Career Planning of Youth

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Parents of High School Students Are you overwhelmed by the whole college selection process?

Things have certainly changed from when you were 18 years old and looking for the right college. Academia, college life, careers choices are changing so rapidly that it is almost impossible for parents to keep up. As a college coach I help parents and high school students navigate the twists and turns of choosing the most suitable college, the application and financial aid requirements and the ins and outs of the emotional dynamics involved. College Students Are you buried under the workload, stressed over deadlines and grades? Worried about choosing the right major and career path? Some surveys suggest that as many as 60% of students will change their major at least once during their college career and an even higher percentage want help with their career choices. As a college and career coach I understand your concerns and the challenges facing you. As a former college professor and student advisor I have worked with over 500 students, helping them create personalized strategies they could use to successfully get through school and begin their careers. College Grads The Dept. of Labor and Statistics says most people will have 3-5 careers in their lifetime. Thats not necessarily a bad thing. It just means that college grads need to cultivate a wide range of skills and talents to offer potential employers. Its not enough anymore just to graduate with a degree in a certain major. Competition is stiff so you need to give yourself the greatest advantage possible. My expertise in career planning will give you that advantage. Using career mapping and skill building you will equip yourself with all the tools necessary to achieve success in the workplace. Career Planning of Youth Slide 1:Career Planning of Youth ??????? Job or Career Job--- is a piece of work, either to be done, or to be completed. Career--- 1. Progress through life 2. way of making a living, profession, advancement, life long sequence of jobs Slide 2:Career Planning for Youth ??????? Dr. Ronald Super defined Career as: 1. as a process of professional development, not limited to occupational but also includes personal development. 2. As the sequence of positions held by a person during his or her life time

Slide 3:Career Planning Is A rational, continuous commitment made with consideration of personal interest, abilities, resources, opportunities, investments to develop the potential fully towards the career goals established Slide 4:Career Developmentthe way it was Career development programs were typically designed by organizations to help employees advance their work lives with specific objectives To provide the information assessment and training needed to help employees actualize their career goals Slide 5:Career DevelopmentThe way it is The individual not the organization is responsible for his or her own career You must take responsibilities for designing and developing your own career Slide 6:A Boundaryless Career Individual rather than organization define career progression, organizational loyalty, important skills and marketplace value There are no norms and few rules to guide Individuals assume primary responsibility for career planning, career goals setting and training Slide 7:Top 10 Important Job Factors for College Graduates Enjoying what they do Opportunity to use skills and abilities Opportunity for personal development Feeling what they do matters Benefits Recognition for good performance Friendly co-workers Job location Lots of money Working on teams Slide 8:Are these characteristics of Youth? Academic performance not so impressive Not much work related experience Social skills inadequate Unclear career planning Readiness to work is low Inadequate job information Poor job search skills Job interview skills not well trained Presentation skills not attractive Slide 9:Planning in uncertain environment Dynamic environments are more the norm than exception Plans need to be specific and flexible Planning is an ongoing process Plan as road map although destination may be changing Stay highly alert to environmental changes Slide 10:Approaches to (personal) Strategic Planning SWOT analysis strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats, for human being, also values, ethics and social obligations,

Slide 11:Environmental Scanning Economic, legal or regulatory, political, technological or medical, social, demographic, cultural, competitive factors. Should examine both the specific and general environments to see what is/are changing Slide 12:Opportunities and Threats Opportunities are positive trends in external environment Threats are negative trends in external environment Same environment can present different situations for different people Slide 13:Personal Resources and Capabilities Internal environment scanning include knowing what resources does the you have or you can be granted, your financial position, abilities, talents, skills knowledge, development potential and networks If the capabilities is exceptional and unique, it is your Core Competencies. Slide 14:Strengths and Weaknesses Strength is any activities that you do well or any unique resources that you have Weakness is any activities that you do not do well or resources you need but do not possess Slide 15:Doing A Personal SWOT Assessing personal strengths and weakness Identify career opportunities and threats Outlining five-year career pathgoals to be achieved five years after graduation Outlining a five-year career action planget specific what you are going to do and make the goals realized Slide 16:Incrementalism Small changes, fuse strategy formulation and implementation Emphasizes realism, both minor and major decisions Slide 17:Invaluable Competences Honest Initiation Problem solving Caring Accountable/ Responsible High impact communication

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