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april 2017

dust monthly
The Dust Monthly Crew .................................................................................3
The First Blood.................................................................................................5
Updated Forums............................................................................................19
Sailors out of Marines.....................................................................................20
Immobilized ...................................................................................................27
Sands of Babylon.............................................................................................39
Target of Opportunity ...................................................................................52
Painting Challenge...........................................................................................54
The Tulcin Incident.........................................................................................70
Building It........................................................................................................87
Dust Community............................................................................................93

dust monthly
The Dust Monthly Crew
This issue of DUST Monthly Magazine
was brought to you by:
Editor in Chief
Joe McLaughlin

Krzysztof Kaczurba
Joel Hillhouse
Daniel Woodley
Bob Sennick
Eric L Johnson

Names and artwork are © 2015 Dust Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Dust Tactics, Dust Tactics: Battlefield & Dust Warfare and their logos are trademarks of
Dust Ltd.
Images and trademarks used with permission.

dust monthly
Last month, my local gaming group was returning from Dust World Expo. We had just
spent about three days of nonstop gaming. We had spent the previous weeks play testing
scenarios and getting our armies painted. We had practiced with various army
combinations to get ready for the tournament. Patrick Doty himself had spent countless
hours before and during Dust World Expo to make the event a success.

We were driving eleven hours back home, and we were tired. While stopping for lunch
we discussed what activities we would be doing in the upcoming weeks, from a gaming
perspective. We all agreed that we needed a break from Dust and we would take some
time off.

That lasted about a week.

The DWE event had us all so fired up about the game, and Paolo’s presentation about
upcoming releases refueled our enthusiasm for the game. In the past month, we have
gotten several new people introduced to our local gaming group and brought back some
familiar faces.

Patrick Doty, our resident game master, who had sworn to take a break from Dust after all
the work on Operation Kondor for DWE, was already working on his next big idea:
redoing the Zverograd campaign. We just started this campaign and we are all very
enthusiastic for it. I’ll be covering more about this campaign, and Patrick’s unique
campaign rules, in next month’s magazine.

This month, we have some great articles on painting and a few custom scenarios. We also
have a report of another Zverograd campaign out of Europe. As always, I hope you enjoy
the magazine.

Joe McLaughlin
April 2017

dust monthly

Send your submissions or ideas to:

dust monthly
The First Blood
By Krzysztof Kaczurba

the Tarmac Avenue Battle by Krzysztof Kaczurba (


I have published the new battle report on my blog mid of the February
2017. I have prepared it only in Polish, thus I thought that it would to publish in the Dust
Monthly translated version with some bonuses and additional comments Monthly
specially for you my Dust Friends J .

Dust1947 Zverograd Campaing

This report was about the battle which I attended under “Dust1947 Zverograd
Campaing”. Before I will go to the battle report let me write few words about campaign.
It was organized by Marcin Jakubczyk from Poland Dust Team to boost our local
community and motivate players to be more active. Aim of the campaing is domination
in Zverograd. Marcin devided Zverograd city in almost 30 sectors. At the begging part of
the city was controlled by AXIS, SSU and ALLIES, but part of sectors were out of control
of any fraction.

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To achieve ambitious target we have to play a number of battles. Each battle is about gaining
control over next sector in Zverograd. Marcin proposed rules concerning army (max. 125
points) and map creation (e.g. different rules for urban and forest sectors). Moreover he
prepared dedicated maps for special sectors and special events which may change global
rules each week (e.g. Lack of fuel which impacts on availability of big vehicles, the weather
conditions, etc..). We like his concept and now at least few battles in week are conducted
under “Dust1947 Zverograd Campaign” scenarios.

Special Scenario – the Tarmac Avenue Battle

Battle report is about one of these battles which based on special scenario. It’s called “the
Tarmac Avenue Battle”. The Tarmac Avenue is main highway in the city. Fraction which
control this avenue can easily attack east and south sectors of Zverograd.

Because it’s the strategic location fractions can use bigger 200 points forces. The sector looks
like the highway with four building on both sides and just a few trees. Each opponent can
place on green fields of the battlefield 1 anti-tank trap, 1 infantry cover, 1 minefield, 1 barbed
wire. Players start from opposite narrower edges. The winner has to control more buildings
at the end of the 8 turn. If opponents control these same number of buildings than battle win
the player who eliminates more army points of the counter-partner army.

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Axis send the 1st Mix Grenadier Battalion to take control over the Tarmac Avenue. The
headquarter expected that this cheeky move may open direct access to attack south sectors
controlled by SSU (incl. SSU HQ sector at the end of map).

