Adeniyi Precious PTE

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Individual report for parents

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Report generated on 11/10/2021

PTE Individual report for parents

Individual report for parents

Name: Precious Adeniyi

School: Doha College

Group: PTE Level 12 Sex: Female

Date of testing: 20/06/2021 Age: 12:08

What is Progress Test in English?

The new National Curriculum was introduced in September 2014. The study of English is at the heart of the
curriculum (alongside maths and science). PTE provides a series of age-appropriate tests for teachers to use
year on year to ensure that students are making and maintaining good progress in some of the more technical
aspects of English (like punctuation) and in their understanding of what they read (comprehension).

The test is in two parts – English Skills and Reading Comprehension. English Skills cover spelling, punctuation
and grammar. Reading Comprehension is based on an age-appropriate fiction text and a linked information


No. attempted English level Reading:

SAS Overall ST NPR English Skills ST Reading Comprehension ST
(/60) Writing

56 117 7 87 6c:6c 7 8

Analysis of Curriculum Content categories

Number of Student National Student/national

Curriculum Content category
questions % correct % correct difference

English Skills: Spelling 17 76% 56% 20%

English Skills: Grammar and Punctuation 14 71% 49% 22%
Reading Comprehension: Narrative 17 79% 46% 33%
Reading Comprehension: Non-narrative 12 58% 37% 21%

Analysis of Reading Comprehension categories

Number of Student National Student/national

Reading Comprehension category
questions % correct % correct difference

Retrieval 5 83% 52% 31%

Simple Inference 15 75% 40% 35%
Complex Inference 1 0% 44% -44%
Authorial Technique 8 63% 39% 24%

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PTE Individual report for parents

Description of scores
• Precious’ profile of scores from Progress Test in English indicates an even profile, with similar scores for
both English Skills and Reading Comprehension.
• Precious is performing at or above age expectations across the curriculum for English. To support further
progress, she should be encouraged to read widely across fiction, non-fiction, poetry and plays, and to
develop analysis and comparison of features including language, setting, character and plot, and their
• Precious’ writing skills could be supported through further work on identifying different registers in speech
and writing, including Standard English (for example, through comparing written passages and transcripts of
people speaking about the same topics). She could also extend the scope of her writing by keeping a log of
new vocabulary found while reading.

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