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OECONOMICUS Journal of Economics

Vol. 7, No. 1, December 2022

Print ISSN: 2548-6004; Online ISSN: 2715-4882
Journal hompage:


Ahmad Mansur
UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Article Info Abstract

Article history: Deontological economics is a value-based approach to
Published: Dec 30, 2022
economics which is originated and inspired by Kant’s
deontological theory of ethics. It has come to us to challenge
Page: 37-52 the mainstream economics by proposing the view that
economics is not value free. It views that ethical value plays an
Keyword: important role in economics, and ethics must be incorporated
A value based economics, in economics. Exploring this economic school of thought is very
Islamic economics, interesting. It will present a new nuance, in the sense that
Deontological economics and
morale economics. economics will not get into the right path, if it does not know
about ethics and does not practice it. It warns the mainstream
economics that economics is not only about maximization of
profit and satisfaction, but it is about the realization of
value.Since Deontological economics and Islamic economics
both proclaim that morality and ethical values cannot be
separated from economy, as they will guide human behaviour
in their doing economy to achieve social bliss, happiness and
social harmony as well as their economic development, this
research tries to discuss and investigate the incorporation of
ethical values both in Islamic and in Deontological economics.
The ethical value advocated by Deontological economics of
human existence in this world such as to prosper on earth and
to heal the world to make it better place to seek the pleasure of
God and to keep the balance in economy between satisfying
individual needs and social needs, and between satisfying
material needs and spiritual needs, to respect others, to
preserve the human’s dignity and many other values which are
similar or even the same as that of what Islamic economics
advocates is very interesting and it is worth to have our
attention and discussion. Despite the ethical value of an
Islamic economics is departing from the Quran and the
Sunnah, this research comes to the conclusion that there
existed similarity between both of them or even the same,
except the value of usury (riba). Another outcome is that both
of them could be grounded in the real economic activities, and
it is not merely theoretical construct.

Copyright © 2022 OECONOMICUS Journal of Economics

Editorial Office:
Prodi Ilmu Ekonomi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
Jl. Ahmad Yani 117 Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60237, Indonesia.
38 OECONOMICUS Journal of Economics, Vol. 7, No. 1, December 2022

Introduction without others, and therefore his acts will not

The prevailing concept of economic affect himself alone, but also affect others
man or “homo economicus” is very as well. Considering this fact, man then has
convincing and becomes powerful model of to take other person’s interest into his
human economic decision making in account in his economic behavior and in his
economy. This model has been proven rational decision making.
successfully in the sphere of economics in Since man’s acts will affect others, and
the Western European countries and most of man is also equipped with the ego and
developed countries. The rational economic altruistic manner, balancing his rights and
decision making model which is actuated by obligations is a key factor in creating and
self-interested individual in achieving the realizing justice and fairness in economic
highest possible level of well-being for decision making. It is therefore impossible
himself and maximizing profit and to do an action with wrong or bad motive,
satisfaction has really paved the way for the neither it is not justifiable to use anything as
development of the economy and has created merely means to achieve an end. In other
economic well-being in human life and word, an end does not justify means. It is
welfare state. It is no doubt that the duty based approach, in which it does not
foundation of this mainstream capitalistic justify whatever means to come to an end. It
economic model is the major factor in declares to stick to the good or right motive
shaping and influencing the economic in doing every action of human being.
development. It is the deontological approach to
If all individuals act in accordance with economics that regards morality as a duty, or
the mainstream economic model, then the a moral rule that ought to be followed and
whole community will prosper. However, should become a universal law. It is
we have to put in mind that man cannot live categorical imperative which is formulated
individually. Man by nature is social by Immanuel Kant and it is based on the
creature. Man cannot live alone and principle which requires that human’s
independently. Man is indeed in need of willing or desire should rationally guide
other person in life to share and to live inter- everyone to act the same thing in the similar
dependently one to each other, such as in his situation. This is in line with the first
family, his community, his nation and in the formulation of categorical imperative of
world. Therefore, man cannot act as freedom Immanuel Kant that Everybody is required
as he wishes, because his freedom is always to act only in accordance with the maxim or
limited to the freedom of other person. the rule which is of course accepted as moral
In this matter the concept of homo standard and ethical practice.
economicus has to be reconstructed not only This formula of categorical imperative
in the short-term, but also in the long term. requires us the fairness, justice and mutual
This is simply because man is by nature is respect as well as the preservation of human
social creature and he cannot live alone dignity. It is therefore unethical if somebody
OECONOMICUS Journal of Economics, Vol. 7, No. 1, December 2022 39

