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The Red Sea STEM school.

Grade : 10
The English department. First Term

The meanings here depend on the context.
The definitions here are related to/connected with the context.
Upstream: Units 1, 2 and 5. Hello: Units 1 - 6.
1-luxury (n) : ‫رفاهية‬-‫ترف‬
luxury, luxurious, deluxe: (adj) ‫مترف‬-‫فاخر‬-‫فخم‬
2-suburb, outskirt : ‫ضاحية‬
3-priest, druid: ‫كاهن‬-‫قسيس‬-‫قس‬
Cycle : 1
Upstream Unit 1
eloquent adj able to use language and express your opinions well.
‫طلق اللسان‬-‫بليغ‬-‫فصيح‬
rename v to give somebody/something a new name
‫يعيد تسمية‬
features n - something important, interesting or typical.
- a part of someone’s face, such as their eyes, nose etc
spiral adj a shape made up of curves, each one above or wider than the one before
winding adj having a curving and twisting shape
druid n a priest
well-kept n ground that is clean, tidy, and cared for
ground ‫أرضية نظيفة و معتنى بها‬
myth n a story from ancient times describes natural events
)‫أسطورة (حول أحداث الطبيعة‬
legend n a story from ancient times about people and events
)‫أسطورة (حول شخص حقيقى‬
outcrop n a rock or group of rocks above the surface of the ground
‫صخرة او صخور فوق سطح االرض‬
sheer adj very steep
‫منحدرة جدا‬
fortress n a building that has been made stronger and protected against attack
decay n - being destroyed by natural causes or by not being cared for
v - to be destroyed gradually by natural processes
The Red Sea STEM School G. 10 -1- First Term Mr. Mohamad Al-Noby
intact adj not broken, damaged, or spoiled
barracks n a large building or group of buildings for soldiers to live in
)‫ثكنات عسكرية (مفرد و جمع‬/‫ثكنة‬
lodging n a temporary accommodation (a place to stay)
birdwatcher n someone who studies birds in their natural environment as a hobby
‫مراقب الطيور‬
ruin v - to damage something completely.
n - being destroyed or severely damaged
‫تخريب‬-‫تدمير‬-‫يخرب‬-‫يدمر تماما‬
ruins n the parts of a building that remain after it has been destroyed
in ruins idiom destroyed or severely damaged
battlements n a low wall around the top of a castle, that has spaces to shoot guns or
arrows through
‫سور قلعة به فتحات إلطالق الرصاص واألسهم‬
stable n a building in which horses are kept
)‫ مستقر‬:‫ (صفة‬-‫اسطبل للخيول‬
storehouse n a building where things are stored
payment reward - paying somebody/something - a sum of money paid
‫مبلغ مدفوع‬-‫دفع مال‬-‫مكافأة‬
endure n bear, suffer, continue, remain
merit n -worth
v -deserve
‫يستحق‬-‫ذا قيمة‬
situate to put something in a particular position. = Locate
‫يضع في مكان‬
desert v abandon
)‫ صحراء‬:‫(اسم‬-‫يهجر‬
staircase n a set of stairs inside a building with its supports and the side parts that
you hold on to
‫سلم داخل مبنى له درابزين‬
Week :1
Session: 1
thatched adj (of a building) having the roof made from dried stems of plants.
)‫مسقوف بالقش(مبنى‬
pitched adj (of a roof) sloping; not flat.
‫مائل (منحدر) السقف‬
tiled adj (of a surface) covered with tiles.
tile: a flat piece of baked clay (wet soil) used for covering walls and floors.
)‫مغطى بالبالط (سطح‬
spacious adj (of a room or building) large and with a lot of space. Opposite: cramped.
)‫فسيح (مبنى‬
The Red Sea STEM School G. 10 -2- First Term Mr. Mohamad Al-Noby
cramped adj (of a room or building) does not have enough space for the people in it.
)‫ضيق (مبنى‬
eccentric adj (of behaviour, clothes. etc) strange or unusual.
brand new adj completely new.
‫جديد تماما‬
brand n a product made by a particular company, that has a particular name.
‫عالمة تجارية‬-‫ماركة‬
luxury n great comfort, especially as provided by expensive and beautiful things.
a keep n a tower in a castle.
‫برج في قلعة‬
a moat n a deep wide channel, filled with water, dug around a castle as a protection.
‫خندق مائى حول قلعة لحمايتها‬
drawbridge n a bridge that can be pulled up to stop people from entering a castle, or
to let ships pass.
‫جسر متحرك‬
harsh adj cruel, severe and unkind
draught n a flow/a current of cool air in a room or other small space. AmE: draft.
‫تيار هواء رطب‬
fuel bill n a document showing you how much money you owe for electricity, gas, etc.
‫الكهرباء‬/‫فاتورة الغاز‬
appeal to v attract, request.
‫يحذب‬-)‫يناشد (يطالب‬
spruce tree n an evergreen tree (= one that never loses its leaves) with leaves like needles.
‫شجرة صنوبر‬
set up v to start a company, organization, system etc. = establish.
deluxe adj very comfortable and of very high quality. = luxury.
dwelling n a house, flat, etc. where a person lives.
enterprise n project, business, company.
suffer from v to be affected by a disease, pain, sad feelings, a lack of something, etc.
‫يعانى من‬
hay fever n an illness like a cold, caused by breathing in powder of plants.
‫حمى القش‬
setting n the place where something is or happens. / the general environment.
‫بيئة‬-‫مسرح األحداث‬
resist v to refuse to accept something and try to stop it from happening. = oppose
stand out v to be more important than others, to be very easy to see or notice.
suitable for adj right or appropriate for a particular purpose or occasion.
‫مناسب ل‬
The Red Sea STEM School G. 10 -3- First Term Mr. Mohamad Al-Noby
fibreglass shark n a sculpture like a shark made of glass and fibre.
‫تمثال لسمكة قرش‬
sculpture n an object made of stone, wood, clay etc by an artist.
landmark n something, like a large building, that helps you know where you are.
out of the ordinary idiom unusual or different.
‫مختلف‬-‫غير معتاد‬
from scratch idiom from the beginning, without using anything that already exists.
‫من البداية‬-‫من الصفر‬
became short of idiom become suffer from lack/shortage of // become don’t have enough of
‫أصبح يعانى من نقص‬
extension to (sth) n making a road, building etc bigger or longer, or the part that is added
‫امتداد ل‬
convince (sb) of v to make somebody/yourself believe that something is true. = persuade
‫يقنع (شخص) ب‬

