Why Scaffolding Method Is Still Effective in Teaching and Learning

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Why Scaffolding Method Is Still Effective In Teaching And Learning

The use of scaffolding in teaching and learning has gained popularity over the past few decades.
In fact, a theoretical concept in the realm of education, and specifically in the teaching of various
subjects, has been given the term of scaffolding. This term has, however, been used more
broadly for any supportive instruction. Initially, the notion of scaffolding was associated with
construction. Scaffolding is the Vygotskian phrase for this direction or supervision. The helper
might be a professional, like an instructor, or a learner who is either somewhat more competent
than or on par with the intended learner.
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Such helpers serve as a mediator between the learners and the knowledge they are seeking to
comprehend, and they eventually help the learner achieve objectives that are unlikely to be
attained by the learner alone. This knowledge provision may take the form of several methods,
including cooperative learning, hands-on learning, visuals, graphics, and instructor modeling,
which provide context for meaning through the use of simplified language
The scaffold instruction is defined as the organized pattern and sequence of content, tasks,
learning materials as well as to optimize learning both teachers and students involvements. To
master new skills, tasks and to be able to comprehend and apply the skills without any guidance,
the process of scaffolding supports learners. To present a complex phenomenon in simple
understandable form as well as visually accessible knowledge, scaffolds are planned guidelines,
conceptual framework, pictorial aids or images. To enable individual as an independent learner
and mastery new skills and tasks, scaffolds provide incentives for teachers. Teachers can polish
students’ those potentials that are out of the range of their current abilities. Scaffolding is a way
through which teachers lead the learners from something known to unknown. Scaffolds perform
as enablers, if accurately managed, in various learning settings. To break knowledge into small
components and then leading towards construction and then extension are the forms of
scaffolding. Through scaffolds, an expert as well as a more well-informed person can assist the
students towards accomplishment of their set goals and to enable them to utilise already learnt
skills, tasks and approaches to improve themselves to mastery those skills. Eventually, the
internalized expertise achieved through supportive guidance becomes a part of their learning.
The wisdom acquired through scaffolding was the instructor's contribution to bring creativity
among learners
Students’ academic performance is a term that appears frequently married in higher education
discourse. Academic performance is a multidimensional construct composed of the skills,
attitudes, and behaviors of a learner that contribute to academic success in the classroom.
Academic performance by students has always been a subject of interest to every educational
institution. Whereas there is a consensus that schools should play a major role in this process,
there seems to be disagreement about what exactly that role should be. While some believe that
the primary focus of schools should be the academic preparation of students. Others however
believe that efforts of schools should be integrated with other social institutions such as family
and community towards educating children. Academic instruction is arguably the primary
business of education. To this end, schools are expected to influence students’ learning,
socialization, and even vocational preparedness. Despite the attention paid to a broad definition
of educational outcomes, however, academic performance remains central. In fact, heads of
educational institution, teachers and parents are primarily responsible for students’ academic
performance, and that schools should efficiently and effectively organize themselves towards this
task. Researchers over the years have used a variety of ways to measure academic performance
and these include report card grades, grade point averages, standardized test scores, teacher
ratings, other cognitive test scores, grade retention and dropout rates. Thus, student’s academic
performance is typically assessed by the use of teacher ratings, tests, and exams. In fact, student
academic performance is more likely to be experienced and evidenced when students feel
personally validated and believe that their effort matters and can influence or control the
prospects of their academic success. In reality, these inspire them to develop a sense of purpose
and perceive the school experience as being personally relevant.
One of the effective learning strategies is scaffolding. The term scaffolding refers to the support
provided during the teaching process to meet students' needs when they are introduced to novel
concepts and skills. This can lead to deeper and higher levels of learning. Scaffolding in special
education and in general classrooms offers important benefits for students. Whether or not you're
teaching students with exceptionalities, scaffolding enables students to develop a foundational
framework of knowledge onto which they can continually add new concepts. Scaffolding method
Improves the likelihood that students will retain new information. Helps connect foundational
knowledge to new concepts. Engages students with their learning and tracking their own
progress. Gives students more autonomy and independence in the classroom.

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