of correspondence for its identification.
(A) Issue (B) Discussed note
(C) Registration (D) Docketing
(xii) ______________ means a current file or a receipt together with other related papers, if any.
(A) Receipt (B) Current file
(C) File (D) Case
(xiii) _________________ is an instrument which seeks to make an organization transparent, accountable
and citizen friendly.
(A) Central Registration Unit (B) Citizen’s Charter
(C) Departmental Record Officer (D) Registration Officer
(xiv) The full form of SFS is
(A) Single File System (B) Single Filing System
(C) Short File Service (D) Short File System
(xv) While recording a note or notes _____________ shall be used by all category of staff and officers.
(A) black ink only (B) blue ink only
(C) black or blue ink only (D) black, blue or green ink only

2. Who exercise the executive power of the Union of India? Mention the three categories of Ministers.
3. Write a short note on ‘part file’. (4)

4. Write short note on any one of the following : (4)

(a) e-mail (b) Office Memorandum

5. Write any eight general instructions for drafting (8)

Part – B : Fundamental Rules 9-57

(35 marks)

6. Choose the correct answer : (10x1=10)

(i) __________ means the strength of a service or a part of a service sanctioned as a separate unit.
(A) Service (B) Post
(C) Recruitment Rules (D) Cadre
(ii) No Government servant shall be granted leave of any kind for a continuous period exceeding
(A) 3 years (B) 4 years
(C) 5 years (D) 6 years

(iii) The pay and allowances of a government servant who is dismissed or removed from service cease
(A) the date of such dismissal or removal
(B) the day before the date of such dismissal or removal
(C) the day after the date of such dismissal or removal
(D) none of the above
(iv) Special pay can be granted on account of
(A) revision of pay
(B) personal consideration
(C) specially arduous nature of duties
(D) reduction of substantive pay otherwise than as a disciplinary measure
(v) When the date of retirement of a Government servant happens to be a holiday and if handing over of
cash/stores etc is involved, relinquishment of charge shall be made by the relieving officer on the close of
(A) the last day of the month
(B) the previous working day
(C) the next working day
(D) the next day irrespective of whether it is a working day or not.
(vi) Which of the following is NOT correct regarding the conditions for treating training as duty?
(A) It is obligatory on the part of the Government to send the persons for such training.
(B) The training should not be in professional or technical subjects.
(C) The training should be connected with the post hold at the time of placing him on training.
(D) The period of training should not exceed two years.
(vii) During ‘Foreign Service’, a government servant receives his pay from
(A) any source other than the Consolidated Fund of India/State/Union Territory
(B) Consolidated Fund of India
(C) Consolidated Fund of a State
(D) Consolidated Fund of a Union Territory
(viii) Which of the following deduction should NOT be made from subsistence allowance?
(A) Income tax (B) Subscription to GPF
(C) Premia due on Postal Life Assuarance Policies (D) House rent and allied charges
(ix) A government servant may be transferred/appointed to officiate in a post carrying lesser pay than a
post in which he holds a lien on account of
(A) inefficiency (B) misbehaviour
(C) both (A) and (B) (D) neither (A) nor (B)
(x) Which of the following is the monthly grant made to a government servant who is not in receipt of pay
or leave salary?
(A) Substantive pay (B) Subsistence grant
(C) Presumptive pay (D) Compensatory allowance

7. State whether the following statements are True or False : (5x1=5)

(a) Permanent post is sanctioned for limited time.
(b) Honorarium should be paid for special work in arbitration case.

(c) Additional pay shall be admissible to a government servant who is appointed to hold current charge
of the routine duties of another post or posts.
(d) No deputation of government servant out of India shall be sanctioned without the previous approval of
the Central Government.
(e) In case of a government servant under suspension, if the revised scale of pay takes effect from a date
prior to the date of suspension, he should be allowed to exercise the option under FR 23.

8. Answer the following questions :

(a) State any four conditions on which service counts for increments in a time-scale. (4)
(b) Distinguish between ‘Fee’ and ‘Honorarium’. (4)
(c) Define the term ‘Tenure post’. State the three circumstances in which alteration of date of birth of a
government servant can be made? (1+3=4)

9. Define ‘Lien’. Write five circumstances in which a government servant who has acquired a lien on a post
retains a lien on that post. (3+5=8)

Part – C : SR 17-195 (Travelling Allowance)

(20 marks)

10. State whether the following statements are True or False : (8x1=8)
(a) Travelling Allowance is not admissible to a government servant who is summoned to give evidence in
a criminal case in his official capacity as a government servant.
(b) Daily Allowance is admissible for any period of casual leave or restricted holiday availed while on tour.
(c) A government servant in transit from one post to another ranks in the grade to which the lower of the
two posts would entitle him.
(d) A journey on transfer begins or ends at the actual residence of the government servant.
(e) Travelling Allowance is not admissible to a government servant for a journey to and from the examination
centre in respect of departmental examinations.
(f) In all cases of transfer not exceeding 180 days, the journey from the headquarters to the station and
back should be treated as on tour for the purpose of travelling allowance.
(g) All officers of the rank of Under Secretary and above may be declared as their own Controlling Officers.
(h) When transfer involves change of station located at a distance of more than 20 km from each other,
Composite Transfer Grant is paid at the rate of 70% of the last month’s Basic Pay.

11. Define ‘Daily Allowance’? Indicate the ‘Daily Allowance’ admissible when absence from headquarters is
(i) less than 6 hours (2+1+1=4)
(ii) more than 12 hours

12. Distinguish between Permanent Travelling Allowance and Conveyance Allowance. (8)

Part – D : FR 105-108 & SR 293-306 (Joining Time)

(10 marks)

13. Choose the correct answer : (2x1=2)

(i) The joining time shall be calculated from
(A) old headquarters in all cases
(B) new headquarters in all cases
(C) old headquarters or new headquarters whichever is more convenient
(D) all of the above
(ii) CCS (Joining Time) Rules, 1979 is applicable to
(A) Work-charged staff (B) Railway employees
(C) Government servants, paid out of contingencies (D) none of these

14. Define joining time. Indicate the joining time admissible in the following cases : (2+1+1=4)
(i) transfer of a government servant necessarily involving continuous travel by road for more than 200 km
where the distance between the old headquarters and new headquarters is 1,000 km or less.
(ii) transfer of a government servant which does not involve change of residence.

