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Chapter 1.

Introduction to the 21 Century Literacies st

Let us get started: List as many words that you think describes a 21 century teacher

 Flexible  Resourceful
 Adaptive  Sociable
 Creative  Observer
 Knowledgeable  Disciplined
 Has the ability to use technology  Technology Wise
 Hands on  Smart
 Critical thinker  Eager to learn/discover new things
 Innovative  Innovator

How about a description of the 21 Century Learning Environment?


An ideal 21st Century Learning environment depicts advance learning materials,

enhanced skills, higher level of the learner’s thinking, pervasive learning and sociable
students and teachers.

Advance Learning Materials includes computers with internet connection,

presentation devices such as projector, LCD or plasma TV, cameras, learners
individualized response devices for formative assessments and individualized
instructions, printers, audio system, flash drives, software, and many other devices
needed to suffice a learner’s need to reach higher level of education. Online tools may
include a discussion forum, file exchange, email, online journal/blog, real‐time chat,
interactive whiteboard, bookmarks, calendar, search tool, group work, electronic
portfolio, registration integration, hosted services, quizzes/surveys, marking
tools/gradebook, student tracking, content sharing, and an object repository, amongst
other tool offerings

But of course, it is not all about the gadgets and modern tools, it also includes the teacher
and student’s skills, ability and knowledge. We need to obtain this three to be able to use the
equipment effectively, because even if we have all of these materials if we have no idea how to
use it, it will be useless.

What literacy to you is most essential? Why? Explain your point.

 Civic Literacy, because it refers to the knowledge to and skills we need to improve our
lives, and how to participate and contribute effectively in their community, and to
connect with others. For me this is the most essential because as they say no man is an
island. So we need to make connections to others, in this way we can be a useful citizen
in our community. Being able to contribute for the betterment of others can give
fulfillment in our lives.

What should your College do to prepare you to face the global community? Explain providing
specific examples.
 Our college should help us to develop our social skills so we can get along with others.
They can give us activities where group work is needed to fulfill activities. They can also
form events where us students are involved so we can get along with others and build
connections to our fellow students

Evaluation: Multiple Choice: Read through the statements and circle the correct answer for each
1. Which literacy is called for when a learner can read and write?
A. Comprehension Literacy C. Functional literacy
B. Basic literacy D. Social Literacy
2. Which literacy should you as Second year students expected to manifest?
A. Comprehension Literacy C. Functional literacy
B. Basic literacy D. Social Literacy
3. When a child is taught only to memorize over understanding and application, what
literacy is developed?
A. Comprehension Literacy
B. Basic Literacy C. Functional literacy
4. Which changes in the 21st century brought about the rise of new literacies?
A. Communication with other people from diverse cultures
B. Coming in of robots to take the place of people in industries
C. Increased use of social media to communicate with others
D. Faster communication in the world of work.
5. As Pre-service teachers, what new literacies should you be mastering to be competitive in
the global community?
A. Metacognitive strategies
B. Basic literacies
C. Learning the social skills
D. Comprehension literacies
II. Essay:
1. As a college student, what strategies will you personally do to equip yourself with the
new literacies and to be able to cope with the challenges of the time?
Today new literacies keep popping up as people’s lives transforms into more
advanced lifestyle. As it changes or adds up we must also learn to go with the flow or to
cope up with it.
Some of my strategies as a college student, I will train myself to be adaptive and
flexible through continuous reading and comprehending new knowledge from books,
publications and other readable materials where I can gain information from. Also by
gaining new technological skills through practicing and enhancing the skills I already
have. I can also ask advices and ideas to other experts or people who have more
experience and knowledge about the new literacies. I can apply my gained knowledge in
my daily life to have a better lifestyle.
Being able to understand and apply properly the existing and new literacies will
help me to solve problems that will come and provide effective remedies.

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