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(Miss Sears/4th Grade Math/TBD)

Introduction to equivalent fractions
A. Given that the teacher clearly defines what equivalent fractions are TSWBAT answer the
10 question quiz to no less than 7 out of 10 accuracy and this will extend their knowledge
of fractions in order to help them learn about ordering (CC.2.1.4.C.1)
A. SLIDE 1 up at the very beginning of class
B. Anticipatory Set (10 minutes)
a. Thinking- Non-curricular task just to get the wheels turning.
b. I have a question for you all – you have the option to choose one of the following.
You can either have $10,000 right now or you can have $1 right now, but I will doubt
the amount I give you everyday for the next 3 weeks. Which would you prefer?
c. Have a bit of a math talk and hear answers
C. Development Overview
a. Slide 1 – Give what they are going to be doing be working on
b. Slide 2 –
c. Slide 3 – Have all the students on their own computers fill out the survey about what
they know about equivalent fractions.
D. Development 1
a. Slide 4 – Work through the lecture slide and then have the students think-pair-share
and give one another the definition of what equivalent fractions are
b. Slide 5 – Check for understanding through the definition here
E. Guided-Practice 1
a. Slide 6 – Work through the problems on the board. Have them work through the first
one with you and then work through the next one with the groups (which they are
sitting in and is determined when each student comes in the room). Them them all
work through the second one within their groups and then we can check it together
after the fact.
F. Independent-Practice 1
a. Slide 7 – Each student needs to work on their own computers, but they can still
discuss as a group if they need to. This will help them to still be writing it on their
screen, but also if they get stuck they can fall back on one another. You can use
student examples on the board if they are comfortable with it.
b. Slide 8 – work through the problems if there are any remaining misconceptions or
difficulties after the group work. Check around the room to be sure they are
G. Development 2/Guided-Practice 2
a. Slide 9 – Use the fraction bars to show the students another way they can see this.
This will help those students who are farther behind and need a more step by step,
hand holding, type help. Do this one together, but let the students come up to the
board to show it. They will then see that these aren’t equal.
H. Independent-Practice 2
a. Slide 10 – Each student needs to answer their true and false questions without any
speaking to see if they are understanding for themselves, not just their group. Then I
will hear how the students talked about it. This will lead into a math talk of sorts.
Then we will review the answer after the math talk.
b. Slide 11 – All of the students will also do the matching exercise. I will model it for
them really quickly first, so they know how to do the game.
I. Development 3
a. Slide 12 – Go through the justify slide and help them to understand what this means.
J. Guided/Independent Practice 3
a. Slide 13 – Let them all work through the justify slide in their groups, then review if
there are questions.
K. Closure
a. Slide 14 – Work on the summary slide and then review if there are questions or
anything important that was missed.
b. There will be an assessment due for homework, so tell them about that and
remind them
A. Lumio presentation:
B. Whiteboards for their work
C. Groups set up with the cards when they walk in the classroom
D. Large whiteboard
E. Dry erase marker
F. Google Form:
A. There are no adaptions needed for this lesson because the students will be working
together and will be going about the assignment as a group.
B. Time wise, if we are running low on the time we can skip the matching game and the
summary if necessary
A. Formative: Think-pair-share, and the individual true and false questions, and group work
B. Summative: The 10 question assessment that will be in google classroom and they must
answer all of them, hopefully to 70%+ accuracy.
A. Students Performance and mastery of terms
a. How did their quizzes go?
b. Did the students enjoy the games or was it too much going on?
c. Should I structure the group work in a better group like fashion instead of having all
of the students write everything on their own computers?
B. Self-Evaluation
a. Did I have too much teacher-led instruction or was it good and helpful?
b. How should I make my lesson plan different for the future? What went well, what did

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