15. What is Joining Time Pay. What kind of leave cannot be combined with joining time? How do you treat
holiday(s) following joining time? (2+1+1=4)


Time Allowed : 3 hours Full Marks : 100

Marks for each question is indicated against it.

Attempt all questions.

Part – A : Instruction for Submission, Receipt and Transmission of Petitions Addressed to the
(12 marks)

1. Define ‘petition’. What are the form of petitions to be submitted to the President? (1+3=4)

2. (a) Write down any four circumstances under which petitions to the President may be withheld by the
prescribed authority? (8)
(b) What are the contents of petitions to be submitted to the President? (8)

Part – B : CCS (Temporary Service) Rules, 1965

(10 marks)

3. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct answer : (2x1=2)

(i) The period of notice for termination of a temporary Government Servant shall be ______________
(3 months/1 month).
(ii) The order of termination passed by the Appointing Authority should not mention the ___________
(reasons/period) for such termination.

4. Define ‘temporary service’. What procedure shall be adopted by the Appointing Authority while serving
notice to a government servant in temporary service? (1+3=4)

5. What is the rate of gratuity eligible to a temporary government servant who retires on superannuation or
is discharged from service or is declared invalid for further service? (4)

Part – C : CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964

(42 marks)
6. State whether the following statements are True or False : (10x1=10)
(a) Habitual absence without permission and overstaying leave amounts to misconduct.
(b) A government servant may choose to be a member of any political party or any organization which
takes part in politics.
(c) A government servant may accept gifts from his near relatives of any amount or value.
(d) No government servant shall demand any dowry from the parent or guardian of a bride or bridegroom.
(e) Every government servant shall submit a return of his assets and liabilities on his first appointment to
any service or post.
(f) It is acceptable for a government servant to enter into a marriage with a person having a spouse living.

(g) No government servant shall employ to work any child below the age of 14 years.
(h) Loan is included under the expression of moveable property.
(i) A government servant may participate in a strike depending on the situation.
(j) A government servant shall not invest in any stock, share or other investment.

7. Categorise the following activities into : (8x1=8)

I. which require previous sanction of the Government.
II. which do not require previous sanction of the Government.
(a) Participation in the making of a sponsored media.
(b) Undertaking of any other employment
(c) Participating in sports activities as an amateur.
(d) Engaging in any trade or business.
(e) Undertaking honorary work of a social or charitable nature.
(f) Occasional work of a literary, artistic or scientific character.
(g) Holding an elective office in any body.
(h) Taking part in a co-operative society substantially for the benefit of a government servant.

8. Answer the following questions : (4x4=16)

(a) What are the acts or behaviours that can be termed as sexual harassment?
(b) What do you mean by strike and what does it include?
(c) What does moveable property include?
(d) Write down any four essential qualities of conduct to be maintained by a government servant at all
times under Rule 3 of CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964?

9. (a) What are the restrictions imposed on a government servant in regard to consumption of intoxicating
drinks and drugs under Rule 22 of CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964? (8)
(b) What does ‘workplace’ include? (8)

Part – D : CCS (Leave) Rules, 1964

(36 marks)
10. State whether the following statements are True or False : (5x1=5)
(a) Leave can be claimed as a matter of right.
(b) Casual Leave cannot be combined with any other kind of leave.
(c) Earned Leave shall be credited to the leave account of a government servant at the rate of days for
each completed calendar month of service.
(d) Child Care Leave can be granted for a maximum of 730 days during the entire service of a woman
government servant.
(e) Period of overstayal of leave does not count for increment.

11. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct answer : (7x1=7)

(a) The maximum amount of continuous leave that can be granted to a government servant is _________
(5 years/6 years).
(b) The maximum Earned Leave that can be granted at a time shall be ________ (150/180) days.

(c) When commuted leave is granted, __________ (twice/half) the amount of such leave shall be debited
against the Half Pay Leave due.
(d) Leave Not Due may be granted to a Government Servant in permanent or quasi permanent employ
limited to a maximum of ______ (360/300) days during the entire service on medical certificate.
(e) A government servant on __________________ (leave not due/extraordinary leave) is not entitled to
any leave salary.
(f) Paternity Leave shall be availed within ______________ (15 days/6 months) from the date of delivery
of the child.
(g) Half Pay Leave shall be credited at the rate of _______ ( / 2 ½ ) days for each completed calendar
month of service.

12. Answer the following questions : (4x4=16)

(a) Write a short note on Child Care Leave.
(b) What is the maximum amount of study leave which may be granted to a government servant other
than to Central Health Service Officers according to Rule 51(1)?
(c) What are the conditions in which Extraordinary Leave may be granted?
(d) Mention any four services/staff to whom CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 do not apply.

13. (a) Write notes on calculation of Earned Leave. (8)

(b) What are the effects of dismissal, removal or resignation on leave at credit according to Rule 9? (8)


Time Allowed : 3 hours Full Marks : 100

Marks for each question is indicated against it.

Attempt all questions.

