Vaccinosis 1

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SESSION: 2020-2023

Under the Guidance of

Dept. of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
63, A. P. C ROAD, KOLKATA - 700009
Vaccine is an immunising agent. There are several immunising agents like vaccines, antisera,
immunoglobulins. Over the last century, vaccination has been the most effective medical
strategy to control infectious diseases.[1] Effective medical strategy to control infectious
diseases. Smallpox has been eradicated world-wide and poliomyelitis has been almost
eradicated. But there is also some hazards that this mass vaccination of last century had been
created. They are termed as “Adverse events following immunisation” [1] in modern
medicines, and as “vaccinosis” in Homoeopathy. The adverse event may be any unfavourable
or unintended sign, abnormal laboratory finding, symptom or disease etc. There can be both
long term and short term adverse events. The term vaccinosis is used in homoeopathic
literature of Germany (Thuja Occidentalis by Goullon).

Vaccine is an immuno-biological substance designed to produce specific protection against a
given disease.[1] It stimulates the production of protective antibody and other immune
mechanisms. Effective protection against the intended pathogen must occur without
significant danger of actually causing the disease or of producing severe side effects. [2]
The immunisation was called vaccination because it was derived from a virus affecting cows
(Latin: vacca means 'cow')


According to types of organism the vaccines are following types.
A) LIVE ATTENUATED VACCINES: These organisms have been passed repeatedly in
the laboratory in tissue culture or chick embryos and have lost their capacity to induce
full-blown disease but retain their immunogenicity. Live vaccines engage certain
tissues of the body, as for example, intestinal mucosa by the oral polio vaccine.
Example- B.C.G, MMR, Typhoid, Rota virus, OPV
B) INACTIVATED OR KILLED VACCINES: Inactivated vaccines are produced by
growing virus or bacteria in culture media and then inactivating them with heat or
chemicals (usually formalin), when injected into the body they stimulate active
immunity. They are usually safe but generally, less efficacious than live vaccines. For
example, cholera vaccine offers only 50 per cent protection. Examples – Pertussis,
IPV, Rabies.
C) SUBUNIT VACCINES: A vaccine can be made of single or multiple antigenic
components of a microorganism that are capable of stimulating a specific immune
response sufficient to protect from the relevant pathogen infection or from the clinical
manifestation of the disease. There are different types of subunit vaccines.
i. Toxoid – Diptheria and Tetanus
ii. Protein vaccines-Acellular pertusis
iii. Recombinant protein vaccines-Hep B vaccines
iv. Polysaccharide-based vaccines- Hib
v. Conjugated vaccines- S.pneumococcal, Meningococcal
D) COMBINATIONS: If more than one kind of immunizing agent is included in the
vaccine it is called a mixed or combined vaccine. Examples – DPT, MMR etc.


The immune system is a complex component of the defence mechanism. The defence
mechanism are classified under the following sectors.
There are 2 levels of immunity
A] INNATE IMMUNITY: Innate and acquired. Innate immunity is the immunity inherent in
the human immune system which works to defend the body from antigens by creating a
barrier. Skin, stomach acid, mucus production, the cough reflex, enzymes in tears, saliva, and
skin oils.
B] ACQUIRED IMMUNITY: Is of two types: active and passive.
1. ACTIVE IMMUNITY: It is the immunity which an individual develops as a result
of infection or by specific immunization and is usually associated with presence of
antibodies or cells having a specific action on the microorganism concerned with a
particular infectious disease or on its toxin.
After exposure to a specific antigen there is 2 types of response.
• Primary response: The primary response is produced by the formation of antibody
IgM and later by IgG types.
• Secondary response: It is the response to a booster dose. The secondary response
also involves the production of lgM and IgG antibody. Collaboration between B and T
cells is necessary to initiate a secondary response. This accelerated response is
attributed to immunological memory.
o Humoral Immunity: Humoral immunity comes from the B-cells (bone-marrow
derived lymphocytes) which proliferate and manufacture. specific antibodies
after antigen presentation by macrophages.
o Cellular Immunity (that pertaining to the activity of the white blood cells): It is
now well-recognized that cellular immunity plays a fundamental role in
resistance to infection. Cellular activity is constructed by T4 cells, white blood
cells migrated towards an area of infection and have the ability to create
specific antibodies to particular antigens. E.g- tuberculosis, brucellosis and
also for the body's rejection of foreign material, such as skin grafts, S. typhi,
Candida albicans and many viruses.
2. PASSIVE IMMUNITY: When antibodies produced in one body (human or animal)
are transferred to another to induce protection against disease, it is known as passive
1798 Small pox vaccine
1885 Rabies vaccine