But HQ made mistake cause AXIS intelligence reported presence of regular red army and
some airborne components.
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Taking into account this information the battalion were organized into three infantry
companies and one mix fire support company. Additionally the fighter-bombing pack were
assigned to the battalion to secure air superiority. Structure of the 1st Mix Grenadier Battalion:

1st Company Manfred

Lieutenant Colonel Manfred Kreuzer, Sturmgrenadier Command Squad, Sturmgrenadier

Recon Squad, Sturmgrenadier Recon Squad, Sturmgrenadier Tank Hunter Squad,
Sturmgrenadier Observer Squad

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2nd Company Lara

Lieutenant Lara Walter, Heavy Grenadier Command Squad, Heavy Grenadier Anti-

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Aircraft Squad, Heavy Grenadier Anti-Tank Squad, Heavy Grenadier Assault Squad

3rd Mercenary Company Tanya

Sister Tatyana Fedorova, Mercenary Cleaning Team, Nurse Emma Donovan, Wrecker

4th Fire Support Company

Herman, Lothar, Nadya (captured vehicle)

Fighter-Bombing Pack Imperator

HO-357 VII Blitz, HO-347 IV Falke

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Axis was totally surprised when the forefront of Grenadier battalion spotted Steel Guards
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and Red Guards veterans with strong heavy support. Axis had to fight with the best SSU
units which were available in Zverograd. Following units were led by Piotr and his “Winter
Child” Superhero:

Winter Child, Nurse Emma, Koshka, Red Yana, Matrioshka, Matrioshka, Nadya, Natalya,
Mikhail, Red Army Battle Squad,

Red Guards: Red Guard Command Squad, Red Guard Anti-tank Squad, Red Guard
Assault Squad, Red Guard Assault Squad,

Steel Guards: Guai-Lo, Steel Guard Command Squad, Steel Guards Assualt Squad, Steel
Guards Snipers Squad, Steel Guards Snipers Squad, Steel Guards Anti-Tank Squad, Steel
Guard Tesla Squad.

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april 2017
The First Turn - Reconnaissance

Grenadiers started the battle despite of unpleasant surprise. After the first turn both armies
created front line for further actions. SSU consolidated the most of units in the middle of
avenue and left flank, while Axis tried to stretch line on both flanks. To avoid any long
distance attack by Matrioshka walkers Grenadiers used three smokescreens.

dust monthly april 2017
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The Second Turn – Planes Assault

Axis decided to stop march of SSU Guards using air superiority. Both machines, Blitz and
Falke, were involved into this mission. Blitz were focused on attack Nadya walker when
Falke used all bombs and machine guns to eliminate Guai-Lo hero.

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Unfortunately both attacks weren’t so successful as it was expected. Falke was quite close
but Guai-Lo still had one life point and Steel Guard Commando Squad wasn’t even scratch.
Blitz attack brought only one successful unsaved hit which was definitely not enough to stop

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This Axis action only slowed down march of Guard forces and Grenadiers were able to gain
additional two buildings. Steel Guards and Winter Child answered on Axis move, both
planes were shoot down and Grenadiers lost tactical advantage.

Moreover Grenadier Officer had no luck and failed all officer „Get Moving You Bunch of
Monkeys” actions. It turned out very critical for upcoming actions.
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Third Turn - Manfred Suicide Mission

Steel Guards started the third turn with taking next building. That was moment when SSU
and AXIS forces stood directly opposite each other. Manfred found the way how to an-
swer on this situation. Together with Recon Grenadiers, using “Move&Fire” ability, he
assaulted next building and eliminated Red Guards Assault Squad and one of Matriosh-

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That was very risky action, cause his team was at the first line without any support. He got
a few blows but stayed on position. It was mistake, rather than withdraw and use Emma to
cure the unit, their stayed there for certain death. That’s how Axis lost the first assault team.

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Mine while smokescreens disappeared and Wrecker was visible for SSU walkers without
any cover. It was eliminated after one salvo of the second Matrioshka. The Recon Grenadiers
answered it using all Panzerfausts and Matrioshka exploded as well. Nevertheless Steel
Guards moved forward despite the exchange of blows.

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Another attempt to stop Steel Guards was assault led by Lara and Heavy Assault Grenadiers.
This action were supported by captured Nadya. Nadya frightened little but walker was
eliminated by SSU Natalya, whereas Lara with her team stormed inside building with Steel
Guards, eliminated Sniper team and heavily wounded Anti-Tank team. Axis still had a hope
to win…
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Fourth turn – the God of War

SSU again had initiative. Winter Child attacked Lara Team and Axis squad had to move
back. Heavily wounded team was attacked again by Steel Guard Assault team. The answer
came immediately and Anti-Aircraft Heavy Grenadiers kill all Steel Guard Assault soldiers.
Unfortunately at this moment Natalya assaulted rest of Lara team and eliminated the second
core assault unit of Axis.

Offensive operation led by Tanya was the last significant action conducted by Axis forces
during this battle. Despite of high determination there was no possible to regain the
initiative. Tanya had to withdraw. After withdraw of Tanya team I had a chance to use
Emma medic abilities. She is good !!! Very useful hero who will be used very often
during my next battles.

dust monthly april 2017
dust monthly
During the fourth turn Axis finally used artillery but without any significant success.
Moreover Axis HQ had some potential for additional skirmishes but strategic position was
unfavorable. Realistic perspective was the crushing Axis units by Winter Child, Gaui-Lo,
the rest of Steel Guards and Red Guards units. In such a case Axis Headquarter decided to
withdraw the rest of forces from the Tarmac Avenue which is now under elite SSU Guards

There is no discussion, there is only one the God of War !!!

april 2017

Conclusions & lessons learn

That was one of the best battle, which I ever played. First of all I like games when both
players play fair-play with full respect and friendship climate, and that’s always when I play
with Piotr (Our SSU Master). We had lots of fun that February evening. I thank you for this
opportunity and look forward another challenges.