does not want to be cheated but he does cheat achieve social happiness and blissful and
others, or to say something but he does not social harmony in material and in spiritual
do what he has said or he does something sphere.
else which is not in accordance with what he The question arises is that how these
says. This is in line with the teaching of the ethical values be grounded and be realized in
Quran which says: the real economics. A further question is
that; is deontological economics is the same
. َ‫يَا أَيُّ َها الَّذِينَ آ َمنُوا ل َِم تَقُولُونَ َما ََل تَ ْفعَلُون‬# ‫َكب َُر َم ْقتًا‬ as that of Islamic economics, are there
. َ‫َّللا أ َ ْن تَقُولُوا َما ََل ت َ ْفعَلُون‬
ِ َّ َ‫ِع ْند‬ differences or similarities between the two.
O you who believe! Why do you say that Let’s this research will first discuss the
which you do not do? # Most hateful it is Deontological approach to economics.
with Allâh that you say that which you do not
do. (al-Qur’an Surah Al-Saaff, 61: 2-3) Deontological Economics
The golden rule here is that, “Never Deontological approach to ethics
impose on others what you do not wish for adheres to the theory that an end does not
yourself”. In other word, do treat others as justify means. It also sticks to whether the
you would like to be treated. So if you are to motives behind certain actions are right or
be consumer and you do not want to be wrong, good or bad and does not focus on
cheated by producers or sellers, then if you result. This approach regards morality as a
are to be producer or seller, then it is your duty or a moral rule that ought to be
duty not to cheat others in selling your goods followed. The intended maxim of the action
and services. This is because economics is should be reasonable that should become a
not value-free, and if economics has to do universal law. It is categorical imperative
with ethics and value judgment, then Islamic which is advocated by Kant and is based on
economics from the very beginning has maxim which requires that human’s willing
incorporated ethical value and morality into or desire should rationally guide everyone to
the economics what we call it now as an act the same thing in the similar situation. In
Islamic economics. Islamic economics even this case, I will start by exposing and
makes explicit value judgments and links discussing the categorical Imperative of
them to the findings of positive economics Deontological approach to ethics of
(Volker, 2000). Immanuel Kant, and then relate it to
In this view Islamic economics will economics.
never accept the idea which states that in The first categorical Imperative states:
building economic models, or constructing “Act only according to that maxim by
economic theories and doing economic which you can at the same time will that it
analysis as well as establishing the policy should become a universal law” (Kant,
recommendation should be neutral from any Groundwork of Metaphysic of Morals).
value judgment. Islamic ethics have played This first formula of categorical
an important role in Islamic economics. imperative requires us the fairness and
Ethics must guide human behaviour to mutual respect as well as the preservation of
40 OECONOMICUS Journal of Economics, Vol. 7, No. 1, December 2022

human dignity. In this case, it is justifiable view, then it is absolutely irrational, if

and rational for somebody to demand others someone put himself in the state of danger,
to act in similar action and in similar slavery, risk and disaster. It is always the
situation. Since he has the duty to do that act, duty of every human to use his ratio, his
he has the rights as well to demand others to mind and his thoughts to come up with best
do the same according to that maxim. The acts and morally behavior. So if someone
golden rule is that; treat others how you wish does the good and acts rationally and hopes
to be treated. So if you do not want to be that everyone should also do the same act as
cheated, then do not cheat others. he proposes, then the act is ethical or moral.
Human being does not live alone, To know that our action is considered
human being by nature is social creature and ethical and morally behaved, we have to
social being that is why human being has the know what the motive behind our act is.
rights as well as obligation or duty in this What kind of motive that influence our will
life, be it duty to the God, duty to oneself and and desire to act, as there are countless
duty to others; to fellow humans and to the motives that drive us toward various actions.
environment by preserving it, nurturing it, Different persons could probably have
safeguarding it and developing it in a different motives in accumulating wealth for
sustainable way of life. In this case, rights instance. One could probably have the
and duties are related in such a way that the motive of achieving greater pleasure and
rights of one person will probably imply the happiness when he is able to accumulate his
duties of other person. Take for example the wealth. Another one could probably have the
case of selling product in the market, when a motive of achieving higher social rank and
person A has already pay for the food he status in the community or to be able to
bought from a person B, then A has the right dominate others. The other could probably
to that food, whether he will eat it or give it have the motive of being able to help others
to other person who is in need of that food. in monetary term, when he is able to
Similarly B has the duty and obligation to accumulate his wealth.
supply and give the food to A. Here A has In this case, so long as our motives fall
the right of the food and has the obligation under the selfishness inclination, then our
of the payment, whereas B has the right to acts or our decision making will never be
receive payment and has the obligation to truly ethical or moral. However, so long as
food delivery to A. the motives that drive us to do something or
Human being is created by the God in to make decision and to perform an action is
the state of dignity, honor, and is equipped not personal and selfish and is based on
by the mind, ratio and intellect, notion and rational obligation under the categorical
thoughts, so as to be able to differentiate imperative, then it is considered ethical. This
between good and bad, between right and is because moral choice must be a rational
wrong, between moral behavior and decision and should become a universal law,
wrecked behavior, and between wisdom and since morality involves what is necessary for
foolishness etc. Departing from this point of us to do, and only rational considerations are
OECONOMICUS Journal of Economics, Vol. 7, No. 1, December 2022 41

