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PART 1: Reflection

Do you feel like you are taking your 100% responsibility in your training?
Why or why not? What might you do differently to create the experience
you want?

SV Academy is a great program that provides the opportunity to learn about tech sales and
practice finding jobs. However, I do not feel like I am taking 100% responsibility in my training. I
could be more proactive in seeking out mentors and networking opportunities. Taking my 100%
responsibility in my training would help me create the experience I want and increase my
chances of success in tech sales.

Which time management and productivity techniques have you incorporated into
your workflow? How have they impacted your performance? Where do you see
room for growth? How do you imagine these techniques will help you in your
target role?

Since beginning the SV Academy tech sales program, I have made many changes to my
workflow to manage my time more effectively. One of the first techniques I incorporated was
keeping a daily to-do list. This helped me to stay organized and focused on what needed to be
accomplished each day. I also began batching similar tasks together in order to be more
efficient with my time. For example, I now dedicate a few hours each week to return phone calls
and emails, rather than trying to fit these into my schedule on an ad hoc basis. These changes
have had a positive impact on my performance, both in terms of the quality of my work and the
speed with which I am able to complete assignments. However, there is always room for
improvement, and I continuously look for ways to optimize my workflow. In my target role as a
sales representative, time management will be critical in order to juggle a high volume of calls
and meetings. As such, I am confident that the techniques I have learned will be invaluable in
helping me to succeed in this role.

Reflect on your current progress within the program so far; where have you
excelled in professionalism? Where do you see room for growth? What can
you do to set yourself up for success?

SV academy has been an excellent opportunity to learn and grow as a professional. I have
excelled in SV academy through my understanding of the tech sales process, being able to
engage with customers, and my willingness to take on new assignments. I see room for growth
in my SV academy journey by building deeper relationships with decision-makers, increasing
my product knowledge, and becoming more efficient in my work processes. I am setting myself
up for success by taking SV academy's advice, networking with professionals in the industry,
and seeking out opportunities to improve my skills. SV academy has helped me develop as a
young professional and I am grateful for the experience.
PART 2: Appreciation

This past week at SV Academy, we had the opportunity to work closely with our teammates on
various assignments and projects. I found that I really enjoyed the collaboration and sense of
camaraderie that came with working together. Each of my teammates brought their own
strengths and perspectives to the table, which made for a very well-rounded team. I also had
the chance to interact with some of the mentors at SV Academy, and I was truly inspired by their
passion for tech sales. They really know their stuff, and they are so enthusiastic about helping
us learn and grow. Overall, it was a really great week full of lots of learning and growth.

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