Session: 2
appliance n a machine used in the house, such as a cooker or washing machine.
‫جهاز منزلى مثل الغسالة‬
apartment n a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor of a building. = flat.
semidetached adj (of a house) joined to another house by a wall on one side.
‫منزل ملتصق بالمنزل المجاور له من ناحية واحدة‬
terraced-house n a house which is part of a row of houses that are joined together. = row house
‫منزل جزء من صف منازل ملتصقة‬
cottage n a small house in the country.
‫كوخ‬-‫منزل ريفى‬
storey n a level of a building. = a floor.
residential adj (of an area of a town) consisting of houses, not factories or offices.
suburb n an area where people live that is away from the centre of a city.
outskirt n a part of a town or city that is furthest from the centre.
isolated adj (of buildings and places) far away from any others. = remote.
)‫منعزل (في مكان بعيد‬
cosy adj (of buildings) small, comfortable, and warm.
)‫مريح (مبنى‬
luxurious adj very expensive, beautiful, and comfortable.
well maintained adj kept in good condition/state.
‫محفوظ في حالة جيدة‬
vacuum-cleaner n a machine that cleans floors by sucking up dirt. = hoover, vac, vacuum
‫مكنسة كهربائية‬

The Red Sea STEM School G. 10 -4- First Term Mr. Mohamad Al-Noby
built in wardrobes n large cupboards built against a wall.
‫دوالب داخل الحائط‬
glaze v to put a piece of glass into a window of a building
‫يركب زجاج للشباك‬
chimney n a pipe that takes the smoke from a fire inside a building to the air outside
)‫مدخنة (لخروج الدخان‬
attic n the space or room under the roof used for storing things.
‫مخزن تحت السقف‬
patio n an area outside a house with a solid floor but no roof where people can sit
)‫فناء منزل مرصوف (مصطبة‬
fireplace n a space in the wall of a room for a fire.
‫مدفأة في الحائط‬
chore n a task/job that you do regularly.
‫عمل يتكرر بانتظام مثل تنظيف المنزل‬
household chores n chores in the house such as washing and ironing clothes. = housework
‫أعمال المنزل‬
lawn n an area of grass in a garden or park, that is cut regularly to keep it short.
‫منطقة من النجيل في حديقة‬
mop n a stick with soft material attached to one end used for washing floors.
‫ممسحة للمنزل‬
mow v to cut grass using a machine.
‫حش النجيل‬
competitive adj when people or organizations compete against each other.
conservative adj not liking changes or new ideas.
)‫محافظ (على القديم‬
reliable adj trusted, dependable, relied on.
‫يُعتمد عليه‬-‫موثوق به‬
generous adj (of someone) give money, help, kindness, etc. for people.
confident adj being sure that you have the ability to do things well.
depressed adj very sad and without hope.
withdrawn adj not wanting to talk to other people; extremely quiet and shy.
candlestick n stick that you put a candle into, an stick that holds a candle.
‫عصا حامل للشمعة‬-‫شمعدان‬
cushion n a cloth bag filled with soft material that you put on a chair to sit on.
)‫مسند (للكرسى‬-‫وسادة‬
sofa n a long comfortable seat with a back and arms, for two or more people to sit on.
cellar n a room under a house or other building, often used for storing things. = basement

The Red Sea STEM School G. 10 -5- First Term Mr. Mohamad Al-Noby
Week :2
(not found in a cycle)
Session: 1
sb: somebody.
sth: something.
absent from adj not in a place because of illness, etc.
‫غائب من‬
accustomed to adj familiar with / get used to. = used to
‫اعتاد أن‬
accuse (sb) of v to say that someone did something wrong or a crime.
‫يتهم (شخص) ب‬
beg for (sth) v to ask someone for something.
approve of (sb/sth) v to think that somebody/something is good, acceptable or suitable.