Part – A : General Financial Rules

(50 marks)

1. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct answer : (10x1=10)

(a) Purchase of goods upto the value of ________ (Rs 25,000/Rs 50,000/Rs 1,50,000) may be made
without obtaining bids.
(b) Any development of a project not considered necessary while a work is in progress, which is not
contingent on the work as first sanctioned, shall have to be convered by a _______________ (Fresh
Estimate of Work/Supplementary Estimate/Separate Estimate).
(c) No works shall be commenced or liability incurred without obtaining _____________ (administrative
approval and expenditure sanction/sanction by the FAO or the PAO/sanction by the Head of
(d) ______________ (GeM/IFMIS/PFMS) is an integrated Financial Management System of Controller
General of Accounts, Government of India.
(e) Rush of expenditure, particularly in the closing months of the financial year, shall be regarded as
______________ (a necessity/breach of financial propriety/a criminal offence).
(f) A sanction to an advance or non-refundable withdrawal from Provident Fund lapse on the expiry of
___________ (3/6/12) months unless specifically renewed.
(g) Government accounts shall be prepared on ________ (cash/double entry/accrual) basis.
(h) Funds made available under Vote on Account are not to be utilized for expenditure on a ___________
(New Service/New Works/Ongoing Service).
(i) Travelling Allowance claim of a government servant shall fall due for payment on ____________ (the
day the claim is presented to the Treasury/the date succeeding the date of completion of the journey/a
month after the date of completion of the journey).
(j) Grants-in-aid can be given to a person or a public body or an institution having __________ (separate
budget provisions/approval of the Finance Department/distinct legal entity).

2. State whether the following statements are True or False : (8x1=8)

(a) A sanction for any fresh charge shall, unless it is specifically renewed, lapse if no payment in whole or
in part has been made during a period of twelve months from the date of issue of such sanction.
(b) Subject to fulfilment of the provisions contained in the Delegation of Financial Powers Rules, all rules,
sanctions or orders shall come into force from the date after the date of issue of the rules, sanctions or

orders unless any other date from which they shall come into force is specified therein.
(c) Purchase of goods costing above Rs. 25,000 and Rs. 5,00,000 on each occasion may be made on the
recommendation of a duly constituted Local Purchase Committee.
(d) In case a government servant loses his copy of the Service Book, it shall be replaced on payment of a
sum of Rs. 1,000.
(e) Minor works mean works which add capital value to existing assets but do not create new assets.
(f) Rules related to contingent expenditure are available at the Delegation of Financial Powers Rules and
the Receipts and Payment Rules.
(g) Re-appropriation means the transfer of funds from one major head of account to another.
(h) No authority may incur any expenditure or enter into any liability involving expenditure or transfer of
moneys for investment or deposit from public funds unless the same has been sanctioned by a
competent authority.

3. Answer any three the following : (3x4=12)

(a) Differentiate between Charged and Voted Expenditure.
(b) Differentiate between Capital and Revenue Expenditure.
(c) Differentiate between Bid Security and Performance Security.
(d) Differentiate between Original Works and Minor Works.

4. Answer any two of the following questions : (2x10=20)

(a) State the procedure prescribed for dealing with cases of losses of Government money or property
caused by defalcation, accidents and theft or otherwise.
(b) Write a note on ‘Utilization Certificate’.
(c) Describe the duties and responsibilities of the Controlling Officer in respect of funds placed at his

Part – B : Central Treasury Rules

(50 marks)
5. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct answer : (10x1=10)
(a) ___________ (Cash/Bills of Exchange/Bank Drafts) shall not be distinguished from cheques, provided
that a cheque tendered in Payment of Government dues is accepted under the provision of Rule 79
and is honoured on presentation.
(b) The detailed procedure to be adopted in any particular department with regard to the realization of
Government dues and granting of receipts for money realized may be prescribed by _____________
(Departmental Regulations/an official gazette of the Government/Ad-hoc Regulations).
(c) The Head of Office may authorize any __________________ (Group-B employee/Gazetted Officer/
Government employee) serving under him to sign a bill or order for him.
(d) Corrections and alterations in orders of payment given by the Treasury Officer on the bank must be
attested by his______________ (dated initials/initials and seal/full signature).
(e) Every ______________ (abstract contingent bill/voucher/memo) must bear or have attached to it an
acknowledgement of the payment signed by the person by whom or in whose behalf the claim is put
forward .

(f) ___________ (Government Accounts/Central Accounts/Union Accounts) means the accounts relating
to the Consolidated Fund, the Contingency Fund or the Public Fund.
(g) All cheques, irrespective of the category, drawn for Rupees _________ (1 lakh/5 lakhs/10 lakhs) and
above shall bear two signatures.
(h) The employment of peons to fetch or carry money should be __________ (done only by a gazetted
officer/discouraged/resorted to in all cases).
(i) A separate pay bill should be prepared for _________________(Establishment, Work-Charged and
Muster-Roll Employees/Establishment, Personnel and Group-D Employees/Establishment, Contract
and Muster-Roll Employees).
(j) All monetary transactions should be entered in the cash book _____________(as soon as they occur/
after verification of debit entry in the bank passbook/before the actual transaction has been effected).

6. State whether the following statements are True or False : (8x1=8)

(a) No money shall be drawn from the Treasury unless it is required for immediate disbursement.
(b) Every voucher must bear a pay order signed or initialled by the responsible Disbursing Officer,
specifying the amount payable both in words and figures.
(c) The Treasury Officer is exclusively responsible for the working of the Treasury, the conduct of
subordinate treasury official, custody of cash balance, stamps and opium.
(d) Erasure or overwriting of an entry in the cash book once made is acceptable in certain special cases.
(e) At places where the cash business of the treasury is conducted by the bank, cheques drawn on local
branch of a scheduled bank may be accepted by departmental officers or the treasury or the bank in
payment of Government dues or in settlement of other transactions with the Government.
(f) The Head of an Office is the sole responsible officer who can issue receipts for money received on
behalf of the Government. This responsibility may not be delegated under any circumstances.
(g) A Government officer may not, except with the special permission of the Government, deposit in a
bank, other than the Reserve Bank or its agent for the purpose of Government transactions, moneys
withdrawn from the Government account.
(h) Moneys may not be withdrawn from the Government account without the written permission of the
Treasury Officer or of an officer of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department authorized in this behalf
by an Accountant General.

