Approaches To Pulmonary Atresia With MAPCAS

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Approaches to Pulmonary Atresia With Major

Aortopulmonary Collateral Arteries

David J. Barron and Phil Botha

Pulmonary atresia with major aortopulmonary collateral arteries (MAPCAs) is one of the most chal-
lenging surgical conditions to manage—not only because of the technical complexity of the surgery
but also in terms of defining the anatomy of the pulmonary vasculature, the timing of surgery,
and decision making on staged vs complete repair. The importance of early definition of pulmo-
nary blood supply is paramount, establishing which areas of the lung are supplied by MAPCAs
alone and which have dual supply with the native system (noting that 20% of patients have absent
intrapericardial native vessels). Early unifocalization (3-6 months) is ideal, with closure of the ven-
tricular septal defect (VSD) performed if 15 or more out of 20 lung segments can be recruited.
Leaving the ventricular septal defect open with a limiting right ventricle-pulmonary artery conduit
can be a useful interim or even definitive circulation in patients with borderline vasculature. Re-
habilitation of small native vessels with central shunts can be very effective, but best outcomes
are achieved by a combination of unifocalization of MAPCAs together with the native vessels (if
present). A variety of reconstructive techniques are necessary to be able to effect these complex
repairs with careful choice of materials. Ideally, surgery can be completed through sternotomy
alone, but separate thoracotomies may be necessary to control and access some MAPCAs.
Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg Pediatr Card Surg Ann 21:64–74 Crown Copyright © 2017 Pub-
lished by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: pulmonary atresia, aortopulmonary collateral arteries, MAPCAs, unifocalization

Within the spectrum of tetralogy of Fallot with pulmonary atresia,
20%-40% of pulmonary atresia cases will have multiple sources
of pulmonary blood flow from the systemic circulation (major
aortopulmonary collateral arteries [MAPCAs]). These are among
the most challenging of all congenital heart lesions to manage1
because they require detailed and exhaustive definition of the
anatomy and a recognition of the great heterogeneity of MAPCAs
from 1 patient to the next. Consequently, surgery needs careful Unifocalization of MAPCAs incorporating areas of dual supply and of sole
preoperative planning and involves the need to operate in the MAPCA supply.
posterior mediastinum among structures that are unfamiliar to
most surgery in congenital heart disease. A staged approach may Central Message
be necessary in more complex anatomies, and the timing and Pulmonary atresia with MAPCA management requires early and detailed def-
strategy for surgery is key to delivering the best outcomes for inition of pulmonary blood supply, with clear understanding of which areas
this complex and varied set of patients, with a combined ap- are supplied by MAPCA alone and which have dual supply with the native
system. Early unifocalization (3-6 months) is ideal, with closure of the VSD
proach from surgeons and interventional cardiologists. performed if 15 or more out of 20 lung segments can be recruited; leaving
The essential principles of management are as follows: the VSD open with a limiting right ventricle-pulmonary artery conduit can
be a useful interim or even definitive circulation in patients with borderline
a. Early and thorough assessment of the anatomy of the vasculature. Rehabilitation of small native vessels with central shunts can be
pulmonary blood supply. very effective, but best outcomes are achieved by a combination of unifocalization
of MAPCAs together with the native vessels (if present).
b. Focus on achieving early unifocalization (within the first
6 months of life).

Department Cardiac Surgery, Birmingham Children’s Hospital, UK. Surgery, Birmingham Children’s Hospital, Steelhouse Lane, Birmingham B4
Address correspondence to: David J. Barron, FRCS(CT), Department Cardiac 6NH, UK. E-mail:


1092-9126/Crown Copyright © 2017 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Approaches to Pulmonary Atresia With Major Aortopulmonary Collateral Arteries 65

Figure 1 An example showing common relationships of MAPCAs to the trachea, main bronchi, and esophagus. (Color version
of figure is available online.)