1892 Cholera vaccine

1913 Toxin/antitoxin against diphtheria

1921 BCG

1923 Diphtheria toxoid

1923 Pertuesis vaccine

1937 Influenza vaccine

1937 Yellow fever vaccine

1949 Mumps vaccine

1954 Salks polio vaccine

1957 Sabine live oral polio vaccine

1960 Measles vaccine

1962 Rubella vaccine

1968 Type C. meningococcus vaccine

1971 Type A. meningococcus vaccine

1976 Hepatitis B vaccine


• Smallpox dates back to 1196 BC in Egypt, 1000 BC in China where epidemics were
rampant, and in Europe through the Middle Ages. Smallpox was still widespread and
fatal during the late 1700's when scientists and doctors were looking for ways to
reduce the spread of the disease. It was observed that people previously infected with
cowpox (an eruptive disease similar to smallpox but less severe) were immune to
smallpox. It was also found that inoculation with cowpox disease material would
produce a local infection similar to that of the smallpox reaction and would generate
life-long immunity to smallpox. The smallpox vaccine (from cowpox matter) was
made in 1796 was one of the first ever vaccines to be made available to the public.
• The earliest observation of Hahnemann on vaccination can be seen in Medicine of
Experience (1805) where he mentions the multiple phases of action of ‘vaccine
disease’. However the most categorical view we can observe in 1808 in a footnote to
the letter addressed to Hufeland. He proclaimed that Vaccination is the most fortunate
discoveries and is among the three or four positive discoveries in medicine ever since
the times of Hippocrates.[19]
• Hahnemann had supported vaccination even at the time even when it was attacked
profusely by the allopathic guild itself.[19] In his letter to Stapf in 1825; Hahnemann
compares the criticism and hostility against homoeopathy as similar to that of
vaccination. He states that “Just consider! How Jenner’s vaccination against
smallpox has proved itself everywhere and yet in England so many invectives in print
were issued against it…. It puts to shame many thousands of the allopath guild, most
of whom, feel that they have forgotten too much, and are incapable of treading the
new way any success” [20]
• Hahnemann’s confidence in vaccination more precisely elucidated by his letter to
Gersdorff in 1825 by describing criticism of vaccination as completely futile. He
says-“Even the invectives which shower down on us in profusion can do no harm.
What harm did the infamous antagonistic writings against cowpox vaccination
achieve? None at all” [21]
• Hahnemann introduced in the 6th edition of Organon that “This seems to be the
reason for this beneficial remarkable fact namely that since the general distribution of
Jenner’s cowpox vaccination, human small pox never again appeared as epidemically
or virulently as 40–45 years before when one city visited lost at least one half and
often three-quarters of its children by death of this miserable pestilence”