apologise to (sb) for (sth) the benefit of believe in (sb/sth) in the countryside
expect (sth) from (sb) suffer from busy with (sb/sth) in the winter
apply to (sth/sb/do) fear of agree on (sth) live in
apply for (sth)
Phrasal verbs
break down stop working break in enter by force (to steal)
)‫تتعطل(آلة‬ )‫يقتحم (للسرقة‬
break up finish bring out release
‫ينهى‬-‫ينتهى‬ ‫ينبعث‬-‫يصدر‬-‫ينتج‬
break off end bring up raise
‫ينهى‬-‫ينتهى‬ ‫يربى‬
break out begin suddenly bring back make me recall
‫يندلع‬-‫ينطلق‬ ‫يعيد‬
once in a blue moon rarely
is black and blue bruised (with blue marks on the body because of hitting)
‫مليئ بالكدمات‬
a little white lie fib
‫كذبة بيضاء‬
is a bit green inexperienced
‫غير ذي خبرة‬
green fingers good at gardening
in black and white clear and simple
‫واضح و بسيط‬
vanish into thin air disappear completely
‫يختفى تماما‬-‫يتالشى‬
The Red Sea STEM School G. 10 -6- First Term Mr. Mohamad Al-Noby
refuse to play ball refuse to agree/cooperate
‫يرفق االتفاق أو التعاون‬
out and about active, travelling around a place
‫نشيط ومتحرك‬
clear the air to remove the bad feelings between people
)‫يصفى األجواء (الخالفات‬
drive a hard bargain make a business agreement and reduce what you pay
‫يكسب أكثر مما يدفع‬
won’t take no for an answer insist/determine to do
fortune n a large amount of money. = wealth
unfortunately adv used to say that something is sad, disappointing, or has a bad effect.
‫لسوء الحظ‬
annual adj happening once a year. = yearly.
annually adv once every year. ‫سنويا‬
protect v to keep someone or something safe from harm, damage, or illness
protection n when someone or something is protected.
secure v to protect something so that it is safe and protected from harm.
ِّ ‫ي‬
install v to put a piece of equipment somewhere and connect it so that it is ready
to be used. = fix
installation n fixing equipment in position so that it can be used.
prevent v to stop somebody from doing something; to stop something from
preventative adj intended to try to stop something that causes problems from happening.
neighbour n -a person who lives next to you or near you.
v -to be next to or near to
neighbourhood n an area of a town or city or the people who live there.
‫حى سكنى‬
burglar n someone who goes into houses, shops etc to steal things. = robber, thief
burglary n e crime of getting into a building to steal things.
=housebreaking, theft, robbery
value n -the importance or usefulness of something.
-the amount of money that something is worth.
)‫يثمن‬-‫ يقيم‬:‫(فعل‬-‫ثمن‬-‫قيمة‬
The Red Sea STEM School G. 10 -7- First Term Mr. Mohamad Al-Noby
valuable adj very useful or important. // worth a lot of money.
‫ ثمين‬- ‫قيم‬
Week :3
Session: 1
ecotourism n getting out in nature and conserving the environment.
‫سياحة تحافظ على البيئة‬
endangered adj in danger of not existing anymore.
‫معرض للخطر‬
impact n effect or influence.
sustainable adj able to continue without causing damage to the environment.
‫غيرضار للبيئة‬-‫دائم‬
unique adj being the only one of its kind.
heritage n the history, traditions, buildings and objects that a country or society has
had for many years.
critical adj important or dangerous.
flourishing adj growing or developing successfully.
significance n importance.
ecotour n a journey that contributes to the protection of the environment.
‫رحلة تحافظ على البيئة‬
extinction n when a particular type of animal, plant or thing stops existing.
hieroglyphics n a system of writing that uses pictures and symbols instead of words.
Barbary n a historic name for a region of North Africa.
)‫البربر (منطقة في شمال افريقيا‬
glimpse n a quick look.
‫نظرة سريعة‬-‫لمحة‬
salvage v save, rescue.
infamous adj well known/famous for being bad or evil.
‫سئ السمعة‬
hermit n -a bird.
-a person who lives alone especially for religious reasons.
‫راهب – طائر‬
swamp n land that is very wet in which plants grow. = marsh.
specimen n a small amount of something that shows what the rest of it is like. = sample
ornamental adj used as decoration. = decorative
The Red Sea STEM School G. 10 -8- First Term Mr. Mohamad Al-Noby
rehabilitation n the process of helping somebody to return to a normal, healthy life after
they have been in prison or very ill.
‫رد اعتبار‬-‫إعادة تأهيل‬
excursion n a short journey made for pleasure. = trip.
‫رحلة قصيرة‬-‫نزهة‬
snorkeling n swimming under the surface of the water while breathing air through a
tube named a snorkel.
‫الغطس بأنبوبة التنفس‬
thrive v to become, and continue to be successful, strong, healthy, etc. = flourish
adorable adj very attractive.
likeminded adj having similar interests and opinions.
)‫متشابه في التفكير(االهتمامات و اآلراء‬
venerate v respect or honour.
awe-inspiring adj extremely impressive; making you admire it very much.
‫بديع‬-‫مثير لالعجاب‬

Session: 2
omnipresent adj present everywhere at all times.
‫موجود في كل مكان و زمان‬
landscape n everything you can see when you look across a large area of land,
especially in the country
‫منظر طبيعى‬
shrink v to become smaller. (shrink, shrank, shrunk)
iconic adj very famous or popular.
habitat n the natural environment in which an animal or plant usually lives.
overlap v when a part of one thing covers part of another thing.
watershed n an area of high ground from which water flows down to a river
‫منطقة مرتفعة يتدفق منها الماء إلى نهر‬
deforestation n the cutting or burning down of all the trees in an area.
‫إزالة الغابات‬
safeguard v to protect sb/sth from harm; to keep sb/sth safe.
reserve n -an area of land where wild animals and plants are protected.
v -book
‫ يحجز‬- ‫محمية طبيعية‬
indigenous adj (of people and their culture) native people.(
)‫ثقافة‬-‫أصلى (ناس‬
regulate v to control something.
‫يسيطر على‬