7. Answer any three the following : (3x4=12)

(a) What is a bill? What are conditions under which a bill or cheque becomes a voucher?
(b) Mention the rules which should be observed by all Government officers who are required to receive
Government dues and handle cash and perform the functions of DDO (with or without cheque drawing
(c) What is to be done for Government money not in the custody of the Treasury or the bank?
(d) What is a Letter of Credit or Assignment?

8. Answer any two of the following questions : (2x10=20)

(a) Briefly mention the conditions under which a Treasury Officer may permit withdrawal from the

Government account.
(b) Describe the different classes of contingent charges as mentioned in the Central Treasury Rules.
(c) Discuss the procedure for payment of money into the Government a ccount.


Time Allowed : 3 hours Full Marks : 100

Marks for each question is indicated against it.

Attempt all questions.

1. Write an essay in about 600 words on any 1 (one) of the given topics : (30)
(a) Essentials for the success of democracy
(b) Environmental pollution and health hazards

2. The Government of Mizoram through Finance Department is planning to adopt austerity/economy

measures due to tight financial position of the Government. Write an Office Memorandum instructing
all the departments to take every possible steps to reduce expenditure. (15)

3. Write a précis of the following passage : (15)

If by some magic you could be granted a quick wish, perhaps you might wish to be popular.
Being popular means being liked by a lot of people instead of just a few close friends and that is a big
wish. All the same you, too, can be well liked if you are willing to be on guard against the perils of
Let us consider some of these. You cannot be polite and friendly to some and to others without the word
getting around as to what kind of person you really are. When you are considering other people, take
time be friendly to the folks older than you are – your neighbours, teachers, parents and other relatives.
If you treat them with respect, they are going to think of you as a likeable person, not as a good for
nothing person. And do not forget to be kind to the little kids too. Again you must think of others and
consider their wishes. A majority wins, you know, and if you are out-voted in the discussion of what to
do or where to go, remember that being a good sport is another way to help your popularity. A good
lover does not complain when the plans do not go his way. At the same time do not be afraid that you are
risking your popularity to stand up for what you think is right. It takes courage to say so, and is appreciated.

4. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
In history we read of great periods in the life of nations, of great men and women and great
deeds performed, and sometimes in our dreams and reveries we imagine ourselves back in those times
and doing brave deeds like the heroes and heroines of old. Do you remember how fascinated you
were when you first read the story of Jeanne d’Arc, and how your ambition was to be something like
her? Ordinary men and women are not usually heroic. They think of their daily bread and butter, of
their children, of their household worries and the like. But a time comes when a whole people become
full of faith for a great cause, and then even simple, ordinary men and women become heroes, and
history becomes stirring and epoch-making. Great leaders have something in them which inspires a
whole people and makes them do great deeds.
The year you were born in-1917-was one of the memorable years of history when a great
leader, with a heart full of love and sympathy for the poor and suffering, made his people write a noble
and never-to-be-forgotten chapter of history. In the very month in which you were born, Lenin started
the great Revolution which has changed the face of Russia and Siberia. And today in India another great

leader, also full of love for all who suffer and passionately eager to help them, has inspired our people to
great endeavour and noble sacrifice, so that they may again be free and the starving and the poor
and the oppressed may have their burdens removed from them. Bapuji lies in prison, but the magic of his
message steals into the hearts of India’s millions, and men and women, and even little children, come
out of their little shells and become India’s soldiers of freedom. In India today we are making history, and
you and I are fortunate to see this happening before our eyes and to take some part ourselves in this great
How shall we bear ourselves in this great movement? What part shall we play in it? I cannot say
what part will fall to our lot; but, whatever it may be, let us remember that we can do nothing which may
bring discredit to our cause or dishonour to our people. If we are to be India’s soldiers we have India’s
honour in our keeping, and that honour is a sacred trust. Often we may be in doubt as to what to do. It
is no easy matter to decide what is right and what is not. One little test I shall ask you to apply whenever
you are in doubt. lt may help you. Never do anything in secret or anything that you would wish to hide.
For the desire to hide anything means that you are afraid, and fear is a bad thing and unworthy of you. Be
brave, and all the rest follows. If you are brave, you will not fear and will not do anything of which you are
ashamed. You know that in our great Freedom Movement, under Bapuji’s leadership, there is no room
for secrecy or hiding. We have nothing to hide. We are not afraid of what we do and what we say. We
work in the sun and in the light. Even so in our private lives let us make friends with the sun and work in
the light and do nothing secretly or furtively. Privacy, of course, we may have and should have, but that is
a very different thing from secrecy. And if you do so, my dear, you will grow up a child of the light,
unafraid and serene and unruffled, whatever may happen.

(a) When does a whole population become full of faith for a great cause? (2)
(b) What is the contribution of Bapuji to the nation? (2)
(c) What shall we remember in our action in the great movement for freedom? (2)
(d) What is the writer’s advice regarding doing things in secret? (2)
(e) How do ordinary men and women become heroes? (2)

5. Insert the appropriate preposition, conjunction or article : (6x1=6)

(a) I have not seen him ________ June.
(b) She dislikes being looked _________ .
(c) Where did you keep ______ book that I gave you yesterday?
(d) He is _______ European.
(e) Now ________ you are tired, you may rest awhile.
(f) He was at fault; _________ he was scolded.

6. Choose the correct word from the given alternatives : (3x1=3)

(a) You have to follow the advice/advise of the Council.
(b) India has to defer/differ many industrial projects to the distant future in the light of food crisis.
(c) Corporal/Corporeal punishment in schools should not be encouraged.

7. Correct the following sentences : (5x1=5)

(a) For what you are here?
(b) He is right to hold that opinion.
(c) He insisted me to go there.
(d) You have no excuse to be idle.
(e) No sooner I saw the thief when he ran away.

