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2.1 Materials have different properties for different applications. Give four (4) properties of
materials we need to consider to select a material for an application. (4)

2.2 Differentiate between homogenous and heterogeneous mixtures. (2)

2.3 A mixture of salt water and clean sand in an Erlenmeyer flask can be separated by

2.3.1 What is meant by decanting? (1)

2.3.2 After the removal of the sand, how can the salt be removed from the water?
Explain (2)

2.4 The type of bonding that takes place between two metals is called metallic bonding.
Briefly discuss how metallic bonding takes place. (4)

There are 118 elements known to man which are tabulated in the Periodic Table. The manner in
which they are tabulated is very specific. In your answer book, answer the following questions:

4.1 What do we call the elements that are in Group 1? (1)

4.2 Explain what the numbers 1 to 103 on the Periodic Table, represents? (2)

4.3 Calculate the molar mass of Ca(OH)2. (4)

4.4 Draw the Aufbau diagram as well as the electron configuration for Sodium. (3)

4.5 Draw the Lewis structure for Sodium Chloride. (2)

4.6 Name the type of bonding that will take place between Sodium and Chloride. (1)


5.1 – 5.8 Complete the following table using the Periodic Table. Write only the question
number and the answer in your answer book. (8)

Element Atomic number Mass number Number neutrons

11Na 5.1 23 5.2
C 5.3 5.4 8

Ar 5.5 37 5.6
F 9 5.7 5.8
5.9 Which element is a noble gas? (1)

5.10 Which element is a halogen? (1)

5.11 Which element is an alkali metal? (1)

5.12 Which element will form a negative ion? (1)



8.1 Give the chemical formula for aluminium sulphate (2)

8.2 Write down the balanced chemical equation for the reaction between Iron and Oxygen
which causes rust.
Fe+3 + O2  (3)

Consider the graph below showing the ionization energy of the first 20 elements:


ionization Energy kJmol

Nuclear charge Z

8.3.1 What is the first ionization energy for Silicon? (1)

8.3.2 Why is the activation energy lower for Aluminium than for Chlorine even though
they are both in the same period on the Periodic Table? (2)

8.3.3 From the graph, what is the trend in ionization energies as you move down a
group? (2)

8.3.4 Why do Helium, Neon and Argon have such high ionization values? (2)

QUESTION 4 (Start on a new page.)

Sodium reacts with chlorine to form sodium chloride, a substance used in all

4.1 Write down the:

4.1.1 Household name of sodium chloride (1)

4.1.2 Chemical formula of sodium chloride (1)

4.2 For the chlorine atom:

4.2.1 Draw its Aufbau diagram (3)

4.2.2 Write down its number of valence electrons (1)

4.3 For the sodium atom, write down its:

4.3.1 sp notation (2)

4.3.2 Number of protons (1)

4.4 Represent the formation of sodium chloride from sodium and chlorine with the
aid of Lewis diagrams. (4)

4.5 Name the type of crystal lattice of which sodium chloride is an example. (1)

4.6 A chlorine atom can also bond to another chlorine atom to form a molecule.

4.6.1 Define the term molecule. (2)

4.6.2 Name the type of bond that forms between TWO chlorine atoms. (1)

4.6.3 Represent the chlorine molecule with a Lewis diagram. (2)


QUESTION 5 (Start on a new page.)

Information of six elements, represented as P, Q, R, S, T and Y, are given in the table


P 16 32 1s22s22p63s23p4
Q 3 7 1s22s1
R 20 40 1s22s22p63s23p64s2
S 18 40 1s22s22p63s23p6
T 17 37 1s22s22p63s23p5
Y 19 39 1s22s22p63s23p64s1
5.1 Which element (P, Q, R, S, T or Y):
5.1.1 Has 22 neutrons in each atom (1)
5.1.2 Is a noble gas (1)
5.1.3 Has TWO core electrons in each atom (1)
5.2 Two of the above elements are in the same group of the periodic table.
Write down:
5.2.1 The letters representing these TWO elements (2)
5.2.2 Their group number on the periodic table (1)

5.3 ONE of the elements represented above is calcium. Write down the:
5.3.1 Letter representing it (1)

5.3.2 Flame colour that would be produced by calcium salts (1)

5.4 Write down the formula of the compound formed by the combination
of elements:

5.4.1 Q and P (1)

5.4.2 R and T (1)
5.5 Identify element T and write down its A
Z X notation. (3)

QUESTION 6 (Start on a new page.)