The Red Sea STEM School G. 10 -9- First Term Mr. Mohamad Al-Noby
appease vto make somebody calmer or less angry by giving them what they want.
)‫يسترضى(شخص‬- ‫يهدئ‬
vanish v to disappear suddenly.
‫يختفى تماما‬-‫يتالشى‬
multitude n a very large number of things or people.
‫عدد كبير من الناس أو االشياء‬
viable adj able to continue to live.
‫قادر على أن يستمر حيا‬
consciousness n understanding and realizing something.
phenomenon n an unusual or interesting fact or an event in nature or society.
spiritual connected with the human spirit, rather than the body or physical things
iron level n The quantity of iron in blood.
‫مستوى الحديد في الدم‬
role model n a person that people admire and try to copy.
speed n How fast somebody/something moves or travels.
transplant n to take an organ from one person or animal and put it into or onto another.
‫زراعة األعضاء‬
blood pressure n the force with which blood travels through your body.
‫ضغط الدم‬

Cycle : 2
Upstream Unit 2
transmitted v send out signals – transfer – pass- conduct
telegraph n a method of sending messages using wires carry electrical signals
telegraphy n sending messages by telegraph
visible speech n the system of handwritten phonetic symbols
‫كتابة الكالم في رموز صوتية‬
fatal adj causes death
basement n cellar
resume v starts again after a pause or stopping
a waste of time not worth spending time
‫مضيعة للوقت‬
vibration n continuous quick, slight shaking movement
The Red Sea STEM School G. 10 - 10 - First Term Mr. Mohamad Al-Noby
iron rod n a long straight piece of metal.
‫قطعة معدن طويلة‬
electrical wires n electrical threads
‫أسالك كهربائية‬
be about to idiom will happen very soon
‫على وشك أن‬
run out of v to use up or finish a supply of something
survive v to continue to live or exist
‫يبقى حيا‬
wrinkles n lines on your face and skin that you get when you are old
)‫الجلد‬-‫تجاعيد (الوجه‬
freckles n small brown spots on someone’s skin, especially on their face
‫النمش‬-‫بقع الجلد‬
spiky hair n hair have sharp points
‫شعر شائك‬
dimples n small hollow places appear on a person’s face when they smile
centre parting n Hairstyle where the hair is separated down the middle
‫تسريحة شعر يتم فيها فصل الشعر في منتصف الرأس‬
beard n hair that grows around a man’s chin and cheeks
straight hair n hair without bend or curl
)‫شعر مستقيم (بدون التواء أو تجعد‬
forehead n the part of the face above the eyes and below the hair
‫جبهة الرأس‬
frizzy hair n very curly hair, with lots of small tight curls
‫شعر مجعد‬
sideburns n hair that grows down the sides of the face in front of the ears
moustache n hair that grows on a man’s upper lip
banner n a long piece of cloth with words written on it. - a flag
‫ علم‬-‫الفته‬
slyly adv in a secret or dishonest way, often intending to trick people
‫بخداع‬-‫بطريقة سرية أو غير أينة‬
solemn adj (of a person) not happy or smiling. =serious
sweet-faced adj have a friendly and pleasing face.
‫لطيف الوجه‬
damsel n a young woman who is not married
molasses n a thick black sweet sticky liquid produced when sugar is made
‫موالس السكر‬

The Red Sea STEM School G. 10 - 11 - First Term Mr. Mohamad Al-Noby
Week :1
Session: 1
absorbed in adj very interested in.
‫مهتم جدا ب‬-‫مستغرق في‬
absorb v to take in liquid, gas,…etc.
anatomy n the scientific study of the structure of human or animal bodies.
‫علم التشريح‬
white plague n a serious infectious disease that affects many parts of your body, especially
your lungs.
‫الطاعون األبيض‬
irritated adj annoyed or angry. ‫غاضب‬-‫منزعج‬
persistent adj continuing to do something although this is difficult.
‫مستمر رغم الصعاب‬-‫مثابر‬
sensitive adj able to understand other people’s feelings and problems.
register v to record/put your/somebody’s/something’s name on an official list.
)‫يسجل (اسم شخص في قائمة‬
stubborn adj determined not to change your opinion and to do what he or she wants.
patent n a special document that gives you the right to make or sell a new invention
or product that no one else is allowed to copy.
‫براءة اختراع‬
patent office n a government office that makes decisions about giving patents.
‫مكتب براءات االختراع‬
mechanical voice transmitter n a machine that sends the voice of human.
‫جهاز ارسال الصوت‬
Session: 2
spiky hair n hair that stands up on top of your head and is difficult to bend.
‫شعر شائك‬
pointed chin n a chain (the part of a person's face below their mouth ) having a sharp end.
‫ذقن مدبب النهاية‬
snub nose n a nose that is short, flat and turns upwards at the end.
‫انف أفطس‬
rosy cheek n The part of your face below each of your eyes are red or pink in colour.
‫خد وردى‬
broad n wide shoulder (one of the two parts of the body at each side below
shoulder the neck where the arm is connected).
‫كتف عريض‬
crooked teeth n teeth that are bent, twisted, or not in a straight line.
‫أسنان معوجة‬
bushy eyebrow n the line of hair above the eye is very thick.
‫حاجب كثيف الشعر‬
almond shaped eyes n eyes shaped like nuts.
‫عيون لوزية الشكل‬