necessary. This principle of universal law is respecting them in a way of humanity and
just like the logical mathematical formula dignity as human beings is against moral
which is accepted as principal of universal rule. Take for example, using employees
law. The moral command for example, “do without providing them with good and
not steal” this moral command certainly proper working condition, without good and
applies to everyone in the universe. proper salary, treating them not in equal
The second categorical Imperative basis, making discrimination or even paying
states: them with underpaid salary in which by
“Act in such a way that you treat those underpaid salary, the employees will
humanity, whether in your own person or in not be able to live in a decent lives such as
the person of any other, never merely as a in the case of developing countries, these
means to an end but always at the same time acts will certainly be against moral rule. It is
as an end” (Kant, Groundwork of therefore the duty of every country to treat
Metaphysic of Morals). its employees in a way of humanity and
The second formula of categorical dignity that they can live with their salary in
imperative requires us to do duty not to use proper and decent lives, to guarantee a
a person as merely means to achieve an end. universal decent livelihood and not to treat
In this case a person has to maintain his them as merely means to achieve and end.
moral duty in achieving his ends without The third categorical Imperative states:
doing discrimination, without under- “Therefore, every rational being must
estimating and without looking down to so act as if he were through his maxim
others, but he has to see all people as equal always a legislating member in the universal
and in their dignity as human beings. For kingdom of ends.” (Kant, Groundwork of
example, producers or managers are not Metaphysic of Morals).
supposed to see their employees as merely The third formula of categorical
means in the process of production to imperative requires us to do and act in
produce certain amount of the products or to accordance with the maxims which
achieve certain target of market share. In this harmonize the kingdom of ends. Everyone
matter, the producers or managers have to has to act in accordance with the universal
treat them not only as means but also as an law and is bound by that universal law. Take
ends. for example; if the universal law tells us not
It is true that we can use anything even to pick a flower in the certain public garden
people as means to achieve our ends. or not to smoke in certain area, then
Producers can use their factory workers as everybody should be bound to do in
means to producing their goods and getting accordance with the law. Everybody should
the profit. However, by using people only to avoid picking those flowers, or everybody
get what we want and disrespecting their should avoid smoking in that area. If
humanity and dignity is against moral law. someone wants to take one flower to bring it
In the case of using employees as merely with him to home, as he thinks that it is only
means in process of production without one flowers, and will not affect the existence
42 OECONOMICUS Journal of Economics, Vol. 7, No. 1, December 2022

of the beautiful scene of flowers in that The other value which is in line with
garden, then he has already put himself into the Deontological economics is stated in the
unethical behavior. This is not ethical verse of the Qur’an which states:
behavior considering that, if everyone were ‫َو َكانَ بَيْن ذَلِكَ َوالَّذِينَ إِذَا أ َ ْنفَقُوا لَ ْم يُس ِْرفُوا َولَ ْم يَ ْقت ُ ُروا‬
to do this act, then there would be no flowers .‫قَ َوا ًما‬
left in that garden. “And those, who, when they spend, are
Similarly if someone insists to smoke in neither extravagant nor niggardly, but hold
the “No smoking area” and thinks that it is a medium (way) between those
the only him who smokes in that area, then (extremes)”(al-Qur’an Surah Al-Furqan,
what will happen, if everybody does the 25: 77).
same act, as he does. The same situation The same rule applies to the developers
applies in the restaurant where it states, all of housing and real estate that they have duty
you can eat by paying a certain amount of in taking care of the environment and
dollar. The moral duty and the universal law preserving it from the environmental
tells us that we can only take some food and degradation by replanting trees and making
drink that we can eat up and probably leave it green and clean and healthy environment.
a necessary residual or whatever leftover not So it is against the moral rule, if developers’
in excessive way. concern is only getting profit without taking
This kind of act is regarded rational and care of their environmental degradation,
moral act. It will be irrational, if everyone deforestation and destruction of the natural
acts by taking food whatever he wishes resources. Under this Deontological
excessively and as many as he wants, approach to ethics and economy, the whole
without considering how many food and countries have to take care of their
drinking he can afford to eat and drink and environment and their natural resources
how many are not being eaten as residual, from the environmental degradation,
then there will be lots of residual food which deterioration and destruction in their
being left and thrown away. This kind of act economic growth and development. It is not
is certainly prodigality, extravagance and morally acts to grow and develop
waste, although all the food and drink have economically, politically or socially at the
been already paid. People ought to act only expense of the environmental degradation,
by maxims that harmonize with a possible deforestation and other natural resources
kingdom of ends. It is of course in line with destruction.
what advocated by an Islamic economics In conclusion, I will say that to be truly
which bases its ethics from the Quran states: ethical, one has to do the right thing for the
ُ‫ ََل َو ُكلُوا َوا ْش َربُوا َو ََل تُس ِْرفُوا ِإنَّه‬. َ‫يُحِ بُّ ْال ُمس ِْرفِين‬ right reason and to put the right thing at the
“and eat and drink, but be not prodigal. right place. I am also convinced that I find
Lo! He loveth not the prodigals.”(al-Qur’an this Deontological economics is very quiet
Surah Al-A’raf, 7: 31) similar if not the same thing as that of
Islamic economics. Let’s me start discussing
OECONOMICUS Journal of Economics, Vol. 7, No. 1, December 2022 43