c. Understanding the relationship between native pulmo- and tend to run along the main bronchi—but can be above,
nary arteries and MAPCAs to identify areas of dual supply below, anterior, or posterior to the bronchi before entering the
and sole supply. lung (Fig. 1). A common pattern for MAPCAs arising from the
d. Unifocalization is more important than complete repair, mid-thoracic aorta is for them to run under the carina of the
and it can be valuable to leave the ventricular septal trachea and follow the course under the main bronchi to enter
defect (VSD) open initially in more difficult anatomy. the lung.
The intrapulmonary course of the MAPCAs is equally vari-
One of the characteristics of pulmonary atresia with ventricu- able but we have noted that MAPCAs that come to enter the lung
lar septal defect and major aortopulmonary collateral arteries (PA/ at the hilum frequently adopt a branching pattern and appear-
VSD/MAPCAs) is the great heterogeneity of pulmonary blood ance much like a native pulmonary artery.3 Conversely, MAPCAs
supply, which will dictate not only the clinical condition of the running directly unto the lung, sometimes posterior to the bron-
patient but also the options for surgical management.2 The chus, can also have abnormal intrapulmonary branching patterns
MAPCAs themselves are variable in both size and number and, with stenotic areas within the lung that are not accessible to
furthermore, are variable in their course from site of origin to surgery.
their point of entry into the lung: MAPCAs most typically arise The final and most important variation in blood supply is the
from the descending thoracic aorta at about T4-T6 level, but the relationship between native pulmonary arteries and MAPCAs.
next most common origin is from the underside of the aortic Around 80%-85% of all the patients will have confluent
arch. Other common sites of origin are from the subclavian or intrapericardial native pulmonary arteries, which are usually small
brachiocephalic arteries and they can also arise from the distal and underdeveloped to a variable extent. There is normally no
descending aorta and even from the abdominal aorta, rising up forward flow into these vessels (occasionally there can be a very
behind the diaphragm. The extrapulmonary course of MAPCAs small communication providing a wisp of forward flow), but they
can be direct entry into the lung, or may be a convoluted and are filled by retrograde flow from one or more of the MAPCAs,
tortuous course, frequently with origin stenosis that can be present appearing on angiography to have the appearance of a seagull
from birth or may develop and progress with time (reflecting in flight due to the midpoint of the vessels being connected to
the abnormal structure of the media of these vessels, which can the heart and so moving up and down with ventricular con-
be thickened and muscular). Because MAPCAs usually arise very traction (Fig. 2). Although the central (intrapericardial) component
posteriorly in the mediastinum, their relationship to the airways of these native vessels is usually small, and even diminutive, the
and the esophagus is also highly variable. They can pass behind, branching pattern within the lungs can be much better but is,
in front of, or even through the muscular wall of the esophagus again, variable. Regardless of the absolute size of these branches,
66 D.J. Barron and P. Botha

Figure 2 Angiogram showing a large MAPCA arising from the descend-

ing aorta, which is feeding the native pulmonary artery system. This system Figure 3 Angiogram showing an example where the pulmonary blood flow
fills the small intrapericardial native pulmonary arteries retrogradely— is derived entirely from MAPCAs with no intrapericardial native pulmo-
which have the appearance of a seagull in flight. This is an example of nary arteries. There are 4 large vessels arising from the descending aorta
dual supply of the pulmonary vasculature by a MAPCA and the native and the brachiocephalic artery. Note that the aorta is right sided, running
pulmonary artery system. down the right side of the vertebral column.