8. Answer the following as directed : (10x1=10)

(a) This writing is such as cannot be read. (Give one word for the group of bolded words)

(b) That herb is fit to be eaten. (Give one word for the group of bolded words)
(c) If you wish for peace, be prepared for ______ . (Fill in the blank with the opposite of ‘peace’)
(d) If prosperity gains friends, ______tries them. (Fill in the blank with the opposite of ‘prosperity’)
(e) Give the synonym of the word ‘serene’.
(f) Someone has broken the cup. (Change into passive voice)
(g) A book is being read by Mary. (Change into active voice)
(h) The passenger said that the train had reached late. (Change to direct form of speech)
(i) He said, “Good bye, friends.” (Change to indirect form of speech)
(j) This news is too good to be true. (Rewrite by removing the word ‘too’ but without changing the

9. Make sentence with each word in the following pairs of words to show their difference in meaning :
(a) answer; reply
(b) arrive; reach
(c) bring; fetch




Time Allowed : 3 hours Full Marks : 100

Marks for each question is indicated against it.

Attempt all questions.

Part – A : Central Secretariat Manual of Office Procedure

(35 marks)

1. Choose the correct answer : (5x1=5)

(i) Administrative head of a Ministry or Department is
(A) Director (B) Secretary
(C) Joint Secretary (D) Minister
(ii) Every page in each part of a file (correspondence) shall be numbered consecutively on
(A) the top right hand corner (B) the top left hand corner
(C) the top middle (D) the bottom
(iii) The form of communication used for conveying financial sanctions is
(A) Notification (B) Office Memorandum
(C) Office Order (D) Order
(iv) Casual leave should not normally be granted more than
(A) 5 days at a time (B) 4 days at a time
(C) 3 days at a time (D) 2 days at a time
(v) In arranging papers while submitting file in a case, which of the following should be
arranged at the top?
(A) Notes portion of the file (B) Draft for approval
(C) Reference books (D) Correspondence portion of the file

2. State whether the following statements are True or False : (10x1=10)

(a) A draft is a rough sketch of a communication to be issued after approval of the officer
(b) Unstarred questions are answered orally on the floor of the House.
(c) Files of historical importance are categorized as Category ‘A’.
(d) Communications received from Members of Parliament should be attended to promptly.
(e) ‘Endorsement’ is used when a receipt has to be returned in original to the sender.
(f) A file on which action is not completed is known as Fresh Receipt.
(g) Docketing is the remarks recorded on a case to facilitate its examination.

(h) Under Secretary is in-charge of the Branch in the Ministry/Department consisting of one
or more Sections.
(i) A Citizen’s Charter should contain a title but not a preamble.
(j) Parliament consists of the President, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.

3. Answer the following questions : (3x4=12)

(a) Write short notes on ‘Linking of Files’.
(b) What is Office Memorandum?
(c) How should we treat late attendance or leaving early of office?

4. Write any eight responsibilities of the Dealing Hand. (8)

Part – B : Fundamental Rules 9 - 57

(35 marks)

5. Choose the correct answer : (5x1=5)

(i) The monthly amount paid by the government to a government servant on leave is
(A) Earned Leave (B) Leave salary
(C) Personal pay (D) Special pay
(ii) A post carrying a definite rate of pay sanctioned for a limited time is
(A) Temporary post (B) Permanent post
(C) Tenure post (D) Substantive post
(iii) No government servant shall be granted leave of any kind for a continuous period
(A) exceeding two years (B) exceeding three years
(C) exceeding four years (D) exceeding five years
(iv) Which of the following is a Compensatory Allowance?
(A) Daily Allowance (B) Subsistence Allowance
(C) Sumptuary Allowance (D) Non-practising Allowance
(v) Which of the following should not be recovered from Subsistence Allowance?
(A) Income Tax (B) Repayment of advances
(C) GPF subscription (D) House rent

6. State whether the following statements are True or False : (10x1=10)

(a) Honorarium may be given to a government servant when he performs duties of another
sanctioned post in addition to the normal duties attached to his own post.
(b) A monthly grant made to a government servant who is not in receipt of pay or leave salary
is known as Personal pay.
(c) The period of training within India exceeding one year may be treated as duty.
(d) Cadre means the strength of a service or a part of a service sanctioned as a separate unit.

(e) A government servant does not retain a lien on a post while under suspension.
(f) Confirmation will be made only once in the service of a government servant which will be
in the entry grade.
(g) In order to claim stepping up of pay, both junior and senior officers should belong to the
same cadre.
(h) An UDC born on 01.02.1965 shall retire on superannuation on 31.01.2025.
(i) No person may be appointed in India to a post in government service without a medical
certificate of health.
(j) If a government servant is reinstated with minor penalty, the period of suspension is to be
treated as not on duty.

7. Answer the following questions : (3x4=12)

(a) Define ‘duty’.
(b) Distinguish between ‘Personal Pay’ and ‘Special Pay’.
(c) How will you deal with wilful absence from duty of an official?

8. A government servant under suspension is entitled to certain type of payments. What are
they? (8)

Part – C : Supplementary Rules 17 - 195 (Travelling Allowances)

(20 marks)

9. Choose the correct answer : (4x1=4)

(i) “Competent Authority”, in relation to the exercise of rules relating to Travelling Allowance,
(A) the President (B) the Governor
(C) the Minister (D) the Secretary
(ii) A monthly travelling allowance granted to a government servant whose duty required him to
travel extensively is
(A) Conveyance allowance (B) Permanent travelling allowance
(C) Daily allowance (D) Mileage allowance
(iii) For the purpose of mileage allowance, ‘travelling by road’ does not include
(A) travelling by canal (B) travelling by sea in a steam launch
(C) travelling by air (D) travelling by river in a steam launch
(iv) Daily Allowance admissible for absence exceeding six hours but not exceeding twelve hours
(A) 30% (B) 50%
(C) 70% (D) Full

10. State whether the following statements are True or False : (4x1=4)
(a) A period of absence of a government servant on tour begins when he leaves his headquarters.
(b) Daily Allowance may be drawn on a holiday, if the government servant is actually and not
merely constructively in camp.
(c) An officer in Level 12 of the Pay Matrix who is allowed to travel by air is entitled to
Business class.
(d) Travelling Allowance will not be admissible to a government servant who is transferred to
other station that is only 20 kilometers away.