the Islamic economics by investigating the religious belief, and to be Shariah

ethical foundation of Islamic economics. compliant. People also have to base their
behaviour on their responsibility towards
The Ethical Foundation of Islamic God, which in turn, it leads to a certain set of
Economics principles. According to Naqvi (Naqvi,
Islamic economics from its inception 1981), there are four ethical axioms which
has incorporated Islamic ethical value into form the fulcrum of the Islamic economic
the economics. It is no doubt that Islamic system around which all of man’s life must
economics is self-conscious and value revolve in this system. These axioms are
oriented discipline that will never accept the Unity (Tawheed), Equilibrium (Al’adl wal
idea that in building economic models, ihsan), Free Will (Ikhtiar) and
constructing economic theories and making Responsibility (Fardh).
economic analysis as well as establishing the The first axiom is the Unity (Tawheed)
policy recommendation should be neutral which tells us that an individual’s economic
from any value judgment. This implies that activity must be guided by an ethical vision.
anything that deviates from basic Islamic Islamic ethics has to guide human economic
ethical values cannot be accepted in Islamic activities. Economic man in Islamic
economic system. economics has to do total submission to
Realizing that ethics and value Allah in all and every aspects of his life. In
judgment play very crucial role in Islamic other word, Islamic economics bases its
economics, I am trying my best to analyze principles on unity of Allah (Tawheed
and investigate what the ethical foundation axiom). This principle is the fundamental
of Islamic economics, where these ethics core of Islam. It is the foundation of Islamic
come from and the source from which they ethics and philosophy of life, and it is the
are derived, and how those ethics be basis of Islamic institutions and economic
incorporated and applied in economic system. It is the primary determinant of
activity and in financial and banking individual’s relationship to the natural and
practices. There are a few approaches that social order. Applications of Tawheed
could be used as the basis and foundation of embrace every facet of human activities at
Islamic economics which is built on ethical the level of individual as well as collective
foundation. one, from both the natural and social
However in this research, I prefer to use perspectives that reflect unification.
Naqvi (Naqvi, 1997) approach regarding the This axiom also tells us that there exists
ethical foundation of Islamic economics. vertical relationship between man and his
Islamic ethics is derived from the Quran and God. This kind of relationship has been
the Sunnah which pass on the word and described by the Quran by saying:
traditions of the Prophet as well as from the َ ‫ُون ْال ِج َّن َوا ِأل ْن‬
ُ‫س َو َما َخلَ ْقت‬ ِ ‫إَِلَّ ِليَ ْعبُد‬
Shariah (Islamic jurisprudence). When “I (Allah) have not created jins and
engaging in economic activity, people have humans, but they should worship (serve) me
to act in accordance with their ethico-
44 OECONOMICUS Journal of Economics, Vol. 7, No. 1, December 2022