Dust 1947, especially with bigger army sets opens new possibilities. Both armies had
different components and at least two platoons. For sure it impacted on whole game, some
surprising cases and plot twists. Of course it wasn’t my perfect game concerning strategical
and tactical moves but it’s only game J

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At the end I have listed the lessons learnt conclusions:

· Sometimes it’s good to withdraw unit in aim to heal or repair. Manfred could
make more if he would stay longer.

· If you play against Steel Guards don’t distracting fire. Both planes should attack
Guai-Lo to eliminate him.

· Emma is great and very useful hero.

· Smokescreens are very important, they can changed battlefield. It’s worth to use it
and be ready to use again after two turns.

· I recommend Axis Sturmgrenadiers and Heavy Grenadiers platoons if you play

more than 100 points. Higher probability to reactive unit in these platoons rebal-
ancing cost of units versus cheap but less protected Specnaz, NDAK, etc…

· Always batter is to have several alternative scenarios for your forces on table. I
couldn’t use Lothar artillery so I placed smokescreens where it was possible.

· Dust 1947 is much more advanced vs. Dust Tactics and much more attractive with
several additional elements like platoons, fractions, special rules, etc. I’m pretty
sure that now it’s game for table-top maniacs and casual player like me as well.

april 2017
I hope you like this article. If you have any suggestions or comments don’t hesitate to
contact with me via my blog Facebook profile
( ) or email ( )


dust monthly
Updated Forums
By Joe McLaughlin

We have had the Dust Monthly Forum up for several months now. A few months ago, the site began
getting a lot of spam attention, both in the form of a deluge of membership requests and in
inappropriate content being posted. Keeping up with this spam was becoming a serious challenge for
me, as I was also busy working on the magazine and several other projects.

Fortunately, I was rescued by a fellow member of our Dust Community.

Magnus, who goes by MaGoff on the forums, reached out to me and offered assistance. He had done
some work on setting up other forums, such as the Dust Vikings forum, and was familiar with the
forum software and spam prevention. I readily accepted his offer for assistance and granted him admin
privileges and freedom to make whatever changes he liked.

Magnus did a great job. He cleaned up the spam and eliminated the constant bombardment of
spammed membership requests. He also changed the layout of the page to something more appropriate
for color blind challenged users. Finally, he added an event calendar and a photo gallery.

We are going to continue to add more content and material to the forums and Magnus definitely helped
me get the forum out of a slump. Thank you Magnus for a great job and I hope all of you reading this
take an opportunity to check out the updated forums.

The forums are available at:

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By the way, you can hear Magnus on the Dust War Chronicles podcast, which just released its fifth

dust monthly
Sailors out of Marines
By Joel Hillhouse

Dixie cups made easy

I know the title sounds a bit like an episode from a cooking show

When I started working on my USMC I had decided I wanted a few Seabees and a
Corpsman represented in my force. Historically they would wear the same gear as
Marines and for the most part indistinguishable but I was going for a comic book look so
I wanted the sailors to look like Sailors therefore they needed their iconic Dixie cup hats.
Looking around online I was unable to find any sailors in 1:48 scale to pilfer the heads
from for conversions. The only thing left to do was make my own, so it was off to get
the green stuff and sculpting tools.

The basics of how I do my head swaps can be found in the September 2016 issue of Dust
Monthly. I also won't be going into the basics of working with green stuff since there are
plenty of videos and guides to be found online using a little Googl-Fu but for those of
you already familiar with the tools, let's get cracking.

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Step A) roll a little ball of green stuff about the size of the top of the head.

Step B) Flatten the little ball of green stuff over his head and roll it down over the top of
the forehead and down the back and sides a bit. You want to wind to with it appearing to
have a bowl haircut and looking like Moe from The 3 Stooges. Don't worry about it being
a little too thick on the sides or down too far as we’ll be trimming it later. Leave the green
stuff to sit for 5 minutes or so to set up a little

Step C) Now that it's set up a bit smooth the surface with a little water. Then using a
sculpting tool (or Xacto knife or needle) lightly scribe lines into the top to represent the
seams of the hat dividing it into evenly spaced wedges, and up near the top of each wedge
poke it to represent the vent holes. Then set it aside to finish curing, you want to make sure
that it won't still be a little soft and mush up your work so far I usually let it set for at least
12-24 hours.

Step D) one the green stuff has completely cured take your hobby knife and trim the GS
around the sides, front and back almost flush with the head. You may also want to neaten
up any bits that went too far down.

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Step E) roll out a ribbon of green stuff on a smooth surface with just the tiniest bit of
Vaseline to keep it from sticking. Make sure not to get it on the upper surface since you
want this to be a little tacky to attach to the upper part of the hat, I only use a tiny bit of
water for this. Cut the ribbon into lengths long enough to wrap around the head without to
much overlap on the ends.

Pictures E-F) Using your tools blend the two ends together and then flatten and smooth
the rest of the brim of the hat. Use a flat edge to go around the top and smooth it out. Last
go around the top and make sure there is a separation between the brim and the top like in
picture H. Any minor imperfections and corrections can be sanded later after the green
stuff has hardened.
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When that's all done all that's left is to pop the head on the figure and paint it up.