In Aphorism 45
• “No! two diseases, differing, it is true, in kind, but very similar in their phenomena
and effects in the sufferings and symptoms they severally produce, invariably
annihilate one another whenever they meet together in the organism…”
While giving examples of one similar disease annihilate another similar disease, in aphorism
46 he explained
• “Small pox coming on after vaccinations, as well on account of its greater strength as
its great similarity, at once removes entirely the cow pox homoeopathically, and does
not permit it to come to maturity; but on the other hand cow pox when near maturity
does, on account of its great similarity, homoeopathically diminish very much the
supervening small pox and make it much milder…”
• Later in Footnote of 56 while opposing the Isopathy he said “But both, cowpox and
smallpox are only similar, in no way the same disease. In many respects they differ,
namely in the more rapid course and mildness of cowpox and especially in this, that is
never contagious to man by more nearness”
Every coin has two sides. The letter to Dr. Schreeter in 1831 nicely clarifies that Hahnemann
was aware of both sides of vaccination. While for the good aspect he supported vaccination,
he also chooses to experiment with vaccination to minimise its side effects. He suggested the
use of Sulphur 30 to minimise the adverse effects of vaccination in a sensitive child.[32]
• Adverse events of the vaccinations and some cases treated by Hahnemann was also
reported. One of the examples was “At the age of 25, she was vaccinated for the
second time, from the arm of a child covered with pustules since then she has had
pustules on her face, a mercurial ointment, eight leeches has been applied to her
thighs, three times ….at the age of 26 she lost all her teeth”. This was treated by
Hahnemann successfully, over a period of month, with a successive dose of Sulphur
in LM potency.[30]
So Hahnemann said that the small pox vaccine protects against the cow pox and vice versa
due to its similarity and Homoeopathically protects against each other. But today’s pathogens
of vaccines does not produce similar diseases to that of the original diseases. They are only
same, because they are modified in the laboratory.
“I have watched in many years, examined the evidence on all sides, I have come to the
conclusion that the evidence in favour of vaccination is extremely doubtful. On the other
hand, vaccination has done an immense amount of injury to the human race, and to
individuals. It has made many people sick, it has produced grievous ulcers, and I have no
doubt mixed up many constitutional complaints”
He also said that he himself refused to vaccinate since many years. And will not take
responsibilities of vaccination in his place.
Febrile reactions which occurs in an organism after vaccinations. With special
reference to the local phenomena at the point where the vaccinial pus or lymph are inserted.
Some times also the term used for the varioloid eruption that appears after vaccinations. But
according to Burnett this vaccinia is commonly held to an end.[3]
The syndrome produced by the adverse effects of vaccination: state of chronic ill health
resulting from immunisation.[37] It shews itself as a formidable acute disease that may
terminate fatally, or it may manifest itself as a chronic affection. [3] Burnett included the
above vaccinia reaction within the term vaccinosis. But vaccinosis is something more than
the vaccinia. It is profound and long lasting morbid constitutional state endangered by the
vaccine viruses.
The experience of astute homoeopathic observers has shown conclusively that in a high
percentage of cases, vaccination has a profoundly disturbing effect on the health of an
individual, particularly in relation to chronic disease. [5] Whenever a vaccine is administered, it
tends to change the electromagnetic vibration rate in the same way that a severe illness or
allopathic drug does. Depending upon the state of health of the individual, there are two basic
types of responses which can occur after vaccination.[5]
Here indicates
I) Either the system is very healthy. The organism is not sensitive to the vaccines
and there is no reactions.
II) The system has a deep constitutional weakness. Vibrating to a deeper level of
susceptibility, the defence mechanism is incapable of producing an immediate
III) And both individual displaying no reactions would also acquire no illness if
exposed to the epidemic for which the vaccines is injected.


I) A mild reactions: (Local inflammation, itching and pain)
a) It indicates the person is susceptible to the disease against which it
is vaccinated.
b) It also indicates that the defence mechanism is not strong enough to
fully deflect the effect of the vaccines. Its morbific influence then
remains in the body.
c) It will change the level of health completely and will not be able to
return to the pre vaccination level without homoeopathic treatment.
d) This can also be related to the Burnett’s conception of “Taking” &
“Not taking” of vaccination. He explained that “The less a person
‘takes’ the vaccination (i.e initial reactions after vaccinations) the
more he likely to suffer from chronic vaccinosis. Here we can
relate that.
II) Strong reactions: (Fever, malaise, anorexia, muscle aches etc.)
a) Defence mechanism is quite strong and may be able to successfully
counteract the morbific influence of the vaccine.
b) This type of reactions commonly seen in children whose defence
mechanism has not been seriously weakened by the external morbific
c) In this case the person will remains unprotected against the disease. But as
they are sensitive to both vaccines as well as the microbes, on exposure
they will contract the disease on exposure despite the vaccinations.
d) This we can relate with the Burnett’s words in “Vaccinosis and its cure by
Thuja”. He explained that “What is called ‘taking’ is, in point of fact, the
constitutional reaction where by the organism frees itself more or less from
the inserted virus.”
III) Very severe reactions:
a) This indicates the susceptibility of the organism to the disease is quite
high, but in this case the defence mechanism is too weak to counteract the
morbific stimulus of the vaccines. So a deep illness is produced. If disease
were contracted there would be severe complications.
b) This is the perhaps most tragic circumstances. Even correctly chosen
homoeopathic remedy.
• Vaccine is Given to a perfectly healthy individual who has never been vaccinated.
• When the vaccination succeeding, we say he is henceforth protected from the disease.
• That is to say, this thoroughly healthy non-vaccinated person becomes more or less
proof against the contagion of small-pox by vaccination.
• He also admits that “No one can be more than perfectly healthy, and any modification
or altering of perfect health must result in a minus, i.e., less than perfect health;
and less than perfect health must necessarily be disease or ill health of some sort and
in some degree.”
• Hence it follows that the protective power of vaccination is due to a diseased state of
the body.
More extensively we can find it below.
In The writings of Dr. Fortier Bernoville in “Syphilis and Sycosis” he states that-[15]
• “A Vaccine is a modified disease, and its usefulness is the best proof that it modifies
our personality: We see only immediate results and which is limited face to face with
susceptibility….But we do not know the distant effects….All the forced vaccination, all
sorts of serotherapies, no doubt modify the ability of the biological personality”


Orthodox medical journals report details of many adverse events arising from
vaccination, as do the handbooks produced by health Departments in most developed
countries. Yet at the same authors’ claim that vaccination is basically safe, and certainly
much less dangerous than the possible adverse effects of the diseases which the vaccines
aimed to prevents.[6]
Here we can divide the adverse events into two categories
A) Short term reactions.
B) Long term reactions.