11. What is meant by Daily Allowance? (4)

12. Define Mileage Allowance. What are the principles of calculating mileage allowance?

Part – D : FR 105 - 108 & SR 293 - 306 (Joining Time)

(10 marks)

13. Choose the correct answer : (2x1=2)

(i) The joining time admissible where the transfer necessarily involves continuous travel by
road for more than 1000 kms is
(A) 10 days (B) 12 days
(C) 15 days (D) 17 days
(ii) Joining time cannot be combined with
(A) Earned Leave (B) Casual Leave
(C) Maternity Leave (D) Vacation

14. Answer the following questions : (2x4=8)

(a) When should a joining time commence?
(b) How is the pay of a government servant regulated during joining time?




Time Allowed : 3 hours Full Marks : 100

Marks for each question is indicated against it.

Attempt all questions.

Part – A : Instruction for Submission, Receipt and Transmission of Petitions Addressed to

the President
(12 marks)

1. What are the two methods of submission of petitions? (4)

2. Mention the circumstances in which the petition may be withheld by the prescribed
authority in its discretion. (8)

Part – B : CSS (Temporary Service) Rules, 1965

(10 marks)

3. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct answer : (2x1=2)

(a) Except in special circumstances which should be recorded in writing, no case of termination
of a temporary government servant shall be reopened after the expiry of _____________
(3 months/6 months/9 months) from the date of notice or from the date of termination.
(b) The CCS(Temporary Service)Rules came into effect from the 1stday of the month of
__________ (April/May/June), 1965.

4. Answer the following questions : (2x4=8)

(a) When and how is the service of a temporary government servant liable to be terminated?
(b) On re-opening of the case of termination of a temporary government servant, what are the
actions to be taken by the Re-opening Authority?

Part – C : CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964

(42 marks)

5. State whether the following statements are True or False : (10x1=10)

(a) Disciplinary proceedings cannot be initiated against the government servants who sublet their
accommodation allotted to them by the government.
(b) Joint representation from government servants is to be viewed as subversive of discipline.

(c) A government servant shall not appear in a public place in a state of intoxication.
(d) Habitual late attendance amounts to misconduct.
(e) It is necessary for government servants to obtain prior permission to join foreign language
classes conducted by Indo-Foreign Cultural Organisations.
(f) Participation by government servants in proselytization is prohibited.
(g) Participation by government servants for fund raising efforts to National Foundation for
Communal Harmony is forbidden.
(h) Only Ministers, Secretaries and other officers specially authorized may give information or
be accessible to the representatives of the Press.
(i) Subscription under Rule 12 of the CCS(Conduct) Rules includes contributions.
(j) The term ‘employment’ in the context of CCS(Conduct) Rules also includes apprenticeship.

6. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct answer : (8x1=8)

(a) The “Government” in the CCS(Conduct) Rules, means __________ (Central Government/
State Government/both Central and State Governments).
(b) A casual ______ (meal/party/outing), lift or other social hospitality shall not be deemed to
be a gift.
(c) ________ (Acceptance/Declination/Reciprocation) of passage and hospitality by officers
from foreign contracting firms is not permissible.
(d) No government servant shall employ to work any child below the age of ___ (14/16/18) years.
(e) If any question arises relating to the interpretation of CCS(Conduct) Rules, it shall be
referred to the _______(High Court/Governor/Government) whose decision shall be final.
(f) Government servants holding any Group ‘B’ post may accept gifts if the value of such
‘gift’does not exceed Rupees _____ (three/four/six) thousand.
(g) Holding of meetings or demonstrations by government servants within office premises
without prior permission is __________ (violative of/permissible under/authorized under)
Rule 7(i) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964.
(h) A government servant is ______ (encouraged/permitted/not allowed) to give or take or
abet the giving or taking of dowry.

7. Define ‘government servant’. Who are ‘members of family’ in relation to a government

servant as defined under CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964? (1+3=4)

8. What is ‘strike’ in the context of CCS (Conduct) Rules? Mention any 3(three) practices
which amount to strike but often resorted to by government servants. (1+3=4)

9. What are the restrictions imposed on a government servant in regard to marriage? (4)

10. What provisions are made in Rule 3 of the CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964 in regard to
(a) promptness and courtesy, and
(b) observance of government policies? (2+2=4)

11.(a) Mention the employment, private trade or activities a government servant may undertake
with and without the previous sanction of the government. (8)
11.(b) What are the ‘Dos’ and ‘Don’ts’ for government servants in regard to taking part in politics
and elections under Rule 5 of the CCS(Conduct) Rules, 1964? (8)

Part – D : CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972

(36 marks)

12. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct answer : (6x1=6)

(a) Leave should not ordinarily be denied during the last ______(10/5/3) years of service.
(b) Leave ordinarily begins on the day on which transfer of charge is effected and ends on the
day _______ (preceding/succeeding/ongoing) that on which the charge is resumed.
(c) Women employees having minor children may be granted Child Care Leave by the competent
authority for a maximum period of ____ (2/3/4) years during their entire service for taking
care of up to two children.
(d) No government servant shall be granted leave of any kind for a continuous period exceeding
______ (5/7/10) years.
(e) The maximum amount of study leave that can be granted at a time shall ordinarily be ____
(12/18/24) months.
(f) The maximum earned leave that can be granted to any government servant at a time is ____
(180/240/300) days.

13. State whether the following statements are True or False : (6x1=6)
(a) Paternity leave shall not be debited against the leave account.
(b) Casual leave is not recognized as leave under the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972.
(c) Leave may not be granted to a government servant under suspension.
(d) Wilful absence from duty after the expiry of leave renders a government servant liable to
disciplinary action.
(e) A government servant who is on leave on medical certificate should be permitted to return to
duty without production of a medical certificate of fitness.
(f) Hospital leave is admissible to all government servants.