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USN Corpsman Brian Sherry with his warface on ;)

dust monthly
A Custom Scenario by Joe McLaughlin


There was a major armored battle all day yesterday and into the night. The battle
dragged on for hours until both sides withdrew from the battlefield with no clear victor.
Your infantry company has received distress calls from friendly vehicles that are
trapped, immobilized on the battlefield. They report enemy infantry with anti-tank
teams in the vicinity. They also report several enemy vehicles likewise immobilized in
the area.

Your orders are to enter the battlefield and defend your friendly vehicles while
destroying as many immobilized enemy vehicles as possible.


Each player has two friendly vehicles on the map which are immobilized. Similarly, the
enemy has two immobilized vehicles on the map. The objective is to protect the friendly
vehicles while destroying the enemy’s disabled vehicles.

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Force Selection:

· Each player will choose 100 points for his force, plus any bonuses for a faction

· Players cannot have aircraft in their list.

· Each player must have exactly two vehicles in his army list. This can be any vehi-
cle (including captured vehicles) except for vehicles with command abilities or

· Aside from the two vehicles, the remainder of the list must be infantry, of any

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april 2017
Victory Conditions:

· If one player destroys both of his opponent’s vehicles, and still has one of his vehi­
cles operational, he immediately wins the game.

· If the game goes to turn eight and both players have vehicles still on the table, then
victory is calculated by adding up unit points. Each player calculates his victory
points by doing the following:

o Add up the value of all surviving friendly vehicles.

o Add up the value of all destroyed enemy vehicles.

· The player with the highest victory point score wins the game.

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Special Rules:

The vehicles in this scenario are all immobilized due to damage. The crews have done
field repairs to get them back to full hit points and all weapons are operational.

It is not possible to “fix” the vehicles to make them mobile again.

If a vehicle takes damage and becomes immobilized due to this damage, ignore the result,
but do not reroll for a new result.

The vehicles can still take turns, but obviously can only take attack actions.

Vehicles are still affected by under fire, suppression, stunned, etc.

Designer Notes:

Since this is supposed to take place after a major vehicle battle, use other vehicles as
destroyed vehicle terrain pieces. These destroyed vehicles will have no game impact, but
be simply terrain pieces for aesthetics.

Force selection is going to play an important part of this scenario. One player might
select to minimize his vehicle choices so that he can maximize his infantry footprint. An
Allied player might select two Wildfires as his two vehicles. At 7 points apiece, he still
has 86 points for infantry.
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However, the Axis player might pick a Hanomag (5 points) and a Konigsluther (20
points). He only has 75 points for infantry, but he has a tremendous advantage in the
game. At the start of the game, he’s winning 25 to 14. (Adding the cost of his surviving
walkers) Even if the allies destroy the Hanomag, he’s still winning 20 to 19. All he
really has to do is sit back and defend his Konigsluther.

If the Allied player changed one of his vehicles from a Wildfire to a Pounder, he would
start the game losing at 25 to 20. However, now all he needs to do is destroy the
Hanomag (or the Konigsluther) to win the game.

dust monthly
Battle Report by Daniel Woodley

This scenario is very interesting as it places a big restraint on army selection and forces
you to make an important choice, how many points to commit to your immobilised
vehicles. One strategy is to opt for very low AP vehicles, allowing you to field a large

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infantry force in order to overrun your opponent. The danger of this strategy is that if
your opponent does come within range or your vehicles they will likely be destroyed
very easily.

Alternatively, by committing a lot of your AP to the vehicles you can ensure that they
are far harder to destroy, but that's going to leave you with less infantry to work with and
a lot of points invested in vehicles that may not directly participate in the action.

Pre Battle Axis - Graystoak

I opted to invest my points in one large and one medium vehicle. I also took the
opportunity to field two walkers that I had not used before but felt would be able to
defend themselves well against the inevitable waves of infantry that they would be

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With this strategy in mind my first choice was the Sturmkonig.
It's high output against infantry combined with the 'Advanced Reactive Fire' rule should
allow it to defend itself against units attempting to engage it.
It's expensive at 22 points but the cost may be a benefit if I keep it alive!

For my second vehicle I selected the Flakluther. For a reasonable 15 points this vehicle has
decent armour, can take a fair amount of damage and will be putting out a lot of dice
against any infantry who try to engage it.

I based my infantry selection around my usual Sturmgrenadier platoon as I knew that

every unit would be capable of targeting the enemy armour if required, and I felt that their
platoon advantage of a free reactivation attempt might come in handy. I also added a
Heavy assault Grenadier squad to defend my walkers from the waves of Soviet infantry I
would be facing. As all of my units are from the Wehrmacht I also gained the 10% Hero
bonus which I used to include my favourite hero, Manfred.

My strategy was to play the long game. I would deploy in a refused flank formation with
one of my walkers tucked as far into a corner as I could get it and the other positioned the
minimum 24" away covering the far flank. The infantry would deploy defensively around
and between the two walkers.
If Fil advanced his infantry towards me I would target them from my defensive position
where my range advantage would quickly tell on his units. Once I had softened up his in-
fantry I would advance my own in order to deal with his vehicles as necessary.