The unbalanced equation (i) and the word equation (ii) for two chemical reactions are
shown below.
(i) SO 2 (g) + O 2 (g) → SO 3 (g)
(ii) Calcium carbonate → calcium oxide + carbon dioxide

6.1 Which ONE of the above equations (i or ii) represents a:

6.1.1 Decomposition reaction (1)

6.1.2 Synthesis reaction (1)

6.2 What does (g) represent in equation (i) above? (1)

6.3 Write down a balanced chemical equation for the word equation (ii). Show the
phases of ALL reactants and products. (4)

6.4 Rewrite equation (i) in the ANSWER BOOK and balance the equation. (1)

6.5 Name the chemical law that a balanced equation illustrates. (1)

6.6 Using equation (i) above, show that mass is conserved during the reaction. (3)
QUESTION 2 (Start on a new page.)

Grade 10 learners were given the substances in the table below.

brass sand oxygen gas sugar carbon dioxide

copper pure air salt solution table salt magnesium oxide

2.1 From the above table, write down:

2.1.1 An element (1)

2.1.2 A homogeneous mixture (1)

2.1.3 A diatomic gas (1)

2.1.4 A compound which is a solid at 25 ° (1)

2.1.5 C A heterogeneous mixture (1)

2.2 The learners perform an experiment to separate a mixture of sand and sugar.
The experiment is done in three steps, as shown in the diagrams below.

Solid X
Sand and
Glass rod

H2O(ℓ) Mixture Y Mixture Y

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

2.2.1 Write down the name of:

(a) The process illustrated in step 2 (1)

(b) The process illustrated in step 3 (1)

(c) Solid X (1)

(d) Mixture Y (1)

2.2.2 Is step 3 a CHEMICAL or PHYSICAL process? Give a reason for

the answer. (2)
QUESTION 4 (Start on a new page.)

Chlorine is a non-metallic element with an atomic number of 17 and can exist as


4.1 Define the term:

4.1.1 Atomic number (2)

4.1.2 Isotope (2)

4.2 Natural chlorine consists of Cℓ-35 and Cℓ-37.

4.2.1 Write down the sp-notation for Cℓ-37. (2)

4.2.2 The relative atomic mass of chlorine is 35,5. Calculate the

percentage of Cℓ-35 in natural chlorine. (3)

4.3 Chlorine gas (Cℓ 2 ) consists of molecules.

Write down the:

4.3.1 Number of valence electrons in a chlorine atom (1)

4.3.2 Type of bonding in chlorine molecules (1)

4.3.3 Lewis structure for the chlorine molecule (2)

4.4 Calcium reacts with chlorine to form calcium chloride.

4.4.1 Draw the Aufbau diagram for a calcium ion. (3)

4.4.2 Write down the chemical symbols of the particles found in the
calcium chloride crystal (lattice). (2)

QUESTION 5 (Start on a new page.)

5.1 The first ionisation energy and the electron affinity of the period 3 elements
are shown in the table below.

Sodium 496 53
Magnesium 738 0
Aluminium 578 44
Silicon 786 134
Phosphorous 1 012 72
Sulphur 1 000 200
Chlorine 1 251 349
Argon 1 521 0
5.1.1 Explain the difference between ionisation energy and electron
affinity. (2)

5.1.2 Give a reason for the trend in the first ionisation energy as shown
in the table. (1)

5.1.3 How will the SECOND ionisation energy of sodium compare to that
of magnesium? Write down only HIGHER THAN, LOWER THAN or
EQUAL TO. Explain the answer. (3)

5.1.5 Which ONE of the above elements has the greatest tendency to
from negative ions? Refer to the data in the table to give a
reason for the answer. (2)

QUESTION 6 (Start on a new page.)

Magnesium ribbon burns in oxygen with a bright white flame to produce a white solid,
magnesium oxide.

6.1 Name the type of chemical bonding in:

6.1.1 Magnesium ribbon (1)

6.1.2 Magnesium oxide (1)

6.2 Is the reaction between magnesium ribbon and oxygen a PHYSICAL or

CHEMICAL change? Give a reason for the answer. (2)

6.3 Write down a balanced equation for the reaction between magnesium and
oxygen. (3)

6.4 Use the law of conservation of mass to show that mass is conserved during
the reaction in QUESTION 6.3. (4)


QUESTION 2 (Start on a new page.)

