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the lights are on but nobody is home: used to describe sb who is stupid or not paying attention: kendi burada aklı
başka yerde, ya da aptal
2. blood is thicker than water: family relationships are stronger than any others: aile bağları diğer bağlardan daha
3. out of the frying pan into the fire: from a bad situation to one that is worse: yağmurdan kaçarken doluya
4. Rome wasn’t built in a day: a complicated task will take a long time and needs patience: bazı işler zaman alır,
5. out of sight, out of mind: sb will quickly be forgotten when they are no longer with you: gözden uzak olan
gönülden de ırak olur
6. actions speak louder than words: what a person actually does means more than what they say they will do: söze
değil icraata bakmak lazım
7. the pot calling the kettle black: you should not criticize sb for a fault that you have yourself: tencere dibin kara
seninki benden kara
8. still waters run deep: sb who seems to be quiet or shy may surprise you by knowing a lot or having deep feelings:
sessiz atın çiftesi pek olur
9. curiosity killed the cat: used to tell sb not to ask questions or try to find out about things that do not concern them:
fazla merak iyi değildir
10. the end justifies the means: bad or unfair methods of doing sth are acceptable if the result of that action is good or
positive: haticeye değil neticeye bak
11. give sb an inch and they’ll take a mile/yard: if you allow some people a small amount of freedom or power they’ll
see you as weak and try to take a lot more: elini ver kolunu kaptır
12. the devil makes work for idle hands: people who do not have enough to do often start to do wrong: boş duranın
aklına şeytanlık gelir
13. enough is enough: used when you think that sth should not continue any longer: yeter artık!
14. over the hill: too old to perform a particular activity: çok yaşlı (benden geçti)
15. skate on thin ice: do sth risky or dangerous: ateşle oynamak
16. a tall order: unreasonable because it is too difficult: olacak iş değil (zor yerine getirilecek emir)
17. burn the midnight oil: work or study until late at night: çok ders çalışmak
18. to top it all: when you mention one last misfortune in a series of unfortunate events you can introduce it with the
expression “to top it all”: hepsinin üstüne
19. mince your words: speak of a problem without using plain direct words: sözünü yumuşatarak söylemek
20. bring the house down: make everybody laugh: gülmekten kırıp geçirmek
21. vicious circle: a set of events in which cause and effect follow each other until this results in a return to the first
usually undesirable position: kısır döngü
22. alive and kicking: healthy: sağlıklı
23. that does it: used when you are angry and have had enough of sth; enough is enough: yeter!
24. by the book: according to the rules: kitabına gore, kurallı
25. it’s all Greek to me: I don’t understand it: Fransız kaldım

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