The Red Sea STEM School G. 10 - 12 - First Term Mr. Mohamad Al-Noby
Week :2
Session: 1
meadow n a field with wild grass and flowers.
‫حقل مزدهر‬
congregate v to come together in a group.
lads and lasses n boys ang girls.
‫البنين والبنات‬
repose v to lie or rest.
do-or-die idiom said when you are in a situation in which you must take a big risk
in order to avoid failure.
)‫تفعل أو تموت (تفشل‬
timid adj shy, nervous and not having courage or confidence.
mischievous adj enjoying playing tricks and annoying people. = naughty
cling, clung v to hold on tightly to somebody/something.
tippet n a small piece of fur or cloth worn over the shoulders.
shield v protect.
)‫ درع (اسم‬-‫يقى‬
bright adj intelligent, shining
unanimity n complete agreement about something among a group of people.
tiptop adj excellent. ‫ممتاز‬
handsomely adv very well, beautifully.
‫بشكل جميل‬
patience n the ability to continue waiting or doing something for a long time
without becoming angry or anxious.
stick out/stuck v comes out further than something else.
criticize v to express your disapproval of someone or something, or to talk about their faults
whizz v to move very quickly, often making a sound like something rushing through the air
)‫ أزيز (اسم‬-‫يئز‬
hug (gg) v to put your arms around someone and hold them tightly to show love. = embrace
nickname n an informal name given to someone, especially by their friends or family, and
is often connected with what they look like or something they have done.
good natured chap n kind and friendly man.
)‫رجل طيب (طلق المحيا‬
The Red Sea STEM School G. 10 - 13 - First Term Mr. Mohamad Al-Noby
Week :3
Session: 1
debt n a sum of money that a person or organization owes.
earn v to get money for work that you do.
)‫يكسب (مال‬
merchant n a person who buys and sells goods in large quantities.
owe v to have to pay somebody for something that you have already
received or return money that you have borrowed.
‫يدين ب‬
miserable adj very unhappy or uncomfortable.
plump adj having a soft, round body; slightly fat.
‫ممتلئ البدن‬-‫سمين‬
architect n a person whose job is designing buildings.
‫مهندس معمارى‬
glorious adj deserving great admiration, praise, and honour.
legacy n money or property that you receive from someone after they die.
= inheritance
contour n the outer edges of something.
‫محيط شكل‬
shatter v to (cause something to) break suddenly into very small pieces.
stereotype n a fixed idea or image that many people have about a person or thing.
‫صورة نمطية‬
grapple v to fight or struggle with someone, holding them tightly. = wrestle
crisis, crises n a time of great disagreement, confusion or suffering.
inspiration n a good idea about what you should do, write, say etc, especially one
which you get suddenly.
innovation n a new idea, method or invention.
conceive v to imagine something, to form an idea, a plan, etc. in your mind.
approach n a method of doing something or dealing with a problem.
explicit adj clear and exact. ‫صريح‬-‫واضح‬
groundbreaking adj making new discoveries; using new methods.
)‫طريقة جديدة‬-‫رائد (اكتشاف‬
interdisciplinary adj involving different fields of knowledge or study.
‫متعدد التخصصات‬
The Red Sea STEM School G. 10 - 14 - First Term Mr. Mohamad Al-Noby
harness v to control something, usually in order to use its power.
)‫ سرج الحصان (اسم‬-)‫يستخدم(فعل‬-‫يستغل‬
contemporary adj belonging to the present time. = modern.
pavilion n a temporary building used at public events and exhibitions.
‫سرادق‬-‫جناح في مبنى‬
demeanour n the way that somebody looks or behaves.
order of merit a special honour given to British people who have done something
unusually good in military or civilian life.
‫وسام االستحقاق‬
boast v to have something to be proud of.
chancellor n the head of government in Germany or Austria.
)‫مستشار(رئيس الحكومة في ألمانيا أو النمسا‬
refurbish v to make a building look new again by doing things such as painting,
repairing, and cleaning.
)‫يجدد (مبنى‬-‫يرمم‬
collapse n the sudden failure of a system, organization, business, etc.
‫ ينهار‬- ‫انهيار‬
recipient n a person who receives something.
‫مرسل إليه‬-‫متلقى‬-‫مستلم‬
ambassador n an important official who represents his or her government in a foreign
inauguration n a special ceremony at which a new public official or leader is
introduced or a building or organization is officially opened.
‫حفل تنصيب‬-‫حفل افتتاح‬
collaborate v to work with someone else for a special purpose.
grateful adj showing or expressing thanks, especially to another person.
sacrifice v to give up something that is valuable to you in order to help another person.
influential adj having a lot of influence on somebody/something.
enthusiasm n a strong feeling of interest and enjoyment about something and an
eagerness to be involved in it.
excavator n a large machine that is used for digging and moving earth.
for one’s sake idiom out of regard or respect for someone or something
‫ألجل خاطر‬
Session: 2
noticeboard n a board for putting notices on.
‫لوحة اعالنات‬
The Red Sea STEM School G. 10 - 15 - First Term Mr. Mohamad Al-Noby
connection n something that connects two facts, ideas, etc. = link, relation
bully n -a person who uses their strength or power to frighten or hurt weaker people.
v -to frighten or hurt a weaker person.
inevitable adj that you cannot avoid or prevent
forge v to develop something new. = form, create
time-poor adj having very little or no free time because you work all the time. busy
‫مشغول‬-‫وقته ضيق‬
evolve v to develop gradually
‫يتطور تدريجيا‬
epidemic n a particular problem that seriously affects many people at the same time.
tackle v to deal with a difficult problem
)‫التصدي للخصم (رياضة‬-)‫يتصدى(لمشكلة‬
issue n a subject or problem that is often discussed.
)‫يعطى (فعل‬-‫ينشر‬-‫موضوع هام للمناقشة‬
wellbeing n a feeling of being comfortable, healthy, and happy
psychologist n a person who studies the human mind and behaviour or in the
treatment of mental, emotional, and behavioural disorders.
‫عالم (طبيب) نفسى‬
abundance n a large quantity of something
initial adj happening at the beginning; first
nerve-racking adj making you feel very nervous and worried.
retire v to leave your job or stop working because of old age or ill health.
relish v/n enjoy. )‫متعة (اسم‬-‫يستمتع‬
intrigued by adj interested in
‫مهتم ب‬
martial adj connected with fighting or war
rumbling n a series of long low sounds
‫خشخشة‬-‫صوت صرير‬
resolve v decide, to find an acceptable solution to a problem or difficulty
‫قرار‬-‫يقرر‬-)‫يحل (مشكلة‬
slip away pass quickly (time), leave, disappear.
‫يختفى‬-‫يغادر‬-)‫يمر بسرعة (الوقت‬
keep fit v To exercise to stay healthy.
‫يحافظ على لياقته البدنية‬
comfort zone n a place or situation in which you feel safe or comfortable.
‫منطقة الراحة‬
The Red Sea STEM School G. 10 - 16 - First Term Mr. Mohamad Al-Noby
proactive adj doing something to cause change and not only reacting to change
when it happens.
expat n someone who lives in a foreign country, not in their country.
urge v to advise or try hard to persuade somebody to do something.
)‫يحث – دافع (اسم‬
embark on v to start something new or important.
‫يبدأ‬- ‫يشرع في‬
self-confidence n the belief that you can do things well and that other people respect you.
‫الثقة بالنفس‬
passionate about adj having strong feelings of love.
‫مغرم ب‬-‫شغوف ب‬-‫متحمس ل‬
neutral adj not supporting or helping either side in a disagreement, competition, etc.
= impartial, unbiased.
lessen v to become smaller in size, importance, or value, etc. = reduce.
take something idiom to believe something to be the truth without even thinking about it.
for granted ‫يفترض جدال‬-‫َيعتبر (الشئ) صحيح‬