Most substances used in our daily lives are either pure substances or mixtures.

2.1 Define the term pure substance. (1)

2.2 Complete the table below. Write down only the answer next to the question
number (2.2.1–2.2.4) in your ANSWER BOOK.


Diamond 2.2.1 2.2.2

Air 2.2.3 2.2.4

2.3 Explain why pots and pans are made of metal but the handles are made of
plastic or wood. (2)

2.4 Write down the chemical formulae of the following compounds:

2.4.1 Table salt (2)

QUESTION 4 (Start on a new page.)

Study the table of first and second ionisation energies and answer the questions that


(kJ.mol-1) (kJ.mol-1)
Li 520 7 297
Be 899 1 757
B 801 2 427
C 1 086 2 352
N 1 402 2 854
O 1 214 3 391
F 1 681 3 381
Ne 2 080 3 964

4.1 Define the term ionisation energy. (2)

4.2 Use the information in the table to explain why:

4.2.1 Metals form cations easily (2)

4.2.2 Non-metals form anions easily (2)

4.3 Explain why the second ionisation energy of lithium is higher than its first
ionisation energy. (2)
QUESTION 5 (Start on a new page.)

5.1 Define the term isotope. (2)

5.2 Study the unknown elements A to E below.

19 19 20 21 19
9X 10X 9 X 11X 8X

5.2.1 Which of the elements above are isotopes of each other? (1)

5.2.2 Write down the name of this isotope. (1)

5.3 Calculate the relative atomic mass of copper by using the following isotopes
of copper:
63 65
Copper isotopes: Cu - 69% and Cu - 31% (4)

5.4 Complete the table below. Write only the answer next to the question
number (5.4.1–5.4.5).

Fluoride ion 5.4.1 9 9 5.4.2 10

5.4.3 25 5.4.4 12 5.4.5 12


Ammonia (NH 3 ) is manufactured using an industrial process, known as the Haber

process. It is used in the production of inorganic fertilisers, such as ammonium

5.5 Write down the chemical formula for ammonium sulphate. (1)

5.6 Name the type of bond between the atoms in the ammonia molecule.
Give a reason for the answer. (2)

5.7 Draw the Aufbau diagram (orbital box diagram) for nitrogen. (2)

5.8 How many valence electrons does nitrogen have? (1)

5.9 Draw the Lewis dot diagram for the ammonia molecule. (2)

QUESTION 6 (Start on a new page.)

The unbalanced chemical equation (i) and the word equation (ii) for two chemical
reactions are shown below.

(i) Cℓ 2 (g) + H 2 (g) → HCℓ(g)

(ii) aluminium carbonate → aluminium oxide + carbon dioxide

6.1 Which ONE of the reactions, (i) or (ii), is:

6.1.1 A decomposition reaction (1)

6.1.2 A synthesis reaction (1)

2017 NOVEMEBER QUESTION 4 (Start on a new page.)

4.1 A certain element, X, has two isotopes in nature. One isotope has an atomic
mass of 106,9 amu. The percentage appearance of this isotope is 50%.
The atomic mass of the other isotope is 109,1.

4.1.1 Define the term isotope. (2)

4.1.2 Calculate the relative atomic mass of element X. (5)

4.1.3 Identify element X in QUESTION 4.1.2. (2)

2017 NOVEMBER QUESTION 3 (Start on a new page.)

Consider the graph of the first ionisation energy and answer the questions that follow.

3.1 Define the term ionisation energy. (2)

3.2 State the general trend in ionisation energy from left to right across a period
on the periodic table. (2)

3.3 There is a drop in ionisation energy from beryllium to boron.

3.3.1 Write down the sp-notation for beryllium AND boron. (4)

3.3.2 Explain this drop in ionisation energy. (3)

3.4 Is the following statement TRUE or FALSE? If false, rewrite the statement

The ionisation energy of noble gases is high because of the half-filled

s- and p-orbitals. (2)

3.5 Study the ionisation energy of the group (I) elements in the graph above and
answer the questions that follow.

3.5.1 Give the general name of the group (I) elements. (1)

3.5.2 State the trend in the reactivity of elements in group (I). (2)

3.5.3 Explain the reason for the trend in QUESTION 3.5.2 by using the
graph of ionisation energy. (2)
4.2 Complete the table below. Write only the answer next to the question number



Al 13 27 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3

K+ 19 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.7 (7)

2018 N0VEMBER QUESTION 2 (Start on a new page.)

The diagram below shows three different substances, P, Q and R.