(alone).” (al-Qur’an Surah Al-Dhariyyat, freedom has to be put on the context of social
51: 56) welfare (Chapra, 1979). The recognizion of
This verse of the Qur’an implies that all freedom, be it fredom of act, freedom of
acts, be it material or spiritual have to be in expression and freedom of ownership is not
accordance with what the God has ordered. in absolute way. However the recognition of
Thus, every act is an act of worshipping, and the freedom of ownership and exchange
as a consequence a good act will be implies that markets are an important socio-
rewarded and a bad act will be punished. In economic Islamic Institution, as without
such a system of life, material amenities and market, freedom is incomplete. Markets are
spiritual practices both complement each a necessary but not sufficient condition for
other, and serve toward the same goal that is the expression of freedom.
the worshipping of the God. Whereas God is Market competition is guided by moral
the ultimate Creator and Owner of hospitality, justice and fairness that promote
everything in the universe, man is ordained cooperation, and the enforcement of law.
as his vicegerent on earth for its cultivation Government intervention is justified as
and betterment on the earth. market mechanism will never provide public
The second axiom is the equilibrium utility and public goods, noting that there are
(Al’adl wal ihsan) which tells us that it is not externalities that happen in the economy.
enough for man to build only vertical When the markets begin to deviate from
relationship with his God, but also he has to their ideals, government intervention is
build horizontal relationship with his fellow must, to bring the markets back into their
man, other creature and the universe to ideals again. However, government
create and preserve balance of life. In this intervention should be kept to the minimum.
case, the concept of justice plays such an The market has both legal and moral
importance role in the Islamic economic constraints.
framework that it deserves a place of its own This is what the Deontological
in the set of axioms. The idea of socio- economics perceive that everybody has to
economic justice is to bring about social act in accordance with the maxim or rule.
bliss and social harmony, to promote benefit The distribution of wealth and the allocation
and to repel harm and to deter hardship of of resources are the outcome of these two
life. This is what I call that the idea of socio- constraints. Then, prices are determined by
economic justice is to bring about Maslahah the market mechanism that is the demand
for Muslim people or the al-Ummah al- and supply. The market process becomes a
Islamiyyah. reflection of an objective-related exercise of
The third axiom is Free will (Ikhtiar) the freedom of choice. The idea of the scarce
which tells us that individual is born freely resource is relevant but only in the relative
and has full of individual freedom to lead his sense. This is because this universe was
life as well as to draw his livelihood and his created in a state of equilibrium.
sustenance. It allows maximum space for The fourth axiom is Social
economic and social activity. However this responsibility (Fardh) which tells us that
OECONOMICUS Journal of Economics, Vol. 7, No. 1, December 2022 45

individual though he is free to act, his action to either implement or annihilate these
has to be bound within the context of social divine patterns through his actions. However
welfare. Any behaviour which indicates to with the intellectual reasoning, intuitive
the social irresponsibility especially an reasoning and the knowledge the human
ignorance act towards the misery of extreme being has, he is supposed to be able to think
poverty is absolutely condemned in Islam. and to decide what is rights and what is
Any harmful act being done to the society wrong, what is good and what is bad as well
either by us or by others, we have to move to as to discover the basic laws of the universe
remedial action within the bound of law. and at the same time employs different
This is not to limit individual freedom, but resources of the universe for the human’s
to enlarges its scope and gives it new purposes.
meaning of freedom within the context of This is because all resources which are
social welfare and social responsibility. In created on earth is for human being (people)
this context, Islamic economics aims to to prosper and make them useful and worthy
maximize the welfare of the worst-off for the creatures and for the betterment of
individuals of the society and to make them life. The Qur’an mentions regarding this
to the better-off. matter.
According to Naqvi, these axioms can ‫ض َجمِ يعًا َما فِي َخلَقَ لَ ُك ْم ه َُو الَّذِي‬ ِ ‫األ َ ْر‬
also be viewed as synthetic truths about a “He who created for you all that is on
Muslim society where their validity can be earth.,”(al-Qur’an Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:
directly verified and could be very powerful 29).
ideals of human life. Take for example the The other verse states that:
concept of khalifah (vicegerent) and abd ‫ض َجمِ يعًا‬ ِ ‫ت َو َما فِي ْاأل َ ْر‬ َّ ‫س َّخ َر لَ ُكم َّما فِي ال‬
ِ ‫س َم َاوا‬ َ ‫َو‬
(servant of the God) that conceived by Izutsu ُ‫ِ ِّم ْنه‬
(Izutsu, 2004; ). The Qur’an mentions that “He has subjected to you all that is in
the human being has been created to be a the heaven and that is in the earth...,” (al-
vicegerent (khalifah) on earth. Qur’an Surah Al-Jathiyah, 45: 13).
Human being is free to use the bounties
‫ َو ِإذْ َقا َل َربُّكَ ل ِْل َم ََل ِئ َك ِة‬.ً‫ض َخلِيفَة‬
ِ ‫ِإ ِِّني َجا ِع ٌل فِي ْاأل َ ْر‬ and blessings conferred upon him, but at the
“When your Lord said to the angels, same time, he must carry out his duty
verily I do create human being as vicegerent towards God mainly as the servant of the
on earth.”(al-Qur’an Surah Al-Baqarah, 2: God or abd that is to serve and worship the
30) God (Izutsu, 2004). As God’s representative
on earth, human has to prosper the earth, to
Being a vicegerent, human being is do cultivation and betterment for the earth
endowed with a delegation of authority from and to create a moral social order on earth.
God to fulfill consciously the divine For this mission, the God has chosen human
revelations on earth such as to prosper the being as being khalifah on earth. God also
earth and to create moral social justice. For has made all resources on earth for human
this mission human being is granted free will being to prosper, cultivate and make better
46 OECONOMICUS Journal of Economics, Vol. 7, No. 1, December 2022