the key issue is whether each area of the lung is supplied by these a. Cyanosis—moderate to severe cyanosis with no signs
native vessels, or whether areas are supplied exclusively by of heart failure
MAPCAs separate from the native system. Frequently, there is b. Cardiac failure—usually not clinically cyanosed because
a mixture of some areas of the lung supplied by native vessels of high pulmonary blood flow
and some supplied by MAPCAs but it is also common to see c. Balanced circulation—usually mildly cyanosed but not
the MAPCA and native vessels clearly supplying the same distal in congestive failure
vasculature within the lung—so-called areas of dual supply.
The remaining 10%-15% of cases have complete absence of Clinical findings usually reflect the adequacy of pulmonary
central intrapericardial pulmonary arteries and are, by defini- blood flow and so range from congestive cardiac failure (large,
tion, dependent exclusively on MAPCA supply to the lungs.4,5 unobstructed MAPCAs) through to profound cyanosis (small
However, as described previously, frequently these MAPCAs may numbers of poorly developed MAPCAs or severely stenotic
enter the lung close to the hilum and have a distribution into MAPCAs). Cases that are ‘balanced’ are not in high output failure
the lung similar to that of a native system (Fig. 3). and are typically moderately cyanosed—however, the clinical
This whole picture of pulmonary blood supply is further com- picture of a balanced circulation could still mean that some areas
plicated by the natural history of the MAPCAs themselves, which of the lung are overperfused and others are underperfused, and
can develop progressive stenosis and even occlusion of their so still need early investigation.
origins or proximal course—which, in the setting of an area of
sole supply, can lead to failure of subsequent development of
the vasculature to that area of the lung. This is part of the reason Investigation and Assessment
why early assessment of the pulmonary blood flow is so im- Early and thorough definition of pulmonary blood supply is es-
portant, so as to avoid ‘losing’ areas of the pulmonary vasculature sential. Detailed imaging is paramount, but assessment must
that were supplied by stenosed MAPCAs.5-7 include pressure and flow data as well as an appreciation of the
This variable nature of the pulmonary blood flow can mean distribution and runoff of each vessel within the lung. Cardiac
that some areas of the lung can be overperfused (with large, un- catheterization is the cornerstone of this assessment and needs
obstructed MAPCAs, such as in Fig. 3) and so at risk of developing a thorough and exhaustive delineation of pulmonary blood flow.
pulmonary hypertensive changes, whereas other areas of the lung Individual angiograms of each MAPCA in 2 planes are essen-
may be at risk of losing their blood supply from stenosed tial, demonstrating the runoff and distribution of each vessel
MAPCAs. within the lung. Injections in the brachiocephalic and subcla-
vian arteries should be done to identify any MAPCA origins from
these vessels, and use of balloon occlusion of the descending aorta
while dye is injected proximal to it can be a useful way of de-
Patients and Methods fining vessels arising from the upper thoracic aorta. Great
Patients can be classified according to their clinical presenta- efforts should be made to confirm or exclude central
tion into: intrapericardial native pulmonary arteries, which may only appear
Approaches to Pulmonary Atresia With Major Aortopulmonary Collateral Arteries 67