14. Mention any two effects of dismissal, removal or resignation on the leave at credit of a
government servant under Rule 9 of the CCS(Leave) Rules, 1972. (4)

15. What do you mean by leave salary? What will be the amount of leave salary admissible to a
government servant who proceeds on
(a) Earned leave (b) Half Pay leave (c) Extraordinary leave ? (1+3=4)

16. Write notes on the following : (2x4=8)

(a) Extraordinary leave
(b) Maternity leave

17.(a) Under what circumstances can commuted leave be granted to a government servant?
Indicate the limits up to which such leave may be granted and the leave salary admissible
during such leave period as may be appropriate. (8)
17.(b) What are the conditions for grant of study leave? (8)




Time Allowed : 3 hours Full Marks : 100

Marks for each question is indicated against it.

Attempt all questions.

Part – A : General Financial Rules

(50 marks)

1. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct answer : (10x1=10)

(a) Local Purchase Committee as constituted by the Central Government Department can
purchase items costing up to _______________ (Rs.1,00,000/Rs. 1,50,000/Rs. 2,50,000)
on each occasion.
(b) Surplus or obsolete/unserviceable goods of assessed residual value above _____________
(Rs. 2,00,000/Rs, 2,50,000/Rs. 3,00,000) should be disposed off either by advertised
tender or public auction.
(c) Consolidated Fund means the Consolidated Fund of India referred to in Article _________
(300(1)/266(1)/271(1)) of the Constitution.
(d) The accounts of government shall be kept in three parts i.e., Consolidated Fund, Contingency
Fund and _________________ (Capital Account/Public Account/Revenue Account).
(e) The Reserve Bank of India shall, in consultation with _____________________ (Finance
Department/Controller General of Accounts/Finance Commission), nominate a bank to
function as accredited Bank of a ministry or department.
(f) It is mandatory for all Ministries/Departments of the Central Government to publish their
tender enquiries, corrigenda and bid award details on the ________________ (CPP Portal/
Ministry website/PFMS Portal).
(g) Performance Security should be for an amount of _________ (10-15 percent/5-10 per cent/
10-12 per cent) of the value of the contract as specified in the bid documents.
(h) Government accounts shall be prepared on _____________ (cash/double entry/accrual)
(i) Leave Travel Concession claim of a government servant shall fall due for payment on
______________________ (the date succeeding the date of completion of return journey
one week after date of completion of journey/the day the claim is presented to treasury).
(j) As a convention, a period of ______________ (4 years/2 years/3 years) has been accepted
by the Central and State Governments for the re-audit of past transaction involving errors
in classification.

2. State whether the following statements are True or False : (8x1=8)

(a) No charges against a grant or appropriation can be authorized after the expiry of the
financial year.
(b) Funds provided during a financial year and not utilized before the close of the financial
year shall be saved as reserve for future excesses.
(c) Government Guarantees shall be provided to the private sector.
(d) All proposals for increase in emoluments for an existing post shall be referred to the
Ministry of Finance for approval.
(e) The Accounts Officer shall not allow any payment against sanctions in excess of the budget
provisions unless there is approval of the Chief Accounting Authority.
(f) Significant expenditure incurred with the object of acquiring tangible assets of permanent
nature or enhancing the utility of existing assets is defined as Revenue Expenditure.
(g) Purchase of goods up to the value of Rs. 25,000 on each occasion may be made without
inviting quotations or bids.
(h) The public debt raised by government by issue of securities shall be managed by the
Department of Economic Affairs.

3. Write short notes on any three of the following questions : (3x4=12)

(a) Principal standards of financial propriety
(b) Public Financial Management System (PFMS)
(c) Electronic reverse auction
(d) Performance Security

4. Answer any two of the following questions : (2x10=20)

(a) Describe the different modes of disposal of goods.
(b) List any ten principles that should be observed by a government officer entering into a
(c) Describe the procurement procedure for purchasing goods by Advertised Tender Enquiry.

Part – B : Central Treasury Rules

(50 marks)

5. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct answer : (10x1=10)

(a) The Treasury Officer may correct an arithmetical inaccuracy or an obvious mistake in any
bill presented to him for payment but shall intimate to the _______________ (Accountant
General/Finance Department/Drawing Officer) any correction he makes.
(b) A bill or cheque becomes a ______________(claim/voucher/challan) only when it is
receipted and stamped paid.

(c) The Head of Department may authorize any_______________ (gazetted officer/group B

employee/government employee) to sign a bill or order for him.
(d) Cash orders outstanding for more than ____________ (6 months/2 months/3 months)
shall be held as lapsed and should be stopped, the charges they represent being cancelled.
(e) On application made by a pensioner, payment of pension may be transferred from any treasury
to another treasury in India by the _____________ (Treasury Officer/Head of Department/
Accountant General).
(f) All cheques, irrespective of the category, drawn for _________ (Rs.10 lakhs/Rs.20 lakhs/
Rs.15 lakhs) and above shall bear two signatures.
(g) The money held in a Central Treasury is usually divided into the treasury balance and the
_________________ (bank notes/currency chest balance/cheque balance).
(h) During treasury inspections, the _____________ (strong room/treasurer branch/accounts
branch) should first be inspected.
(i) Cheques shall not be issued for sums less than _______ (Rs.100/Rs.50/Rs.10) unless it is
permissible under the provision of any law or rule.
(j) On the death of a pensioner, payment of any arrears due to his heirs should be applied
within __________ (one year/six months/one month) of his death.