This strategy would rely on my opponent having to come to me early on and by investing a

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large chunk of points in my vehicles this was a likely possibility. However, having played
Fil for many years, one thing I know is that he is something of a 'Tread Head'. My concern
was that Fil might opt for two Super Heavy Tanks and that their combined cost would be
greater than the cost of my own vehicles. In this instance I would be forced to go to him in
order to win victory points. For this eventuality I had a plan B.

If the SSU didn't come to me then Manfred and the Sturmpionere would go to them. This
unit/hero combination is a favourite of mine. The 'at the double' rule allows for rapid
redeployment, ensuring the unit can get into a position where they pose the maximum
threat. Once positioned Manfred's 'move and fire' skill combined with 'fighting spirit'
allows you to get the drop on your opponent and hit them hard. Four Panzerfaust and, if it
gets into range, a flamethrower, will make short work of any vehicle, even a super heavy

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Sturmgrenadier Platoon

Manfred (free -9)

Command Squad - 12 (Platoon Leader)

Recon Squad - 10
Recon Squad - 10
Tank Hunter Squad - 8
Engineer Squad - 9
Heavy Assault Squad - 14

Jagdloki - 15
Sturmkonig - 22

Pre Battle SSU - Fil

So, for the first time my regular playing partner and I are going to try a new mission
created by the editor of this very magazine, Joe McLaughlin. Aving read through the brief
a couple of times I felt that I would struggle a bit with this one as my troop based anti-
tank weaponry is quite short range.

I first started with my choice of vehicles. I always have at least one Natasha in my lists,
always. This time, seeing as I was limited to 2 immobilised vehicles that had to survive
the whole game, I thought I’d look elsewhere. I started by looking at IS tanks. The IS-5A
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Mao tank seemed like a very good choice, rolling lots of dice in attack but what drew me
to it was the advanced reactive fire and of course damage resilience. However 22 points
was a lot to sink into an immobilised vehicle and I wasn’t sure I would be getting LOS.
For my other vehicle choice I decided to stick with my fateful Natasha. So 31 points on
vehicles on to the troops.

Here I started by making a quick list of all the troop choices I owned, I also had an idea
to try and fit a platoon in somewhere. I quickly realised that I didn’t have enough troops
in any faction for the 10% bonus without using more vehicles than allowed. I started by
added my normal first choice units, a command squad, 2 close combat squads and a
battle squad, 32 points. I had a quick glance at the Steel guard, I have multiple units and I
have been itching to use them, however not only are they high in points but their special
rule is not really necessary on a cover heavy board. So I had a good long look at the
platoon rules and came across the Red Guard Platoon. 3 turns of “wave attack”, yes
please. A command squad, 2 anti-tank squads and an assault squad were jotted down,
also 32 points in all!

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So totalling up I’d spent 93 points, almost there. Then, I had a thought. I didn’t really have
a lot of anti-armour options. The only troop units I had left were Spetsnaz. I then
remembered that it would be a cover heavy board, great for solder 1’s. So I had a look at
the cards, anti-armour weapons everywhere. A kill squad weighed in at 7 points, perfect.
But what about the anti-tank squad and the Saboteur squad, seemed a bit of a shame to
leave them out. Hmmm!

At this point I must confess I opened a cool beer and stared at my list for a good 15
minutes trying to form a tactic in my head and all I could think is how on earth am I going
to be able to hide a IS tank from Graystoak’s vehicles and could I justify spending 22
points on an immobilised vehicle, albeit a tough one. So, just to put my mind at ease I
swapped out the Mao for a second Natasha to see what else I could get. This freed up 13
points, hang about, how much did those 2 Spetsnaz squads come to, 13 points you say,

So repeating my last I opened another beer and had a think on a plan. I felt much better
with the second list and a plan quickly formed. The 2 command squads would move to
within range 1 of the vehicles, from here I could repair them if needed between issuing
orders. The rest of my army would rush forward and move past my vehicles to attack the
enemy, using as much cover as possible. My plan is not to engage the vehicles at first but
Graystoak’s troops, I should massively outnumber him, once I have slowed his advance,
hopefully I’ll have enough left to deal with the immobilised tank objectives.

Here is my list in full.

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2 Kv­47 Natasha’s​​ ­ 18

Red Guard Command squad​​ ­ 11​

2 Anti­tank squads ­ ​14
1 Assault squad ­ ​7

Red Army command squad​​ ­ 10

2 Close combat squads ­ ​16
Battle squad​​ ­ 6

Spetsnaz Saboteur squad​​ ­ 5

Spetsnaz Kill squad​​ ­ 7
Spetsnaz Anti­tank squad ­ ​6

Once we had exchanged Army lists a couple of things became apparent. Firstly Fil’s units
outnumbered me almost two to one! This meant that, secondly, I would be playing plan A
after all. I would also be saying “pass” a lot!