cause bleeding. The exact approach has to be individu-

alized to the patient as it depends on the pattern of
MAPCAs and their points of origin.
i. An initial thoracotomy, usually on the side of the
descending aorta (25%-30% of cases have right-
sided aorta that descends within the right side of
the chest), may be necessary. The origins of the
MAPCAs can all be accessed and vessel loops are
placed around them. An opening is made into the
pericardium and the vessel loops fed loosely inside
for ready access at the next stage. The thora-
cotomy has the added advantage of being able to
mobilize the ipsilateral vessels and native pulmo-
nary artery (if present) to facilitate the subsequent
repair, and can even be used to perform individu-
al anastomoses within the chest if it is felt that this
Figure 4 The ‘occult’ pulmonary artery: Angiogram showing a wedge in- will be easier access than from the midline. Finally,
jection into the left lower pulmonary vein which reveals a previously hidden the approach can also be used to work within the
left pulmonary artery filling retrogradely. This vessel would have been fissures of the lung as, occasionally, vessels that might
originally supplied by a MAPCA which has become occluded.
otherwise be too posterior or too small external to
the lung develop into larger more accessible vessels
within the fissures. The thoracotomy is then closed,
on follow-through or on injection directly into an individual
the patient is turned supine, and sternotomy is
MAPCA, looking for the characteristic ‘seagull’ sign. If there appear
to be areas of the lung with absent blood supply, then it is es-
ii. Very occasionally, the anatomy is such that the
sential to perform pulmonary vein wedge injections, which may
MAPCAs on the opposite side of the descending aorta
identify patent arterial vessels that have lost their antegrade flow
are those that need to be mobilized and devel-
but may yet be recruitable—the so-called occult pulmonary artery
oped. In this situation, the surgical strategy needs
(Fig. 4). The surgeon needs to study the angiograms in great detail,
to be confident that vessels supplying the contra-
establishing the course of each MAPCA in relation to the airways
lateral lung will be readily accessible from the
and to appreciate their AP relationship because many MAPCAs
are very posteriorly positioned within the mediastinum. Careful
iii. MAPCAs from the underside of the arch or the sub-
review of each angiogram may show areas of contrast washout
clavian vessels can be readily accessed from the
as a tell-tale sign of areas with dual supply.
iv. Midline sternotomy alone may be all that is re-
quired to access all the native vessels and
Approach to Surgery MAPCAs—an approach that has been very success-
The primary aim in management of this condition is to achieve fully used by the Stanford group.8,9 However, the
unifocalization of as much of the pulmonary vasculature as pos- surgeon must be confident that all large vessels can
sible. Ideally, we aim for surgery between 3 and 9 months of be safely and adequately controlled through midline
age to avoid the development of pulmonary vascular disease in sternotomy if this is to be the preferred approach.
overperfused regions and to prevent stenosed vessels from being We utilize sternotomy alone if the anatomy of the
lost. Furthermore, the vessels themselves remain relatively elastic MAPCAs is suitable but, if any doubt, will first
and are easier to manipulate at this age than in older children. perform a thoracotomy as described previously.
Vessels may need to be rotated and moved within the chest to b. The aim is to create a platform of native tissue across
achieve unifocalization, and working within this age group also the midline that will form the basis of the reconstruc-
reduces the distances across which vessels need to be manipulated. tion. This is most commonly achieved by utilizing the
native pulmonary artery system but may created from
Unifocalization MAPCAs that have been divided, mobilized, and brought
Careful preoperative planning with detailed review of all imaging forward.
is essential. The aims can be summarized as follows: c. Always utilize the native pulmonary artery system if
present. Even if small, these can be laid open and create
a. Gain control of all MAPCAs before going onto bypass, a central platform onto which to build the unifocalization.
preferably before giving heparin. Running onto bypass d. In areas of dual supply, the feeding MAPCA can usually
with large open MAPCAs can be extremely hazardous be ligated. If in doubt, it is best to recruit the MAPCA
as all flow is lost into the lungs and it is difficult to main- into the central confluence and, in cases where the
tain adequate perfusion pressure. Trying to identify feeding MAPCA is large and readily accessible, then we
MAPCAs when fully heparinized can be difficult and would often incorporate the MAPCA regardless because
68 D.J. Barron and P. Botha

Figure 5 The ‘Melbourne shunt’: There is pulmonary atresia with diminutive native pulmonary arteries. The arteries are con-
nected directly into the facing side of the aorta to create a central shunt or aortopulmonary window. This drives antegrade
flow into the native system to stimulate growth. An alternative is to place a small interposition shunt between the aorta and
the pulmonary arteries. (Color version of figure is available online.)