life, to heal the world to make better place, example, then surely he will be able to
to make balance between fulfillment of derive the utility and satisfaction from
material needs and spiritual needs and generating friendship and brotherhood. This
eventually to achieve economic well beings is because goods enable us to reach to the
within the framework of socio-economic realization of their values and the realization
justice and socio moral order (Chapra, of their values is by generating those goods.
1979). In this case Arjo Klamer says (Klamer,
After having discussed and investigated 2016);
about the ethical foundation of Islamic “Values need to be acted upon to become
economics, it is quite obvious that there real and the important way of realizing them
existed similarity in both approaches is to acquire or generate goods. Goods are
Deontological and Islamic economics, even tangible or intangible things that an
I can come the conclusion that at the certain individual, a group of people, or a gathering
point the Deontological economics is the of people possesses; they are good for all
same as that of the Islamic economics. kinds of things, and their possession
requires some kind of effort or sacrifice”.
Contrasting Deontological Economics As far as I am concerned, I would say that all
with an Islamic Economics of those definitions by no means contradict
Regardless of how individuals come up with to each other, but they can go hand in hand
the definition of economics whether it is to complement to each other. It is nothing
defined as the study of how to treat and wrong for individuals who want to strive for
accumulate wealth or how to maximize their lives by working hard, making the best
profits and to minimize losses or how to effort and exerting the most possible
improve human welfare or how those scarce endeavor to reach to their higher
resources will be altered, so as to find out the achievement in line with their own interests,
best and efficient way to produce goods and such as wealth accumulation, welfare,
services to satisfy human wants, economics prosperity, happiness and pleasure.
is about the realization of value (Klamer, There is also no objection at all of how to
2013). This definition is based on the facts find the most efficient and effective way
that economics is not value free, but it is with regard to the alternative uses of scarce
value laden. In addition to that, the goods in resources and with regard to the process of
economics could be tangible and intangible production to produce goods and services to
and to acquire them one need some sort of satisfy the unlimited wants of human beings.
effort and sacrifice. Only by generating that Even if there are individuals who are able to
goods, then human could realize the value of earn and acquire more wealth, more welfare,
that goods (Klamer, 2014). more prosperity, more happiness and more
If individual is able to find out the value in pleasure than others in their lives, there
the tangible goods such as bike, breads and should be no objection at all, as the fate and
the likes, as well as in the intangible goods the destiny of every individual is different
such as friendship and brotherhood for from one to another.
OECONOMICUS Journal of Economics, Vol. 7, No. 1, December 2022 47

In addition to that, human being is born interest should be kept in balance with the
freely and has freedom from the very interest of the society. There should be no
beginning of the life, in the sense that he or domination of individuals over the society
she has freedom of speech, freedom of and vice versa. There should be no
expression, freedom of thoughts and exploitation of individuals over the society
thinking, freedom of action, freedom of and vice versa. There should be no offense
acquiring the wealth, freedom of generating and transgression of individuals over the
the goods and services whatever he or she society and vice versa. It is the deontological
like to produce and consume them in economics which is stemmed from the
economy, freedom of choice and whatever Deontological theory of ethics.
he or she like to do based on his or her Contrasting the above ethical value of
interest to maximize his or her own profit, Deontological economic thoughts with that
utility and satisfaction. of the ethical foundation of Islamic
However the individual freedom and the economics, I found there are almost no
self-interested behaviour must not defy and difference between the Deontological
violate the freedom of other individuals. economics and Islamic economics, both of
This is because a large number of them are value oriented, embedded with
individuals will constitute community or ethical and moral economy, except probably
society. The society then will have its own the first axiom. In other word, Islamic
culture and value that is accepted and economics bases its principles on unity of
practiced by the whole individual member of Allah (Unity axiom or Tawheed axiom).
that society. This is what I call the freedom However if the economic agents, the
of the individual within the context of social followers and the proponents of
welfare (Chapra, 1979). Take for instance Deontological economics come to the point
the value of helping person who is in need in of the oneness of the God, then surely both
the society where the individual lives in. In of the two are advocating the same thing that
this case the freedom of any individual is that is moral economy.
limited to the freedom of other individual in Now, I will go on to discuss how these ethics
the context of the societal value which has and values be applied and grounded in real
been upheld and appraised by the economic activities. This is to prove that the
community where it becomes the principle Deontological approach to ethics and
of maxim of that society. It tells every economics and the Islamic approach to
individual member to help those who is in ethics and economics is not merely
need and the destitute people in economy by theoretical construct and philosophical
providing them with foods or employment. discussion, but it is also applicable to and
Thus it is unethical behaviour for the can be grounded into the real life of human
individuals in that society to leave those who economic activity, economic transaction and
is in need and the destitute people in economic system as well as financial and
economy as they are without any assistance banking system.
being provided for them. Therefore, self-
48 OECONOMICUS Journal of Economics, Vol. 7, No. 1, December 2022