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While the sheer amount of infantry I would be facing was daunting, the SSU’s ability to
destroy armour 5 & 6 walkers was limited. Fil would have to throw his units into the meat
grinder in order to get the few units that could harm my vehicles, close enough to do so.
My Sturmkonig alone was worth more than the two SSU walkers combined. Fil would
either need to kill it or kill the Jagdloki without losing either of his Natasha's. This
seemed like a tall order so long as I kept my cool and prioritised the Sturmkonigs


I won the initiative roll and decided to choose table edge and deploy first, placing the
Sturmkonig as far into the left corner as I was able. This position gave me quite a good
firing line, forcing Fil to deploy his Natashas further away. After he had placed his first
vehicle far on the left I placed the Jagdloki in my centre before Fil placed the 2nd Natasha
right of his centre.
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Turn 1

The game began with Axis holding the initiative but I passed as many times as I could to
see where the SSU would position their units before committing my own.

The Spetsnaz units, accompanied by one of the Red Guard Anti-tank squads, pushed down
the SSU left flank in order to manoeuvre around the Jagdloki's fire arch.
The Red Guard Assault squad and one of the Fakyeli moved to the forest concealing the
Natasha on the SSU right while the rest of the SSU units positioned themselves in the
centre of these two groups.

Seeing this deployment the Axis clustered around the Jagdloki as it was clear that it would april 2017
bear the brunt of the SSU assault.
One of the Recon units screened the Sturmkonig and Manfred positioned himself behind
the forest along with the Sturmpionere, from where they could react to any SSU units that
broke cover.

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Red Army Command entered the field and attempted to reactivate the central Red
Thunder Unit but failed. Axis Command move on behind the Jagdloki, injecting move
stimulants into the Heavy
Assault Grenadiers. The last unit to enter the battlefield was the Red Guard Command.
Moving onto the SSU left flank and also attempting to reactivate the Red Thunder unit, to
no avail.

Turn 2
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Winning initiative again the Axis made a series of passes, leaving the SSU to reposition
their troops in preparation for a push on the Axis position in turn three.

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The Red Army Assault squad (aka Fakyeli), in the centre pushed into the forest ahead of
the Axis position drawing fire from the Jagdloki. Two troopers went down to the sustained

Red Army Command immediately reactivated the wounded squad who rushed from the
forest to engage the Sturmgrenadier assault squad. The Axis unit were ready for such an
attack, reacting with one action they wiped out the remaining three troopers.
The Red Guard Assault squad (aka Red Storm), now advanced through the wooded area
into firing positions to target the Heavy Assault Grenadiers but were unable to penetrate
their thick armour. The return fire from the Axis elites caused a whopping 21 hits, 17 of
which were saved by cover! This took down four of the infantrymen but due to the Red
Guard Platoon advantage two replacement troopers immediately joined the unit to bring
them back to a total of three.
Now Battle was joined the Red Guard Command squad ordered the Anti Tank squad in the
centre to "Get Moving...". They advanced to the tree line and fired on the Jagdloki and the
Recon squad, killing three of the Grenadiers but missing both shots on the walker.

The Recon squad were ordered to activate again by Axis Command and returned fire.
After cover saves they only caused a single wound but once again a replacement
infantryman stepped up thanks to the SSU Platoon Advantage.

Manfred move his unit to fire on the troublesome Red Thunder squad again but only man-
aged a single kill.

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As the final action of the turn the remaining Fakyeli unit ran from the forest to stand
behind the rocky outcrop right in front of the Axis position!

Turn 3

Fil's last move had been bold but it paid off as the SSU won initiative. The Fakyeli sustain
fired on the Axis Heavy Assault Grenadiers who were not in cover from their position.
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They were wiped out.

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Concerned that the unit would reactivate Manfred moved the Sturmpionere to torch the
unit, killing them to a man. This move however took the Axis hero out of cover which
would prove to be a fatal mistake. Activating the Red Thunder unit Fil sustain fired on the
Jagdloki, which saved the hit against it and Manfred's unit, killing all but one of the
troopers and leaving Manfred on his last wound.

The remaining Recon Grenadiers fired on the Red Guard again to no avail. With the most
dangerous of the Axis units disabled the SSU began to close in, drawing the Recon
Grenadiers assigned to the Sturmkonig into the fight in order to wipe out the Red Storm,
only to be wiped out by the Red Army Battle Squad.

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Turn 4

Though the Axis manage to win initiative the situation was looking dire. The Jagdloki
activated first and finally killed the Red Thunder squad that had caused so much trouble to
the Axis lines. The Red Army Battle squad managed to draw a line on Manfred removing
his final wound while the Sturmgrenadier units did their best to take down the advancing
enemy. The Spetsnaz Anti Tank squad entered the forest previously occupied by the Red
Thunder and fire all five of their RPG's at the Jagdloki. Fortunately for the Axis walker
they only score a single hit which causes four points of damage to the walker. The second
Red Thunder squad and Spetsnaz Kill Squad now rush in, adding their Bazookas and
RPG's to the barrage.

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The Sturmgrenadier command squad are forced to repair the walker as best they can and
it ends the turn with just two points of damage remaining.

Turn 5

Winning initiative the SSU descend on the Axis, destroying the Jagdloki, Recon and Tank
Hunter Grenadiers. With the Axis in an unenviable position and closing time fast
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approaching, we end the game on an SSU victory.