the more native tissue than can be used in the conflu- More classical shunts may be necessary into isolated MAPCAs
ence, the better. or unilateral native PAs, ideally with origin as centrally as pos-
e. It is not essential to close the VSD as part of the initial sible so that they are readily accessible at subsequent operations.
procedure. If the overall pulmonary vasculature looks Choice of shunt and access (ie, thoracotomy or sternotomy) will
poor or if insufficient vessels can be unifocalized (vessels be dependent on the individual anatomy—in some cases, it may
may be too posteriorly located or too distant from the be possible to anastomose 2 ipsilateral vessels and place a shunt
hilum to be recruited), it may be safer to leave the VSD into the conjoined vessels (Fig. 6). Shunt procedures do not pre-
open and place a deliberately restrictive right ventricle- clude subsequent unifocalization, and the Melbourne shunt can
pulmonary artery (RV-PA) conduit into the unifocalized be particularly successful in promoting growth and develop-
vessels. The restrictive conduit will prevent overcirculation ment of the native PA system such that full unifocalization and
while still delivering pulsatile, antegrade flow into the even complete repair can be considered in the future. Occa-
pulmonary vessels at a controlled pressure. As these pa- sionally, sequential shunt procedures may be necessary to
tients have normal AV connections and well-developed rehabilitate different areas of the lung vasculature before
ventricles, the streaming effect is such that predomi- unifocalization can be considered.
nantly desaturated blood will be directed into the lungs,
gaining maximum oxygen extraction for the Qp:Qs. An Surgical Techniques and Materials
alternative would be to create a fenestrated VSD but we Thoracotomies are usually performed on the ipsilateral side to
prefer the restrictive conduit as this avoids having to the descending aorta in the fourth intercostal space. Note that
undertake any intracardiac procedure at this stage. A in PA/VAS/MAPCAs, 25%-30% of patients have a right-sided aortic
further alternative would be to place a central shunt into arch with right-sided descending aorta. This will provide access
the unifocalized vessels, which avoids the need for to the MAPCA origins and the vessels can be mobilized and fol-
ventriculotomy,9 but does not have such advantageous lowed out into the lung on the ipsilateral side. MAPCAs running
hemodynamics as the RV-PA conduit, which delivers better into the contralateral side can be mobilized a limited distance
Sata O2 for the same Qp:Qs and better diastolic pressure. beyond the midline but this can be very useful as it creates a
space around them that is readily found when approached
through subsequent midline sternotomy. It may be possible to
Shunt Procedures join neighboring MAPCAs (or MAPCA to native PA) together if
Although unifocalization can be achieved in the majority of pa- it felt that access is easier from thoracotomy—especially for pos-
tients (80%-90% in larger series), it may not be achievable in teriorly placed MAPCAs running into the posterior aspect of the
patients with poorly developed vasculature or small and scanty lung. Test occlusion with side-biting clamps should be done before
MAPCAs. The most effective shunt is in the setting of small native proceeding to ensure the patient does not desaturate signifi-
pulmonary arteries forming the characteristic ‘seagull’ shape on cantly while these vessels are temporarily occluded.
angiography, which are of small caliber centrally but which have At sternotomy, it is important to mobilize the aorta as much
relatively good distribution within the lungs themselves. In this as possible so that it is possible to retract it from side to side to
situation, a direct aortopulmonary connection can be made (the access the transverse sinus and work behind it. It may help to
so-called Melbourne Shunt),10 connecting the diminutive PAs di- avoid cannulating the SVC initially so that there is no cannula
rectly into the back of the aorta with or without a small in the way when working around and behind the SVC on the
interposition shunt (Fig. 5). The vessels are usually so small that right-sided vessels. Working in the space between the aorta and
there is little risk of overcirculation. the SVC, it is possible to dissect out through the posterior
Approaches to Pulmonary Atresia With Major Aortopulmonary Collateral Arteries 69