6. State whether the following statements are True or False : (8x1=8)

(a) A drawing officer, in whose favour a letter of credit has been issued, is permitted to draw
the whole amount.
(b) All monetary transactions should be entered in the cash book as soon as they occur.
(c) Local mechanics are allowed to repair a padlock or make a new key for treasury strong rooms.
(d) An Accountant General may, within the limit of his own jurisdiction, permit withdrawal for
any purpose.
(e) A government officer may issue duplicates or copies of receipts granted for money received
on the allegation that the originals have been lost.
(f) Cheques shall be payable at anytime within six months after the month of issue.
(g) Pension can be drawn for the day of pensioner’s death; the hour at which death takes place
has no effect on the claim.
(h) An erasure or overwriting of an entry once made in the cash book is strictly prohibited.

7. Answer any three of the following questions : (3x4=12)

(a) What is a bill? How does a bill or cheque become a voucher?
(b) Write a note on Letter of Credit.
(c) Write a note on Contingent Charges.
(d) Describe the general regulations following the security of strong rooms.

8. Answer any two of the following questions : (2x10=20)

(a) Discuss the procedure for paying money into the government account.
(b) Briefly mention the conditions under which a Treasury Officer may permit withdrawal
from government account.
(c) Describe the authorized methods of sorting coins and notes in strong rooms.




Time Allowed : 3 hours Full Marks : 100

Marks for each question is indicated against it.

Attempt all questions.

1. Write an essay in about 800 words on any 1 (one) of the given topics : (30)
(a) Office etiquette
(b) Impact of Covid-19 pandemic on education in Mizoram
(c) Social media and Mizo society

2. Draft a proposal from Director, Tourism Department to the Administrative Department for
filling up of 1 (one) vacant post of UDC by direct recruitment with detailed justification,
keeping in mind the austerity measures on direct recruitment enforced by the Government.

3. Write a précis of the following passage and give a suitable title : (15)
No amount of improvement and reconstruction in education will bear much fruit if our schools
and colleges are undermined by indiscipline. An impartial examination makes it clear that students
and teachers alike need more of the spirit of discipline. If proper education is to be given, acts of
indiscipline prevalent in our educational institutions have to be checked.
The real purpose of education is to train youth to discharge the duties of citizenship properly.
All other objectives are incidental. Discipline, therefore, should be the responsibility of parents,
teachers, the general public and the authorities concerned. There are some positive factors promoting
discipline. The Indian student’s natural tendency is to be disciplined. It is only when forces act
strongly on him that he may sometimes be led astray. He appreciates rules and is normally inclined
to abide by them. Much can be done to encourage this trend in school and college life. Personal
contact between teacher and pupil is essential. Emphasis is also to be laid on the role of the class
teacher or tutorial guide in promoting discipline and the welfare of the pupils. Further, a greater
responsibility should devolve upon the students themselves in the maintenance of discipline. Nothing
is more calculated to develop a proper sense of self-discipline and proper behavior than their
enforcement, not by any outside authority with any symbol of punishment but by the students
themselves. They should choose their own representatives to see that proper codes of conduct are

4. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
In the present day, we see advertisements wherever we cast our eyes. Drawing up
advertisements is not as easy as it might look at first sight. Knowledge of psychology is essential in
order to draw up a good advertisement, one which will attract people and persuade them to buy

something. Advertisements help people to make up their minds. An understanding of human nature
and the way men’s minds work is very necessary in a man who is going to write something which
makes a person decide to part with his money. Some unskillful writers, instead of attracting people
to buy goods, make them feel annoyed. For example, it is said to be wrong from the psychological
point of view to declare “Our toothpaste is the best”. Those who see such an advertisement
immediately say to themselves: “No, it isn’t. What I have been using for the last ten years is much
better”. A wiser say is to suggest that the toothpaste you manufacture has qualities which make it
worth a trial.
On the moral side too, one has to be careful. Many advertising agencies refuse to have anything
to do with the sale of goods which may be harmful or which are not what they are declared to be.
Advertisements must not deceive. Certain medicines, upon examination, turn out to be nothing but
water, sugar and colouring matter, yet the dishonest manufacturers ask a high price for them.

(a) How is knowledge of psychology useful in advertising? (2)

(b) What is the effective way of attracting a buyer? (2)
(c) How do certain manufacturers cheat the public? (2)
(d) Why do some agencies refuse to advertise certain goods? (2)
(e) What is very necessary in a man who is going to advertise something? (2)

5. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate preposition, conjunction or article : (6x1=6)
(a) _______ M.L.A was absent in the meeting.
(b) He is old ______ he can run.
(c) I shall return _________ a week.
(d) ________take it or leave it.
(e) Only ________ brave can face danger.
(f) All ______ one attended the class.

6. Make sentences with the following idioms and phrases : (6x1=6)

(a) Bury the hatchet
(b) Make both ends meet
(c) To get through
(d) Hold in abeyance
(e) Take into account
(f) To be in the good books of

7. Answer the following as instructed against each : (8x1=8)

(a) Do not alter/altar the sentence. (Choose the correct word)
(b) This handwritten document is very old. (Give one word for the set of words in bold)
(c) The land is barren in the northern plain. (Give the antonym of the word printed in bold)
(d) Sanga is an eminent/imminent lawyer. (Chose the correct word)
(e) This examination is not difficult. (Give the synonym of the word printed in bold)
(f) Stealing is against the law. (Give one word for the set of words in bold)
(g) Give the antonym of the word ‘adversity’.
(h) Give the synonym of the word ‘obvious’.

8. Correct the following sentences : (5x1=5)

(a) Joint Secretary is superior than Deputy Secretary.
(b) He have not done the work assigned to him.
(c) Although it was raining, but we had the picnic.
(d) Any of these two men may be employed.
(e) I am taking exercise everyday.

9. Rewrite the following sentences as directed : (5x1=5)

(a) Call him in. (Change into passive voice)
(b) John said, “It has been blowing hard all day.” (Change the form of speech)
(c) That is an___________ lie. (Fill in the blank with a suitable adjective)
(d) This is ________ I spent my childhood. (Fill in the blank with a suitable adverb)
(e) This file has not been processed so far.(Change into active voice)


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