Vaccine Reaction Onset interval
BCG Suppurative lymphadenitis 2-6 months
BCG osteitis 1-12 months
Disseminated BCG 1-12 months
Hepatitis B Anaphylaxis 0-1 hour
Influenza (inactivated) Oculo-respiratory syndrome. 0-1 hour
Influenza (live attenuated) Anaphylaxis Wheezing
(children 6-11 months age)
Japanese encephalitis Neurologic events
(inactivated) (encephalitis,
encephalopathy, peripheral
Measles/MMR Febrile seizures 6-12 days
Oral poliomyelitis VAPP (Vaccine associated 4-30 days
paralytic poliomyelitis)
Pertussis (DTwP) Persistent (>3 hours) 0-24 hours
Inconsolable screaming 0-3 days
Seizures Hypotonic, 0-48 hours
Hypo responsive episode 0-1 hour
(HHE) Anaphylaxis 0-2 days
Tetanus toxoid, DT Brachial neuritis 2-28 days
Anaphylaxis 0-1 hour
Varicella Febrile seizures

There are two ways to measure long term-vaccine damage, and we shall consider them in
Observed vaccine effects: (One article)
Orthodox claims concerning the long term safety of vaccines are unscientific for one
very simple reason, the orthodox community has undertaken practically no research on the
long term impact of vaccinations on the total wellbeing of recipients, thus making impossible
a “Scientific” comparison between the risk of diseases and the risk of vaccinations.
One research by Dr. Michel Odent in 1994, in his paper named “Pertusis vaccination
and asthma, is there any link?” [8]. Dr. Odent reported the results of his study of the effects of
breast feeding on the long term wellbeing of children. He expected to find that the fully
breast fed baby in his study would be generally more healthy that non-breast fed children. He
used different parameters to indicate general well beings. Surprisingly he found that within
the breast fed group there was a relatively healthy group and relatively unhealthy group. He
determined that the factor separating these two groups of breast fed children was
One of the most recent studies in 2007 by Nakajima and colleagues using data from
Tasmania study [9], a prospective population based cohort study, examined the link between
vaccination and atopic disease in a group of Tasmanians born in 1961 and who are followed
in 1968, 1974, 1991. It was a Prospective cohort study examining the association between
multiple immunisations in childhood and atopic outcomes up to the age of 30 years.


Asthma by age 7 Diphtheria 1.33 (1.06 to 1.68) 0.01
Eczema by age 7 years Diphtheria 1.53 (1.13 to 2.07) <0.01
Tetanus 1.53 (1.15 to 2.04) <0.01
Pertussis 1.46 (1.10 to 1.87) <0.01
Polio 1.36 (1.00 to 1.87) 0.05
Food allergy by age 7 Diphtheria 1.47(1.04 to 2.07) 0.03
Pertussis 1.39 (1.01 to 1.91) 0.04
Polio 1.44 (1.00 to 2.07) 0.05

1. The neurotoxic organomercurial thimerosal (THIM), used for decades as vaccine

preservative, is a suspected factor in the pathogenesis of some neurodevelopmental
disorders.[10] Thimerosal is an ethyl mercury, which is claimed to be free from the
body quickly. That’s why it is used as a vaccine preservative for anti-bacterial
2. In Denmark, there was a decline in the rate of ASD in the 2002– 2004 birth cohort
(1.0%) compared to the 1994–1995 birth cohort (1.5%) when TCV was phased out.[11]
3. The relationship between the proportion of children who received the recommended
vaccines by age 2 years and the prevalence of autism (AUT) or speech or language
impairment (SLI) in each U.S. state from 2001 and 2007 was determined. A positive
and statistically significant relationship was found: The higher the proportion of
children receiving recommended vaccinations, the higher was the prevalence of AUT
or SLI. A 1% increase in vaccination was associated with an additional 680 children
having AUT or SLI.[12]
4. There have been marked increases in the reported prevalence of autism spectrum
disorders (ASDs) among children in the US beginning with birth cohorts in the late
1980s and in Denmark and Israel starting approximately 4–5 years later.[13]