Figure 6 Example of a shunt procedure performed through a thoracotomy. Two interconnecting MAPCAs are shown arising
from the aorta with a stenosed segment between them. The vessels are disconnected from the aorta, enlarged with a patch of
pulmonary homograft, and then connected to the ascending aorta with an interposition shunt. This provides controlled flow
into the vessels and is readily accessible from midline sternotomy for future recruitment. (Color version of figure is available

pericardium, working over the top of the left atrium and into If no central platform can be created, then ipsilateral vessels can
the subcarinal space. There are vascular lymph nodes here that be joined together, sometimes with a homograft patch augmen-
can be carefully resected and this provides access to the poste- tation to create a ‘sump’ on each side. These 2 sumps can then
rior mediastinum where many of the MAPCAs can be found. be connected together with a tube graft (usually Gore-Tex, WL
Creating space around these vessels at preceding thoracotomy Gore, Newark, DE) and an RV-PA conduit is then connected to
can be very helpful in finding the vessels at this stage. Ideally, this graft (Fig. 9).
the origins of all important MAPCAs should be identified and Pulmonary homograft is our preferred material for patch re-
controlled before running onto cardiopulmonary bypass, after construction of the unifocalized vessels. Glutaraldehyde-
which each MAPCA is doubly ligated at their origin to stabilize treated native pericardium can be used as an alternative. Xenograft
bypass. patches can be used but they tend to be stiffer and liable to
Most of the reconstruction can usually be achieved on bypass kinking or creasing rather than taking on the natural curvature
with the heart beating. Vessels are controlled as distally as pos- of the vessels, and are more prone to degeneration and calcifi-
sible using either fine spring-loaded vascular clips (such as Yasargil, cation in the long-term. Conduits need to be strong enough to
Aesculap Inc, PA) or with fine vascular clamps for larger vessels. withstand high pressure, particularly if the VSD is to be left open.
Laying open the native PAs from hilum to hilum creates a plat- Even in the setting of a full repair, RV pressures may be rela-
form onto which additional MAPCAs can be joined into (Fig. 7), tively high postoperatively because of the nature of the vasculature,
even when they are very small. If they are absent, then the aim so strong conduits may still be preferable. We prefer a Dacron
is to bring together the largest MAPCAs from either side and anas- conduit such as Hancock (Medtronic Inc, Minneapolis, MN) or
tomose their posterior walls to create a new platform (Fig. 8). an aortic homograft.

Figure 7 Unifocalization. Example 1: (A) Native pulmonary arteries are fed by a large MAPCA arising from the descending aorta
(dual supply). A second MAPCA supplies the left upper lobe (LUL) territory, which does not connect with the native system
(lone supply). (B) Both MAPCAs have been ligated at their origins. The native vessels have been laid open widely out into
their branches. The MAPCA to the LUL has been mobilized, laid open, and connected into the native system. (C) The unifocalized
vessels have been reconstructed with a patch of pulmonary homograft. A defect is cut into this patch to receive a valved RV-
PA conduit. (Color version of figure is available online.)
70 D.J. Barron and P. Botha

Figure 8 Unifocalization. Example 2: (A) Three large MAPCAs supply the pulmonary vasculature. The lower right MAPCA has
dual supply with the diminutive native pulmonary arteries. (B) The diminutive intrapericardial vessels are too small to be of
use. The MAPCAs on both sides are disconnected from their origins, mobilized, and laid open. (C) Unifocalization is per-
formed on either side, enlarging the vessels with patches of pulmonary homograft. A Gore-Tex tube graft is then placed from
hilum-to-hilum, connecting the reconstructed vessels. A valved RV-PA conduit is then placed into the Gore-Tex tube. (Color
version of figure is available online.)

Results awaiting further recruitment (n = 6) or are unlikely to ever achieve

unifocalization because of poor vasculature (n = 19).
A total of 275 consecutive cases of pulmonary atresia with Within the group of 249 patients undergoing unifocalization,
MAPCAs presenting to Birmingham Children’s Hospital between the total in-hospital early mortality was 2.8%. Ten-year actuar-
1988 and 2016 have been reviewed. Unifocalization was achieved ial survival for this whole group was 93 ± 4% and 15-year actuarial
in 249 of the 275 patients (88%). The remaining group of 26 survival was 88 ± 9%. Combined thoracotomy and sternotomy
patients received only shunt-type procedures and are either approach was used in 63% of cases (158 of 249) and