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Well that didn't exactly go according to plan! Leaving both my Heavy Assault Grenadiers
and Manfred's unit out of cover cost me dearly. The amount of dice the SSU are able to put
out of even an Anti Tank unit is more than a match for the Axis infantry.
Once my two star units were gone I lost the mobility and range that I needed to respond to
the tide of SSU infantry. The Red Guard Platoon advantage also worked very well for Fil,
saving him at least five casualties and keeping two of his key units in play.

On reflection I can see how Fil was able to capitalise on the strength of his force
composition. The forests allowed him to close the gap and get the drop on me, nullify the
slight range advantage I was expecting to have over the SSU. Perhaps I should've
reconsidered my strategy once the board layout was known to me, an early suicide dash to
take out the Natasha on my left flank with Manfred may have saved me the game.

What have I learned from this defeat? Although I think the strategy of going for heavier
armour is sound, it's perhaps not best suited to the Wehrmacht. Their infantry units are
more expensive than the other factions, leaving them heavily outnumbered. The other
drawback is the lack of turrets on Axis vehicles. My Sturmkonig didn't get to fire a single
shot as Fil was easily able to manoeuvre outside of my fire arcs.

As such I think this tactic would actually be better suited to SSU armies. They are able to
field cheep infantry and have turrets on their Heavy tanks. If we play this scenario again
I'd probably take two armour 4 vehicles which are cheaper and generally come with turret
mounted LMG's. By spending less AP on vehicles I would be able to field a second Heavy
Infantry unit which would give me more mobile fire power.

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In spite of my loss this was a very enjoyable scenario to play and offered something a little
different from our regular games, definitely one to try out.

Sands of Babylon

dust monthly
Battle Report by Gregoire Boisbelaud

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Target of Opportunity
By Magnus

“Sir! We have discovered a possible weakness in the enemy’s

defenses. Our troops are not fully coordinated, but we must use this
opportunity to strike fast and hard before the enemy recognizes their

Recommended Army Size: 75-125 AP (DEF 100%, ATK 100%)

Set Up

Place two gaming mats with their long edges touching. The board should be around 30%
covered by terrain of various sorts. Place two Objectives on ground level according to
the map below. The Objective squares should not contain terrain that are impassable for
all Ground Units (but it can be a square with a Tank Trap or in a building for example,
since those squares are not impassable for all Ground Units).

Roll off (same as rolling for Initiative) and choose entry area. Note that the player who
wins the roll can choose any half of either long edge of the board. The opponent
automatically enters from the diagonally opposite long edge half.

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On the first turn of the game only half the number of units in each force (rounded up)
may Activate and enter the table. The exact units to Activate is not specified before the
game, but the players should state to their opponent how many Activations they have on
the first turn. Each player’s force enters the table by the squares along half of their long
table edge as indicated by the map below.

During the second turn all units Activate as normal and may enter the table if they are
not already there (unless, of course, they were destroyed during the 1st turn, in which
case they may not enter the table again).

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Winning the game

At the end of a turn, on or after turn two, a player scores one Victory Point for each
objective they control. A player controls an objective by having a unit on an objective
square, providing there are no enemy units within Range 1. A player wins by gaining a
total of five Victory Points.

If no player has scored five Victory Points by the end of turn eight, the player with the
most Victory Points wins the game. If both players have the same number of Victory
Points, the player with the most Kill Points wins, as calculated by totaling the point value
of Units destroyed.

april 2017

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Painting Challenge
By Bob Sennick

Back in January 2017, Bob Sennick announced his latest painting challenge:

Announcing the next Dust Challenge!

The subject this time around is OBJECTIVE MARKERS. You’ll need to create TWO
objectives for Dust using whatever materials and methods your twisted little minds can
come up with, and we’ll select our favorites. Each objective has to fit roughly inside a
standard 4" tactics square (about 100mm).

Dates: Monday, Feb 13th - Sunday, Feb 26th

That gives a couple weeks to gather materials and make plans. In this case, ALL
assembly and painting must be done within the time frame of the challenge. To enter,
just state your intention to participate at any time. Partially started stuff won’t be
accepted as an entry point; the goal of this is to get people banging out exciting and fun
projects and sharing their work with the community, proving it can be done in a limited
window of time! Work in progress pictures are very welcome. We all love to see the
efforts everyone is putting in. As usual, I don’t care for the exact moment the challenge

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ends, as long as you have your final pictures up when I check for them the next day.

Your judges for this round are the esteemed and much adored Seth Alan Squires, the
renowned and oft-imitated Paolo Parente, and the regularly cursed and sometimes
reviled Bob Sennick. Prizes will be awarded to our favorite three entries!

Entries came pouring in over the next two months. Bob announced his winners shortly
after DWE ended.

Official results are in! Thanks to all the entrants. Paolo Parente, Seth Alan Squires, and
myself had a difficult time making a decision!

First place: Tj Van Der Werf

Second place: Robert Cardani
Third Place: El Cheapo

A special mention to fan favorite Joe McLaughlin's Dust Monthly drop container. He
wasn't eligible for a win, but a great entry!
dust monthly april 2017
Alexander Sebs.
Alexander Sebs.

dust monthly april 2017
dust monthly april 2017
Daniel Stråth.
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El Cheapo.
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Ian Charles Titler.
Johannes Haglund.

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John Payne.

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Pavel Berka.

Robert Cardani.

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Robert Cardani.
april 2017

Tj Van Der Werf.