Since both of them carry out the same Islamic man who is also the economic agent
mission of moral economy, I will discuss in Islamic economics. The conceived term of
mostly or entirely here with regard to the khalifah and abd is not only interested in
Islamic approach to ethics and economics, maximizing his own profit and satisfaction
since it also prevails and is applicable into (utility), but also interested in building an
the Deontological approach to ethics and intimate relationship with God that is
economics. vertical relationship and in building
horizontal relationship with human fellows
The applicability of Islamic ethical values as well as with nature and environment by
and norms into real economic activity keeping balance between satisfying material
As mentioned earlier in this research needs as well as spiritual needs.
that the axioms which are proposed by In this regard, the material progress has
Naqvi, from unity (Tawheed), equilibrium to be seen as means to attain the spiritual
(Al’adl wal ihsan), free will (Ikhtiar) and heights, seeking moderate way of life in
Social responsibility (Fardh) can also be terms of spending and consumption, neither
viewed as synthetic truths about a Muslim to spend niggardly and lavishly nor to
society where their validity can be directly consume miserly and extravagantly, but in
verified and could be very powerful ideal balance between the two extreme. Material
life for Muslim Ummah in economy. All of progress should not be attained at the
those values have to be embedded into expense of the environmental degradation
institutions in order to work and apply into and depletion of natural resources, but it
the real life of human economic activity and should be done in sustainable way of life.
economic transaction. Being khalifah on earth, man and
In addition to that, the proper woman, each has been given discretion, free
upbringing, preserving the goodness of will, knowledge and limited authority
human nature, upholding moral values, subject to the submission to rule of game that
sticking to market discipline, undertaking is Shariah. Human beings’ role, position and
effective government role, and belief in mission is to fulfilling God-will on earth,
accountability in the Hereafter have to be promoting what is good, forbidding what is
taken into account, so that they are wrong, establishing justice or al-adl and
embedded in human character and human promoting beneficence or al-Ihsan, resulting
behaviour of Islamic man. Applying those in attaining high levels of good life (al-
ethical values into economics would help hayyat al-tayyibah), both at the level
realize socio-economic justice and human individual and collective.
economic well-being better rather than only The other example other than the
reliance on market mechanism (Chapra, concept of khalifah is the concept of
2008 & 2009). ownership. The concept of ownership in
Take for example, the concept of Islamic economics differs from that of
khalifah and abd. The concept of khalifah capitalistic economics, in the sense that only
and abd can better explain the concept of Allah the God is the absolute owner of all
OECONOMICUS Journal of Economics, Vol. 7, No. 1, December 2022 49

wealth. God is the true owner of all things. should primarily be based upon trust. Those
The Qur’an says: ethical values which are initially derived
‫ض‬ ِ ‫ت َو َما فِي ْاأل َ ْر‬
ِ ‫س َم َاوا‬ ِ َّ ِ
َّ ‫لِل َما فِي ال‬ from Islamic religious teachings, then must
"To Allah belongs whatever is in the be embedded in institutions. These ethical
sky and earth” “He who created for you all values play a leading role as the
that is on earth...,” (al-Qur’an Surah Al- determinants of evolving institutions and of
Baqarah, 2: 284). consequence economic performance in an
Islamic economic system.
In other verse the Qur’an says: The very a clear picture of Islamic
ُ‫ُورث ُ َها َم ْن يَشَا ُء مِ ْن ِعبَا ِد ِه ۖ َو ْالعَاقِبَة‬ َ ‫إِ َّن ْاأل َ ْر‬
ِ َّ ِ ‫ض‬
ِ ‫لِل ي‬ ethical value which is derived from the
َ‫ل ِْل ُمتَّقِين‬ Qur’anic ethics which is applied to real
“The land belongs to Allah. He allows economic activities especially in Indonesia
it to be inherited by whom so ever he pleases, is the principle of Zakah. Zakah is the other
and the end (is best) for the righteous” “He concept and the principle of Islamic teaching
who created for you all that is on earth...,” that is derived from the Qur’anic ethics in
(al-Qur’an Surah Al-A’raf, 7: 128). which there is no economic system in this
However, Allah the God allows human world applies that principle into its
beings as His servants to inherit wealth, to economic activity. It is only Islamic
own it and to use it subject to His laws. It is economics that applies the concept of Zakah
therefore, in Islamic economics, it allows in its economic system. Zakah is a kind of
man as a vicegerent on earth to inherit from tax which is imposed on the rich that
the God that is to own wealth as a trust or amounts to 2.5 percent of financial assets
Amanah for the proper use and it is called and income upon investments. This amount
trust ownership. The relative ownership of of 2.5 percent could differ from one asset to
the wealth and properties which is delegated another. The amount of Zakah can make up
to man by the God necessitates the “haves” to 20 percent in other areas.
or the rich to give part of their wealth to the Zakah further carries important spiritual
“have-nots” or the poor people through benefits that foster Islamic moral values.
various means such as charity and Zakah. This institution of Zakah acts as tax on idle
Though absolute ownership belongs to assets and hoarding that encourages people
the God, people are always able to acquire to undertake investment and productive
and to own properties and wealth through activities in economy and not to leave it as
employing and making use of their factors of idle asset. Zakah has played very significant
production and within the Shariah role in doing redistribution of income and
compliant. For example obtaining money wealth in the society. This is done to ensure
(salary and wages) by working or making the establishment of a socio-economic
consumption after having purchasing power justice. It covers the basic needs of the poor
etc. Furthermore, goods and commodities and it is meant to provide means to earn a
should be used properly and should never be living.
wasted, similarly interpersonal relationships
50 OECONOMICUS Journal of Economics, Vol. 7, No. 1, December 2022