The significant result demonstrating that the measles virus can be found in the
intestines of the previously vaccinated children for several years after vaccinations. A
hypothesis proposes that persistent viral infection of the mesenteric endothelium is necessary
for the development of Crohn's disease. Measles virus induced inflammatory changes either
by disease or vaccine in the gut wall is very similar to the Chron’s disease. That also leads to
a variety of conditions including diarrhoea, mal absorption of food, food allergies. [14]
In 1998 Andrew Wakefield, about twelve children, reportedly with bowel symptoms
and autism or other disorders acquired soon after administration of MMR vaccine [24]. In
2010, Wakefield's research was found by the General Medical Council to have been
"dishonest",[25] and The Lancet fully retracted the paper.[26][27]
Before publication of Wakefield's article, the inoculation rate for MMR in the UK was
92%; after publication, the rate dropped to below 80%. In 1998, there were 56 measles cases
in the UK; by 2008, there were 1348 cases, with two confirmed deaths.[33]
Vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP) is one of the most important
adverse effects of vaccines that are in current use globally.
Acute onset of flaccid paralysis within 4 to 30 days of receipt of OPV vaccine or within
4 to 75 days after contact with a vaccine recipient with isolation of vaccine virus and absence
of wild polio virus in the stool, and neurological deficits remaining 60 days after onset, or
During 2010-2015, 157 cases of recipient VAPP were reported to CNAEFIS (male-to-
female ratio, 8.2:1); 151 cases (96.2%) were less than six months old. All cases were
associated with trivalent OPV (tOPV), and 89.8% occurred after the receipt of first dose. One
case died and one case recovered completely; the other 155 cases had various physical
disabilities, such as monolateral or bilateral limping.[16]
Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus (cVDPV)
On rare occasions, if a population is seriously under-immunized, as the live polio virus
stayed and replicate in the intestines can excreted and can continue to circulate for an
extended period of time from the stool. The longer it is allowed to survive, the more genetic
changes it undergoes. In very rare instances, the vaccine-virus can genetically change into a
form that can paralyse.[22]
With wild polio cases at record lows, 2017 was the first year where more cases of
cVDPV were recorded than the wild poliovirus, a trend that is expected to continue.

Fig - 3
Here we can see how cVDPV cases are increased from 2017.
To combat this, the WHO in 2016, decided to switch from the trivalent polio vaccine to
the bivalent polio vaccine.[23] This vaccine no longer contains the type 2 polio virus.

Aluminium added to vaccine as an adjuvant to promote antibody. Tetanus, DTP
vaccines are absorbed in to the Aluminium hydroxide, Aluminium Potassium sulphate,
Aluminium phosphate. In a Swedish trial of Acellular pertussis vaccine, it is observed that
Vaccine with adsorbed in Aluminium have same adverse systemic reactions with the Placebo
containing aluminium salts.[18] The frequent adverse reactions noted to this is Allergic
manifestation and hypersensitivity.
Acute onset of major illness characterized by any two of the following three conditions
• Seizures care.
• Severe alteration in level of consciousness lasting for one day or more
• Distinct change in behaviour lasting one day or more.
Needs to occur within 48 hours of DTP vaccine or from 7 to 12 days after measles or MMR
vaccine, to be related to immunization.
The sequelae reported after viral encephalitis can involve cognitive impairments, motor
dysfunction, and epilepsy, where the cases of epilepsy have been described up to 20% in the
survivors of viral encephalitis.[35]
The DPT vaccine, however, has been known to cause autism and cerebral palsy. In a
study done in Canada in 1988, of the 669 children who received the DPT vaccine, 76 had
severe reactions with swelling, convulsions, paralysis, and/or crippling brain disorders. [17]
As a consequence of Encephalopathy we can see the number of learning disabled
children in America is grown at a phenomenal rate. Schools are increasingly burdened with
the need to set up special education programme. The learning disabled population in the
public schools of America rose from 830000 in 1958 to just under two million in 1989,
according to the National Centre for educational Statistics, and this number increased even as
school enrolment declined.[17]
Perhaps the frequently registered disorder after the pertussis vaccine is the convulsive
seizure. According to a cohort study conducted, calculated the relative risks of febrile and
nonfebrile seizures among 679,942 children after 340,386 vaccinations with DTP vaccine, [17]
137,457 vaccinations with MMR vaccine, or no recent vaccination.[17]
According to the above figure it indicates that three main groups of symptoms related
to damage by D.T.P vaccine are mental/emotional disorders, a range of respiratory diseases,
and skin conditions. Behavioural and learning problems are significant especially learning
and anger issues. Asthma and recurrent respiratory infections are also significant. [6]