Figure 9 Unifocalization. Example 3: (A) Four large MAPCAs supply the entire pulmonary vasculature. There are absent native
vessels. (B) The 4 MAPCAs are ligated at their origins, mobilized, and laid open. (C) The mobilized MAPCAs are then brought
together to create a central confluence. (D) The confluence is patched over with a pulmonary homograft and a valved RV-PA
conduit is then placed into the patch to complete the repair. (Color version of figure is available online.)
Approaches to Pulmonary Atresia With Major Aortopulmonary Collateral Arteries 71

Figure 10 Kaplan-Meier plot showing actuarial survival after unifocalization procedure for PA/VSD/MAPCAs. Survival is ana-
lyzed according to whether unifocalization was based on native pulmonary arteries only (green curve), a combination of native
pulmonary arteries and MAPCAs (orange line), or on exclusively MAPCAs (blue line). (Color version of figure is available online.)

sternotomy alone in the remaining 37% cases. An initial shunt native PA reconstruction and those with combination of native
procedure was performed in 129 cases (47%) before PAs and MAPCAs had very similar survival curves. The actuar-
unifocalization, of which 56 (22%) were a central AP-window ial survival of those patients with absent native pulmonary arteries
type of shunt to the native pulmonary arteries (Fig. 5). was lower than that of the other groups (80 ± 8% at 10 years)
Patients were categorized in 2 ways: but this did not reach statistical significance.
The VSD was left open at the initial procedure in 97 of 249
1. According to their pattern of pulmonary blood supply: patients (39%) and was subsequently closed in 46 of these pa-
those in whom unifocalization was achieved using native tients, leaving a group of 51 patients who have never had the
pulmonary artery system alone, those who had a mixture VSD closed (6 of these patients are still under review and are
of MAPCAs and native PA recruited to achieve predicted to achieve VSD closure in the future). Survival ac-
unifocalization, and those who had unifocalization based cording to VSD status is shown in Figure 11. There was no
exclusively on MAPCAs. difference in early mortality in relation to whether the VSD was
2. According to whether the VSD was closed at the initial closed at the time of unifocalization or not. Actuarial survival
procedure, closed at a subsequent procedure, or never was similar in those patients who had either complete initial repair
closed. or subsequent VSD closure. Those patients who never achieved
VSD closure have a significantly worse survival, with 10-year
The outcomes in relation to the pattern of pulmonary blood survival of 78% compared with 92% in those who have achieved
supply is shown in Figure 10. The most common groups were VSD closure (P = 0.003).
those with combined native PA and MAPCA unifocalization (119 In terms of surgical techniques, a total of 474 MAPCAs were
of 249, 48%) followed by those whose repair was based entire- recruited with a further 301 MAPCAs ligated (because of dual
ly on native PAs, ligating the feeding MAPCAs (72 of 249, 29%). supply) within the entire patient group. Pulmonary homograft
The least common groups were those with absent native PAs, patching was used exclusively as patch material for reconstruc-
in whom unifocalization was based entirely on the MAPCAs (58 tion. A hilum-to-hilum Gore-Tex tube graft was used to achieve
of 249, 24%). There was no statistical difference in early or late unifocalization in 63 patients (as in Fig. 9), usually after patch
survival between any of these groups. Patients with exclusively augmentation of the ipsilateral vessels as described previously.
72 D.J. Barron and P. Botha

Figure 11 Kaplan-Meier plot showing actuarial survival following unifocalization procedure for PA/VSD/MAPCAs. Survival is
analyzed according to whether the VSD was closed, either at the initial or subsequent procedures (green line)—or whether it
has been left open with a limiting RV-PA conduit (orange line). (Color version of figure is available online.)