This institution of Zakah becomes this kind of business activities will violate
means for social security. It is also Islamic value. This principle is consistently
considered a main tool for the protection of done by almost all the practitioners of
the community, the achievement of socio- Islamic banking and finance in Indonesia, as
economic justice and the narrowing of the it is unethical to finance and to hand over the
gaps between the rich and the poor. funds to companies and industries who are
Moreover Zakah does not only confine itself dealing with socially harmful activities.
to its distribution to the poor but it is also The other example of the principle of
used to start up projects for the poor or the Islamic teaching that has been practiced in
have-nots which makes it a way to create job this world including in Indonesia is the
opportunities, generating income and prohibition of riba or the ban of interest in
creating activities for them, so that the poor Islamic banking and Islamic financial
could get out of poverty line and rely on system. Although Islam is not alone to
themselves. introduce this principle, as we have known
Zakah has been imposed to all that Martin Luther and Jewish scholars also
government employees in the State Islamic already postulated it. However, nowadays
University, including in the State Islamic the prohibition of riba and the ban on interest
University Sunan Ampel Surabaya where I in financial and banking system is only
am employed. Almost all Islamic banking practiced by the Islamic bank and finance.
institutions in Indonesia have implemented
this principle of Islamic teaching by Conclusion
collecting and distributing Zakah every year Islamic economics is self-conscious and
to the needy and poor people. The obedience value-oriented. Islamic economics, since its
to pay Zakah has consistently done by the inception has declared that it is value laden.
Muslims, although one or two people or It has very strong moral and ethical
entities ignore to pay Zakah. However, this dimension inspired by Islamic religion. The
will not reduce the significance of the Islamic ethical values and norms are derived
application of Zakah into real economic life from the Quran and the Sunnah which pass
of the Muslims. on the word and traditions of the Prophet as
Another principle of Islamic teaching well as from the Shariah (Islamic
that is derived from the Qur’anic ethics is in jurisprudence). When engaging in economic
undertaking businesses and investments. All activity, people have to act in accordance
operations of businesses and financial with their ethico-religious belief, with
transactions in Islamic banking and finance Shariah compliant as well as to base their
must be in conformity with the al-Maqasid behaviour on their responsibility towards
al-Shari`ah. Thus, people as well as bank God. The incorporation of Islamic ethical
and financial institutions will not be allowed values and norm into economics is not
to deal with businesses, trading activities avoidable, as they will guide human
and undertaking investment that are socially behaviour to achieve social bliss, happiness,
harmful despite the huge profit generated, as economic welfare and social harmony.
OECONOMICUS Journal of Economics, Vol. 7, No. 1, December 2022 51

Human existence in this world is to production is left to human creative,

prosper on earth and to heal the world to innovative and acquisitive instinct of the
make it better place to seek the pleasure of people in the economy.
Allah (swt) and to keep the balance between All of the above ethical values and
satisfying material needs as well as spiritual moral norms in Islamic economics is also
needs in that sense the material progress has applicable in the Deontological economics,
to be seen as means to attain the spiritual except that the belief in oneness of the God
heights, seeking moderate way of life in and the prohibition of riba which is not
terms of spending and consumption, neither prevailing in Deontological economics.
to spend niggardly and lavishly nor to Though there is no Zakah term in
consume miserly and extravagantly, but in Deontological economics, it has charity and
balance between the two extreme. various means of redistribution of income
These Islamic ethical values and norms and wealth to ensure that everyone must live
then are incorporated and embedded into the above the poverty line, everyone being fed
system, notions, concepts and theories. They up enough to reach the decent life and to
are embedded into institutions in order to ensure that man has the degree of autonomy
work and to apply into the real economic and dignity as human being. Wa Allahu
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