More fatigue, loss of appetite, lingering coughs, itchy skin, depressive moods,
As with all vaccines the immune systems of new born are too immature to be able to
effectively process the vaccine.[18]
Diabetes, Gullian-Barre syndrome, arthritis, demyelization of the nervous system, and
anaphylaxis are among some of the reported adverse reactions to the hepatitis B vaccine.[18]
Some reports also claims that there is increase case of CNS demyelination, Multiple
sclerosis after the many Hepatitis B vaccines.[28]
But A study provides a pooled estimate of this above risk based on a comprehensive
review and meta-analysis of all available epidemiologic studies shows that None of the
pooled risk estimates for either multiple sclerosis or central demyelination following HB
immunization reached statistical significance.[29]

Disseminated B.C.G infections:[7]
Widespread infections occurring within 1-12 months, after B.C.G vaccinations and
confirmed by isolation of M. Bovis B.C.G strain. Usually in immunocompromised patients.
Lymphadenitis: [7]
Either at least one lymph nodes enlarged to > 1.5 cm in size. (one adult finger width),
or a draining sinus over a lymph node. Almost exclusively caused by BCG and then
occurring within 2 to 6 months after receipt of BCG vaccine, on the same side as inoculation
(mostly axillary).
It is too early to say the long term adverse effects of Covid vaccines. Some individual
reports of adverse reactions found as below.
Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) can occur in predisposed individuals where an immune
mediated reaction against hepatocytes has been found in 2 health workers. [39]
Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia and cerebral venous sinus
thrombosis post COVID-19 vaccination also found in some cases. [40]
2 cases of Leukocytoclastic vasculitis also found after the covid vaccine. [41]
A case series of 7 patients who developed herpes zoster (HZ) following the first dose
of coronavirus vaccine (recombinant), also found. [42]
A) INJECTION SITE ABSCESS: Fluctuant or draining fluid-filled lesion at the site of
injection. Bacterial if evidence of infection (e.g. purulent, inflammatory).
B) SEPSIS: Acute onset of severe generalized illness due to bacterial infection and
confirmed (if possible) by positive blood culture.
C) TOXIC SHOCK SYNDROME: Abrupt onset of fever, vomiting and diarrhoea
within a few hours of immunisation. Often death within 24 to 48 hours.