Hydrogen Chlorine

Oxygen Sulphur

Sodium Iron

2.1 Define the term element. (2)

Use the diagram and the key provided to answer the questions that follow.

2.2 Write down a LETTER that represents the following:

2.2.1 Pure substance (1)

2.2.2 Homogeneous mixture (1)

2.2.3 Heterogeneous mixture (1)

2.3 Indicate whether the pure substance identified in QUESTION 2.2.1 is an

element or a compound. (1)

2.4 Which physical method would you use to separate substance Q into its
components? (1)
Write down the physical property upon which the separation techniques
2.5 are based to separate the following substances into their individual
2.5.1 Q (1)

2.5.2 R (1)
QUESTION 4 (Start on a new page.)

Study the table below and answer the questions that follow.


P 11 12 11
Q 14 16 14
R 16 16 18

4.1 Define the term atomic number. (2)

4.2 Write down the:

4.2.1 Chemical symbol of element Q using the notation ZX (2)

4.2.2 Element (P, Q or R) that is an alkali metal (1)

4.2.3 Chemical symbol of R (2)

4.3 Element P reacts with oxygen to form the compound with the chemical
formula P 2 O.

4.3.1 Predict the chemical formula that element Rb in the periodic table
will form when it reacts with oxygen. (2)

4.3.2 Explain the answer to QUESTION 4.3.1. (2)

4.4 What is the trend in ionisation energy as you move from element P to
element R? Write down only INCREASES, DECREASES or REMAINS THE
SAME. Explain the answer. (4)

4.5 How many electrons does an ION of element P have? Draw the Aufbau
diagram of this ion. (3)

4.6 When orbitals of identical energy are available, electrons are placed in
individual orbitals before they are paired. Give the name of this rule. (1)

4.7 Element Y occurs as these isotopes in the following proportions:

Y – 28(92,23%); Y – 29(4,68%); Y – 30(3,09%)

Calculate the relative atomic mass of element Y. (3)

Physical Sciences/P2 9 DBE/November 2018
CAPS – Grade 10

QUESTION 5 (Start on a new page.)

Study the physical and chemical processes below and answer the questions that

X: H2 O(s) → H2 O(g)
Y: CaCO3 (s) → CaO(s) + CO2(g)

Z: Iron + Oxygen → Iron(III) oxide

5.1 Define the term physical change. (2)

5.2 Write down the LETTER of the process that represents the following:

5.2.1 Physical change (1)

5.2.2 Decomposition reaction (1)

5.3 Give the name of the physical change stated in QUESTION 5.2.1. (1)

5.4 State TWO properties of a reaction that indicate that a chemical change has
taken place. (2)

5.5 For process Z, write down:

5.5.1 What the symbol ∆ represents (1)

5.5.2 A BALANCED CHEMICAL EQUATION (Show the phases of ALL

reactants and products.) (4)

5.6 A 20 g sample of CaCO3 (s) in process Y decomposes to form 11,2 g of CaO.

In a second sample, 30 g decomposes to form x g of CO2 .

5.6.1 State the law of constant composition. (2)

5.6.2 Use the law in QUESTION 5.6.1 to calculate mass 𝑥 of the

CO2 formed. (4)

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Physical Sciences/P2 10 DBE/November 2018
CAPS – Grade 10

QUESTION 6 (Start on a new page.)

Study the diagram below showing structures of two different substances (A and B) and
answer the questions that follow.


6.1 Choose the substance (A or B) that describes the following:

6.1.1 Metallic structure (1)

6.1.2 Structure of magnesium chloride (1)

6.2 Explain how the type of bond in substance A forms. (2)

6.3 Name the type of bond that exists in substance B. (1)

6.4 Magnesium and chlorine react to form compound magnesium chloride.

6.4.1 Define the term compound. (2)

6.4.2 Write down the NAME of the group to which magnesium belongs. (1)

6.4.3 Write down the valency of a chlorine atom. (1)

6.4.4 Use the Lewis dot diagram to show the formation of magnesium
chloride. (3)

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