Cycle : 3
Upstream Unit 5
random adj happening or chosen without any definite plan, aim, or pattern
anxious adj worried and nervous
accident prone adj more likely to have accidents than others
‫معرض للحوادث أكثر من اآلخرين‬
heart disease n an illness which prevents your heart from working normally
‫مرض بالقلب‬
muscular pain n pain in the muscles. =myalgia
‫ألم عضلى‬-‫ألم في العضالت‬
viral adj caused by a virus
outsmart v to gain an advantage over someone using tricks or your
intelligence. =outwit
‫يتفوق على شخص آخر بالذكاء أو الخدعة‬
immune system n the system by which your body protects itself against disease
‫الجهاز المناعى‬
repair mechanisms n parts in living things (parts in a machine) that fix that is damaged
‫آليات االصالح‬
digestive system n the organs inside the body that digest food
‫الجهاز الهضمى‬
glucose n a natural form of sugar that exists in fruit
)‫الجلوكوز (سكر‬
The Red Sea STEM School G. 10 - 17 - First Term Mr. Mohamad Al-Noby
bloodstream n the blood flowing through the body
‫تدفق الدم‬-‫مجرى الدم‬
harmony n agreement of ideas, feelings, or actions
predictable adj you know about before it happens
‫يمكن التنبؤ به‬
hypothalamus n an area in the brain that controls body temperature and produces
‫تحت المهاد‬-‫الغدة النخامية‬
decline v - to become smaller, fewer, weaker, etc
n - a decrease in the quality, quantity, or importance
biological clock n your body's natural habit of sleeping, eating, growing, etc
‫الساعة البيولوجية‬
tick v put a mark )✓( - (of a clock) makes a sound every second
n )‫قراد‬-‫لحظة‬-‫تكة الساعة‬-‫ عالمة صح‬:‫يضع عالمة صح – يتك – (اسم‬
nausea n the feeling that you are going to vomit
vomit: bring food from the stomach through the mouth
)‫غثيان – اشمئزاز (قبل القئ‬
dizziness n the feeling that you are not able to balance
suck on v to take or hold something in your mouth
)‫يستحلب (بالفم‬- ‫يمسك – يمص‬
pinch v press someone’s skin between your finger and thumb
n ‫قرصة‬-‫يقرص‬
sling n a piece of cloth tied around your neck to support a broken arm
v )‫ يرمى‬:‫ (فعل‬-‫حمالة للذراع المكسور‬
fluid n a liquid
adj )‫ سلس‬:‫سائل (صفة‬
sprain n twisting a joint (= a place where two bones are connected)
v )‫ يلتوى المفصل‬:‫(فعل‬-‫التواء المفصل‬
lozenge n a small flat sweet contains medicine
‫قرص عالج لالستحالب‬
sociable adj like to meet and spend time with other people
sentimental adj strongly influenced by feelings and emotions such as love, sadness
perfectionist n a person wants things to be perfect
‫شخص ينشد الكمال‬
arrogant adj think you’re better than others
moody adj change feelings frequently
‫متقلب المزاج‬
practical adj connected with real situations rather than with ideas or theories
impatient adj can’t wait for long
‫نافذ الصبر‬-‫قليل الصبر‬
The Red Sea STEM School G. 10 - 18 - First Term Mr. Mohamad Al-Noby
Week :1
Session: 1
revolution n a great change in conditions, ways of working, beliefs, etc.
fatigue n exhaustion, tiredness.
ulcer n a sore area on your skin or inside your body that may bleed or produce
poisonous substances.
psychological adj relating to the human mind and feelings. = mental
hormone n a chemical substance produced by your body that influences its growth,
development, and condition.
deprive (sb/sth) v to prevent somebody from having or doing something.
of (sth) ‫يمنع من‬-‫يحرم من‬
alertness n the ability to think quickly and to notice things.
synchronize v to happen at exactly the same time.
circulate v to move continuously around a place or system.
evolution n the way in which living things change and develop over millions of years
)‫تطور(الكائنات الحية‬
in tune with idiom in agreement with.
‫اتفاقا مع‬-‫انسجاما مع‬
Session: 2
cramp n a sudden painful tightening in a muscle.
‫شد عضلى‬
asthma n a medical condition that causes difficulties in breathing.
indigestion n pain that you get when your stomach cannot break down food that ate.
‫عسر(سوء) الهضم‬
heatstroke n fever and weakness caused by being outside in the heat of the sun for too long
‫ضربة شمس‬
insomnia n the condition of being unable to sleep. ‫أرق‬
sprained wrist n turned/twisted wrist (the part of the body between the hand and the arm)
‫التواء المعصم‬-‫معصم ملتوى‬
nose bleed n a flow of blood that comes from the nose.
‫نزيف األنف‬
streaming cold n your nose and eyes are producing a lot of liquid because you have
a common infection.
‫رشح البرد‬
pulled muscle n when your muscle is torn.
‫تمزق عضلى‬
splitting headache n a very severe pain that you feel in your head.
)‫صداع شديد ( نصفى‬