Basis for Homeopathic Remedy Selection for Vaccine Injury.
For complete understanding for each specific case, one must be able to differentiate which
aspect of vaccinosis is playing the biggest role and if there were any further suppressions.
Suppression of the vaccine response with other medication only drives the process in deeper.
What is the underlying health often individual?[4]
➢ Susceptibility and inherited health, miasmatic influences, pregnancy, and birth related
influences. Are there any weaknesses in the inherent strength of the individual that
would produce a susceptibility to vaccine damage?
What was the level of vaccine reaction?[4]
➢ No response, mild response, systemic response, or severe reaction? This will tell
whether we are dealing with a weak constitution, immune system damage, vaccinosis,
or mercury toxicity etc. It will also tell you which variation in vaccine reaction is
more significant. It will also give information to the relative health of the person and
strength of the vital force.
Which symptoms were developed in response to which vaccine?[4]
➢ The first symptoms developed after vaccine will give a clue into the affinity of the
vaccine to the person and the susceptibility of the individual. Even if the vaccine
reaction was long before current treatment, these symptoms are the first signs of
reaction the body gave and are representative of the baseline level of health of the
Were the vaccine reaction symptoms treated and/or suppressed with allopathic
➢ Careful case-taking will help determine how the symptoms were suppressed and will
give a clue as to which remedy would be needed to remove the suppression. Removal
of the suppression may need a different remedy than treatment of the vaccinia or
A. Never been well since vaccination.
B. One sided Diseases.
C. Indicated medicines fails.
D. To remove any miasmatic block: Generally, we know strong vaccine history as a
sycotic history. Fortier Burnoville in his book “Syphilis and sycosis” States that,
“Sycosis may be the result of all sort of vaccinations which have the aim to create an
artificial immunity.”
Later he again continuing with “When you will observe these children who have been
in the age of 12 already vaccinated four times, I would ask you to have a complete
description of their external and internal troubles. You will clearly understand what is
really the sycosis of Hahnemann” [15]
Later he also explains that “Preventive and curative vaccination, both are sometimes
unavoidable to save the life of an individual, but always diminish the power of resistance
of the individual”.
• Impulsiveness: Syphilitic
• Poor skill: Syphilitic
• Talkative: Sycotic
• Poor concentration: Syphilitic
• Excessive activity or Physical restlessness: Sycotic
• Unable to do multitasking, dullness of memory: Syphilitic
We will observe that different types of miasms are coming, not only sycotic. Today’s
vaccines are different from the initial small pox vaccines. Perhaps the modification of vaccine
agents and use of different preservatives, adjuvants and several other factors may also be
responsible for multi miasmatic states.
1. THUJA: (From Hering guiding Symptom)
Boenninghausen was first considered Homoeopathicity of Thuja occidentalis over small pox.
Later many Physicians and Specially Burnett shows that the symptoms of bad effects of
vaccines normally similar to pathogenetic symptoms of Thuja, and he used it as dynamic
antidote to the effects of vaccinations.
Imbecility of mind and loss of speech after vaccination.
Chronic keratitis after vaccination
Conjunctivitis after vaccination
Chronic inflammation of eyes and otorrhoea after vaccination
Ulcer of roundish shape under tongue in a child, after vaccination
Diarrhoea, traceable to vaccination.
A boy, at 4, vaccinated two years ago, since then ailing; urging to stool and urination at same
time with great pain on discharging faeces and urine.
Asthmatic attacks, since a year, in a child at. 2 1/2, after vaccination; paroxysms in day as
well as night, with whistling respiration, last about two hours; sleep restless; occasional
obstinate constipation; singular dark coloured excoriations on nates; dry, thin hair.
A man, at. 47, had been vaccinated, since then complaining; paroxysms usually at night, with
mucous rattle or whistling respiration, also coughing spells with intense redness of face.
Whooping cough: immediately after vaccination, in two scrofulous boys.
Spinal curvature in a boy, After vaccination.
Atrophy of right arm after revaccination.
Paresis and atrophy of right leg with considerable coldness of same, after vaccination, in a
child at. 2.
Suppuration of finger nails. After vaccination.
After revaccination, falling out of hair, which is very dry; headache; vertigo; poor sleep;
difficult falling asleep; nightly restlessness; weakness in lower extremities; constant thirst;
pain in epigastrium.
After revaccination, cannot sleep.
Sleeplessness: After revaccinations.
Atrophy of arm after vaccination; paresis and atrophy of leg after vaccination.
Encephalitis, Encephalopathy, Peripheral neuropathy, Febrile seizures, Asthma.
Diarrhoea after vaccination.
A child, at. 2, vaccinated three weeks ago; about ninth or tenth day, arm was inflamed and
swollen; in a few days an ulcer as large as a half-penny, excavated, laying bare the muscles,
occurred in the spot where the operation had been performed.
After vaccination, red and inflamed swellings sometimes extending over whole arm; fever;
sickness at stomach; headache; backache; abscess in axilla, etc.
Convulsions after vaccination.
Ailments following vaccination, abscesses, etc., even convulsions.
ADVERSE REACTIONS CAN BE ASSOCIATED: GIT complaints, Sepsis, Injection site
abscess, Encephalopathy, Convulsions, Neurological complaints.
Symptoms like that of small-pox, the symptoms of which disease are closely reproduced in
the proving. Previously it has been used instead of vaccines for preventive purposes and a
prophylactic power has been claimed for it.[36]
Rash mixed with phlyctena and furunculi; after vaccination.
Effects of vaccination when Thuja fails, and Silicea. is not indicated.
Asthma, Anaphylactic wheezing etc.
Eruption following vaccinations.
Itch-like eruption, after vaccination, depriving child of sleep.
Vaccinal eczemas are frequently of the Mezerium type. Scaly eruptions on head, with white
scabs. Head covered with thick leathery crusts, Under which pus collects.
Eczema: Intolerable itching.
It has been used on inferential grounds with great success in ill effects of vaccination Clarke
has cured with it cases of unhealthy, dry, rough skin remaining for years after vaccination in
small-pox, measles and impetigo.
Erysipelas after vaccination.
Pustular eruption after vaccination.
From Hering Guiding symptom we can find that. On eighth day after vaccination, centres of
insertion blackish, and circles filled with dark lymph and surrounded by a patch of
inflammation; small, red, raised papules on arm and forearm; on ninth day skin of nearly
whole upper extremity inflamed, dark red and thickened, skin of shoulder, neck, chest,
abdomen and back in similar condition, and on lower extremities eruption in small patches;
about the elbow blackish. Erysipelas.
8. VACCININUM (Small Pox vaccine nosode)
Keratitis after vaccination
Nephritis with albuminuria, haematuria, and dropsy, developed eleven days after vaccination.
Severe pains in left upper arm at vaccination mark, could not raise it in morning.
Small pimples develop at point of vaccination with fourth dilution.
Eruption of pustules with a dark-red base and a roundish or oblong elevation, filled with pus
of a greenish-yellow colour, resembling varioloid.
Tingling burning in skin over whole body, most intense in skin of forehead and in lower and
anterior portion of hairy scalp, which parts are tinged with a scarlet blush, or efflorescence,
similar to the immediate precursor of variolous eruption. *Vaccininum 6, in water, for one
day with strict diet, repeated after eight days, acted as preventive in six hundred cases. –
A case of severer symptoms of variola occurring in a child, age six months. The child had
been revaccinated 2 days before the symptoms. Vaccininum 200 quickly better the
9. DPT (Made from DPT vaccines)
Causation – Vaccinations, Reactions to DPT vaccines.[36]
MIND: Brain damaged children. Learning disabilities, Hyperactivity, restless, Explosive out
of control emotions. Unable to sit still for more than a minute. Timid, nervous, trembling,
fearful child. Sudden fear while playing with desire to be held.
RESPIRATION: Respiratory distress. Pneumonia. Bronchial asthma. Dyspnoea. Spasmodic
coughs day and night.
Causation - Vaccination
“This is a good remedy for children, when you have many miasms in the case. A lot of
stubborn asthma cases in children, worse from vaccinations respond to Carcinosin.” – Robin
Most frequently indicated remedy in cases of vaccinosis due to the contamination with a
compilation of multiple disease germs found in the vaccines. Vaccinosis from multiple
vaccinations, rather than from any particular vaccine.[4]
MENTAL: Difficult concentration. Autism. Mental retardation. Hyperactivity. Attention
deficit syndrome. Aversion to reprimand or contradiction.
11. TUBERCULINUM: Vaccinosis may block the way of action of Tuberculinum until
Thuja has been given.
Dissatisfied and restless, always wants a change.
Mind>Anger>Physical Temper tantrum = Tuberculinum
12. SULPHUR: Previously I have mentioned that how Hahnemann used Sulphur in
symptoms remaining after vaccinations cases. Kent also used Sulphur as a remedy for
precautionary measures before vaccinations. So we cannot ignore it.