The Hancock valved conduit was used in 90% of cases, includ- repair in 80%-90% of cases both in these results and in those
ing all those in which the VSD was left open. of the Stanford group.3,5,9
The Melbourne group has proposed a fundamentally differ-
ent approach to management described as a “rehabilitation”
strategy based entirely on the native pulmonary artery system.
Discussion This was based on their findings that, in a series of 60 unifocalized
Surgical management of pulmonary atresia with MAPCAs has MAPCAS,12 26 vessels had thrombosed and 12 had stenoses of
transformed the prognosis for this complex condition, but the >50% at a mean of 3.4 years. Only in patients presenting heart
timing and approach to surgery are still in evolution. There is failure (approximately 11% of their cohort) is unifocalization and
undoubtedly a move toward earlier surgery and the impor- single stage complete repair are undertaken. This strategy has
tance on aiming to achieve unifocalization early, so as to secure resulted in complete repair in 73% of patients, with median PA
as much pulmonary vasculature as possible. The relationship of pressure of 0.52 (2). Mortality was 10% with no cardiac-
the MAPCAs to the native pulmonary artery system is funda- related deaths. Other centers have reported achieving complete
mental to the success of the surgical approach and has generated repair in 60% of patients with this strategy, although RV/LV pres-
much debate, with some authors suggesting that there is no sure ratio was greater than 0.5 in more than half the patients,
benefit in recruiting MAPCAs.11 There is no doubt that the native which may result in long-term detriment to right ventricular
pulmonary artery system provides the best substrate for function.13
unifocalization and reconstruction and should always be used The nature of the unifocalization procedure has varied between
if possible. However, our results demonstrate that it is essential centers, but in our view should be taken to mean simultane-
to recruit MAPCAs that do not collateralize with the native system ous amalgamation of all MAPCAs (to areas without dual supply)
to achieve best results. Furthermore, up to a fifth of these pa- together with the native pulmonary arteries plus the relief of ste-
tients have complete absence of intrapericardial native pulmonary noses in all surgically accessible vessels with patch enlargement
arteries, and unifocalization is dependent on MAPCA recruit- using pulmonary artery homograft. This is very much in line
ment in these cases.4,5 Using these strategies has achieved complete with the management strategies promoted by the Stanford group,
Approaches to Pulmonary Atresia With Major Aortopulmonary Collateral Arteries 73

who have the largest experience in the world (over 450 cases) One major aspect of this condition that is not covered in this
and outstanding outcomes, with 57% of patients undergoing study is the burden of reintervention. Even accounting for the
unifocalization and complete repair in a single procedure, and inevitable conduit revisions in growing children, these vessels
90% of patients ultimately achieving VSD closure.5,9 This has been frequently have abnormal branching patterns within the lung
achieved with mean RV/LV pressure ratio of 0.41 ± 0.12 through that may need serial dilatations or even stenting. The artificial
meticulous incorporation of all useful native tissue to the pul- materials used and the multiple suture lines are prone to fibro-
monary vascular bed through unifocalization, typically undertaken sis and distortion that may also require interventional cardiology
between 3 and 6 months of age. With either the rehabilitation support and further reoperations.21 Future management needs
or unifocalization strategies, it would therefore seem that early to examine whether these reinterventions can be minimized and
intervention is key, in the former, by early central shunt to maxi- it would be hoped that, as surgical strategies evolve to earlier
mize native PA growth, or in the latter, to remove MAPCAs from and more complete unifocalization, the pulmonary vasculature
the systemic circulation before the onset of pulmonary vascu- can be better preserved and protected at a younger age.
lar disease in these vessels.14
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whether or not the VSD can be closed include more detailed mea- 11. Nørgaard MA, Alphonso N, Cochrane AD, et al: Major aorto-
surement total pulmonary artery size, such as Nakata index,16 or pulmonary collateral arteries of patients with pulmonary atresia
performing flow studies intraoperatively. There is evidence that and ventricular septal defect are dilated bronchial arteries. Eur J
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12. d’Udekem Y, Alphonso N, Nørgaard MA, et al: Pulmonary atresia
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74 D.J. Barron and P. Botha

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