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Umberto Bonomi.

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Joe McLaughlin.
dust monthly
The Tulcin Incident
Photo Essay by Bob Sennick

Tulcin, Ukraine, Sept. 1947. Having fled Germany during the purges after Hitler’s death,
Doctor Urs Honigsman, former favorite of the Führer and infamous SS officer, has made
a deal with elements of the SSU to trade his scientific expertise and a shipment of the
heavy steel fists used to equip the Axis’ vile and feared untertoten- the zombies of the
Blutkreus Korps!- for safety. SSU leadership refuses to allow Dr. Honigsman free reins
in his research, however. He spends five years developing and refining the
“Wiederbelebungsserum”, but frustration grows as the SSU forces him to keep his
progress theoretical. Angrily, he acts on his own, overwhelming the small contingent of
troops watching over him with help of his elite bodyguard. Having transformed the
resurrection serum into a form where it can absorb into the city’s water supply, the town
is quickly laid low and rises as the mindless undead, their only desire to kill the living.

Gloating from his position of power, Dr. Honigsman reaches out to Sigrid Von Thaler
herself, trying to leverage his developments into a partnership. Von Thaler entertains the
notion in her response, but knows that there can be only one end for the Doctor’s plans.
She contacts Oberst Prinz Walter von Ferstenwerth, moving him into position with
heavy armor, backed up by a platoon of sturmpioniere led by Major Tina Baumann,
recently arrived from the sands of Northern Africa. Hauptmann Florentine Engel, famed

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heroes of the Luftwaffe, is tasked with scouting the city before the Wermacht arrives.

Meanwhile, the Stavka, SSU high command, sends the legendary Master Sergeant Guaï-
Lo Moloï at the head of the 133rd Steel Guard to cleanse the city of the infestation.
Backed by heavy armor from the 25th Red Guards Division, they approach the city at
dusk unchallenged, ready to wipe the zombie stain from the face of the earth.

With Eric L. Johnson!

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Building It
By Ian Titler

This month, Ian Titler shared some pictures of his entry into Bob Sennick’s objective
painting challenge. Ian uses clay basing to create a more 3D effect for his bases. He
included some pictures here of his objective entry as a work in progress and some other
items that he created using the clay basing method.

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Dust Community
By Joe McLaughlin

A few months ago, I wrote an article about how to conduct Demos of Dust in your local
game store or whatever venue you use for gaming. The idea of the article was to
promote your interst in the game and attract new members (or returning members) to the
Dust community.

Why would you do this? Well, it’s always good to build your local gaming group. More
people in the group means more opportunities to play. Less times you had to pack your
armies and head to the game store and then head home without unpacking them as your
buddy couldn’t make it at the last minute. More players means more diverse gaming
opportunities and experiences as different players will bring different strategies and
gaming styles to the game.

Our local DDI Post 33 in Sacramento

has been trying to expore new ways to
get players interested in joining our
group. We recently had some good
luck recruiting several new players
into our normal gaming group and

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getting more people coming down to
the game store to watch and ask

I’d like to share some of the strategies

we have used to get people interested.

First, I reached out and discovered Although it sounds like
a dating site, it’s actually a social site
to advertise events for people of
similar interests. People can schedule
meetups for cycling events, painting,
book clubs, underwater basket
weaving, and even military strategy
miniatures games set in a science
fiction World War 2 background.

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I entered a meetup for our regular game time, every Thursday night. I had to contact the
moderator for the “Board game” group to make my event a recurring event. I also had to
play some games with having my local DDI post 33 members signup for the event. The
event won’t post until you have about four people attending, then it goes public.

Since we posted this meetup, we have had many people contact us through the site and
show up to watch us play.

So, now that you have people showing up to watch your games, how to you help them find
further information? Fortunately, James Goldstein handled that by creating a flyer that we
could print out as we spoke with people about the games. We would have the flyers
displayed while we play, ask the game store to post them in the window, and hand them
out to interested observers.

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The best part of this is that I never realized the magazine had a motto before this.

During our games, we would entertain people who had come down to view the game and
discuss the rules. We would comment on the game that we were playing and explain each
action and what was happening. This gathered alot of interest and I was surprised at how
long a person would hang out and watch our games.

One last strategy for getting new players

into your group is to help them along
with their collections. How much is a
new player worth to you? How much
would you be willing to pay to have a
new player in your group who can add
competitive value? $20? $30? $50?

Our local gaming group has many

players with extensive Dust model
collections. Once you get a collection
of a certain size, there are models you
find you don’t use anymore. What do
you do with them? Take them to a swap
meet? Sell them on ebay or facebook?
How much do you think you will get for
a single model or squad?
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Maybe, instead of selling those

unwanted models, donate to someone
just getting into the hobby. A few
squads of infantry that you don’t need
isn’t going to be a loss to you, but will
really build up a new player’s army.

Of course, just giving models away to anyone who stops by the game store is a quick way
to find yourself out of the game. The trick,of course, is to find someone who is serious
about the game. Maybe someone who has spent the money on a starter set and has just
painted them up. If you see commitment, then maybe it’s time to encourage them by
throwing them a few models that you would otherwise discard.

Just a few ideas for building up more of a local community.


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