The Red Sea STEM School G. 10 - 19 - First Term Mr. Mohamad Al-Noby
acne n a skin disease common in young people when red spots appear on the face and neck
‫حب الشباب‬

Week :2
Session: 1
Limestone n a type of white rock that used in building and in making cement.
‫حجر الجير‬
mineral n -a substance is formed in the earth like iron, coal, salt, stone, or gold.
-a substance that is present in some foods and your body need.
)‫في الطعام‬-‫معدن (في األرض‬
content n the thing that is contained in something.
therapeutic adj relating to the treatment or cure of an illness.
Form v make (up).
resort n a place where a lot of people go on holiday.
found n to start something. = establish.
miner n someone who works under the ground in a mine to remove coal, gold etc.
‫عامل منجم‬
prospector n someone who looks for gold, minerals, oil, etc.
)‫منقب (عن الذهب و المعادن والبترول‬
cave n a large hole in the side of a cliff or hill, or under the ground.
‫مغارة‬- ‫كهف‬
construct v build, form, put together.
mining n getting minerals like iron, coal, gold …. etc. from under the ground.
surface v To rise to the surface of water. = appear. (n): the top layer.
)‫يظهر على السطح (فعل‬-)‫سطح(اسم‬
vary v to be different from each other in size, shape, etc. = differ.
humid adj slightly wet. = damp.
steam bath n sitting in a room filled with steam to relax or clean your body.
‫حمام بخار‬
hiking n the activity of going for long walks in the countryside for pleasure.
‫المشى في الريف لالستمتاع‬
geyser n a hole in the ground from which hot water and steam come out.
‫ينبوع ماء ساخن‬
hot spring n a place where hot water naturally flows out from the ground.
‫ينبوع ماء ساخن‬
pain-relieving n reducing pain.
‫تخفيف األلم‬
The Red Sea STEM School G. 10 - 20 - First Term Mr. Mohamad Al-Noby
arthritis n a disease that causes the joints to become swollen and very painful.
‫التهاب المفاصل‬
rheumatism n a disease that makes the muscles and joints painful, stiff and swollen.
neuralgia n a sharp pain felt along a nerve, especially in the head or face.
‫ألم األعصاب‬
throughout adv during the whole period of time of something.
)‫أثناء (فترة زمنية‬-‫طوال‬-‫عبر‬
relieve v to reduce someone’s pain or unpleasant feelings.
)‫حزن‬-‫يخفف (ألم‬
ache n a continuous pain that is not sharp or very strong.
healing properties n the ability or power to make someone healthy again.
‫القدرة على الشفاء‬
priest n someone performs religious duties in the Christian church.
acidic adj containing acid; a chemical substance that has a taste like lemons.
alkaline adj containing an alkali; a chemical substance is opposite to an acid.
region n a large area of land, usually without exact limits or borders.
crater n a large hole in the top of a volcano.
‫فوهة البركان‬
wildlife n animals and plants growing in natural environments.
‫الحياة البرية‬

