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Assignment 2

The list of groups for Assignment 1 is confirmed.

The list of texts for the assignment is available on the dedicated page on the website and on
OneDrive, together with the readings that are available in electronic format.
Each group is asked to choose one text, by the 9th of October, to be noted in the Excel file “Choice
of text” on OneDrive [Shared folder > 2. UH_Assignment 2 > Choice of text]. No overlapping is
allowed, so please check the choices of the other groups before filling in the Excel file.

Students are required to submit a written document (approximately 2000 words) where they will
provide a critical analysis of the book as a document.
You should analyse the book by considering:
A. Author and publisher
1. the author and his/her background (education, theoretical production and
environment, position of the book in his/her production);
2. the publisher and eventually the series the book belongs to, and in this case how
it is characterized.
B. Structure and contents
1. the index: contents and apparatus, their articulation;
2. the main contents: hypothesis, thesis, critical development, research
3. which sources are used, how and why;
4. which is the role played by images, diagrams and notes;
5. which is the role of references and bibliography.
C. Debate and circulation
1. its reception and circulation, years and countries of significant translations;
2. the field of interest to which the book relates and the disciplinary debate to which
it can contribute;
3. the debate it enters and the role it plays in it (does it propose new ideas or points
of view?).

Question for the public discussion:

According to your experience in the field of urban, planning, and architectural history, can the book
be considered as a seminal work? What novelties on the topic and the methodology are introduced?

Deadline for the submission:

By October 24th, at midnight (Milan time), each group is asked to upload on OneDrive [Shared
folder > 2. UH_Assignment 2 > Assignment 2_Submission]:
- The required written document, to be named: Gr00_Surname_Surname_Assignment2_text
- The presentation (max 5 slides) to be named:

Please note that on 26th October, 9th November, 16th November, and 23rd November each group
will be asked to briefly present their assignment with the possibility of showing a ppt
presentation (max 5 slides): each group should briefly summarise the main content of the paper

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