Stomach, Nausea: Vaccination, after: Silicea
Stomach, Pain: Vaccination, after: Thuja
Rectum, Diarrhoea: Vaccination, after: Ant. Tart, Silicea, Thuja
Respiration asthmatic: Children, vaccination, after: Thuja
Cough: Vaccination, after: Thuja
Extremities: Emaciation, after: Maland. Thuja
Extremities: Eruption: leg, Pustules: Vaccination, after: Sulph
Extremities: Felon, beginning in nails: Run-around: Vaccination after: Thuja
Extremities: Paralysis: Lower limb: Vaccination after: Thuja
Extremities; Swelling, Shoulder, Vaccination after: Apis, Thuja
Extremities: Swelling, upper arm, vaccination, after: Sil, Sulph, Thuja
Generalities: Convulsion, vaccination, after: Silicea

SYNTHESIS (Generalities)
Chapter Disease, Rubric: Vaccination, ailments after

Chapter Aggravation and Amelioration in general

“A truth, on any plane, presented to different men, is accepted or rejected by each according
to the good or evil of his mind”- Dr. J. T. Kent
Vaccination is a complex subject. On one hand, it is reported to save approximately 3 million
lives per year throughout the world as the most cost-effective health interventions and
credited for eradication of frightful diseases such as smallpox and polio. While on the other
hand, many AEFI and AEFI associated death has been found throughout the history of the
vaccinations. As a Homoeopath we should observe that Hahnemann was a strong proponent
of vaccination in his time, and on the other hand Kent addressed it as a originator of many
constitutional events. With a rational mind we should apply the principle of ‘mild risk over
wild risk’.[19] For those lethal diseases like Rabies, tetanus, Polio etc vaccination is proved as
live saviour. Although for other infectious diseases repeatedly various adverse events both
acute and chronic has been seen. Vaccines should be made judiciously and after testing well,
before mass inoculation. From our side we should also research the bad effect of vaccines
that impacted our body according to Homoeopathic philosophy more precisely. How and
what extent exactly today’s vaccines damaging us and remediation of after effects of
vaccination also should be reexplored, before bluntly opposing it.

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