insisted on ‫مصر أن‬ jealous of ‫غيور من‬ join in ‫ينضم ل‬
keen on ‫متحمس ل‬ kind to ‫طيب مع‬ increase in ‫زيادة في‬
identical to ‫مماثل ل‬-‫مطابق ل‬ impression on ‫انطباع عن‬
at the crack of dawn ‫مبكرا في الصباح‬ to lead to sth ‫يقود إلى‬-‫يؤدى إلى‬
to play a part in sth ‫يشترك في‬ for example ‫مثال‬-‫كمثال‬
to run the risk of sth ‫يخاطر‬ in harmony ‫في وئام‬-‫في انسجام‬
in fact ‫في الحقيقة‬ in the long run ‫على المدى البعيد‬
Phrasal verbs
give out ‫يوزع‬-‫يتوقف عن العمل‬-‫ينتهى‬ go back on ‫يخلف (ال يفى ب) الوعد‬
give away ‫يعطى‬-‫يهب‬-‫يكشف‬ go down with ‫يمرض‬
give off)...‫ضوء‬-‫حرارة‬-‫تنبعث منه (رائحة‬ go after ‫يذهب خلف‬-‫يطارد‬
give up ‫يستسلم‬-‫يقلع‬-‫يتخلى عن‬ go for )‫جامعة‬-‫يتقدم ل (وظيفة‬-‫يهاجم‬
go (a)round )‫مرض‬-‫ينتشر(خبر‬-‫يكفى‬
Idioms and fixed phrases
get a sweet tooth ‫يحب الطعام الحلوكثيرا جدا‬
get that off my chest )‫يفضفض (يتحدث عما يقلقه‬
put my finger on ‫يحدد الشئ‬
strong stomach )‫ال ينصدم بسهولة (قوى الشخصية‬
The Red Sea STEM School G. 10 - 21 - First Term Mr. Mohamad Al-Noby
feel it in my bones ‫متأكد من شيء ما‬
break the ice ‫يخلف (ال يفى ب) الوعد‬
do impressions ‫يقلد الناس للتسلية‬
had no intention of ‫يؤكد أنه ال ينوى فعل شيء‬
has itchy feet ‫لديه رغبة قوية في السفر‬
hit the jackpot ‫يحقق نجاح كبير‬
put words into my mouth
‫يقترح أن الشخص يقول شيء ويقصد شيء آخر غير الذى يقوله‬
Week :3
Session: 1
transaction na business deal or action, such as buying or selling something.
‫صفقة (عملية) تجارية‬
granularity n including a lot of details.
‫كثرة التفاصيل‬
security n protection of a person, building, organization, or country.
actuator n a machine that makes something work/operate.
‫ماكينة تشغيل‬
reliability n to be trusted. = dependability.
breach n breaking a law, promise, agreement, or relationship.
‫يخرق‬-‫يخالف‬-)..‫اتفاق‬-‫خرق (قانون‬-‫مخالفة‬
proliferation n a sudden increase in the amount or number of something.
futuristic adj extremely modern and unusual, as if it belongs to the future.
connect v to join two or more things together.
ambiance n the character and atmosphere of a place.
)‫جو (أجواء‬
pervasive adj existing everywhere.
facility n an ability to do something easily.
surveillance n watching a person or place by the police, army etc. = observation.
summon v to order someone to come to a place. = call.
hack v to get into someone else's computer system without permission.
)‫يخترق (كمبيوتر‬
revenue n the income that a government or company receives regularly
emergence n starting to exist.
inconvenience n problems or trouble, often causing a delay or loss of comfort.
‫عدم المالئمة‬-‫عدم الراحة‬
The Red Sea STEM School G. 10 - 22 - First Term Mr. Mohamad Al-Noby
infrastructure n the basic systems and structures that a country or organization needs in
order to work properly, for example roads, railways, banks etc.
‫بنية تحتية‬
harbour n a place along a coast where ships can take shelter, like a port.
Session: 2
gravel n small stones, often used to make the surface of paths and roads.
‫حجارة لرصف الطرة‬
plot n -the series of events that form the story of a novel, play, film, etc.
-a secret plan made by a group of people to do something illegal.
‫يدبرمكيدة‬-‫يتآمر‬-‫قطعة أرض‬-‫مكيدة‬-‫أحداث قصة‬
dilemma n a situation is very difficult to decide what to do.
hay n grass that has been cut and dried, used as food for animals.
currant n a small dried grape, used in cakes, etc.
cult classic n a movie or book, which is popular or fashionable among a particular group
or section of society.
‫الفيلم أو الكتاب األفضل‬
poem n a piece of writing that expresses emotions, experiences, and ideas,
in lines using words that rhyme (=end with the same sound)
sprawling adj spreading in an uncontrolled and untidy way.
‫منتشرة‬-‫مترامية األطراف‬
dystopian adj describe a bad imaginary society in the future.
)‫مجتمع‬-‫بائس (مستقبل‬
slum-like n a very poor and crowded area of a city.
‫منطقة عشوائية‬
synthetic adj artificial, man-made, unnatural.
)‫صناعى (غيرطبيعى‬
pose v cause a problem or difficulty.
)‫ تكلُّف (اسم‬-‫يربك‬-‫يسبب مشكلة‬
virtual adj existing on the Internet or on a computer software, not in the real world.
Treasure Island
inn n a small hotel , especially an old one in the countryside.
‫حانة‬-‫نُ ُزل‬-‫فندق صغير‬
scar n a mark that is left on the skin after a wound/cut has got better.
‫ ندبة‬-‫أثر ُجرح‬
dare to v to be brave enough to do something.
‫يجرؤ ان‬
cliff n a large area of rock or a mountain with a very steep side, often at the edge of
the sea or a river.
‫منحدر صخرى‬-‫ُجرف‬
sword n a weapon with a long metal blade (= sharp cutting part) and a handle.
The Red Sea STEM School G. 10 - 23 - First Term Mr. Mohamad Al-Noby
grab v to hold something or someone suddenly and roughly.
magistrate n an official who acts as a judge in the lowest courts of law.
clue n an object or piece of information that helps someone solve a crime or mystery
‫مفتاح حل لغز‬
cross n a mark (X).
X ‫عالمة‬
crew n all the people working on a ship, plane, etc.
)----‫طائرة‬-‫طاقم (سفينة‬
thought n something that you think of or remember. = idea
note n a short letter.
‫ملحوظة‬-‫خطاب قصير‬
destination n the place that someone or something is going to.
)‫وجهة – مقصد (مكان‬
mutiny n when soldiers, sailors etc refuse to obey the person who is in charge of them,
and try to take control for themselves.
crutch n one of two long sticks that you put under your arms to help you walk after
you have injured your leg or foot.
parrot n a tropical bird with a curved beak, often kept as a pet and trained to copy
the human voice.
barrel n a large round container made of wood or metal with flat ends and curved
pirate n a person who sails in a ship and attacks other ships in order to steal.
‫لص البحار‬-‫قرصان‬
gang n an organized group of criminals.
close to adj near to.
‫قريب من‬
spade n a tool used for digging, it has a long handle and a flat blade.
kneel down v to go down into a position where one or both knees are on the ground.
knelt, knelt ‫يركع‬

Best Wishes
Mr. Mohamad Al-Noby
01156602888 - 01128990909
The Red Sea STEM School G. 10 - 24 - First Term Mr. Mohamad Al-Noby

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